Topic: Aftermath of Lies Discovered: The Assassin?s Cry


Date: 2008-12-17 16:14 EST
(Authors Note: Please read "One glass of wine just isn't going to cut it: The Planning" and "The Ultimate Weapon" for the story leading into this one.)

Aftermath of Lies Discovered: The Assassin?s Cry

Aly headed straight for the danger room to unleash her anger and fury. She had waited months, almost an entire year to be able to freely unleash her skills upon the computer?s highest level. It would be a challenge, but no match for this skilled assassin. Being able to fully be herself and use all of her skills made her feel at ease, at least a bit but only for a while. She blazed through the computer?s program levels and fought beasts, warriors, and other enemies that the computer put her up against. After two hours of fighting, Aly collapsed into a heap on the floor of the danger room. She was still not fully healed and was beyond weakened; having fought so hard for so long took its toll on her.

Rolling onto her back she stared up at the ceiling for a long while, feeling nothing, thinking of nothing, but ever so slowly he crept back into her mind, his eyes, those eyes always haunted her. Tears rolled down her face as she lay there, sprawled on the hard ground. There was no turning back. She had sewn her bed; it was time to sleep in it. Wolvinator knew what she was, she was a liar and a fraud, but she loved him. At this moment her love for him was the only thing certain in her life. Memories were so jumbled that it was hard to tell fact from fiction, she had gotten so good at lying; even she believed the false stories she had told.

Love, it was the only reason she was alive, but it was also the reason she wasn?t really living. Her entire identity had been given up when she left Weapon X for him. Of course when she was part of the program, her life was something controlled down to the very last breath she took, but at least there she was not living a complete lie, she was Violet, code sixty-four from England, a scientist from a loving and wealthy family who had years of training in her field. A scientist that had received many awards and honors due to her medical discoveries. Only later had she learned that the companies sponsoring these awards were Weapon X owned and operated, nearly all of her discoveries and designs had been turned into cruel and unusual treatments to make mutants, to make warriors, to make killers.

To Wolvie, she was Aly, her real name yes, but everything else was a lie. Her family was long dead, her credentials stripped from her, she was the black sheep of the science community. She was nothing but an assassin to Wolvinator now, not even the voice with the slight slavic accent was hers.

It some ways she felt relieved to be able to tell him the truth to be able to be who she really was, for him to really know her, no more lies, no more walking on egg shells, but it also meant that he?d get the chance to reject her, what if he didn?t love the real Aly. What if he could never trust her again? She knew that no relationship could last forever without trust and forever was something Aly could have, but only if Wolvinator was going to be by her side for the entire duration of it. Wiping her face off, she stood up and slowly moved from the room, her body aching like it hadn?t in years.

Going out to the hangars, Aly grabbed her keys from the hook and got into the car Wolvie had bought her as a gift last year, she stood for a moment but hung the keys back up and opened the doors, ready to walk outside when the sunlight hit her. Shielding her eyes, she cursed and quickly closed to doors, going back inside. It would be hours before she would be strong enough to brave even the smallest amount of the sun. The idea of waiting hours in the torment of her own thoughts was dreadful, but it was her cross to bear, something she?d keep bearing until she could prove herself trustworthy.

This is the assassin?s cry: Known by many, a stranger to all.


Date: 2008-12-27 19:20 EST
Pacing around the house, she was going stir crazy, she couldn't be locked up in here for much longer. Going back to the kitchen, she threw open the fridge door and pulled out the whole bottom drawer, setting it on the table and kicking the fridge closed, leaving a small dent in the bottom of it. Going through the drawer she pulled out all of the blood packs and started to rip them open, draining the contents one at a time until she had gone through seven of them. Her senses were sharper and she felt her strength returning, why hadn't she thought of this sooner. Thankfully for Wolvie's blood she could brave the outdoors, as long as she wore her S.N.E.A.K. suit as well. Tearing through the house at hyper speed she cloaked herself in her suit and tied her hair back and then slipped into her boots, she was heading outside.

Going out the front door she felt pure adrenaline running through her veins, she felt powerful, alive, and angry. Walking down the path a little bird flew onto the sidewalk and Aly grinned. The bird was in her hands and it's neck was snapped with a flick of her wrist and she brought it to her lips draining it. More, she wanted more. There were plenty of small creatures around the Estate and soon, one by one they would all fall at her feet, drained.It was a bloodbath of animals. Guilty wasn't something that Aly felt at the moment, it wasn't an emotion she possessed, she was on high. She blocked her thoughts and closed off her mind, she didn't want to think of him, she didn't want him in her head, she didn't want to listen to him. Walking around the back yard she spotted a tree she had carved their initials in and took off running for it, leaping into the air, she slammed into the tree, the whole thing shuddered as it splintered apart and fell in two halves, crushing smaller plants beneath it and taking down part of a fence. It had been too long since she had been able to show off or really challenge herself, this was a great release for her. But if she continued down this dark path, it would surely lead somewhere bad. All sane thoughts escaped her for the time being and she left the property, heading towards the Glenn, she'd go past it into the woods where there were bigger animals, beasts and more trees.

For an hour or so Aly had her fill of taking down deer, a bear, and even some creature she'd never seen, but the way it wailed out loudly before it met it's end was surely something that would haunt Aly later. She wasn't a cruel person, she wasn't a killer, but that's what he had accused her of, that's what was making her so angry and then he had left. Her screams filled the afternoon air, no one was around and all of the animals near her had been chased away long ago. She slowly felt herself loosing strength as the sun started to beat down on her, even in the shade of the trees, it felt as though she was standing naked on the beach. It wasn't right, she shouldn't be feeling this already. Holding up her hand she stared at it and then realized she was starting to loose her vision, spots covered her eyes and she blinked rapidly, trying to clear her eyes, which was to no avail.

She took off running, but her speed was gone. Her body had already used up all of the nourishment from Wolvie, the lack of fresh blood must be what was causing the reaction. She'd never make it home, she couldn't bear the sun. Unzipping her S.N.E.A.K. suit, she looked down at her chest and belly, through the spots in her eyes she could see that scars were reappearing and specifically a very new gash was coming back. Cursing loudly, she looked for somewhere dark, there had to be a cave near by, somewhere she could hide herself at least until night when she could take her time walking home, although, if her wounds were not completely healed inside it would be impossible. Crying out softly, she started to feel her way around as her vision got worse and the pain of her burning flesh started to become an irritation. If she called for him, would he even come? Would he listen? Maybe he had shut her out too. Perhaps this was death for the Assassin, how could she be so careless? Collapsing against a tree, she slowly slid down it, perhaps her wounds were worse than she had thought, normally animal blood would be able to help sustain her through something like this, but it was like all the nutrients she needed were going right through her. Feeling down her belly, she held up her fingers, they were wet and sticky, she was bleeding. She couldn't see what was wrong, everything was dark, but she knew that the wounds Wolvie had given her earlier were opening back up.

Cursing loudly, she leaned her head back against the tree, if wild animals came back, they'd smell her blood. She was defenseless, just as they had been against her sometime ago. Opening her mind, she tried to call for him, but something didn't feel right, it felt like there was static in her mind, her thoughts were fuzzy and then she blacked out, slumped on the cold ground, her life bleeding out from her into the pristine white snow.


Date: 2009-01-11 21:42 EST
With a bag slung over his shoulder, Wolvinator was heading back towards the estate. However he wasn?t wearing his usual robe and S.N.E.A.K. suit as he normally did. Instead he wore a pair of dark blue jeans, a black leather jacket and sneakers. He was intent on heading back to the estate that was certain, how long he?d stay would be another question all together.


Wolvinator needed to head home. He felt as though he needed to find himself again, work things out in his head and try to figure out what the next logical move would be; possibly even bring up the situation to a Vulcan that he was rather fond of. Rhy?Din had been a place not so kind to him, and the recent events proved to be no different. He?d tell Aly that he needed to leave for some time, and try to decide what he was going to do next. He wouldn?t go without telling her goodbye first.

Sitting on his motorcycle that was still parked outside of the Red Dragon inn, he started up the engine, snugged the pack around his back, and started off down the road.

She came to for a moment, intense pain making it hard to even form a coherent thought. She looked around and a silent scream emitted from her, she was still blind. She choked back a sob as she heard something rustle near by, an animal, it could be an animal. She went silent and limp, trying to play dead and then the blackness took her over again as her hearing began to get fuzzy and she was passed out.

Then there was a disturbance.

Wolvinator could almost feel something off in the distance, quite some ways away. He was used to feelings of a sixth sense nature but this time it was different. His head glanced around while he was on his bike, trying to see if he was in any immediate danger, but there wasn?t anything. No. It wasn?t him. It was something else, something so close yet so far away. He turned his Harley and headed off in a westerly direction. If there was something on the way, he?d surely notice a problem.

The local roads winded and twisted their way through the city, out of the area known as Dragons Gate, and towards the more rural regions. Houses and establishments were placed farther and father apart the more he moved away from downtown. His blue eyes moved underneath his sunglasses back and forth, searching, anticipating, anything. There was something wrong, there had to be. Feelings like this didn?t just come out of nowhere. As he traveled he was gradually heading back towards to estate as all roads eventually lead him northward.

Then he caught a scent.

Immediately taking the bike off road he headed off through the woods, there wasn?t even a second thought that crossed through his mind, it was instinct. The scent was faint but he knew both of the smells quite well.

Alystrianna, and blood.

His senses weren?t the best in the ?animal kingdom? per say, but they were certainly better then any human, and most humanoid forms of life for that matter. Dirt, sand, leaves and snow kicked up from his rear tire as he traversed the landscape. His rear was lifted off the seat, and his gloved hands held onto the handlebars tightly. He couldn?t see her; he couldn?t see blood, even with the majority of the ground being covered in snow. Then he lost the scent. This couldn?t be good.

The Harley Davidson came to a screeching halt, as Wolvinator let his foot down to balance the machine. Removing his backpack, he immediately unzipped it and reached into one of the interior pockets and withi n a matter of seconds his hand appeared from the knapsack with a small handheld device.

A Tricorder.

Flipping it open, the screen came to life. Various lights and sensors flashed at him while his fingers started tapping away at the buttons vigorously. He was looking for one thing in particular, then exactly what he was looking for popped on in view. A faint, very faint life sign appeared on the screen. It was off in the distance, well over one hundred yards, and it was fading. It was either Aly herself, or someone that had encountered her not too long ago. He hoped it was the former.

Without hesitation he was back on his bike, with his tricorder tucked away in his jacket. Again he was on his feet, while the hog beneath him moved and jolted with the uneven terrain. His body rocked from side to side, moving in and out of trees, zigzagging his way towards the life sign he picked up.

However that wasn?t the only life sign in the area. As Wolvinator leaped over a log and rolled up to the location, an unwelcoming face greeted him, and his danger sense immediately alerted him. A bear, crouching over and sniffing at an almost lifeless female body, rose up on two legs and s tared directly at him. It?s mouth opened and it roared as loud as it could at the new arrival. The animal was much larger then any other bear he had encountered before, and much more vicious looking; fitting for a planet where it?s natural inhabitants included the likes of dragons.

Wolvie didn?t make eye contact with the beast, no reason for a confrontation if needed. Instead he looked towards the woman who was on the ground. Her face was turned away from him, but he?d know that slender and athletic frame anywhere, not to mention her scent was a clear as day now. Aly wasn?t the ?damsel in distress? type, but right now that?s exactly what she was. Getting her to safety would be his first and only priority.

Cranking his hand on the accelerator, the engine revved at full throttle, while he kept the vehicle out of gear. The loud noise was almost deafening, loud enough that two adults wouldn?t be able to talk over it, let alone think. The animal paused, watching the display in front of it, and being that it was unsure what to make of the man and his bike it lowered itself back down to all fours. He released his grip, pausing himself for a moment, before cranking it again, reinforcing the loud sound of his engine. The animal didn?t want to take any chances. Fight or flight. It was a basic emotion of most animals and sentient beings. This time, this animal chose flight.

Turning tail, it heftily galloped off away from the meal it was sure to have if it had not been interrupted. Keeping the engine going for a few more moments, he finally released the accelerator once he was certain that the beast was no longer in sight and dashed for the woman who was on the ground. His hand moved to her shoulder blade, giving her the slightest touch as he examined her body for wounds.

?Aly? Aly are you alright??

She tried opening her eyes to look at him, but they wouldn't open, or maybe they were and she couldn't see him. She tried to speak, but her voice wouldn't come out, she couldn't tell him that she needed him. Maybe she was imagining it. She tried to move her hands in response, tried to touch him, but her arms felt like they weighed a thousand pounds each. Her chest rose and fell very slowly as each breath appeared to be a struggle. Her skin that was exposed was looking red and starting to blister in some areas. Cold, she was very cold. She felt her teeth start to chatter but she couldn't hear it, in fact she couldn't hear him at all anymore. Her body went limp again as she faded back into the coma.

?Damnit, Aly.? He spoke, while his two fore fingers rested on her neck feeling her for a pulse.

Removing his bag from his back again, he pulled a small cylindrical shaped object from his backpack and the tricorder from his pocket simultaneously. Holding it the Tricorder open, he watched it while adjusting his other piece of equipment. A hypospray, it was a medical device similar to a syringe, with much stronger and more effective results. Pushing the small cylinder to her neck, he pressed the button and a small hiss emitted from the spray, hopefully enough to stabilize her condition.

She gasped when she felt something burn her neck and she started screaming, her hands waving with every last bit of strength she had. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear and she could barely talk. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she tried to fight off whomever or whatever was attacking her; she had to get home to him, or was it him? Had she dreamed about him before but she wasn't sure, she had no way of knowing. Tiredly she gave up her fight, slumping back down and giving up.

?Aly? Aly? Stay with me darlin?.?

Getting her onto his bike and back to the estate would prove to be quite a task. If he had to, he?d do whatever he could to get her to feed right here and right now. She was hurt, badly. Blood was coming from the lower part of her chest, and he instantly realized it was due to his stab from earlier.

?Aly, if you can hear me, feed. Feed baby, c?mon.? he said, lowering his wrist down towards her mouth.

She caught his scent briefly, but it brought her hope, enough that she tried with all her might to focus on the fuzzy mumbling she heard. He was trying to talk to her, trying to tell her something but it wasn't making sense. She opened her mouth to tell him she couldn't hear, and the scent of him grew stronger, he was very close, right under her nose. Her tongue flicked out, grazing over his skin and her fangs bared, but she couldn't quite put together what was supposed to happen next. She was getting frustrated, her body wouldn't cooperate and she couldn't do anything to tell him that. She felt herself starting to panic, which only made the pain worse and blood started run from her stomach and lower chest, rather than dribble.

His hand grabbed the back of her head and his fingers clut ched onto her soft chestnut hair, thrusting her head and mouth down onto his wrist, forcing her canines to pierce his skin. Wolvie wasn?t being gentle about this, and there wasn?t time to be. Every second that passed was another moment that Aly?s condition worsened. He winced a bit, feeling blood drop from his wrist and into her mouth.

?Take it Aly, drink it? c?mon? drink.?

She felt the warmth of his blood trickle into her mouth and slowly start to drip down her throat, it was enough to encourage her to swallow, she could feel the effects rather quickly as her head started to form full thoughts instead of small bits of information. She knew he was there and she knew that she had to drink from him, so she closed her mouth around his wrist and started to suck and swallow. It was a painful process but she could feel the blood working on her insides, patching them up once again. Opening her eyes, she could see the faint outline of him, her bloodied hand reached up and out, trying to grasp him, feel him.

Wolvie kept pressure on her, but started to release as he felt her strength take control. If she was feeding on her own he wouldn?t need to forcibly hold her there.

?Keep going.? He said softly, while looking around to make sure there wasn?t anyone else taking advantage of the situation.

?Take as much as you need.?

She knew she had already drank more than she normally would from him in on sitting, but she was greedy and in pain, and his blood was the only thing helping. Yet she couldn't put him at risk because she knew they both needed to get out of there alive. Mostly she needed him to get out of here alive. Letting go, she grasped him again.

?It hurts.? Whispered softly, she was crying again.

?I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. For everything. I love you, I'll always love you. Please don't let me die.? Her breathing was improving and she was becoming stable thanks to the injection he gave her, but mostly his blood. ?I need you.?

?I?m not going to let you die. We need to go home, this cold weather isn?t going to help out your condition any. We need to get you home, warm, and outta the sun.?

His hands moved underneath her body as he started helping her to her feet, ready to scoop her off of her feet if necessary. He was unsure of how much strength she?d have, but he was there for any support needed.

She had hardly any strength at all but she managed a glare when he tried to make her stand, and it was partially there because he didn't return the affectionate words, there was nothing. She was still crying, but she leaned against him for support, if he didn't want to love her she'd rather he just left her to die.

?Leave me here, just leave me, okay.? She weakly tried to fight him off, which only proved to be harmful for her.

?Aly, stop it.? He rebutted to her. ?I?m not gonna leave you here. I already told you, we need to get you home.?

He saw the glare, and he even knew what the glare was for. Sighing a bit he spoke to her once more.

?Baby, c?mon, get up. I can?t have you dyin? on me hun. I? I love you.?

?No you don't, you're just saying that so I'll go with you.? But it worked and she put a little more effort into standing on her own.

?I don't think I can do this, I really don't.? She shook her head, still holding on to him.

?Wolvie, I'm blind, I can hardly see, I'm scared.?

?Don?t be scared, I?m right here with you, and I?m not going to let anything happen to you.?

His arm wrapped around her waist tightly, helping to hold her up as they moved back to his bike. He was walking side by side with her, keeping her path clear as they made it back to his vehicle. He wasn?t in the best shape either, as he was always a bit weak after she fed from him, but that would pass in time. He?d make sure not to mention that at all to her.

?Let me be your eyes Aly.?

She nodded slowly, as he helped her onto the bike, she wasn't sure she'd be able to stay on it, but she was going to trust him.

?How did you find me?? She questioned softly. ?I tried calling you, but I couldn't hear you in my head, I couldn't get you, it was so scary.?

Wolvie sat in front of her on the bike and gently took her hands in his own and wrapped them around his waist. The motor was still running, as he hadn?t shut it off the previous encounter.

?I had this feeling, it was faint. I wasn?t sure what exactly it was, but it gave me this rotten feeling in the pit of my stomach and I had to see what happened. It took me a bit, but once I caught your scent, I used the tricorder to locate you and I found that you were in some? unfriendly company.?

Carefully pressing on the bike accelerator, he casually began moving them out of the area, taking his time so that she wouldn?t get startled or accidentally fall off.

?I thought I was dreaming.? Although she was talking to softly, she wasn't sure he could hear her. ?Was there an animal? I thought I heard something, but I was blacking out, I wasn't sure.? She leaned back against him, depending on him to keep her on the bike.

?There was a kitten trying to lick at ya.? It was an obvious lie, and a smile appeared on his face as he told it.

?Believe me hun, I know all about waking up from a bad dream. We?ll get you home and patched up in no time?

She was too tired to try and talk over the sound of the bike's engine. Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around him and lay her head on his back, closing her eyes, she just wanted to be home where it was safe and warm, she wanted to be in his arms for him to tell her everything was going to be okay, and for both of them to actually believe it. She said nothing more on the way home, there were many things going through her mind, but first she had to have the strength to even carry on a conversation.


Date: 2009-01-14 19:33 EST
The journey wasn?t that long, once he was out of the woods and back on the main road he followed the streets northward. Back towards New Haven, back towards? home. They moved swiftly through the streets, but Wolvinator was taking his time. He didn?t want to go too fast and risk losing her as she held on behind him. She was weak, he knew that, and he wanted to get her back to the estate, let her get some rest, and then go from there.

Rolling back onto Grayskull lane, the gates parted and opened as the motorcycle pulled up to them. Following the long driveway up to the house he casually moved the vehicle in front of the main steps and carefully brought it to a complete stop. He killed the engine and leaned back over his shoulder to speak with her

?We?re home.?

She groaned loudly and let go of him reluctantly to sit up. Looking around she groaned and closed her eyes as she slid from the bike, she didn't want to see his reaction to the destruction of his property that she had done, although, it seemed like an ancient memory now, she didn't remember being so angry. Had she been angry? Peeking up at him, she bit her lip and then looked down.

"I'm sorry. I'll fix it."

His eyes moved to look as she spoke. The front lawn was a complete disaster. He must have missed it on their arrival. There were trees and plants ruined and destroyed, small animals ripped to shreds and other bits of debris that was completely indistinguishable.

?Aly?? he started with a gulp, as he couldn?t believe what she said, or what he was seeing. ?Did? did you do this??

"Yes." She answered softly. "Although in my defense, I hardly remember." Said as she held up a finger as though she were testifying. "I think it was one of those black out rage moments. "Sucking in her bottom lip, she brushed past him to try and get into the house before he could start yelling or knock her senseless, she wasn't quite sure how he would react and after everything else they'd been through, this had to be the icing on the cake.

?You don?t remember?? he queried her. ?Lemme guess,? stepping off of the bike as he pushed the kickstand down. ?You probably don?t remember Weapon X either huh??

It was a blatant verbal strike, as he was still in obvious dismay from the events that occurred earlier in the day. He took a few steps forward with his head lowered a bit. The wind blew gently in front of him forcing the folds of his jeans to blow back gently as he refused to face her. Wolvie shook his head, clenching his fists a bit.

?Hurtin? things that can?t fight back? Aly? if you wanna hurt me, just go ahead and do it already.? It was back to the doubts, back to the suspicions, back to him not believing her at all. ?I?m right here, just do it now, stop beatin? around the damned bush.?

Stopping in the entryway she turned to face him, her violet eyes blazing and her hair rustling around her in the breeze. Her fists clenched tightly, as did her teeth. She snarled at him and tried to hold back her rage, knowing she didn't have the strength to scream at him like she really wanted,however, that wouldn't stop her from trying. Stepping back out onto the walk way, shook her head at him.

"Yes I fucking remember Weapon-X!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "I remember the sound of your pleas, the screaming, the questions, the sound of my family dying! The god damn "Doctors" trying their mind games with me. Lucky me I'm too friggen? strong for them, they couldn't, so instead I HAVE to live with all of those memories, unlike some people who had someone with a bit of compassion in them to try and ease their painful memories!" Said to him while she pointed to herself.

"I didn't need to do you any favors there. Do you think I asked for you?! Don?t start acting like I did this to you, I was as much a victim as you, so why don't you stop pointing fingers at me and start pointing them at the system!" Gritting her teeth, she crossed her arms. "Besides, you left me, I was hungry, I had to eat, what the hell do you expect when a rabid vampire is starving?" She scanned the yard and pointed around.

"Tell me how I should have handled it up and held up your high and mighty standards Wolvie. Go ahead, because right now is the perfect time for you to beat me down and judge me just a little more!" By this time she was gasping and holding her chest as her body trembled. Leaning against a pillar, she struggled to keep standing. "I don't need this!" Said through her cracked voice as she turned to go inside, practically dragging herself through the door.

His eyes were tightly closed as she verbally ripped him a new one. Wolvie had no plans to fight her back, in the case that she decided to attack him with his back turned. He almost wanted it, and he was in so much emotional pain.

The words escaped him for a snappy or witty comeback, something that never happened during one of their usual arguments. In fact he prided himself on it, but the fact of the matter was that the woman he loved hurt him in so many ways. Seeing what she did to the house, the entire estate, was draw dropping. He knew she was a vampire, but even this was just a little bit over the top, not to mention his own fault.

If he hadn?t hurt her, if he hadn?t attacked her, none of this would have happened. But how could he have avoided it? What he felt, what he saw, and what he was projected to him was all slowly coming into light and he had to come to terms with it. Taking a few more breaths, he finally turned his head around to see Aly. But she was gone.

Another huff, another sigh, and he turned around completely and began to head through the estate?s front door.

She had no idea where she was going, but she had to go somewhere, right? How could she stay? Dragging herself towards the stairs, she was practically crawling by the time she reached them and started to pull herself up them with what arm strength she had left, although she wasn't bleeding from her wounds on the outside, she knew she was not totally healed, nor did she have the strength to be moving as she was. She gave up mid-point and laid in the middle of the staircase, her fingernails gouged into the wood, holding her there, as she didn't even have the strength in her legs to keep her where she lay. Rest her cheek to the cool wood, she closed her eyes as she heard him enter and she cringed, just waiting for it.

?Up ya go.? Was all he said, as he reached down to help her from her holding position.

It was void of any emotion, but he had to help her. At least get her back to some sort of healthy status before he had to make a decision, or had he already made it? The bag he had packed was still slung across his shoulder, and over his chest. His mind had apparently been made up. He held her with two hands gently until he reached the bed, resting her down gently on her tummy so that she could rest and regain her strength.

She cringed even more when she felt him lifting her, she wanted to fight him off, just to be stubborn, but her limbs wouldn't cooperate. When he laid her down on the bed, she curled against it, melting into the soft plush mattress, the silken sheets, which still had blood splatter on them, were welcoming nonetheless. Turning her head, she watched him closely, her eyes still that bright violet, which were brimming with tears.

"You're leaving me aren?t you?" Whispered softly to him. Another sigh came from him as he turned his back to her and sat on the bed.

?I?m going home.? He said softly, with a break in his voice. He felt like a coward, felt like he was running away from something he couldn?t handle. As much as he wanted to leave, it hurt him just the same.

?I? can?t be here any longer.?

"Don't leave me Wolvie." Her bottom lip trembled and the tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry. For everything, I take responsibility, but please don't leave, not like this. You know I need you. I'm out of packs, without you, I'll be... " She shook her head, trying to roll over to sit up and then she started to curse and throw a mild verbal tantrum at the fact that she couldn't get her body to cooperate.

"You can't leave me like this. You can't!" She was hysterical. "Bring me with you, wait a few days and we'll go together, we'll get away, have a vacation, it'll be great, you'll see." Her hand managed to grab the side of his clothes, her fingers clutching the fabric tightly.

"Please don't let your fear control you. I didn't turn my back on you all those years ago, please don't do it to me. I need you now more than ever."

He didn?t know how to answer, and he just remained still. No matter what he chose to do it was hurting him badly. His eyes closed once more, and he let his thoughts transpire into words, no matter if they were making sense or not.

?I?m hurt Alystrianna. I feel tricked, I feel betrayed. I-, I almost wish I would have died that day. Let them turn me into their dream weapon, do with me as they pleased, and then terminate my life. I shouldn?t be here, I shouldn?t be with you, this shouldn?t happen.?

His words were almost a conflict of interest. He felt that way, but he didn?t. The second he spoke those words he realized how ridiculous he sounded. Surely he wanted to press on, not just for revenge, but for everything. He had children, he had saved lives, bonded friendships, and lived life. Each breath was a blessing, but when breathing hurt him as it did, it was hard to breathe.

"The pain is temporary, Wolvie. I promise I'll make it better." Her eyebrows knit together in disbelief of what he was saying. "If you leave, you're running, it's over, how can we fix it? You're giving up! That's not you." Turning her head away from him, she stared towards the wall.

"Do whatever you want, whatever you decide. No hard feelings okay? Who cares that I bonded with you and depend on your for my survival, who cares that my skin is marked with YOUR name. Of course, none of THAT matters, that must have just been part of my game, lord knows I love to screw myself over!" Her tone of voice just kept getting angrier and angrier.

"Your judgment is so clouded. It's so... sooo.. " She growled. " Human! It's selfish! God! Can't you open your eyes and see what you do have? What isn't lost? Give me a chance to make you see I was never the enemy. Don't I deserve that much? " She let go of his clothing and then wiped her face with her hands and then sighed, exhausted even more.
"Just go. You've obviously made up your mind. Please, leave me in peace. "

?I?m not human.? He growled back at her, almost as if that were the only thing he had heard her say. Part of that was true, and part of that wasn?t. They both knew that. However, he didn?t move. He didn?t listen to her command, he wasn?t going to leave her in peace. Again, she was right and he knew it. It was completely out of character and it was so unlike him. Running away. Those words were never spoken in reference to him.

That?s when his head collapsed into his hands. His palms pressed flush against his eye sockets as he curled his fingers through his short brown hair. Wolvie?s mind was racing in a million different directions and all he wanted was some clarity, something he had up until he saw her again. That? is the way love goes. He thought he had everything clarified, everything out in the open, and the second he laid eyes on her again any logical thinking was clear out the window once more.

"Your emotions are human, they are basic instincts, but they are not yours, not the Wolvie I know and love. Please don't run. Stay here with me tonight, please, just try, just lay down and we'll both rest and then we can try to talk later, I'll explain everything in detail, I'll fix the yard, it'll be okay. Just please don't go, not like this. Something bad will happen if you go angry, it always does, that?s just the way it works. "

That was the way it works. That was the way it always worked.

Finally releasing himself from his own hands, he picked up his head and carefully leaned back onto the bed. A few more heavy breaths were taken as his eyes stared straight at the ceiling.

?I need to center myself Aly. I need to find myself again and come to the realization of everything that?s happened.?

His head turned over to face her, his eyes glazed over with emotions that he was clearly fighting back.

?We need to go home.?

"We?" She whispered softly.

With what strength she had, she managed to move herself closer to him, trying to get it so that her head was near his chest, she just wanted to be close to him, wanted to hear it was going to be okay.

"Wolvie I don't know how to make you believe me, but I do love you and any lie I ever told you was only to keep you safe. I promise you, for the rest of my life, however long that may be, I will always, stand by you and protect you. You have my word and my loyalty Admiral." She reached for his hand, placing it on the lower part of her tummy where she had his words inked into her skin. Feeling the tattoo?s embossment on her skin, his eyes were instantly drawn to it.

?I don?t trust you anymore Aly. I can?t help it, but my trust in you has been lost. It?s going to take time Alystrianna, and I know that. I?m sorry for what I said outside, and? I?m sorry how I?ve reacted to this matter in its entirety. Maybe if we go home, maybe if we return to where we?re from, it may help in that process.?

His face turned now, looking back to the ceiling.

?But, I?m also going to apologize for what I am going to do. I cant help it Aly, but I?m probably going to be distant from you. I?m going to need time, time to heal.?

If she was in fact alive, she would have felt her heartbreak at his words, something inside of her did feel like it was falling apart and breaking. She covered her face with her hands, trying not to loose it, although, she was already there.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I trust you and I trust us and I know that it's going to be okay. You?ll trust me again. But until then... " She whispered goodbye to him in her thoughts and then shut him out.

"Enjoy your distance, I hope it's peaceful for you." She turned her head away from him, grabbed a pillow, clutching it to her chest, her hands running over the dog tags that she had tattooed around her neck and hanging down her chest.

His lips moved to mouth the words, but no breath was pushed forward to project anything audible.

?I?m not going to enjoy it.?

As he closed his eyes to think, there was a brief moment where he believed he would get some serenity. But just like most things in his life peace was a commodity that he rarely enjoyed. There was the sound of a beep, which turned into beeping, coming from the night stand by his bed. Wincing his eyes a bit tighter, he slightly sucked his teeth and moved to the nightstand to retrieve a small communications device.

?Alain.? Those words were spoken, as he read the message that was sent to him. Another moment of silence as he read the invitation.

Burgers and fries. He wasn?t hungry, but the detective wanted burgers and fries.