Topic: Wicked Suspicions


Date: 2011-09-04 14:42 EST
Isuelt had set out directly from the Governor's office, without haste. The heat of the day was beginning and the hurried pace of Isuelt's horse provided little relief with a breeze from its speed. The Scathachian was pushing her steed full throttle to Blood House Onyx. Swinging her long legs from her horse, she landed at the northernmost property on the Northwest cliffs.

Bad news was never something that got better with deference. And while this news was little less than complete, it was bad enough already. After the events of the Fine Arts Festival's closing Fairy Tale Costume Party, Isuelt's mood had soured considerably. While most of her Sisters and most of her friends had judged that was mostly due to the biohazard explosion from a girl who was dressed as Little Red Ridinghood, only a few others knew what really had this Scathachian on edge. Governor Helston was one of them. And it was her business that Isuelt was on right now.

"I am requesting to see Lady Belial, please," the statuesque Scathachian announced as the front door was opened to reveal a formidable looking set of guards. "Isuelt DeRomiano, of the Scathachian Nation." She was regaining the slowed pace of her breathing as she smoothly inhaled, readying herself mentally for the conversation she was about to have. "I am here on the behalf of Governor Fionna Helston."


Date: 2011-09-12 16:02 EST
The Bloods on guard at the Onyx House gate easily recognized the Lady Isuelt as a Scathachian Sister. They were quick to wave her through. One of them graciously led the lady to the main house where Bel was already waiting for her at the front door. During her short walk Issy may have noticed there was a lot of activity going on at Onyx House as if the Bloods were busy preparing for something big.

"Issy, what a lovely surprise! Come on in, sweets" I suspect this isn't a social call, yes" Follow me, please?" Bel gave Issy a warm smile then turned and led the way down the hall to Bel's office. It was a short walk too, but still fellow Bloods hurried this way and that past them. Each nodded respectfully to Bel and Issy but none interrupted their progress. They all seemed rather busy.

Bel's office was streamlined; clean and uncluttered. The walls were painted a warm ivory white, with an accent wall of light brown to their left. Bel's desk was center stage against the far wall with a window behind it. The view from the window was amazing; a sweeping vista of the formal garden stretching down to the lake in the near distance. Curtains hung on either side of the window in a dark brown to match the rosewood accents of the furniture. Perhaps surprisingly there were no bookshelves.

Sparsely scattered around the room were a few of Bel's more favored relics. All were kept safe under glass magically locked and sealed with protection spells" not for fear of thievery but of the power of the items themselves.

Bel's desk was made of rosewood and styled to fit well in the d"cor of her office. It was neat and tidy, with an odd assortment of what looked like high-tech gadgets. The most prominent was what could have been some kind of computer screen, but currently was an empty frame suspended over a thin pad with numbers and letters scribed upon it.

"Please, have a seat." Bel waved at the two comfortable looking chairs in front of her desk. "Care for some refreshment' Coffee" Tea" Soda Pop" Anything?"

Bel moved behind her desk and settled in her overstuffed swivel chair. "I'm having coffee brought in for myself; it would be a breeze to add whatever you want??


Date: 2011-09-13 19:32 EST
The shapely Scathachian shook her head, "No, M'lady. I thank you, however." She paused and took a few steps to her left, and then returned to the right. Isuelt was slowly pacing as she started up again, "I think we have a problem." Her boots stopped as she turned toward Belial and looked at the striking woman. "Renna."

She let the word, the name, hang in the air a moment, judging the leader of Blood House Onyx's reaction before she continued. "I don't know how, I don't know why, but she's back. With a vengeance. I'm not completely sure, but I would bet a large sum of money that that little incident at the Fine Arts Festival was her. And the...the other day. I encountered her again. But..." She sighed and looked away from Belial. Magic and the supernatural was not Isuelt's business. In fact, most times, she tried to stay as far away from the likes of that as possible. But the Lady Belial was different. She would probably feel more at ease with the possibility of most of this being real, as well as how to handle it.

"I need your help. And maybe even your protection. I know the council is meeting tonight. I will be there and maybe we could talk afterwards." The warrior was shaken, though she fought to keep it under wraps. For now. She wasn't used to fighting something she could touch, couldn't get her hands on, couldn't kill. And the fact that this "something" was gunning for her, scared the living hell out of her.


Date: 2011-09-15 16:56 EST
Bel looked over at the tall, statuesque beauty and saw the concern in her eyes. "You've got mine and the Family's help, Issy! We would be proud to ally with you and the other Scathachian Sisters. But' Renna?" Bel paused as that green gaze dipped to study the top of her desk teeth nibbling on her lower lip thoughtfully.

"Renna is far from human' In fact, I don't know what she is. I know she's?" Bel paused wondering if perhaps she might be jumping the gun a bit. She had evidence to suggest that Renna could be in cahoots with Howe, but so far, it was unverifiable not to mention unclear. Too many pieces to that puzzle were missing. She really needed to do a little more research before she started drawing any conclusions. But after the other night at the Stars End Bar and Grill" Bel at very least could prove Renna and the masked creature that had attacked at the Fine Arts Festival were one and the same. For whatever reason' Renna herself had chosen to reveal this to Belial. The real question was why' What in hell was Renna up to' and was Howe involved" Recent evidence suggested an alliance may be in effect between the pair. Bel had to find out for certain" before she said anything.

"Here, Issy, take this," Bel lifted her hand and tossed a small pin to Issy. The pin seemed to just appear in Bel's hand out of thin air. "It's a protection pin. All you have to do is touch it with the intent to escape and it will teleport you here to me. Let me know if you want us to aid in protecting any of the other Sisters, I can issue each of them one if needed. In the meantime, let me work on some intel gathering and later tonight, after the meeting we can sit down and talk?" Bel paused to draw in a deep breath. "I can't say for certain yet, but if what I suspect is true, we are dealing with a lot more than just Renna here."

"I don't mean to be vague, but neither do I wish to cause alarm if what we suspect isn't true. So' tonight, after the council meeting would allow me plenty of time to check my sources."


Date: 2011-09-17 13:23 EST
Isuelt's dark lashes lowered as she looked upon the small pin in her palm. A curious little thing, not much bigger than a gold piece. Still, if what Belial said was true, and in these matters, the Scathachian always deferred to the leader of Blood House Onyx, this tiny trinket would serve her as nothing else would.

Her gaze was fixed for a moment longer on the pin before she quickly inhaled and looked up to Belial. "Thank you, M'Lady." The hoarseness of her voice was lessened as her tone was humbled into little more than a hush. Isuelt fantasized briefly about a pin for each of her Sisters, to keep them safe. However, before she vocalized her need of such a thing, she would see if it worked with herself first. Such was the skeptical nature of this warrior.

By the way Belial was speaking, there was much, much more at stake here than Renna's personal vendetta against the Scathachians. There was something deeper and perhaps even more sinister than Isuelt was aware of, and certainly more than Lady Belial wished to impart at the current moment. Again, the Scathachian looked to her powerful neighbor and nodded, she would trust Belial and see what the meeting tonight would being. Though, there was a nagging itch in the pit of her stomach that almost always meant that trouble was coming.