Topic: Reassignment

Blood Tempest

Date: 2007-11-27 14:02 EST
Resting casually in the window seat of the rooms she had been assigned, she gazed out towards the ocean she could see just beyond the naked trees. Tempest was pondering her fate. She was still a bit lost about why she had been sent to this place. It was foreign and unsettling. She didn't think she would ever really find it comfortable due to the array of curious creatures she had already seen.

From the Round Ears to the Orcs, it wasn't something she was used to. Not to mention the rampant pursuit of romance she was witnessed to the other evening. At first glance the place was as bad, if not worse then the Elvin courts. All vying to find that perfect someone, or simply settle for what they could get. It was for Tempest a rather revolting pastime. It was likely the short life span that drove so many into the pursuit of breeding she suspected and was glad she was still young by Elvin standards, that she could ignore it.

Unlike many others that had come before her, she hadn't been sent to RhyDin due to getting into trouble, or messing up some assignment. She did her job well. Put in her time and stepped on no one's toes. However here she was. Looking out over this freezing landscape with a sour expression upon ethereal Elvin features.

Slender arms draped about bent knees as she considered her place here. Had her cousin been the reason she was reassigned perhaps? Trev seemed rather determined of late to pull as much of the clan together as so few remained. That freak accident that had brought the downfall of her father in one of the recent border skirmishes, had been a surprise to many. More so for herself, and now Tempest was the last of her line and while she still held control of the family holdings, the Righ-cuicidh had been handed to the Wyldfrome leader.

A glance towards the clock ticking upon the wall across from her position and she slowly unfurled. Leather offering a low creaking tone that a human likely wouldn't hear but an elf could. It was time for her to speak to Lady Belial. Some assignment awaited her and considering how restless she was already feeling, she welcomed that distraction.

Tempest would rather follow her own path then those of others. She hadn't ever been fond of being dangled out like bait either, as that Blood from the other night had done. Arrnadae was another surprise. A curious looking fellow but Elvin none the less, and far to arrogant and expectant, which was odd as well, considering her family after all. She really should be used to it, yet it never failed to put her teeth on edge.

Her steps were quiet as she made her way down those sweeping steps towards the main floor. Barely a sound made as she moved, for it was a habit to be silent. Came with the job of being one of the Elite guards for the Bloods.

Pausing a short time later before Belial's office, a pale hand rose and rapped lightly upon the door and then she waited. The lady had said to meet her first thing in the morning and here she was. Prompt and prepared for whatever duty the lady wished to give her.


Date: 2007-11-29 13:45 EST
Belial calls out for the Blood to enter. Tempest" an Elite Guard. Bel is privy to the circumstances behind why Corwyn is bringing more and more Family to Onyx, but that doesn't mean she's happy about it. If what Corwyn predicts comes to pass, Tempest would have been better off left in B-Town" the best scenario would be to hide her away in the Lands. However, the call is not hers to make.

Belial knows of the girl's blood ties. Bel considers Trev to be one of her closest friends" she would do anything to keep him and his safe. But then again? She would do anything to keep all those under the mantle Blood safe!

Belial offers the girl a warm smile, gesturing to a comfortable looking chair before her desk. "Please, sweets, come in" sit down. I will try to keep this short?"

While Bel waits for Tempest to relax, she pulls an image orb seemingly out of thin air and puts it on the desk within easy reach of the elite guard. Two more follow and are lined up neatly.

The job an Elite Guard is to watch the backs of the most influential of the Family. Corwyn, Trev, Luc, Luse" and Bel would all fit in this category currently. However, Belial already has a full compliment of "watchers", Corwyn. Luse and Trev rarely wander around in Rhy"Din and when Corwyn ventures out there is always much ado. Luc would eat the Elite Guards for lunch. Being more than able to take care of himself; the "watchdogs" would get in his way and simply annoy. Therefore here in Rhy"Din the elite guards require more job duties to keep them occupied and out of trouble.

(Bloods do love their trouble! And it now falls on Bel's shoulders to make sure they don't have time to get into any")

Tempest has been trained in all aspects; she excels at quite a few. The task Bel wishes to assign her is one Tempest should find a cakewalk. Belial smiles over her desk to the girl, nodding to the orbs.

"On the first you will find the image of "Anna", we are pretty sure that's not her real name. The image is of the assassin that attempted to kill Welverin the other night at the Red Dragon. After reviewing the attempt on Jack Scott, we suspect she may be behind the poisoning of him as well. That also happened at the inn. All of this information is on the first orb, Tempest." Belial prompts the girl to take the orb with a nod. "Go ahead and take it, sweets, that's your copy. Review it later and if you have questions, seek me out.

"What I want you to do is see to it that she is followed. You can handpick the Bloods you feel can accomplish this" Obviously, we don't want her to know she's being followed. What we want is to find out where she goes, who she's talking to, and just how good is she. I want you to test her, Tempest. I want to know what caliber of assassin she is. Treat her with care however, she's still dangerous. Understand??

Blood Tempest

Date: 2007-12-04 06:12 EST
There was a faint, crooked little smile that touched ethereal features. Tempest's nearly pure bloodlines showing in the very design of her face as she picked up the orb and offered Belial a slow nod. She had ways of watching some, without putting anyone at risk, curious methods that few could even understand, and was already planning to put those into use. "This I can manage I am sure. Will just be a matter of locating and having her followed."

"Were the two attacks done close together in time" Or did this assassin spread them out over a space of weeks?" Tempest was only too aware she was being given "busy' work but she took any duty seriously. Not to mention unlike most Bloods, she wasn't one that actively sought trouble, although she was known to be rather effective as settling it. Of course she wasn't about to even ponder upon her various methods of that, as often as not, most didn't always approve.

"I shall look these over and see what her style is. Did you wish me to report back to you directly or simply submit reports of any observations I might have regarding this female?" Star flecked cobalt blue eyes lifted from her contemplation of the orb now in her possession and rested directly upon Belial. Tempest would wait to activate it, as she wanted to inspect it fully in the privacy of her own quarters. The glistening globe resting in the palm of her hand was obviously of some importance considering the faintest hint of stress her sharp pointed ears caught within the lady's otherwise smooth and serene words.

In a move that was graceful and swift, the various orbs vanished from sight, tucked away upon her person. The snug suede black pants were simply to tight for such an addition, but the large roomy sweater did hold pockets and it was there they were slid from sight.


Date: 2008-01-04 19:29 EST
Belial reclines in her chair, green eyes intent upon Tempest. "In answer to your questions?" A slight pause as Bel watches the orbs vanish with expert ease, an appreciative nod is granted before she continues. "If it happens that this assassin takes an aggressive action against any of ours, take her out. Otherwise?" Bel gives a light shrug, "I want you to find out everything you can about her and those she is associated with. I plan to hire as many of the assassins as I can out from under whomever they are currently being paid by.

"As for the attacks; much time was spaced between them. In fact, I suspect the second attack was hesitant. As you will see in the orbs, she was much more confident during the first attempt. In her second attempt she seems unable to decide whether to take the opportunity or ignore it. It doesn't really matter, what does is; who is behind her. Who does she work for" I have my suspicions" however what I need from you is evidence to back them up.

"You will be reporting directly to me, but should Trev or Luc ask, you can speak candidly with both. However, I prefer we keep your duties otherwise quiet. This isn't for public consumption and we don't want others dangerously digging into our business."

Belial nods to where the image orbs had been, indicating that she is speaking about them, "The other orb is of Dewey and Howe, two of the senior partners of DCH. The third, Cheetham, seems to shy away from public appearances. I believe they may be behind the assassination attempts, but I have no hard evidence. In fact, the trio has been reported dead. Of course, I don't believe it.

"Keep your eyes open for any signs of them, yes" And if anything, and I do mean anything comes up" Even if it may seem confusing or of minor interest, let me know immediately. They are likely hiding out for a reason' Mayhaps that reason is because somehow, someway they have been damaged" We can't know until we can find them. But if they were damaged somehow, that's information I consider vital for us to know.

"And finally, the last issue is about the Slaver Travanix. I want him watched as well. We have little information on him and I want details. Who is close to him, does he have a social circle" Who's in it' You know the drill; anything you can dig up will help tremendously. But be careful, Tempest. I don't want him the wiser. If he even looks your way, get out. We aren't trying to manipulate or intimidate him, we just want anything we can find to potentially use to control him. But we don't want him knowing we are digging either. This guy is dangerous; until we have the appropriate tools we don't want any further conflict. You'll find the information we have on him on the third orb I gave you. Like I said, it isn't much."

Bel sits forward, quietly regarding Tempest for a moment before continuing. Bel is very aware of Tempest's family lineage; they can be a confrontational lot. "I mean it, Tempest, don't get into it with Travanix. Watch but do it covertly. Don't even bother to engage him in trivial conversations. I don't want any Bloods seemingly involved on any level with the Slaver. He refused to negotiate a contract with us and hence we treat him appropriately, understand, sweets?"

Belial truly hopes Tempest can accomplish the tasks she's setting before the girl without getting herself killed. Bel really doesn't want to deal with a pissed off Trev. But she needs the information if she is to do the job she's been assigned.

Sometimes" it sucks being the leader"