Topic: One Broken Wing

Aleron Dusk

Date: 2015-05-26 23:42 EST
Arms wide open, I stand alone. I'm no hero, and I'm not made of stone. Right or wrong, I can hardly tell. I'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell. "Wrong Side Of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch They caught up with him at night. After so long, he had forgotten the danger. He had gotten careless. It had been a mistake. He had caught their scent, but had dismissed it as irrelevant. Aleron had removed himself from the games of those above and below. He was no longer part of the struggle. He had walked away. The last thing he had expected was for six drones to descend down on him and demand he return to Michael.

Aleron believed that Michael was deranged. He acted so pious, so perfect and yet called for the killing of his brethren. The claims of being the voice of their creator was false. Ale knew, like so many others that only a few remained that actually listened and heard.

As for the Morningstar, he had his own issues. Forever craving the sound of that heavenly voice and still mourning the loss of it to this very day. Aleron liked Star better then some, but his wallowing in the banishment from Heaven was a major downer.

Aleron still kept the records. A tally of souls lost in a battle for dominance that wasn't sanctioned or right. So his answer had been a firm "No." Or perhaps one might say that was the gist of his more profane response. "Get the frak away!"

Perhaps he was feeling his age. Maybe the drones of today were built better than his memory recalled. Either way, they took umbrage at his refusal and responded in a manner far from holy.

Even in the midst of the beating he was taking, Aleron found himself thinking of all the things he still needed to do. This was the second time he had been so violated, so he now needed to find a new place to live for one thing. Maybe something more upscale this time with security, instead of his rustic, albeit gothic tomb. He now needed to protect two small girls, who didn't fully understand who and what they were. Maybe have a family of his own one day, although the thought of that was almost laughable. He still needed to learn patience. The Architect was always telling him that. He had long given up on piety and purity as well. He was neither heavenly nor hellish. Caught in the middle between both.

Wings of black and white snapped outwards, sending one drone toppling, sliced in two just that quick. Black vita splattered across weathered stone walls of the nearby tombs and gravestones, from that devastating action, leaving five now circling. Nice to see they were being cautious. He had once been an Archangel and he did like to think they would remember that detail. Aleron may no longer hold the title of that celestial station, he still retained the knowledge. He really doubted they would care. They seemed to be little more than *Galeari after all.

In those moments of time when everything slows down, the mind recalled the oddest of details. The sound of bones snapping. The roar of rushing of a cool night wind. The rapid, heavy beat of a heart with every action. The crushing thud of a fist meeting face. The startling sting of pain when he hadn't moved fast enough. Three more lay bleeding profusely, unmoving at his feet. Then there was only two.

Aleron Dusk

Date: 2015-05-27 22:15 EST
Now I've told you this once before You can't control me If you try to take me down you're gonna break Now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me I'm picking you outta me you run away I stand alone "I Stand Alone" By Godsmack

They surged in as one entity, or so it seemed to him. Both attacking with claw and teeth. Such a visage found more so in demons then in the angelic choir. Snarling with a singular rage, bone collapsed under the force of Aleron's talon wielding hand and wrapped around the heart of one of those drones attacking ripping it free. That moment only lasting a second before the shattering pain washed over him. So great the force of agony it sent him to his knees with a primal howl.

Bone splintered under the leaping force so unexpectedly powerful that blood, his blood exploded forth in a washing of liquid heat. One wing now fell against his back limp, useless for the moment.

A curious blazing of red consumed his thoughts. That sudden rage of a creature bent upon survival sent him rising upwards and into one hand a sword materialized. The glow of angelic energy was then sent flying through the air and impaled the last Galeari upon the dead tree near his tomb. Limping towards the struggling angel, Aleron spat out the blood from his lips and after a cough to clear the air ways, he spoke. "I am not going to unmake you. Instead, you are "my' messenger to your corrupt master. The one who casts his judgment upon others, when he should be looking into a mirror at himself. Tell him, I will be coming for him. I will find him. When that time comes I will do everything I can to unmask him and bring the judgment of the true creator down upon him."

With those words the sword was ripped free to let the drone fall to the dirt in a bleeding heap. He lay there struggling and then finally rose and shot into the air and was caught by a single beam of light from the dense clouds above.

That summoned weapon faded away then, leaving the former archangel alone in the dense darkness. It was a long walk to Onyx house. He had taken this trek before, so that feeling of d"j? vu prevailed. Black blood coated him. The smell sought to choke him yet Aleron continued forward towards the towering gates. One wing literally dragging upon the ground as he moved.

Those gates swung open. He didn't know why for his mind was fixated upon more important things. Issues such as his own survival was foremost and he certainly wasn't ashamed to admit it. The front door seemed so far away but eventually he did arrive. He managed to knock once, maybe twice then leaned there. When it opened he was staring into the face of a young female elf, but the fog that was starting to consume his mind shifted and it was a one eyed Blood that actually caught him before everything went black.

(Footnote: Galeari a.k.a. Galearii ("army servants") - a group of angels of the lowest celestial rank, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, "Angelology.")

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2015-06-11 15:46 EST
Well fortune favor's not the young. Spoken word's and song's unsung, right" I never learned from my mistakes. I guess I don't have what it takes, right" I wish that I was strong, that I could walk away. All this time I've lost, I feel the cost repaid.

So save today, the secret's that you prayed for. And wait, cause we deserve it so much more. So save, the secret's that your prayed for, awake. I'll see you on the other side. "Save Today" by Seether

Hands caught the small girl while feverish eyes peered at her face. He saw the delicate features of an elf, but under that guise, he saw the truth. She was Corwyn's daughter. He heard the word, "Abomination", but decried it, unaware that the word had come from his own mouth. "No, not born like other celestial but the blood is pure."

Tasha had no idea what he was rambling about. She wasn't an abomination! Sure she was short, but that didn't mean she was some kind of monster or anything. Freaky, perhaps. She had been called that over the years, but sheesh! "I ain't an "abomination", Aleron!", she snapped instantly, while trying to wiggle away from his grasp.

Even with his hands shaking, his grip remained firm but, oddly, it wasn't painful to the diminutive elf. "The Galeari have returned. You must stay inside. If they find you, the drones will kill you. They will rip you apart. They kill all who are not pure." His glassy cobalt eyes saw the girl as pure. He didn't see her the way Michael or his constructed soldiers would. "But you are pure. Still, you are not of them." He then fell into strings of the angelic tongue. Memories rising upwards from thousands of years. Moments in time playing like snapshots in his fevered thoughts.

He felt the pain. Ragged wounds riddled his form. A wing wrapped and strapped to his body. Bruises mottled normally fine features. Yet, he continued to stare almost vacantly at the small figure he held caught under his long trembling fingers.

"Leggo!", the small elf demanded with a boot thudding emphatically upon the marble floors.

"I cannot let go. You are in danger!" He swept the small girl into his arms. Cradling her protectively. "They will come for you. They will do harm because they are blind. Blind to the truth. I can do nothing to change it. I cannot stop the flood of destruction and death. I never could. "

Tasha's protests were now muffled but she realized he wasn't trying to hurt her and so she wouldn't hurt him. But damn, he had a seriously firm grip for a sick winged dude. She did attempt to wiggle a bit, just enough to catch a much needed breath. "Okay. I won't leave the safety of the house if I see anything flying around."

Aleron didn't even hear her. In his feverish mind, he was hearing the screams again. Watching the limp bodies of his brethren falling, burning. Feathers scorching across the black clouds and gray sky, catching the rain of fire so fierce. The Battle. The screams still echoed even eons after the start. The words started again, a lyrical language, speaking of memories that now held him in thrall.

Tasha understood the unusual words somewhat, which baffled her, but that curiosity would have to wait for later when she could speak with her father. The stories pouring from the obviously delirious ex-angel stuck to her like she was a personal teddy bear were becoming more and more disturbing by the moment. Tasha really wasn't a fan of blood and guts stories at all.

Aleron was talking about the flaming swords, searing flesh and the fury that swept over all of them. He recalled his fall, cast off because he had quickly grown weary with the loss. Every destruction of a brother or sister was a wound they would all carry. He refused to continue a fight that, after all this time, still made no sense to him and was forcefully removed by Michael and Gabriel. Bloody wings broken, torn and tattered, then thrown into the cold void like refuse.

"They are blind. They hear nothing for they simply refuse to listen.", his words came out as more of a rasp than a whisper.

"Do you hear child" Do you?"

More of that nonsense made Tasha just squirm in a vain attempt to get free from the obviously crazy celestial. "I think you need to sleep or something, Aleron." Yes, she did hear voices, lots of them. She didn't think it would help if she actually said that to the deranged fellow. There was no telling how that would make him react, after all.

Before he could say more, Indigo entered the room. She quietly noticed Tasha's predicament and gently placed a hand upon Aleron's shoulder.

He jumped, nearly sending Tasha tumbling onto the floor. He caught her, barely, carefully placing her down on her feet. "Remember, stay here where it's safe."

Tasha had no intention of staying locked up in the house again but she seriously doubted Aleron would understand. She had ways of getting around without getting into too much trouble after all. Instead she placated. "I will stay safe.? A shrewd answer as she did intend to at least keep that promise.

Free, Tasha didn't wait another moment, she simply fled into the hall and high tailed it up to her rooms. Some angels were rather weird if you asked her.

Indigo Wynd

Date: 2015-06-16 23:40 EST
A tortured soul have I become. It keep's me safe and leaves me numb, right" Cause in this dream I'm wide awake. The one I love I did forsake, right" I wish that I was wrong, that you'll come home again. All this time I've lost, I'll never find again.

So save today, the secret's that you prayed for. And wait, cause we deserve it so much more. So save, the secret's that you prayed for, awake. I'll see you on the other side. "Save Today" by Seether

"Come Aleron, you need sleep to heal." Her words were velvet soft and gentle as a spring rain. Silver-blue eyes held a faint glow as her touch sought to sooth the agitated man.

"Sybil?" The name said with a breath. Turning, he caught the slender elf close, staring now into her face. He didn't even see Indigo now. In her place a beloved face, drawn from carefully cherished memories remained.

"No. I am not Sybil. She has been gone a long time, Aleron. Wandering the vastness of the Nexus." The woman understood the pain she saw upon his battered features and a gentle hand touched his heated brow.

The momentary joy that had lit his cobalt blue eyes to a startling shade of a summer sky slowly faded as reason returned momentarily. "I saw her fall. A beautiful broken doll cast out upon the currents of frozen air. Tossed about like a toy by the cruel cutting wind. It shattered her. It broke her mind and her heart. I tried to pick up the piece so long ago." He wore a somber look, while moisture brought a sheen to his gaze. "I failed. Her sanity was lost along with the winds that sought to rip her apart. Beautifully intact but mentally fragmented and yet not a day goes by that I do not miss her."

"I know, sweet. Come. Perhaps you can find her in your dreams and speak to her there." She urged him lightly as two of the house healers arrived to offer aid. Indigo gently wiped away a single tear from his cheek. Her own touch was offering a light hum of healing energy along with the urge to sleep.

The influence of Indigo's touch had the desired effect and he calmed, letting the healers gently carry him towards the room Aleron had been given. Looking back, he was surprised to find Indigo following behind them.

Indigo had decided to sit with their newest occupant for a while. She was well aware he had wanted, perhaps needed, to say more. That would have to wait for another time, if ever. For now, he needed to rest and recoup. Besides, that momentary pain found on the usually arrogant face of Aleron had touched off her empathy. She knew only too well of that type of loss. So for now, Indigo would sit with him and ward off that loneliness she sensed was lurking about their new guest.