Topic: Pieces of an Old Life


Date: 2015-02-14 22:45 EST
Shea looked at herself. How could she return?Knowing all she did.

How could she return to a world where the one she loved was no longer there?

How could she survive it?

But she thought of her son.

Her daughter.

Her grandchildren.

The many nieces and nephews.

They would not recall any of it. The battle. The losses.

Then there were those who would remember.

Hera. Jade. Anarya. Radella. Willow. And possibly others as well.

She could not leave them. She could not allow herself to pass on in this world of ghosts and shadows.

Her old life was done.

She would have to accept that.

She felt herself being drawn back.


The room was dark but warm.

Shea sat up suddenly and looked around.

Alone. But not alone. She had every memory of what had happened in the battle and after ward. Ever word her ancestors had shared with her. Yet her heart ached. It reached out.

And with out through, with out even will. The wind swept in and took her.

It took her to a place she had not been in ages.

To continue in: Through Light and Shadow)


Date: 2015-02-27 21:54 EST
Shea left the woods, and Ms. Knightfall. But she did not return home. No this city. This place that had once cradled her. It welcomed her again. Now a much different woman than she had been all those years ago.

Then when she had first come to Rhydin Aiden was still a boy. Now he was a father and husband. Shea walked the streets. A slow wanderer in a sea of darkness and light. This city was the very essence to darkness and light. Here there was so much of both. Yet more often than not darkness reigned.
Long ago Shea would have never walked these streets unarmed. Now she had nothing to fear from the crooks and murderers of Rhydins under belly.

They had more to fear from her. She had long ago pledged her blade to these streets, to allies made,won and lost over time. Some of those allies still remained, she knew. Many still fought. And if it came to a battle, Shea would come here.

But this night. There was no battle to be had. No war to be fought and won. Tonight it was just the empty streets, and the cool breeze.

There was one place in the whole of this land, in the whole of this city. That she often wondered if she would ever step foot in again. The building held so many memories. Closing her eyes,t he wind picked up.

The sweet sound of wind chimes. That was the only thing that would announce the

mages arrival to the Inn. In a blink of darkness then light and a breeze of wind Shea stood near the bar. Blinking she looked around.

Her hand to the bare bar. The inn was quiet now. Closed. Yet soon enough patrons would come in. Soon it would hum with talk. But for now she was alone. Lowering that dark cloaks hood she shook free her two toned hair.

Those streaks of silver catching the light. There were more of them now,those streaks of silver going through her dark blue hair. The power of her death and return had given her even more powers. Ones she was still coming in to.

Here in this place she was what she was no longer. The wandering elven knight of a realm long past the mountains. A woman seeking a place outside of her own realm to belong. A woman with a broken heart. That much seemed still true. But her heart still beat, even after she had been pierced int he chest by the elemental blade.

Though the realms had been torn asunder. And her life put up in the bargain. She had returned, when so many never would. Some had died yes, in the battle, there were always death in war. Warriors to be remembered. Others were gone, lost to the magics. And most would forget. But not all. Many more recalled everything. Shea knew there was pain there. Pains he could not ebb. But then, they were strong willed. Those who now knew the truth, that know knew everything.

They would rally.

They always did.

There was always a reason for things, that much she knew. As long as she was there she would sit. Along in the dim. The hearth fire a low flickering light. She recalled every moment here, every friend she had known, those she had lost. Those she had loved. Many still likely were to come to this place. Shea wondered how many of them knew what had become of her. Hera had told a few. Shea herself had gone to a few to tell them of what was to come. But now she was back.

Those silver eyes were almost ghostly whens he caught her own reflection in the mirror. Though she was slight of height she looked imposing in her battle wear, with that ebb of power about her.

The inn had not changed. Ohs he was sure a few tables and chairs over the years had been replaced. But it had the same feel. A welcoming warmth outside of the darkness and doom that could stand right outside its door.

The bar was long,strong and worn. Yet it survived. The inn survived. The city. Which by all rights should have burned long ago. It thrived. And yes there was deep darkness here. She could feel it. It called to her now. A whisper. With its desires and wants. Like a lover unstated. But there was light here too, good. It shone int he darkness, sharp as any blade.

Rising from that stool she walked over the floor. To the hearth and back again. Along the bar side, up the stairs, then down again. She moved as if a ghost. Walking in a world not of her own, yet she belonged here still.

She heard voices. The lights flickered on and she smiled. The night had begun, and then when the door opened she was already gone.


Date: 2015-03-09 23:40 EST
She was back.

But she wasn't.

She returned to the land of the living.

She had awoken in a room,alone. But she had been called,pulled to Rhydin.
It had been a place she had known for a long time. A place she had gone, years ago that had been warm and welcoming.

Arcaena had shown her so much, told her so much. Shea had seen the past, the present and parts of the future.

There was no pain, no physical pain at least. Her wounds were healed. At least on the surface.But underneath she was wounded. It was a deep wound that would never heal. It cut through skin,muscle and bone. It cut to her core,through her very soul.

Yet she did not shed any tears. They would not flow. The anger ebbed and floated away. There was still that feeling of peace, of knowing that her pain was for just cause. This was her price to pay.

Yet it wasn't hers alone now was it? Others shared in the burden of knowing, yet not knowing.

Alone now, in the forest of stone the mage stood. This place had brought her back. This grave yard, who's time was not as old as she. Yet so many stones stood. Even one she had put there. Yet that name there, he was alive and well. With but a flick of her fingers the stone turned to ash. That ash blew in to the wind towards the city.

"You should return home." The voice was not Arcaena's. Nor any elder. She turned and looked to him. He was solid as he had ever been. Though she knew he was not there. Adaron was gone, and by all rights his spirit should be resting in the everlasting light. But power had brought him here yet again.

"Home." Shea muttered the word as if it meant nothing to her. Though it meant the world to her. Home was where she needed to be. Home healing with her family, her friends, those who had survived the battle. But could they forgive her? She had made the choice for them all. The realms had been torn away, there had been no delaying that. But she could have given more the chance. The chance to choose. Yet in her heart she knew those who waited for her would have chosen this route. Why then did it weigh so much upon her?

"Shea." Adaron spoke and shifted in to the cemetery. "You took on so much, you had little choice in the matter." "I had every choice, and I know it was the right one." As much as it pained her to admit. "I do not know how I will heal from this."

"Your strong. You lived on after so many partings. You will survive, even thrive, if you choose it. We can not live in the shadow of the past my love. We can only live in the now. You have people who need you, and things to do."

Arcaena was there then. A wisp of shadow and wind in this place. "I felt as you did, before I was gone. Dasyra and Cala felt it as well. We love fully. We give everything to those we love. And even after it all we face the world alone. That is who we are. You body has healed, and in time your spirit and soul will as well. "

Shea looked to the city beyond. It called for heroes, it called for warriors. She felt the pull of two of its finest warriors. Those linked to her.

"Return home." Adaron stood alone there now. "Your heart in time will heal, it may take much time. But it will."

"It took me a long time to forgive what happened." Reneli stood there now, everything he was. All that Arcaena had described him to be. "The world was torn apart and me with it. I recalled more than I should have. But in time I understood. And I lived and died, and knew."

He faded. Forgiveness was not what she sought. It was over and done with. What she sought was to forget. Though she knew it was better she did not. Looking to the stones once more she vowed to them all. "I will return again.."

The wind took her.


Date: 2015-04-07 15:08 EST
It was easy to forget.

Easier than she would have liked.

She did not do as the sprits had willed her. Return home to her family, her friends those who searched for her. She lingered in Rhydin. In the woods, the high country, the low country. She walked the darkest streets, the most bloody corridors.

Memory's where there. Then gone. Those moments she no longer wished to have swept away, like leaves on a breeze. They were gone.The pain with them.

Why should she let them rule her now? Why should she do anything but what she would. Oh she would return home. For she wanted to, but not yet.
The streets were as she recalled them. Some cold and dark. Some light and air filled. The city spoke to her more now than it had when she had first come here. Just a young woman, a knight, questing to find a way out, a way away from the pain of loss. Shea GreenStone had found so much more here. And now she had done with little more than a care swept a few memories from her mind, from her life. Yet the inn was a place she wanted and needed to go.

The glow of the light beyond the porch. The low hum of patrons whom stood outside. It was unchanged. She looked at the inn, standing there now under that lamp light, from under that hood she gazed. Memories, a million or more washed over her. But a few she swept aside with ease, before heading for the porch.

Up the steps with a nod to those who passed their time outside. It was not as cold as it could have been. The night welcomed many. She looked nothing more than a woman, short with that green cloak that flowed over her, a peek of a strand of silver hair poking out from underneath. No descript, to any whom did not know her.

The door breezed open for her. If any with magic or the ability to sense it or see it, they would sense and see the power that ebbed from her now. Inside she went. Where more patrons lingered and the hum of conversation bloomed.

She pushed that hood back with gloved hands. Her hair was two toned. Dark blue with streaks of silver. More now than there ever had been before. Her face was fair, slightly tan. And those elven ears shown. Some there she knew, or recalled. they got a slow nod.

She walked slowly to the bar side. The place was the same, though the faces were different. So few did she know. Bu that was what happened with the passage of time.

It was a welcoming place. As it always had been. The hum of conversation. She lowered to a stool. Silver eyes wandering he room. They were slightly eerie at the moment, powerful and a touch bright.She gave soft nods to those whom her gaze met with.

While she was here, and not yet found. She would have a drink. She didn't even bother to rise. Only cast a glance to the bottles behind the bar. One rose and a glass joined it floating in a slight dance to her. Settling before her, an elven wine, finest blend, and a glass.

She noted Eless. Her hood was down now, showing that two toned hair, silver eyes and all that was Shea as she was now. A glass poured of fine elven wine. She would sip and enjoy it.

She sent the bottle back. Floating back to its spot on the shelf. She'd call it back if needed. For now she was settled with that one glass.

Magic was normal here. It ebbed around everyone, or nearly so. Angels and Devils could sit at the same table and have drinks. Dragons and mages could play chess or discuss the weather. All manner of magic here, old and new. Shea settled a bit. Sipping that wine.

Humans, elves ,Drows, mixes of this or that. Unusual creatures and things. But it was home. Warm and welcoming. Shea could allow some of her old memories to linger, where others she had swept away. The wine was as good as the warmth of the room.

She watched. As she had when she first come here long ago. It felt like ages ago.

When she had found this place and been so welcomed, by a dragon and her brood. Then by others over time. Friends and allies, family as well. Shea lifted that glass of wine and rose to her feet.

She bypassed tables. Rounded about patrons with a nod or smile. She was slight and short and easy on her feet. Even with that heavy cloak still around her. With the idea of it in her head, the cloak simply vanished, Shea wore the wears one might see on an errant knight. Simple clothes enhanced with a touch of color. Tonight tones of purple and black.

She held her wine and crossed towards the hearth and the chairs, sofa and other patrons there. Shea spoke with old friends, ones she had not seen in some time. And recalled how disconnected she was from Rhydin. Even as Eless told her that her family and friends were looking for her. Shea didn't care. Let them look, let them worry.

She had been through death and more and they no matter their pasts could not understand. She was not ready yet to return to her duty. To her life.

She stood behind the chairs by the fire. The ebb of power that came from her flared the fire. It drank in the ebb of wind, and drew it in. Shea would seem different to all who had known her, not just how her physical shelf had changed, her hair her eyes. But the power about her. And her manner, it seemed different.

Shea knew nothing of what they spoke of so she gazed to the fire, sipping her wine. Rhydin was the same, but ever changing. That was why she had not come back as often. It changed where Edhel Ndor was different.

She heard old names and thought of the deeds she had done. Yet said nothing. She was a shadow here as much as she was alive and breathing. Eless played the part of meet and greet. Though Shea knew the Empath worried. Shea honestly did not wish to cause her harm.

Shea traded a few words with old friends, and ones forgotten. But she knew sooner or later someone would happen by the inn.

So she made her leave of it.

It was better to be alone.

It was better to wander and not let the wounds touch her. But she felt them ,deep, seeping wounds, that bled and healed only to be cut open again with every memory, every thought. A dark alley way, the shadow on the moon, the call of the night.

Deep wounds. That would never heal.


Date: 2015-04-07 21:08 EST
The woods brought her no peace. Nor the high fells, nor the low streets of the lost city. Not the dead stones of the graveyard. Nor any part of Rhydin. Nor any place in Crendia. Nor any wood in Sim'Tahl. It was at last at the base of the great GreenStone mountains that the mage sat. Alone bordered in by the woods to the south and the great mountain behind her.

There were she might have laid to rest, long ago. So much had changed. Even that place high above her that had once been given the gift of ever green, was now snow topped again. A sign, a symbol of all that had come to pass. The stones were the same, the shine to her father unchanged. But the mountain seemed different.

The whole of the realm was shattered. She knew warrior had died, true deaths in the battle. She could feel Sira's deep grief. But even the high queen of Sim'Tahl was getting on. Everyone seemed to be getting on.
While they looked for her, high and low in darkness, in light. Shea sat and let her mind go blank. Back to a place before.

"It is a gift, not a curse." Shea expected it to be Arcaena. The woman who had led her this far. The ghost of the past power. But when the mage opened her eyes it was not Arcaena, nor Cala, nor any ancestor that stood before her. Nor any ghost. Shea should have figured one of them would find her first. Assassin's knew how to track down anyone. There stood Hera. Dressed in her usual dark tones, her wild chestnut hair back from her face. She was fierce and deadly. Beauty and danger.

Hera crossed over and sat beside Shea. The mage looked wrecked. As wrecked as any of them had felt in the past days. But Shea bore the wounds of them all. She bore them and let them tear at her heart. Hera knew how to bury the past, how to set it a blaze. But she also knew there were some wounds that stayed with you.

Hera felt Jade coming before the lupine appeared in the wood. It seemed they both had the skills at last to find Shea. or maybe it was that Shea wanted now to be found. The lupine walked over and sat beside Shea at the left.

"Life is a gift, is that what you mean?" Shea smirked at Hera. Ever a dealer of death.

"It can be. You bare many wounds, ones that have healed from flesh and bone. But ones far deeper. Your not alone in this. We bare the weight as well. I know it was not your intent that we do, but it was the will of the power, the will of some god or goddess."

"I am not ready. I said that I was. That I was ready for all this, the power and the pain. That I was ready to give it up, to recall it all and let it go."

"We may never be ready." Jade looked over to Shea then to Hera. They shared a sisterhood, deeper than blood now.

"But we are here. We stand together. Women of a new alliance. The realms left will not fall, and we will not forsake our friends, what's left of our family."

"Looking at them.." Shea looked to the trees. " At our children, reminds me so..."

Jade nodded. "I understand that."

"It is no easier for me, but somehow it is. To let him be dead, gone."

"The memories are like knives." Shea hung her head.

"Then do what we must do." The voice was Radella's. The elder stood beyond the three of them. "We bare the wounds of those who do not know what was. Our children can not. I have spoken with Salice and Shay. They do not bare the weight that we do. Salice does not recall any of it, nor Shay. They shall be fine. Even with the losses they bared. But we who recall live with it, in the faces of our children. They bare his eyes, or his hair color. They bare a memory. There is a place they could go. I could tell the other women about it as well, have many if not all the children go. A place where they will learn and be taught, where their gifts will be nurtured and brought to bare. They would be safe there. The very young could stay here, or go as well."

Shea gave it a thought, would she send her daughter away? Could she?

"I'll do it." Jade spoke. "They need it, they need to be children. As I love them so. They need to go."

"Will Salice send Dalryn and Lona?" Hera asked Radella.

"The Queen thinks on it now, though she knows nothing of the man she lost nor the child she lost with him. Shay also considers sending Kaleigh. Your son and Mila think on sending Amaleigh and Adaron. I am sending my twins. They have gifts, gifts that will grow. And in time. We shall be able to put behind us what was. We all will love again. Some of us very deeply."

Shea nodded. "Do it."

Radella nodded. "I shall tell the others. And help prepare the children for the journey." Radella was gone then.

Shea took a deep breath.

Jade wrapped her arm about the mages shoulders. Hera leaned in a bit closer. She did not have to make the same choice, hers had been made for her.

"It will be better." Jade offered. "You should go home Shea, see your sisters, your son."

Shea nodded. "Yes, I know. I do not feel as if I am the same woman I was when we all set out for war."

"We are not the same." Hera said softly. "Blood and death change you. Jade and I know that better than most. But you can rise above it, we all can. It will take time. Much time even. But it can and will be done."

Shea offered them a slight smile.

"Go on." Hera looked to the woods.

Shea nodded and was gone in the next moment.


Date: 2015-04-23 15:56 EST
It was easier and harder to be there. To help her daughter pack. To watch her son and Mila get their children ready for the journey. Though they knew not the real reason. Shea wished for a moment she could share it all with her son. But it was better for him this way.

As Radella gathered the children of the alliance down stairs Shea walked the empty hallways. GreenStone had not changed, the castle had not. Yet it was different still. So much had been struck from it, not just people, but things and memories.

There were no tears this time as the children were ushered away to safe haven. This time Shea stood alone rather than beside Hera and Jade. This time she watched from above on the old embattlements.

A gift. Hera had said. Shea looked down to them now, her family. She had fought and died for them, and would do so again if it came to that. But the power blooming in her now, told her that no battle would come that she could not face.

Yet there she stood wondering how she was to face today, and the day after and the day after.

Perhaps she should take on Hera's view of things, to let her heart heal. To let those gone be laid with those who had died in the battle. Maybe in the end death was the answer.


Date: 2015-05-12 23:25 EST
It had been a long time since she had known peace. True and utter peace had never been hers, not even in death. The battles won and lost, the times that there had been "peace." Shea had not known peace of mind, peace of heart in what felt like too long.

She had sought out old places. Had sene the chnages in the realm and in her family. Some could flow on so easily, not knowing, never truly knowing. Others could move forward even though they knew the utter truth of all that had been.

Had been. Those were the words that stuck with her now. Had been. It was a new age, a new day, a new time.

The gardens were green,the streams of light played through the trees, that same light danced across the wtare of the fountain she now sat at. There her family gathered.

The High Queen. Salice, eldest of the GreenStone Sisters. Her long silver hair spilled down her back,over the green top she wore. Salice sat alone at the fountain. The queen looked peaceful for a woman who had sent her two children away. In fact the garden was full of parents that seemed oddly at peace with them sleves and all that was.

Shavyn sat with Kulbin under the large maple tree. Thier hands twinded. Of all the men Shea had known Kulbin Binoa had lasted through everything that had been tossed at him. He was one of the few. Close to them sat Sira. Kulbins sister.

Sira had lost her king and love, not by the magic that had ripped many away, but by a knive to the back. He had died in the battle and now a stone would be made to recall him. Sira was High Queen of Sim'Tahl now. But even she seed at peace there in the shade.

Then there was Sheas own son. Aiden. He sat with Mila laughing in the sun. He looked as his father had. Mila beside him laughed and punched him in the arm. They were so well matched, and they had brought to Shea grandchildren.

Anarya walked the outskirts of the garden with Radella and Willow beside her. They had much in common and much to share. They talked of what was, and what would come. This Shea knew.

Anarya Mith-Rose GreenStone, Radella Faye and Willow Calaway were amoung the oldest of the elders that remained. Shea had seen those knowing glances from them all. She would go walk with them soon.

There also were the high mages. Novella, Anala, Damek and Kegan. While Novella and Anala had lost lovers, and Anala had lost her son, they remained on the outside of the memory. Damek and Kegan had been lucky in the battle to keep so much of those they loved.

The garden would have been fuller if the children had been there. Shea knew Radella wished to speak with her on that. The elder had come back after taking the children away. But for this moment, this one moment. Shea took a breath and felt at peace. The rest would come as it may.


Date: 2015-08-05 00:16 EST
Shea sat on a high green hill. Over looking Edhel Ndor at its whole. She could see nearly everywhere from this high green hill. The Temple of Light and Dark was below her in the grass and flowers. That place was hers now. As Lady of Light and Dark.

Soon the people of Edhel Ndor would come to her for aid. For advice. As they had come to Cala. Destiny had played such a role in her life and there stood a solid reminder of just what yet was to come.

Her friends, her family, her allies had all been moving forward. Finding their way no matter how hard. Yet Shea had felt stuck. Stuck in a world that she did not feel she belonged in. But her fate was here, her duty. She needed more than that, more than her family or destiny to move her forward. She had found some peace, but not yet whole peace.

The Alliance was whole again, this new alliance. This new normal as it had become. No longer did empty rooms or changed places weigh on her mind. No more did the past linger and weigh on her. It was what it was. Her past had shaped her before and left her standing. She could not allow it to do anything more than that this time. She would be forever different. As they all would.

But she had a life to live. Not just for her family or friends but for herself. Sitting alone she let out a long breath. The wind was there at her side. She was comforted by it. By the sounds in the air. Summer had come, and she had barely noticed it. But now she did. The warm sun, the green grass. The sparkle of the sea to the west. This was home. This was what she had fought and died for.

She rose slowly to walk down the hill to the west towards that sparkling sea. Silver Waters Castle stood there, tall and strong as it had stood for many years. Perhaps shed go in, see her cousin his wife and their children. But first she would walk along the sand of the beach.

There on the edge of the beach she left her boots and socks. She rolled up her pants and left her tell tale cloak behind. She needed them not now. She embraced the sea breeze as it came in whipping through her hair.

She thought of Adaron. The man she had loved and lost so long ago. His spirit had come to her over the years. But she knew him to be free now. Yet if she wished it she could find him. Yet every time she looked to her son she would see him, for Aiden carried his fathers look.

If he could have been there now, she knew he would have been. She had loved and lost so many times over her years. Her heart still felt broken. She was not sure if she would trust anyone that way ever again. But she was lonely too. Love had been such a driving force in her life. It seemed a little empty with out it. Oh she had her families love, that love of her friends and allies. But it was not the same.

She walked a little more the sand under her feet, the wind coming in. She stood in front of the great castle of SilverWaters. Its banner caught high in the breeze. Looking out to the ocean.

"Look out!" A call came from her right. She looked and saw a horse come rushing towards her. Its rider chasing behind. Shea didn't move, she held up an outstretched palm forward and the horse who was at a full gallop came to a stop. It gave a snort and looked at her. " Easy..shh." The horse settled its brown eyes settling on Shea. "That's a good boy."

The horses rider cam running up. Sand clung to his bare feet his hair which was just above his shoulders was a tousled mess of light brown. "I am so sorry M'lady. He got away from me spooked by something." His voice was almost familiar. "Forgive my rudeness I am Sir Owen Iraeean." He bowed. Shea smiled, he had an honest face, he was handsome, his mused hair befitted his face and his eyes. Those eyes a tone of green, sage green almost. "Shea GreenStone."

"You have a way with animals about you Miss GreenStone. Gustav here he's not easy to spook, I have no clue what made him bolt, but thank you for stopping him."

"You are welcome." She looked to the horse then. And placed her hand upon his long nose. Her eyes closed and the wind rose up. "He was spooked by someone lurking in the shadows of the cliffs." Her eyes opened and looked to the cliffs.

Owen turned and looked back.

Shea let the magic guide her. "There.. hiding there." She did not point only nodded towards the cliffs. "Someone hides there, or tries to in the shadows." "I can not see them.."

"Allow me." The wind shifted, and the shadows shifted with it, the light came across the place where shadows would hide and a figure was seen. It was a girl, all of ten perhaps. She hid there now lit by the light.

She was frozen in the spot as the light played over her. Owen sighed lightly. "I know her. Would you watch Gustav for me for a moment?" Shea nodded. He turned and walked back up the beach. Shea was struck by a memory in that moment. She was younger and Adaron walked up the same beach after Aiden, as the boy ran to play in the shadows of the cliffs. The wind caught in his dark hair looking much like the man she loved fully.

Shea blinked. Shea wasn't sure why the memory had come. But she wasn't going to ignore it. She watched as Owen went up to the girl. She couldn't hear them from where she stood, but the girl seemed to settle. Owen then lifted her up and carried her down from the cliff side.

He returned and settled the girl in to the sand. her feet were bare, her clothes were close to rags. "Your her.." She looked up at Shea. "Your The Lady of Light and Dark."

"Aye child. Have we met before?" The girl shook her head. "I had a dream, on the ship as we came in to Edhel Ndor. It scared me, my parents thought me mad and left me in the home for girls in GoldenVine. But I ran away. The others made fun of me, called me crazy. But I saw you.."

Owen watched and listened. He had heard of the famous lady of light and dark as a boy. But he thought she was dead, the last accounts of her all said she had died.

Shea walked closer to the girl and knelt down. Shea held out her hand. "Do not fear, I will not harm you." The girl held out her own hand and Shea took it. Shea felt it, the deep magic there within this girl. "Your parents.. where are they now?"

"I do not know M'lady. " Shea rose. "What is your name?"

"Isleen. I was following you." She looked to Owen. "I saw you in the market, you were so kind to everyone. You gave me this coin." She held out the simple silver coin.

"Most people would have spent it."

"It spoke to me, the dragon. Told me to follow you." Shea saw it was a silver coin from GreenStone. The dragon was Dae.

"Well, Isleen. Do not worry. We shall get you some place safe, were you have no need to hide your gifts. Sir Owen I am sure would not mind helping us in to SilverWaters."

"It would be my pleasure." He bowed again. "Lets get you up on Gustav." He lifted Isleen up. She sat upon the horse and smiled. "Hold on here." He gave showed her with gentle hands where to hold on. Shea smiled, "I shall lead the way." Shea turned and walked down the beach, with man, horse and child following. It was an echo of a memory still.


Date: 2015-08-20 23:09 EST
Shea recalled when she had first seen this great city. The city of SilverWaters. It glittered of silver and gold. But they were not trinkets or gems. They were shells of colors that one could not describe. Isleen smiled atop of Gustav.

Shea walked ahead of them. The city sparkled, its people prospered. The shattering of the old alliance was barely felt here.

Like many of the wondrous city's behind the walls of the castle, this one was vibrant. The keep behind it a shining spire of silver,though it was no more than simple stone.

People bowed to her. They knew her then and they knew her now. Then she had been a knight, now she was something more. "Here we are." They stood before the grand castle.

"This is SilverWaters Castle." Isleen said as Owen lifted her up and off Gustav.

"Yes. My cousin and his wife rule here. Morbin is a good man, and his wife Lilly used to be one of GreenStones finest archers. They have three children, your about as old as their son Narie. "

"I am not dressed to see a king .."She looked to her clothes.

"He cares not what you wear child. Others, wiser ones see beyond mere clothing. But we shall get you in to something new." Shea held out her hand and Isleen took it. "The stable master will take good care of Gustav Sir Owen, if you wish to stay. If not, I shall make sure miss Isleen is well taken care of."

Isleen looked to Owen. Her eyes were so young and bright. "If I would not be in your way M'lady I shall join you."

Shea smiled. "It would be our honor. Come, lets go inside. I am sure Lilly is already making her famous tea and cookies."


Date: 2015-09-15 22:48 EST
It was a while later when Isleen had been taken by the kind staff that Shea stood with Morbin,Lilly and Owen alone in the throne room.

"So she is a seer?" Lilly asked.

"Yes. The girl has the gift of sight. I thought of taking her to Radella. But she already has enough to deal with, gifts to look after. I would look after her myself. But my place is not as teacher to her just yet. "

"You hope that Lady Harmine will take her."

Shea nodded knowingly. "Yes. The Lady Cleo Harmine, she has gifts of her own, and her shope is well known and beloved. She is young, and has no children of her own. Her husband is kind. They have taken in many with gifts before. Isleen will be no different."

Morbin nodded. "It is a sorrow that she was not treated well."

"I plan to deal with that myself."

Lilly grinned at Shea, then looked to Owen. "Sir Owen, what is your part in all this?"

"I saw Isleen in the marketplace of GoldenVine, she looked as if she needed food, but many did, so I offered her a coin. She followed me there after."

"Isleen had a vision of him, that led her to meet me. It was her destiny to meet Sir Owen."

"Take her to Lady Harmine, with my blessing, she seems like a lovely child. I will make sure she is well cared for here within these walls."

"I will hold you to that cousin."

Just then Isleen came running in. In a new dress, hair washed, looking very well indeed. She was followed by the children of SilverWaters. Marion Kiara Narie and Valanya Isilya SilverWaters laughed and smiled, making Isleen do much the same.

Shea knew they would be fast friends all of them. "Isleen."

Isleen walked over to Shea then. "It is time to go isn't it?"

"Yes, but not far. You shall see your new friends again. And Lord and Lady SilverWaters will look in on you. For now Sir Owen and I are going to take you to meet someone. I think you'll like her."


Date: 2015-10-20 12:18 EST
"Thank you..thank you so much." Isleen hugged Shea tight. Two hours later as the sky became dusky. "Miss Hermine and her husband are so very kind. Her shop, it is so wonderful.."

"You'll fit in just fine here. Cleo has her own gifts, and she will be a great teacher to you. As you grow up I will send others to you, to teach you. Soon Lady Faye will come, and many others of my friends after that. And one day I shall come to teach you."

Isleen hugged all the harder. Then she ran to Owen and hugged him. "Thank you Sir knight.." "I am no knight, but you are welcome. I see you will be happy here. I may come look in on you myself."


Date: 2015-10-20 12:20 EST
As the sun set and the moon rose the waved goodbye on their way out of the city back towards the beach.

Shea stopped when her boots met the sand. "Thank you for coming with us, it was very kind of you. Most wouldn't have bothered."

"Well who can deny two lovely ladies? Besides, when I gave her that coin, I felt something too, I brushed it off, but now it seems it was all meant to be. "

Shea nodded and in the dimming of the day she felt that memory creep up on her again. She had stood here in this spot years ago with Adaron and for some reason Owen so reminded her of him. Was it the way the wind teased his hair, with the sun setting that tussled brown hair could have been any tone.

"I know it sounds odd. But I feel as if we have met before." He gazed to Shea. "Though I know we have not."

"I had the same feeling." She turned to face him. "Perhaps it was part of your destiny to meet me as well. Perhaps we shall see each other again." She held out her hand to him.

"Yes, perhaps." He took up her hand. They both felt it then, that pulse, that sudden rush of air. There was a moment, a flash, something of the past, then it was gone. "Fair thee well." He said on a breath then took the reins of his horse and led him back down the beach.

She watched him go, his horse behind him. That image of the past in her mind. Adaron. Her heart sang. But that could not be Adaron was dead and his spirit had found peace. She looked to the sky. There was one way to be sure.


Date: 2015-10-20 12:24 EST
He lay sleeping. Soundly beneath the inns roof. The day had been an adventure to say the least.

She was on his mind even if he hadn't meant her to be. He had heard talk of The Lady of Light and Dark. But he had never expected to ever meet her. He had his own power, had them since he was a child. He liked to dabble. Lately it been more potent, as if he was new to it. He'd lost his parents over a year ago. His mother had been human, his father elvish. They had gone out to sea, and not returned. He had pledged himself to the King of GoldenVine then.

He tossed and turned in his sleep.

A field of battle. Dressed in armor. Facing forces of unknown origin and power. He'd been called on like so many others and had answered the call.

He felt the flash of pain in is shoulder then again in his gut.

He awoke, sudden and startled. Sweat clung to his forehead. He rose from the bed and crossed the room to splash water on his face. The face in the mirror. Blue eyes, a shock of dark blue hair, tanned skin, elven ears. He rocked back and spun around. Across the room the relfection in the dresser mirror was his own.

A tousled mess of brown hair. An honest looking face, less scupletd than an elfs but not quite human looking either. Women found him hadsome, his eyes were a grey sage green.

He thought back to his dream. A battled field. Looking to his own body in the mirror. There was a thin scar on his right shoulder, and what looked like a scar on his abdomin. He could not recall getting wounded. He raked his hand through his hair. They must just be old scars he had forgotten about. He knew he bared another scar on his back, one that a dagger must have made. But for all his life he could not recall how he got it.

He walked back to the bed and sat. An image flashed before him. Shea. She stood alone on a field, fog ebbed around her. Her body was wounded. She spoke to the open air but he could not hear her. A sword appeared before her, shimmering silver. Then another older sword joined it. She seemed to gain some peace as well as sadness in her silver eyes from the sights of the swords. Then the two blades were gone.

There was a sound like thunder from the earth. Inside the fog lightning cracked and the thunder boomed. There was vices now, all mixed in calling for her.

Owen saw him then. A young man. His hair was a shock of dark blue, his eyes as well. He stood battle hardened looking in towards Shea. "Aiden," the name came to Owen so suddenly. There was a woman there and another neither did he know but he felt as if he did.

He heard Aiden's voice as it screamed out . "Atara!" He called in to the fog. He could not get in and Owen felt something deep in his heart then.

This young man Owen knew him. He could not recall how but he felt his pain. Looking to Shea there he felt it all as if she was the one.

Shea stood alone, surrounded by the fog. She looked as if in a trance. Then it began. It flashed before him as if he was watching from above and beyond his own body.

It started with a soft rumbling underfoot. Then spread. The elements torn asunder from their bonds and were set free. Wind, Water, Earth and Fire. Spirit joined them, as well as the very essence of Light and Dark.
They tore free around Shea, swirling, mixing, mingling, battling it out then coming together as one. Shea stood embraced by them, her eyes open as if she was bathed in everything around her, that he could not hear. Then suddenly he felt this peace. Unmistakable peace.

Shea floated there, the elements about her mixing wildly. They tore at her but she seemed to not feel it. Then the magic ripped out. It tore through Edhel Ndor. Touching everything and everyone. That wash of peace took over even after that first moment of panic.

The fog began to ebb. Owen saw her as Aiden did. Floating there off the ground, bloody, wounded. He cried for her then, screaming for her. Others called for Shea but she did not move, did not look at them.

"Hin." A voice spoke. "Hin, ta naa coiasira"

"Amin desiel." Shea spoke back. Owen felt a tear slip down his cheek as if he knew what was about to come.

The elements that had been dancing there forged each in to its own sword, made of that element. One each for wind, water, earth and fire. Each of the four elemental swords floated around her. Another was forged then of the spirit of the realm. Two more then forged one made of pure darkness, one of pure light. They floated there, each pulsing with pure power. Seven elemental swords conjured by the magic of the realm.

Then one by one each sword fused together. The first four of the elements, wind, water, earth and fire and spirit became one great sword. The last two of darkness and light fused together, then became one with the great sword forged of the elements. Now the one great sword floated before the mage.

That sword then spun up and dove in to Shea's breast.


Owen found himself standing staring blankly at his own face in the mirror. The horror had been Aiden's.. no.. it had been his own. But how could that be he had never met Shea before this very day.. Or had he?

The was a feeling deep, as if he had met her before.


Date: 2015-10-20 14:47 EST
Shea was set to go and seek her answers when she felt the pendant at her neck heat up. She glanced down, the gem for Crendia was glowing bright. Willow was summoning her. It had been some time since Shea had spoken to her. So rather than seek her answers Shea took the winds to Crendia.

The great palace stood. A spire of silver in the late days light. The realm had flourished under Willows rule. Willow was one of the oldest in the alliance. She even had Radella beat by a few hundred years. She had ruled side by side with one lost to the magic of the breaking. Shea knew Willow had been very happy. She had gained so much back in to her life. Now much like Shea much of it was lost. Willows daughter Emily had come back in to the goddesses life, but now too was gone. She had chosen love.

Shea could not blame her. And she knew Willow could not.

Walking up to the palace Shea felt the warmth of the realm. The entry way greeted her, a long high hallway beaming though with light.

"Atara.." Aiden turned and went to his mother and hugged her.

"Aiden, Mila.." She smiled to them both. "Why are you here?"

"That's the question of the day." Salice answered. Shea then saw that most of their great family was there. Even Hera and Jade who must have come from Rhydin. Even Sira was there, who none of them had seen since Damien's death in the battle for the alliance.

"We all felt it, the call, it drew us all here." Hera answered, she looked a bit battle worn.

"I called you all here." Willow appeared on the great stairs, dressed in a dress of flowing cobalt blue. Her long brown hair flowed behind her, her eyes were hazel green but they shone brightly as any emerald. She looked tired. " I called you all here to make an announcement."

She walked down to join the mighty family there gathered before her. Willow smiled. She had lived many years, many more years than she should have. Magic and fate had kept her alive. Through everything she had seen. She had not begun in this place. She had been but a girl once. A girl swept away by destiny and fate. Sworn to hunt the evil of the world that she had been apart of. Fallen for a man who had and would always be the love of her life.

She had come by this place by magic and fate. It had been built and rebuilt. She had buried the past here and begun again. She thought of the time after war where that love of hers had returned, as he always had been, to rebuild what had been destroyed. To bathe a pure glow over her, for darkness had taken him, but she knew he was never gone from the light of her heart.

He had ruled here before her, when she could not be at his side, no matter how she had forgiven him. He had built the temple in her name. She took a breath, looking to the wandering faces of her family. She had been welcomed in to this alliance, had made friends and become family. But the breaking of the alliance and the knowledge of all she had lost it lingered too deeply in her heart. She knew others recalled their losses, Shea ,Radella, Hera, Jade, Anarya. Powerful women that recalled every moment of all they had and lost. Over one thousand years of love, loss, war and peace. She had not come to this easily. But it was time.

"I have called you all here to name the new regent and ruler of Crendia. "

A silence fell over them all.

"Willow.." Shea began.

"No, I am healthy and well. But it is past time that I do this." She stepped down in to the crowd. " I am old, and I have seen and felt so much in my life. Love and loss. I have ruled here for many years now, and with all that is, I need to return to where I began. I began my life in a world not like this one, one closer to what Rhydin is. The village where I was born is gone. The realm torn apart from this one. But I have found a way back to it. I began a girl who lost her parents, and all she knew. I found out my destiny then, to fight the darkness of the world. I met my first love then, when I was but a girl of sixteen. He wasn't human, and I lost him in the battles that came. But I loved again. I had never known a greater love than Darin's. He remained the one for me for a long time. I loved and lost again, a few times. Lived. Saw my son, lost him. Got my daughter back, yet lost her as well."

She ran her fingers through her hair. "It is time that I pass on my power to someone else. Someone who can run this realm. Someone you all trust." She walked up to Aiden. He was young still, but brave. He was dashing and a good man and father. He loved Mila with all his heart and had deep power in him much like his mother. "Aiden GreenStone, I have chosen you as regent of Crendia."

Aiden stood there shocked. "Willow."

Willow smiled to him. "You are strong and wise. Your a good man, your powers run deep like your mothers. You will be a fine leader, and I have no doubt you will wish Mila by your side. "She placed her hand upon his shoulder. " Will you expect the gift I am to give you?"

He looked around to his family, then in to the eyes of his mother. Shea smiled and nodded to him.

"I do." Willow smiled and a beam of light shot in from above and bathed them in it. Aiden closed his eyes, seeing parts of Willows past life, of all she had won and lost. Feeling the deep power she had held for so long. He also felt the power of the alliance. He saw a vision of things that had been lost, and felt the pain she had. Willow gave him some of her power. "Your now ruler here, and if you wish for it and she agrees Mila will rule beside you."

Aiden turned to Mila. "Will you?"

Mila smirked to him and nodded. "As if you had to ask me."

"Take his hand." Willow smiled. Mila took Aiden's hand and she felt all he had, as the light bathed over her. She gained some of that old power as well.

Willow stepped back from them. "You will rule well here, and fear not your family will aid you. " She left the two to ponder their new lives as she walked to each member and said goodbye. She left Shea for last. Shea linked her arm with Willow and they walked outside.

The others stayed inside with Aiden and Mila.

"They will rule here well." Willow looked back. "They will build this place up again."

"What about you?"

"I am returning home, to a place not truly connected to these realms. I have lived a long time Shea, and died many times. I should have died years ago, passed on when Darin did."

"Is it him you seek?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if I saw him again, he was the greatest love I had ever known. I had known many great loves in my years. I am ready, beyond ready to say my goodbyes."

"You will be missed and remembered. I cant say I don't understand."

"No out of everyone here, you likely understand the most. Love and loss, death and joy. You have faced them all and still come out alive and kicking. And I hope you do so for many more decades. " She placed her hands on Shea's shoulders. "I am giving you some of my power as well, the rest will leave me and part to the realm as I go." Shea closed her eyes to the feeling of Willow great power.

The others started filing out as Willow stepped back. "Rule well and wisely." She bowed to Aiden and Mila. She smiled to them, her family. Looked to the realm she had helped create and slowly walked away from the Palace. She walked past the temple that was made in her image, the fallen temple that was Darin's at one point, towards the trees. As she walked her form started to fade. The great alliance stood and watched as she became ghostly.

Then they saw it, another form, ghostly as well, walking to Willow. Those that had known him in life would recognize Darin's ghostly form. "Forgetting someone?" He held his hand out to Willow. She took it and both the forms disappeared.

Moments later a bright shooting star shot across the darkened sky. It glittered and rained down magic that spotted over the ground and all there. As the star disappeared Shea turned to see that all that had been ruins was now reborn, the old temples and places gone were new again, filled with light and hope. The woods that had died from darkness were no longer dead, nor filled with dread. She closed her eyes and felt the hum of the alliance. The power of Crendia shifted on to her son and on to Mila. Willow was gone, not even Shea with all her power could sense her. She had found peace.


Date: 2015-11-03 16:16 EST
Shea put what the day had planned aside and stayed in Crendia. There was no sorrow in the land. Only peace still. The ruins were gone, replaced by buildings new and lovely. The darkness had faded and the light over came. Shea wandered outside,feeling the pulse of the land. There was no ebb of Willows energy there, just the magic she had left behind willingly. A memory.

The place itself was the same but different. There were memories of Willow within. Books,scrolls,a journal. The room that had been hers was changed though. Shea had wandered through it and seen the differences. The palace was now for Aiden and Mila.

Shea held that journal that had been Willows. Something had compelled her to take it. The other books and scrolls were left behind, full of old knowledge and wisdom.

Shea wandered in to the great temple that was built in Willows honor. It had fallen and been rebuilt again. It spoke of peace and healing. The other great palace that had been built for Darin had fallen a long time ago, but now it stood beside the other, a place of knowledge. A different kind of healing. Shea had known Darin, but only as the lost soul he had become. She knew he had a story. One that was likely told within the pages of the journal she now held.

Shea walked out of the temple. To the woods. They had been reborn as well, green and lush. Crendia had seen war as much as it had seen peace. Sim'Tahl had broken from it and there had been change. Shea let the magic of the realm guide her.

"So you found it." The voice was ghostly, not there but there, around her in the woods. There were older ruins there,these remained as they had been, covered with moss and ivy.

Shea smiled softly. " I did, you meant me to. How can I hear you if your gone?"

"Goddess of The Light and the Dark, you need to ask me that?" There was a chuckle in the wind. "I said my goodbyes, but there is much you will learn when you read that."

Shea looked to the journal it was old, yet it survived. " We all saw him come to you. I can't say I understand."

"But you do. You have known great love, many in fact in your years. But if Adaron was alive, and he came to you, you would not walk away."

Shea thought of Adaron, and then of Owen. The man who reminded her so much of her lost first love. She knew she would not turn away from it. "Are you happy?"

"Yes, I am. The realm will blossom under your sons rule. The land hums with peace. And I am where I am meant to be. Read the journal, let it give you knowledge and peace as well."

The voice was gone as was the feeling that had pulled Shea there. The woods remained full of light. The light was of the moon that had risen. Shea wandered a bit more that journal in her hand.

When she crossed out of the woods she saw Sira being hugged by Kulbin and Shay. That was what Sira needed. To be with her family. She had lost so much, and Damien could not be brought back. There was a pulse then, that shot up through Shea. An image of Sira. Sitting on a wooden throne, a dragon across her lap. Shea let the vision pass. So that was to be Sira's destiny. Anarya's time as Lady of Dragons was ending. She was the eldest living member of the GreenStone clan and she was soon to pass to the beyond.

Shea felt a deep sadness at this knowledge. Her grandmother had lived along life. A life filled with magic. The powers she beheld were primal and old as the realm itself. The time was not yet through, a year maybe more. But in the vision Sira had been happy. There was new love for the High Queen of Sim'Tahl. A new life beyond the sorrow of loss.

Shea looked down to the journal and walked on. Till she found a place to sit. Within the great garden. It bloomed now at night with flowers for the moon. There grew roses that bloomed in the day, and the immortal roses, that never died. There grew a namesake Willow had brought with her. A rose of red and white, that was beautiful, sweet and perfect. Yet its thorns were dangerous as any. It was part of her symbolic life, as goddess, as demon hunter. She knew those roses also represented all that Willow had been. They would bloom there now forever, Shea could feel it.

Sitting in the moon light she opened the journal. The pages were worn but not falling apart, they were old and new, inked with pen. The worlds of a young girl, as she grew. Shea began to read, letting Willows story wash over her mind.


Date: 2015-11-17 19:59 EST
This place was now hers. Built from stones old and new. The Temple of Light and Dark was now Shea's. It was one of the few place in the realms where any could contact the dead or dying. After letting Willow go. After seeing how the goddess passed with grace and love. Shea needed to seek out someone she wanted, someone she needed.

To seek a spirit out that was gone to a peaceful place was not easy. But Shea had passed through death herself three times, the veil was easily parted by her now.

Arcaena stood on the other side of the veil. Beside her Cala stood. It was odd to see them there.

"You seek answers for yourself." Cala spoke.

"But you already know them." Arcaena spoke.

" So it is him, Sir Owen Iraeean, he is Adaron reborn?" There was hope in her voice. A drop of hope in an ocean that had been filled with sadness.

"It is not that simple. " Cala turned to Arcaena. "Let us show her."

Arcaena nodded and around them mist grew and spread.

Shea saw the veil part and the world below. The battle. Long past.

"You knew what the cost was when you went in to battle. Adaron sat here beyond the veil at a place of peace and watched as the alliance fought. He watched as you prepared to take the final blow."

Cala wove her hand over the field. "Warriors did fall, one was Owen. Or at least his soul. He was a warrior of GoldenVine, his body had taken a blow, a mortal wound. His spirit was gone."

"Adaron felt everything that happened to you, he watched as you took the blow that ended your life. He wanted to reach out to you when you came here. But I gave him another choice." Arcaena spoke now. "We gave him a choice. We assured him you would return to your body. But he knew that you would not be the same. He knew that you would need more than duty and family to keep you going. So we offered him a choice."

"To take all that he was, his spirit still so vibrant even at peace and put it in to the body on the battle field."

"Sir Owen Iraeean." Shea spoke softly.

"Yes, Adaron's spirit lives in him."

"There was a catch of coarse. Adaron's spirit is alive in that body, yet has not fully come forth. He knows only who he was, or that is who Owen was."

"But he felt something, I felt something."

"Yes, and now it is up to him. "Cala spoke with a smile. " Adaron Istalindir lives in that body. And he will recall soon enough."

"He came back for me?"

"He came back because you will need him. He was your first love. He was always meant to be your only love. But Jinnalt changed that. You loved again, and again. But never quite the same. You returned from death changed, not only in power but in your heart. You felt pain for a while now, and have begun to let it all go. So now was the right time for him to come."

"And Isleen?"

"The child is a seer, you were always meant to meet her one way or another." Arcaena smiled. "Now go, back through the veil. In time, your heart will heal as much as the rest of you."

Shea bowed to them both and passed back through the veil. "Adaron..." She pressed her hand to her heart.


Date: 2016-08-06 23:00 EST
He left the inn in Althea. To wander the great forests. He went northwest first, to the great forest of roses. The RoseWood. It smelled of roses. There were rose vines and bushes within the trees. There was a place of power there, he could feel it. It was said that a great power dwelled here. That the Lady of Roses was some how related to The Lady of Light and Dark.

He felt the power there, but it was not what he was seeking.

He went to the north and east to the great north wood. The Dark Enchanted Wood.

There he began to feel the power. The power he had sensed in his dreams, the power he had felt beside Shea. The woods did speak to him, but the archers of GreenStone did not stir. He dismounted and walked slowly along the path under the tall ancient trees.

Gustav walked behind him, the mighty horse was calm even in the odd place. The trees were pine and oak. Tall and ancient as all time. There was no darkness here, only light.

But there was magic. A deep magic. He could feel it with every step, calling him closer and closer to the foot of the mountain. The Great Mountains of GreenStone. They towered beyond the mighty trees. He knew the place between them, The Valley of Dae. But it was not there he was called to, no, a power pulled him off the path along through the under brush, to a spot in the woods. It ebbed with power there, and there was a ripple of that power between two linked trees.

He had heard to the crossings, the places in the realm one could travel from allied realm to allied realm. This one some how he knew would lead to Crendia. Yet he had never been there, never set foot in the place. Yet if someone asked him about it he knew it, from stone to tree, palace to popper he knew it.

"How is it possible?" He spoke to no one, Gustav seemed unbothered by the rippling magic portal.

Owen shook his head and slowly took a step closer. One hand rested to the side of one of the linked trees. He saw it then, a flicker of an old life. He stood not in this wood but in the woods near the counsel seat, The Mith Woods. Yet this place felt as if it had once stood there. He could make no sense of it. He saw what he thought was himself. Yet the man he saw had dark blue hair. Yet every fiber of his being told him that it was him. Standing there looking back towards home,thinking of love, of the woman he was leaving and the son he had barely begun to raise.

Then dark figures in cloaks came, all around him. ? By order of the King we can not let you live.? That figure had red eyes, and a wicked stave with an orb that pulsed of pure darkness. ? Step aside, I have business to attend to before I can marry my wife.?

The King, Jinnalt was one of the figures. He never lowered his hood nor spoke but Owen knew it somehow, the king came there to murder him. Yet he did nothing. Alaric. The thought of the name sent shivers down his spine, the man and his kin were long dead, yet still his potency remained.

Three two one, out numbered by magic and numbers. He was stabbed and tossed through the portal. Death took him soon after that, Darius had found him on the edge of death, just barely able to hand off what he could for Shea and Aiden.

"Aiden.." Owen came to again, releasing his hold on the tree. His son. Looking back towards the mountain he quickly mounted and spurred Gustav towards it.