Topic: She returns!

Miko Barton

Date: 2008-01-24 21:58 EST
Miko peeked around as she came to the estate. It'd been a long time since she was here. She looked up and down the grounds. She couldn't help a casual stroll through the rose garden before she headed inside. Peaking about inside the grounds as she looked for Wolv. "Dad, Wolvie?" Looking around as she entered fully. Her appearance hadn't changed much since she'd originally left. Maybe an inch taller but nothing else. Of course her hair was longer to. "Daddy." Calling out his names as she started to wander the semi-familiar halls.


Date: 2008-01-25 16:05 EST
The sound of a young woman?s voice was almost startling to Aly, she hadn?t been expecting anyone. Kas and Ren rarely spent anytime at the house and the new young woman Wolvie had brought home, Sera, also a Sorority girl; was sound asleep on the couch. Rising slowly from the chair she sat in, she moved down the hall, looking for the voice.

?Daddy?? Aly repeated softly to herself. Wolvie?s daughter was here? Aly turned to see the girl there. She didn't look like the picture Wolvie had shown her. But, Aly would treat her kindly regardless. After all everyone was family in Wolvie's book.

?Hi? I?I?m Aly.? She smiled sweetly and blushed a bit, this would be the first of Wolvie?s family she had met. Obviously Aly was confused at the moment.

?Uhm, I think your? dad ? said with a slightly questioning tone. ? is at the Inn. He should be home soon. Would you like something to eat or drink??

Miko Barton

Date: 2008-01-27 22:36 EST
She blinked at the girl and nodded a bit. "Oh, uh, sure. I'm Miko. I, was kind of hoping to talk to dad. I've, been gone a while." Smiling slightly. "How do you know Wolv?" Using his name in case the woman was confused on who she was talking about.


Date: 2008-01-28 19:58 EST
"Miko?" *she said the name with a slight pause, that wasn't Wolvie's daughters name. She thought a moment about this and decided to play along, it couldn't harm anything. Either Wolvie had given the girl permission to refer to him as father or she was insane... either way Aly figured she was safe, after all the computer had let the girl into the house anyway.*

"I... Uhm. How do I know your... dad. uhm.. Wolvie?"

*she paced back and forth a moment, giving the girl a soft smile.*

"I am Aly, your dad's... Lifemate."

The Black Knight

Date: 2008-01-28 22:11 EST
She was silent for a while at the sound of that. "Lifemate? I thought, him and Ren were gonna get together. I, guess I've missed alot then. Still, I'm sure dad will explain everything."


Date: 2008-01-29 00:33 EST
The figure slid up from the basement as she seemed to break from the lift doors. Ren had been here doing modifications on a few things down below when she caught something in the security camera screens. Miko? That issued quick reactions, but not quick enough. The tinkerer had gotten distracted until she saw Aly talking to Miko. Crashing through the hall way she slid on the floor with a smirk.

Twilight hues darted over to Aly and a rather soft nod was given before Ren rushed forwards and gripped Miko into a massive hug," MIKO!" Laughing issued from Ren as she twirled the girl in one big spiral. Placing Miko down genteelly she pulled out her necklace.

Fumbling with it for a moment she pressed on the com badge that directed her to Wolvie. Pressing on it there was a chime as she shouted rather loudly into it," Oi! Drop what ever you're doing you big lug! There's a scrawny girl here named Miko who just dropped in the ESTATE to see you!" Snickering she turned back to Miko there was a wink as she jumped into yet another hug with one of the dearest people she knew," That should get his attention..."

Miko Barton

Date: 2008-01-29 00:46 EST
She laughed as she hugged Ren in return as she was spun around and around. "I missed you to Ren." Smiling as Ren called Wolv. "I sure hope so, I can't wait to see him." Happy at the thought of him arriving. She was almost impatient as she looked for him. "What's daddy been up to anyway?"


Date: 2008-01-29 00:57 EST
It was like the whole gang was back. Hitomi had seen Jak, Hina had a healthy son, Ren had met Aonghas, and Ren was on good terms with Wolvie for a talk they had a while ago. There was no end to the building of a good life again. The bonus was Ren's curse was BROKEN!

Chuckling as she whipped out her hat that said 'Wolf Security' and tucked it on top of her blond head. Eyes of night dancing as gold sparked with in them Ren spoke lightly her voice trailing as she sent another nod to Aly, trying her best to be kind and warm to the new life of her best friend," Well yer old man is running for Gov! Having quite a bit of issues, but I make sure that that father of yours has a safe walk home. After all I'm head of making sure he doesn't get attacked or his head blown off by a sniper... Eh... I doubt it will happen, but you gotta cover all bases. Even helped me open up shop for the head of where we'll be located. That and he gave me a few things to put in my new place. Wolvie sure is a busy bee, but you know what his heart is still as good as ever." Grinning to Miko as she made small talk. Hues darting towards the door as she waited for the Best friend, Father, and Life Mate to return home to the three ladies that held some kind of spot in his life.

Miko Barton

Date: 2008-01-29 01:12 EST
She blinked a bit and smiled. "Wow, he's been really busy. I'm glad he hasn't changed though. I didn't think he would but still. I can't wait to see him though. It's been far to long."


Date: 2008-01-29 01:23 EST
That got her to giggle up a storm. Smiling back to Miko she kept her lean up against one of the many posts she took to leaning against from time to time. Crossing her legs she looked around and took in the first real home she had in all of Rhy'Din. It was odd because all she ever had seen while she stayed here was the basement. Arching a brow as she noticed a few things she made note to ask Wolvie about them later.

Those twilight eyes fell back on Miko," Psh! Your father knows that I'd pummle him if he decided to get all crazy on me. Almost had to the other day. The man is stressed. I'm just glad he's coming on a mission with me once all this crap is over. We're returning my sister Kaze home and from what I've learned in the last few days of speaking with my family back home we'll be bringing back three passengers. I can't wait to see my sister Sin, aunt Lilith, and my guardian Draga."

There was a moment of pause between her and Ren as she gabbed away on random subjects," I actually came here because I had some things I was working on and I needed to speak with your father on a few things. I have to finish up a few things for the security business and run out the mission with him when he has time. We just need to have a pow wow with each other and square a few things away."

Chuckling again she stopped her excessive rambling that seemed to make her sound even more like an excited teenage talking with the pep squad of a old clique she hadn't seen together in ages. Come to think of it, the old gang had split up quite a bit and the only few she knew of still together in the time Miko had come into town was Ren and Wolvie. That was something that would never ever, ever be broken through the trials of their life. Ren trusted Wolvie with her life just as Wolvie had placed trust into Ren with his own. It was all strange and twisted, but Ren was enjoying this new spur in her life. Granted making up with Wolvie and meeting Aonghas helped her set of mind and the views held within. Yup Ren's little phases were over, the old Ren Majin was back and even more bodacious then before!


Date: 2008-01-30 18:35 EST
*When Ren came to greet Miko and they started their conversation, Aly backed herself up against the wall and listened for a few moments before quietly sneaking away. She went back to the living room to check on the sleeping Sera and then headed off into the kitchen to get some snacks ready incase anyone was hungry.*

Miko Barton

Date: 2008-02-07 04:54 EST
She smiled to Ren. "Well then we'll have a big reunion I guess. The mission oughta help out dad unwind. Maybe I can even help out with yours and dad's talks. Where is that big guy anyway?" Looking around for him a bit. She was a bit puzzled as to where he was. "He's usually rather prompt isn't he?"