Topic: Extreme Like


Date: 2011-04-26 19:03 EST
The delivery guy beat her to her door.? As she got out of the cab that had taken her from the Great Hall to the edge of the carriage house's drive, she spotted a uniformed man descending the stairs.? "Oh, wait!? Wait!? I'm here!" she shouted and ran up the drive, waving to him.

He looked up and smiled.? She grinned back when she saw his arms were full of flowers.? "Are those for me?" she asked with breathless anticipation.? They were tulips!? In a gorgeous silver vase!? The guy looked at the card and said, "Are you Lelah Rivka?"? She nodded and he gave her the bouquet.? "Then these are for you.? I hope you forgive him," he said with a smirk.? "Have a nice evening!"? He went back to his delivery van and drove off.

She admired the colorful blooms as she went up the stairs and let herself into the loft.? Oscar did his Welcome Home dance as she moved over to put the bouquet on the dining table and dug through the flowers to find the card.? It said simply, "Thinking of you.?~ R".

Tapping the edge of the card against her teeth, she went into her bedroom and quickly changed out of the dress and heels she'd been wearing today.? Then going back into the living room, she grabbed her phone out of her bag, scrolled through the contacts until she came to Rhys's name.? "Well, crap," she whispered.

Taking the phone and the flowers and a bottle of beer out to her patio, she settled down and plunged in, dialing Rhys's number and listening as it rang.? She'd thank him for the flowers and that was it.?

He'd changed his ring tone to "Stairway to Heaven" and it blared on the other end of the phone before going to Voice Mail. "This is Rhys. I'm either busy or don't want to talk to you. You know what to do." Beep.

She paused for a moment, wondering if she was the one that the last comment was directed at.? Then she took a deep breath and said in a pleasant enough voice, "Hi, Rhys.? It's Leelee.? I just got your flowers.? They're gorgeous.? Thank you.? I've...I've been thinking about you, too."? She hung up before she could say anything more.? Then she set the phone aside and opened her beer, turning in her chair so she could watch the sunset over the mansions to the west of her loft.

He heard the phone go off, but was busy working on that noisy muffler of his. If he had any hopes of going out with Lelah again, he knew he had to fix it. He wiped the grease from his hands onto a rag and tossed it aside before pulling his phone from a pocket to see who he'd missed, muttering a curse when he saw who it was. The one call he didn't want to miss. Wait, had she left a message? He almost dropped the phone in his excitement, but somehow managed to dial into his voice mail. He smiled when he heard her message. She hadn't told him to piss off. That was always a good sign.

He was renting a garage not far from Zen to store and work on his car and had found he could make a few extra bucks working on other people's cars, too. It seemed garage mechanic was not a very common career path in Rhydin and the mages hadn't quite mastered spells to fix flat tires and change the oil. He grabbed a beer from a small fridge and twisted the cap off before dialing her back. There were those nervous butterflies in his stomach again while he waited for her to answer.


Date: 2011-04-26 19:03 EST
Her phone exploded with the sound of Brittany Murphy's sultry, purring voice, "Faster still faster p*ssycat".? She smiled in reflex and reached to pick it up, not bothering to check the caller ID because she knew who this was.? It was Rhys; he'd earned his own ring tone. They'd done a lot of talking on the phone, after all. "Hi," she said softly after answering the call.

She could probably hear the nervousness in his voice. It was like calling her for the first time again. "Hey," he answered, just as softly. He was calling her back, but the call was still in her court.

"How are you?"? Okay.? This was awkward.? She took a deep drink of her beer and watched Oscar as he chased dragonflies around the yard.

There was a short pause. She didn't want an honest answer, did she? He was miserable ever since he'd screwed them up, but that was probably not what she wanted to hear. "I'm okay." Okay was a safe word that could mean any number of things. "How are you?"

"Tired.? The career fair was today and the turn out was good.? I think I've filled all the positions I needed to fill."? She sighed softly, wracking her brain to think of something neutral to talk about.

"Good, that's good." He was genuinely happy for her. "Did you fill the position of chauffeur or P.A. yet?" he asked, hoping to lighten the mood and alleviate the awkwardness they were probably both feelings.

"Nope.? That'll be the next round of hirings.? Well, the PA anyway.? Um...? I actually wanted to see if you might help me find a car."

He took a swig of his beer as he wandered outside and took a seat on the stoop outside the garage. "Oh, yeah? I was just working on mine when you called. What kind of car are you looking for?"

"Something small and cute.? A Mini Cooper or maybe a VW Bug.? The streets around here clearly were not made for big cars.? Plus, you know, I'm little."

He smiled, imagining her tooling around Rhydin in a cute little Lovebug.? "You want it painted white with a number 53 on the side?" he teased. He'd been thinking about getting a Harley himself. As much as he loved the Monte Carlo, she wasn't really practical for the small streets of Rhydin.

She made a face he couldn't see and laughed a little.? "No.? Bright yellow.? Convertible, if possible."

"Yellow, convertible, got it. I'll see what I can do." Cars were a somewhat rare commodity on Rhydin, but if anyone could find what she wanted, it was him.

She grinned and shoved a hand through her hair, pulling a lock of it over her shoulder to twist between her fingers.? "Thanks."? The awkward silence fell between them again and she took a deep breath, meaning to ask him a question, but chickening out at the last moment.


Date: 2011-04-26 19:04 EST
He wondered if she'd just called to ask if he could help her find a car of if there was another reason. "So, um..." Should he ask if she'd gotten the flowers or not? He'd never been this nervous talking to a woman before, but maybe that was because she was important to him. "I was wondering..."

"Did you..."? They spoke at the same time and she broke off with a nervous chuckle.? "You first."

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out for coffee sometime... or something."

"Oh."? She bit her bottom lip and sighed softly.? "I don't know.? I mean, you really scared me. Did you mean it?? What you said?? love...with me."? She suddenly felt a little bit like William Shatner and grinned.

That was a damned if you do, damned if you don't question. Riley had told him to tell her the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Well, what would you expect from a defense lawyer? He wondered if he should get her to plead his case. He chewed on his lip a moment while he considered, but she couldn't see that. "I know I have feelings for you."

She swallowed and took a deep drink of her beer, draining it and setting the empty bottle aside before answering.? "I...? Well...? Love?? Isn't that something that comes with time?? Are you sure it's not lust?? Or maybe extreme like?"

"I'd be lying if I said there wasn't at least a little lust, but... Look, Lelah, I'm sorry if I rushed things. I know I said we'd take things slow. All I'm asking is for a second chance. That's all. We can take things slow, get to know each other. I know I'm an ass at times, but..." He sighed, unsure if he was making any sense at all. "I understand if you need some time. I just... I don't? know... There are so many things you don't know about me. So many things we don't know about each other. All I'm asking for is one date. Let me take you out for coffee and I'll explain everything."

She bit her lip and said without thinking, "Yes.? But not coffee.? Gelato.? And I'm buying."

He smiled, relaxing just a little, though his palms were sweaty and his heart was hammering. "Okay, gelato."

She rose from the chair on the patio, and carried her flowers, phone, and empty beer bottle back inside.? "Do you want to meet me there in like half an hour?"? She set the flowers on her dresser so that they would be the last thing she looked at before falling asleep and the first thing she saw when she woke up.

He arched a brow, a little surprised at her response, expecting her to want to set a date days or maybe even weeks from now, forcing him to slow down. But then, this was the same girl - no, woman - who'd spontaneously asked him over for dinner. "Can you give me an hour? I gotta get cleaned up. I look like a grease monkey. Unless you like your men with engine grease under their fingernails."

She grinned.? "Oh, I don't know.? That could be kind of sexy."? She chuckled and then realized that she should probably dial it back a bit.? "An hour is fine.? That will give me enough time to agonize over three different outfits and hair styles."

He chuckled. "I'm sure no matter what you pick, you'll look gorgeous." He couldn't imagine her ever not looking gorgeous.? She probably rolled out of bed looking gorgeous. And what did one wear to go out for gelato with a movie star anyway? His wardrobe wasn't all that exciting.

She snorted softly and opened her closet, staring into its depths, expecting inspiration to strike at any moment.? He was a mechanic, so jeans would probably be acceptable.? No heels this time...just in case.? "Okay," she said, sounding distracted.? "I'll see you in one hour.? Bye."? She hung up, grinning like a loon.

He was still smiling when he hung up the phone, feeling those butterflies fluttering around in his stomach again. He took another swig of his beer and got up from the stoop. If he didn't want to be late, he'd have to hustle.


Date: 2011-04-26 19:05 EST
She finally settled on jeans, a pair of brown leather brogues, and a white button-up shirt over a pink tank.? Then she fed Oscar, refilled his water bowl, and left the loft, making sure to lock up behind her.? A taxi was idling just a few houses away.? She flagged it down and soon she was sitting in a window booth in the gelato shop, watching for Rhys and his overly loud car.

Fortunately, he was just about finished with the muffler when she called. He locked up the garage, got himself back to his apartment, took a quick shower and agonized over what to wear, finally picking out a light blue button down shirt, a new pair of jeans, and low-rise hiking shoes. The car didn't look any different when it pulled up but with the new muffler, the engine purred like a kitten.

Her brow rose in surprise.? The overly loud car was no more.? She grinned and waved to him from inside the shop.? Her brows rose even higher when she saw what he was wearing.?

He felt a little awkward in the dress shirt, but tried to pretend it was just another shirt and not something that made him look preppy. He saw her in the window as he was making his way from the car to the shop and smiled and waved back, feeling his heart skip a beat.

She wondered if maybe she shouldn't have put on a skirt and some heels; she hadn't realized that this was that kind of date.? She thought it was just a casual thing, two friends meeting up for delicious frozen Italian treats.? Feeling a little uncomfortable, she grabbed her bag and quickly slapped on a layer of shell pink lip-gloss and fluffed her hair quickly.

He pushed into the shop and headed toward her table, hands shoved in his jeans pockets and feeling just a little awkward, though there was a smile on his face. He looked her over, as always, finding her just as gorgeous as ever, even dressed down. "Hey, sorry I'm late." He wasn't really sure if he was late or not. "I had to hustle to make an hour." There was probably still a hint of engine under his nails that he'd missed.

She watched him, unable to keep the hunger out of her eyes.? She glanced down at the menu on the table to hide it from him.? She tried for nonchalant.? "I don't think you're that late.? I only agonized over two outfits, so I'm early."? She looked back up at him, a teasing smile in place of the hungry one now.

He smiled back and slid into the booth opposite her. "You look awesome." He looked down at his own choice of outfit. "I agonized, too. Can you tell?"

She nodded, an appreciative look on her face.? "You look very nice, Rhys," she said sincerely.? She handed him a menu, and went back to looking her own over, just to hide the hunger that reared its ugly head again.

He took the menu from her and laid it on the table in front of him, folding his hands atop that. "I only own one suit." He smiled. "Know anyone who might be willing to take me shopping?"

She glanced up at him, a slow smile spreading over lush lips.? "Man, if only we were back in NYC.? I'd take you up on that offer in a heart beat.? I dunno about here, though.? Maybe a nice tailor or something?"

He shrugged. "I've never really been much of a fashionista. I'm just a regular guy from Iowa. And it's corn, not potatoes." He smiled, correcting her before she made the same mistake that everyone in Rhydin seemed to make.


Date: 2011-04-26 19:06 EST
"What's corn?" she asked, having settled on a waffle cone with a scoop of dark chocolate and a scoop of coffee.?

"I don't know. Every time I mention Iowa, everyone seems to think we grow potatoes, but I think that's the other I state."


He smiled and opened his menu. "That would be it. Mystic, Iowa. Can you believe it?"

"Seriously?? That's where you're from?"? She grinned.? "It was kismet then.? I'll bet if you had been born, you wouldn't have been mixed up in demon hunting."

"Spent the first nine years of my life there." He chuckled. "Probably would have been mob then." He looked back at the menu again. "What were you going to order again? Peach Schnapps something or other?"

"Peach Bellini.? But I changed my mind.? I'm gonna go with dark chocolate and coffee now."? She shifted in her seat, tucking her leg beneath her and leaning forward, putting her elbows on the table.? "Do you have siblings?"

"Peach Bellini, that's it. I'm gonna try that. I think it's time I try new things." He lifted his head from the menu at her question, forehead wrinkling. Yet another loaded question. The simple answer was no. The truthful answer was different. "My mom was pregnant when she was... when she died, so no. No siblings. What about you?" He wasn't sure how much was too much information. Should he give her the Reader's Digest version or things or the War and Peace version?

She frowned softly, a little knife blade pricking at her heart when she heard that.? "No siblings.? My parents had their hands full with me after my career picked up."? She searched for other topics.? "How did you and Riley meet?"? Why the hell was she talking about his ex now?? The question had just popped out unbidden.

Oh, God, yet another loaded question. He wondered if there was anything he could tell her about his life that wasn't fraught with demons and tragedy. "I was hunting a demon, and it turned out to be her boyfriend."? How else did you say it?

Her brows rose and she gaped at him.? "He was possessed?? And you killed him?"? It sounded like the perfect beginning for a film and she itched to scribble down the idea before it got away from her.? Hell, his entire life sounded like the perfect film...or maybe trilogy of films, like Jason Bourne...only with demons instead of the CIA.

He shrugged again, frowning and shifting slightly as if the memory bothered him in some way. He never liked killing. It wasn't something he enjoyed doing but sometimes it needed to be done. "I tried exorcising him, but... I screwed it up. He went after Riley, and I shot him."


Date: 2011-04-26 19:07 EST
"So you saved her life?"

"I dunno. Matter of perspective, I guess. She went all jaguar on him after that and finished him off."

"She did what now?"

He sighed. "I probably shouldn't have told you that. You're going to find out sooner or later. Riley is Lycan. Jaguar. Like a werewolf, only jaguar form." It was one thing to tell his own secrets, another to tell Riley's but their lives and fates were linked and it was hard to share one story without sharing the other.

"Shouldn't have..."? She broke off as he explained further.? She gaped at him again, her jaw hanging down against her chest, her eyes wide with shock.? "Seriously?"? She sat back, clearly stunned.? "But she's so normal.? Nice.? And she's married!"? She gasped, put a hand over her mouth.? "Does David know?"

He smiled, a little wistfully. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he knows. It's kind of hard to hide."

"Does that mean he's one, too?"? She was entirely too interested in how this worked.? She was shocked that Riley didn't keep her condition a secret.

He had to think about that a minute. As far as he knew, David wasn't Lycan. He knew there was something different about him, but he wasn't sure exactly what. "No, I don't think he is. I mean, I wasn't."

"Huh."? This was certainly an enlightening conversation.? "It didn't bother you?? Her being a...what did you call it?? A Lycan?"

He smiled. "It did at first, but so long as she promised not to eat me, I was okay with it."

"Did she do that?? Eat people?"? Her eyes were wide again.

"She only changes when the moon is full and she has total control. She doesn't hunt people, Lelah. She hunts, I dunno, deer or something. I've hunted some who killed people. Werewolves mostly."

"Thank goodness.? I'd be in big trouble if I ever broke up with you, huh?"? She gave him a brave little grin.? Then she waved down a passing waitress on roller skates and ordered for them.

He chuckled. "From who? Me or Riley?"

"Her.? Though, maybe you, too, huh?"

"You don't have to worry about me." So long as you're human, he thought with a small frown. ?It wouldn't be the first time someone broke up with me."


Date: 2011-04-26 19:08 EST
She sat forward again.? "Is that what you're worried about?? That you're gonna expose all your secrets and I'm gonna dump you?"

He flicked a glance back at her, the look on his face confirming her statement. "Something like that."

She sighed and looked down at the table between them.? "What if I tell you my secrets?"

"Unless you tell me you're a transvestite, I don't think anything you tell me would scare me away."

"Post surgery, I believe it's called transsexual."? She grinned at him and then sat back as the waitress brought their gelato.? Lelah paid her quickly, tipped her healthily, thus ensuring they'd be left alone for as long as they wanted the booth.

He immediately regretted his poor attempt at humor and was relieved she hadn't taken it the wrong way. "I stand corrected." He picked up the spoon, still looking at her. "The point is I'm not afraid of your secrets, if you're not afraid of mine."

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and stared down at the bowl in front of her.? In a voice that was soft and full of regrets and a touch of shame, she said, "I bought tar...Tuesday morning."

His eyebrows drew downward in consternation and he shook his head lightly. "I don't know what that is."

She looked up at him.? "Heroin.? The best kind."? Her voice was flat, emotionless.? She picked up her spoon and drew a wavy line between the two scoops of gelato, mating their flavors.

He'd never been involved in the drug scene. He had enough problems without that. Alcohol had always been his drug of choice, to one degree or another. There had been times when he struggled with it, but he mostly had it under control. He couldn't hide the shocked expression of horror from his face, and he felt his stomach lurch. He didn't want to admonish her. He knew that would only push her away. He wanted to understand first, and then maybe he could somehow help. "Why, Lee? It wasn't because of me, was it? You didn't..." He broke off. She said she'd bought some, but hadn't mentioned using it. "Did you?"

She saw the look of horror on his face and looked away, unable to meet his eyes.? She took a tiny nibble of the dark chocolate gelato, completely unheeding of its taste.? It might have well have been sawdust in her mouth.? In a tiny voice, she said, "It wasn't all because of you." She shook her head, darted a look up at him, then lowered her eyes to her bowl once more.? "No.? I haven't used it.? It's still at home."? She didn't add that the only reason it was still sitting in her bathroom was because she didn't have works handy - no needles or spoons.

"Jesus," he muttered to himself and sat back against the booth, watching her, his face a mix of sympathy and horror along with a good dash of guilt. "Promise me you won't do that." Maybe it was too soon to ask that of her, but he felt he needed to, for her sake, more than his own.

She was silent for a long, long time, refusing to meet his eyes, refusing to even talk.? Finally, after a few moments, she said, "You don't know what it's like, Rhys.? The need to have a taste again.? And all of this...this stuff...that's come down on me lately makes it hard to be..."? She broke off, shook her head, unable to utter the word that everyone expected from her.? Perfect.?

He wasn't sure exactly what it was she was trying to get at, but he could make a pretty good guess. He had told himself he wouldn't touch her, wouldn't kiss her, wouldn't rush her in any way, but if anyone needed a friend right now, it seemed to be her. He set his spoon down, heedless of the melting gelato. It wasn't the gelato that he'd come here for, but her. He reached for her hand to let her know she wasn't alone. "Hard to be what?"

She stared at his hand, not touching it just yet.? She'd gone through rehab on her own, gone through the recovery on her own, too.? Maybe that was why it hadn't stuck.? She reached out and took his hand, marveling at how huge it seemed in comparison to her own.? "Perfect," she whispered and looked up at him, tears swimming in those large, dark, kohl-lined eyes.


Date: 2011-04-26 19:09 EST
He saw the tears in her eyes and knew she was hurting. His heart went out to her, full of sympathy and compassion and caring. He wanted to help her somehow, he wanted to be there for her, and be whatever it was she needed him to be, even if it was only friends. Someone had pushed him away once for being less than perfect, and he refused to do the same to her. He closed his hand around hers, lightly rubbing at her hand with a thumb. "No one is perfect, Lelah, but you come pretty damned close." He reached over to brush a stray tear from her cheek with a touch that was surprisingly gentle.

She shook her head.? "No, I'm not.? I'm a mess.? I'm scared and weak and alone and oh, God...? I'm so lonely!"? The dam broke at last and she started crying.? She let go of his hand and covered her face with her hands, hiding behind them while her slender shoulders shook with the silent force of her sobs.

He was taken aback by her sudden and unexpected emotional outburst and he let go of her hand to switch seats, sliding into the booth beside her and wrapping his arms around her to hold her, pulling her against his chest and whispering softly beside her ear. "Shh, it's all right. You're only human. And you're not alone."

She leaned against him, letting go all of the pressure that drove her to give into the addiction in the first place.? Burying her face in his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him and holding onto him like she was drowning, some small, distant part of her brain observed that the last person she'd cried like this with was a co-star...and it had been on camera. After a few moments, the tears expended themselves and she whispered, "I'm sorry."

He realized how very different she was from Riley, how soft and vulnerable and human, and he felt suddenly needed. It had been a long time since he'd felt that way. He rubbed her back gently, patiently, letting her take as long as she needed. "You have nothing to apologize for."

She sniffled and looked up at him.? She was one of those lucky women who didn't get all red and splotchy when they cried.? "Yes, I do," she said.? "Your shirt's all wet and our gelato's probably melted beyond saving."? She scrubbed at her face with the heels of her palms and sighed, slowly gaining control of herself.? "I'm sorry.? This was supposed to be fun.? Casual.? A way back."

He was still holding her close and would hold her as long as she'd let him. He fought the desire to bury his face in her hair, to taste her lips again, to hold her so close he could feel her heart beat against his. But that wasn't what she needed right now. Not yet. What she needed was a friend who cared and he could give her that. He smiled, though his own heart was aching. All of this was doing nothing to discourage his feelings for her. They were only growing stronger. He smiled and once again wiped at an errant tear.? Love is never having to say you're sorry, he thought to himself. "Don't apologize. That's what friends are for." It was killing him to call her a friend when he wanted to be so much more, but he'd promised to go slow and he was determined not to screw it up this time.

She gently extricated herself from his embrace and slid over a bit on the booth's seat.? She reached across the table, snagged his bowl, and pulled it in front of him.? Looking up at him, she gave him a thankful smile.? Then she took his spoon from his bowl and stole a bite.? "Mmm," she said and offered him her own spoon, with a raised brow.? She was determined to move past her mini break-down and pretend it hadn't happened.? She felt safer that way, less vulnerable.

He took the spoon from her, staying where he was on the seat beside her, until and unless she banished him from there. "Are we trading or sharing?" He was referring to the gelato.

"Sharing?"? She scooted a tiny bit closer to him, her shoulder and upper arm pressed against him.

Sharing gelato and sharing secrets, it seemed. His life story couldn't be summed up in a few hours, maybe hers couldn't either, but it was a start. He scooped up a bit of the chocolate/coffee mixture and offered it to her. "I'm not usually very good at sharing."


Date: 2011-04-26 19:09 EST
"Me, either.? Comes from being a spoiled Hollywood Princess," she said with a tiny smirk.? Then she accepted the bite he was offering, trying - and failing spectacularly - not to make it at all sexual.

"Comes from being an only child." Or an orphan, he thought to himself, grinning at the sound she was making. He hoped one day he could make her do that in private, but he didn't want to get ahead of himself. "Are you doing that on purpose to tease me or do you really like it that much?"

Her brows rose and then she colored slightly.? She swallowed and shook her head.? "It's really good."? She looked down and murmured, "Sorry.? I didn't mean to be a tease."

He smiled again, finding her blush adorable. He found himself smiling a lot in her presence and it surprised even him. "It's okay. I'll take a cold shower later."

She bit her lip and slid away a bit, putting a safe distance between them.? She plunged into her gelato, saying softly, "Me, too."

He watched her move away from him and switched back to the seat across from her, so as to give her a little space, secretly happy to know he was having some effect on her, wondering what she really thought of him. He scooped up a spoonful of the chocolate, his favorite, and finally had a taste.

She blew out a relieved breath when he moved back across from her and ate in silence for a while.? "You know," she said, paused to savor a bite of his Bellini before continuing.? "Maybe we know."? She arched a brow meaningfully.? "Just to get it out of the way."

He mirrored her look, arching an eyebrow of his own, catching her meaning and obviously surprised by her suggestion. "I thought you wanted to go slow."

She shrugged a little.? "The tension is killing me.? It's like..."? She frowned, struggling to express herself.? "Look, you've probably noticed this already, but I'm extremely flirtatious.? I feel like I can't be...natural...with you.? Like...? I'm afraid to just relax and be flirty.? I'm afraid that it's gonna screw something up."

"Screw something up how? You think... sex is gonna break the tension and you won't want to flirt anymore?" He was going to say make love but changed it to sex, since clearly the L word was off the table, at least for now.

"No, it's not that I won't want to, but that I'll feel more comfortable doing it."? She sighed and shook her head.? "Speaking of screwing things up, I'm just gonna shut up now and eat my gelato."

He was more confused than ever now. "Wait, let?s get this straight... You want meaningless sex?"

She groaned and closed her eyes.? "No, I don't want meaningless sex.? God.? I'm f*cking this up so badly!"? She opened her eyes, set her spoon down, and fixed him with a steady, sober look.? "I really like you, Rhys.? I want to flirt with you.? But I'm afraid that if I flirt with you, I'll be sending you mixed signals and it'll screw up our relationship.? This sexual tension between us is crazy.? I can't stand it."

He was still trying to wrap his head around what she was trying to get at. She seemed conflicted. She wanted him to go slow, but she wanted him to go to bed with her. She liked him, but she didn't want to hear the L word. What the hell did she want from him?? To be friends with benefits? He looked about as confused as he felt. "What signals do you want to send me, Lelah? Just tell me what you want."


Date: 2011-04-26 19:10 EST
"You," she blurted out before she could think about it.? Then she immediately wished she could take it back...or hide.? She covered her mouth with her hand and blushed deeply.

He still had that confused look on his face, only now it was not only confused but conflicted. Temptation thy name is Lelah. What was the matter with him? Under normal circumstances, he'd jump at the chance to go to bed with a beautiful woman, especially one he had feelings for and who told him flat out that she wanted him. "What do you think will happen if we do?"

She shook her head, grabbed her bag and pushed her bowl away.? "You know what?? I'm just going to go before this conversation gets me into more trouble.? It was...? Well, it was really nice to see you.? And if I haven't thoroughly confused the crap out of you, I'd like to see you again."

"Lee..." His heart sank, as she was getting ready to walk out on him once again, though this time she said she wanted to see him again.

She froze in place, stared at him.? "Yes?"? His pet name for her made her feel squishy and warm inside.

He almost felt like he was the one that needed time now, but he felt like an ass asking for it. He wanted to get to know her better before he slept with her. He didn't want to just sleep with her for the sake of sleeping with her. He wanted more than that. Maybe he wanted too much. "I don't want to screw it up again."

"Neither do I, Rhys.? Hence all the verbal diarrhea."

"Can I take you to dinner? Some place nice. I'll even wear my only suit."


"No, not now. Tomorrow or whenever you want."

"Tomorrow."? She paused.? "Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

She smiled and stood up, slinging her bag over her shoulder.? "Great.? What time?"

"Whatever time is good for you."

"How's... six, seven?"

"Seven.? I'll wear heels and a dress."? She gave him a little smirk - he should have expected nothing less.? Then she leaned down and kissed his cheek.? "Thank you for not freaking out and running away earlier."

He smiled up at her when she kissed his cheek. "I told you I wouldn't run away." He slid out of the booth. "Need a ride?"

She cupped his cheek softly.? "Yeah.? You did.? Nope."? She flashed him a grin.? "Too tempting.? G'night."? And then she was out the door and moving quickly across the parking area, headed for the street to flag down another cab.

He watched her go, retaking his seat. No point in letting good gelato go to waste. He'd finish it off before he headed home to an empty apartment and a cold shower.

((Thanks to Rhys Bristol for this scene.))