Topic: Small Drops in an Ocean of Woes

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-06-21 16:31 EST
I want to swim away but don't know how Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean Let the waves up take me down Let the hurricane set in motion Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down

Into The Ocean - Blue October

She sat staring at the flames as the played within the hearth. The room a silent tomb for none but her even stayed in this wing of Gharnholme. She hadn't tried to sleep and likely wouldn't. She didn't care for the dreams and usually went for days on end, until exhaustion set in and then would collapse. Only then did she find rest without the phantoms to haunt her. Those images lingering well beyond waking to pick at the tender places in her psyche.

Tasha no longer believed in sweet dreams. Much like Happy Ever After's, True Love, and Fairy Godmothers, those things she knew didn't exist. She had researched all of those very carefully. Stories about them were pure hype. Prince Charming had dated many princesses (Just look at all the stories he turns up in! Sheesh!) and he did a lot better turned into a toad. Snow White preferred Dwarves and Mother Goose was a mental case if any asked her. Humpty Dumpty Bah!

She had been in love a few times too. The last one, well he had been in her heart for years and look what that got her? Nearly dead that's what and she still didn't know why. He just went all Demonoid on her and destroyed her trust in seconds along with shattering her already scarred heart. It had made her realize one simple, sad fact. True Love, Sweet Dreams and Fairy Tales with those garishly dressed Godmothers, were all full of bull chips.

Leaning for a moment, with one leg uncurling, she tossed the message from her father into the hungry fire; The flames coming to life briefly and consumed it swiftly, greedily, and leaving an ashen husk once done. She had been pondering her choices. Her father wanted her to return to the Lands. A simple thing but for her, it wasn't so easy.

Tasha had never considered herself special. Even now, she often felt confused by the behaviors of her family. Her skills unable to help in any way shape or form with what they both seemed to be suffering with. Aunt Sid and Bel were leaking power like crazy and both hiding secrets from everyone else. What they were she didn't really know and didn't think she ever would. They had gone missing and she hadn't even had the ability anymore to find them. That part of things really bothered her.

All in all, she realized she wasn't really needed. She didn't have the capacity to keep up with the rest. Raids and the like was one thing, but only small drops in an ocean of woes. She could talk to the dead, guide them to the next phase in the life cycle. She could ask them to aid her, but they had limits and couldn't find everything or everyone she hunted for.

Dragging her thoughts away from that, she rested her chin on bent knees and heaved a sigh. She had her own guilt to come to terms with. If the creature they had fought the other night was one of Daug's, she had to carry some blame. Of course she had no way of knowing he would warp his creations into something so monstrous or deadly. The last one she known about and had a major hand in freeing from the bonds Daug had made, looked pretty normal but for the wings he had. Wings he could glamour from others seeing them.

One little word change, that was all she had done. A simple thing, believing he would make more like the first. Of course, she hadn't looked beyond Daug's insanity. Her abilities hadn't ever been geared towards seeing into the future. Now he might be unleashing those beasts upon the realms. Not only that, but as the power of those he made grew, so would their will to control their own fate. It was that which really had her stressing now. IF they were his, there was no telling what may happen but none of it was likely to be good.

Tugging the pendant he had given her out of a pocket, she inspected it again, having done so already on several occasions. She had didn't know how to use it. He hadn't bothered to explain so that meant she likely was supposed to figure it out. One of those annoying games the old Lich liked to play on her. Muttering to herself, she peered at the tiny words, seeing only a blur etched deep into the hard metal it was made of.

One thing was certain, sitting here behind dozens of wards, and many of those designed to keep Daugie out, she wasn't likely to get a hit. Of course that meant leaving and she wasn't ready to do that just yet either. She was at the very end and really needed to sleep. The only time she got moody and maudlin was often now. Thoughts too became scattered and she had a hard time speaking and making much sense to boot. All of which were not good things when facing one that liked to talk in riddles to start with.

So, with that in her mind now, she unfolded her petite form from the chair and made herself ready for a long nap. Silvery violet eyes were already dull and shadowed, and she felt a little shaky to, which meant sleep would come fast and if lucky, she would dodge those irritating dreams.

Sometimes it worked, but sometimes it didn't. As with everything lately, it was a hit or miss prospect, but either way, she had to rest the body and the mind so she was sharp enough to handle what ever madness old Daugie tossed her way.

In minutes she was out like a light and sinking fast into deep, exhausted sleep.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-06-21 16:33 EST
It was a nightmare she had, no simple dream. Seeing the sky filled with those hundreds, maybe even thousands of those twisted and warped angels. The chorus of screams rolling over the clouds and sending agony into her head as the storm blew down upon her wildly. Wind lashing at her, tearing at her hair and clothing like clawed hands and she woke with a muffled squeak. Hands clutching the covers up tight as if to ward off the monsters wanting to rip her apart, with her breathing coming fast in terror.

It took her a moment to realize she wasn't under attack. Sleep laden eyes blinking about the dark room and then frowned faintly. "Just a really nasty nightmare." Then instantly checked to make sure she wasn't wearing the damage as some had done in the past. Lucky this one had been just that, without the physical manifestations she really loathed.

Rising, she gave a quick stretch and was soon heading into the private bath she had, complete with running hot spring water. A luxury she wasn't willing to give up. The Manor had that too, but the massive structure was pretty darn empty these days. Few other places could boast about this little benefit however, which was one of the many reasons she liked to stay with Luc and his family.

It took her no time at all to dress and after checking on her weapons, she was soon heading out. The pendant in her hand as she strolled down the long dark hall towards the portal Luc had installed some time back. It was a handy thing but from what she had heard, it was also very expensive to maintain. Good thing Luc could easily afford it she thought and into the swirling mists she stepped.

She had no idea what time it was, or even what day. She often lost a few when she crashed like that. So she wasn't surprised to find it dark and silent when she slipped out into Onyx House. Likely the only ones around would be those guards that were walking the grounds and they never bothered her. There was Wylde's hounds, of course, but those beasties always ran away from her anyway, so again, nothing to bar her path out.

It didn't take her very long to clear the grounds and once she made it to the road, she used the sliver of moonlight to look down at the pendant and just used a simple cantrip to determine it's magic. Mere moments after she finished the basic spell, she felt the air flow past her and feet flying through the air as if some great hand had reached out and snatched her from the earth. It wasn't a feeling she found she cared for, not at all. So she did the only thing she could, given the situation, she let out an ear splitting scream. Tasha was also not at all fond of great heights and if the land below passing before her panicked eyes was any indication, she was far to high up to be safe, no indeed.

Upon landing which was surprisingly enough was on her feet, she just sank down, feeling her legs wobbling and sucked in deep gulps of breath, caught for a moment in a classic case of air sickness that was making her want to loose her cookies. Thing was, she hadn't ate anything. "Dang it Daugie! Ya could have warned me ya know!" For a complaint, it was rather weakly stated.

Dragging herself up to her feet, she looked around the vacant courtyard and just heaved a sigh. She didn't think the Lich slept, but it sure looked like the rest of his staff did. Which meant she was on her own. So upon shaky legs she made her way inside, and figures since she was already moving so slow, she may has well stop along the way and peek in rooms and if caught, well, she had the perfect answer. She was searching for Daug after all.


Date: 2006-06-23 15:17 EST
Paranoia was, if one looked at it clinically, a good thing. It kept one careful in his or her dealings with the outside world. And one could never be too careful when the world was out to get you. And so, he had moved his citadel. Not a hard task, considering that it was floating several hundred feet above the ground, after being ripped from the earth and held aloft by his magics. Now, instead of marshland delta, the citadel floated serenely over an expance of eternal white.

Now, the talisman that Tasha had used to bring her to the citadel was one of a few such 'keys', each attuned to it's owner, usable by that one only. It allowed passage into the wards surrounding the citadel, as well as alerting the master of the keep that there was visitors. And now, as Tasha roamed the halls of the keep, the current major-domo moved down the Aundience Hall toward the door leading to the courtyard.

"At the least he could have visitors arrive in the foyer." The middle-aged human grumbled softly to himself as he pulled the great cloak tighter around himself. Shivering in the cold he looked around the courtyard, not seeing anyone, to which he started to again softly curse.

"Great. Just great. Now, where in the name of Demogorgon could she be?"

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-06-25 19:04 EST
She found herself in a part of Daug's Citadel she had never seen before. That wasn't all that surprising of course, the place was huge. Lots of hallways in which to wander and in her case snoop. Doors were pushed open and she peered inside, finding all sorts of interesting things. The old Dracolich, was much a collector of all sorts of curious oddities. Rooms were full of it.

The idea of that made her giggle. Picturing one of those dragons from story books in some desolate cave, guarding their treasure with zealot aggression, but not Daug. No, he was far more civilized about it. He displayed them much like a demented curator in some freakish museum. Each item obviously a trophy won, but instead of hiding it away in some dark vault or cave, he left it out to likely view at his leisure.

She continued on her way, the hall curving slowly and she was peeking in another room, the bits of leather and spikes, heeled boots that looked dangerous for most to even attempt to wear and scattered about, without any order or reason at all, and she knew she was seeing Kath's room and just sniffed faintly. That creature was a slob apparently, and suspected the servants about the place likely avoided her domain like the red plague. Smart servants, really.

She came across other rooms, some locked but after a quick detecting of magic, she didn't touch them. Tasha wasn't about to wake up the entire place just to sneak a peek at what ever Daug deemed worthy of baring away. Likely something nasty and unpleasant she was sure so onward she moved. Finding a set of circular steps that looked almost new and just made her way downwards.

In no time at all, she realized something just a tiny bit disturbing. The careless design of the place, which she suspected had been spawned by the very mind of the one that ruled here, was confusing. Simply put, she got herself lost and just heaved a sigh. Now, the search wasn't for what she could find, but a means to finding her way back to more known areas. Doors flung open and each one only bringing a lingering tickle of panic.

Tasha knew the reason for such baffling patterns in the way the halls circled was because Daugie was a very paranoid Ancient. He likely figured a maze was a good way to ensure his enemies ended up lost in his keep for days instead of managing to locate him.

Muttering now she came to the end of a long hall and just peered at the door there. In any normal keep, it would likely be a room that lead out into another room and maybe into a hall she might know. It was the thought she had at least and just pushed it open, fully expecting to find a closet or another one of Daugie's display rooms.

Indeed, what she found was something of the last. If one was into the whirring of technology and magic, and at the sight, she just stopped and stared in total shock and for a long moment, she found she had no words in her repertoire that could even describe it.

"By the Gods Daugie. . . What the hell have ya done?" She muttered while Wide eyes just took it in and reeled in a variety of emotions, from shock to revulsion and horror.


Date: 2006-06-27 18:57 EST
What Tasha beheld was nothing less than something out of a twisted scientist's dreams. Along either side of the wall were cylindrical containers, each filled with a slow-roiling fluid. A closer inspection would yield that the fluid was a greenish hue, tinged with a touch of crimson. The tubes themselves seemed to almost glow, for each was soaking up energy through a myriad of wires and hoses, leading back to a central panel, upon which a globe sat, small electrical arcs playing across it's surface. Deep within each of the tubes lurked a still figure, indistinct in the murk, but each was tall, easily seven feet in height, heavily built.

Twenty such tubes lined the walls, ten to each side. Toward the center of the room three tables were laid, side by side. Each bore the hard leather of restraints, and the ones to either side also bore stange metallic arms, three in number and each tipped with a large syringe. When lowered, they would stab deep into anyone laying on the tables.

Tubes ran from the syringe-arms to a small box at the head of the two tables. A power orb was inset into each box, and a single tube then fit between it and another, larger box, at the head of the central table. A single, heavy-built arm protruded from the central apparatus, designed to be lowered into the midsection of the unfortunate strapped there.

A jingle of chains, and her gaze would have been drawn upwards, to see the only imhabitant of the room. Hanging from the ceiling by manacles to the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and neck was a winged male. Wings were stretched out by rods clamped along thier length, though several snow-white feathers were missing. An iron-wrought mask his all facial features, and it was unclear if he was even aware of Tasha's presence. From outstreched arms two tubes extended, forced into place by taped needles, and through each tube a trickle of blood ran, slowly being served into the tubes lining the walls, the reason for the crimson ribbons in the foul liquid.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-06-28 05:39 EST
She was horrified. Jaw dropping shock and instead of entering as many others Bloods would have, she back peddled. Eyes flickering over the various contraptions and zooming in on the tubes filled with blood, so many in fact her tummy started to roll. True it was all contained, but the suffering she was witness too, was nearly over whelming for the small Elf. She wasn't an empathy that she was aware of but she "felt" the misery and pain from the poor unfortunate creature pinned up like a butterfly and made into one of Daug's collective pieces. That alone was enough to shake her, but in combination with everything else, she was seriously rattled.

Fumbling a moment, she pulled out the orb out of her pocket and activated it, using it to take images, as there wasn't any way she could ever describe this to anyone. It was beyond her understanding or comprehension and fact of it was, the very sight was starting to make her ill.

She was lost inside the place and couldn't do anything for the Angelic and knew it. Even if she did manage to break it loose from the bonds without losing the contents of her stomach, there wasn't any way she could sneak it out. The wards around the place, inside and out, didn't allow her access through the Paths. It would have to be out the front door and then a very long drop to the earth below.

She was also aware that even if she tried to rescue it, the creature would still try and kill her. Sworn enemies in light of current events right' Yet, it was nauseating to see any one friend or foe tormented like this.

Shuddering now she heard steps coming closer and just acted, pulling that torture chamber door closed as quietly as she could considering small hands were shaking a bit and just ducked behind a column. Holding her breath and listening intently and soon heard the rumbling of guttural voices.

She had no idea what they were saying, but once they had reached the end of the hallway and turned back, obviously on some sort of guard duty, she crept along behind them. Praying to any God listening they would lead her to a way back and soon enough, she caught sight of a large open area and just gave a sigh of relief. The Foyer was a landmark she knew the marble walls in ivory and brown still showed only a slight reminder of damage from the explosion. Something she knew Daug likely noticed every time he passed and just growled. One of the many things Bel still had to answer for in that old Ancient's mind.

Tasha was no longer lost physically even if mentally her thoughts continued to tumble and roll about. Now, she would have to face the Lich in his den and only could hope she didn't lose it on him. She wasn't used to seeing such, such dreadful things. She was also trying her best to reason it out. Daug performing experiments on various creatures wasn't that far out of the scope, not really. To him, everyone around, were little more then lab rats for him. Sick but true and even with her efforts to find some understanding in his actions, she failed rather dismally.

Trick now was to not let on about what she had discovered. That wasn't always easy when she sometimes just blurted out things without thinking but this was important. Very important and she just kept telling herself that as she marched for the huge door of the Grand Hall, suspecting the Master Lich was inside.

Pushing it open, the heavy wood swung with surprising ease and she poked her silvery head inside and looked around slowly, searching for Daug in his nest. "Hello' Daugie" You in here?"


Date: 2006-06-29 17:53 EST
Ever have a moment, when you just know something is changing, and you can't put a finger on it' She had been feeling that way all day long, ever since she had stepped foot in RhyDin that morning. Delivering the retainer for Daug's relic hunter had been annoying enough, but now she couldn't shake that buzzing feeling at the back of her skull. Even worse, it had continued when she returned to the keep, and a nice long bath had done nothing to improve matters.

Toweling her hair dry as she stepped back into her bedroom Katheryn tossed the damp towel to the side with a soft snarl. Damnation, but she hated not knowing. It didn't matter what 'it' could be, she hated not knowing! Since the bath hadn't helped calm her down any she resorted to plan B: Preening. Outfits were pulled from the closet and tried on, only to be discarded into an ever-growing pile on the edge of the bed. One thing was for certain, she decided as she turned in front of the mirror, that Harkonnen guy could really design some outfits!

Finally, she settled on a black leather outfit that was more buckle than leather, since the strappy outfit matched her mood. Leaving the rest of the clothes piled on the bed she left her rooms, wandering the hallways to see what ol" Boney and the galpal Zal might be plotting. Perhaps that might account for the dull throbbing in her head.

Heels clicked softly against the tile of the Grand Hall as she headed for the stairs leading to the tower, and that was when she heard the voice. Daug's pet mage was wandering, looking for Boney. Quietly she slipped over to the door that Tasha had just stepped through, and leaned against the jamb. "He's not down there, Tasha. You'd be better to check the solarium in the tower.?

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-07-05 02:41 EST
She jumped, nerves already on edge from everything and banged her silvery head against the door with a hissing of pain. Kath's voice was so bloody close and she hadn't expected it, which left her a little shaken. "Sheesh! Ain't cool to go sneaking up on people like that!" She complained as one small hand lifted to rub at the ache now throbbing.

"I need to see Daugie. Have to ask him something that I know you ain't gonna like." In all her wanderings she had picked the best topic to explain this unannounced little visit. She had been hunting for information about Nexus Demons and the like. The library in town had little on that subject. She had found some books in her Da's study at the house but she wanted more.

It was her way to collect all she could after all. She was going to attempt a binding on that nasty Howe. Oh yes, that was her plan but she didn't know enough yet to actually commit to that task. So, Daug was always good source for such nefarious plotting. It also was a rather brilliant excuse for why she was here. "So where is the old guy anyway' He's usually in there, but for once I can't seem to find him."

She was giving Kath a less then pleased look. In truth, she rather disliked this one, but only due to the way she acted. She was arrogant, snotty, bitchy, cold and dismissive. A typical demon sort, though it was the last one that irked the small elf most. Most of the others referred to her under her pet name, "Bondage Barbie" because the way the woman dressed, sure fit that name better all right. Silvery violet eyes skimmed over her mode of fashion this day and just shook her head. It was a wonder she didn't end up dead, as there really wasn't much but some itty-bitty straps of leather and a few silver spikes. Of course the shoes, well those looked pretty darn dangerous. One misstep and she was sure Kath was going to topple over and break her nose. Of course she didn't. "Mores the pity there." Thought Tasha as she heaved a sigh.

"I already told you. He's likely in his newly build Solarium." A hand with nails like claws waved upwards and she gave one of those apathetic smiles that made Tasha fight back the urge to bristle. Not only that, but she had no clue where this newly built thingy was and so gave Katheryn the blankest, most dim-witted stare she had.

The look was apparently noted and the Amazonian Demoness, (the woman was likely average in height, but to one of Tasha's diminutive size, well she was a freaking Giant!) smirked, giving Tasha a pat on her silver head as if she was some sort of puppy. "Come along then. I will show you where it is." That tone one of great suffering and annoyance at having to show the way. Likely thought it beneath her so exalted station. So Tasha was thinking and made a face at her back before following her up the circular steps.

The stairs kept going and going, making the small True Blood mutter. "You better not try pushing me off no towersor down any stairs Kath. Or I swear, I will haunt you forever and a day." She couldn't help it, she wasn't a huge fan of heights and she was certain the air was getting much thinner as they continued upwards. Not to mention the sensation of vertigo thanks in part to the circling steps.

"Much as the that thought might delight me, alas, no. Daug wouldn't be at all pleased if that happened. Of course I would claim it was an unintentional if you do accidentally slip." Said almost sweetly with a glance over her shoulder at the girl following. Only to move towards a towering door and pushed it open. "Daug, you have a visitor."


Date: 2006-07-05 16:54 EST
The Solarium gave a most impressive view of the surrounding lands, as he had removed the walls of this tower's chamber and replaced it with a material created by a glassteel spell. Now, he had a 360 degree panoramic view, and given the height at which the keep normally held, it could make one quite literally feel like a god staring down on creation.

Which, given the dracolich's vanity, had been precicely the aim behind the solarium.

As Katheryne announced her and Tasha's arrival slowly turned away from his reverie, and lanky fingers came together in front of him as the smile bloomed on lean features. "Ah, Tasha, my dear. Come in, come in!"

It was clear that some exchange had been underway, for when Katheryne reached out and let a finger brush silver-fine hair Tasha looked back and muttered something that he didn't catch. The demoness must have thought it amusing, for she just laughed softly and stepped to the side of the door. "Heyas Daugie. I'm needing some help."

"Of course, my dear." With the young Trueblood now arrived he set his arm around her shoulders, an elder mentor with a prized apprentice. Tasha managed a glance out the glassteel, then edged back a bit.

"Um, can we go to your library, Daug" I'm needing some help with something, and I'm betting you'll have something in your books." He didn't catch the movement back, and soft, sibilant laughter filled the solarium.

"Of course, young one. Tell me about what you need, and I'll see what I can do." Turning, he escorted her to the door, and pretended to ignore the look Tasha shot Katheryne as they passed her resting spot. With the marilith in tow, the two started down the stairs again.

"Well, I need to know about nexus-demons." Tasha glanced up at him as they walked, a hand on his arm to steady herself. "Specifically, I need to know how to bind one."

"Bind one..." He trailed off thoughtfully, and snickered softly at the low snort from behind them, and again ignored Tasha looking back and sticking out her tongue at Kath.

"Yeah, you know. Either trap him or maybe keep him locked away someplace." The young elf looked hopefully to him as they left the stairs, entering his study. "I mean, you've got all these books and stuff."

"Indeed. Well, lets see what this 'stuff' can tell us, hmm?" Even with the volumnous number of books on hand he knew which section to go to, and in a second a taloned fingertip was tapping leather spines, as he checked each title. " that one..." Standing near his desk Tasha was almost bouncing from one foot to the next, and Katheryne had taken a spot leaning in a corner, toying with one of the leather bands encircling her right arm.

"Ah, here we go!" Pulling down a thin volumn from the bookcase Daug turned to the desk, where he handed it to the eager Tasha. "This should be of use to you." As she cracked open the covers to peek within he nodded slowly. "Now, if you need anything, my laboratories are open for you."

He missed the look that crossed her features, as movement had attracted his attention to the door. "Ah, and Zaleena! Welcome back! I hope you and Alpha were able to 'persuade' the mage to turn over the statue?"

Zaleena Veil

Date: 2006-07-11 17:46 EST
"But of course Daugie Dearest." A smile curling on the lush lips as she sauntered into the study, with a large hulking form following on her heels and her azure eyes gleamed with wicked delight. "I tucked it away in your vaults for later inspection."

Her gaze swept over the others now and she chuckled low, a sound full of humor, while she moved to drape and arm over Daug's shoulder where he sat. "The mage was reluctant at first but I let your little pet have some fun. After a few broken bones and the threat of having his arms ripped off, he was suddenly very accommodating."

"It's nice to see you again Anastasha." Those glittering bright eyes landed on the small Elf and the smile became almost sweet, just short due to the look in her gaze, which seemed to enjoy the suddenly squirming response.

Lightly tossing a few inky black curls back over her shoulder, she motioned for the Alpha to approach. Her fingers then moved to lightly toy with a strand of Daug's equally dark hair. "You will be glad to know I also found a few new spells for your library, Daug. The mage as I said became almost docile after our friend here "discussed" the matter with him that is."

As the looming form of the creature took up a position just to the back and side of Daug, she glanced over at it and smiled sweetly. "He is surprisingly good with people. I can say I was rather impressed at how he handled that little wrinkle for you Daugie."


Date: 2006-07-16 19:05 EST
"Ah, my dear Zaleena, but he is such a docile one, in your hands." Looking back at Alpha, a feral smile grew as he turned back around to gaze at the others. "Unlike some." He ignored the low snort that came from Katheryne, instead looking back down to Tasha.

"And I forget my manners. Tasha, dear, come and see!" A hand freely roamed along Zaleena's draped leg as he waved his other hand toward the silent Alpha. "Witness the culmination of my research and your spellcasting prowess. The first, of a new breed. Alpha, come forward and meet you...mother!"

Sibilant laughter filled the study as Alpha stepped forward into better view of Tasha. He leaned back into the warm body of Zaleena, watching the meeting of mother and son with much delight.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-07-17 11:04 EST
"Mo. . .Mo. . Mother?" She was having a bit of a problem using the word, as a hand moved down to press against her stomach with a sudden rushing slam of memories, but slowly through that moment of panic, the words registered.

No, that didn't make her feel any better either, but at least the creature didn't carry anything of her in it. Her magic prowess was it' Well, she might argue that point, but at the moment she was to busy staring at the abomination with a look of shock. "That isn't funny Daug." There was a note in her voice that held the taint of censor, as he had to know the instant effect of those words. She quickly swiped at the silvery bangs falling into her silvery violet eyes, the nervous habit still active as usual.

Now she had to be sure and shot a quick look over at the smug Daug in his mage glamour and frowned, her silvery violet eyes taking a faintly darker turn in hue. "You didn't use that essence did you? " It would be just like him to unleash a warped creature carrying that Demon's blood upon the world. Simon would be so proud. The Rat.

"No, no. I didn't use that." The words washed over in, leaving with at least one little bitty inkling of relief. "The spell you re-wrote for me, after that Bitch Belial and her friends stole it, and tried to blow up my home is what I refer to." The growl rumbling up from inside him for a moment, before he found the means to control it.

Guilt was not a feeling she enjoyed but she was quick to cover it up, thinking of other things so the two demonic powers in the room wouldn't catch a whiff of it. It was her usual method to hide her surface thoughts while around the pair and she used it now. Daug however was getting a sour look and then the creature he had made, waiting for it to say something. Oh she knew it talked, but so far it had remained silent as if mute.

Muttering now, as she was sure it was expected and she did want to get her point across. "I ain't his, um, it's mother. I ain't anyone's mother. I can't even be a mother remember" You took care of that. After what "You know who" did what he did."

"We couldn't leave that inside you young Anastasha. It would have killed you and that I couldn't have. Not after the aid you have given to me." That wicked laughter of his was making her head start to pound now, but she just looked at him. "I can always repair what was done when ever you wish it."

"Daug" What is that thing exactly?" Tasha didn't even want to think about what that would entail, as it likely would be as painful as the fate her former lover had tried to inflict upon her. Instead she pointed at the creature now, seeking answers to her own questions which this time coincided with many others, such as Belial and Luc, which was a change really, as her brain didn't always follow the same track as theirs.


Date: 2006-07-17 12:48 EST
A last carress of Zaleena's knee, and a wink promising later diversions, and he arose from his chair and descended the short Dais, moving around the silent Alpha to stand behind Tasha. "Please, forgive me my dear. I did not mean to inflict old pains on you." As he spoke a hand glowed softly, the glow easing into the tense elf's shoulder with the intent of calming her.

"Now, as for Alpha here, he is the strongest of the first group I made, using the re-written spell and then testing them on one of the fallen that haunt the mortal realms." That soft hissing laughter filled the room as he stepped from around Tasha to circle the hulking Alpha. The young elf was businly coming up with any thought to muddle her true feelings. Focusing past the monster she watched Zaleena slip into Daug's chair, legs crossing where the hung over one armrest, the demoness examining her nails, feigning disenterest.

"You see, Tasha, Alpha here is the first of the new breed." Coming back around, the polymorphed dracolich slipped an arm around Tasha's shoulders, posturing like a proud father. "He is the combined strength of the vampire and werewolf, and without thier weaknesses, I might add." Tasha stifled a mental groan, and shot a quick look to the preening Zaleena, who seemed more interested in filing a nail than the conversation at hand.

"But, were's and vamps are so different, how are you able to mix them together?" She had a sickening idea, and it was comfirmed by the undead dragon.

"I have a laboratory below, where I use a combination of alchemical processes and the spell Marzarbul penned to complete the process. Of course.." He paused, his version of a dramatic interlude, Tasha guessed with a rolling of silver-flecked eyes. "..the addition of the blood of a virtuous paladin and essence of one of the holies is a must for the combination to succeed."

"Waitaminit!" The word was blurted out before she could stop herself, and Tasha found herself the center of attention now, as even Katheryne had stirred from her bored lean by the door. "You're saying that hairball here is like that guy you changed a couple of years back?"

"Oh no, my dear. Alpha here is a marked improvement over that paladin, wouldn't you agree Zaleena?"

"Oh, yes, Daug. Even though he's not nearly as pretty a face as Korellos." Full lips turned down as she regarded the silent Alpha, but a smile flowed just as easily the next second. "Alpha though, is heads and shoulders above in the strength and obedience department."

"Ah, yes. Alpha here is not a Seraphim, or even of the Niliphim." Black eyes glittered with malicious glee as he rubbed his hands together. "No...Alpha here is Omegar..the Ending." Tight lips curled back into a fangy grin as he considered his materpiece. "They who will scour the kingdom above, and shatter the seals that protect those below."