Topic: Frappin Jitterz! ~Le GASP! Ren is freaking out!~


Date: 2008-02-10 04:21 EST
To say that Ren was doing just peechy was an understatement. Ren was an utter panicky mess. Turning on her heels she bounced and rocked as she looked around the kitchen of the Gray Skull Estate. There was chewing at her nails as she thought over and over on what to make. She had to get this right, had to make Wolvie smile, something had been off about him recently and it just wouldn?t do. There was a whimper from her pouty lips as her blonde hair was tucked back into a braid. Woosh, went an apron as she tied it around her torso and waist. This would be done by hand. This would be the best way to celebrate or commiserate!

Leaning over the cook book and trusted friend who would help her with the best delights she went about making one of the best treats she had ever experienced on Earth. Chocolate chip cake. Mmm just thinking about it makes Ren?s mouth water. Spinning on her heels she went on to thrashing about for the mixing bowls and replicating the ingredients. This all had to be perfect! Wolvie was counting on her to do the best job ever. There was a few moments of speedy work as she followed ever direction to a tee. In fact she didn?t seem to care that it was freeking one am in the morning. Everyone else was sleeping soundly.

Shrugging she hadn?t really been home in the few days. What with Aonghas being gone she didn?t see the point on sleeping in an empty bed when the basement of Gray Skull was so much more comfortable. The danger room and a pillow always worked wonders for her. The cake was tossed in the oven to bake as she then moved about the house pouring out her heart into the decorations. Every where there was streamers and flags, even little banners that all said the same thing,?We love you WOLVIE! Win or loose you?re still the BEST!

Jittery wasn?t half of it, she was a mess. Worry over Wolvie was driving her insane, he had been withdrawn, hiding in the basement while she was there. They never saw each other, but she could tell he had been down there. A cigar here, and a crumpled mess of papers there, all of it was a good sign that Wolvie was just as nervous as she was. She was practically gnawing off all her nails as she heard the ping for the oven go off. There was a silent scramble towards the cake and the oven as she took a deep drawn breath.

Pulling it out she smiled as she looked at it with pride. It was a real pity it was going to be devoured. Sighing she nodded and let it cool as she started to work on the other food areas of her surprise for showing Wolvie that he was still number one at least in her life. A turkey would be prepared for baking, honey glazed ham, there was sweet potatoes, even a few pies, if anything she was going to fatten up Wolvie to where he wouldn?t be able to move from a food stupor for weeks. As the cake cooled she sighed and gathered up icing and decorations for it. Turning back to it at last she went on giving it white icing as she thought of how to make it just right.

Glancing at the clock she shook her head, three am almost, yikes Wolvie was going to be up soon! The early bird was always storming about. The turkey wouldn?t go in the oven till later, nor would the ham and ever need to be cooked goodies. She even made home made pudding. Good lord when this girl wants to cook she cooks. The sweet aroma of cake was already wafting through the kitchen as she finished decorating it. There on top was the comm. Badge, the federation?s symbol, and even the logo she had used so long ago in big bold letters,? Wolvie's the man! He can do it, Yes he can!?

Ren was determined to see that things went right for Wolvie. He deserved it, through and through. There was a frown on her face as the clock hit five am. My how time flies when you?re baking pies! She started coffee, eggs, French toast, and started chopping fruit. Things had to be right for Wolvie. He was going to be number one, even if he lost, in her eyes. The sizzle of eggs, the hiss of toast, the blurble of coffee, and the click of a chopping knife soon filled the kitchen. All the more she wondered who would wake up first. She had made enough food to feed the house and the people within.