Topic: One Thing Leads to Another


Date: 2007-12-03 13:48 EST
The explosion that rocked the market flooded the media outlets. It was scrambled over news bulletins and data links throughout the city. Rhy?Din was quite a wondrous place for that. Violence would happen daily, no matter how big or how small, and only the most important events would be blurted out in the news reports. There was honestly too much to report, unless something of this scale had happened. Casualties and injuries flooded local area hospitals. Witnesses were abundant, but there wasn?t any sign of who was behind the attack or what exactly happened. This tugged at Wolvinator?s conscience, and beckoned him to investigate.

He was at the market for quite some time, scanning over the wide open market with his tricorder. This action alone struck up a conversation with Anastas Iskandorj, a hired Security guard for the market. Wolvie talked to him for a few moments, and thought it to be odd; a Security guard for an entire market, one? single guard, and yet another explosion. This would have to take some further investigating. The readings showed the Admiral that the explosion occurred at 12:45pm by the eastern clock, at Eastern End of the Market by ?A Stitch in time?. The catalyst was gunpowder, Trinitrotoluene, better known to most as TNT. Wolvie had moved off from the conversation at this point, and off towards the Eastern end, that?s when the tricorder picked up something, something to the south.

Wolvinator made his way in that direction now; it was only the blip of something perhaps residual from the explosion earlier in the day. It was certainly foreign to the area, and as quickly as it appeared it faded. Peeking the man?s curiosity again he decided to investigate that phenomenon as well. It actually took him a few blocks south of the market, to a cluster of four shops.

The Exodii Enterprises. That was the name that caught Wolvinator?s attention as his gaze looked up to the sign. He had heard that name somewhere before, whispers in the inn, talks here and there. The tricorder then finally caught up with that blip from before, it seemed that it was dormant for the most part and not easy to pickup on sensors, and it seemed to be for good reason. What the tricorder had picked up, was an energy field of some sort that was blocking magics and of all things? transporter technology. It was a small field though, only fifty square feet. It was small enough to be undetectable but large enough to be effective.

Rounding the corner now, Wolvinator found four guardsmen in front of a large round structure. It had various writing on it, and was built as a giant circle. It wasn?t overly large, it wasn?t like a tractor trailer could just plow through here, but it was large enough for cargo and even small transports. Looking down at his tricorder again, Wolvie began to take a few more readings as one of the guards spoke up.

?Name?? It was asked in a processing tone, like this was a checkpoint or customs. The Admiral continued to gather readings while he glanced up at the guard. It looked like this was going to start a beautiful question and answer session.


Date: 2007-12-04 15:30 EST
?What is your business here?? Sure, another question, seeing as how Wolvinator didn?t answer the first one. When it came to just blurting out his name in public, he was quite reluctant. All of the wrong doings that were happening lately seemed to revolve around him in some way, shape or form. So it was only precautionary that he didn?t just give away information like that. Now this question however, this is one that he?d answer.

?Eh, just lookin? around bub. Nothin? to be alarmed about.?

?You are doing more than just looking around sir, you are scanning the jump gate with a tricorder device.?

Tricorder device? Sure, tricorder was a universal term. A variety of cultures used Tricorders, but since arriving in Rhy?Din most commoners thought it was a scanner, a Geiger counter or something ?magical?. These guards actually called it by it?s proper name, and the Admiral then knew that these individuals were definitely of a technologically advanced civilization, or at least had some knowledge of one.

?I picked up your ?jump gate? from the Market, after I was investigating the explosion. I was looking for leads when I stumbled upon this region. Mind if I ask you fellows a few questions?? His accent was distinctly absent now. Wolvinator seemed to switch when he was in more of a diplomatic posture. One of the guards nodded and then answered Wolvinator.

?Yes, we heard of the explosion around six hours ago. Fortunately the only thing disrupted was the anti transporter grid. A minor fluctuation, no other damage to report.?

They had an anti transporter grid? This was certainly the sign of advanced technology that was for sure.

?Damaged? Hrm? I detected a faint signal for a moment, and then it disappeared.? The other guard then spoke up to Wolvinator?s query.

?More than likely it was the protection field recycling.?

?This jump gate serves as transportation to and from somewhere I take it??

?Yes, the planet Exodii in the Exodii system.?

Wolvie nodded to the men as he absorbed their information. It seemed if there was another planet that also had interests in Rhy'Din, especially one that appeared to have technology that was superior to the planet, it might prove useful to extend an olive branch to them.

?Is that system far from Rhy?Din??

?It is located a few systems away from this planet. This gate serves as a transportation means between the two worlds.? The guard replied to him.

?Alright, anyone suspicious come through the gates today? Or in any relation to the explosion??

?Our purpose here is to check all travelers going to and from Exodii. We?ve only had two transports today, one at eight-forty this morning which was leaving Rhy?Din and a second at four-twelve this afternoon coming from Exodii.?

Wolvinator nodded a bit more, it was doubtable these men had any reason to lie. This gate had been here for quite some time, and was right next to their cluster of offices. They were trying to protect their own transportation system from offenders.

?If you have any further questions?? The guard continued. ?You may speak with Ms. Sha'uri Tymaralis Adaron. She is located in Exodii City at the Citadel of Mysteries currently. Or you may contact any representative from the Citadel of Mysteries.?

?Alright gents, I appreciate your time. If any information comes your way in regards to the explosion, please contact the city guard or myself.? Wolvinator closed the tricorder. He had the readings he needed, and so he moved to travel back to the estate to have a closer look at them.

?Understood. Your name sir?? The guards queried. That?s right, he never did answer that question. It was only fair of him to answer, seeing as how they were more than open to discuss his questions.

?Admiral Wolvinator.?


Date: 2007-12-05 17:45 EST
Wolvinator?s eyes darted back and forth between the view screens in the science lab, looking over the data on each of them carefully. On both screens were large circular gates, one of them was the Jumpgate south of the Market, and the second looked as though it were in space. They were most certainly of the same design, and by his readings, the same origin.

?Yeah? that?s it?? Wolvinator said to himself in a low tone. ?This is definitely another one of those jump gates.?

There were quite a few things orbiting the planet Rhy?Din; Gateway station for one, two natural moons, a few satellites, and one of these. These jump gates served as a portal that folded space in on itself and allowed two points of space to be brought together. If utilized correctly, this technology would prove even more effective than Warp technology. The Admiral had encountered advancements like this before, such as the Starfleet?s new and top-secret Transwarp technology, the Borg and their own version of Transwarp, Quantum slipstreams as well as a few other theories. This however was more than enough proof that this Exodii civilization had their own variant of ?Warp? technology, and under the orders of the Prime Directive a Federation representative could contact them for a ?First Contact? situation.

First contact was not something that the United of Federation barreled into headstrong. It was a delicate process that sometimes would involve only one or two delegates for a period of years, if not decades, until the time was right to have the two societies ?formally meet?. Yet this situation was entirely different, altogether. From the looks of it, they had already begun to branch out by making settlements on other worlds. This process would have to be diplomatic, unthreatening and handled with great care.

That?s where Admiral Wolvinator came in.

Having a dominant allied presence in this area of Space, beyond the Rhy?Din Nebula, would prove incredibly useful to the United Federation of Planets. Starfleet?s mission was to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before. When Wolvinator first came to Rhy?Din, sure? he had relaxation on his mind, but he knew what he was getting into. He had special privileges guided from Starfleet Command and his former experience and prior engagements. There were a few discussions with Starfleet Command in ?scouting out? this region of space, and exploring it for civilizations that perhaps wanted membership in the United Federation of Planets.

Starfleet itself had known about Rhy?Din for quite some time. It was quite an easy place to have scouts discreetly monitor and explore, which was quite different from a variety of other worlds. Rhy?Din citizens knew, for a fact, that they were the center of the known multiverse. Nothing was ?too strange? to the average person on the planet. Aliens, Magic, Monsters, Technology, all of these things were viewed at as being normal. A person walking around with a tricorder may get questions, but more than likely would just get shrugged off; and from time to time Starfleet would send a few representatives for a few months to monitor the progress of violence, diplomacy and government. Wolvinator, almost ten years ago, was one of those representatives. Moving around in a discreet manner, having general conversations with the common folk. But even back ten years ago, he came to every conclusion that every other Starfleet officer had come to.

Rhy?Din was far too violent, unorganized, and not ready to be approached for Federation membership.

But it did have hope, and promise. There was far too much at stake to be abandoned altogether. Now? this Exodii System brought renewed hope for the sector.


Date: 2007-12-06 18:13 EST
The viewscreen flicked on as a blonde haired woman appeared at the terminal at Wolvinator?s desk. She was in a full Starfleet Uniform, red in color, and wore a Fleet Admiral rank designation on both sides of her collar. Her hair was short cropped, blue eyes, and a stern look that commanded respect instantly, yet the moment she saw the person she was talking to that sternness faded and a smile came into view on her features. Even though Wolvinator was an Admiral himself, she was a Fleet Admiral, just about as high on the Starfleet Food chain as one could possibly go.


?Alynna, a pleasure to see you.? Was his reply.

?First, allow me to commend you on how well you handled the Lylat situation.?

?Thank you very much Admiral.?

?From the start there was more to that situation then was initially revealed to us, I doubt anyone else could have done a better job.? Wolvie smiled and nodded a bit now, almost in a bowing fashion.

?Thank you again.?

?I received your report on the Exodii system, and the data that you?ve collected thus far is quite compelling.? She said, as she shifted a bit in her chair and giving her uniform a tug down.

?Yes, from the looks of everything it seems as though they have settlements and exploratory organizations. We would need to do some further investigating, but I believe they would be open to a ?First Contact? situation.?

?I would agree, I trust your judgment on the matter, and there?s no need to go into the specifics. You?ve guided the Federation through First Contact situations before, and I am confident that you will perform with in an exemplary diplomatic fashion now.?

?I appreciate your confidence in my abilities Admiral.?

?No need to be modest Admiral Wolvinator, after all you?ve earned the rank you wear as well. It?s only a matter of time before you?ll be in my position.? Wolvie bolstered a chuckle to that, and then gave his reply.

?Well? to be honest Alynna, I?d still much rather be out here. If I couldn?t be, I would have remained a Captain.? The Fleet Admiral stated, giving her own small smile.

?This I know, part of me hopes you?ll come around some day. Then there?s another part of me that feels that much safer knowing that you?re out there. I believe you?ll be using your flagship as the method for contact??

?That?s correct, the Xavier is already en route through the Nebula.? He replied with a small nod.

?Alright then, no need to keep you any longer. I know you?ve already received your reply via Subspace, but I wanted to deliver it personally. Permission granted.?

?Understood, and thank you again Admiral.? Wolvinator said with another nod. ?You?ll be receiving my initial report in a few days.?

?I?ll be looking forward to reading it Wolvie. I wish you the best of luck and Godspeed. Admiral Nechayev? out.?


Date: 2007-12-08 18:45 EST
* Wolvie had explained to Aly that he would be leaving for about a week on a trip. She had been so saddened that he would be gone, that he ended up inviting her to go along. She loved everything there was about astronomy, especially the nebula and stars, so when Wolvie explained that there would be a chance to see and experience these things, she jumped at the opportunity. She was quite afraid of the method they would use for travel and much of it she could not yet comprehend, but this was something she needed to experience and needed to see, this would help her know and understand Wolvie better. It was nearing the time of their departure and the Admiral had instructed her on what would need to be packed and brought along. So currently she was working on packing his one duffel bag and her two. Mostly basics like clothing and accessories were packed but there were other items Wolvie had laid out that she didn't recognize, however they were put into his bag. They would even be able to share sleeping quarters on the ship they were taking . It seemed Wolvie was a bit more important that he led on and was even quite possibly of Royal blood... that was the only way Aly could think to put it. He seemed important like a King or the General of an Army. It was all played out in her head, even though she had many pieces of the puzzle that were missing. It made her feel rather special that he had invited her along but also had chosen her to serve at his side. He always reminded her that they were equals. They were partners in crime as much as they were partners in life. She was everything he needed, that's what he had told her. It was like some sort of dream to her. Aly hadn't grown up in poverty or had a particularly rough life, but she still felt amazed and special with how she was being treated. Even the people around Wolvie treated her with great respect, which made her feel like a princess. She felt truly cherished. She had always heard through out history that behind every great leader was a great woman. She wanted to be that great woman.

After a long time of reflection, she rose up from the bed and picked up the bags, bring them downstairs.*

Admiral? I am ready for departure.


Date: 2007-12-10 11:55 EST
Wolvie could hear Aly calling him from the bottom of the stairs. The vastness of the estate echoed with her voice, even though she hadn?t called out that loud, he sometimes wondered if the estate was too big for its own good. While she packed he was in the subbasement checking over the security system to ensure that everything would be fine while he was away. Ren Majin had apparently been quite busy reworking and tweaking the security settings. She was down there on and off for such long lengths of time, rebuilding the Starwing, making explosive devices, and working on projects. The security protocols were set in place and no major changes were needed to be instituted. Security redundancy always gave Wolvie a warm and fuzzy, the one time you don?t check it is the one time something goes wrong.

The Admiral came to the lower part of the stairs, where Alystrianna had been standing. She looked quite happy there, beaming with delight. She had told him that she wanted to see the things in person that she saw on the ?Telly Vision?, and this was going to be her opportunity. As he came into view, he was in his Starfleet uniform. Most of the time she had seen him he was either in his robe or his S.N.E.A.K. suit, and only until recently had she been seeing him in usual clothes, t-shirts, shorts, wife beaters and what have you. The uniform wasn?t as tight as the black body suit was, and in fact looked more formal then his combat suit. It was mostly black, two pieces, a top and pants; though it was hard to tell that it was separate from a distance. Upon his chest was the Starfleet insignia that Aly had grown very accustomed to, and resting on both of his collars was a small device known as ?pips?. They were two small gold circles, with a gold bar that formed into a box to encapsulate them. This was his rank, and it signified that he was a Rear Admiral.

?So? how do I look?? He asked her with a smile on his face, awaiting her response. She had packed spare uniforms and other things that he asked her to, but he figured while she was doing so, he would surprise her with already being in uniform. Wolvinator had been informed during the packing that the Xavier was already in orbit, and they could depart at any time.

?Here?? Wolvie started, removing something from his pants pocket. ?I know you technically already have one, but I want this one to be from me.? Taking his hand he pressed a small device to her chest with a small wink, as it gently attached itself to the material she was wearing. It seemed to attach without a pin, or anything magnetic but it rested there all the same.

?You probably already know how it works, it serves as a communications device, universal translator and a locater. All you need to do is tap it, state who you want to talk to? like ?Aly to Wolvie?, and yer in instant contact hun.? Stepping back, he looked at her for a moment.

?There. I want ya to always keep it on ya, you may find it quite useful; especially if ya find yerself in a jam, and you need help. I have one on me at all times, ya never know when ya might need it.?


Date: 2007-12-11 18:46 EST
*She smiled at him and moved towards him. She had never really seen or gotten involved with the securities part of the house. She glanced around, but nothing really made any sense to her and she didn't want to seem nosey, as Wolvie seemed to take his security quite seriously. Biting her lip, she moved closer to him, looking him over. He looked quite handsome, much better than his friend Shawn Luke Pakard, was it ? Taking a lean against the wall, she let her mind wander away as her eyes took him in, feeding the unspeakable things in her naughty little mind. *

You look very.... very handsome Wolvie. Like a real Admiral of importance. *kind of generic, yes, but she wasn't completely sure of what his job entailed. She grinned as he pinned the insignia communicator thingy to her. In her head she was trying to comprehend and could only compare it to sciences way of instantaneous communication that a "bond" would provide. Having a back up would be good, sometimes they would not be in situations to speak aloud over the communicator device and would have to speak through mind... and vice versa. *

I think I understand how it works. Thank you.... although.. I think I like my other one better, its more... personalized. *she winked to him and then couldn't help but giggle as she leaned in to place a kiss against his cheek.*

I made some treats for our journey. I've got a bag with caramel corn... brownies.... jerky.... *She thought a moment on what else she had made* chocolate chip cookies.... and a few other yummies packed away. *Another little smirk.*

Wolvie. I'm really excited but kind of scared. When we board the ship, will you hold my hand?

*she looked nervous as she bit her lip, her hands clasping together infront of her as she dug the toe of her boot into the floor. She looked about five years old at the moment.*



Date: 2007-12-11 23:34 EST
A soft and genuine smile came over his face as she asked him that question. She had packed stuff for him, she was so caring, so thoughtful. The idea of her making ?goodies? for their trip gave him a warm feeling. Everyday she managed to surprise him, and she always had a way of making him feel? special. Wolvie nodded to her question as he held his hand out to her and took her hand gently in his. She didn?t know what was exactly in store, and from the sound of it, it appeared that she thought they would be boarding a transport ship to fly up and meet his. But that wasn?t the case.

?Everything?s gonna be alright, we?ll be there before you know it. You ready?? Aly gave him a nod, and he nodded to her again.

?Okay...? Taking his free hand, he didn?t even bother trying to take their things, and he tapped his communicator badge that was on his chest.

?Wolvinator to Xavier.? He stated, as a voice spoke back to him through the device. It was a soft voice, with almost a hint of a British accent

?Yes Admiral, go ahead.?

?Two ready for transport.?

?Aye aye sir, energizing.? He smiled over at her again as he was able to slip out one last thing.

?Here we go.?

From just above their heads blue streams of sparkling energy cascading over both of them as well as their luggage. For the first time, a person?s stomach might feel a little uneasy. It happens to many people the first time, it isn?t exactly nauseating, but the feeling of having your body converted into energy and back again wasn?t exactly something that happened in most peoples daily life, unless of course, they were in Starfleet. The estate faded from view, as that same blue energy took over most of their vision, then after a moment the transporter room appeared before them, the whole process taking well under five seconds.

?You alright hun?? Wolvie asked Aly, as the he looked over to her. Two crewmen stepped up on the Transporter pad without hesistation and took their luggage off of it, both of them catching the Admiral?s eye.

?Crewmen, please take the luggage to my quarters.? The crewman acknowledged his orders as they took the baggage away and out a door that seemed to open itself for them. Two more men approached them now, both of which were large in stature. One was an easy eight feet tall and wore a Commander?s collar device. He was in superior physical condition with pale blue skin and large hands that contained only four fingers on each hand. Two of the fingers appeared to be opposite opposable thumbs. He wore a uniform that surprisingly fit his physique and had some form of a marking on his forehead just above his eyes. The Commander had no hair on the top of his head, and it did not look like he had the ability to grow any whatsoever.

The second man was around six feet tall. His uniform was black and yellow, obviously distinguishing him as part of another department. He had a dark skin tone, with fierce ridges on his brow. The man had the look of a warrior, of straight honor. Around his body he wore a metallic sash of sorts and his uniform had the markings of a Lieutenant on the collar.

?Welcome back Admiral.? The blue one spoke, his voice matched the one that was over the communications systems a moment ago.

?Thank you number one, allow me to introduce Alystrianna D'Vaustaival. Aly this here is Commander Wootuay, my Executive officer. And this? is Lieutenant Kli?tar, my head of security.? Wolvinator pointed out both of the men to her respectfully. And for some reason, he couldn?t help but feel a sense of D?j? vu to the whole matter.

"Pleasure to meet you Alystrianna." The blue man said to her, extending his hand for a shake.

"Welcome aboard the USS Xavier."


Date: 2007-12-13 12:20 EST
*That blue light energizing thing was not cool! In fact it made her want to vomit and scared the tar out of her. It was like her breath was taken away and she couldn't even scream, it was a state of shock and panic. Why hadn't Wolvie exlained it to her? Once they "landed" she looked around, stomping her feet to test that they were on solid ground. There was NO way they were now in orbit. How? It couldn't be! A slight gasp as she glanced to him and then those who were there to greet them. She knew it! Wolvie was obviously important because these men were there to wait on him. She nodded her head to the gentleman and gave them a small smile. She would have to create nicknames for them... Wootie and Kli... no no that wouldn't work. Wootie and TarTar. Yes! She just glanced to Wolive and then the men with a wicked little grin. She nodded her head and stepped away to greet them as they did to her. A slight bow of her head.*

Its a pleasure to meet you Sir. *another dip of her head as she glanced around and then moved back to Wolvie's side, snuggling up to him. She clung to his hip, one hand on his chest and one on his back, she looked up to him... waiting.*


Date: 2007-12-13 13:24 EST
He could? ?hear? what Aly had been thinking. She was tough, and she was safe when she was with him, so he offered her a smile. The telepathic link the two recently developed was still new to him, yet his experience with psychics and telepaths in the past, gave him a little extra leverage in this new situation. As he looked at her, the words projected in his mind to her the best he could.

?Sorry about my little surprise, are you alright??

His attention diverted over to the Executive officer as the formalities portion had concluded.

?The pleasure is all mine Miss.? Wootuay began as his gaze shifted from Alystrianna to Wolvinator. ?Admiral, would you like a status report?? This was a standard procedure anytime the commanding officer returned to his vessel.

?No thank you number one, I?m sure everything is in order. Just have the report ready for me on the Bridge when I arrive, I?ll be showing Aly to our quarters.?

?Understood sir.?

Wolvinator kept Aly close by his side as he stepped off of the Transporter pad, and towards the door where the two crewman had stepped out. The two doors split apart and slid open as they approached, and Wolvinator made his way down the corridor. It was a slow pace, nothing fast. He didn?t want to startle her more then he already had. Sometimes situations like this would take some sinking in. The corridors were gray in color, quite wide as well, so that there was more than enough room for multiples of people to pass by with ease. Officers and crew members were going about their normal rounds, it wasn?t a busy passage by any means, yet everyone that came into their vicinity offered a smile or a nod, saying things like ?Good day? and such. It seems like Aly?s suspicions of him, were right all along.

The two of them walked through another sliding door, as they found themselves in an enclosed space.

?This is a turbolift Aly, an? elevator. It?s a device that takes people to the various decks on the ship. Much quicker then stairs.? Wolvie gave her another soft smile and a chuckle as he stated a command to the computer.

?Deck ten.? The lift began to move now as the small windows behind them showed lights passing them by, which were the different decks of the Starship. The trip actually wasn?t long at all, as the transporter room was only a few decks from his quarters. The doors once again slid open to another corridor, similar to the one before, and he held onto her as he stepped out.

?You okay?? He asked, constantly keeping her comfort in mind. Wolvie wanted to ensure that she was taking this entire situation well; it could be quite a frightening experience. So many knew things happening at once, he was? starting to become a pro at this.

Walking for a few moments they stopped in front of a room with sliding doors similar to everywhere on the ship. It had a little marker on the left hand side of the door that showed the Admiral?s name and room number. Wolvinator pressed his thumb to the placard, and the doors slid open? to his quarters.


Date: 2007-12-14 19:44 EST
Theme Music for this scene:

At the Beginning - Donna Lewis and Richard Marx

"We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me
I was going to find you
What you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming
How our dreams would come true
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep going on....
Starting out on a journey
Life is a road and I wanna going
Love is river I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

*Of course Aly was alright. She was a trooper. She stood by and listened as Wolvie conversed with what she assumed were his men, even though he had not yet suggested such. She had a feeling Wolvie was not just being private but probably quite modest as well. He didn't seem the type to boast or need slices of humble pie... which Aly would always be ready cut, slice, and serve if needed. He would certainly know better than to act arrogant around her anyway. A small smirk came to her lips as he thanked "number 1" ... if he was number 1 then who was number 2. Cue mental giggling fit. As Wolvie excused himself and her and brought her to the turbolift, she watched it a moment before entering it with him. It wasn't scary and went by pretty fast, infact she coudln't even feel they were moving. The elevator was liked much more than the blue beam thing and he was right, it was better than stairs, but hardly as good for creating a great butt. She must have looked like a wide eyed little kid. Everything amazed her and everything intrigued her. She ran her hands along every wall and every panel she could touch. Her fingers traced over the name plate outside of Wolvie's room, a small smile crossing her lips. She nodded when he continually asked her if she was okay. Everything in the past two months was new and scary, she would not be fearful over this, atleast she had him to hold her hand and guide her. She wasn't walking blindly anymore. Wolvie would be her eyes and her ears. He would catch her should she fall. Everything would be okay. She gasped and then giggled a little as the door to his room slid open the way it did. Her eyes were sparkling as she walked in and then turned, leaning against the wall before she could even look around.*

..... Who..... are you? *she was smiling so sweetley. She looked completley head over heels in love with him, amazed by every detail of his life. *


Date: 2007-12-15 17:59 EST
The quarters were quite lavish, definitely somewhere a visiting dignitary or a high-ranking official would stay. It wasn?t small and cramped like the quarters on a sea fairing vessel. There was, what seemed to be actual rooms, even though it was a wide-open space. To the left hand side of the entrance were three nicely sized couches that were placed around a large class coffee table. Behind that was the replicator, a food service station that could materialize a variety of foods from various worlds known to the Federation.

Across the room, and off to their right, was a desk area flushed up against the wall, and a round table with four wooden chairs around it. There was a sink that seemed to be installed into a wall, with various other bathroom amenities, a vanity mirror, towels and such. But there were no actual facilities; those were behind that area in a small room. A large Captain style bed was also on this side, easily a King size bed, it had wooden draws beneath it and a large gold Anchor on the headrest.

Going across the room, and to the bulkhead that was opposite the door, were large vertical oval windows that stared right out into space. From the way the vessel orbited the planet it was a lovely view of space and stars, the planet Rhy?Din below, and one of the two moons that orbited the planet. It was honestly quite an astonishing view.

?I?m Woooovie?? he responded, in a slightly mocking tone. Poking fun at the way she said his name sometimes.

?That?s not funny.? Aly responded to him, still with a smile on her face. ?You know what I meant.?

?I?m an Admiral hun, a? Starfleet Admiral. I used to be the Captain of this very same vessel a few years back, but received a promotion to the rank of Admiral after I, and one of my good friends, defended Earth from an Alien aggressor. As part of the promotion, I only agreed to accept if I could still command a Starship. So? the Xavier became my personal Flagship.?

Wolvie moved now over to the replicator device, and asked the computer for two cups of hot cocoa. Both with whipped cream, just as Alystrianna liked it. The computer whirled away, and in a moment two mugs materialized before their eyes, and Wolvie handed one to her.

?As an Admiral, I am in command of a Fleet of Federation starships, similar to this one. I?m the person that the fleet has to report to, when the situation calls for it. But? due to my reputation, and my other commitments, I sort of? come and go as I please. Not shoving off my duties in any way, but sort of taking care of things. I have staff members that handle a lot of my Starfleet affairs when I?m not around. But? I do have a pretty heavy responsibility to the Federation.?

He smiled looking at her, and slowly started to walk her over towards the window. She told him she loved astronomy, and all of the glories the Galaxy held. Nebulae, planets? that sort of thing. This was her view of that, up close and personal.


Date: 2007-12-18 19:13 EST
*She had an urge to run and pounce the huge bed but that was before there was hot cocoa to be had! The mug was lifted to her lips and the slurping of whipped cream began as Wolvie led her over to the windows. She leaned back into him, her back to his chest , letting him cradle her as she enjoyed this new experience. It was simply the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, besides Wolvie's eyes. She made soft little gasping noises and mews of joy as she pointed out the stars that really intrigued her. *

How... how is this possible? * Aly had never learned the wonders of space travel, the entire concept was foreign to her and while it would take much time to click in her brain, she knew that this was where she was supposed to be. Right here, enjoying the wonders of the world with the only man who could ever make her this happy, let alone provide all of this for her. She turned to him and leaned against the window.*

I have a favorite Nebula... do you think we could maybe see it on one of our trips? *her eyes brows raised in hope that he would say yes.* Its the halo of the cats eye nebula. Its absolutely the most incredible and beautiful thing you could ever want to see. There are not words to describe its brilliancy.

*she sighed softly, shaking her head.* Thank you... in case I forget to tell you. For this. All of this. I can't believe that someone of such importance and status would choose me to accompany them through life. I.. I mean its just I'm so used to being held accountable and disliked for who and what I am. I'm still adjusting. *she nodded a bit.* You must be an amazing leader to have received such an honor and position in your ranking. * She spoke slowly, trying to organize her thoughts, as she wasn't exactly sure of how the ranks and such happened in this particular situation.*

Are you sure you have time for me, being so busy and all? I don't want to come between you and your responsibilities. *she turned back around with that being said and leaned against the window pane, staring out into space.*


Date: 2007-12-19 17:38 EST
Wolvinator watched Aly as she peered out of the windows and off into space. There was something magical? about watching how a person reacted to their new environment. Seeing space for the first time, Stars, planets. It?s things like this that Wolvie felt he had taken for granted, as his first trip into space was such a long time ago.

?It?s possible hun, there?s a lot of things possible that I want to show you. That?s why I offered to bring you along.? Wolvie turned now to look out of the window along with her.

?I imagine so, if you?d like to go I could arrange for the Xavier to pass by the Nebula, or even through it if you like.? Wolvie heard her thanking him as a smile came to his face. She was always so caring, so thoughtful.

?Don?t thank me Aly, ya don?t have to? but yer welcome just the same. I honestly appreciate you for acceptin? me, fer who I am. I felt like you chose me, more then I chose you alotta the time. It?s a lot to take in I can understand that. There is so much to me and I wanna let you into all of that. This whole thing? is only a part of me.? He chuckled a bit to her resounding compliments

?Stop hun, flattery will get you? well? everywhere with me is that why ya do it? As far as bein? a ?Great Leader?, I dunno if I?d go that far. I do what I can, I respond to the call of my superiors and when the situation is dire I stick my neck out to do the right thing. It comes with the job description.? There was a smile still on his face as he replied modestly, and went back to looking out of the window along with her.

Wolvie honestly didn?t think of himself as some Hero, or some phenomenal Military leader. He thought of himself as someone who tried his best to do the right thing, and most of the time that meant placing himself directly in harms way. Part of him wanting to expand on his response, while another part of him just wanted to let it go. Wolvie felt as though he had enough Military ?chest candy? to speak for himself. Actions always spoke louder then words, in these situations.

?Ya aren?t between me and my responsibilities hun, I promise ya that. I want you to? see what I do, and in a little bit if ya wanna come up to the bridge with me? I?d be more than happy to take ya along.?

?Why don?tcha take a moment to get settled in though hun.? Taking himself from the window now, he took a nice long sip of his mug. Glancing around his quarters for a moment. It had been some time since he last had been here, since the Lylat situation. But as always? everything was left in it?s place, this was his second home.


Date: 2007-12-20 19:40 EST
*She smiled and nodded a lot as Wolvie spoke. She loved to watch him speak. He was so precise and accurate with his details and wording, which proved that he was more than a meat head but had real brains too. Another reason he would make a great Gov'nuh. Taking a sip of her cocoa, she moved to the bed and sat down, scooting back a little.*

I'd like it if you could arrange for us to the see the Nebula but don't go way off course just for me, I can wait.. after all we do have forever.

* Grinning she took another sip, moving strands of hair away from her face as she slurrped on some whipped cream.*

Wolvie can we go on a tour of the ship? Like.. a date though. I'll get all dressed up and we can tour it and then have some dinner.. please?

*Standing up slowly, she walked around the room, peeking here and there and then glancing back at him.*

You don't have to get dressed up or anything.. but I'd like to look real special for you as we go around, after all you are pretty important here Mr. Bigshot... I've got to look the part of your trophy girlfriend.

*One of those soft velvety laughs as her head tossed back gently.*

What do you say?


Date: 2007-12-22 22:14 EST
Wolvinator smiled over to Aly as she asked him, offering her a nod and a smile.

?Of course hun, if ya wanna go for a tour? I don?t see why not. It? is a big ship though, So? I?ll just show ya around some key areas. Alright? Don?t wanna tire ya out.? Smirking to her as he moved around to take a seat on the couch. Their bags had been placed very nicely on the bed, obviously by the crewmen that took them initially. Crossing his legs as he sat on the couch, he sipped his drink casually.

?Go ahead? go get ready, I?ll wait here for ya hun.?

Wolvinator then tapped his communicator; it was time to get the ship underway.

?Wolvinator to Bridge.?

?Yes Admiral?? Wootuay responded.

?Break orbit and set a course for the Exodii System, Warp nine.?

?Aye aye Admiral.?

?I?ll be taking Alystrianna on a personal tour of the Xavier in the meantime, please inform me of any developments.?

?Understood Sir, will do.?

At that speed it would take a little over a day to reach the Exodii system, more than enough time to show Aly around and prepare for the first contact situation. Wolvie looked over to where Alystrianna was getting dressed, waiting patiently for her with a a broad smile on his face.


Date: 2007-12-26 20:13 EST
* Aly jumped up when Wolvie told her to get ready. She was so excited to see more of the ship and more of what he did. She grabbed two of her bags and carried them somewhere more private, so she could kind of suprise him. It would not take her long to get ready, but she'd make him wait it out for a bit. She'd change from one of her catsuits to something more formal. A victorian style black and purple velvet full length skirt with a black lace corset with purple under lay. She even donned a black lace neck corset and lace gloves that went all the way up to her shoulders. Her hair was pinned up with ringlets falling down around her face here and there, framing it perfectly. She never wore too much makeup or jewelry, just enough to enhance her beauty. A bit of black eye liner and mascara, a few pinches to her cheeks to make them pink, and a dab of shiney gloss on her lips. Slipping into her knee high stilletto boots, she glanced around. This all was just insane, completley unreal. Taking in a deep breath she shook her head, smiling to herself. Standing up a final look was given in the mirror, satisfied, she stepped out into the main area.*

Admiral? *A small dip of her head.* I'm ready for my tour.


Date: 2007-12-28 19:09 EST
Holding a PADD in his hand, Wolvinator slowly looked over his shoulder to see Aly standing there, in all of her glory, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

?My? aren?t we dolled up? Goin? anywhere special this evenin??? Chuckling a bit, he rose up and extended his hand to take hers within his own, and then strolled out of his quarters.

Wolvie took her on a nice stroll through the ship, but nothing too over the top. The ship was rather large, just over seven hundred meters. So walking that from bow to stern would take quite a long, and tiring time; however he didn?t rush through it either, and only showed her the points of interest. First was main engineering, he wanted her to see what made the ship ?go?. Showing her the warp core, and introducing her to the Chief Engineering officer, an Andorian by the name of Commander M?Gia.

Next was the Holo-deck area, which Aly was rather familiar with. It was much like the danger room, as it could use holography to generate objects, people and environments. As they strolled through the decks, hand in hand, they shared chuckles and she was introduced to various crewmembers as they carried out their daily duties. It wasn?t overly strict on board the Xavier, but there was that certain sense of duty, honor and commitment that seemed to be present throughout.

They briskly passed through Sickbay, which was the main Medical facility on the ship, and then over to the Science labs, something he knew that Alystrianna would love. The science labs nearly put the labs at the estate to shame. They were huge, fully stocked with a variety of equipment. Perfect for any science officer in a deep space exploration setting. Nothing was left overlooked at all, and there were a variety of science stations; ones for biology, geology, physics, and cosmology as well. Anything and everything could be studied from these locations.

?Have a look around hun? and then maybe we?ll hit up the twelve-forward lounge for something to eat. I? gotta few more things to show ya.


Date: 2008-01-05 16:01 EST
* The entire ship was amazing. She had never seen anything like it before. And she loved all the looks she and Wolvie got as they walked around. Everyone bowing to him, saluting him, the names they used to refer to him. They ever treated her the same. That earlier royal feeling had returned. She loved being Wolvie's arm candy, they were a perfect match. Of course Aly wouldn't let this go to her head, she was just and kind and polite to every person she met, after all she was no one special, she just happened to be the girlfriend of someone very special.

The lab was incredible. She gasped when she saw it. It was even bigger and better than the two labs at the Estate and she had thought those were amazing. But this? This was a dream. It was so pretty ... clean... sterile. Huge! Stocked. She ran around a moment inspecting everything.*

I will spend much time here. *She smiled and nodded before going back to Wolvie.* But for now...

*Her stomach growled.* I'd like to get some dinner. Does the lounge serve Lobster? I love lobster!


Date: 2008-01-13 00:31 EST
They both shared a laugh, as the two of them sat at a table across from one another. Their seats were as close to the window as they possibly could be while sitting in the Twelve-Forward lounge. This was one of the most forward areas on the ship, and quite literally meant Deck Twelve, Forward part of the ship.

Streams of light streaked towards them as they sat, traveling through space at warp speed. Long, skinny lines of rainbow lights were stars being passed at this extreme velocity. The ship was able to travel faster then light due to the ship being placed in a state of subspace, a feature of space-time, which facilitates faster than light travel. This rate of speed was hundreds of times faster than the speed of light, which gave the visual illusion that the electromagnetic spectrum was being distorted. The warp shell that surrounded the vessel was what caused a visual fluctuation and dilation effect on the tiny points of light that seemed to streak past the ship.

This is actually what Wolvie and Aly were laughing about; he had just finished explaining the process to her when she asked, ?Ohhhh Wolvie? What are those pretty rainbows??

?I?m sorry?? He apologized. ?Maybe I should have made that a bit simpler??

The Admiral had obviously bombarded her with entirely too much information, and they shared one more chuckle.

There were a variety of people in the lounge, and by no means did they have a special table. Wolvinator may have been the commanding officer of the vessel, but he refused to have any special treatment in twelve forward, and in fact it was one of his standing orders. Officers came to the lounge for relaxation and socialization, and that?s exactly what the Admiral was here for? with his guest. A few more moments of talking, and one of the members of the cooking staff brought out a one Lobster dinner and one order of Snow Crab legs.

He thanked the man while taking up his cloth napkin. Wolvie then sat the cloth into his lap as he was readying himself to eat the meal. Picking up his wine glass, he held it towards her to toast before they began their dinner toghether.

?To a peaceful mission. And... to us.? Watching and waiting for her, he smiled gently.


Date: 2008-01-21 16:09 EST
She nodded to the toast Wolvie gave and blew a kiss across the table to him. She had been trying to follow what he was explaining to her but she found it quite difficult at times. Dinner was amazing, much better than she had expected. She couldn't help but keep smiling at him.

" Have I told you how sexy you are, Admiral?"

There was a wink given his way before a soft blush flushed her cheeks.

" After dinner, perhaps we could go explore our room a little more? What do you say?"

She was being a naughty little minx tonight and she wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted either. Setting down her fork and dabbing at her mouth with the cloth napkin, she stood slowly, setting the napkin down. She swayed her hips slowly as she started to walk away, her walk having many intentions behind it. Stopping, she looked over her shoulder at him and bit her lip, another wink, before she turned around and happened to drop one of her gloves. There was a smirk on her lips as all eyes were currently on them and she left the room.


Date: 2008-03-22 17:22 EST
The Admiral had a small piece of snow crab dangling from his lips as he looked over to watch Aly?s sensual departure. He was totally playing into her entire act, and just like any other male would, he had a momentary brain failure. All he could do was watch her walk away, while he sat there in shock.

Collecting himself, as well as his thoughts, he quickly took his hand to push the last morsel of food past his lips while his blue eyes swept over the room. One by one the crew went back to their own business as they noticed Wolvinator checking to see just who was looking. All eyes were focused on the two during their interaction towards one another, it wasn?t everyday this sort of thing happened on a Starfleet vessel, nor was it the type of thing that happened to Admiral Wolvinator in front of his crew.

Picking up a napkin he quickly wiped the cloth over his mouth, cleaning it off, while he rose to his feet. His head darted around the room once more as he began moving towards the door in a calm and collective fashion.

?No need to rush Wolvie?? he was thinking to himself. ?Don?t let ?em see ya sweat.?

As he made his way across the room, he knelt down calmly and retrieved the glove that she had so gracefully dropped a moment prior. Moving to stand once more, he held the clothing article tightly in his grip while proceeding out of the exit, and into the passageway after her.


Date: 2008-04-10 13:54 EST
*Aly laughed to herself quietly the entire way back to their room. She actually got lost several times, which was probably driving Wolvie insane, wondering where she was. Of course everyone knew where the Admiral's room was, so someone kindly pointed her in the right direction after seeing her pass by them three times with a cross look on her face. She bowed to the gentleman who showed her the way and then lightly tapped on the door. Wolvie opened it with a disgruntled and frustrated look on his face, it was the face of a man deep in want and need.*

" Oops. Did I make you wait to long? " *There was a coy smile given to him as she pushed past his body and swayed into the room, slipping off her other glove and dangling it a moment before throwing it at him*

" Have a seat Admiral, you're in for a treat tonight."

* Her back turned to him and her skirt was dropped from her hips, revealing that she had taken care in selecting special undergarments that would be pleasing to his eyes. She turned back around to him, in her corset and knee high boots. Her long hair was unpinned and she smiled to him once again.*

" I'm just going to guess that this is thus far your most interesting trip on this ship."


Date: 2008-05-08 00:07 EST
"Oops. Did I make you wait to long?"

Those words seemed to echo through his ears as the doors closed behind him to his quarters. His deep blue eyes remained fixated on her frame as she sauntered past him. Aly was incredibly seductive, in a very sexual and classy way. She was an attention grabber, no doubt about that. Anytime she entered a room, heads would turn. But the only attention she cared for, was that of Wolvinator?s.

She has his complete, and undivided attention.

"Have a seat Admiral, you're in for a treat tonight."

His words escaped him, he was absolutely breathless while he awaited his ?surprise?. Keeping the front of his body facing her the entire time, his hands felt his way around his room furniture until he came across his large recliner. Wolvie?s eyes remained wide, and a smirk came across his face as the undergarments were revealed to him.

?Ya know what the Admiral likes, don?tcha darlin??? Finally speaking, in a soft tone, while he moved to sit across from her. His tongue gently appeared from his mouth, as he moistened his lips and quietly cleared his throat. Moving his hand across the left part of his chest, he removed his Communicator from his chest and slowly placed it on the table beside him.

He wouldn?t want this to be interrupted.

Opening his legs a bit, he became more comfortable in his chair as both of his hands moved to rest on the top of his thighs.

?And yeah? yer right?? he finally replied to her question, with a devilish smirk on his face. ?I definitely enjoy goin?? where no man has gone before.?


Date: 2008-05-08 15:25 EST
Where no man had gone before, hmm? She bit her lip trying to bite back a smirk. Many a man had gone there, including the Admiral himself. She wasn't as young as she looked after all, however, she wouldn't ruin his ideas and opinions of her at this moment. He knew he was not the first, but he was her one and only, her last. The only man she'd be with from now on and for eternity. Besides, perhaps he was right. She was going to take him above and beyond any place any other man had ever been with her, they were going to discover and explore things that only true lifemates could.

Offering him a coy smile and a dip of her head, she climbed onto his open lap, settling herself on to him comfortably. Leaning forward, she swept her hair over one shoulder and then leaned in, giving him the most tender, yet passionate kiss she could manage.

"Thank you again Admiral. " she sat there for a few moments, just enjoying being so close to him. She took in his scent, her lips tasted his skin, her fingers crawled over his skin, every sense was on high as she explored him. She jumped when there was loud banging on the door. Gasping she looked at him wide eyed and then jumped and fell off of his lap. She rushed to find a robe and hide herself.

"Admiral, please open, we haven't been able to reach you on the communicator. It is urgent." the man from the other side called.

Aly grinned softly, of course this moment would be ruined. She gave Wolvie a pitful look and a pout as she stood in the corner wrapped in a bed sheet and tried to stay silent.


Date: 2008-05-08 17:13 EST
There was a huff, and a sigh, while a few expletives escaped his lips. Of course? perfect timing, and someone had to come knocking on his door.

It?s always urgent.

The Galaxy seems to constantly hang in the balance as he was just trying to spend some ?quality time? with the woman he chose to spend his life with. His hands moved back to the arms of the chair, as he used them to support his weight as he pushed himself to his feet. Adjusting his attire while approaching the door, he realized that he wasn?t looking so ?modest? at the moment, thanks in no small part to Alystrianna?s actions a few moments prior. Tugging down on the sides of his trousers a bit more, he finally opened the door.

The door opened with a whoosh as three officers stood, peering the Admiral in the face. One of who was the head of Security, Commander Kli?tar.

?Yes Commander?? Wolvie responded in a rather gruff tone. ?What is it??

?Admiral.? The Klingon male responded. If Wolvinator sounded any bit menacing to anyone he encountered, this individual would definitely best him in his tone. It was the perfect authoritative voice for a Security Chief.

?We were unable to reach you on the communication system, and it appeared that your communicator was not in tact. Is everything alright?? As he asked, he would look past his commanding officer for the moment, to ensure that his quarters were secure.

?Everything is absolutely fine Commander, I was enjoying some? downtime? with Miss D?Vaustaival. What is so urgent??

It took a second, perhaps two, but if a Klingon could blush in embarrassment? now would be that time. The Chief took a step back, and gently lowered his head in a respectful bow, before returning his eyes to lock onto Admiral Wolvinator. From this time forward, they wouldn?t waver towards the rooms? interior as he realized what he interrupted.

?Sir? we? wanted to inform you that we will be arriving shortly in the Exodii system. When we were, erm, unable to reach you, we were ready to initiate a security alert. I, apologize for reacting too quickly.?

?It?s alright Kli?tar, it?s? quite alright.? A smile appearing on his face now as he watched the chief back peddle. He was a fine officer, and this was exactly what Wolvie had always wanted in a Department Head.

?When do you expect our arrival in the system to be, exactly??

?Within the hour sir.?

?Advise Commander Wootuay to drop out of warp before entering the System, we? don?t want to alarm anyone. Maintain your position there until I arrive on the Bridge.?

?Understood sir.? The large man responded, while he began to turn and head down the passageway.

?And Mister Kli?tar?? Wolvinator spoke, stopping his subordinate in his tracks.

?Yes Admiral??

?Try not to interrupt, unless it is an extreme emergency. I will be on the bridge in one hour, alright Chief??

?Yes sir. Understood.?

Leaning to the side of his door with a smirk on his face, Wolvinator shook his head gently and pressed a keypad directly next to the door. With another whoosh, the door closed and locked once more, while he turned back to face the room once more.

?Now? where were we??


Date: 2008-05-21 14:54 EST
Aly was still blushing something fierce. She wasn?t one to be easily embarrassed but that was just too much! Shaking her head, she moved for the bed and sat down on the edge of it, not really feeling ?the mood? anymore.

? Wow, that was? embarrassing! ? with a small snort she shook her head.
?Maybe we should just get dressed and prepare for the arrival, I can?t go up to the bridge looking like I?ve just been ravaged. What will the crew think?? she bit her lip and looked away, still blushing.
?Should we go apologize to them?? glancing around awkwardly and fiddling with the sheet, she finally looked back up to him.

?Besides a hour, well less than a hour, do you really think that will be long enough? I mean, you know, sometimes these things take time and it?s nice to spend time on it. ? Winking at him she giggled.
?Why don?t we just get ready to go up to the bridge and I promise, later we?ll make this right, we?ll spend a few hours really enjoying things. I wouldn?t have got you riled up if I knew we had so little time in the first place.? Her finger reached out and stroked against his lips.
?Aww baby, don?t pout.? She pouted right back at him. ? Oh come on, you?re killing me.? Sighing softly, she rolled her eyes.
?Oh fine. Fine. But you owe me some long and quality loving later.? Dropping the sheet to the ground, she crawled back onto the bed.


Date: 2008-05-31 19:50 EST
?Admiral?? The words cascaded over his ears with a sensual gourmand fragrance of a Ralph Lauren perfume. His head turned a bit to the feminine sound, but his eyes were closed as he lay on his back. After a moment or two of non-response, a soft and delicate hand slid across his cheek and rested onto his neck.

?Admiral?? she called out again, her voice growing a bit louder then the whisper she said a moment before.

?It?s almost been an hour, your duty calls.? A small chuckle escaped her now as she teased him of his duties. His blue eyes opened, and adjusted to the soft lighting that illuminated the room.

?Didn?t I just do my duty??

?No silly? your? Starfleet duties.? A grin appeared on his face as he gently kneaded his face into her hand. Despite their usual banter, they were rather flirtatious and cute with each other from time to time. Especially after a? night cap.

?So? yer tryin? to kick me outta bed, eh Aly??

?I?m not the one kicking you out of bed Mister, but those? Exodii people you mentioned might!?

Wolvinator chuckled now, as he turned over to his side and moved to sit-up on the bed. The two of them weren?t being shy in their choice of attire, which was rather lacking. Removing the sheet from around his waist, he stood and glanced back at the lovely woman behind him.

?Alright, alright. Well? we can?t go up to the bridge looking like this, now can we??

?Well? we can? She paused, with a very devious grin on her face. Their eyes locked instantly as he sucked in a small breath. The experience they had just shared instantly flooded back into his mind, as he found himself a loss for words at the moment. Their chemistry would have sparked and crackled in the atmosphere if it could, as their passion was more than clearly evident.

?I?? he finally spoke up. ?Don?t think it would be in the best interest of my, crew, to see either of us in this manner.?

?If you say so? Admiral?? She spoke sliding off of the bed they had just shared. Her soft, supple body completely exposed for her lover while his eyes remained fixated on her the entire time.

?I?ll go change into something more?? She blew a soft kiss to him, followed by a wink of her seductive purple eyes. ?appropriate.?

Watching her sway off deeper into the quarters, his eyes followed her until she was out of site. Wolvie shook his head a bit, and cleared his throat as he tried to snap out of the gaze he was previously in. Leaning down, he took the communicator badge off of the nightstand and pressed his thumb to it.

?Wolvinator to bridge.?

?Yes Admiral?? A voice responded to him.

?I?ll be on the main bridge momentarily.?

((The rest of this thread is continued at