Topic: Special Delivery for Kitty O Helston


Date: 2009-05-16 15:16 EST
Kruger nailed the lid tightly to the crate. He gave it an address label, and set it next to the shipping door. Then he banded it twice with half inch steel banding, crimped, and cut the excess. Then he penned a short note on parchment with the shop's letter head.

To: Kitty Helston of Blood House Onyx

Fr: Aristotle Kruger Allen Kruger's Exotic

Recent events have made it possible for me to assess the virtues of the samples you provided me. I found them to be easily workable, durable, and that items made from them move well. As this is what I required exactly I have sent you a quantity of silver totaling four thousand five hundred crowns that you may purchase more for me. Please send my regards to your source.

All honor to the Bloods and to you my deepest thanks,

Aristotle Kruger Allen. P.S. Could you perhaps get me some specs on tritanium alloys"

Kruger folded the message and sealed it with his house seal. He slid the sealed message beneath one of the bands and nodded to the wagon driver.

The driver an old fellow with white hair glanced at the address and grunted. "Warehouse district eh?" He swiped a pair of dirty leather gloves from the back pocket of his khaki trouser and put them under his arm. "I know the place, just finished dropping a load I got from them Blood folks." He pulled a pen from the matching shirt he wore and looked to Kruger. "I need ta sign somewhere" Do ye need insurance on the pick-up" We insure up to a hunnerd silver."

Kruger shook his head, "Not this time, I'll be comin along fer the ride. A hundred won't cover the contents, but I need delivery today. So for today only ye have me as an insurance policy."

The wagon driver pulled off his hat, and ran his the back of his arm across his sweat beaded face. "Tha' aint ezactly proper, but I do think I'll be likin the compny; those folks can be kinda strange at times if ye catch me right."

The man put the gloves on and grasped the rope handles at the ends of the crate; with a loud groaning he lifted it and shuffled to the back of his wagon. He dropped to the floor of the wagon with a crash that shifted the balance and made the horse whicker. "Dag gone, whatchu put in tha' thing rocks?"

"Something like that, yeah." Kruger responded as he climbed onto the bench. The truth was that the Kruger had put the remaining silver from his bet at the arena the other night in that crate. He had held back a portion of it for running day to day operations, not to mention the payoff to Marcus, and the stipend that he sent down to the market to ensure that Jason's mother was taken care of.

The driver climbed up next to him and took up the reigns, "giddyap Brownie" he called to the bay horse leading the wagon. Brownie broke into a trot for a few paces then dropped into a plodding walk. "Name's Ferris, Ferris Orlando." Ferris didn't wait for an acknowledgement, before speaking again. "You of course be Kruger, of Kruger's Exotic. Did you see the race last weekend" How bout that Johnson boy, did he get him a fast horse or what. I believe he has a chance ta go all the way this year."

Kruger didn't have to do much en route to the warehouse, a grunt here and a smile there and Ferris regaled him with the glories of all the racers, all except that blasted cry baby Gordon kid. For some reason he hated that guy. An hour passed on the journey from one side of the town to the other, Brownie wasn't much for speed, but they off loaded and Kruger dismissed Ferris, saying he would be walking back to the shop.

Kruger lifted the box, and took it with him to the receptionist's desk. A brown faux wooden name plate announced her as Krystal. "Deliveries are made at the loading dock only," she turned coal eyes on him and gave him a "you're dirty and beneath me" look.

Kruger narrowed his eyes, and gave a haughty glance to the name plate "Krystal is it?" He said in his deepest baritone. "Here is how the game works, you will allow this to be put into Kitty Helston's office, and she will thank you, or you will be held accountable for its contents." He held the invoice out to her so that she could see how much she would be signing for.

"I don't have that kind signing power sir. You'll have to follow proper channels and go through the loading dock. Next time tell your customer that he needs to put the proper addresses on his shipments." Krystal told him coldly.

A rotund gentleman walked through the doorway then, and gave him a smile. "Ah, Mr. Allen, what can we do for you? Did you come for a tour of your space?"

Krystal's charcoaled eyes had gone very wide, she began stammering apologies, but Kruger turned from her as though she no longer existed. He caught some snickers from the other girls in the office, and a harshly whispered, "You knew who that was didn't you Karen?" The laughter got louder behind him.

Kruger indicated the crate in his hands. "First I need to put this in Kitty's office, Mr. Bray. Then I would love to see the space." Tim unlocked the door and stood aside as Kruger laid it on the floor by the wall next to the door. He pulled the message from beneath the band and put it on her desk taking a decorative paper weight and placing it on top of the folded parchment. The seal was visible, she should have little problem distinguishing who had sent it. "Will this be okay here?? he asked pointing to the crate. Bray, nodded and Kruger followed him out. The door was locked and Mr. Bray or Tim as he asked Kruger to call him went about the business of showing him some empty dock space and embellishing how good his area would look.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2009-06-01 19:59 EST
"Kitty, you've had a package waiting for you in your office at the warehouse for a few days now. You really should come pick it up." The round man said to her with a most amused expression.

"I do' Wait....when did I get an office at the warehouse?" She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Nobody told HER about any office. He chuckled at her obvious confusion.

"It's temporary since you're helping Mr. Kruger with his order."

"Oh....alright then. I guess I'll come get it later today then."

So, later that evening Kitty managed to find a moment to take herself to the Blood warehouses. She breezed her way through the door and headed for the office she had been given directions to. Her claws were just pulling the key from her pocket when she heard an exasperated female voice behind her.

"Ma'am' Did you have an appointment with someone" You cannot just walk back there!"

Kitty swiveled a hip to eye the woman, her clawed hand holding the key aloft. Oh, it was that annoying secretary. No wonder.

"I was told I had a package waiting here for me. You have a problem with me picking up my own things?" Kitty smirked at her before turning to fully face her. The secretary did a sharp intake and then cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry Governor Helston. I didn't realize it was you. Please, go ahead."

"How many big chested chicks with tails do you get around here anyway?" Kitty snorted in derision and continued on. As far as she knew, the choices were her and Belial. Kitty wasn't one to mess with, but to mess with Belial would surely be suicide.

"And I'm not Governor anymore. Hopefully next year." She shook her head as she let herself into the office, turning to flip on the light. She never did understand the insistence others had on calling her that when she wasn't in office.

Were it not for her reflexes, she would have tripped over the crate that was waiting for her. But she managed to stay upright, and quickly grabbed the letter from the top of the box, pulling it open to peer at it. Her lips pursed, then she eyed the crate at her feet.

She shrugged and hefted up the box, settling it on her hip as she headed back out, locking the office behind her. She had some more titanium to purchase along with some tritanium samples to get.