Topic: The angel takes flight once more...

Rose Black

Date: 2008-01-14 15:36 EST
Wolv had given her twenty four hours to get out and she had promised to leave. So midnight of last night would find her room empty of all her things. The only trace evidence the angel had even been there at all was a note she left for Aly.


I can't thank you enough for giving me a real home. I may not get the chance to repay you now... But I can at least make sure that I cause no more trouble for you and Wolv. I will not forgive myself for what I have done. Especially the part about letting you down.

Just know how sorry I am. You guys were wonderful to me and I won't forget it. If ever you need anything.. Don't hesitate to ask. And don't you worry about me either. I made do before. I will again. You take care of yourself.

With love always,

After signing the note Rose would angrily wipe away more tears from her eyes, before they could fall. But her anger was only directed at herself. How could she blame Wolv for throwing her out when it was clear who was responsible for the situation?

She wished there was some sort of explanation for her behavior that she could have given Aly... But there was none. She had no idea what has been affecting her behavior these last few weeks. And until she got a handle on it, this was for the best.

There were two things that made the situation especially painful for her, now that the worst of the original pain of what had been done to her by Lang had all but passed. One was the poor way she had repaid Wolv and Aly for all their kindness. All she had wanted was to aid them in their quest to help people... The other was that she had given no consideration that her actions had consequences that would affect not just her, but her baby. She couldn't believe how selfish she had been.

A thought had not been spared for anyone else. This was not only unlike her it was something foreign to her. She had always put everyone else first... Poor Rose wouldn't forgive herself, and she may never even understand what it was that had driven her to this point. How could she possibly have known that her trying to help in the first place with his group had made her the target to receive the gift which had led to all of this? All she could do now was fight the growing darkness in her - a battle she would have to face on her own.

It was true that her friend was supposed to be giving her a place... An amazing place at that. But it had not been presented to her yet. She just hoped everything was sorted out by the time the child arrived. It wouldn't be long now.

A hand went to her stomach as another tear came and rolled down her cheek. A steadying deep breath was taken. The child that was unaware of the cause of his mothers distress, turned a little. She tried to comfort him in her gentle voice. "It will be alright my angel. Mommy is resourceful and she's going to make sure everything's going to be fine. Better than fine. You'll see."

She had projected all the confidence she had in her to back up the statement ? she would do anything to give her boy the life he deserved. A little sniffle and her free hand went to wipe away that last tear as something inside her began to harden and grow cold. "A wise man once told mommy that if something seemed too good to be true... It probably is."

A heavy sigh was given, as she spoke the lesson out loud. She would have done anything to change what had happened. But there was nothing to be done for it - it was too late now. All she could do was try to pick up the pieces. Something she had done alone her whole life. She would be fine, and more importantly.. Her son would be fine. She would pull herself together and be strong for him.

So she said her goodbyes to the house. More than a house to her it had been a home. A home she had known all too briefly. And so the angel took flight once more for a destination unknown. Hopefully when she got to where ever it was she was going... She would find herself once more.


Date: 2008-01-16 09:49 EST
Rose was leaving.

Wolvinator had told her to do so.

It hurt him to have to come to this conclusion. Over the past few days, something dark had changed within Rose. Something wasn?t quite right. She was once an Angelic peacekeeper, ensuring that those who protected the city would be blessed out of harm?s way. She was thoughtful, caring, and selfless. But now, something in her had changed.

She had become vengeful. Rose had brutally beaten Lang Darkwing, to the point of near death. She was going after Faye Valentine, and Lucy Kitty, two more innocent people, all out of rage and jealousy. Yet Lang managed to end the dispute, as peaceful as he possibly could, and prevented Rose from hurting anyone else.

Things of this nature weren?t always pretty, and Wolvie knew that. He couldn?t have a loose cannon waiting in the wings, it was unclear if Rose was truly going to stop her acts of hate, and it deeply saddened him that it came to this extreme that action had to be taken. The greater of two evils had to be addressed, and he did was any leader would do.

In times of hurt and dismay, Wolvinator deeply understood that you don?t simply push yourself away from the problem. The person with the problem, is in need of help. Rose needed to find herself. There was time that needed to be taken, she needed to battle the darkness that conflicted with the very fiber of her being. Wolvie had set her on this personal quest.

Inside of one of her bags, Rose would find that Wolvinator and Alystrianna intended on helping her more then she realized. Her basic needs were going to be taken care of until she could fully get on her feet, a small letter would be tucked away neatly and a nice amount of silver would be found alongside it. The silver would take care of her needs for a time, it was more than enough to provide her with food and shelter until she was able to do so herself. The letter was penned out and handwritten, and would read as follows:


Please accept this as a token of good faith. We both know how hard this is, and we know that these may be dark times. We hope that you find your way, and our prayers are with you in the hope that you rediscover just who you truly are.

The first step to finding yourself again, is to forgive yourself for past mistakes.

-Aly and Wolvie

Rose Black

Date: 2008-01-16 15:17 EST
Rose had changed, it was true. But she hadn't tried to kill anyone. She would have thought with the displays of her power that much would have been obvious. If she had wanted anyone dead all she need do was use her mind to cut off the flow of blood to their brain or something to that affect.

A loose cannon? Hardly, she took action against a specific individual who had hurt her in a way that no other had. He stole her innocence... Did this make how she reacted right? Definitely not. She knew this and she didn't blame Wolv for his decision but finding the money was almost insulting.

Money was one of the lesser of her concerns... It was the environment her child would be born into that worried her this close to the end of her pregnancy. Not to mention she, with good reason, was concerned for where her child would be brought up. That he had good influences and what not. But she should have thought about that before she attacked Lang. Now that she wasn't seeing red anymore things were more clear. The important thing about mistakes is that you learn from them.

Money was no replacement for a home... But she knew they had meant well. Especially Aly... Remembering how angry Wolv had been with her when he had given her twenty four hours to get out... she had a feeling it had been Aly that had requested this. And she knew exactly what she was going to do with the money.