Topic: Chemical Scream


Date: 2007-10-27 15:48 EST
Kaspar slipped upstairs after a while, tripping on one of the stairs as she made her way on up. She caught her balance by clutching the banister with her hand before rgeaining all of her composure and continuing onward. She crept up to the room where her father resided and slipped inside. She moved to his bed and pulled the duvet to his chin. A smile caressed her lips and she bent over to beush a kiss to his forehead.

After making her way to the master bedroom she continued by stripping off her garments and taking a rather hot shower. Once out, a terry cloth robe was pulled on and she sat down on the edge of the bed. Those cuts that were no so minor began to sting. She twitched violently as the pain seeped in.


Date: 2007-11-12 00:20 EST
Kiah had been lurking in the shadows quite ome time when he noticed Kaspar arive with Wolvie, something wasn't right. He could sense it and with that he slipped in right after them with such a careful silence so as not to be noticed. It was when he had seen Kaspar ascend the stairs that he veered after her once more. He watched her with her father, so observant. He was rather alooof at the moment, she had yet to catch a glimpse of him. Could she be so bothered not to take any acknowledgement that she was being watched?

He knew she took in her surroundings and absorbed them lke a sponge, but to not even glance his way once or say a word? He waited for her to leave her father's side and then again kept his gaze on her as she disappeared into another room. He waited outside the door for what seemed like endless hours before he turned the knob and made his way inside. What he saw cause an expression of horror to flicker across his face.

Kaspar lay across the bed, writhing in pain and twisting with contorted movements. He reached out for her and envleoped her into his arms. "Rye," he murmured the name against her hair. "Calm down a moment."

When she did not acquiesce he held her tighter and pulled her against his form which caused her feet to kick out and a blood curdling scream penterated the walls.

"Rye! It's just me, I do nae wish to be harming ye."

It was no wonder that someone might venture to the room to see just what was occuring and he glanced at the door nervously.


Date: 2007-11-12 15:44 EST
A putrefication emitted from Kaspar, the scnet of decaying flesh filled the nostrils. Her appearance remained in tact despite the numbing icy tinge that shot up her spine and sent her into a shivering spazm. However, the twitching did subside and she fell limp against Kiah's arms.

"Rye?" It was a quizzical question filled with doubt and uncertainty.

She let out a small moan and her lids flittered a bit causing her eyebals to roll towards the back of her head. She straightened her composure and began to scratch at the barely evident scars.

"What did ye do?" He prodded her, "What happened whil ye were out? What's going on?"

"I don't know," she mumbled, "I feel like I'm going to be sick..."

Effervesce Enchantment

Date: 2007-11-29 00:36 EST
Caleb leaned against the frame of the door, having been ordered by Kiah that he follow along. He watched the two for a moment, his lips titching on the edge of bemusement and irritation. "Kiah, is this how you expect to treat a lady? She's in her undergarments for crying out loud and she's covered in blood. Don't you think you should allow her to clean up herself?"

"She does nae have enough control of herself to be taking care of herself and I did nae realize she was wearing her undergarments?" Kiah answered, eyeing Kaspar's frame a moment as he moved to hold her more comfortably.

Kaspar would have blushed, probably that deep crimson that was a common color for her. That would be if she had the energy to even do so.

Caleb had to shake his head at Micajah's attempt for an answer, striding over to the pink haired one and gripping an arm around her waist. She was hefted up into his arms in a bridal manner. He moved her head to rest against his shoulder. "You might want to get her bag?"

The vampire nodded and retrieved Kaspar's duffle, scattering items that appeared to be her's relatively quick and stuffing them on in. He made his way over to the pair and glanced out the door. "Let us be gone now," he told Caleb, ushering him out of the room and the three began to descend the stairs and evacuate the Estate.


Date: 2007-11-30 22:38 EST
Kaspar's long lashes curled upwards as they fluttered open lightly. Her hands moved to her blue-greens and she wiped at them in a groggy manner. Her body arched and she turned on her side to cuddle up against the pillow. She yawned into it without contemplating that it wasn't really a bed at the Estate that she was sleeping in. She murmured something incoherent, the words slurred together and made absolutely no sense.

"Well, what are ye suggesting?" A familiar voice reverbrated through her ears in a way that didn't really phase her.

It was Micajah's voice, there was no doubt about it with the strange manner he spoke. Sometimes she wondered if he made up some of the words he used or if he just compiled different ways of speaking into his own. Whatever the case, she had never met someone who spoke in that particular way.

A cough followed, one that was forceful to clear the throat. "Her Majesty is awake," the voice held a hint of dry sarcasm to it.

The dream state slipped away and reality began to settle in her mind. Kiah was really there, wasn' he? Someone else was with him, a friend perhaps? But why would he be there in the middle of the night? She couldn't have been asleep more than a few minutes, she was too exhausted and tired. She shifted against the soft satin of the sheet in a lethargically and gazed at her pillow in a groggy manner. A dark blue color flooded the entire bed, including the sheets and the duvet. An enigmatic expression must have formed on her features for Kiah jumped into an explanation.

"Rye, ye are nae well. I brought me... companion," he told her as if choosing his words cautiously, "To visit ye yesterday's eventide, but ye looked pretty miserable. The state of ye being I mean... Mayhaps he could help ye so we whisked ye away and brought ye here..."

Yesterday evening? She remembered the two, but she couldn't have slept that long. It felt more like a very short nap than anything.

"Rye," the vampire began again, "Have ye been doing anything that may have drained energy from ye? What have ye done different than I saw ye last?"

She mulled it over hesitantly as he prodded her, "Wolv died..." The words sounded so foriegn that someone else had spoken them fo her. "I mean..." Her accent thickened due to the much needed sleep that she still required. "He was on the verge of life and death... and as you know I can speak to the deceased..."

"And ye tried to resurrect him?" Kiah parried, challenging her to deny him.

"Well, yeah... sort of... if you conside someone on the brink of death really..."

"This is inconcievable, Micajah told you that he would train you as he informed me," Caleb intruded which caused Kas to shoot Kiah a mock expression of disbelief. After all, her heritage was hers to share and not his. "This is a forbidden use of magic or sorcery, whatever you want to call it.. You could have killed yourself, now because of this you may have very well lost your life and you're a novice in your skills?"

"I don't feel like I'm dying though," she said dubiously. Her voice was filled with uncertainty and she at the man in an incredulous manner. Her eyes shifted in from one to the other, a daunted edge evident in her hazel orbs.


Date: 2007-12-01 17:09 EST
Kiah shook his head slowly, "Ye jus' need to recover from everything, ye haf been sleeping for nearly twenty four hours... Oh and ye clothes..." He trailed off and averted his gaze on Caleb to direct his eyes elsewhere.

Kas let her gaze slide to her attire and she felt a crmson tint forming on the bridge of her nose. She was wearing a large shirt that nearly fell to her knees and a pair of drawstring pants. This was not what she had fallen asleep in... "You..."

"Nae," he argued back before she could finish that thought, "Me maid, she changed ye garments and gave ye a sponge bath... Ye were caked in dirt and blood. Ye really are a heavy sleeper when ye are exhausted, that's what she said... No one just sits through a bath like that..."

She scowled at Kiah at his comment, "You think that saying that will comfort me anymore.. I don't care if it was a girl that bathed me. The fact is you let a stranger touch me. You filthy little..." She huffed and fell silent as though to calm herself down.

"I... Me apologies..." Kiah stammered out as though trying to find something else to say that would put her in a better mood.

"M'lord, why don't you let me speak with her...? She may not know me, but I might be able to clear up any misconceptions..." Caleb offered despite his own disagreement with the female just previously.

The vampire looked from one to the other and nodded is head lightly, "I would like ye to tutor her anyways..." Kiah disappeared behind the door at that, leaving the two behind.

Kaspar sat upright and pulled the comforter to her waist, flattening it against her form. "I'm Zacharia James Kaspar," she murmured.

"Caleb Macabre," he answered and reached up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry about all of this... Kiah can be a little cynical, he doesn't understand that he can't just do certain things..." He shook his head slowly, "He's like a child sometimes, he wants to intrud on certain people's lives and stir them up with excitement... Sometimes he just leaves them behind though with a desire for more of his attention. Other times he makes them wish he'd never even met them and he refuses to leave... He's a little mixed up, ever since his wife died I've had to watch over him... He really is a good guy though..."

She nodded in acquiesce, "Yeah... So, where ame I exactly...?"

"This is Kiah's place, actually... This is my room, he didn't seem to mind just taking it over without asking me." He shrugged lightly, "I'll cope... I guess I'll just sleep on the couch in here until you completely recuperate." He jerked a thumb towards a suede sofa with a dark tan pigmentation that rested up against the couch.

"I'm sorry, I could go home... " She answered, glancing at the door Kiah had disappeared behind.

"Kiah won't allow for it, if he finds out then he'll set out to retrieve you again... For some reason he has it set in his mind that if you stay here long enough then you will fall madly in love with him."

She shot him a look of mock horror, "I... Oh, that's just wonderful..."


Date: 2007-12-25 22:49 EST
"By the way - Miss Zacharia, youll be training with me beginning tomorrow. Regardless of your condition so get some rest tonight. You'll need it because we wake at dawn."

Kaspar shot Caleb a look of mock horror at that, trying to hide her astonishment and failing miserable. "I want to go home."

"Don't act so scared of a little work, Micajah said I'll be tutoring you and that's what I intend to do for now." He rose to his feet and made his way for the door.

As Caleb made for his egress she scowled at his back and tossed one of the pillows after him. She saw something like the lift of a smirk and a mischevious glint in his eye as he made one last surreptious glance her way.

The days that followed were painful for the both of them, the work Caleb put to her was not even as she imagined it. It was more manual labor than actually working with her "power." He said it was because she was supposed to endure physical pain in order to actually control what magic she posessed.

The nights were short, seeing as how she was to work until her last meal which was usually rather late. She noted that Kiah had a special cook and maid for her which she abosultely detested. The days she spent were absolutely miserable. Kiah and Caleb didn't even join her for meals, she ate alone. Any attempt she made to escape was feeble especially considering that she appeared to be the only one to sleep in the house. It didn't matter how late in the night she might try to make her escape.

Being trapped here against her will was not her idea of how she wanted to spend her time. She didn't like the manual labor they put her to either, not that she couldn't handle it. It was the catering to her every need that was truely the most bothersome anyways. That and Kiah refused to deliver any messages to Wolv at her request. She had asked him for a solid hour if he told him that he'd even chose to kidnap her. Nothing. He refused to talk to the man which sent her in a livid mood and made her quite unpleasant to both Kiah and Caleb.


Date: 2008-01-13 00:22 EST
Kas was sleeping as Kiah entered the room, pulling the door ajar and glanced towards Caleb a moment before he moved to her side. His finger jabbed her rib cage. "Ye need tae be waking up now, Rye."

"No," she answered in a cranky manner. "It's Christmas now let me at least sleep another few hours." She threw one of the pillows at his face and he caught it before it made contact.

"We'll do something different today then," he whispered and moved into her bed to wrap an arm around her in an embrace.

"You better not have bought me a present," she growled through clenched teeth. She felt quite uncomfortable with the way he held onto her. She shifted away slightly, but his arms felt like large manacles holding her down onto the mattress. She pulled the comforter more tightly around her as means of a shield.

"No," he answered and an unseen smirk flashed into life as he paused a moment. "Rye," he breathed against her neck and buried his face into it with a slight nudge of the nose against the bridge of her neck.

Her body froze in place and she kicked her legs backwards into him, squirming a bit. Her chest rose forwards with her pink covered head and then her neck rolled backwards causing the bridge of his nose to be crushed by the impact. "Get the fuck off of me now, Micajah!" She began screaming, her accent thickening with her distress as a string of curses emanated from her lips.

"Micajah," Caleb spoke and gave him a stern look of disapproval. "That is no way to treat a lady, you know. I believe an apology is in order right now."

"Do nae tell me how tae treat Rye, ye are my servant and I shall take no orders from ye. Remember ye are bonded with me since I turned ye daughter into me own." He did not turn his head away from Kas nor budge either and thus he never even saw the disapproval on his features. He could feel it though and he knew it was there by the tone in his voice.

"What are you talking about?" Queried Kaspar as she lay still finally, her form still rather tense against Kiah's. She knew the only way to get the information out of him was to play this game his way and put as much sophistry as she could muster into her voice.


Date: 2008-01-13 01:26 EST
Kiah cleared his throat before actually responding, "Mallory is nae related to me by blood. Caleb is her father, I turned her into a vampire when she was laying on her sick bed. Ye do resemble her mother with ye facial features though, she died of the same illness as ye." He shook his head slowly and may have even felt upset, but he let out that vain laughter of his. "She left Caleb for me, mayhaps I am much more better looking and mayhaps she loved me more. Caleb also became me servant under certain terms and will die when I do considering. I wanted him to pay for me services." He grazed Kaspar's neck with his fangs at the mention.

Her brows furrowed as she tried SO hard to be distracted with the informaton so she could string him along a little longer. "What terms would those be?"

"It does nae matter, m'love. You voodoo have ye own rituals and ceremonies, the spells that ye cast. Even if I told ye it would nae do ye any good. Ye have no need for a servant being apt to kill him if he did anything for ye." His tone was strictly teasing at those last words. "Besides ye are nae even a vampire, mayhaps I'll tell ye when ye are older."

"And what if I end up as another one of your servants?" She prodded, a scornful frown forming on her lips at the lack of information she was recieving.

"I shall nae make ye a servant," he whispered and grazed her neck with his fangs yet again.

The touch of his teeth in contact with her flesh caused a shiver that wasn't due to the fact that it was the dead of winter. "What are the effects of being a servant? Besides the whole death thing, I mean?"

"Caleb basically has a mental shock collar on him if he were tae choose tae disobey me. That and we have a telepathic connection between us so I have the freedom to read his mind if I had the will."

She figured that was as much information as she was going to get so she pulled away slightly, trying not to be as forceful. She pushed as much sophistry into her voice as she could muster and used false flirtation to get him off of the bed. "Could we get up now?" She said we as more of an attempt to get him out so that she could stretch. That and she figured it was more likely to get him up anyways.

Kiah nodded and pulled his arms away from her, moving to his feet with inhuman speed. He gave a slight cant of the head to Caleb, "Ye know what ye are to do." It wasn't a question, he made no move to ask him if he remembered. He simply assumed and left the two behind there.


Date: 2008-01-13 02:25 EST
A remorseful expession flickered across Caleb's face, "You won't like either of us after this, Miss Zacharia." He looked away in such a manner that reflected regret. Was there shame in his features? "Kiah wants to build up your immune sytsem, make it easier for you to work with your magic." He shook his head, "Actually, disliking us would be an understatement." He laughed lightly, "Forgive me later, alright?"

Her mouth twisted as she tried to comprehend all this, "Sure." It was more of a questiong than anything, but she had agreed. Hadn't she?

He nodded faintly to that, picking up a bag of some sort and removing a metal case that wasn't very big. It looked like some kind of case that a student might use for there school supplies. The latches holding the thing shut were lifted and a pair of latex gloves were pulled on and snapped into place.

Kaspar watched with unease building up int the pit of her stomach. She had a very bad feeling about this. What was he going to do? Tear her insides out and gut her or something? A syringe was removed and some unknown substance of a murky green color was injected into the crook of her arm. She fought back the pain, flinching as the needle bit into her skin. She let out a welp and pushed Caleb backwards with the palm of her other hand. The chemical had already been completely for the most part though.

"My arm! My arm is on fire! I'm burning!" She fell backwards onto the mattress, having moved into a sitting position upon Kiah's leave. She hugged herself convulsively at the immense pain. Her body contorted in awkward, inhuman ways. There was a snapping of bones and a crackling pain sizzled throughout her entire person.


Date: 2008-01-15 17:37 EST
Kiah entered the room shortly after Kaspar's shrieking screams echoed throughout the entire building. He eyed Caleb and her a moment before his forehead creased in confusion. "I hope she is nae dying."

"I thought you said the effect wouldn't be this bad," Caleb's voice was full of nothing but rage for this man at the moment. He could be downright selfish sometimes and he didn't seem to think anything over before enacting on it.

"I would nae know, I have only used it on me own kind so far," the white haired one answered without so much as a hint of concern.

"So you basically went through this for your own good without considering the consequences of what might happen?" He snapped back bitterly, holding Kas against him in a tight embrace despite her kicking and irregular motions.

Kaspar gripped Caleb's arms tightly, digging her fingernails into his flesh until bits of skin were caught underneath. "It hurts!" She had actually been tolerable of pain in the past, but this was pretty much unbearable. It felts as though every part of her body was being compressed with a searing torch. The fact that her bones were shifting and then popping back into place didn't add any comfort to all of that. She couldn't really figure out who was saying what either, Caleb's and Kiah's voices were pressed to the back of her mind. It was never hard to distinguish Kiah's voice though, he always spoke in that peculiar manner that caused her head to spin.

The white vampire was shaking his head, saying something about his curiousity and the effect it would have on Rye. She wondered where he picked that nickname up? Had he even ever really told her? She couldn't recollect it if he had and right now it was hard to think about any one thing. The pain was just too strong to focus her mind on any one thing. She finally let the screaming and crying subside as she began to whimper. The next thing she knew another needle was injected into her shoulder and she blacked out, letting the world and the pain slowly sink away.

"Thank you," she murmured and curled up against whoever was there. "Hold me," she whispered and she felt a slow nod. The figure didn't pose as a threat at the moment, she just wanted the comfort of someone against her and an odd warmth radiated from them which fought back the cold numbness that washed over her as she slowly drifted off.


Date: 2008-01-27 12:43 EST
The whole burning and freezing combination of pain had come back in Kaspar's sleep and she was very restless. When she finally was relieved of the pain completely Caleb glanced towards the door, Kiah had left the house just shortly before. He wasn't due back in a set amount of time and they both knew this tidbit of information.

"Cale...?" Kas glanced over to the man and she moved to climb in his lap. She mustered some sophistry into her voice with the next part of her cunning plan. "Could you help me get out of here?" Butterfly kisses sought the sensitive part of his jawline and she planted them there.

"I... can't..." He managed with much difficulty.

"Please?" She let her lids flutter against his cheek as she moved her mouth lower and began to tug at one of his belt loops, having hooked a finger through it inconspicously. She nuzzled his chest lightly with her nose, "Tell him I need a break and that I'll come back eventually. Okay? I'll meet with you on occasion..."

They both knew that these were all flat out lies, but he nodded in agreement and pushed her off his lap lightly. He packed what stuff she had there and handed her the duffle bag that bulged at the sides. She couldn't help, but to smirk after having made her way out of the place. She had only hoped it would be that easy, she never expected it would work. Kiah was going to be furious though.