Topic: Go plotz yourself, mamzer


Date: 2011-04-26 17:46 EST
It was with some hesitation that Ori walked up the steps to the Inn. Not because he was worried about going into the place, or at least not entirely because of that. No, it was mostly because the stairs gave him more than a little trouble. It was, unsurprisingly, a bit difficult to go up stairs when your legs are significantly longer than they had been only two days ago. He made it without falling or otherwise making a fool of himself, though, and tugged open the door.

There, he paused momentarily, trying to process the sights of the Red Dragon's commons room. Eventually, he realized he was standing like an idiot in the open doorway, and stepped inside. He moved a few more paces into the room, then hesitated, looking around. There were a lot of people in here, and at least one of them was clearly not human. He felt a wash of relief at the sight of Lelah waving to him, and headed her way a little faster than was strictly necessary.

"I'm sorry I'm not a good conversationalist. I never learned the fine art of small talk. Not much opportunity to meet new people and all,? Lelah said softly to Gideon, with whom she was sitting at the bar, enjoying a glass of Laphroaig. God above, she was such a monumental dork sometimes.

Gideon ran the tip of his tongue over the edge of his inner lip and settled back against the bar stool, arms crossing. "No, luv, you're fine." Still watching the other man's approach with chagrin. This ought to be good.

"Hey," Ori said when he was close enough not to be screaming it out to the room. "How are you?" Good manners had been drummed into him from a very young age.

She darted a look back and forth between Gideon and Ori, noting the defensive posture the former had adopted, and inwardly smirked....and then immediately felt guilty for it. ?Hi, Ori. I'm doing well." She flashed him a smile and then nodded to Gideon, holding out her hand in gesture to him. "Ori, this is my...friend...Gideon. Gideon, this is Ori. The wizard I told you about."

Gideon bit clean through the inside of his cheek in an effort not to grin like a maniac, though the corners of his lips twitched upwards of their own stubborn volition anyway. "Hullo, Ori."

"Hello, Gideon," he said politely. "Nice to meet you." He glanced between the two of them for an instant, then, "I didn't interrupt, did I?"

She ticked a look at Gideon, brows tugged down for a moment. "No, not really. We were just chatting. Want a drink?"

"A pleasure," Gideon said. The flash of teeth before he deflected his attention in favor of reaching for the bottle of Laphroaig to refill his glass and top up Lelah's. He was silently repressing a great deal of laughter. Wouldn't do to be turned into a newt because he couldn't hold his tongue.

"Well, I suppose one wouldn't hurt, as long as it's not as strong as last night." Ori gave her half a grin at that.

A soft chuckle for Ori's comment. "How about a beer instead? I know the perfect one for you." She flashed Gideon a grateful smile as he refilled her drink and then headed for the beer cooler.

"Yeah, that would be fine." Ori could handle a beer. Especially now.

She nodded and grabbed out a Silver Mark, popped the top and handed it over to the wizard. And cue the triangle of awkward silence. She picked up her glass, sipped it, dark eyes ping-ponging from Gideon's to Ori's face.

The back and forth of Lelah's wide eyes were almost the tipping point. Gideon bit back a grin and turned attention toward Ori. "Lelah get you drunk and take advantage last night?"

"Thank you." Ori accepted the beer and took a cautious sip of it. Turned out to be pretty good, actually. Which made it doubly unfortunate when Gideon's comment caused him to choke on it.

The snark of inhaled alcohol earned a broad, dangerously pleased smile that belied the forced innocence of the rest of Gideon's expression. "Oh, so she did, then?"

Gideon had comedic timing. Really, he should see about a stand up gig. And maybe a waterproof tarp to cover his clothing with, because Lelah spewed a mouthful of scotch all over the counter. "Sh*t," she muttered and quickly ducked behind the counter, hiding the furious blush the man's comment had caused.

Gideon gave Lelah a cheeky wink as he lent forward on the bar with both elbows, hands toying gleefully with his glass of scotch. "Wicked girl." He drew his glass quickly out of the way of her explosion and his shoulders shook with silent laughter.


Date: 2011-04-26 17:46 EST
It was a bad night for the drinks, apparently. Choking and spewing abounded. Ori covered his mouth until the coughing subsided. At least he wasn't the only one to have that sort of reaction. It made him feel a little better.

She stood up, towel in hand and wiped down the bar. "Jerk," she said to Gideon, eyes narrowed dangerously, though a smile threatened to lift one corner of her mouth. She glanced Ori's way, worrying about him. The poor guy seemed to breathe liquids more than he consumed them. "You okay?" Concern smothered that burgeoning smile for a moment.

"What?" Blinking in utter and perfect wide-eyed sweetness. Gideon reached over and clapped Ori on the back soundly ? very, very soundly.

Ori nodded, waving the other hand in a dismissive gesture. "Fine, fine," he said after a moment, when he'd caught his breath. "Thanks for asking." Hell, he'd dropped his beer. He bent down to pick it up, then staggered forward when something struck him on the shoulder. "What-," he gasped, grabbing onto one of the stools for support.

If there hadn't been a solid, wooden bar between Lelah's foot and Gideon's shin, she would have barked it for him - soundly. As it was, she glared at him again when he practically knocked the poor wizard to his knees. "Ori!" she said, moving around the bar to help him to his feet. "Here, sit. Relax." She nodded to the stool the wizard was grasping for support.

"Alright there, mate? Oops. Easy." Gideon sat back as Lelah came round the bar to help the poor, follicly-over endowed sod.

Ori didn't quite glare at Gideon, but there was definitely reproach in the look he gave the other man. He sat down on the stool he'd used to stop himself from falling, and gave Lelah a grateful, if slightly sheepish, smile. "Thanks," he said softly.

She returned the smile, hers soft and sympathetic. She knew what a hard time he was having lately. Handing him his beer, she moved back around the bar and fell into her comfortable lean again - elbows on the counter, chin cupped in both palms, eyes moving back and forth between the two. They were as different as two men could possibly be and she wondered for a moment where Rhys would fall between them. She decided closer to Ori's side of things.

Ori's reproachful glare only earned a broadening of that guileless Cheshire grin. "So..." The long silence was agony. "You were saying about last night?"

"Yeah, last night." She darted a look at Ori. It was his story to tell; she'd let him. She was magnanimous like that.

"What?" Ori asked, his eyes wide and guileless.

She snorted with soft amusement, suddenly relieved that she wasn't the only one with sub-par social skills. "He just arrived yesterday," she explained for Gideon's benefit. "Last night, really. In my drive." There. Maybe that would be the impetus to get the wizard talking.

The memory of that portal made Ori wince. He took a drink of what remained of his beer and nodded in agreement with Lelah's statement, but didn't add anything to it. He had a feeling the other man really wasn't interested in the story.

"Yes, you said." Gideon murmured toward Lelah while silently pondering the utter lack of verbal acuity on the part of the face muffler-sporting wizard. Cool eyes ticked over the man like a specimen nailed to a table. "What an odd place to arrive to. Did you have plans for her drive, such as paving, or was it just extraordinarily dumb luck?"

"Beltane!" Lelah suddenly exclaimed, the word bursting forth with all the unexpected force of a vehement curse. She straightened and pinned Gideon with her gaze. "What's it all about? I've made posters for the May Queen thing, but I have no clue what's going on."

"Do you have plans to get some manners, or are you always a mamzer?" He shot back, suddenly tired of the attitude he was getting, and for seemingly no reason.

Gideon rocked back in his chair at Lelah's sudden shout, eyes wide and fixed on her as if any moment she might just loose her sh*t entirely. He blinked and with no small effort let just his eyes stray toward Ori, the rest of him frozen like a deer in the headlights. "If I knew what the hell that was, mate, I might be able to clarify that for you. As it stands? I've been told I have lovely manners, all two of them. How about yourself?" He glanced back at Lelah in complete befuddlement, braced as if at any moment she'd have another outbreak.

Eyes wide now, she slowly straightened, moving as if any sudden change would cause one or both of them to launch themselves bodily at the other. Helpless, wide, dark eyes moved out to the crowd, settling for a moment on the electric shock of Clover's red hair. Any port in a storm. Now, if she could just get out from behind the bar without attracting too much attention...

He stood abruptly and turned to face Lelah, pointedly ignoring Gideon. "When you've got some time, or friendlier company, I want to tell you what I decided. Have a good night." He turned and walked for the door without a backwards look.

"Evening!" He waved a cheerful hand toward Ori's departing backside and relaxed to lean against the bar again, giving Lelah a slight shrug accompanied by a wary glance. "Odd fellow. I got the impression he didn't care much for me. You alright there, luv? You went a little apoplectic for a second. You on some meds?"

"I wonder where he might have gotten that impression." She gave Gideon an ugly look, one that said she was not a fan of his behavior tonight. "Are you always so petty?" There was an as yet unseen steeliness in her voice.

Dark brows lifted. "What are you talking about? I was nothing but cordial." Fox-sly smile hidden behind the rim of his glass as he shifted in his seat, practically glowing with smug self-satisfaction. "Don't be mad, luv, it was just a bit of fun."

Dark, kohl-rimmed eyes narrowed a touch at his transparent innocent facade. "You didn't need to be such a monumental prick to him, Gideon. He didn't do anything to you." She left the bar without further comment - or a backwards glance - and headed towards the door, hoping to catch the wayward wizard before he hurt himself or someone else.


Date: 2011-04-26 17:47 EST
Ori closed the door behind him with a thump, and stood on the porch, taking a deep breath of the night air. The words swirled in his head, pulsing as they tried to entice him into speaking them. It would be so easy to let them all out, but he knew that would be a disaster. Not all of them were as harmless as the ones he'd spoken last night. Deep breath, Ori, he told himself. Get it under control. He gripped the railing in both hands, concentrating on the feeling of the wood against his palms, using it to push the words back down deep. The pressure receded, but remained there, waiting for the next opening.

She pushed through the doors, out onto the porch, and heaved a sigh of relief to see Ori standing at the porch railing. "Ori?" she ventured hesitantly and joined him, standing a safe distance away, in case he decided to spew more lights...or something worse.

He turned in surprise when Lelah spoke to him. "Uh..hi," he said. It was obvious he hadn't expected her, or anyone else to be there.

She flashed him a quick smile. "You okay?" She looked him over carefully from head to toe and back again, as if assessing for injuries.

"Sure, I'm fine." Then he realized she was asking about more than his physical state. "No fireworks or reversed gravity, either," he added, giving her half a grin again.

She chuckled a bit and then turned around, leaning her back against the railing. "I'm sorry about that," she said, nodding towards the Inn, then mentally berated herself for apologizing for Gideon. Way to continue the cycle, Leelee. She sighed a bit and dragged a hand through dark tresses. "You don't smoke, do you?" she asked Ori, glancing up at him.

"You didn't make the guy a prick. Besides, I'm used to it." He shook his head. "No, I don't. How come?"

"I need a smoke," she said. Then his first statement caught up with her and she glanced sharply at him. "What do you mean, you're 'used to it'?"

"Getting picked on." He shrugged. "Been happening all my life." He gave her a sideways glance. "I...uh...think I could make a cigarette, if you want."

She shook her head, cracked a little smile at his offer. "No, thanks. I'll just...find one. Hell, I should buy my own pack and that way, I could stop relying on the arrogant, petty..." She paused, shook her head again, switched topics. "You said something about a decision?"

"It's no problem," he insisted, waving off the decision for the moment. "I could use the practice. Come on, what kind do you like?"

She bit her bottom lip, thinking for a moment, then shrugged. What the hell? When in Rome, right? "Gitanes," she said. "They're French."

He grinned, pleased. There was more than a bit of enjoyment in being able to show something off to the lovely woman. He held out one hand and spoke, the harsh, alien words twisting through the air. There was a brief shimmer in his palm, and then a perfect Gitane Blonde sat there as though it had always been. There was a hint of a flourish when he offered it to her.

She smirked and plucked the cigarette from his palm. "Nice," she said, placing it between lush lips and looking up at him. "Gotta light?" Of course he would. It'd spring forth from his fingertips or maybe he'd make a little ball of fire and cup it in the palm of his hand.

Of course, a light. He almost clapped his hands at the chance to do some more magic. "I can do that." He let the words flow again, a stronger set this time, and a Zippo lighter occupied the space the cigarette had just left. Using the two spells in quick succession did a fair job of easing the pressure in his head, too. Bonus.

She grinned in happy surprise and reached for the lighter. "Wow. That is really handy." She flicked the lighter open, kissed the flame to the end of the cigarette and inhaled deeply. "So, how about you walk me home, and tell me what you've decided?" She stood up, pocketed the lighter and reached for the cheery, yellow umbrella that - miracle of miracles - no sticky-fingered thief had walked off with.

She wanted him to walk her home? He nodded a little jerkily, then managed, "I'd love to." He walked down the steps and out into the night with her. "I should mention that the lighter will vanish in about sixteen hours," he said as they went down the porch steps and out into the street.

"Well, that's crap."


Date: 2011-04-26 17:48 EST
They'd barely turned the corner from the Inn when Ori suddenly said.? "Actually, can I have that lighter back for a minute?? I have something I'd like to try."? The magic in his head was telling him about a very interesting spell he apparently knew.? And that was a much better thing to think about than what had just happened at the Inn.?

Lelah handed it back to him, a brow arched in curiosity.? "You're not going to make it explode, are you?"? She shot him a teasing smile, then made a show of taking a big step to the side, putting what she judged to be a safe distance between them.

"No, no, nothing like that," he said hastily, realizing too late that she was teasing him.? "Gee, thanks," he continued, grinning back at her.? "Just because I lit up your block..."

She chuckled and moved back closer to him, finding herself relaxing somewhat after the altercation between Gideon and Ori in the Inn.? "I really am sorry about the way Gideon behaved.? I didn't know he was such a monumental prick when I first met him."? She snorted softly, realizing that she was being disingenuous now.? "Okay, that's not entirely true.? But I thought he was just a spoiled brat who loved to chase skirts."

"That much was obvious," he said, though he was slightly distracted by examining the lighter and comparing what he saw with the spell floating in his head.? It seemed as though there wouldn't be any problem using that spell on this lighter.

"It's a vicious cycle with me," she admitted in a soft voice.? "I always go for the emotionally unavailable, incredibly gorgeous guys who treat me like sh*t." Why the hell was she telling him this?? Shut up, shut up, shut up! She shut up immediately, her mouth closing with the clicking of perfect, white teeth.

He looked up from the lighter and met her eyes.? "I know what you mean," he said seriously.? "I always go for the completely unavailable, incredibly gorgeous girls who don't even realize I exist."? Then he promptly blushed, realizing he was saying this to an incredibly gorgeous girl, and dropped his gaze back to the lighter.?

She watched him for a moment then said neutrally, "I suppose it's human nature to always want what we can't have, right?"? What the hell was that supposed to mean, anyway?? She sighed, spotted Mr. Oxley's brick wall a bit further in the distance.? "Oscar's gonna freak out that I've left him alone all day."

"Tell me about it," he muttered, almost too quietly for her to hear.? "Poor puppy," he said a little more loudly, relieved by the change of subject.? Then he held the lighter up, and let the spell out of his head, the words rolling through the air.? There was no visible effect, either on the lighter or anywhere else, but after a brief examination, a grins spread across his face.? "All right!"

As far as she could tell, nothing about the nondescript Zippo had changed.? She looked from it, to his face, and back again before saying, "What did you do?"

He blinked at her for an instant, almost as though he'd forgotten she was there.? The feel of the magic pouring out of him was...amazing.? It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, and he caught himself starting to call up another spell, just to feel it again.? Not a good idea, Ori.? Some of those spells could cause real damage, and Lelah's right next to you.? She's also looking at you, waiting for an answer.? "Oh, sorry.? I, uh, made it permanent.? It's a real lighter now...well, it was before, too...but now it won't disappear, either."

"Oh, cool.? That's kinda handy.? Can you make anything?"? They were walking along the sidewalk in front of Mr. Oxley's manor now, headed towards the gate house that would allow them access to the estate grounds and her carriage house at the rear of the estate.

"Well, it's easier to make simple things, like cloth, or vegetable matter.? Metal, like the lighter, is harder.? Something like a diamond, for example, would be even harder than that, and would only last an hour or two."? He glanced around, recognizing the area only vaguely.? He hadn't seen a lot of it when he arrived in RhyDin, and was a bit distracted when he'd left her house the first time.

She nodded in understanding and rounded the corner, passing underneath the arch of the gate house and along the bricked drive that was line with tall, stately live oaks.? "I like this place.? Mr. Oxley, my landlord, has owned it forever, apparently.? He said he planted those oak trees when he was a boy, but they have to be over 100 years old, don't you think?"

He looked up at the trees and nodded.? "They sure look old to me.? How old is Mr. Oxley?"?

"Ancient.? Withered, liver spots, wispy snow white hair.? Stooped over.? Walks with a cane."? She shrugged and they passed by the bulk of the manor house and soon her loft was in sight.? "Will you be okay getting back to the Inn tonight?"


Date: 2011-04-26 17:49 EST
"Oh...I'm not going back to the Inn.? I don't need a room there," he replied.? Yet another useful spell that he'd realized he had in his head made a room at the Inn superfluous.

They'd reached the bottom of the steps that led up to her little porch now and she stood on the lowest one, so she wasn't quite craning her neck to look him in the eye.? "You slept outside last night?? But the rain!"

"God, no."? He shivered at the thought of sleeping out in the rain all night.? "I did get kind of wet before I figured out I didn't need a room, though."? He still wasn't quite used to how much shorter than him she was.? Back home, he was only a few inches taller than her.? Now it was almost an entire foot difference.

She frowned softly, then, "Well, as long as you're okay..."? She sounded a bit reluctant to let him go.? "Do you...? Do you maybe want to come up?? For some coffee?? Or something?"

"I wouldn't want to impose," he said, trying not to show that he really would like to.? He liked being around her, and not just because she was so hot, though that certainly didn't make it harder.? Mostly it was because she was nice to him, though.? Most people weren't.?

"It's no imposition.? C'mon," she said, tugging gently on the sleeve of his robe before turning and pounding up the rest of the stairs.? She slotted her key into the lock and pushed the door open.? Oscar was dancing on his hind feet, yodeling his joy at seeing his mistress...and at being allowed to escape the loft.? He ran down the stairs, growling at Ori as he passed, and went immediately out to the grass.?

He willingly followed her up the stairs, grinning when Oscar shot past him.? The growl didn't bother him; he actually thought it was really cute how protective Oscar was towards her.? "Does he ever bark?" he asked.?

She went inside, leaving the door open for the dog when he was done with his business.? "Nope.? They can't. Basenjis, I mean. They yodel and chuckle, but can't bark.? Coffee good or do you want something else?"? She moved to the hearth and laid some logs in it, and with a big grin, used her new lighter to light the kindling.

He felt a little flush of pride when she used the lighter to start the fire.? She really seemed to like it.? "No barking, wow.? That must make them like the ideal pet.? Coffee's fine, unless you're having something else.? Whatever you're having's fine, really."? A touch of nervousness slipped out with the words; he felt gawky and awkward being in her house.

"Coffee it is then."? She headed into the kitchen, ground fresh beans, put fresh water into the coffee maker and then leaned against the counter as it brewed.? Oscar wandered inside, and she said, "Would you mind closing the door?? The next thing I'm gonna teach this little one is how to do that one his own."

"Sure."? He took a step back, and closed the door, then looked down at Oscar.? "I bet you could handle closing the door, huh, Oscar?"? He crouched down, extending a hand hesitantly in the dog's direction, ready to yank it back if teeth made an appearance.

The dog snarled, but no sound came out.? He inched forward and then stretched out his neck, delicately sniffing at Ori's fingers.? The tightly curled tail began a hesitant trembling, like a precursor to a wag.? Then he sneezed, shook his head, and wandered away to his food dish, which was frightfully empty.? "Oh!? Gosh, I'm sorry, baby," she cooed softly to the dog while she refilled his bowl.

He chuckled, standing back up.? "Maybe he'll even let me pet him in a year or two."? He walked over to the dining area, pausing next to one of the chairs, not sure if she wanted to sit there or not.

She chuckled.? "He reacted the same way to Rhys, so don't take it personally."? The coffee finished and she brought out mugs, cream, sugar, and spoons to the table where he was standing.? "We can go sit by the fire, if you'd rather.? These chairs aren't really meant for extended sitting."


Date: 2011-04-26 17:50 EST
"Rhys.? That's your friend with the guns, knives, and probably a sword?"? The fire did sound better; it was chilly out tonight, especially with the rain.? So he scooped up his mug and the cream and sugar, and headed in that direction.? He waited for her to sit, though, before he settled down.? Those pounded-in manners again.

She settled on one end of the couch with her coffee, tucking her leg beneath her as she sat.? "Yeah, that's Rhys.? He' Well, he hunts demons."? She drank her coffee black usually, but tonight felt the need for something sweet, so she dumped in some sugar and stirred it lazily, eyes on the flames in the hearth.? Oscar finished his dinner and retired to his cushion near the hearth, curled up with his chin resting on his front paws.

After a brief hesitation, he sat down on the other end of the couch, trying to figure out how to respond to her statement.? After everything that had happened to him, he supposed it wasn't much of a stretch to believe demons were real too.? Someone who hunted them had to be quite the bad ass, though.? "Wow.? He sounds...tough."

"He likes to pretend he is.? Underneath, he's just as scared as everyone else is."? She sipped her coffee, eyes on his face now.? "What do you look like?? Back home, I mean?? The real Ori?"

He sighed softly.? "Like someone no one notices."

She tipped her head to the side, said softly, "It can't be as bad as that."

"It's worse, actually.? No one notices, except to be cruel."? He shook his head.? "I'm the guy in the front of the classroom, the one who actually tries to pay attention to what the instructor is saying.? The one who gets spit balled and tripped, and locked in his own locker."? The words just kind of spilled out of him, unable to be halted.? "I'm the guy with the 4.0 GPA, who's never been to a prom, or kissed a girl since the second grade, and then on a dare.? I'm the guy who plays video games and D&D because they're a way to escape from reality."? Slight pause.? "I'm a nerd.? A geek.? Last to be picked in any sporting event, but suddenly everyone's friend when there's a hard test coming up."

She frowned softly and shook her head.? "Maybe I'm glad I never went to school."? She bit her lower lip, then admitted, "Though if I had, I'm sure I'd have been one of those people who were mean to you.? I'd like to think that I would have stuck up for you, or at least tried not to be so cruel.? But...? I'm not sure that's true."

Surprisingly, that made him smile.? "None of them would have even admitted it.?'ve been really nice to me so far."? Then his brows shot up when he processed the beginning of her admission.? "You never went to school?"

"Nope.? I started acting when I was four, so my parents arranged to have a tutor sent to the set.? I got my GED with I was 15.? I always wanted to go to college, though.? But there never seemed like there was any time for it."

"Wow.? Acting at four."? He shook his head, trying to imagine that, and the gold-colored statue there suddenly became recognizable.? "Holy crap.? Is that an Oscar?"

"Yes.? And two Golden Globes, too."

"You''re famous.? How come I've never seen you?"? You're such a smooth-talker, Ori.? No wonder the girls all love you.

"Rhys tells me there's hundreds of different Earths, so chances are we're not from the same one."? It felt bizarre to just rattle off facts like that, but it was her reality now.

"Parallel universes.? Awesome."? He grinned at the thought.? "I wish the guys from my gaming group could see this.? They'd plotz."

She snickered at the Yiddish word.? "How, exactly, does one plotz?? Is it like laying an egg?? Having a cow?? Throwing a fit?"

He laughed.? "It's like falling over in surprise."

"Huh.? Well, now I know and can properly spot a plotz in action."? She gave him a little grin and leaned forward, setting her coffee on the small table to her right.? Then she turned back to face Ori, a contented smile on her face.? "This is nice."

"The coffee?" he asked, a bit confused at her change of subject.? He couldn't help but return the smile, though.? It was infectious...and lovely.


Date: 2011-04-26 17:51 EST
"Sure.? But I meant talking to someone who isn't interviewing me for an article or a spot on TV, or who isn't reading off a script, or who isn't after my autograph or a photo.? Just...talking."

"Oh!"? And cue the blush.? "I'm enjoying it too," he said quickly.? "Though you probably think I'm an idiot."

"Not any more than you think I'm a spoiled princess."? She paused for a moment, frowned, then said carefully, "You don't, do you?? Think that?"

"No, of course not.? And trust me when I say I know spoiled princesses.? I'm a Jew from New York."? He gave her a little grin.? "You're really cool."

She laughed and then reached for his coffee mug.? "You done?"

He glanced at his mug, hardly even remembering drinking it.? But it was empty.? "Yup."

"Good."? She twisted, set the cup next to hers on the table behind her and then scooted closer to him - so close that she was pressed against him.? "I'm going to kiss you now and I didn't want you spilling hot coffee all over me." She smiled softly, then leaned in closer to him, reaching up with both hands and cradling his face between her palms, fingers splayed out against his cheeks.? She closed her eyes and kissed him softly, closed-mouth, just the barest, faintest pressure against his lips, before she pulled away and stroked one hand through the hair that fell over his shoulder.?

He froze when she moved against him, his entire focus narrowing on how soft and warm she was.? It was enough of a shock that he didn't really register her words until her mouth touched his lips.? It was over so fast, he wondered fleetingly if it had been his imagination.? But no...his lips were still tingling with the feel of her kiss.? And she was still pressed right up against him.? He stared at her in shock, and more than a little awe.? "Wow," he said, almost soundlessly, since his voice didn't seem to be working correctly.? As though someone else was moving it, his hand rose and touched the back of hers where it stroked his hair.

She smiled, pressed tighter against him.? "Another?" she asked, her voice soft, but breathy.

He found his voice, then.? "Yes, please."? And some hidden reservoir of boldness revealed itself when he dared to actually put his arms around her.

She kissed him again, this time more firmly, and slid her hands through his hair to cup the back of his head and hold it steady.? She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, sucked it gently into her mouth, bit down on it, then released it and pulled away again, but only far enough that she could look into his eyes.

He was much more responsive this time, returning the kiss as best he could.? A very soft sound escaped his throat when her teeth closed on his lip, and a little tremor shivered through his body.? He looked back into those deep, dark eyes, searching for some hint as to what she was feeling.

She smiled softly, kissed the tip of his nose, and then drew away.? "I hate to do this to you, but...? before this goes any farther, I think we should say good-night."

"'re right," he said slowly.? Then, "Wait.? I never told you what I'd decided."? He had to say something, really, otherwise he was in danger of throwing himself at her.? The swirling words in his head suddenly surged, and he fought back a wince as the pressure increased.

"Decided?"? She looked at him blankly.? "Oh!" she exclaimed as the proverbial light bulb blinked on.? "About staying here or going home, right?"

He nodded, then said in a rush, "I want to stay.? I'll send a letter home and tell my mom I'm fine, but I don't want to go back to...being normal."? He hesitated.? "If, still want me to work for your studio...I'd love to do it."

She grinned happily and then hugged him.? "I'm glad you're staying, Ori."? Then she kissed once more, this time a quick peck against his lips before she slipped out of his arms and off the couch.? She held out a hand to tug him to his feet.? "I'm very glad you're staying and of course, I want you at 21twelve."

He stood, legs feeling just a little weak.? Her infectious grin caught him again, curving his lips broadly.? "I'm glad I'm staying, too.? And thank you.? Well, I'll, uh see you later, then, okay?"?

She nodded and went to the door, opening it and holding it.? "Yes, I hope so.? You should come to our next staff meeting, meet the people you'll be working with, check out the offices and stuff like that."

"Okay. I will.? When is it?"? He paused in the door, waiting for her answer.

"Um...? I think it's next week some time.? I'd have to check my calendar to be sure."? She bit her lower lip, completely unaccustomed to being the one who asked for dates.? "But, maybe you'd like to do something before then?? Like dinner?? Or a drink?? Or something?"

His eyes widened just a bit, and he nodded several times quickly.? "Yeah, I mean, yes, I'd love to."? His face lit up as an idea came to him.? "I can show you where I'm staying, and we can have dinner there.? I mean, if you'd like to."

"Yeah.? I'd like that.? When?"

"Whenever you want.? Tomorrow.? Or...whenever."? He wasn't really sure about the protocol for dates.? "I'm not very good at this," he admitted.

She laughed and shook her head.? "Neither am I, but I think tomorrow sounds just fine."? She reached for his hand, gripped it tightly and used it to pull him down a little so she could more easily reach his cheek for a kiss.? "Good night, Ori."

He gave her hand a little squeeze, then quickly raised it to his lips and planted a kiss on the back of it, blushing furiously all the while.? "Good night, Lelah," he said, releasing her hand and turning to go down the stairs, all but skipping.

She closed the door behind him, a dopey smile on her face and then went and collapsed on the couch.? Oscar picked his head up and studied her for a moment.? "Oh, God, Oscar.? What the hell have I gotten myself into?? Not one, but three men!? And I've all but sworn not to get involved until after the studios are up and running.? Gah!"

((Thanks to Gideon and Ori Simon for these scenes.))