Topic: OOC Character Information Thread


Date: 2007-09-06 19:03 EST
This is the OOC Character Information thread. All of the information contained in this thread is for OOC purposes only, unless otherwise authorized by the author?s of each reply to this sticky.

So please refrain from just ?knowing? things, no matter how omnipotent your character may be, without consulting the Character?s muns first. Thank you.

Also feel free to update your bio if it changes. As you character grows and progresses we'd like to know about it! We just ask to add an note to when the last changes were made.


Date: 2007-09-06 19:03 EST
Here is a basic template for the Character Information page. Feel free to use it, add, modify or remove fields as you see fit. You aren?t bound to the template by any means, but it helps to keep things uniform.

Template is as follows:

Other Aliases:
Identity: (Secret or known)
Natural Hair Color:
Natural Eye Color:
Current Hair Color:
Current Eye Color:
Marital Status:
Place of Birth:
Status: (Alive or Dead)
Relatives (By blood):
Relatives (Not by blood):
Commonly found wearing:
Current living arrangements:


Date: 2007-10-25 21:16 EST

Name: Wolvinator, real name is classified.

Nickames: Wolvie

Other Aliases: Unknown at this time

Identity: Secret

Age: Mid Fifties, yet has the appearance of that of a man is his mid twenties.

Birthday: May 12th

Race: Homo sapien superior

Natural Hair Color: Brown

Natural Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5?9??

Weight: 315 lbs.

Marital Status: Widower, currently bonded in Vampire tradition, and engaged, to Alystrianna D'Vaustaival

Affiliation: Starfleet, S.E.F.F., X-Men: Second Generation

Occupation: Adventurer, Special Operations Manager - S.E.F.F., Rear Admiral (Upper Half) - Starfleet, Leader of X-Men: Second Generation Blue Team

Place of Birth: Long Island, New York

Current living arrangements: Resides at the newly completed estate located at 1407 Grayskull Lane, Northern Rhy?Din.

Status: Alive

Relatives: Some Relatives are currently left out, and below is a list of those currently worth mentioning:
Barrage (Brother)
Heron-Ojo Ahdee'kee (Grandfather)
Termorine (Son)
Shyde (Daughter)

Relatives (Not by blood): Vlex (Wife, deceased)

Family: Wolvinator is the son of a two retired Exo-Fleet and Starfleet Officers, and his father was, at one time, the President of the United Federation of Planets. His grandfather was a revered member of the Jedi Council where he served for many years, before going into "retirement" to start a family.

Personality: A revered commander, and military leader, Wolvinator is a highly decorated individual. He is quite stern when it comes to taking charge of a situation, and his overall expertise in combat situations and engagements has been prided on being second to none. When not in a professional standpoint, he is usually a light hearted and friendly person; and when it comes to people that he calls his friends, he treats them as though they are family. Wolvie is the type of person that will always go the extra mile to take care of those people that he considers close to him. When it comes to caring about those that he is emotionally involved with, he sometimes wears his heart on his sleeve. Being the father of two grown adults, he has done his best to take care of his children, and is a loving and caring father.

Appearance: Wolvinator is a Caucasian human looking individual standing about 1.9 meters in height and weighing in around 315 lbs. He has a very well built physique, looking quite muscular yet slender and agile at the same time, definitely not the 315 lbs. that is registered; there is more to that than meets the eye. Obviously the vigorous training he puts himself through clearly shows through in his well-maintained form. He has short brown hair, with a thinly lined reddish brown beard that forms into a mustache and goatee. His eyes are a light sky blue that seems to match the texture of his face quite well.

His overall appearance would seem to point him out to be young individual, yet he does look as though he is peppered with age and wisdom. This man has been around a lot longer than his physical appearance would lead one to believe. He wears a long brown robe that covers his entire body. The robe itself has a hood on it, that he normally wears up, shadowing his face. Underneath he wears a slender black bodysuit with various pockets and usually two insignia's on his left breast. Black boots, and black weightlifting gloves also accompany his attire. Accompanying his attire at times are two twin firearms, and an ivory hilted Katana.

Commonly found wearing: He usually is found wearing a large, thick, brown robe with an oversized hood to conceal his identity. Beneath his robe is a military issued S.N.E.A.K. Suit, usually accompanied with various equipment and weapons. These items can vary from firearms, to energy weapons, tricorder, communication devices, and many other items.


?S.N.E.A.K. Suit:
The S.N.E.A.K. Suit is made from a highly advanced Kevlar hybrid that stretches skin tight to allow maximum comfort and maneuverability. Also the uniform is equipped with a personal cloaking unit, to make the wearer virtually invisible and undetectable. The boots and gloves are fitted with an electro magnetic field to allow the user to scale buildings, walls and other various hard to reach places.

Wolvinator has been known to wear web-shooters from time to time, which are twin devices worn on his wrists. The devices are able to shoot thin strands of a special "web fluid" at high pressure.

?Web fluid:
Web fluid is a shear-thinning liquid (virtually solid until a shearing force is applied to it, rendering it fluid) whose exact formula remains unknown, but is rumored to be related to nylon. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive properties. The web fluid?s adhesive quality diminishes rapidly with exposure to air. Where it does not make contact with air, such as the attachment disk of the web-shooter, it remains very adhesive. After approximately 2 hours, imbibed ether causes the solid form of the web fluid to dissolve into a powder. Because the fluid almost instantly sublimates from solid to liquid when under shear pressure, and is not adhesive in its anaerobic liquid/solid phase transition point, there is no clogging of the web-shooter?s parts. The formula however, has been modified to less resemble a "Web", in an attempt to separate the distinctive qualities between other counterparts and himself.

A tricorder is a sophisticated handheld device used by many Alpha and Beta Quadrant races, in the Milky Way Galaxy. The tricorder is designed as a portable sensing, data analysis, and data communications device, with many specialized abilities, which make it an asset to crews aboard starships and space stations as well as on away missions.

?Type 2 Phaser:
"Phaser" is an acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification. All phasers fire particle beams. Personal phasers can stun or kill an enemy. The stun setting can also be used for crowd control. Utilized primarily in defensive situations, the phaser type-2 had several applications, from use as a weapon to use as a cutting tool, explosive device, or energy source. Storing considerable energy, most phasers were distinguished by a roughly pistol or gun-type configuration, firing a focused energy discharge in the form of a beam or steady stream.

?Communicator Badge:
The combadge is a combination of a badge and communicator designed to be worn on a Starfleet uniform. Combadges are used for onboard ship communication with other Starfleet personnel when, using the internal communication system is not possible or impractical, for accessing the onboard computer when not in an area that the computer is monitoring, for ship-to-shore communications, and for direct communication to another combadge. Transporters use the combadge as a locator device to lock-on to its bearer, thus making transport faster and more accurate. Combadges are configured to act as universal translators.

Due to the size of the combadge, its working range is limited to 500 km, although a starship can boost the signal to bridge larger distances. The combadge can be opened for maintenance purposes or to be used as a beacon. In emergency situations, a combadge can be modified for use in other applications. It can be converted into a subspace distress beacon, or the tiny power cell can be extracted for other uses.

Many of Wolvinator's powers appear to have fluctuated at times, ranging anywhere from an Alpha level mutant, to Epsilon-Delta and even to Omega level. There have been instances where some powers have surfaced only for a short while and then dissipated, while others have varied in strength and intensity.

?Metahuman Healing Factor:
Ability to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure far more rapidly than an ordinary human and even most mutants that contain the same ability. This is called his "Healing Factor", and is considered to be a Beta Level Healing Factor by classification. The Healing Factors' speed is in proportion to the wound's severity; for example: he can fully recover from an ordinary gunshot wound within minutes, but it can take him several days to weeks to fully recover from multiple fatal injuries at one time. It does appear that, over time, Wolvinator's healing abilities seem to increase in effectiveness as the years pass by. Apparently like his predecessor Wolverine, this power even amends psychological wounds, though it has been known to almost fill in these wounds with scrambled memories and misplaced events in order to achieve the mend. Yet at this point, unlike Wolverine, Wolvinator has had only one successful brain washing attempt that has caused this to occur.

? Superhuman Strength:
Has shown to have a strength level of about 1 ton, bench pressing under optimum conditions. His strength has been known to increase under extreme and dangerous circumstances, leveling off somewhere closer to 5 tons. These jumps in strength have even been compared to the Hulk's strength (by rage) increase and Wolverine's Berserker rage.

? Foreign Chemical Immunity:
Wolvinator's natural healing factor also affords him the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases. Yet in some circumstances the effect of certain chemicals in his body will be prolonged, preventing him from being one hundred percent unaffected. This apparently also has very little effect on most alcoholic substances and other low level toxins.

? Superhuman Endurance:
Limited immunity to the fatigue poisons generated by bodily activity, and strengthened air passageways in lungs to prevent shortness of breath. Also his endurance has proven to be one of his leading causes in partial heat immunity.

? Enhanced Reflexes:
Greatly improved reflexes allows him superhuman movement and reaction time, greatly rivaling even the most superior Olympic athletes.

? Enhanced Agility:
Wolvinator's magnificently improved agility gives him excellent balance and coordination, most of the time referred to "cat-like skills". These skills work closely alongside his precognitive danger sense, assisting him with avoiding danger with split second timing.

? Enhanced Speed:
Can achieve a maximum sustainable speed of 45 mph (72 kph) for up to six minutes, and a maximum achievable speed of 65 mph (104 kph) for an extremely limited amount of time.

? Partial Immunity to Heat:
Working closely alongside his healing factor, and endurance ability, Wolvinator has the ability to withstand major instances of extreme heat showing little or no signs of affect, including his pain receptors and nerve endings throughout his body. Wolvie knows, and can feel the levels of heat, yet his body does not emit a pain response throughout his central nervous system. Wolvinator has demonstrated these abilities up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit (537 degrees Celsius), and almost to the point of combustion itself. Yet he is, in fact susceptible to flames and fire the exact same way other humans are, in reference to the point of registering his pain receptors. His healing factor does assist with burn and fire damage caused in that result.

? Precognitive Danger Sense:
Wolvinator possesses an extrasensory "danger" sense which warns him of potential immediate danger by tingling sensation in the front of his skull and also in his chest. This sense is linked with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him at times to evade injury or danger, unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes. This appears to be a simultaneous clairvoyant response, or "sixth sense", to a wide variety of phenomena (everything from falling safes to speeding bullets to thrown punches). The sense normally goes off anywhere ten seconds to mere tenths of a second before an event is about to occur also can create a general response on the order of several minutes: he cannot discern the nature of the threat by the sensation. He can, however, discern the severity of the danger by the strength of his response to it. His body in turn begins to produce more adrenaline after the sense is triggered, an extension of the 'fight or flight syndrome.'

? Retarded Aging:
His healing factor also provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process to almost a crawl. Over fifty years old at this point, Wolvinator is as healthy and physically fit as a man in his prime and does not look much over the age of twenty.

? Superhumanly Acute Senses:
His sight and hearing are expertly attuned to the environment around him, increasing his normal sight and hearing substantially. Wolvinator is able to recognize people and objects often by scent on most occasions, yet at times this ability has almost proven to be non responsive, yet does seems to work alongside his precognitive danger senses. Wolvie has shown a certain ability to use these superhuman senses to track any certain individuals from time to time even over great distances, mostly though with people that he has come into close contact with on more than one occasion.

Bone Claws:
Wolvinator's skeleton includes six retractable sixteen-inch-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath
the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolvinator can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by his mutahuman healing factor. Wolvinator can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he must keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his hands, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended. The claws are made of bone, unlike the claws of normal mammals which are made of keratin. The bone claws are sharp and dense enough to slice through substances as durable as most metals, wood, and stone. see Adamatium Skeleton

Other Powers:
As stated above, Wolvinator has also demonstrated other powers that cannot be properly controlled and have had a limited length in time of use. These powers appear to arise in tense combat situations, and and some have yet to manifest themselves in a contained training environment. It is believed that once thse powers become fully controllable, Wolvie will be classified as an Omega Level Mutant.

? Kinetic Energy Transference:
Has the ability to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus ?charging? that item with explosive results. He has preferred to charge smaller objects, as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier for him to throw. Sometime he has been known to carry a bag of marbles on him for quick deployment. The only real limitation to this ability is the time required to charge the object. The larger it is the more time it takes. It is widely believed that the transference of energy may be intertwined with his ability to project "Hadou" fireballs from his hands, yet this theory remains untested. This power seems to have become more stable as of late, and could possibly become one of his main powers in the near future, if presence of this ability remains constant.

? Molecular Density Manipulation:
Ability to lower the density of his own body, making him intangible, allowing himself to pass through solid objects of organic and inorganic nature. He virtually scrambles the molecular composition of his body into atoms, and then unscrambles them back into place when completed. He has only exhibited this power on two occasions, the first manifestation being the second World Trade Center attack in 1994.

? Telepathic Link:
Since undergoing the Vampire Bonding process with Alystrianna, Wolvinator gained the ability to maintain telepathic link with her. The process caused both individuals to share a lifetime of memories in a matter of moments, quite similar to a Vulcan Mind Meld. Without proper psychic barriers instituted, Wolvinator can feel everything that Alystrianna does. This includes but is not limited to, telepathic projection, thought transfer, psychic communication and vice versa.

Adamatium Skeleton: Wolvinator's entire skeletal structure, including claws that he acquired from the Weapon X program, have been artificially bonded to the nearly indestructible metal adamantium. As a result, Wolvinator's bones are virtually unbreakable, and his claws are capable of cutting through almost any substance depending on its thickness and the amount of force he can exert, except for Adamantium and Vibranium. Due to his Healing Factor, the presence of Adamantium in his body does not interfere with his bones' normal function of generating blood corpuscles. However, if his healing factor becomes inactive, he slowly begins to die (presumably from anemia). The reinforcement of his skeleton enables Wolvinator to withstand high levels of physical pressure, giving his muscles sufficient leverage to briefly lift/press several hundred pounds. This is also the cause of his overall increased weight, and muscle mass.

Abilities: Wolvinator is an accomplished warrior & battle strategist and is expertly trained in most forms of Hand-to-hand combat, Close Quarter Combat (CQC), and Martial Arts. He is a talented spy and very well versed in espionage. Most of which is accredited to various S.E.F.F. training that took place in the United States, Japan and China. Wolvinator is skilled in the Goutetsu-style Ansatsuken Martial arts, and when of clear mind and pure concentration he can project energy in the form of a fireball from his fists known as the "Hadou", which may also be a further extension of his Kinetic Energy Transference abilities.

He also takes great pride in his regimen of rigorous almost daily exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) the combat portion of which he enjoys the most, and enjoys keeping himself in peak physical condition. Wolvinator runs most Danger Room and Holodeck training sequences at maximum levels to ensure he sustains his degree top performance in the field. Additionally he has used his tactical abilities to engage in Street Fighting exhibitions, namely the World Warrior Tournament, the Kumite and Mortal Kombat.

His fighter pilot skills are second to none having first achieved Top Gun Status in 1982, and Top Foxx in 1993. Wolvinator has been highly decorated in both S.E.F.F. and Starfleet on numerous occasions for Honor, Courage and Duty with various accreditations. He is very accomplished in a wide variety of Weaponry and Vehicles.

Wolvinator is a very intelligent individual as well, helping to discover a new means of time travel, created a brand new form of Cybernetic Organism (in which he received a Westinghouse Science award), and also worked alongside a team of specialists to help engineer an entirely new means of a faster Warp Drive System. He has a very vast knowledge of most computer and networking systems. Traveling many areas of Earth, and the Galaxy, Wolvinator has become fluent in English, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, German and Klingon. He also has a working knowledge of Chinese, Romulan and Cardassian.

Dolus Gairu

Date: 2007-11-08 22:35 EST
Last updated: 12/20/07

Name: Dolus Gairu

Nickames: Spor, The Admiral

Other Aliases: The Forgotten General

Identity: Name is known to many, but true identity is secret

Age: Appears to be in mid-to-late twenties, but may be substantially older.


Race: Homo Sapiens Superior

Natural Hair Color: Light brown

Natural Eye Color: Green

Current Hair Color: Light brown

Current Eye Color: Green

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 330 lbs (see below)

Marital Status: Single

Affiliation: Starfleet, S.E.F.F., X-Men Second Generation

Occupation: Special Operations Manager - S.E.F.F., Rear Admiral (Upper Half) - Starfleet

Place of Birth: New York, New York

Status: (Alive or Dead) Alive

Relatives (By blood): No known relatives

Personality: Dolus tends to present himself as a somewhat reserved man in what is more than likely a calculated tactical decision based on sound military training and more than a fair share of paranoia. A skilled tactician and commander, Dolus is often planning several steps ahead of any given situation - even when there is no one to plan against.

Dolus has been known to present himself as any number of false, alternate personalities, particularly when faced with unknown situations.

Appearance: Dolus appears as a young man of around twenty-five with a sturdy, broad-shouldered build. His hair is cut in a standard military style.

Commonly found wearing: Baggy cargo pants with bulging pockets, Tactical Vest, Oversized shirt, worn combat boots. Has been known to wear a highly modified S.N.E.A.K. suit beneath his clothing at all times.

*S.N.E.A.K. Suit*

The S.N.E.A.K. Suit is made from a highly advanced Kevlar hybrid that stretches skin tight to allow maximum comfort and maneuverability. The uniform is also equipped with a personal cloaking unit, capable of rendering the wearer virtually invisible as well as undetectable by almost all known technological means. The boots and the gloves are fitted with electro-magnetic field-inducers that allow the user to scale buildings, walls, and other various hard to reach places.


The Tricorder is a small, handheld device which can provide full multi-spectrum scanning as well as complete nearly instantaneous data-analysis of all scans. The tricorder is designed as a portable sensing, data analysis, and data communications device, with many specialized abilities, which make it an asset to crews aboard starships and space stations as well as on away missions.


"Phaser" is an acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification. All phasers fire particle beams. Personal phasers can stun or kill an enemy. The stun setting can also be used for crowd control. Utilized primarily in defensive situations, the phaser type-2 had several applications, from use as a weapon to use as a cutting tool, explosive device, or energy source. Storing considerable energy, most phasers were distinguished by a roughly pistol or gun-type configuration, firing a focused energy discharge in the form of a beam or steady stream.

Dolus tends not to advertise the fact that he carries at least one of these weapons with him wherever he goes.


The combadge is a combination of a badge and communicator designed to be worn on a Starfleet uniform. Combadges are used for onboard ship communication with other Starfleet personnel when, using the internal communication system is not possible or impractical, for accessing the onboard computer when not in an area that the computer is monitoring, for ship-to-shore communications, and for direct communication to another combadge. Transporters use the combadge as a locator device to lock-on to its bearer, thus making transport faster and more accurate. Combadges are configured to act as universal translators.

Due to the size of the combadge, its working range is limited to 500 km, although a starship can boost the signal to bridge larger distances. The combadge can be opened for maintenance purposes or to be used as a beacon. In emergency situations, a combadge can be modified for use in other applications. It can be converted into a subspace distress beacon, or the tiny power cell can be extracted for other uses.

Dolus tends to wear his combadge hidden beneath his outer clothing when not on duty.

As a naturally born "mutant", Dolus is gifted with unique abilities that manifested themselves in early adolescence. They provide him with at-times seemingly supernatural capabilities.

*METAHUMAN HEALING FACTOR*: A common ability amongst mutants that varies in degrees, Dolus posesses the ability to regenerate damage or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a heightened rate. This "Healing Factor" consists of a low-baseline regenerative function as well as a secondary accelerated factor that is triggered by extreme trauma. While a simple flesh wound might heal in several hours, a major injury seems to ignite a much more powerful reaction and can often be healed in only a few moments, depending on a number of factors including the severity of the injury, the body's adrenal response, and an apparently unknown X factor. Extensive testing during the S.P.O.R. project revealed inconsistent results in healing a specific injury. Because of this irregularity, Dolus's healing factor has been classified as a Gamma Level regeneration, despite having reconstituted major portions of his cellular structure under times of extreme duress.

This healing factor is thought to be at least partially responsible for the following superhuman traits:

? Superhuman Strength: With the ability to regenerate muscle fibers at an accelerated rate, Dolus's muscle growth and durability far exceeds that of a normal human. For more, see: Strength Level

? Foreign Chemical Resistance: The fluctuating nature of Dolus's healing factor provides him with a heightened resistance to foreign substances including most poisons, drugs, and diseases. This has proved troubling at times, as this resistance is sporadic and seemingly random, leaving Dolus in the precarious position of being immune to a simple painkiller one day while being completely susceptible to a common allergen the next.

? Enhanced Endurance: Limited resistance to the fatigue poisons generated by the body allow for long periods of prolonged activity. Dolus has been known to continue past the point where his mild regeneration is able to counteract this fatigue until his secondary healing factor randomly triggers a "second wind."

? Enhanced Reflexes: Dolus's healing factor triggers a hyper-reactivity throughout most routine bodily functions, allowing for heightened reflexes and response times.

? Enhanced Agility: Due to the hyper-reactivity of the inner ear as well as extremely pliant muscle tissue, Dolus is extremely agile and capable of superhuman feats of balance and coordination.

? Weather Insular Adapation: Limited endurance to most forms of extreme weather, notably cold conditions. This ability is often regulated by caloric intake, however Dolus has shown an ability to generate body heat with no apparent fuel source. This ability is attributed to a currently unknown X factor, although one theory suggests he may be tapping into an extradimensional energy source to make up for his own body's lack of fuel. This theory is untested.

? Age Retardation: Dolus's healing factor has been known to slow, halt, and even reverse the aging process, although the latter has only occurred on two occassions, both of which were immediately preceded by heavy trauma and massive cellular regeneration. It is estimated that Dolus's aging was reversed by as much as ten years in each instance, although more conservative estimates range this from two to six years. Though a man in his fifties, Dolus appears to be a man in his early to mid-twenties.

? Acute senses: Similar to his enhanced reflexes and agility, Dolus's body is extremely receptive to sensory input. He is capable of seeing clearly over extreme distances, as well as under low-light environments. He is able to identify and distinguish almost any odor, and has utilized this ability in tracking and in interactions with other mammals. Dolus claims to be able to determine the emotional state of mammals based off of their scent, although these claims are not tested and may have been a flirtatious boast. He is also capable of hearing varying ranges of sound as well as extremely low decibels. Dolus has claimed that this ability has fluctuated at times, leaving him nearly deafened by soft noises or overwhelmed by an otherwise pleasant odor.


Dolus's body has the unique ability to generate, store, and transfer multiple forms of energy. The generation of energy seems to have no correlation to his body's natural ability to generate heat and kinetic energy, and there has been no conclusive explanation for how such energy is produced. Dolus has been known to generate nearly all forms of energy, and appears to have a limited control over that energy as well. While Dolus is able to transfer and expunge this energy through the open air, it is much easier for him to use a physical conduit, and easier still to utilize that energy within his own body, providing Dolus with a number of secondary powers.

? Energy Absorption: Dolus is capable of absorbing nearly all forms of energy and radiation. While there is no known limit to the kinds of energy Dolus is capable of absorbing, there is a significant amount of physical pain involved with absorbing greater than 50 gigajoules without also releasing that energy. Dolus has been known to suffer from severe panic, paranoia, psychosis, and dementia when attempting to absorb (or store) significant quantities of energy.

? Energy Discharge and Conversion Dolus is capable of both converting and discharging any form of energy he is able to absorb. In one experiment, Dolus was able to absorb ambient heat energy in a room, thereby lowering the temperature significantly before releasing the energy in the form of a focused photon blast.

? Energy Creation: Dolus has shown the ability to seemingly create energy from nothing, although speculation exists to suggest he may be drawing upon energy from a parallel universe or pocket dimension, as energy creation is of course physically impossible. Such "creation" on Dolus's part generally leaves him feeling remarkably fatigued afterwards, suggesting that the energy may not be created outright, but rather converted from some other as yet undetermined source within Dolus's body.

? Matter Creation/Manipulation: While there is no known evidence of Dolus utilizing his powers to alter matter, current speculation suggests it should at least be theoretically possible. However, given the adverse side-effects Dolus suffers from extreme use of his abilities, he has seemed reluctant to attempt such a thing, even under extreme "motivation" on the parts of Project S.P.O.R. representatives.

. Energy Sense: Dolus seems to have the ability to sense nearly all forms of energy. The exact limitation of this ability has never been satisfactorily tested, but Dolus has exhibited the ability to detect and differentiate energy from as much as three hundred meters distance.

Dolus's powers were altered and augmented during Project S.P.O.R. under the auspices of the Weapon X research division, the full results of which are unknown at this time. Dolus has demonstrated an ability to surpass prior limitations under extreme duress, although these occassions are sporadic at best.

While a subject of Project S.P.O.R. under the Weapon X program, Dolus was used as the subject in the test of an experimental method for bonding adamantium to individuals with a significantly lowered baseline healing factor. While the experiment was technically a failure (Project researchers were forced to artificially trigger a more powerful healing response through the use of pain inducers in order to allow Dolus to survive the experiment), the end result was that Dolus's entire skeletal structure was bonded with Adamantium, an unbreakable metal alloy.

Due to his Healing Factor, the presence of Adamantium in his body does not interfere with his bones' normal function of generating blood corpuscles. However, if his healing factor becomes inactive, he slowly begins to die (presumably from anemia). The reinforcement of his skeleton enables Dolus to withstand high levels of physical pressure, giving his muscles sufficient leverage to briefly lift/press several hundred pounds. This is also the cause of his overall increased weight, and muscle mass.

It is interesting to note that Dolus's Healing Factor was significantly affected by the Adamantium Bonding, and subsequent tests revealed his baseline Factor had been reduced due to the stress of constant healing. Dolus's accelerated healing factor when faced with extreme trauma was seemingly unaffected.

Abilities: Dolus is an accomplished tactician, strategist, scientist, and marksman. He is highly trained in several forms of close-quarters combat. He is particularly adept at espionage and covert operations, most likely due to the mild paranoia that may be a side-effect of his powers.

Dolus has taken part in several legal and illegal fighting tournaments, including the World Warrior competition. Dolus was also an (unwilling) participant in the last (and final) Mortal Kombat tournament.

Dolus achieved Top Gun status in 1983, and was awarded Top Foxx status in 1993, coincidentally after flying in his personal Spacewing, becoming the first pilot to achieve the status when piloting a craft he had personally designed, built, and maintained.

It is suspected that Dolus's strong expertise in numerous fields may be linked to his mutation, but there is no substantial evidence to support this. Dolus is, however, considered to be fluent in seven different languages including Russian, Mandarin, Klingon, and Romulan. He is also an accomplished scientist, having designed the "Truthseeker" model Spacewing. Of particular note are his contributions to the design of the Mass-Conversion module, Anti-Inertia Maneuverability Thrusters (AIMTs), and Lexmar Control Systems.

*Disclaimer: Elements of Dolus Gairu's character are based on ideas and concepts from Star Trek, the Marvel Universe, and Exo-Squad. Elements from other intellectual properties may also be present. The author/player makes no claims on these properties.


Date: 2007-12-02 12:27 EST
"It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce. "
*Voltaire* (Click to make it bigger)

Name: Alystrianna Illenia D'Vaustaival
Nickames: Aly, Anna, Alys
Other Aliases: Not disclosed.
Identity: Known, but not always disclosed.
Age: Looks about twenty two
Birthday: December 29th
Race: Vampire
Natural Hair Color: Dark Chocolate Brown
Natural Eye Color: African Violet
Current Hair Color: Same
Current Eye Color: Same
Height: 5'9
Weight: 122 lbs
Marital Status: Bonded by vampire tradition to Wolvinator. Engaged to be married by human tradition to Wolvinator.
Affiliation: Wolvinator's Collalition. An undisclosed group.
Occupation: Alchemist and being "The Gift"
Place of Birth: London England
Status: (Alive or Dead) Alive.
Relatives (By blood): Gerard (Father) Lucretzia (Mother) Gestavo (Brother) Dominic (Brother) Charlotte ( Niece, Daughter of Gestavo and Vivienne)
Relatives (Not by blood): Vivienne ( Gestavo's Wife,sister-in-law) Personality: Aly has a night and day type of personality. She can be quiet and shy or quick tempered and witty. She is often times soft spoken but easily excited and intrigued. When she feels passionate about something, she has no problem expressing how she feels. By nature she is quite submissive acting and her only want in life is to make others happy. She enjoys taking care of those around her. When home alone with Wolvie, she has become much more comfortable in speaking her mind and now does so quite freely. Her temper can be quick, although she tries to check herself, not liking to carry a bad attitude, because it is not lady like.
Appearance: She is tall and slender. Her body is rather muscular, yet she does not look unfeminine, she has well developed abs and maintains them with regular exercise and weapons training. She has a rather nice size bust, wearing a 34 D and shapely hips.. From her shoulder blades to her knees and breasts to her knees, her body is covered in thousands of scars; some lashing and whip marks, others burns from light. These were received in her weeks of torment and interrogation from an undisclosed source. However, when she regularly drinks of Wolvinator's blood, they seem to lessen or vanish completely for weeks at a time. She has nice full lips that curve into a wide smile, a slightly upturned nose and almond shaped eyes. She also has a tattoo on the most lower part of her tummy, below the waist-line, of a Starfleet Insignia with a "W" written over the top. Below that is the name "Admiral", which she had done in a sign of devotion to Wolvinator. She also has a tattoo on her upper chest and neck of a pair of dogtags. Commonly found wearing: Purple and Black, her favorite colors. Typically she is in corsets and skirts with her purple velvet cloak or a leather catsuit when working out. Occasionally she will wear leather pants and her corset. She always wears knee high combat style boots, whether she is wearing a skirt or pants. She wears her "Rockstar" sunglasses during the day that Wolvie got for her.
Current living arrangements: Living at 1407 Grayskull Lane with Wolvie.
Family: Not in contact.
Abilities: Alchemist. Herbalist. Scientist. Quick and accurate with daggers and knives. Can communicate via mind to Wolvinator and vice versa. Shapeshifting. Lighting speed. Can pick up a scent like a hound dog and has outstanding hearing.
Trademarks/Quirks: Twirls her hair around her fingers, falls asleep in her same chair at the hearth at the RDI, loves hot cocoa with whipped cream. Does not like being pushed with questioning.... but loves a good verbal debate. Love to have the last word.
Fears: Being held captive. Sunlight. Her father finding her and forcing her to marry Tristan. Losing Wolvie.
Items: Daggers and knives. A weapons belt with a pouch filled with small viles of chemicals and herbs. A communicator and a S.N.E.A.K. suit. 2 small hand guns.


Date: 2007-12-09 19:25 EST
Name: Ren Majin or Shimerscale

Nickames: Kaze? Akuma

Other Aliases: Kaze

Identity: (Known)

Age: Unknown, but she looks about 28ish

Birthday: January 13th? born lonnnggg time ago.

Race: Human

Natural Hair Color: Red

Natural Eye Color: Silver

Current Hair Color: Blond

Current Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5?7?

Weight: 125lbs

Marital Status: Single

Affiliation: Friend of Wolvie

Occupation: None? Just a person with hobbies.

Place of Birth: Aloria

Status: Alive at present but she has been dead? once.

Relatives (By blood): {Okay more by soul I should say.} Kaze Majin and Sina Fazool {Yup? they finally got hitched.}

Relatives (Not by blood): Icer Shimmerscale, Hina, Hitomi Urameshi, Jack Renton? {I think? Don?t know status on Relationship current moment? Hitomi won?t say.} Namaris Renton, Naria Renton, Summer Renton, Zoe Renton, Cassie Renton, Stephan Renton, and Justin Renton. I?m not going to go into depth with the Shimmerscale Family for it would be four pages long? ::Sigh:: Kor?s whole lot? Godmother to their baby.

Personality: Rather in depth. Akuma the bear has well more of a spunky out going I?ll beat you if you hurt my friends attitude as where Ren is more silent, shy, some times out going, but mostly cowardice, run from everything she?s unfamiliar with or that hurts, but when needed she rises to the occasion and is rather out going in many ways. Ren hates seeing her friends in pain or in danger she tends to make sure she does her best to protect them. She has a temper, a very bad temper, when she needs to she can be very domineering. However when her confidence is high, she?s a brighter person, always happy, laughing, dancing, or just being out going.


Commonly found wearing: Her attire depends on her mood Really? Never ever takes off from her necklace her com badge. And she always wears a silver thing attached to her belt. She sees those two items, along with tricorder keys to a safe life, so she doesn?t go anywhere without them.

~ She could be wearing her work clothes. Which include a white wife beater top that hugs around her frame and ends at the bottom of her waist, gray baggy work pants that flare out around simple white tennis shoes, a set of wrist bands , hair pulled back into a bun or loose braid.

~ A blue summer dress when she feels like looking nice, although she can also choose to wear a black or red short dress, now that it?s in her wardrobe. She usually wears matching heels, round toed and closed. Her hair is either left down or fixed up rather nicely like a princess? hair actually.

~Black boots, blue jeans, white top , hoodie. Blonde hair down over her shoulders that runs to the middle of her back. A silver locket wraps around her neck, a silver belt around her waist, and those wrists bands to hide her scars as usual.

Current living arrangements: Staying at the Estate mostly, though Wolvie doesn?t usually see her cause she practically lives in the basement.

Family: Wolvie is the only one she considers real family.

Abilities: Free thinking engineer. She likes to invent things. She has no real magic abilities other then transforming into a blue fuzzy teddy bear.

Trademarks/Quirks: Probably just the fact that she blushes a lot if complemented. Has a soft spot for her dog Jock. Ren is overly a coward, so she runs a lot, only few people seem to boost her confidence. Aku is a demon teddy who doesn?t care whose feelings she hurts.

Fears: A lot. She?s afraid of spiders, death, of as said before always living with the Kaze curse. Of loosing people close to her, so she tends to withdraw herself is she thinks she?s too close to them. She?s rather afraid of seeing people hurt, or anything hurt. Afraid of children hurting so she tends to protect anyone worthy if she can.


S.N.E.A.K. Suit

The S.N.E.A.K. Suit is made from a highly advanced Kevlar hybrid that stretches skin tight to allow maximum comfort and maneuverability. The uniform is also equipped with a personal cloaking unit, capable of rendering the wearer virtually invisible as well as undetectable by almost all known technological means. The boots and the gloves are fitted with electro-magnetic field-inducers that allow the user to scale buildings, walls, and other various hard to reach places.


The Tricorder is a small, handheld device which can provide full multi-spectrum scanning as well as complete nearly instantaneous data-analysis of all scans. The tricorder is designed as a portable sensing, data analysis, and data communications device, with many specialized abilities, which make it an asset to crews aboard starships and space stations as well as on away missions.

Communicator Badge

The combadge is a combination of a badge and communicator designed to be worn on a Starfleet uniform. Combadges are used for onboard ship communication with other Starfleet personnel when, using the internal communication system is not possible or impractical, for accessing the onboard computer when not in an area that the computer is monitoring, for ship-to-shore communications, and for direct communication to another combadge. Transporters use the combadge as a locator device to lock-on to its bearer, thus making transport faster and more accurate. Combadges are configured to act as universal translators.

Due to the size of the combadge, its working range is limited to 500 km, although a starship can boost the signal to bridge larger distances. The combadge can be opened for maintenance purposes or to be used as a beacon. In emergency situations, a combadge can be modified for use in other applications. It can be converted into a subspace distress beacon, or the tiny power cell can be extracted for other uses.

Smiley Bombs!

An invention of her own madness. One is enough to blow apart a floor of a building around the usual size of around twenty to forty rooms. It?s rounded on the top with a smiley face on it sticking out its tongue. Springs hold wiggly hands and flail them as it bounces on a spring stand. Funny as it looks it?s not something to take lightly. It?s actually quite dangerous.

Personal Shield.
Another daft invention of hers. On low this little shield wraps around her body, although things can still touch her. It?s more reactant towards stress, the level lifts higher with the levels of stress a person feels. On medium you can hardly touch her. She uses this feature more in desperate time because the energy of the shield doesn?t last long. On High she has ten minuets of free bubble space, no one can really touch her, though it doesn?t protect her from everything, like Wolvie?s claws. It defends mostly against energy.

Rose Black

Date: 2008-01-04 22:02 EST

Name: Rose de Lioncourt

Nickames: Just Rose or Rosey

Other Aliases: Has taken various other last names throughout her life.

Identity: Known

Age: 27 but will look 17 for the rest of her immortal days

Birthday: October 17th

Race: Angel

Natural Hair Color: Red

Natural Eye Color: Emerald green

Current Hair Color: She can change her appearance at will, but generally uses her normal form.

Current Eye Color: See above

Height: 5'7

Weight: 117 lbs

Marital Status: single

Affiliation: Was briefly involved with the x-men in her youth, now a member of Wolv?s coalition

Occupation: Once upon a time she was a great bartender, but is currently unemployed.

Place of Birth: Not entirely sure, but it was on Earth.

Status: (Alive or Dead) Alive

Relatives (By blood): A good question indeed. She has family out there somewhere - a twin sister and possibly some other siblings.

Relatives (Not by blood): Not at the moment.

Personality: Rose is friendly and a very outgoing girl who loves to prance around in skimpy clothing (though her dress has been getting steadily more modest). Recently has become a bit more quiet and reflective, though she?s always happy to chat. Only has a few good friends but they are very important to her, though her unborn child matters more to her than the world. Rose is very loyal, gentle, and honest almost to a fault at times. Wears her heart on her sleeve and rarely holds anything back, though she generally dislikes talking about her past. If someone treats her with kindness she will never forget it and will strive to repay them in some way.


Her hair is a red, silky smooth and straight. Eyes are full of life and energy, they resemble two sparkling emeralds. She is slender, has very delicate features and is in shape. Her body is toned, yet still very feminine and curvy. Has well developed abs and maintains them with regular activity of one form or another, though due to her delicate condition she has a growing belly. She clearly takes good care of herself. Is always well groomed and smells of sweet perfumes (one she particularly likes is something like a mix vanilla and brown sugar). Other smells that can often be detected are of salt water or shampoo, as she is swimming and bathing almost constantly. Her skin is baby soft and virtually flawless, no tattoos or scars to speak of. She kept two piercings from her younger days: a belly button ring and a barbell through her tongue. She has just recently pierced her left eyebrow with two silver rings. Her breasts are nicely shaped and perky, they were a full C prior to pregnancy but is now wearing a 32 D as a result of the changes occurring with her body. Do you know how hard it is to find a bra in that size? She has a twenty inch waist, under normal circumstances, and thirty four inch hips.

Commonly found wearing: White, black, and green are her favorite colors for clothing. Everything she wears is either backless, or at least off the shoulders or with very thin straps and an open back ? she likes to leave her shoulders free. Has a preference for leather, silk, velvet ? other fabrics will do as long as they are soft or smooth. Can be seen wearing silk nightgowns when she stumbles right out of bed. She likes corsets, bodices, flairs and is almost always wearing high heeled knee-high black boots. On occasion ,when she dresses up, she will wear high heeled black sandals with thin straps winding up around the calf, stopping just below the knee. The new addition of a black ribbon with a gold cross seems to be on her at all times. Perhaps to match this she is almost always wearing black these days with black nail polish on her fingers and toes.

Current living arrangements: Recently took up residence at 1407 Grayskull Lane.

Family: Not really in contact with them?

Abilities: She loves brawling ? particularly bar fights. But her strongest field lies with the mind rather than the body. Is very skilled with telepathy and telekinetics. Can use telekinetic energy to boost her strength, move extremely heavy objects with mind alone, create a shield that can stand up to almost anything, charge objects with kinetic energy. An excellent mind reader - she can take in a lot of information and recall it almost perfectly. Her teleportation skills are often made good use of - also versed in astral and interdimensional travel. Can shape shift with a moment of concentration. Has some talent with the elements and can influence weather (though this is no easy feat.) Has a divine touch that can heal from the brink of death. Also can boost the immune system, and knows how to affect what the body releases as for hormones and chemicals. Can mimic the effects of drugs by causing chemicals that drugs cause the body to release to do so without the presence of the actual drug, or cause an extreme release of adrenalin when needed. Basically she can completely alter and control bodily functions. Is great with acrobatics and can fly ? with or without her wings. Has an inhuman tolerance of chemicals which is good because when they do effect her it can cause her powers to not function properly, or make for limited use of them.

Trademarks/Quirks: Rose is as curious as a cat, which gets her into trouble on occasion. She tilts her head to the side when is curious, confused or questioning something. Often will arch one eyebrow, for various reasons. Though it is generally an unconscious response, sometimes she does it just because it adds to a sexy expression. Her penetrating gaze is generally quite restless but when she does focus her stare can be unnerving. Likes curling up in the oversized chair by the fire at the RDI as she loves warmth and light. Pretty much on a daily basis travels to far away places ? sometimes on entirely different worlds - to spend the day basking in the sunlight on a beach. She used to have a bit of a problem with being unable to say no to a drink but this is no longer an issue. Mind altering chemicals would be a serious weakness as the majority of her powers require a high level of mental focus. Enjoys mixing drinks for people and is good at it. Has her own special blend of ale that she makes from time to time which is incredibly strong. Recently there has been darkness reflected in her eyes and a certain evil quality has crept into her smile at times... But generally her smile is sincere, bright - all warmth and friendliness.

Fears: Being a tool for evil or becoming evil ? this is due to her upbringing. She was raised by a very twisted and cruel man who used her as a weapon. She has a duel nature; one side of her is very pure, caring and kind. The other, which has been carefully controlled and locked away, is dark and has been making quite the attempt to be freed once more.

Items: Somewhere in a pocket dimension she has a bar full of just about any drink one can imagine, and a big comfy bed. Has a decent selection of clothes, and a sword which looks something like a katana. It is known as The Final Sword or Xalxias. It is mysterious and powerful ? though she has yet to find a situation that warranted its use. She has a companion that tends to follow her around just out of sight in the shadows, though she often rides him, more as a treat to herself than out of necessity. He is a pure black, extremely large, supernatural creature that appears to be a horse. Rose has given him the name of Azrael after the archangel of death ? the name literally means assistant (helper) of God. He is intelligent as well as impossible to kill. Also he consumes her compulsive urges to drink and engage in other such destructive behaviors.


Date: 2008-01-06 18:50 EST
Name: Zacharia James Kaspar
Nickames: Zach, Zachary, Jamie, Kas, Rye, ect.

Other Aliases: None.

Identity: Hidden for the most part until her arrival to Rhy'din where she didn't have to sneak around and steal from others.

Age: 22

Birthday: December 8th

Race: Homo Sapien with ancestral voodoo blood in her veins.

Natural Hair Color: Black from her spanish side.

Natural Eye Color: Hazel/ blue-green

Current Hair Color: An electric pink

Current Eye Color: See above

Height: 5' nothing

Weight: 112 Ibs

Marital Status: Single

Affiliation: None

Occupation: She has had several sundry jobs and been fired due to her life as a thief, now she is currently searching for something to do with herself.

Place of Birth: Manechester, England, Earth.

Status: (Alive or Dead) Partially dead due to some set off balance cause by an encounter with her deceased sister.

Relatives (By blood): She has one sister who died when she was young yet she has a strange bond with her due to her heritage. A grandmother whom she has met only once or twice upon a visit to her father at the hospital. Her father currently resides at 1407 Grayskull Lane.

Relatives (Not by blood): None currently.

Personality: Kaspar is rather timid and shy for a thief, she tends to hold everything in and is hesitant to reveal her past. Very few know much about her and she has little to no friends. It takes a lot for her to trust someone.

Appearance: She dresses in articles of clothing associated with the "goth" and "emo" stereotypes or "gothmo" to others. Though she will opt for other clothing, especially after Wolv took the liberty of reading the tags on her clothing and went out to buy her a few things. She has been reluctant to waer them because she's not used to being taken care of, but she does anyways.

Commonly found wearing: A striped shirt of various colors, often black and pink or some bizarre color. A hoodie comes to her elbows with a scooped neck to show off the shirt underneath and she attempts to keep most of her attire modest. A pair of faded black jeans that look nearly worn out normally hug at her hips, flaunting off her thin waist and accentuating the lean curves of her legs. Leather boots are donned on the feet over striped, rainbow colored toe socks. Black enamored nails and charcoal eyeliner are worn, but it is the most make up she will ever put on save a sunscreen that is applied even in the dead of winter. Her favorite scents as far as perfume goes are vanilla and strawberry and brightly colored bangles adorn the wrists to cover up scars that will remain on her arms for the rest of her life. A thick plastic headband of some random color adds contrast to the bright pink hues of her hair.

Current living arrangements: She has resided at 1407 Grayskull Lane though been gone for an immensely long time due to Kiah's unfortunate kidnapping escapade.

Family: The only current in her life is he father and her deceased sister.

Abilities: She is learning how to summon and cast spells and use alchemy according to a book written by an ancient coven her family was once associated with. Though she has yet to learn the natural balance of everything just yet causing a near death experience upon saving Wolv's life.

Trademarks/Quirks: Simple nervous guestures that are done without much paying attention to, looking down at her feet, biting of the lower lip, twiddling of thumbs. A cant of the head whenever something of interest is brought up and a raised eyebrow to show her enigmatic state of confusion.

Fears: Only one, fire.

Items: A duffle bag full of assorted items, mostly the contents of her wardrobe and a dusty, old book.