Topic: Mirror (The Return SL)

This Dark One

Date: 2011-10-22 13:20 EST
((Taken from IM play with Rockman/Alain-mun! Thanks for the fun!))

Alain arrived alone -- literally, actually alone.? He knew very well that Renna was treacherous, but he also knew that the one thing you could consistently predict about her was her unpredictability.? While he took what he felt were the necessary precautions, being watched by a sniper was a good way to get the sniper killed as a "lesson," or worse.

This neighborhood had nearly gotten to its feet a few years ago.? Violence had vacated or destroyed several of the properties, but with the business gone from the neighborhood, there was nothing left for the local gangs to do, no more money to be made, and they moved on.? Province Plaza, the original site of SPI before the big fight with Howe, was going to be the beginning of a major redevelopment project, starting with condo's and leading into new stores, improved security...

Until the investors backed out.? Once again the stores boarded up the windows.? The neighborhood was one of the few in WestEnd that was well and truly dead, no signs of life, not even the most horrible kind.? Alain was alone on his seat on the edge of a crumbling fountain; alone also in the entire plaza.? He warmed his hands around a cup of cider, watched the sky and listened to dry leaves rustling by in the breeze.? It was a rare moment of peace for the Baron.

The courtyard was alone in Alain. His mere presence a simplicity compared to the portal that ripped open meters before him. It yawned and twitched, as time and space was bowing to the figure stepping forth from the horizon. She left her cloak be, Renna had found herself coming to a meeting of powers somewhat formally dressed in a tight fitting, black dress, with flesh-tight fishnet sleeves. The skirt of the dress ended at her ankles, but was cut up the left side to allow her leg's thigh to become exposed, whenever she walked.

She approached the damaged fountain, her black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, while whatever darkness had come to the skies, was fended off by the swirling magmas that was her eyes. Black high heels click in a hollow space, as nothing but them existed there.

She stopped before Alain, tilted her head just so, and smiled. "Alain. A pleasure to do business once again."

Perhaps several years ago, when they had first met, Alain would have started at the portal ripping open.? He might have backed away, or struggled to disguise his stares of wonder at the magic and the power on display.

But five years of RhyDin, and the life that the man had chosen for himself and the burden he stubbornly believed was his alone to bear, had made him unflappable.? He blinked at the dry dust the display swept into his eyes, and nothing else.? "I hope so.? Have a seat, Renna."? He touched the patch of stone beside him.? "Let's talk."

Her left, bladed gauntlet, flicked the blades, creating a terrible shriek of metal against metal, as she considered just ripping the man apart... But her smile, as eeire as it was, was warm. She slowly sat herself down, and then crossed one leg over the other. Her hands came to pool at her lap, fingers interwined. And then, her eyes closed. "... Side by side. Two powerful entities..." She tilted her head just so towards him, and smiled, eyes half lidded, "Nothing turns me on more."

There was a flicker of a smile. "You didn't come here to get your kicks, Renna. I don't know you very well... but I do know you better than that."

"Do you?" She spoke, slowly.

He didn't answer that.? It would have been a waste of time.? He raised his cider for a slow sip.? "First, the business with Howe.? Then you sic your suicide bombers on a long list of people... myself included, occasionally.? Now serial killings, in the same style that was popular about three, four years ago, and with help from Raven.? Can you blame them for thinking there couldn't be a single sane motive for it all?"
Noticeably he did not say he held the same opinion.

"Help?" She mused, "Is that what it seems?" Renna inclined her head just so, "Tell me Alain, those long list of people, who are they? Really? And, tell me, Alain. How many have I killed in this city of the past two years?" She stared at the man seriously, now. "I don't blame them, dear, I expect them to jump to that conclusion."

She smiled a little wider. "You're just like the rest of them. You can't see the bigger picture."

"Not yet, I can't... but I can see that it's there.? I always have.? And that's the thing, isn't it.? It's always indirect.? There's always at least one degree between you and the damage that's being done.? That's no coincidence."

"I'll ask you plainly what you're after.? If nothing else... you can't say no one ever asked what you wanted."

Her smile faded. "I want, peace." She leaned forward, "Imagine a world where there is nothing but peace. There is no villains. There is no heroes. There is only, equals. Everyone, is one and the same - they have the same ideals, the same wanting. They want nothing but to live their lives, unaffected. Untouched. Peace."

Renna smirked slowly. "I want nothing more than to walk the streets and see nothing but smiling faces. I want everyone, to work together." She slowed her words, "And no one wants that, do they? They want their own world. They want nothing but their own selfish desires."

She lowered her eyes, "I'll make the sin large enough for redemption."

"What sin is that, pray tell?" Another sip.

She sat back. "Evil." She mused. "Evil is the sin..." Renna leant forward, "You're as blind as them, aren't you?"

"I'm culling the evil." She shook her head, then chuckled. "Come now Alain. You know full well that if we were all equal, if we were all, one. There would be no conflict."

"That is the sin. That is evil."

"That's not peace," he said simply.? "It's death -- maybe not of the body, but of the heart and soul."? He finished his drink, looked for a trash bin, took a moment to aim, then gave it a good toss.? Nailed it.

"But at least we understand each other now."

She narrowed her eyes. "I want peace, and nothing more. We all have our own ideals... Alain." She bowed her head, "My Lord," she grinned, "What must I do to prevent your ire?"

He was already leaving.? He knew he wouldn't convince her, but her words did make him stop after three steps.? He turned his head to his shoulder, and thought about it for a moment.? "Let them choose.? Not 'convert or die,' nor by deception... a real choice.? What any man or woman chooses on their own, so long as it harms no others... is really none of my business, is it."

She chuckled softly. "You're an idiot. Why do you think I allow many to overcome my infection?" Renna took a step forward, "If their body is weak, if their body is unable to resist my influence, then they are weak. They will join peace. They will join the many - the mind, the soul, the body - they will, Alain. Only if I deem it so." She lifted her gauntlet towards him, "You've had the mind to talk to me, so hear me out. Give me a deal - a contract, for me to avoid my current path..." She titled her head, "Or let me loose. Your choice."

"I keep my promises." She whispered.

"That's not a choice.? That's as much a choice as a man I gun down in the street having the choice to carry a gun -- or train to be faster than the likes of me.? You want me to spell out the alternative?? Fine.? Let people know about the infection, what it is, why you're doing it.? Let them come forward on their own accord.? Whoever joins you, joins you; whoever doesn't, doesn't.? Your people can keep your peace, and we'll leave each other alone.? That's the deal."

Renna's expression falters. She titled her head to the left, then to the right. She was considering it. She was considering the offer. She turned away, then lifted her hands to rub at her temples. "... Alain, you're a powerful man. A man I would never cross. I made it my personal interest to never cross you to this degree."

She turned her gaze to the side, and she chuckled. "You're the Master of this city. The one true power. The one man to twist his fingers into any gut, but, know this..." Renna turned to fully grin at him, "Villains. Heroes. They'll come to accept the totality of the peace I hope to force. I shall exterminate all, who does not accept the way of true peace. They shall become me. They shall become my ideals - they will become me. We shall be one. We shall be the same. We shall destroy, eradicate... We are one."

She offered out her hands to him, "And I will eat all the powers in this realm. I shall take upon their power, they shall pass through my gut, they will grant me powers far beyond my wildest dreams and you, Alain... Know this. Not even Howe, or the Bloods, or even the other lessers, shall ever stop me."

She flicked a finger to him, "Is that the answer you were looking for? Content? Happy? Amused? Afraid? Unafraid?"

"Regardless of your feelings. Just know I can smell your sweat." She turned, walking away. "Have you come to any conclusion? What my goal is? I hope so."

"Enjoy your evening, Renna," was his only reply, by way of farewell.? She turned one way... and he turned the other.