Topic: Lema e' Rhydin


Date: 2007-11-10 00:30 EST
The Ramblings of an Elvish Knight Continue. Her Journey to and from Rhydin never finished. Events of happenings in and about Rhydin.


Date: 2007-11-14 00:06 EST
There are some plans you make an intend to keep, then there are those you know will never happen unless you make them

::Steady footfalls carried him toward the Inn. He had spent the better part of the day just wandering the nameless streets and alleyways. Thrice he had tried to penned something in his journal of the prior nights' activities, but words simply failed him::

::The wind mage sat on the porch hugging her cloak close.Writting in that simple journal upon her very round stmach. The inn beyond humed with conversation. But jade hues lingered upon the darkness beyond the inn. Shea was not in any hurry::

: :: Quill met paper in flowing words written in elvish. A loose leaflet of a papge hung out from that journal. It was a letter she was writing. That hood was drawn over her head, dark blue tendrils of hair swept out.It would be hard to tell who she was if not for that dark green cloak witht he silver dragon etched on it, or perhaps that dark blue hair and round pregant belly. Jade hues flickered in the darkness under her hood, the yellow light of the inn cast to the page before her.::

::He had pondered throughout the day as to what might lie outside the city, what other mysteries might be laid bare. He was resolved to dedicate some time to exploring in the future. He pressed a boot to the first step and steadily ascended to the porch::

:: Hues cast up tot he darkness and the scent on the wind that brushed past her face then back to her letter. Once it was finished she would fold it thrice in half then sealed it with a spark of magic easily seen. Then the winds came and curled around that letter like a hand and swept it off.::

: ::He gave a passing regard to the green-cloaked individual sending missives aloft before reaching for the door and setting it ajar::

: ::Sitting back against that porch swing those green gloved hands ran down her round stomach as a soft kick she could feel. At last she would lower that hood and sahke free thsoe dark blue lockes before smotthing her gloved hand smoothed them down and behind her elven ears:: Quel undome Connar ::Jade hues glanced to his passing figure::

: ::His hood was lowered as he moved to enter the inn, a wash of warm, musty air sent in greeting. He paused at the mention of his name, preceeded by indiscernable gibberish. He smiled and gave a nod:: Good eve, Shea.

::A pause as he regarded her. Perhaps things were as they always were. Perhpas nothing more.Elven hues drifted back to the shadows that lay beyond the porches light.::

::He stood at the door and gave a slight chuckle as she turned away, her gaze directed away:: Is it something I said?

Nae :: simply said and a long glance back towards him and Shea rose slowly, walking towards that open door.::

: ::He held to door open for her as she approached, not sure if she were coming or going::

::Witht he door open Shea could glance inside and also be met by the warmth of the commons as she passed, then slowly shea crossed within with the door behig held open for her and all.:; thank you. :: a nod to Connar as she crossed inside ::

: ::He paused for a moment, a glance back out toward the darkening street, as lamplight from the open door flooded over the porch. He loosed the cloak about his shoulders and left it to hang on a peg by the door and then continued in::

: ::Towards the bar with slow easy steps her hands resting on ehr round belly. A nod was given to Sid whom stood behind the bar. Hands braced against the bar it was far to hard to move in to a stool at the moment, and standing seemed right at the moment.::

: ::He felt oceans apart from who or whatever he used to be and from the people he once knew. He stood in the midst of the commons, an eye on Shea as she struggled, heavy with child::

::A glance was given back at Connar she could feel his gaze upon her. Dark brows rose softly before looking back towards Sid, thinking of what tea to have to realx::

: ::A heavier lean given to the bar,a glance to the table a feet paces back. Shea was watching everything and everyone.It wasnt to busy,that was good.::

: ::The silence in that gaze was heavy, overpowering any other sounds and conversations in the room. After lingering a bit, he moved to a table, taking a seat and pressing his back against the wall::

: ::Shea wondered if that pepermint tea was relaxing.She'd never had it before. Another look back at Connar wondering for a moment if she'd suddenlly had horns or something.An idle hand checked and double checked.Before she Waved Sid down:: Sweet darling Sid, tea for me too please.

: ::He draped his arm over the back of the chair, as he sat somewhat askew, more comfortable with the surprises the inn offered, though not totally at ease all the same. It was a feined act at best on his part. He thought Shea wanted to be left alone, he couldn't read her expression or mood, so he waited::

: ::There were no horns on her dark locked head,no wings at her cloaked back.Nothing. Shea would wait for her tea.::

: ::After Piper had grilled him about his apparant wanderlust, he had questioned exactly just what kind of a citizen he had been to the women of the realm. All he met, it seemed, he had abandonned at one point or another::

: ::His finger absently traced the deep gouges in the heavy wooden tabletop, his thoughts drifting over a myriad of hazy ideas and emotions::

: :: Once that cup was placed before her and paid for Shea floated it before her as she made her way abck and invited herself to sit at Connar's table. That cup floated down to meet the table top:: Do I have horns I can nae see or feel?Or is that look ye give me for some other reason? :: tea cup lifted by a gloved hand and tea within sipped::

: ::He looked up and chuckled as Shea neared, standing and trying not to be distracted by the floating cup of tea:: Should ye have horns, Shea? ::He paused, still looking at her:: Ye must forgive me if I don't know quite how to act normal, for I know not what "normal" might be.

::Shea grinned as she adjuasted in that chair::Nae I have never had horns Connar. We hadnt established a normal bewteen us, so tis alright.

: ::He nodded and sat back down in the chair, regarding Shea across the table:: Tis like starting anew in many respects, me being here, though I cannot escape the history that preceeded me.

Not that anyone in all of Rhydin should act normal,tis not a normal city. ::Another sip of tea:: Aye,I do understand. A new start is just what you needed.

: ::He shook his head:: Nae, it isn't what I needed, though it may very well be what I deserve.

::A soft glance given to him then:: I am not one to say. Thing will always been unnormal.

: ::He nodded, thoughts drifting from one place to another. He looked at her and smiled:: Where's Victor?

Home,in Nosgoth having a meeting with Lord Alcar.

: ::He tried to cache the blank expression, none of the places or names rang familiar. He knew Victor's name from his journal, and nothing more:: I would suspect that he must miss ye something terrible when ye are here and he is somewhere else.

: ::another long soothing sip of tea was taken:: Yes, well sometimes he gets enough of me. We will have many hours to spend together when Adamina is born. And his meetings are imprtant, so much to do before the festival arrives.

: ::He nodded. He had read much of the Winter Fest in Shea's homeland...probably the last time he had been anything resembling happy:: A festival and new baby...quite the potent combination. Ye will be ready for a vacation

: ::A long glance given to him then, she noted he seemed different, but he always seemed different to her. Yet he was not the man that had come back he was changed yet again.But Shea had gotten used to that at the very least.:: aye well, with so many births happening I doubt I will get much of one of those. ::meaning a vacation:: but I have plenty of time for rest, an eterinty

Ye say the word "eternity" as if ye might hold a bit of disdain for it.

Immortal life isnt everything it is cracked up to be Connar. You live one hundred years and things chnage, people that once were in your life are no longer there.My family will always be there, but the people in Rhydin in two hundreed years will be very different. Though I will have changed little. Whuile ghosts and the darknesses come and go. I will remain.

: ::He nodded, comtemplating his own existence; long and forgotten:: If ye be in the midst of eternity, even now, then ye walk in heaven's clouds, free from death's sting.

: ::another kick rocked her form and made her wince softly before taking another sip of tea. Shea would be glad to be rid of her kicking duaghter in her womb. The tea settled down to the table floating its way there:: I have seen the lights of the elven after life three times Connar. There is a afterlife that would be grnated to me should I die one day.: death will come by arrow or sword or soemthing worse.One day. Not even I am free from deaths sting. This time when it happens I will let it come.

Tis all relative, I suppose. To the horsefly, who's life is but a month or two, a mouse must live for an eternity. And yet, the tiny mouse lives but a scratch of time compared to mortals, and long as our lives may seem at times, they compare not to the earth and trees that extend their branches skyward century upon century.

:;a nod to that:: aye well said

: ::He smiled:: Don't mourn for we flies and mice, for the time spent under your branches enriches our lives.

::another long sip of tea then, the cup now bare:: the lives of elves are often like the trees they grow and chnage with seasons but they dwell for long times until they are cut or struck down. Such has always been the way

: ::He nodded:: To keep your sanity, ye must look thorugh the eyes of the trees and not through those of the mouse. ::He chuckled:: I sound like those damned tomes I spent too many weeks reading. I'll stop now.

::shea shook her head at that:; ye need not, tis fine. Ye sound fine to me Connar, your way with words has not been lost.

::He grinned:: Well, I almost had my tongue cut out...some might say I missed my just deserves.

:: a brow was arched to that:: almost, well. You and I have had many a close call tot hings of that nature,, luck be on our side.Nae if you could not speak it would be not of a good thing.

: :;He looked at Shea, a study of those jade hues, this history, pain, joy and loss they must feel:: Ye wanted to sit down over a cup of tea, is this what ye wished to talk tongue?

: :; a smirk to that:; nae, tis not. :; a gaze given back to him. Yes there was pain,loss , joy,saddness and love between them in the past.:: It has been a coons age since I saw you last. Last time I stood at that bar with you behind it and I was not so round and you said goodbye to me as if we'd never speak again. But I knew better. Youv'e gone and changed on me again. I should come to expect that after all this time.

: ::He nodded slowly, though he had no recollection nor writings of that last night so many months ago:: I've changed on ye more than once? How so?

Well when you first came back after I though you were dead, you were not the man I recalled you being. But then I knew things had changed between us. I had chosen to move on, and then. It was like seeing Adaron all over again, but ten times worse and ten times better. Ye were different yet the same. I wanteds to be friends, and I still do.No matter our past. But it has been hard. Then your gone again and here you are, and its like your different again but in a way I cant explain well. Tis like you look at me now as if you've never seen me before, its like that first time we met,spoke to each other. Tis hard to explain

: ::He smiled:: Tis not hard to explain at all, for tis just as ye say. I know not whether I was once preserved by divinity's hand or if it were just plain luck, but I feel different now, more vulnerable, less assured of my place.

Well we have all been there unsure of our place. You have luck, and your cunning tis what makes you a good warrior. I know not of divinity's hand in any of it. ::A long glance given to him then,her eyes glancing over his face. Those jade hues swirlled to silver for a moment as she studied him::

The only thing I can surmise is that, in my greed for life, I was not contented to receive heaven's reward for eons of service, and so doing was cast back to earth to fend for myself, to have the life I so foolishly pined for while on god's errand.

::she listened to him then:: well one day I am sure you will greet those fields of gold and green and feel the sun on your face and wind at your back, and knwo your in the graces of soemthing beyond. But I do not think that day is any day soon. Tis not foolish to wish for a different life Connar. And to eb cast out of the light of heaven I know all to well, but take what i told my son before the first time I was nearly dead. When all that you want to do and need to do is done, when everything: is at last complete then the graces of ehavn will welcome you and not cast you out. Your here for a reason, you just have to decied what to do

::He nodded, looking at her, studying her face, amazed at how well she seemed to know him, not just him, but his soul:: I'm left to wonder if I am striving to become what I once be Connar Valdor once more, or if that hope is lost to me now. I'm not sure what to make of the life given me.

::that tea cup rose up floating in mid air back to the sink far behind the bar.:: If one thing I have elarned from my time in Rhydin, it is a good place to find yourself who you want to be or who you wish to be, its alsoa good place to loose yourself. Become someone else. In time you'll find out. :: jade hues sparkled those dark green eyes so lit from within by that silver light. Those dark blue locks touched her cheeks as she shifted:: But what I wanted to say was this, I hope that we can be: friends dispite our past. And to tell you that what my dear Lupine friend said was true.

: :;He smiled:: Your "lupine friend" said quite a bit, ye might have to be a tad bit more specific on which detail ye speak of.

Shea smirked::Jade has a big mouth. And a temper to match. I know she said much, she likes to torment you. For she knows how it annoys me.She might have said that I love you, and that part is true as far as what else she might have said.Take it all witha grain of salt.

I'm not sure ye can hold love for someone who left ye as I did and who lacks the memory and will to love ye in return. ::He paused, thinking of Jade:: Did I know her before? What did I do to vex her so? She seemed bound and determined to have me feel some sense of....well...I'm not sure what she wanted me to feel.

::Shea shook her head:: that is where your wrong I understood then as I understand now why ye left. It does not matter if you remember or not.There was love between us, and dispite all else I will always love you.And yes you met Jade before. You did nothing to Vex her. She is just hard to understand. She knows my affection towards you and feels it is misplaced... but in her own way she understands. Do not let her bother you.

: ::He smiled, hazel eyes gazing on her:: I think I agree with Jade. If anything, I've learned that I had a nasty pattern around here, one of careless regard for the feelings of others. I know of Mercy, Elessaria and of ye, I wonder how many others I had wronged.

:: Gloved fingers rose through her hair tucking those dark locks up and behind her elven ears:: Jade is wild, untamed and at times dnagerous tis her lupine spirit.Think nothing of her ways. ::Shea shook her head again:; ye did not wrong me Connar. As for miss Mercy for what I recall of your and her relationship there wasnt much to speak of and Lady Eless cares for you yes, how much i do not know but I do know that her heart does not feel broken beacuse of your and her friendship.

: ::He nodded, a tinge of frustration in his voice:: Aye, aye...but others like Piper, hold me in disdain for my wreckless regard toward those feelings. My journal is silent on the matter, but did I do nothing but win over faint hearts only to abdone them? From what little I know, I should have been more a monk than a man. Seems my actions tell a different story.

But ye never wronged me, we have had our moments and I am sure we may have many more. But I would not forsake what I remember,not any of it the joy, the bliss the love or happiness. The tears, the sadness the darkness or death. The fear nor any of it. So dispite what anyone might think or say. My feelings towards you will never change :; a slight lean forward:: you have always been a man of honor and duty. I knew that and any other should know that.Your not frm Rhydin, your oaths were to another place and I understand that,being a knight of GreenStone, being a warrior. Out of every woman in Rhydin who has known you, enjoyed your company or anyelse. I know ye the best, and your not an arse.

even when all is gone and changed those feelings would remain

::He nodded slowly, trying to give a place to her words of assurance, though that was tough doing:: Did I make unfulfilled promises to ye or to any other?

Depends on what you mean. But to every word to me you kept. Nothing ever hapened between us, nothing in the realm of the physical nature save for a few moemnts but as far I I do know youve been nothing but a man of your word. A friend, a warrior and champion.

::He smiled, assured by her honesty and compassion:: Thank ye, Shea for saying so. It means more to hear that from ye than ye may know.

::a nod was give:: well tis true. I am a woman fo my word. ::slowly shea would shiftout of that lean upon the table and back in that chair before she would rise:: I did not think this talk would come,pehaprs more shall come in the days to follow.But for now I need to head home.

::He nodded, rising to his feet as she stood:: Aye...the hour grows late. I do appreciate our talk, Shea, and would welcome it any time.

::a nod given as she slowly dres that dark green hood over her
head:: and do remember should ye need a ear to listen I am never far. :: and being the wind mage she was those wisps of wind swirlled about her for a moment before she was gone the smell of fallen elaves left in her wake::

::He had to blink as Shea was wisked away, a shake of his
head as if to question whether he had imagined her being there. He picked up her empty cup from the table and walked toward the bar, placing the cup in the wash


Date: 2007-11-21 13:22 EST
::The wind mage appered in her classic style the winds shifting through the inn in a soft breeze liek fashion.Gloved hands mused through messy dark lockes. A little wave to Eless and Will. As the very round Shea made her way for the bar::

::sets the cognac on the table and helps Eless with her cloak:: Hello Shea!

Thank thee, dearheart. Good evening, Shea. Art thou well enough to travel?

:: Gloved hands smoothed through that cloak that hung around her as shea made her way through the break in the bar to make a pot ot tea. A smile mused over her face as jade heus lifted to Eless:: I am always well enough to travel my friend :: now searching out the tea of her choice::

::Before the last stone was dropped into the pouch a glint of red caught his eye. He turned the cemetary stone, for a closer look. It appeared to be blood...still wet, or so it seemed::

::a cup of tea no water needing boiled for she summoned hot water in to the cup before her and dangled the tea down in to it as the bag hung off its string.::

:; once that tea was ready she let it float to that table she would soon claim as her own. A dark brow rose up as she saw Connar, shea would not bother him. That table was gotten to in her dear sweet slow time.And a slow seat was taken.::

::He brushed his thumb across the stone, the wetness faded for a brief moment, then returned glistening to the surface once more. He glanced at his fingers, no mark or stain were there::

:: From that cloaks deep pockets she drew folded papers, with Winter Fest so close at hand there was still much to see to. The papers were laid out before her. Then she drew that cup up for a long sip of tea before unfolding one papers before her. Letters,words from Dristan,Duchan and Morbin. None would be coming this year. They all ahd other fests to tend to.Not that the guest list for the festival wasnt long enough. And there were bound to be some party crashers.::

And I cannae act love, sing yes... but nay act. ::a faint blush tinging her cheeks::

: ::nods, reaches across the table and takes Eless' hand in his::

::::A brow rose as jade heus spied Wil and Eless holding hands. Shea grinend softly and went back to those papers before her, she still had many letters to write but not tonight. :: Salice is mad , another year another festive:; muttered to herself as she folded those papers back in to her cloak.::

::notices Shea's look and he looked down at Eless' hand in his and had to smile...he wouldn't have believed it either.::

::as she tucked the papers away that tea cup rose in to the air,hands free. Shea grinned still and took that cup from its floating place and drew it to her lips for a long sip. As she let the cup go it made its way back down to the table top. A smirk passed her features for a moment before shea hummed softly.They were so cute. Leaning slightly forward upon the table now just sitting there. Relaxing::

That is the Lady Shea to whom I recommended you speak about your questions about Winter Solstice.

::Then something he read not so long ago flashed to his mind. He drew the dagger from its sheath as the red stone was set to the table. He steadied it in place until it was met by the flat end of the hilt. He pressed hard into the stone, increasing the pressure, leaning his weight onto the upturned blade::

::opens his mouth as if to say "ahh"....looks to Shea.:: (s) she seems a bit busy over there.

::After a moment the object finally gave way, splattering streaks of red across the table top. He gave the hilt a grinding twist, assuring that the destruction was complete::

:: A brow arched as she glanced Connars way. A man ona mission he seemed to be tonight. But he was always that way. Another sip of tea taken.::

(wvs) I should ask her, but perhaps some other time. ::his thumb moved over her fingers, a gentle caress::

Aye, love.

::He lifted the blade, wiping the end of the weapon clean with the satchel. He glanced up slowly, noticing for the first time that Shea had arrived. He wondered what other magic was underfoot...too many coincidences for one night::

::He was trying to keep his jaw from tightening as suspicion was slowly overtaking sound reason::

: ::a wave given to Connar. As that cup floated back down. Back to just watching and relaxing. Connar again looked at her as if she had horns or something. Shea checked once idly. Assured she had no horns. Her brows rose at him across the room as if to say, 'what?'

::He gave a quick glance over his shoulder to see to whom Shea was waving, then looked back at her, then to Wil and Eless, and one passing glance to Piper::

: ::a smirk and a sip of tea. Jade hues watching Wil and Eless.Shea playfully batted her lashes at the two. ::

::chuckles seeing Shea:: Good night, Shea...don't stay up too late. ::winks::

::His hazel eyes narrowed, seeking out hidden shapes in the shadowy corners...either there was something afoot or he was quickly slipping into the world of the paranoid::

::teases back by holding out her arms in front of her and waddles::

:: a mutter under her breath about young love. A smirk to Wil:; I will try not to. Be good ye both. :: a wider smirk::

And Shea, m ayhaps one night we can talk about Winter Soltice and elven folk?

Wil Savage: ::sees Eless' waddle:: You've been riding a horse again there, babe?

::Brows rose softly then to eless:: aye any time ye wish my friend just let me know.

Elessaria: ::waves a good night to everyone and reaches over to swat Wil::

Wil Savage: ::hears Shea's response and is happy abou that:: Yeow! Eless! You just wait until we get upstairs. I'm getting you back for that swat. ::teasing:

:: Shea held in her giggles looking between the two love birds and now it was time to rise and go check on the dazed Connar, it tooka bit mroe effort to rise than shea wished but once she was up she walked 'waddled' towards his table and looked at him closely:: Earth to Connar

::He was pulling on his cloak with a shake of his head, teeth grinding against each other. Like a deja vu...all over again. He looked at Shea:: What?

you look as if your not of your right mind Connar ::;looking to him ,watching him closely::

::He stared at her, a piercing gaze, wondering if she were mocking him...given that he was not himself of late...nor of a right or left mind:: I don't know, Shea...I think I've been spending too much time in here.

:: she wasnt mocking him she was worried about him:: Ahh yes, that can happen easily. Take some time away.

::He wanted to explode...Piper and her unpredictability...pulling him into her circle of friends only to chase him out...Eless...gripped by visions of the dark and blood staining her head to foot, somber and serious...only to see her now very much oblivious to anything but the romance at hand::

: ::Jade hues did not break from her gaze at him. Not one to surrender easily. But a hand did press to that table top.:: ye know if ye ever need to talk. I am always here, ye cana wlays talk to me even if it makes no sense.

If I had anywhere better to go, I would. ::He looked at Shea, the gaze unmoved:: I wouldn't want to burden ye with my senseless plight. I've done that once before, and ye were none the better for it.

Ye never burded me Connar. My offer stands. Tis not senseless. :: Her gaze at last shifted as she did down in to that chair across from him:: Connar, ye are not now nor never were a burden to me or mine. I am your friend, if ye like it or not and i am ehre for you, if ye wishes to talk or just sit and stare.

::He wasn't about to tell her that on the rare occasions when he found sleep, he only awoke in a cold sweat calling her name. As he stood there at the table's edge, he followed her glance to the chair:: Sit, if ye must.

:; sit she did:: I do not have to sit, but I will. :: a long glance given to him:: after all we went though I would hope ye knew me better than tot hink ye ever were a burden to me.

I only know what I have written...what I have read in your letters. :;He looked away briefly, thoughts and words running through his mind::

::a brow rose to that:: ahh ye have forgotten then. Well then write this down. Ye never burdened me or mine. Not ever. And any blanks in your memory I can fill I will do so.

:;He looked back at her, desperately grasping for any semblance of the past:: Shea, whatever became of the sword I fashioned with the Greenstone medallion in the hilt?

I do not know. You gave me the medallion back before you left.I assume the sword was destroyed. The magic within the coin could not ahve gone to your relam or so you had said.

::He nodded slowly, finally shirking off the cloak and sitting back down in the chair:: I have come to discover that I wasn't very thorough in most of my writing and record keeping.

:: leaning back in to that chair a kick rocked her small frame:: well tis hard to keep track of everything. There are some things I am sure you would wish to forget if you knew them.: ::Shea remembered everything every word every tear,every drop of blood and spark of magic. Every night every morning. Till the every bitter end then the new beginning.::

::He had to really think about her last comment...the more he thought about it the more odd it sounded:: I'm not sure why I was seeking the weapon...I feel out of place...I thought if I had a bit of magic that it might cut the distance between me and this realm.

: : a gloved hand shifted in to her cloaks pocket and she pulled one of those coins from that deep pocket that silver coin with the dragon holding that tear dropped shaped blue-green gem on the front the back was smooth and elven words written there. Shea pushed the coin across to him::

::He looked at the coin, stopping her hand with his and pushing it away from him:: No, Shea...

this time keep it. If you go back home again it will be able to go with you. :: how did shea know that, she just knew.:: Magic dwells here connar it always has and magic will reach the earthly relam one way or another. : ::her brows furrowed:: Connar, for gods sake take it. It will not do ye any harm to have it.

:;He looked at her, the jades he had so oft looked into before:: Tis not crosses lines that have long since been cut. There should be nothing that binds us nor ties us one to another

:: Jade hues swirled to silver and remined there as she glanced at him.:: having this will not bind ye to me in any way Connar now take it. ::Shea wasnt backing down:: aye ye cut them but I did not, if ye like it or not Connar I will be in your life till ye are in the grave. Face it deal with it and take this.

::He looked at her as the eyes shifted in color:: Do ye not see, Shea? There never was a clean break, as much as I might have feigned there was...not with ye, not with Elessaria. The frayed ends of my life with ye only cause everyone unneeded pain and grief.

a glare then:; for the last time Connar ye cause me no pain nor grief what was between us is in the past. I do not dwell upon all things, in my past.I remember I move on. There will never be a clean break,unelss ye choose to say to me now that ye never again wish to speak to me. If what we had causes you pain i am sorry. If what other think we had makes them angry with you or makes them treat you ill I am sorry. And they should rightly be dealing with me. I can handle anything they could toss my way

:;His voice quieted, softening:: I'm not saying that Shea

::A soft lean forward:: then take it :;pushing the coin with more force across the table so it would settle before him:: your not bound to me Connar, nor I to you in anyway but through our past and our current yet odd friendship

:;He took the coin into his fingers nodding slowly, silently. He simply did not know how to stop feeling the way he did...grasping for memories that were no longer there, and yet lingered somewhere in his soul::

::A long look given:: You may always be looking for answers Connar.About your past. They will come if they are meant to. I can only fill in what I know, if ye ever wishes that.

:;The coin was pushed into a pocket of the cloak as he looked into her eyes once again:: I shouldn't be complaining to ye even now, Shea. :;He nodded to her rounded belly:: Ye will have enough soon to worry about. I must simply figure out what it is I am to be doing here.

::a long stern look:: I offered my help Connar and it will stand :: her hands shifted down her round stomach:: I may be with child but that has never stopped me before.

I appreciate the offer, truly, I do. If ever I think your answers might fill a void, I shall certainly ask.

: ::a nod to that:: good :: up shea then rose from that chair:: I shall leave ye to what ye were doing then.

:;He stood as she did, drawing the cloak back over his shoulders:: I'd rather not go back to doing that...whatever that was.

::a nod as shea rose to stand:: well then, I shall bid ye goodnight then. I hope what ever words I can offer will some how comfort you. Be well Connar and worry not too much over the past

::His mind was already fixing on how he might get to a blacksmith. He nodded to her as he moved toward the door:: I think I've had my fill of the past, Shea. I'll let it rest for a while.

good then, till next I see thee be well.:: shea moved then witha smile and a good bye nod to him and was swept up and away by those winds she wielded::

::He nodded, raising his arm to sheild the dust storm that never came.He tightened the cloak about his shoulders, pulling the hood over his head as he braced for the wind and rain awaiting on the other side of the door::

* adapted from live play


Date: 2007-12-13 15:05 EST
(adapted from live play,Nicoles entries edited at promission of mun.much thanks to nick mun for logs.)

::shuffling her way throught he back door,haking icy from her auburn waves.Humming a song that was keeping her warm. Inward Nicole came all smiles even throught he cold chattering of her teeth.:; :: shoving her gloved hands deeper in to her jacket after knocking the snow from her boots she headed for the bar.A warm drink on her mind soon to be had. No tender in sight she slid through the break in the bar,lavender hues wandering the rooom over once.::

::He shifted his gaze toward the recently-arrived pirate scribe. He hadn't seen here in a while...not counting last eve::

::the wind mage appeared in her classic way,with a bit less of a windy touch cloaked in white,dark blue locks framed her face and silver eyes sought out the pirate who had bid her come.:: Nicole.. ::making her way to the bar.:: ye bid me come? :;taking up a place at the bar:: to see ye tend?

::A nod was given to Connar as she fixed a cup of hot cocoa for herself:: aye yes, thats why I called ye here,silly thing. Cocoa?

aye,if you would. ::Silver hues remained fixed upon the pirate scribe:: your letter sounded urgernt, not that I mind coming in.

::He retunred the nod to Nicole, swallowing a mouthful of ale as his gaze moved past her towards the much thinner Shea...perhaps he wasn't sleep walking a few nights past::
:;a mug of cocoa for Shea,and one for herself as well fileld with the mini marshmallows.:: well either ye be walking a lot or ye were notr eally with child last I saw ye, where is that babe of yours?

Home, ::taking the mug and noting Connar for a moment.:: shall we convene at a table or here? ::a slow sip of the hot cocoa was taken::

must be elven magics then, ::around the bar she scooted to sit beside the much thinner Shea.::Here is right fine with me, if that be fine with ye.All the action happens about the bar ye know. But I called ye here for two reasons, one I have not seen ye in too long and two.I knew ye would come if I wrote.

Pirate devil, but your right. It ahs been far too long. How fairs the seas? By you letter I know much but do not claim to understand all that has happened.

::He kept a light air about his countenance...figuring Nicole and Shea had important girl talk to tend to...He took another swallow of ale...nearly able to see the bottom of the mug...quel joi::

::sheas brows furrowed as the nexus stole her company::

::He looked at Shea and grinned:: What happened, did ye sneeze? ::He smiled into the ale...maybe he should just keep quiet now::

:;had she sneezed? She shook her head and sipped that cooled cocoa knowing that the nexus had stolen her away and still no sign of the pirate scribe.::: All this way and the nexus steals her away

:;flop,right back on to that stool.:; well blasted thing.. :;she grumbled:: it likes me now that i am back ashore. Now I was going to tell ye what my letter was all about

::A slow nod at the metion of the rather indiscriminate nexus::

: :;Shea nodded:: aye,aye. Go ahead.

well the short version is this, I found myself on an island for sometime after escaping the grip of some fangy pirates,then by luck I found my way here again meta captain.Been on his ship now for some time, my father is alive and now were all back in Rhydin.

Vampric Pirates? :;trying to be shocked but hard to be so.:: Well seems ye found your place.I am glad, and for the record yes I was with child Adamina is safe at home. And call it good genes that I am back to my normal size.

:: a snicker and a sip of cocoa:: so, ye going to stay away from Rhydin now raise your daughter?

:;silver hues starred out from under dark blue wisps:: yes. I can not be a woman torn in two.Lay down the sword for a while surrender to being less apt about this fair city.

::A brow rose at that and she held the back of her hand to Shea's forehead, then tapped there lightly.:: you sure your the same Shea I knew?Doesnt sound like you

People change, even immortals. Your letter said you wished to know a bit more about immortal life.I an only suppose that youve become well aquainted with immortals?

::a smirk:: ye just know everything. Aye ye be right. My father be one of the fang gang and so be the captain.

Nothing wrong with that.Ive known my share off good vampires. But honestly theres not much to tell about immortal life.

your share,being Victor and his assorted friends and family and who else?

another from Rhydin. ::a slow sip of cocoa then.::

ahh ye mean...:;a slow nod:: is mum still the word on that topic?Or can I talk about it?

What do you think? :;now at last her eyes shifted to the normal color. Jade hues now panned the busy inn.::

color=violet] I think I nae be pissing you off. ::now leaning forward:: so,what else is new.I feell as if I'd better get the full scoop now,just incase ye disappear again. Or i do.Anything new going on?

Nothing is really, new children at home, new bonds made.Old tied being cut after all to long. ::another sip of cocoa::

well your no fun. So while your here, all in this ' i'm gonna surrender mode.' what are your plans? Anything fun I can get in on?

I have a few things to do besides see you my friend, I thought I would perhaps paya visit to the one who told me that choosing to surrender could eb a good thing. But he is a busy man after all.

:;a few mini marshmallows inhaled.:: ahh well, I would warn ye about him, but ye already know. No letters for me to give or any such thing. :;thinking now:: so would this visit ye may or may not be making be one ye told Vic about?

Victor knows I came here to see you and do a few things before returning home for a while. If I plan to move on with my immortal life I shall not let old things go undone or unsettled Nicole.

::another sip and she flicked a marshmallow at Shea.::

:;the marshmallow stopped in mid air and floated there for a moment before flying bar wards:: ye need not look at me that way.

aye sure sure, :;snagging Shea's mug.:: refill? :: standing to go refill both mugs.::

aye. :: her eyes shifted over the inn again,taking it in all at once with ever sense then witha smirk she poofed and;swaggered behind the bar she refilled both mugs and flicked a fresh marshmallow at Connar just because she could.:

::He owed Asha an appolgy for getting caught up in a conversation the previous night...The marmallow banked off his cheek, landing with a plop in his ale. He looked over at Shea and smiled:: Nice shot

:;nicole chortled as Shea moved behind the bar before she could even stand.:; hey! ye stole them from me. :: hands now mugless.:: I think ye were the pirate not I

::she slid Nicoles mug back to her:; your too slow.:;a smile for Connar then as Shea appeared back upon her stool mug in hand.:: why walk when you can swagger like a pirate,never did like sailing though

::a chortle then. before a long sp of cocoa:: maybe one day someone can change your mind.

::He looked down, the marmallow was foaming in the ale, and he rotated the mug, swirling the contents and dispersing the remains of the marshmallow. He raised the concoction to his lips for a tentative sampling...but could the ale tasted the same...if not a tad sweeter::

Not likely. ::a sip then taken.::

::Nicole looked at Shea fora long moment then.Starring at the mage as if reading her:: It would not be the same place if ye did not stop by you know. Once ina blue moon.

:;a slight smile to that.:; perhaps once ina blue moon to see my friends,the few I have left. But I can not help thinking that Rhydin would be better suited with out the elven knight around for a while.

:;He chuckled, overhearing Shea:: Well, the marsmallows, for one, might be grateful for the respite.

::Another marshmallow flicked Sheas way.::

: :;that time the small marshmallow burst in to flame and was gone before it could hit her.:: a glance to Connar then.:: tis why i am not so worried by forever :;back to Nicole:: some would rather see me gone.

But there be so much fun to be had,ye know Rhydin be full of it.

::He grinned, muttering into his ale:: Aye...Rhydin is full of it...

:;a slow sip then.:: come to me when you are immortal my friend then we shall talk of what to do with all that time.

::a shake of her head and she downed the cocoa:: well here:: digging in to her side bag and pulling out a few notes for Shea.:: a few things I drew up for you, since you dont sail.

Thank you, I will look them over and surely Morbin will be happy to see them :;folding the papers in to her cloak::

I wish ye would stay longer talk with me,I know very few here still.

: ::Merde...who keeps sneezing?::

::shea smirked softly and psuhed that mug away.:: I have things to tend to, but before I go home ye and I shall have lunch ye have my knightly word.

I will hold ye too it.

:;shea rose then. and pulled that white cloaks hood over her dark blue hair and over to shadow her eyes which shifted back to silver,:: time to go see what surrender brings me. :;and like she had come Shea was gone.::

:;the waft of wind tossled her hair a bit;; Stranger and stranger does she get.

: ::He looked over at Shea and Nicole, trying to judge when their chat was nearing an end...and then Shea was gone...He frowned, having wanted to have a word with her::

:; a long gaze was given to Connar.:: I blame you. :;she flicked a marshmallow at him.::

::This marshmallow he caught, canting his head to Nicole:: Aye...more likely than not tis my doing.

::poof back again and handing Nicole one of those papers back: I'll act like I didnt read this.

::a smirk then she eyed the appearing wind mage taking the paper back and looking it over:: oh for the love of....

:;a smirk under a drawn hood.:: Ye have a dirty dirty mind, now all I want to know is about this lovely little thing with your captain, but that will wait till lunch.

Oh for lords sake Shea. :: muttering now curses blushing:: Oh wait...::she tossed a look Connars way::marshmallow man wishes a word with you before you poof again miss wind goddess.

::He shook his head with a grin, burying the smile in the mug of ale...not wanting to know what the letter contained....Nicole was a scribe after all...gifted with the quill and parchment::

:;a wild smirk then a shadowed glance towards Connar.::

::He stopped mid swallow, wondering if he had said that aloud or not::

His voice comes from apparently thin air. "No, no, no! I don't want to go to the taver-" and cuts off as he appears, abruptly, about three feet over one of the tables. He falls rather like a 6'3" man-shaped stone, bounces off the table and question and hits the deck with a muffled thud, rolling haplessly with the fall. He lies where he fell for a long moment, then slowly picks himself off the floor. "Why does this keep happening to me...?"

::away she slank a bit hidding her very romatic note in her pocket.::I'll never live that down.

. :: her glance still on Connar:: something ye needed from me Connar.

He dusts himself off carefully, and limps over to the bar.

::a lavender hued glance to the apperance.:: does everyone but me have flashy entrances

: He grits his teeth. "Believe me, it wasn't my idea..."

::He set the mug to the counter, a quick wipe at his mouth with his fingertips to assure no ale or marshmallow lingered there:: Aye...I would have a word with ye...if ye are so inclined, Shea.

"Something around here has a very, very nasty sense of humour."

::a slow nod,another sip of cocoa then:: oh then the nexus had its merry way with ye.

Aye, go ahead. ::still leaving her hood drawn over her face she stood.::

::He looked at her, not able to see her expression through the hood...perhaps it was better that way:: Tis not important, Shea...if ye have other places to be, I won't detain ye.

::A slow lean to the bar top leaving Connar and Shea to talk.Lavender hues moved behind the bar.::

::green gloved hands lowered that white hood and she shook her dark blue hair free.:: Nae,I have the time. Import or not.

::He smiled, reaching for his cloak and pulling it over his shoulders:: I know how much ye favor the rooftops, but will the porch do just as well?

:: a auburn brow rose a touch.Watching the two men behind the bar,might as well enjoy her nigh of patron watching.::

Aye,that will be fine. I am a wing mage Connar i go where the wind does take me,roof tops are easy to get to, but the porch is fine.

"Well, can I get anyone else anything? While I'm back here?" He doesn't mention that he'll probably be back here for most, if not all, of his stay in the Inn. He rather enjoys the view, and doesn't particularly mind helping folks out.

Oh :: Nicole nudged her mug closer.:: more cocoa

::He nodded, stepping around the barstools as he met her where she stood by the bar, a nod toward the door:: After ye, m'lady.

::Shea moved for the door witha fluid turn and gave only one look abck to the back of Nicoles head before she slipped out the door which was held open from outside by the wind.::

::He followed close behind, a nod and smile to Erin as he moved out to the porch::

:: now just awaitng her new cup of cocoa and she looked back feeling the mages glance and smirked.::

::the air was chill but it never seemed to bother shea, that warmer white cloak and all bunded up.::

::He leaned against the railing, facing the wind mage:: Shea...I wanted to....::He paused, not sure how to begin...not wanting to sound delusional...a difficult task::...I saw ye in a vision the other night...outside our...I mean...the inn on the outskirts of town.

:;Shea moved to lean upon the wall looking at hima cross the way.:: it was no vision Connar, yes the nameless inn ye dubed the Marshmallow retreat.. what of it?

:;He grinned:: When did ye start calling it the "Marshmallow Retreat"?...::the smiled faded:: Then it was really you there...not just my imagination running amok?

Ye named it that, not I. It seemes to work. ::a slow smile.:: Aye twas me, in all my glory, ye had not gone mad Connar.

Nicole Piave: ::a slow sip of that cocoa taken and a smile to the fresh taste. Lavender hues scanned the room and peered towards the door,Nicole couldnt help but smirk.:; best damned pirate ever...:: a wider smirk at that.::

: :;He lowered his gaze briefly to the porch floor before raising his eyes to her again:: Tis difficult to discern when my dreams step into reality...I'm sorry if I was anything less than cordial.
:: her arms shifted back in to her cloak.:: tis alright, nae to worry.Ye are not my puppet either. Tis why I am leaving. To make sure of that much.

I believe the discussion as I remember it was about pawns, not puppets.

::then her brows rose, he had dreams of her? That settled in for a long moment.:: dreams or nightmares? ye are not that either. ::the converstainoin had not gone forgotten,but Shea was trying to forget it anyhow.::

Be there a difference between dreams and nightmares, Shea? ::He looked at her and smiled softly::...That night, I was not talking to ye...rather to the spectres in my mind...I thought ye were but a fatigue-driven dream.

::silver hues focused upon Connar for a long moment:: ahh well,either way. Yes dreams usually be good and nightmares bad, but sometimes can be like the other. Ye have nae to worry Connar.

::He looked at her, studying her posture, her stance...the unspoken attitude:: How is your baby, Shea? All went well with the delivery, I pray?

:: now though huming she wondered how long Shea would recall that letter that was not intended for her,Nicole blushed at the thought. Happy the letter was tucked away somewhere safe now.::

Adamina is well,the labor was harder than i recall Aiden's being. But all the children born are well. ::her back was tot he wall, she stood tall and strong,steahed weapons hidden udner folds of white cloak but there none the less.::

:: a slight shift,perhaps it was time to go after all,work off the sugar. So up she rose and tossed her coins till ways thatw as tip too and headed off towards the door.::

::a slight shift and the wind tossled her hair about as it blew int he snow,to cross the proch.The nexus stole Connar and perhaps that was for the better at the moment, shea was unsure how to act around him now.::

:;the door was givena nudge open and she saw Shea just leaning there alone.:; what did ye kill him and burn the body?

:;a slight smirk to the pirate scribes voice.:: nae, the nexus stole him,rightfully so too

:;moving to take a lean upon the railing across from Shea now.:: gonna stick around see if he shows back up?

Aye, for a little while. Ye nae have to stay with me.
what better do I have to do than stand in the cold with you. So..:;a heavier lean.:: things still hard between you two,you know as far as being friends goes,not in any other way.

::shea shook her head and smirked.:: aye..always.

: ::Grumbles angrily at the nexus::....::He nodded with a smile:: tis good to hear that all went well with Adamina...::He raised his eyes to meet hers again::...There is naught between us that should keep ye away from this place....

:;a slow nod and she would give She a hug:; lunch in a f ew days aye? :;then off she went with swagger.::

:;a nod to the departing Nicole, and a glance to Connar:: I can not be a woman torn in two forever.

::He raised a brow:: Ye are torn? How is that possible?

Immortal life is long enough as it is. Though I know even if I do leave I shall not stay away for long.Too many do i know ehre to too many do I have a honor bound aggrement with.

:;a slow shrug:: tis hard not to be.

I'm not sure whether the question to stay or remain away has anything to do with immortality...for, while the places and faces may change, your mind and heart won't.

:: her eyes panned the floor of the porch.:: I am torn between Edhel Ndor and Rhydin.

I don't understand...when ye can now travel from place to place in the blink of an eye...or so it seems to these eyes...tis not as if ye must forsake one for the other...lest there is more to the divisiveness than just locations on a map.

::those silver toned eyes looked out to the slowly falling snow and the darkness beyond the glow of the porch light. Shea seemed more over changed than before.:: there is more to it than that, yes I can get from home to here or any where the winds dare take me in the blink of a eye. but theres much more to it now.

::He grinned with a nod:: can't park your horse in the stall reserved for pregnant elves's tough sometimes...

::she shook her head and lifted her hand to brush through her hair.:: aye ::a slight smile:;though I need not the horse nor the place to park it any how.

::He nodded again:: So I gathered...I can't imagine that V is none to happy about your new travel arrangements.

She roams free with the other horses in nosgoth, she is lazy and somewhat fat but happpy.

::He least one of us reached that lofty plateau.

: :: a slight shift against the wall.:: aye I have seen the plateau but did not stay very long.
Tis too late for ye will be a number of years before ye have any chance to rest...and that is only on account of Adamina....

:;a smile to that.::pleanty of time to rest when I am dead. :;using his all to common phrase::

And then there will be the pitter-patter of little grandchildren filling the Greenstone-Walsh mannor....::He smiled to her::...Your days of resting and growing lazy are long gone.

In your case....if ye must wait until ye are dead, ye might as well give up any chance of resting.

aye many grand childen and nieces and nephews. I need not rest Connar.I do well with out sleep, even to this day. As you may or may not recall. death comes for us all Connar, even the immortals.

It may come for ye...but I don't plan on being caught by death unawares....I'm chasing after it...

::a slow shake of her head.:: it wount catch me unawares. Yeve always been chasing sheadows and death Connar, tis part of what we do. why else carry a tool of death. :; a slight touch to her sheated sword.

I prefer to think of it as a tool of liberation...::looking down where a sword would be sheathed under her cloak::

:;a slow nod to that::aye I suppose

::He smiled, the talk of death and weapons refreshing:: Makes one yearn to kick some vamp....::he stopped himself, know what I mean.

:;a nod:; ye may say it Connar, ye will not offend me or Victor by saying it. Not every vampire in this town nor this place can be liek Victor nor the few that I know that are not too bad. But the talk of fighting,makes me yern all to much for a good one. I have been out of the fight for many months now.

::He nodded:: I isn't what I meant....
:;a slow all knowing nod to that.::

I have kept ye long enough, wasn't my intention to drag ye out in the cold and ramble on...:;He looked at her, a steady gaze::..I just wanted ye to know where things stood between us...that...well....

:; a long gaze was given to him:: the cold does not bother me nor doe s your rambling, though this was not rambling. Things stand as they have always stood between us, on firm soild ground.
:;He smiled:: I always thought the ground under our feet was more akin to standing upon a marshmallow......solid...but questionable stability at times...

;;she had to smile at that:: nae ye are the marshmallow. The ground is soild even if it may be covered with ice or snow.

Ah....that explains it....::He smiled::...I guess that means they named the Inn after me? Fitting tribute...longest paying tenant in the place never to get more than a few night's rest under its roof.

::gloved hands rose and shifted through her hair to tuck thsoe dark strands of blue behind elven ears before she gave her white hood a tug, but not enough of a tug to shadow her face just enough for the hood tor ise up around her hair and ears.:: yes :;another smile:: write in ballots you know, besides I always had a way with the host of that inn. ::just jesting now.::

::He grinned:: Aye...the host had but to see ye in a skimpy outfit but once and he was butter in your hands...

it was not skimpy,and he was not butter. But none the less.

Skimpy is in the eye of the beholder...and he was able to behold quite enough...::He grinned, letting the teasing drop::

::a slow shake of her head.:: ye didnt seem to mind it back then. And ye beheld it as well.
::He grinned:: Aye...aye...::was all he could say::

:;now she gave that hood anouther tug and now silver hues were shadowed but shown from under neath.A wide smile touched her face but was hidden for the most part.::

::He pushed off the railing, standing upright, adjusting the heavy cloak about his shoulders before he pushed his fingers into gloves::

::the wind shifted as she moved away from her lean upon the wall.That white cloak moving with her steady step forward.:: well all teasing aside,twas good to see ye again. I shall try not to make a habit of poping up.

Pop up all ye like...just make sure I'm fully awake when ye do it...Safe journeys to ye, Shea...

I will try to do that. The same to ye Connar. :; two steps away and down the porch steps and once her booted feet hit the cobblestone road the wind took her ina flurry of snow.::

::He stood on the porch, pulling the hood over his head, watching the swirling snow drift to the ground where she last stood:: (s) What ever happened to the dream...did we wake up too suddenly? ::He was rambling aloud:: ::He smiled to himself and he moved down the steps:: (s)...tis amusing that two timeless beings simply ran out of time... ::His boots kicked up a light dusting of snow as he walked away from the inn, careful glances up ahead into the shadowy corners of the street::


Date: 2008-02-07 01:06 EST
Shea sat alone in the oddest place in Rhydin.The cemetary was cold and dark and empty at this late hour,claoked in white still shea stood out amoung the grey tombs. She had watched passes by leave roses and other flowers ealier in the day. But now no one was here.Rhydin was quiet,too quiet at night.The citizens held up in their homes,few outside save for the bold and well armed.But twas always the way.

This place was so well known to her eyes,graves of people she had never known.Once she had placed one there and it toow as now gone.He mind wondered,over everything. The past few days had been different, she was different.

Aways and forever changing, while Rhydin seemed to stay the same. New patrons new people, new palces, but the dangers were often the same. The dangers went bump in the night. Shea was tuned for the smallest scream in the din of the night.For the mage came well armed to this place. She wondered if anyone would come, if anyone would show or if she would stay all night alone with the graves and ghosts.

The crikets criped in the cold night air and the air was still even around her form. her breath rose throught he crisp air from under ehr drawn hood. The past year flew through ehr mind, the past few days as well, in due followed. Shea had stayed away from Rhydin, though she had lied to Jade about seeing Connar.Shea oddly hoped that when she stood and roudned some dark corner he might be there fighting deamons and darkness, but she was as yet unlucky. Shea started to wonder if the warrior she knew would ever come abck here, or if he had died some warriors death upon earthly soils. Shea knew she could ntothink of such things, or should not. But things were so different now, she ahd become different.

But Rhydin had barely noted thats he was not there, the fight went on, the death toll rose and fell and people had their lives, friends.Close and those who had drifted away.


Date: 2008-02-14 23:46 EST
There was no way to describe how the rain felt againt her forhead.How it felt for each drop to drip down her cheeks and tot he roof below her booted feet. Nor could one describe how the wind moved to her beck and call as she stood alone ona rooftop looking over thsoe who ahd gatehred.Shea wasnt alone.

She could have felt this coming from miles away.And that she had. She had been at home for days now avoiding the city at all costs but now she couldnt avoid it.With such a gatehring about the west end the mage had to be there. The sistsers were here,she could sense them along with their many allies. Most Shea knew,some she did not.But that never mattered to Shea.If there was a fight to be had tonight Shea would be there,come hell or high water. And witht his rain the streets would surely be flooded in no time. But hell was likely as well.

The wind and rain nudged againt her falling down through her hair and over her. Shea bore no cloak tonight,only skin clad clothing,and manya weapon.Sword along her back,another to her left. And those winds at her beck and call.

Shea moved with the rain,for it seemed not to bother her as it fell through her tightly braided hair, and over her face.The mage was swift moving along the roof tops listing with well tuned ears to the sound of wing beats.Icer was about as well in this strom. Only the flashing of lightning would give Shea away as she stood on the roof top. But there were many int he darkness tonight that the lighting would give away for a flicker flashing moment. "Seems like quite a party." Shea smirked and jumped from the roof towards the lower lying building. She floated more than she fell landing with ease on the lower perch.

The wind that blew was calmed by her presence alone,yet Shea could do nothing about the pouring rain. Sometimes nature had to run its corse. Along the lower building she moved getting a bit closer to others there.Would anyone note that she had come more than just to watch? It was nearly impossible to hears Shea coming even with the roof top soaked she walked with light falling steps. But it was likely those here would know she was there, they were all well trained.

Alone on the low lying buildings roof she stood looking out over the streets and back over the roof tops. Now to wait.

* see Scath folder topic: Of Rolling Thunder and Pouring Rain:


Date: 2008-02-17 23:55 EST
Ahh The West End, what could one say about such a place?

That it smelt of blood,guts and sweat even ina down pour. That it had a deeping sense of darkness about it.That every shadows the loomed was far greater than any shaodw anywhere else.

That darkness lived,breathed and ruled there.

That one without a weapon of some kind would be nothing but bones and blood by day break, and maybe nothing at all depending on the night.

The smell of she sea, the smell of the city.And the smell of the darkness,even it had a smell and taste. Nothing like the west end,not even in nightmares.


Date: 2008-02-19 13:46 EST
A cry in the darkness, drew her attention. The sound of swords being drawn in the distance,the fight had begun.Now silver toned eyes focused on the shadows knowing very wellt hat the enemy lurked within them.Slinking along them. The fight had begun she heard a famialr voice int he din of the rain.An all. Some willing called to the shadows,what better way to get them to come to you.

Shea liked the surpise touch. She had yet to draw her sword, but now she jumped in tot he air falling towards the ground below and those enemies who fled like skitting shadows along the cobble stone. She landed right in front of them blocking their escape.They would not get past her. The first came quick darting like a knife int he darkness at her,claws already dripping red.

Shea moved with a flicker of wind,as fast as the rain fell,drawing that sword along her back that very blade that glowed and hummed with energy. The first was cut down,witha few quick slices,blood spattered her boots and over her fair face but she didn't stop. They were still upon her.

Six of them,running to regain the high ground. Shea starred at them as they starred back at her with red eyes. They were fast moving along the cobble stone some seemed to just disapear with the very shadows around her while others still stood as strong as stone before her.

Silver hues darkened a touch as they move din,like a pack of hungry wolves all at once to over take her. One slashed her across the arm and Shea realed backward knocking the one behind her back. "Tanya awra!" She glared to her arm now dripping with blood then to the creature who seemed just to snicker at her pain.

Those silver toned eyes went black for a moment,before she foucsed upon the five left, mainly the one who had clawed her arm. "You will pay for that." They all snickered at ehr like laughing jackles. But there never saw it coming. The air around them started to ehat up,the rain didn't hit the ground it evaporated in to hot mist all around them.

Shea focused. "Yala onna en' naur." From under the cobble stone fire shot and engulfed the one that had clawed her and reduced it to ash and soot. Now the other four ran back the way they had come back towards the water. Shea muttered a curse, sheathed hesword and ran after them.