Topic: ((The OOC

Long Lankyn

Date: 2006-04-17 05:47 EST
((OOC Notes: Or Stuff we gotta say, stuff you might wanna know and stuff we want you to know.

Please visit our web site for more details: The Bloods Online Gem's BHO Page

ALSO: — Dedicated to Enhancing FFRP Lan's Soapbox - My Personal Blog where I talk about all forms!

The Origins of the Bloods

The Bloods began with an anthology of books based on "Borderlands", edited by Terri Windling. We had permission to use the Bloods and Bordertown as our collective past story. However since the Bloods inception on AOL in the mid 90's they left the pages of the books and became our own creations.

We haven't changed Bordertown, leaving that to the authors that came before us; those were stories already told and not ours to muck with.

But the Bloods which came to Rhy"Din"

Many of the Bloods in Rhy"Din never existed in the books; they were our own creations from the onset. Characters we made up using the atmosphere provided by the anthology. We breathed life into them and built them into what they are today.

The Bloods of Rhy"Din are as original as they can get, not copies, not based on the books, but what we've played them into being. Like it or not, the Bloods in Rhy"Din are not the Bloods from the anthology. Instead, the Bloods of Rhy"Din have grown and developed into a breed all onto themselves, Bordertown and the Lands are merely a backdrop, a past, a place from whence they originated. If you are in doubt, take the time to read the anthologies; we don't play the Bloods as they were presented in the books. The Rhy"Din Bloods have become an invention of their very own.

What We Want You to Know:

The Bloods brochures and other printed literature claim the following: The Bloods are merchants; we deal in almost every commodity. It is true we have our finger in many pies. Some might even insist that our power stretches from dimension to dimension, world to world, but do you believe such outrageous rumors" We are business oriented; we focus on your needs. Whatever the need, we seek to fill it but only the highest of quality will do. We strive to keep our prices reasonable and competitive; if you can get a better deal elsewhere, we are willing to top it. We strive to maintain an honorable reputation in all of our business dealings.

If you are interested in previewing our inventory, feel free to contact us today, or visit our web site.

Blood House Onyx Staff:

Long Lankyn " Progenitor of the Bloods, rarely seen by outsiders. WyldBlood " Second to Lankyn, First in Command of Onyx House LdyBelial " Current Assigned Leader of Onyx House, (whether she likes it or not.) IndigoWyne " Assistant to Lankyn

Things You Might Want to Know:

Rumors abound that the Bloods are more like the Elven Mafia than mere Merchants. However every attempt made so far to connect them to anything illegal or otherwise immoral has failed. No witnesses have stepped forward, no paper trail has been sniffed out, and no legal agency is knocking at their door. To all outward appearances the Bloods seem to be exactly what they claim: Merchants out to turn a healthy profit.

To learn what is true and what is not will take some researching. You will just have to read our stories to find out.

Player of Long Lankyn Forced in to a job that never should have lasted this long. <eg>