Topic: Tales from Crendia


Date: 2006-11-18 16:11 EST
the dinner date: before all the maddness

I had not expected such a grand surpise when I returned to Crendia.

the day had now gone by quickly, I had been training most of the day outside with the high guards, practing my sword play and magic. I had takena break to watch the elite guards train, they were amazing, which came as no surpise, they had been raised to be who they were, and trained every day iof their lives.

I would have to train for the rest of my long years to even come close to their skillity I then felt a tap upon my shoulder.

"Miss Shea?" I turned to see Aaron standing behind me, " Lord Aaron, how are you, I see your men are trianing hard." He nodded, " since I returned it has been non stop and now Blahl and I are to take our men tot he far end of the palace for guard duties." I nodded to him," is there something you wished me to help you with?" He nodded, " I watched you while you were training, your not bad, care to try your skillity in a sparing match?"

I nodded softly, " I will gladly spar with you M'lord." He smiled, " dont expect me to go easy on you beacuse Blahl likes you, I may love my brother in arms, but this is all business." I nodded, " I dont expect you to go easy on my M'lord." He nodded, and stepped back.

I had my sword at the ready, her smiled to me and drew his blade, and then a shield of light appeared over his other arm, this reminded me of the time i had trianed with Blahl.... I had gotten my ass kicked...:: "en guard..."

::I moved in quickly witha brust of wind and out blades clashed past each other, he barely moved pushing his full weight forward, I lost my footing and fell back he then swept my feet out from udner me, I rolled to the dusty ground, but before I could rise to meet his blade he had counted me, with the tip of his blade at my neck.:: " Not bad, miss Shea, most people would have fallen to their asses after that." :: I smiled to him and sheathed my blade. He helped me to my feet, I dusted my self off, ::" thank you lord Aaron, I am hardly as well skilled as you."

::He smirked,:: " you would have to train everyday and night for the rest of your elven years to be any where near my skills, but thats why I am an elite."

"Aaron are you bothering Lady Shea?" ::another male voice floated to my ears, I looked over aarons shoulder to see Blahl behind him.

::Aaron turned and the brothers embraced,:: " tis good to see you, Aaron, hard at work already, you havent even been home four days." ::Aaron smiled and looked to me, he leaned in and whispered something to Blahl, " shes not bad with that blade of hers, not bad looking either , you have better taste in women than iImight have thought...." ::Blahl smiled and patted Aaron on the shoudler,:: " get back to work." ::Aaron nodded and bowed his head to me, and left. I smiled to Blahl, " tis good to see you again M'lord Blahl."

He smiled to me, " you need not to call me M'lord, M'love I have not forgotten what is between us." ::I looked to him with a bit of shock.:: " your not mad at me for being gone for so long?" ::He shook his head,:: " your cousin explained, and I heard that you got a rather odd note, but all is well now yes?" ::I nodded, ::" yes." ::He leaned in slowly and kissed me softly,:: " good, beacuse I am taking you to dinner tonight after my shift is over."

::dinner was he serious? my cheeks rushed with blush. " dinner, I would like that." ::He smiled to me,::" but for now I have business to attend to, do you have something to keep you busy till then?" :: I nodded, ::" yes salice sent me some things to do for her, maps to look over names to review.":: He looked at me witha quriked brow, ::" maps, not maps of here I hope." ::he loved her yes, but if she was some sort of spy...:: "No maps of my lands before greenstone was there, maps that my grandfather made." ::He smiled to me,:: " ahh well, perhaps i could look at them as well, later through. " :;he kissed my cheek. He nodded to me and walked off, I watched him go nearly fainting, I twirlled around and ran for the palace, i had work to do, not only had salice sent me a huge amount of work, but now i had to find something to wear to dinner.::


Date: 2006-11-18 16:31 EST
The day had gone by, with shea sitting up in that room, looking over the maps salice had sent her, she was translating the elder elvish to common tounge and common elvish, it had taken ehr most of the day she hadnt even looked over the list of names salice had sent her. Now shea gazed out the window, time to get ready for her dinner date.

She rose letting the map roll up and went to go take a nice long bath.

after that relaxing bath I came out of the bath wrapped in my newest robe. My bare feet upon the wodden floor of my room, i lay out my normal clothes on the bed, along with my cloak and weapons. " no weapons for me tonight."
I walked over to the huge dresser, I oepned it, it was not nearly full only a few things hung there, But I noted something new.. a new dress, I smiled when is aw a note attached to it.

"Sister, I heard of your date tonight, I saw this today in the market place, this shall make lord blahl stare at you, love you, Shay."

I smiled, " seler...." I took the dress from the dresser and lay it out on the bed, she ahd even gotten me matching shoes. I finsihed drying my hair and let my robe fall, I slowly slipped the dress on, it was beautiful, I buttoned it up the back. I then looke din the large mirror near the bath door. the dress wa slong nearly touching the floor. It ahd a slight slit up the right side, which showed off my right leg, I slippe don the matching shoes and started to fix my hair, I note the V cut neckline, that showed off a bit more cleveage than I normally would. I smirked shaking my head as I brushed through my hair fising it up in to a pin, lettign a few strands grace my cheeks.The dress seemed to bring out the color of my hair and eyes, and with my hair up my elven ears could been seen more, as well as my long neck. I spun around, the dress was perfect even though it was low cut and sleeveless, I could justs ee blahls face .... I could hardly wait.:;

I didnt have to wait long soon there was a knock at my doro I tooka deep breath and walked to the door, I opened it, my ajde hues saccne dover blahl whom stood outside my door, finely dressed hims elf, with a hand full of flowers. He starred at me, " you look beautiful...." His eyes gazed over me.

" you look rather handsome your self." He held out his arm to me, and I took the flowers in my free hand and he smiled and led me away from my room through the palace.

he led me through the city square, to a large building, I watched the people coming in and out lords and ladies in their finest, he led me towards the door there was a man standing there, looking down ata list of names, " yes do you have a.. " :: he looked up and saw blahl, " oh lord blahl, forgive me, ahh you have a lady with you this evem I shall show you t your table." : the man led us in through the busy tavern like building. He led us to a table enar te window, the moon light dance int rhough the window, throught he window you could see the cost, the sea spalshing upon the rocks. The host pulled out my chair for me and I sat, balh sat down across from me, " a bottle of your finest vintage and two menus please." The man nodded and rushed off. I looked to him, " this place is beautiful..'.I looked out the window the light of the moon dnaced off the waves, and bounced in to my eyes, making them shimmer.::

" yes it is, bt not as beautiful as you.." I could feel a blush creep its way upon my cheeks. Soon he waiter retruend with a botle of red wine, and glasses he poured two glasses and set the menus down: " when you are ready to order sir please let me know." Blahl nodded and the man scurried off, I slowly lifted my hand to wrap about the stem of my wine glass, and blahl followed suit, " shall we toast to something?"

:;I smiled:: " to possiblities?" He smiled back and clinked his glass with mine and tooka s ip of wine I followed suit. I then stuided the menu for soem time, soon enough we both ordered, the bulk of the night so far had been spent in silence, for what were we tot alk of, business? we both knew that neithr one of us wanted to do that, I starred out the window. " it reminds me much of silverwaters ehre, near the cost, watching the moonlight dance off the waves and hit upon the rocks. this country is lovely...." He smiled and lowered his glass, then his hand slid to rest upon mine, he starred at me, " it has its good points...."

:: soon the food was brought over and we began to eat I ate slwoly looking up at him... all i could thik of was how much i wanted him to kiss me like he had before::


Date: 2006-11-19 01:12 EST
;Dinner was enjoied, and the wine finished off. The meal paid for and we left the tavern. My arm wrapped about his, as I walked close to him, he led me along the streets in the dark of night, though I have expected him to lead me back to the palace he led me along the path towards the far off dock... or what was left of a dock. ::

::I could smell the air, it smelt of salt, and sea. I looked to the ground for it had become softer, I could feel the soft sand udner those slipper like shoes. He took my hand , his eyes gazed over me, the moonlight danced off the ivroy colored dress, making it shimmer and sparkle.:: " in this light you look like a goddess."

::he leaned in close to me, my gaze turned to him, locked on. my cheeks red with blush He pressed the most delicate of kisses to my lips then pulled back slowly.( Or that is how I would have liked it to be, the kiss was palced upon my cheek.) We walked along the beach for a while I had slipped off my shoes to feel the sand under my toes. It had been many eyars since I had walked upon any beach, and even now as I think og it, it had been since iw as young, before Adaron and I met, before my destiny was laid out. ::

:;we walked for a while longer, watching the waves crash against the rocks, watching the moon light dance off the waves. Then he would led me back over the worn dock, i would slip on my shoes and we headed back towards the palace, it had been the most romatic night. the perfect dinner, the perfect ma. I walked with him arm and arm up the castle steps, I closed my eyes leaning in to him, I wasnt tired, but i enjoyed the feeling so much. How I longer to be in his arms....::

::We walked, he led me up the steps , I opened my eyes and looked to him as he walked, I have often wondered what was a man like that doing with me?::


Date: 2006-11-28 01:46 EST
::I could not have seen this coming, not with all my wisdom, I write this with my breaths slowed, they say I shoudl not move but I must, I must write this, Aiden is waiting, I have given him instructions : to go as fast as he can to rhydin, and give my gifts to wyh and james for their wedding....for I am woudned, I was atatcked by darks... after leaving the portal... I could not have seen it coming, if Kulbin had not heard my screams I would be dead now.... I lay now in the goddess's temple, under the watch of the paladin healers and lord Blahl... My sister outside waiting for word..... pacing.....I must finish my letter....::

::the letter reads::

Dear Connar, if you are reading this now It means I am dead, I did not expect my death to come so soon, but I have faced it before and I fear it not. I write so you know that all is well between us, and that you are worthy of more than you think. My spsirt shall watch over you, from the sky:: As well as all the others who have befriended me there in Rhydin: My hawk shall check in on you all from time to time and come to speak with me in the halls of the after life. I aslo write this to tell you something; something that you could not know other wise: I flipped you a coin,tis a coin of greenstone, look at it closely you shall see a dragon upon the face of the coin, if you flip the coin over you will see what looks to be mountians.... this coin holds power, magics: I know you do not fancy magics, but hear me out....: Take out a piced of parchment, blank paper: lay the coin down, with the dargon facing upwards towards you.... upon the blank paper will appear a map, of my home lands.... you have often said you do not fit in rhydin, but where does anyone fit in, if your ever in need of some where to go besides Rhydin, the lans of my homelands offer many splended wonders, you should take miss mercy with you.... being part elf she would enjoy it much: I wish you both the best: I do hope that I will not die.... but nothing is certian now.... I must end this.... Namaarie"

" Amin mela lle Melonamin....."

~ Shea....

:: the last letter of her Name draged through and her arms fell to hre sides, eyes clsoed, the healers had put her ina deep sleep::

Below this letter was a few words, in Aidens writing: " my mother tells me you do not know elvish, if she lives through this she will tell you what she has written, if not she told me that A miss Des knows elven.... you may speak with her, if she can not tell you.... then I shall be there , tis my mothers wish, so that I shall do."

~ A. GreenStone

:: Aiden then took the note and gifts and would ride with all speed for this place called rhydin::

::he would arrive late give the gifts to wyh and james, tell them what they were, simply, quickly as he could for he wished to be back at his mothers side, he could not lose ehr not yet not like this..... with direct gaze he spoke to connar and gave my letter and then was off away again witha crack of lighting, and the pounding of his horses, hooves...:;

::with all speed Aeglos : or snow thorn in the common tounge rode away from the realm known as Rhydin: " Hold on mother, i am on my way back." Aiden rdoe quickly, the power about him evident, powers of the Taur'amandil : powers much like his fathers::


Date: 2006-11-28 01:47 EST
At my reguest Shavyn heads for Rhydin: I can not be there as I wish to be. So i send one of the people I love and trust, Aiden would go, but he needs to be here, Salice would go, but she has a kingdom to rule....

Kulbin and Lord Blahl can not go... for they have duites here... so Shavyn offered to go, She will send me letters and news of my beloved friends..... I do hope they all understand why I can not be there.... Shavyn will watch over them if anything shall happen to me...

for I would have no other go for me.... but one of my sisters or Aiden....

I trust them with all things, and Shavyn has missed rhydin, we both remember the days when we would go there for business : back when Jinnalt was king

I send with her my notes of the people of rhydin, and some work to do while she is there...


Date: 2006-11-28 01:48 EST
Shavyns Words

"I write as I am insturted, under Sheas wishes. She lies in rest, healing under the watch of Willow, the goddess of crendia: Aiden returened last night, weary, but all else is well: e gave me news of rhydin, and all the people shea has made friends with: While she rests, I intend to go, seek out this palce, from our youth, seek out her friends.... see what they say: she needs answers, she wants to know if she should stay or go from there: she had planed to return to rhydin, on occasion. Now that she is woudned, I shall go in her stead for a while. As long as she is healing I shall be there"

Now under her instrutions I shall go, learn what I can,speak to those who know her. I will go tonight, stay hidden for awhile, see if anyone appraoches me.

:; a few days pass:

It didnt take me long to see why Shea enjoys this place, but it also didnt take me long to come up with her answers she needed.

I arrivived back at the temple late in the early morning: the sun broke over the tall temple, I saw a figure walking, a long white dress about her, I then knew who it was: the blue hair gave it away.

Shea was alive, blessed not only by the goddess but also by her powers that she gained from father and Adamina....the blood of GreenStone is strong, word arrived from salice while I was in rhydin, wishing shea well, if salice could be ehre now she would be, but there is a kingdom to rebuiold alliances to reforge....

Now tis the time.... I will give my notes on rhydin to shea,let ehr read them over then see what she shall decied.

"Seler." Elven words flowed through my lips, as I took in the dight of my ssiter there alive and well, and there was this glow about her, I had never seen.


Date: 2006-12-04 17:01 EST
"Now that you've driven her away, she wont be back tillt he first thaw!" ::Those blue eyes focused on The paladin before her, Kulbin stood behind her he had tried to hold he back but it was of no use. The conversation had escualted to these words.::

:;Shavyn had awoken that day thinking of Shea, she had left soona fter she was healed back to Rhydin, Shay understood why. But now she knew that raevyn had followed Shea there, and that shea would be in danger. Shay did not dobut her sisters skills, she just knew Raevyns well.The woman did not fight fair. Now that she was awake she had a few words for that paladin, she had knwon about Salcies message sent by owl messenger, and also now knew of what that paladin had wrote, Kulbin had told her with a sigh, he loved his brother but be that as it may he knew his brother to be a bit foolish from time to time.:: " He didn't mean to hurt her." :: He held Shavyn back with on hand, trying to give her that dashing smile. Trying to keep ehr from tearing Blahl apart But even he had to admit that he wanted to give his brother a good fist to the jaw.::

:;She looked to him, she loved him, but his brother was a fool.:: "Hes a fool, you take her out ona romantic date, then nothing! She nearly dies and you can even tell her how you feel, and now shes in rhydin, and she wont be coming home...the pass is fileld with snow, and she wont wield the winds to bring her back here, after that ote you sent her, if anything she'll go to greenstone.... youve driven her in to the arms of another man!"

Blahl just looked to her, saying noting, he was obviously sorry.Kulbin turned Shavyn to him, :: " can you go and get her?" ::Shavyn would look in to Kulbins eyes,:: " yes, thankfully my powers allow me to travel to her, but why would I go and get her?" ::Kulbin looked over her shoudler to his brother,:: " so that he can get a second chance." ::Shavyn looked back tot he paladin, ::" that chance may already be lost, but I'll do what i can... I wont travel there though, I'll send word first.... see if she reacts.." ::She kissed kulbin on the cheek and looked back at blahl,:: " it may be already to late, but keep your hopes high, paladin.Perhpas then you will know how she feels." ::She wouldnt speak a word of Raevyn to him, for that would send him to Rhydin, and Shay had to do everything to give her sister time.::

She walked up the stairs towards her room, " make your choice sister... and quickly..." ::she would go to write shea that letter.::


Date: 2006-12-05 16:27 EST
::The winds blew over the grass filled fields of Crendia, Shavyn stood just beyond one of the first gates. Feeling the wind upon her face letting it take her hair back:: "Shea..." :;Her eyes were cast upward then and she saw that letter floating towards her, she ran, and jumped up and caught it.::

::A smile crossed her lips. as she tore open the letter and began to read out loud.::

"Dear Shay, I had hardly expected to hear from you. And least of all on this subject.." ::Shay paused, then read on.::

"You know very well what happened between me and Blahl?Nothing. It was a fine dinner date, romantic and all else. But you know me well I am a fool in a wise woman?s clothes?"

:;Shavyn shook her head.:: "Seler'" ::she felt for her sister.:: "you are no fool." ::she sighed and read on.::

"I fell hard for him and he dismissed me, more than once. I do not deny that I have feelings for another man, and although I enjoy in his company and he in mine, he is stuck between two women, and I know he and I differ far too much, he is not from Rhydin nor this realm at all.
Our worlds do not connect. Though I might wish them to. We have spent many close night together, last night being one, for one night I let all else slip away and let my self be, not a knight, not bound to duty, just to be there in his arms, and let him hold me as close as he might wish to. I am not misled I know we could never be anything, but I do enjoy in his touch and kiss, but I am far to wise to believe that anything more could be."

::Shay ran her fingers over the ink, she could feel her sisters pain,another sigh passed through her lips, yet she continued, she knew shea was a happy, and at peace, something none of them had had, least not in a long time::

"I know you would wish me to come back, and you know that if I wanted to that no snow nothing would stand in my way if I truly wanted to go back. I know he wants another chance, and if that is true then let him come and find me."

::Shavyn laughed at that.:: "He'll love to hear that." ::she continued::

"Lastly.. I know of Raevyn?s presence here all too well, we have clashed a few times, this morning I am healing from wounds, but she will be healing more so than I?I will no longer wait for her to make her moves, I hunt her, she does not hunt me. I will not be her pray.
I will not allow he to hurt anyone here, on other news, there are fire elementals here, a few new players in town that have that darkness that Alaric had, I am keeping a finely tuned eye upon them. For they are attacking children , and I shall not stand for that, so in light of my hunt for Rae I also hunt these new fire elementals? I have faced the most powerful of them, it is time that one of them learns the power of the Sul Val?istar. I have waited far too long for vengeance, and I deserve as much, for all the hell Alaric put me through. I know also that not all fire elementals are bad, but trust in me when I say I felt the same darkness, besides they are hurting children, which for one I can not stand for, being a mother.".

:;Shay gaspa bit.:: "Fire elementals..." ::She read, on, she knew her sister could handle anything Raevyn would toss at her, but fire elementals, long had Shea felt the burn after all that had gone on with Jinnalt and Alaric. Now she worried, but read on.::

"I send you and Aiden my love, my love (only in a sisterly like way, for you love him dearly) for Kulbin as well. You can tell Blahl if he wants me, he will have to come here and find me and also tell him if he does come to find me not to expect a warm welcome.

Amin mela lle, Seler?

Lle seler?, Tel? Sul Val?istar

~Shea "

:;shavyn finished the letter, then she heard the clearing of a throat behind her, she turned to see Kulbin standing there.:: "How much did you hear?::


::Shay sighed, and smiled dimly to him.:: " are you gonna break the news to your brother or should I?"

"what news?" :: Blahls voice floate d over to them.::

::Kulbin looked to Shay then to his brother.:: "No news..."

::Blahl looked to Shay, and the letter in her hands... he took it from her, and started to read it to him self. As he read he crumpled the edges in:: " why didnt you tell me that raevyn followed her?" ::Shay gulped.::

Kulbin stood in front of her, " Blahl..."

::Blahl crumpled the paper and looked to Shay.:: "I'm going after her,I don't care if she wont welcome me, I will not let some other man take her from me.I will not stand for any of this!"

::Shavyn looked to him:: " that was your own doing." ::she took up the crumpled paper and fixed it back to normal and folded it and tucked it away.:: "maybe you should have thought about what, you were doing to her before you took her out. She loves you! And you didn't , couldn't even kiss her, could do a damn thing to show her any sort of affection, shes not looking for sex... she knows allready the pelasures of being with a man... she may desire them yes, as any woman would, but shes looking for love, nit just the passion." :;Shay turned and walked away::

::Kulbin watched her walk away and looked to his brother. He patted him on the shoulder:: " get going, if you plan to go after her, you'd better leave now."

::Blahl nodded, and walked towards the palace, he was going to ready himself to go to Rhydin.::


Date: 2006-12-07 03:35 EST
"he did What!" ::shavyns voice rang through the palace grounds::

Kulbin stood in front of her, " he left yesterday while we were off , umm, and now hes in Rhydinw ith fifteen men, and a rather nicely drawn poster of shea,seeking her out."

::Shavyn ran ehr fingers through ehr hair.:: "I've got to warn her..."

::Kulbin smiled:: " by the time any word you send to her gets there, he would have found her."

::Shay sighed:: " when shea wants to be hidden she will remain hidden, he will find her when she wants to be found."

:;Kulbin smiled:: ' she said her self that if he wanted her to come and find her."
:;Shay sighed:: " she may be serious about that, but what deos he think hes goign to accomplish?"

::a shrug:: "most likely, he'll brust in on her, and they will have a nice big fight."

"What! Why?"

"Beacuse, he read that letter two you know, he knows about this other man."

::Shay casta look to him:: " I know that, but what does he think that she would just say 'oh i understand that your sorry', and all would be forgiven? He dismissed her twice... he showed no sign that he cared for her at all, I mean come on Kulbin."

:;He simply nodded.: " One things for sure M'love, I would not want to be the other man.. Blahl is going to rip him apart if he catches him."

"All the more reason for me to warn her, any way I can." :: Off she went quickly towards the palace. Kulbin followe closely behind.: " What are you going to do?!"


Date: 2006-12-07 16:01 EST
Shavyn knelt in the garden of the palace chanting under her breath, Kulbin slowly caught up to her.

"Love, what are you doing?"

:;She held up a finger to him, she was focused, on the ground, no matter where shea was there would be earth, ground, roots, it was all connected.:: "Yala onna en' kemen.Templa tel cartel."

::Slowly a rose appeared before Shay, a bright silvery white one, that shown in the moon light, one of the rarest roses in all of her home land she had drawn it through the earth, right out of the rose woods, she looked to it, touched the soft petals and then it sunk in to the earth again, it would be on its way to Shea, through the earth::

"No matter where she is, I can always find her. As long as she is on earth, so as long as shes not sailing away some where, my rose will find her. Your brother, has lost hsi mind he went off there in a rage, full of fury, there is no telling what he might do, at least I can give her a warning.That way she be ready for anything."

::Kulbin sighed:: " theres no telling what he'll do, he is not in his right mind.I just hope he doesnt do anything stupid."

::those words seemed to echo through the gardens, snd shay only hoped that shea would get her message in time.::


Date: 2006-12-08 15:36 EST
::Shavyn sat up as she watched the gates open, Kulbin rose at her side::

"Those are the men that my brother took with him." ::He was up in a moments time.::

::One by one they rushed past him till the last one came to stand ebfore him:: " he's lost his mind, we coudlnt find ehr, he fired us, he sent us back, I've never seen him like this."

::Kulbin looked to the man, then back to Shavyn:: " how quickly do you think I can get us both to Rhydin?"
::Shavyn looked from the man to Kulbin.:: "Why?"

" Becasue, I ahve a very bad feeling about this, I knew something wasnt right, I figured hed go after her, but not like that."

::Shavyn looked to the man.:: " do know if he's found her?"

:The man shook his head:: " No I don't know M'lady, he fired us we ran home, he was full of fury, ive never heard his voice so dark..."

"Love.." ::Kulbin turned to Shavyn:: " You and I are going to Rhydin, before this fight gets taken too far, something tells me, that my brother is not him self..."

::Shay nodded and took his hand:: " Lets go then."

::He took her hand.:: "hang on tight"

::with a flash the two were gone, from the place grounds.::


Date: 2006-12-12 00:21 EST
::Shay now sat, in the garden far from the temple,a nd the screams of the paladin within it. She was focused upon the earth, her bare finger tips running over that grass. It was winter yet the grass was green and no sight yet of snow. At this time on GreenStone the ground would be covered in snow. Just as it was in Rhydin, what seemed like nights ago. Shay too ahd recived a letter from Salice, speaking of the new arrival, and the festival. After the incident with Blahls eh wasnt sure if she and Kulbin would get to leave, but he had reasured her that yes they would. It would take many moths for him to be cured of the darkness that had invaded. Shay smiled thinking of the old winter tradions, they ahd not celebrated in GreenStone since she was a child. The nights by the fire place telling tales, sipping hot tea. The fights int he snow, the races through the valley of Dae on horse back. The sound of children laughing, Shay hoped with all her heart that Shea would go to greentone for the festival, it was many weeks away. But Long had it been since the greenstone sisters were togthere int he same place at the same time, yes they all had loves of their own now, lives apart, but they were sisters, and they loved their family, extended or not. She lay abck in the grass with eyes closed looking up at the darkening sky wondering, where Shea was, what salice was up to. thinking of the past, and the days a head.


Date: 2006-12-13 15:48 EST
:;Shavyn smield as she packe dup ehr things, eyes gazing towards Kulbin at the other end of their room, back bear, watching him move in the light of the sun::

::He looked to her, smiling, loving the way she looked in that rose colored night gown, that showed off all those curves. He was busy packing, not bothering to pay much attention to what exactly he was packing. He smile turned to a smirk and he left the side of that bag and went to her, wrapping his arms around her slender waist. Brushing those lockes of brown away to kiss her bare shoudler.:: " I am glad that we can get out of ehre for a while, even if we do ahve to travel with Mila and Aiden." :;he smirked and kissed her neck, the sent of roses upon her made him crazy.. he lusted for his beautiful girl::

:;Shavyn smirked and closed her eyes at those kisses:: " oh we share more in common with those two, they can't keep their ahnds off each other, speaking of.." :: she turned to face him:: " do you think Mila will be willing to wear a little more than she normally does?"

::Kulbin laughed:; " shes an elven beserker love, shes not fond of clothes, but I am sure even Aiden can convince her to wear a bit more. "

:;Shay smiled:: " good beacuse Shea is bringing a guest of her own. I just want to make sure he feels welcomed, and not embarrass Shea too much " :;she smirked she had a few things in mind though::

::Kulbin quriked a brow at her before kissing at her neck once more:: " that fellow from Rhydin?" ::he caugth that smirk, knowing her to ahve a few thing s up her sleeve::

::Shay shivered , and nodded:: "mmm hmmm"

::He looked up to her:: " if you don't get dressed right now I'll be undressing you again."

:;She smiled:: " you dont hear me arguing with that."

::his hands slipped over her shoudlers pushing down those thin straps of her night gown, till they fell down her arms, and he watched as it fell to the floor, eyes scanned over her, and he kissed her tenderly. :: " mm, if I didn't have to go report to Darius I would throw you on that bed right now." ::his hadns ran around her bare sides:: " but we will have plenty of alone time once we get to GreenStone. "

:;She nodded to him:: " yes we will, go do your thing. I'm gonna get dressed and finish packing. Then go check on Aiden, make sure he and Mila are trying to atempt packing.."

:;He kissed her softly and tutned to finsih dressing him self, as he pulled the door open he pulled his shirt on, and gazed back to her as she dressed:: " I'd give them some time love, he doesnt have any where else to be and nor does she... I am sure you'd find them well... give them an hour or two":: he tossed her a wink and blew a kiss at ehr then closed the door slowly behind him, then went off to report.::

:;Shay got dressed and all packed, and did a little spin, she was excited. , she could ahrdly wait to go home, see everyone. And now she could plan out excatly how she would embrass Shea, it was a runnign theme, bewteen those two, this eyar Shay would get her sisters good, but she needed to thin of how. She smirked and sat down upon the bed thinking, humming a song::


Date: 2006-12-13 16:14 EST
::Kulbin walked through the Palace towards Darius quarteds, expecting some llong speach about how he shouldnt be taking off now when his brother was being cleansed of evil, now in this hour of need and all that stuff::

:;Kulbin tucked in his shirt and fixed his shathed weapons at his side,then he pulled abck his long red hair and stood at the door. It opened from within and Kulbin passed inside::

::Lord Darius sat at the end of a long table, drumbing his fingers upon the wood. Looking upward with his light eyes she saw Kulbin.:; ahh good, your here.

:;Kulbin bowed his head softly:; " yes sir."

:;Darius rose and walked towards Kulbin his long red cloak flowing behind him.:: I assmue your all packed and ready to go?

:;Kulbin quriked a brow:; " yes sir."

::Darius looked to him, with a smile:: you may stand at ease, this is not a business call. ::he patted Kulbins shoulder::

::Kulbin relaxed:: " then sir, may I ask why you called me her?"

:;Darius nodded:: oh yes, yes, I have a progress report on your brothers recovery, it took the temple stuwards most of these lastd ays to pin point what happened to him, but as you already know he was possessed, but now we know how and by whom

:;Kulbin nodded:: " and will he recover, from it, and those wounds?"

::Darius walked closer with a nod: yes the wounds are healed, fully, I will not speak of who possessed him, not here, but you already know. This is serious Kulbin, the fact that Blahl was taken over so easily, and the fact that he hurt Miss Shea... By the way how is she?

::Kulbin shruged:: " Shes Shea, strong, she can get through anything, even that. it was hard for her I am sure. I cant possibly imagine... but I know now what that Connar fellow felt, when Blahl went to hit Shavyn, I wanted to run him threw.And I nearly did."

:;Darius patted his shoudler again.:: Ah yes, the fabled Connar, the man from Rhydin the place beyond GreenStone, through the pass. yes yes,I am sure he is taking good care of Shea. And yes I heard of Blahl's attempt at Shay...hes a mad man. But you handled it as any would.

::Kulbin nodded.::

:;Darius looked on with that hint of mischief in his lght eyes: but enough business, I hear that you intend to ask miss Shay for her hand, when you two go back to GreenStone.

:;Kulbin smiled, gazing to him, he had tried his ebst to hide that fact from everyone, he hand't told a soul.:: " who told you?"

::Darius smirked:: I have my connections, but I wanted to wish you the best, I am sure she will say yes.

::Kulbin smiled, thinking of it, he couldnt wait to propose to her in front of her fmaily and friends:: " when we head to GreenStone I am going to have a ring made just for her, I am hoping her uncle can keep the secret from everyone else, hes the best metal worker there, I can't wait to see her face."

::Darius smiled,looking to the man ebfore him. Kulbin was one of his best men. Even in the days when he was some what of an outcast..:: then hurry up, go gather Aiden and Mila and your love and be out of here, it will take some time to get there no?

:Kulbin nodded:: " were leaving tonight, I wanted to make sure that I wouldnt be needed."

:;Darius smiled:: Go, thats an order.

::Kulbin smiled and bowed his head:: " thank you sir."

:;Kulbin turned and left the room with all speed flying up stairs to knock upon Aidens door.:: " Hey you two..." :: he called in:: " take a breath, and finish packing were leaving in an hour, and if your not down there at the front of the palace, we will leave with out you!"

::with a heavy breah Aiden called back:: " alright, alright.. we'll be ready."

::Kulbin smriekd and ran down the hal ltowards his room, now he was excited::


Date: 2006-12-14 00:09 EST


"Yes?" ::Mila's voice carried to the door::

"Are you both decent?" ::Shavyns voice carried inwards,Kulbin at her side holding both of there bags. Leaning on the wall.::

:;laughter could be heard from with in the room:: " Yes Shay were decent, we'll be right out." :;Aiden called, moments passed and the two walke dout, Aiden behind mila, who was wearing, more clothing that Shay had ever seen her in.::

:;Aiden was carrying both of there bags, on each of his shoudlers, he grinned to Kulbin:; "ahh weve been made in to pack mules.. good."

:;Kulbin chuckled:: " then were all ready, ladies?"

:;Mila looked to Shay and then Shay to Mila and they did a double nod:: "yes, I'm ready Love." :;sha smiled to Kulbin.::

"Me too." ::Mila snaked her arm around Aiden.::
:;together the four walked down through the palace, and towards the carriage that awaited them::

:;Once seated, shay called out:: " GreenStone, here we come"

::and off they went::


Date: 2006-12-17 00:35 EST
::Darius paced. Back then forth. The again, Slowly wearing in tot he ground underfoot. He paced before the high temple of Darin. Listening tot he screams of the Paladin amongst the chants and payers of the clerics, and high priests. His gloved hand went through his long dark strands of hair. He'd been there all night, through the thunder and rain.

: Soaked to the core or not. He was determined to get some answers.

"Lord Darius?" :: tap tap on his shoulder::

::He turned eyes bloodshot looking to the man whom stood before him.:: aye, what is it :; upon closer inspection he noted the mans robe. It was one of the clerics.:: yes, you have an update for me?
:The man just gazed to him,looking over his weary face.::

"Aye sir, for now we have done all that we can, it is in Darins hands now."

:;Darius sighed looking to the doors as the healers, clerics and high priest came out locking the large doors behind them. Blahl was in there alone now, to await judgment from a higher authority::


Date: 2006-12-29 23:36 EST
:;Darius sat there looking in to Blahl's eyes studying the paladin:: Progress? ::his eyes moved to the woman standing next to him::

He has no memory of what happened in Rhydin, and no memory of how to get there or to GreenStone. ::The tall female cleric spoke:: He has been healed,fully,Darin passed his judgment on him and he passed,he is ready for what ever you would wish..

:;Darius nodded::good,I have already sent out my leter to Shea nad the others they should have it by now.

:;The woman looked on.:: Sir,forgive me if I over step my bounds by saying this but, isnt it a bit much to be asking them back, both Shea nd Shavyn were attacked by him, though he has no memory of it I am sure they do.

:;Darius nodded:: yes I am sure they do, but they are knights bound by honor and duty,they will come,we helped them,they will help us.

::She nodded,yet did not agree:: Yes Sir is there anything else you need from me?

No,your dismissed ::he waved her off and sat down next to the 'reformed paladin::

::Blahl's eyes were different,changed,not their natural color,nor the color they were when he attacked Shea or Shavyn:: Darius sir, where is my brother?

He'll be here in a few days son, till then we have plans to mount. Attacks to plan.

yes sir. :;he went right to work,with out dely,the perfect soilder::


Date: 2007-01-05 23:33 EST
what in bloody hell? Where in the devil is that boy:; Darius pased::

:;No sign of kulbin nor those allies, from GreenStone:; damn it

Darius..:; Lord Green-Leaf looked to him, sitting calmy in that chair:; they are not going to come here, not yet, in your elder years my friend you have become so blind tot hsi fact. Kulbin is in love. And after what your paladin did to Shea.. I doubt she'll be back. I don't blame any of them my self.

;;Darius huffed:: your an elf you get those women.. I do not, its bad enough Mila left with them..

My sister will do as she pleases sir.. she is a warrior yes, but love knows no limits you once loved..

That was ages ago...

before all this insanity over that sword. M'lord it has been lost for years now.. you should give it up. This war is not worth it, the blood on your hands alone..Innocent people are dying by the thousands and you seek a sword that a god once used to kill his beloved... what kind of war is this, a war of peace or power... what do you think this sword will grant you but death... a sword is a weapon, designed to kill. Any who have wileded one know this.Thouse bound by duty,honor and oath. Those bound by rage and anger as well... a sword is a sword made of steel or iron.. nothing more than a tool...

Oh shut up Hinn

:;Lord Hinn Green-Leaf stood:: When they return I may end up going back with them to this realm of theirs. this war is insane... At least they all know that

your bound here Hinn.. you can't leave

watch me..:; He leftt he room::

fine ! :: he shouated after him:: I have all the power I need, Blahl! come out here we have things to discuss...


Date: 2007-01-07 03:48 EST
Send word now!

Yes sir :; three men skittered off out of the room::

I am ready sir, when ever you command it ::Blahl looked on, eyes blank, somewhere deeper darkness waited:: I will go myself

No :;Darius sat down:; let the orders reach? Green.. ::he stopped:: and Your brother :; he tried to recover that::

Aye sir.. I shall be in the guards quarters ::he bowed and left the room.::

::Darius sighed:: all too close? all too close to give up now

::A voice in Blahl?s mind spoke:: soon my pet, soon.. I will come to thee

:;He stopped, looked around and continued on ::

We are waiting for you.. come to us.. ::more voices, female voices in his head::

::He walked along past the guards quarters, and up to his private room, his feet carrying him with out a thought. He went in and got undressed, He lay down in that large bed, the window was open, yet he did not close it. He lay in bed, and then a shimmer of violet hues was seen, then a shimmer of bright blue and soft green hues?three women clad in leather walked towards him, dark hair hid their faces from view. They crossed to him, over the bed. One to his right one to his left and the other straddled his legs:: we are here to please you My lord?:: they spoke as one, weaving that dark spell over him. They were pawns in this game, and Blahl was there?s::

:;He looked to them, he knew them but did not resist? giving in to there temptress ways. Raevyn smirked on as she and her ladies pleased the Paladin while weaving dark magic?s.. By day he was the solider good natured, and ever faithful to his lord and god.. By night their play thing, they weeaved their masters spells to contorl the paladin.. They had one target in mind a great blade.. But if he could kill off a few others while in the process it would be to their advantage . They each would please him in their fashion, making him writhe with passion and desire uncontrolled through the dark of night. When the dawn would break they would be gone and he would lie there still under their spell till day light touched his eyes, then back dressed he would be, and back to being the perfect pawn, the perfect way to get inside this great palace. And to get to that sword, and to take out those of goodness, and light.:;


Date: 2007-01-07 15:23 EST
:;Some where hidden in the darkest part of the Gorgamin Woods: At the fallen temple that once was sacred to the paladins. No desecrated and dark, the trees around it were dark as the temple and those who lived there. There branches gnarled and tangled . Their leaves so dark in green they could easily been seen as being black. The vines that covered the old columns of the runs were crimson as blood, the darkness long taken over those once beautiful green vines, now they were shadows of what they once were. Much like most of the creatures of that wood, very few escaped the spell upon it. There were orcs and goblins, undead and necromancers there in those woods, all possessed with the darkness of the place. The source of the darkness went deeper than those of shadow.::

:;There in those ruins lived a ruined man, not alive nor dead, not so much of flesh any more. Bandages held the entity of his left arm hole, from fingers to forearm. His right arm was made of fused flesh and bone with metal.. And also wrapped with those beige bandages. He wore armor now tarnished from years of wear and tear, stained with old blood. That once great armor of the paladin that he used to be now kept his body in tact . A black cloak was always worn, drawn far over his face. Very few saw his face, only Raevyn could attest that he did at one point have a face, very handsome. Now he had no sight, no eyes to see, they were white and colorless, soulless::

:: Any man who came in to this wood would die by the darkness that had surrounded it now for years, the creatures here faced the same fate, their bodies twisting shifting to become darker. From the birds to the deer, the wolves and the once peaceful dark elves, they all were easily twisted in to the form that the master of this forest wished them to be. The master of this forest was that hollow shape: that man if one could call a letch a man.. Tancred was his name. And he willed the powers of darkness now for centuries. His pawns were Raevyn, Kadri and Aurina. The best women he could ever hope to have as pets. Luscious and desirable, with full bodies and lips. Though none of them were alive as mortal women, their black hearts still beat. Their dark magic?s were a gift, though most of them had long been practiced in the art of magic and seduction: He knew their stories, they brought a smile to his lips. Thinking of how he met each one, how they were more than willing to be his, his pets, his lovers.::

:;He favored Raevyn over the other two, they had been with each other a long time: Even in his madness he could recall how they met. He was still a young man, a paladin in a new world, back in Rhydin: he worked under a man he could no longer recall the name of, his dearest friend was Darius: they had grown up together as brothers: though they were not blood kin. It was one day at the docks that he first saw her. Raevyn: The ships came in to port, from some far off place beyond this realm. She had slipped aboard and now was here. She was lovely, tall lithe body, with supple curves and long raven hair. Pale skin, full breasts.. From the moment he saw her he loved her. He wanted her, lusted for her. For days on end he watched her in the city.. For days on end he followed her. It was then that the great shift happened. Rhydin became but some memory, and Crendia was found. Darius found it..::

::Years had passed, when finally Tancred had what he desired most, Raevyn and he were one? he had delighted in her embrace in the sound of her dark voice on the air. They were parted for centuries?She sought out others. Turning them to be what she was.. Undead. Vampyr. Two women she sought out, Aurina then a young apprentice of a wizard : and Kadri.. Who was already undead, but Raevyn savored in having them as her pawns. As a group they savored in tempting men, killing them. Using them. Then one day a great light rose in the realm.. A slayer of daemons.. For years they fought her.. Finally being reunited with Tancred now greatly changed by dark powers and time. The slayer and her friends were killed, Raevyn had used the lover to end her live. The great sword was made and found in that time, the blade used to kill the last of the daemon slayers.. Willow. Yet Darin the lover and Willow the slayer were made in to a god and goddess.. The sword lost.::

::the history was over.. And now it was going to be his time, Darius had long searched for the great sword. Tancred had searched for it after Darin sued it on his lover. But it was never found. When word came that the son of Darin and Willow had the blade. Every evil thing went to find the son. But he was found dead by those who came to find him. The sword became myth, only real to those who had known its story and power. Darius still searched, his life now longer than any other mortal man.. could dare dream. He was close to finding it, he knew where it was to be found. In the woods called fear in the elven tongue. There he knew that sword must lie::

:;That forest was Tancred?s. He could not leave this forest, not until he was stronger, so they were his pawns, his hands. They did his bidding, he paid them well, in coin and power. They pleased him, in so many ways. No as the three approached he stepped from the shadows, in to their view. No light dared to enter this wood, no sun light breeched the trees .The time had come, the perfect pawn had been placed in his hand, the Paladin, known as Blahl. Tancred smirked, coming back to the hear and now, looking forward to see his pets coming down the path way towards the ruins ::

Report my pets :; a hiss of a voice floated from the ruins of the temple to their ears::

::Raevyn smirked and stepped forward:: My lord :: she would bow followed suit byt the other two::

We come with good news :;Kadri hissed as she spoke::

The Paladin, is but putty in our hands, M?lord ::Aurina smiled ::

Yes, my love, my lord :;Rae smiled:: he was easily taken, and easily pleased? yet he appears to be cured while in the presence of those he knows : they think it was the great god Darin?that cured him

::He snickered and stepped out:: little do they know that their god doesn?t answer their prayers ..nor did he heal the paladin?you all did very well ::he stepped to Raevyn:: especially you my pet ? you wove those magic?s over the temple so well. .yet still there was one mistake?Lady Fey can sense that he is not healed : her purity .. There is also another who knows something is not right? Hinn.. ::he hissed::

:;Raevyn lowered her head:: we could deal with them M?lord?give us the word

No.. their time will come ;;;he smiled:: the allies soon return: the druid and elves will know, they will sense that Blahl is not changed : but they will have o choice but to follow orders.. From Darius.

What should we do then M?lord?

::he smirked:: we wait.. The plan is set in motion: you three will continue to go to the paladin until those allies return.. Use your darkest magic on him while you please him?

Yes sir :; Rae smirked looking to the other two women::

We are more than happy to do so M?lord :: Kadri and Aurina spoke in unison.::

Until then ::he looked to them all:; rise and follow me.. It is time to serve me.

:;They rose, the four walked back in to the ruins of the temple. In the darkness there sighs of pleasure could be heard and dark magic?s pulsed through the woods. A deep laughter was heard. Soon enough.. Tancred would have everything he desired. His dark veil would spread back in to this land called GreenStone.. And its people, he would rule Crendia with his pets as queens. The day was getting closer he could taste it::


Date: 2007-01-08 02:01 EST
::Hinn Green-Leaf stood a top the hillside, four miles from the battle. His blade sheathed, his armor cast away for that of simpler things. He was no longer in service of Darius, he didn?t care. This war was foolish, but also he would not stand idly by and watch the men he had once trained with go to death. So with his long bow pulled back he sent flaming arrows in to those creatures that attacked out of the woods, feral like beasts, once wolves now no longer. The arrows would hit and the magic?s about them would fade. The wolf under the spell would fall dead, Hinn hated this, He hated killing these great wolves, but he had no choice.::

::By the end of the fight he took up his pack and headed towards those other woods, the ones that held that portal, to the lands of GreenStone and its many kingdoms. He took up refuge in one of the larger trees, he would wait till the allies came back through the portal. He did not expect to get diverted.::

::He heard a snarled below him, one of the feral creatures. He readied to aim his bow at it but it fled away in to nothing. Through that portal. He didn?t follow, he only hoped that whom ever found it on the other side would deliverer it a swift death. He could taste blood on the air. He could not remain here, he would have to seek some where else to stay until the allies returned? he leapt from tree to tree till his boots met the ground, he walked till he reached that old worn fort, it would suit him fine.:;

:;He would set up his camp there, far from the battle field.. Where he was sure they wee under attack again, his elven ears could hear the war cries. But he would not go back again, he was no longer a man of this war, he would help the allies from outside, he only trusted them. He would set up camp and keep watch. Making sure that he couldn?t be sen by any passers by, it would be many weeks till those from beyond the portal returned. But he had time to wait.::


Date: 2007-01-08 14:52 EST
::Hinn couldn?t wait any longer, he went through the portal at dark. Jumping through and ending up on the other side, again surrounded by woods. His keen elven eyes saw the tracks of that beast, he followed them, this wood spoke of goodness, filled with chants in elven that he knew well.::

:;He ran quickly coving a lot of ground in one night. He had nearly lost the trail when he came to a river. But then he saw the prints again, he leapt across the river, sneaking along in the night, avoiding sight by those in the tall watch towers of that kingdom just to the west. He followed the tracks, quickly. The beast had gotten a lot of ground in the time he wasted.::

:;Soon he found him self at a dead end, the tracks seemed to go through the large grouping of trees. But he couldn?t:: what magic is this?

::He placed his hand on one of the trunks, then there was a voice from above:; ed? tel? beth en? tel? Arwen en? Me'a ar' Huine, tel? falqua innas pant

::the trees parted, Hinn gazed around for the female voice he heard, but he saw no one, he bowed his head and ran through the passage. His feet took him quickly, through the mountain pass, he would not stop till he found the creature.::

::He was led to the world of Rhydin, beyond the main city. The tracks picked up their pace, Hinn did the same. He was getting close he knew it. He ran, following the tracks, he had just entered the woods when he heard that high pitched whistle carried from the coast. His light eyes then caught the sight of the dead wolf hanging from the tree limbs. He sighed, someone had delivered it a swift death. But it had given in chase for some time. He climbed the tree to pull that arrow out of the wolves pelt. He knew that arrow?:: Shea..? ::he tossed the arrow to the ground, he understood now, he made way for the coast::


Date: 2007-01-09 00:27 EST
In Crendia: The Palace

::A mug was sent flying across the room, the amber colored liquid inside sent across the length of that table and the floor before it shattered against the metal door. Darius looked out over his empty table. He?d sent six hundred men to die. And they were dying. He Didn?t blame him self, oh no he blamed those allies.:;

Sir? :: a nervous guard shook in his boots::

Yes what is it..

Lord Blahl is waiting for you down stairs.

Yes I know ::Darius rose. And crossed the room. Tonight he would send out one hundred more men, the bulk of his advanced guard:: I?m coming

::A soft snicker was heard behind him, his eyes looked around turning to that painting of a beautiful woman, hanging nearly hidden from view on the back wall:; Oh Bella.. ::he sighed:: what would you think of me now?? :: he crossed out of the room, the guard followed::

:;Then from the shadows those three temptresses appeared:: ahh my dears ::Rae spoke as she looked to the painting of the woman:: this is the great Bella..:: she smirked:: long dead, yet Darius even now remembers their great love.. Mm we could use this to our advantage.. :;she smirked:: how says you two to a little bit of magic?

Yes Raevyn Mistress :: the other two spoke as one::

Mmm good. ::Raevyn studied the picture. Isabella Emili Rosemonte. The woman was very beautiful. Long legs, strong arms. Magical light blue eyes, and long curls of golden hair, with just the slightest browns. Her figure and form was perfect. She was wearing a deep green velvet dress, and seated in the picture but Rae had seen her before. When she still lived. She was Darius?s great love. And Rae would make sure that she was his undoing.::

Come ladies, we have work to do. ::the three vanished from the room.::

::Outside Darius walked along side Blahl and about a dozen other men. Darius was giving orders for them to move out. Blahl wanted to go with them but Darius told him time and time again it was not yet time::

When spring comes, your brother will be here.. It comes soon. Just wait

While we wait men die

It is war, men always die. Come on, we have much to talk about.

::The two wandered off and spoke of things to come. Blahl listened, took in the words, yet others heard those words as well.::

::Later that eve::

:;Raevyn sent Aurina and Kadri to Blahl.. Again to please him. She had other plans. The three had worked magic?s all day and finally the spell had taken hold. Raevyn shifted forms, her dark hair turning light, curling. Those deep eyes turned lighter. Her body changed very little, it became more human. Her flesh warm to the touch, and a fake heart beat in her chest.:: yes.. ::she looked at her self in the mirror, she looked just like Bella. Every curve, every curl in her hair.:: this will be perfect, you two go to Blahl.. I will await Darius.. :;even her voice sounded like Bella?s::

::Aurina and Kadri faded away. Off to Blahl?s room to await him.::

::Rae passed through the room, and through the small door, passing in to Darius?s room. She hid her self behind the curtains. And lie in wait.::

::Darius slowly opened the double doors at the main entrance of his room and passed inside closing and locking the door behind him. He slid his armor off, his heavy boots. And sat upon the edge of the bed in those simple black pants. Dark blue hues looked over the room, so empty. To that picture on the wall by the window.:: Oh Bella?how I have missed you all these long years, how I wish you were still alive.. What would you think of me if you were?

::This was Rae?s cue:: My love.. :: she stepped out from behind the curtains::

Bella? ::His eyes went wide:: it can not be?

::Rae walked slowly, as Bella used to, towards him:: My love.. Why do you look so shocked to see me?

:;He rose to his feet, completely enchanted by the sight. Or perhaps it was the dark magic?s that were quickly filling the room::

::He looked to her, every inch of her, it was his beloved, but how? He didn?t care. He rushed to her and lifted her up in to the air, despite his age, and the way he might look to others, he was strong, fine body still with sculpted chest and arms ::

::She smiled as he lifted her, wrapping her arms around his bare back:: oh my love :: those curls of gold fell around his shoulders.::

:;He took in her scent, Rae smirked. She had left no detail out, she was the perfect copy of Bella, right down to how she smelled. Even the slightest thing was right on.. Like the freckles upon her face and arms, every one perfect.:;

Oh Bella.. :: he lowered her and kissed her deeply::

:;Rae held back the smile and returned the kiss::

::He wrapped his arms around her frame and lifted her up again spinning her around till he could lay her upon the bed spread:: My love :: he kissed her again::

::Rae savored in this, she had been told that Darius was once a great lover.. He and Bella had only ever once been together before she died.. Rae held back her smirk as he kissed down the side of her neck.:: My love? ::she whispered::

:;Darius felt the urge too greatly to deny it. He undressed his beloved Bella, and savored in the taste of her lips, of the feeling of her body against his as he made love to her.::

::The darkness in the room, only got greater, as Rae raked her nails down his bare back. Savoring in this great love as well. By the end of the night, Darius too would be under their control, and Rae enjoyed that feeling . And the stories that she had been told about Darius being a great lover were proven, through out the night::

:: When dawn broke she was gone, and he would think it nothing more than a dream. But Rae would return again every night until the allies returned. While Aurina and Kadri took care of Blahl she would assume the place of Bella. Soon enough everything would fall in to place, the pieces would return.. And Tancred would have rule over all, and perhaps Darius and Blahl would sit in Tancred?s right and left hands?If they were lucky::


Date: 2007-01-09 02:02 EST
:;Shea had left Rhydin not hours ago. Though it felt as if it could be yesterday she had met up with Aiden and the others at SilverWaters castle. Some how they knew to meet her there, they hadn?t really explained how, but Shay said they had a feeling She had gotten no sleep since left the side of that portal gate But she would tell no one that she didn?t get to say goodbye to her beloved, that the last she saw of him was that night at the inn when she fell asleep in his arms, the last she felt was that kiss in the morning.. Her heart was with him...::

::She kept that medallion close to her heart . The way she left hung in her mind, leaving him a letter and a lock of hair in some hiding place out in the middle of no where. She had wanted to say goodbye in the right way, feel his kiss one last time, give him something.. But it hand not worked out the way she had hoped she had hope to say::

I have treasured this :: a chain hung from her fingers, made of mithral woven tightly, at the end of the chain hung a medallion, finely designed. Round, made solid. It was the size of that coin shed given him long ago, the outer edge was made of calen (green) mithral. In laid front and back. Then was smooth pure mithral, then there on the front of the medallion were two fine curves of in laid gold, the curves spiraled in ward towards each other , resembling a heart in the center was that mystic blue-green gem of her homelands.:: Long ago my mother gave this medallion to my father? before he left out to the war that took his life her hung it around my neck, and told me. Amin tinu heb sina tenna? amin utu tel? edan amin mela yassen lle il? suula. (My daughter take this until you find the man you love with your every breath) I have kept it? all this time. Vowed to honor my father by keeping it till I honored those words. I want you to have it Connar. Ten? amin mela lle innas amin il? suula. ( For I love you with my every breath). So that you know that I?ll be back.. :; she would have translated those words to him of coarse if she had the chance.They didn't ::

::She had longed to say that to him? longed to slide the chain over his head and kiss him once more.. to kiss him one last time.. Before leaving.. She had little choice.. They had duties to tend to, that kiss at the inn would have to be savored? for she knew not if she would get another, she dare not think that he might die. But she didn?t know either. Maybe she would die.. Maybe they both would..::

::I love him with every breath, yet I have no choice? Spring would not wait, nor could this war. I knew now My past with Adaron was past? our love was great, Aiden came from that love, and if he had lived.. Things would be different. But no matter the trials we have faced something drew Connar and I together I will not turn a blind eye to love. I have followed my heart, it has been a trial by fire, but in the end, I believe in this love::


Date: 2007-01-09 14:09 EST
Night Fall at the old ruins inside the woods known as Fear

:Raevyn hissed softly as she heard the news.:; Damn it all to hell

Soon enough my pet ::he smirked softly and nudged under her chin with his bound hand:: I know you much enjoyed Darius, and being the forgery of Bella.. But you will have plenty more time with Darius after we kill the allies.

The plan is still what is has always been?

Yes my pet. :;He smirked:: we were merely waiting for those allies. Now they return, spring has come to Crendia and to their world, this urges them on. What ever pushes it on has been very good for us. We will have to move up the time table.. work quickly.

They will have more allies than we wished

Yes, but nothing we can?t deal with. Come my pet. ::He held out his bound hand to her, she took it and they shimmered from view::

The Palace

::Back near the palace, the rogue known as Zorin slinks through the shadows . He is an outcast to those men in armor here. But an ally none the less.::

::Hinn stood in those shadows beside him.::

::they had snuck their way in to the cooridor just outside the main doors in to that main room. But guards passed back and forth.. they would have to wait::


::A day ago after Hinn left Shea at the coast he ran his way back to Crendia.. Some greater magic willing him on. He had reached the palace walls, and knowing that he was now a hunted man, he would sneak his way inside. He helped design these walls he knew the flaws in them. And in the men who watched over them.::

:: He had made his way inside and found that abandoned house at the far edge of town. He had long known that , Zorin could be found there. He slipped through the door, cling it behind him::

The sky is the color of blood, and Hinn Green-Leaf seeks me out. ::Zorin sat in the far corner, dressed in all black, well hidden from view safe that soft puff of smoke from the pipe he smoked.::

Zorin.. I come for your aide

:;Zorin smiled and rose to his feet crossing to Hinn:: you made your way inside the palace with out being seen, you made your way through The ally lands with out being seen, you found Shea?

How did you?

I am a spy, Hinn I know everything that goes on here.

Yes I found her

She will be on her way back, by dawn the allies will come through the woods and Kulbin will lead them here. We must be ready, our mission is to get inside the palace, and listen to what Darius tells them.. I have heard things since you left Hinn from the men who no not that I lurk in the shadows.

What is the word?

I have heard that the guards who patrol the halls outside of Darius?s and Blahl?s room have heard odd things these past few nights. I know the men may be tense but they are not crazy, nor are they blind nor deaf. I heard that one guard heard something last night coming from Darius?s room. The sounds of a woman?s voice.

So he?s sleeping with some woman.. What matter is that to us?

::Zorin shook his head:: the guard said he felt a deep darkness coming from the room, and that the females voice sounded like miss Rosemonte..

Bella? But? she?s?

Dead, yes I know. Tis why it concerned me.

Raevyn or one of her dark temptresses?

Aye, but there is more. I also heard one of the guards saying that last eve and the eve before he heard women in Blahl?s room. One night it was three, last eve two..

Aurina and Kadri? :;Hinn shook his head:: they are playing them for pawns?

Yes, when the allies return.. They wills top, but something else looms I can feel it. Tis why we must sneak our way in to the palace.. Find shadows to stay in. We must find out what orders they are given and follow, they will be in need of our aide. At dawn we move.

:;Hinn nodded:: till then?

We see how good you really are ::he smiled:: its time to see if you kept any of that old training.

::Zorin knew Hinn's past : though very few did. Zorin knew most things about most people here in Crendia, he even knew much about the allies from Greenstone:


Date: 2007-01-09 14:18 EST
The Mith Woods : Just outside of SilverWaters

:The five stood there in the Mith woods The chanting of the elder counsel heard behind them. Shea graced that medallion. She pressed her lips to it. Kulbin and Shavyn passed through. Mila followed close behind Aiden stood back, holding his hand out to his mother:: Atara? :: I looked to the portal knowing that at least we had two allies on the other side Hinn and Lady Fey. If she could be found that was. And there was a possiblity of having three allies, if Zorin could be found::

Aiden?::I took a deep breath and took his hand and we passed through the portal in to Crendia. We made haste through the woods. We made for the palace. We reached the first of the out lying walls at dusk, We made camp there. It was dark here, but I knew it was still day light in GreenStone, and in Rhydin. Time passed differently here.. I looked over this world I knew? Adaron?s home.. I had once longed to see the land he came from?Now I knew why he hesitated in showing me, it had none of the splendor of my home. ::

::It was cold.. Colder still than Rhydin and its cobble stoned streets.. The ruins seemed to be the very landscape of the place, sand dunes and small groves of woodlands . We all sat here by the fire, I felt very much like the fifth wheel? a term I had never heard before going to Rhydin.. It meant that I was the only one there who was not a couple. I looked up to the blue sky tinted with the colors of the fading sun. As Kulbin and Shay huddled close, and Mila and Aiden sat close by the fire. I missed Connar .. I didn?t know what was to come from this journey? I hated being parted from him. I hated that I had to leave when I did, he was gone as well, but my heart was with him::

::Dawn was always quick to rise. And we were up and gone with it. Here spring was not lush and green, with flowers, and their scent. It was barren, grey and dull. The grass was yellow and tall, the trees the only green for miles around. The sea and sky the only blue? the only flowers I had ever seen were those orange things near the castle. They the scent of death. We soon would be inside the palace walls. The city was quiet, the villagers dressed in black? if any child was caught running around in good times they were quickly seized? was this war? I had never known war like this, even in war times at home children played and people went about their lives. I walked close to Aiden. ::

::One arm was about my shoulders as his other hand grasp Mila?s. She was back in that ?armor? what little of it if you could call it armor at all. I too had worn my armor, Shay had brought it to SilverWaters for me. Shay in her armor as well, the only ones with out were Aiden and Kulbin? my son had never fancied armor , even in war he relied on cunning ::

:;We walked the streets, not the only warriors about, Darius?s men patrolled the streets, making sure everyone kept curfew : in their homes locked and barred by sun down. Was that the way to wage war in Crendia?::

:;Many paladin?s patrolled the streets, knightly like types of the highest order. No sign of the paladin I wished to kill, I was still angry? it had been hard for me to see the truth in Connar?s words.. He was right though, once I saw him I would know.. It would take great and dark magic to hide the truth from me. .But even Hinn had said, that he did not trust in Blahl nor in the fact that he was healed. But nothing had changed I still had no power here, I had vowed to help. Orders would be orders::

::The advanced guard and its heavy iron armor, patrolled the streets, young men, some younger than Aiden. I wondered if this was a war for peace or to show their strength. The streets fell silent as we passed inside the palace. Kulbin led the way through the winding stars and causeways : Shavyn and I always seemed to get lost in this massive place. We soon came to stand before those huge doors made of iron. They were pulled open by the guards and we walked inside. That throne like room, with a huge chair at the far end, with crimson drapes over the huge windows and over the back wall, with that symbol of Crendia.. Which I had seen all too many times. ::

:: There was a long oak table. With those many great chairs around it. At the end of the table sat Darius, with his black hair slicked back, now showing more signs of grey. He sat in his royal armor. Like some general of a great army yet unknown to the world. ::

::Now back I wondered what had become of Hinn, had he found Zorin?
Zorin: who I had not seen since the last eve after the war in GreenStone: the rouge, the spy. One more ally for us perhaps? I often wondered what had come of master Gretz.. The war dwarf . Kulbin had not spoken of him. I could see him departing on some great ship.. For some far off land. Perhaps it was better for him that way. Crendia was not his home, he was a slave there until he allied him self with Kulbin and the rest. It seemed we had all the allied from before, the ones who I had known back in GreenStone. I could hope that much. The sorcerer known as James, like Gretz was no where to be seen. This was his home, but he had vanished. I often wondered why they all had aided us why they aided us still. If this war ended well, what would become of Crendia? If it ended badly?what then? I was glad to have the five allies I knew.. So far.::

:: I snapped back to the here and now looking over the room :On Darius?s right stood Blahl?Aiden squeezed my hand. My jade hues swept over the paladin. Something in my senses told me he was still not to be trusted? ?Ye will know in an instant if he has changed, will know at one glance, and then ye will know what to do. If he merits forgiveness, then ye will accord him that as quickly as ye would death.? I recalled Connar?s words.. I knew that Blahl was not so healed as they dare say. But I could do nothing, not here. In the moment I rose my blade I?d be taken out. I had to hold back, sinking back in to my rank as Knight? Darius was lord here. I had no rank to these people? just some warrior. ::

::Aiden had told me that story Adaron shared with him, how the ?god? of this place killed his beloved. Willow, the goddess I knew and had proven her self an ally. This Darin, had healed the paladin? I was not so sure of that. I know new what this war was over, and our enemies name?Tancred.. Was the master of Rae and her associates. He sought this great sword? the Ultra Sword. A sword made of metal like any other, the crafter unknown, it possessed magic? the ability to weild both dark and light magic, depending on who wielded the blade . Darius had sought that blade? through his youth . Tancred was once Darius?s friend and ally? the quest for that blade had torn them apart. Darkness took Tancred? and history became as it is now?in the past it was affecting Crendia?s future.. the people. No peace would come till that blade was destroyed?If even then::

::Aiden looked to me, then panned the room to look at Blahl. Kulbin met his brothers gaze, he put him self between Blahl and us. Placing Shavyn next to me. Aiden stood beside Kulbin and Mila next to me. My hand slid to the hilt of my blade. Darius rose to his feet:: You are hostile ..I can understand. But he is in command.. Not you Kulbin. Nor any of you ladies?::His eyes cast across us all:: This will not be mutiny.. I will not have it. Your orders are as follows: You are to fall out at once and go in to the western fold: go to the plains, my men there have been fighting for days against the necromancers, shadow men and undead legion of Raevyn. The enemy finally fell back, I believe we are close to finding the sword. It is hidden in the forest there just to the south of the western fold. :: Hinn had told me of the men Darius had sent there, weeks ago when he found me in Rhydin::

:;Kulbin looked on:; those woods?are forbidden.. I will not

You will do as your told?:;Darius looked to Blahl:: follow your brothers fine example

M?lord:; I finally spoke, Hinn also had said those woods were forbidden, And I had seen what had come out of them with my own eyes.:; If Kulbin has good reason not to go in to those woods, should you not take his concerns to ear?

:;Darius shot a glance at me:; I will hear nothing from you elf woman, it is because of you that some of the things happened? you have no command here?

I pray you speak to my mother more kindly? Darius.. She is aiding you.. As are we all we could easily walk away . With out a care.

We aided you, you shall aide us.

Less you forget M lord :;Kulbin spoke:: those who aided stand here?

All except for one:; Darius looked to Blahl::

Enough.. :;I looked to them all:; we do this for the people. Lord Darius will the people have peace if this sword is found?

I believe so..

I want more than your belief My Lord. I want your word?

You have my word lady elf.: he lied::

Very good:; Blah spoke:; I shall lead the way then. ::He looked past Shay, Aiden and I?:; new allies? I have not seen your type here for some time?your welcome?here My ladies and lord.:;He did not recall our faces still. He looked to his brother:: Kulbin.. :; he smiled to Mila:; Mila? shall we all then

::We left the palace, and the city. Kulbin walked behind his brother in front of Shay and I, Aiden walked beside Kulbin. Mila walked with us. Shay looked to me she whispered softly. :: I do not trust that man.. :;eyes cast to Blahl, I nodded:; neither do I?trust in our allies do I. We have many more now than we dared think :I looked to her as we walked out of the palace gesturing to the shadows where I knew both Hinn and Zorin watched our backs.::


Date: 2007-01-09 15:28 EST
:;We reached the encampment. Many hundreds were wounded unable to leave. Shay and I tended to those we could. Many were past our aide. Kulbin sat on top of a large flat rock looking towards the woods. I patted Shay on the shoulder and walked to him:; what lies in those woods Kulbin?

:;He gazed to me:: can you not sense it Shea?

I can.. Darkness. Deep and great.

In your world there are placed that once felt like that, now there are none, the realm has peace. This realm has no peace, and has never had it. Darius is wrong, finding that sword will not bring peace.. It will bring only death until it is no more.

I know?I was told the story..

:;Kulbin gazed to me:: I should have known you would know.. Adaron?:;a shake of my head:: Aiden .. He learned all he could from his father? his father told him the story of this sword that is so sought out?and Aiden told me. This great sword? who was its maker?

No one knows, But I know what happened to the last man to hold it. Shaun the son of Darin and willow was the last man to hold that blade. And he is dead, he was not much older than Aiden, he was murdered? by an unknown foe.. Not Tancred nor any of the darkness we have felt as late, something greater beyond ?Willow her self found her son dead. Only she knows who his killer is. The sword?It has to be destroyed?or it will destroy this realm

Yes I agree, can it be destroyed, can such a powerful weapon even be broken, by any hand?

Yes, it is nothing but steel.. and we have the great Sul Val?istar on our side?If anyone can destroy it, I would say that you could. I can sense in you the things you have faced.

Your going to be my brother Kulbin.. I am happy to have you as both a brother and ally. I hope you do not put to much faith in my strength.

You deserve my faith Shea. I love your sister, and your family, and I must say in the short time I have known you all. I have seen you all grow so much? you most of all. I am proud to be a brother to you.

:;Blahl came up from behind us.:: We leave at dawn. Get rest till then. :;he gazed to me and smiled, I could hardly hold my self back from killing him where he stood. Kulbin placed his hand on my shoulder as Blahl walked away:: I do not trust him either. But we have no choices right as now. We must simply trust in our group, we have a great many allies now. I will not let anything happen if I can help it.

I know. I shall be ready, none of us trust him. We will all be ready.

:: Rest would not come no matter how I tried, I lay there my sister to my right, Mila to my left Aiden and Kulbin sat on that large flat rock watching Blahl patrol through the encampment. Shay nor Mila slept. We all sat there looking up.::


Date: 2007-01-09 15:40 EST
::The night faded away slowly, the new day dawned. The sky crimson red. As if painted with blood. My body was ready, I focused my mind. Shay and I stood together, looking over the dead. :; I have seen death, I have seen much of it.. But this.. This was a massacre. I am amazed any saw through what battle transpired here. :; Men lie dead to wolves and orcs and other twisted and mangled beasts. Blood painted the tall grass.::

:;Shay nodded:: I think after this we will all need a very long vacation?

You still need to have your wedding, I am sorry you had to put it off.

I would rather have you there ,what would be my wedding with out my sister?

::I smiled softly:: Well then when this war is over, we will have time for weddings and fests.

And to celebrate births.. Both the day of yours and the day Salice bears her child.

:;I smiled again:: It will come all too soon, though April be far away

;;Shay smiled:: don?t worry I wont let anyone know you?re a year older when the day comes , you wont look it any way

::There was then a cry, a call of three men running from the woods. I rose to my feet and ran to join Aiden and Kulbin on that large flat rock.:: what?s going on?

The fool:; Aiden looked to me:: Our commander there ::looking to Blahl ::sent out a search party last night. Ten men.. And those three? are all that is left ::gesturing to the men limping out of the woods::

:;A huge rumble came from behind the three men that ran from the woods. A huge party of dark elves, and orcs came crashing through the trees, arrows flying every where:: Were under Attack! :: cries from behind us, as men were taken down by flaming arrows.::

:;Those who were able sprang to their feet, we ran in to battle. Swords sung along with the arrows that flew through the crimson sky.::

:;the cries of many were heard through the fight. But in the end we drove back the force that had come from the woods. My eyes scanned the landscape, Aiden and Shay had been at my side through most of the battle, this reminded me much of that final battle in the valley, when everyone was so concerned about me. Yet I had fought well then and even better now, my magic seemed to soar through the sky, the winds pushing back those who would attack us. My blades were coated in blood, my eyes went silver then, and a huge gust of wind.. Would take out those creatures that advanced towards us. They fell back::

::Something still loomed. Kulbin and Mila came to join us, the fifty or so men that survived through the battle were badly wounded we were at a disadvantage. I took a breath and my eyes shimmered back to jade::

::Hinn and Zorin came from behind us, through the dead:: we would be over run by night fall ::Hinn smiled to me and gazed to his sister:: but perhaps we have enough to keep them at bay right here ::he chuckled glancing at me::

Nice work .What was that any how? :: Zorin wiped blood from his bare fists as he spoke to me::

::Kulbin took a deep breath, his dark green tunic stained with blood. Aiden?s face had blood spotted over it. Mila?s arm blades were still dripping with the blood of those she had killed. Shay and I were worn and weary, blades cleaned and sheathed, we had both used some magic?s during that fight. Shay smiled to me:; Look at them run, that was quite the spell there seler? ::I sat down in to the grass.:: I did what I had to..

Damn Shea.. ::Kulbin took a breath:; What have you been doing all this time in Rhydin? I have never seen you so focused nor so powerful?

What was with the whole silver eyes thing.. That was cool :;Mila added::

:;I laughed:: well I can surely say that my test as a warrior has begun, and thank you all. I do what any of us can.

:;Hinn smiled as he nudged me in the arm:: you?ve been training, you didn?t mention that in Rhydin

When did you go to Rhydin Hinn? ::Shay looked at him oddly::

:Kulbin looked around:: hmm where on earth ::he watched his brother walk in to the woods.::

::I followed Kulbin?s gaze.::

Where the commander going Kulbin? ::Hinn asked every eye in our ally party rested upon the paladin::

In to the woods.. ::Kulbin rose keeping a trained eye on his brother::

I have a bad feeling about this ::Shay rested beside me::

Should we follow him Kulbin?

No Aiden? we must all tend to the wounded.. I could care less where he is going, maybe to jump off a cliff, this battle was his fault he knew about the dark elves and orcs that live in that wood yet he sent men in any how.. let him die in there?

Ohh any hell hounds around maybe he?ll get eaten :;Shay chimed in::

There are worse things in those woods than the hounds of hell:; Mila sat beside me::

Yes far worse ::Hinn smiled:: maybe he?ll get eaten anyhow

Ha ha if were lucky :: Zorin stood up and went off tot end to some of the wounded::

::I couldn?t agree more, yet I said nothing, darkness fell over the blood red plains. Shay and I tended to those wounded, Mila ,Aiden and Zorin set bones while Kulbin and Hinn kept watch. We were seven, with maybe twenty or so men who could still fight. I grimaced as I healed a man who?s face had been ripped beyond recognition.. his left eye gone.. a bloody mess. His left arm was broken, but he could still fight. None of these men would leave here alive, leaving wives and children behind. Some of them were all too young to even be married.::

:: One boy couldn?t have been more than thirteen: a huge arrow stuck through her chest, pinned to a rock, already cold as the stone behind him. I could not help him, I could only pray for his soul. I knew not where those who died here would go, heaven: what ever Crendia?s rendition of it would be called::


Date: 2007-01-09 23:11 EST
:;The night was a s red as the day, as sand blew in from those deserts to the east. We made camp, ate what food we had and sat on pins and needles. I looked to the sky, after writing what could be my final entry in my journal. The sky holds no stars, just smoke.. And clouds, which are even tinted red. No sign still of the goddess willow, I had wanted to thank her for saving me the last time I was here. Yet some how I knew she was there with us. My mind has drifted to be with Connar over and over again . I closed my eyes, remembering the night at the fest were we danced, how handsome he looked. The nights at the inn sitting talking, enjoying each other company , or the nights I had sent in his arms resting ?in safety. How I longed to be safe in his arms again. .::

:: I understood now why we Connar and I had never been together, never made love. It was held a sacred act.. Something only for those married to do, at least that was the way it worked in his world. I now wondered, was I worthy of that love? If I survived this battle and the next one. Would he ever wish to be married to me? If he still drew in breath as well, I couldn?t know.. My heart told me he was alive.. And I vowed then to my self that I would return to Rhydin. I vowed to my self to tell him everything I had ever wanted to say should I live through these battles. I knew not if he could ever wish to be more with me. But I could hope.::

::I only knew how much I wished I could have seen him before I left. My mind played tricks on me, I could see him alive one moment and near death the next laying in that stable at the inn on the outskirts of town. I took a breath:: He?s alive.. He has to be :;words whispered to my self as I sat there, fingers gracing along that medallion, if I died here today or tomorrow, or in the days to come, he had my love and my heart.::

::We were so different, from different realms, different worlds all together. If he knew it or not.. I wanted to be his, in what ever way I could be. Despite what was different, we shared much in common, a life bound to service, honor.. Duty. I understood those oaths. How I longed for him to be here now.. Beside me. I still did not know if he was back in Rhydin, and no one here knew that he and I had not gotten the chance to say our farewells. Only Hinn knew that I had been waiting someone there on the coast, he would keep my secret. No one else needed to know, that it weighed so heavily upon my mind::

Look Out! :: Hinn?s voice rang through the darkness I snapped out of my day dream and looked up to see a huge ball of fire coming towards me::

Atara! ::Aiden called::

Yala onna en' vilya :;the winds picked up and I rose in to the air as the ball of flames crashed in to the ground. I landed a few feet beyond. Shavyn ran to my side, Kulbin looked towards the woods:: that came from inside there?

:;Aiden looked towards the Woods with Kulbin:: Do you feel that? :: Aiden felt the soil, under him as if it was shifting.. The darkness about the forest seemed to get darker.::

::Kulbin nodded:; yes

::Shay looked to me , though I knew she felt it as well. We were all feeling it.:: God? what is that?

. ::I looked to my son then to the woods, I felt something too. Something stirred, yet unseen by any eye. The ground under my bots seemed to shift?:: what ever it is ,its getting closer.

:We sat there most for the night watching the trees in the wood catch on fire. Many creatures ran from the woods, wolves and deer as well as many other things. They paid us no mind though. The twisted enchantments that once bound them broke as they fled for their lives. I wondered what dawn would bring. I wondered if we should be fleeing for our lives. It was too late to turn tail now and run for the hills, we?d have to wait it out::

::By now the city was empty, only the guards or other soldiers left. The people no longer had trusted in Darius . They fled through the darkness of night, sneaking out leaving every thing they could spare behind, they ran to the ships that awaited them, to take them to safety. Some part of me wanted to go with them, but I would not. My mind flashed back to that day near the coast as I stood before those twin trees, looking to that other portal. My knees rested on the ground as I sliced off a good chunk of my hair. Even now it was still shorter, uneven. That note I?d left him.. How I wanted to say so much more. I would close my eyes and think of Connar. Those days back in Greenstone.::

:: That dream we had called it. It had been a dream: a welcome release from that which bound them both : but now she was here and he was.. Shea didn?t know where exactly he was, his home realm.. Earth as he called it? Or back at The Inn climbing the walls . That thought made her smile it he was climbing the walls that meant all was well. Perhaps he had gotten her message she had hidden, perhaps Icer had told him that she could be found at home. Perhaps he awaited her in Greenstone. Many thoughts passed through her mind as she sat there beside her comrades, the night burned on ::


Date: 2007-01-10 01:44 EST
Blood ,Death and the Sting ofBlades

?Kill a man, and you?re an assassin. Kill millions of men, and you?re a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god.? ~Jean Rostand

:;The sun rose, another night with no rest. The forest was still burning as if some huge flame daemon had arise. I had faced flame before I no longer feared it. Half the men that were left are dead. There are we seven and ten men now, who were able to fight. If a battle comes today, I do not know if we will make it out. While the hour is still new I write on a single piece of parchment..::

Amin Mela Lle Connar.. ten'oio :;I kissed the page and tucked it in to my cloaks pocket, should I die, eventually someone would find that. I prayed I would not die, that we seven may at least make it out alive.. I also prayed that Connar was alive.. My heart still told me he was..::

::The sky was not red for once in days. We ate very little, saving up rations. Shay and I are weary, Mila as well. The men seemed to be keeping strong. Now still while the morn is early we three ladies rest, Kulbin and Aiden on patrol. While Hinn and Zorin tended to the wounded::

:;The day went by, nothing came, no shadowed men, nor Raevyn. We have seen no sight of the dark ladies nor their master. I still can sense something. I awoke with a start and rose to my feet. Mila and Shay already awake. I walked to join the group. Those who could join us followed, as we walked closer towards those looming woods. Now even I could feel it, I am sure all could. The darkness about that place.::

Gorgamin Woods:: Mila spoke finally::

Fear.. :;I looked to her, in all this time of knowing her I have never heard her speak elvish ,let alone that elder elvish. She nodded to me:;

::Kulbin knelt before the woods and pulled Aiden down to his knee as well:; do you sense it Aiden?

Aye.. its in there..

:;I looked to the woods, they spoke of the sword.. was it that was creating that darkness about the woods?::

:;There was a sudden crash. We all turned to look, the ten men who had been standing a few feet behind us were dead? all of them charred beyond all recognition:: Oh gods ..:;Mila muttered:: :;I think every eye went wide in that moment. ::

::Kulbin?s eyes looked to the woods then forward over us :: Run!

::We made a break for it.., running back in to the plains. Mila and Shay close behind me. I could see the four men running side by side: Hinn, Zorin, Aiden and Kulbin. Right at our heals::

::I looked back to see Blahl step out of the woods, he was bloody. But that feeling I had before now increased:: Kulbin! :: I pointed back towards the woods::

;:He looked over his shoulder:: Oh gods. Shea.. Can you help us move faster? ::He knew in a moment that his brother what ever was left of his soul was gone, he didn?t even have to question it now..::

Yes.. Where are we going..? :: my breaths heavy as I ran::

Head for the portal back to the Mith woods.. Hurry..

::I started to chant, th e winds picked up and started to move us faster but it was too little too late, a over a thousand massive orcs, dark elves, and beasts of all kinds came crashing out of the woods, Blahl leading them.::

I don?t know if we can out run them?::Shay looked to me:: what spell could we cast? What could we do ..

We can?t fight them either :;Mila and Hinn shouted.:: There are too many

What you don?t like Seven against oh, I?d say two or three thousand ? ::Zorin joked::

:;Shay turned running backwards fast at work , casting spell after spell to keep them back. I soon joined her, casting my own. It would only hold them back. But it would have to do::

::Arrows flew through the sky hitting the soil under foot, both I ,Mila and Shay fired off arrows as we an backward back at the orcish archers. Taking down as many as we could casting magic at the same time, which was a great feat in its self..:;

:;Kulbin ran beside Hinn and Aiden. Zorin was quick at work dispatching his throwing blades. But then Kulbin got hit through the shoulder with one of that large arrows and fell back hitting the ground::

Kulbin! ::Shay ran back to him.::

::I stopped running and turned tail and ran back. I knelt bedside Kulbin :; Shay come on help me lift him.. :: I kept my eyes on the coming army or orcs held back by magic that I had cast::

Here let me Atara. :;He knelt beside Kulbin.::

Let me help you Aiden :;Hinn helped Aiden get Kulbin to his feet::

I?m alight.. We have to keep moving?:: he looked back to that wall of vines that Shay and I were weaving with magic?s before the mass of enemies They were quickly chopping through it:; that wont hold them long..

:;We started to move out, Hinn and Aiden helping Kulbin along . I stayed close to Hinn ,Kulbin and Aiden. As Mila Shay and Zorin ran in front of us.:: We have to get to the portal..

::Then there was a burst of dark energy ::

Hit the ground! :: Mila called out as she looked over her shoulder towards us, I hit the ground and the other followed suit. The darkness passed over us and killed everything in its path, trees and grass burnt and died.::

::Then I felt something, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, my jade hues shifted. I looked over my shoulder towards my son ,Kulbin and Hinn. Blahl was coming towards them a huge blade glowed in his grasp.::

:In a moment I was to my feet, I unsheathed my blade. That long swept hilt sword. It pulsed with magic as I ran in. My eyes shifted to silver, as the winds picked up. The winds were my ally, at my back caring my feet faster. Shay rose to her feet behind me trying to cast spells to keep Blahl back. But he waved them off as nothing. Mila looked towards Aiden and Hinn who helped Kulbin along:: Look out! ::Her voice rang out to her beloved::

::I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Kulbin saw his brother, darkness had taken him, that sword was the ultra sword :; Aiden.. Look out !

:: Hinn looked to Blahl then to Aiden.:: Look out Boy!

::Blahl was quickly moving towards Aiden::

::Mila pulled back on Shay?s arm as she tried to run towards us:: No..! You can?t go in there :;Zorin grabbed Shay by the waist:: Listen to the girl stay here! :: He moved Shay around standing in front of both Mila and Shay ready to dispatch more throwing blades if need be::


Date: 2007-01-10 16:12 EST
"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." -Epicurus

?Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the brave.? -Helen Keller

::Everything moved in slow motion. I saw that blade pulsing with darkness heading to slice my son in two and I jumped. My feet left the ground. For a moment I felt like I was flying as I heard a soft clash of mithral to steel. I had jumped in front of my son. I would not let that vision come to pass, even if I died in his place. He would not die here?I saw sparks of magic fly from that blade in my hand as it hit that broad blade that pulsed with darkness:

:: Hinn pulled on Kulbin and Kulbin pulled on Aiden?s arm the three fell back behind me as I fell to the ground. That sword that Blahl wielded stuck me, sliding through my side.. Deep through the flesh, missing vital organs and in to the ground. It pulsed with darkness. My blade was still held firmly in my grasp I sheathed it. It was over..::

Atara! Shea! Seler? :: I heard all the voices as if they were one. I could taste the blood on my lips, as it dripped down my face. I took that sword that had run through me. I took it by the hilt and pulled it from my gut. It pulsed for a moment then faded as I dropped it in to the soil. It pulsed again this time great hot white energy as my blood slipped down the length of the blade::

::I tried my best to mutter something in elvish, but only blood came out. Blahl went to strike again this time with fists when I heard::

Yala onna en' kemen :;Shays voice::

;:I also heard Kulbin and Aiden chanting ? around Blahl formed a huge vine cage, that quickly turned to stone?He was trapped for now, that sword out of his reach stuck in the earth now glowing white hot ::

:;I fell back. And Hinn was quick and caught me Aiden rested my head in his lap, I looked up to my son and some how managed a smile:: Ai.. ::blood slipped from my mouth, down my chin I could taste it, I felt that wound in my side,it burned,I could feel the blood slipping down my side,soaking in to my shirt, and pants.::

Atara?you can not die..

:;There was then a burst of white pure light around us. Was this how it was to die? Really die? Was I being ushered in to Arvandor?::


Date: 2007-01-11 01:13 EST
? O nobly-born, that which is called death hath now come. Thou art departing from this world, but thou art not the only one, cometh to all. Do not cling, in fondness and weakness, to this life. Even though thou clingest out of weakness, thou hast not the power to remain here,? ~ Tibetan Book of the Dead

::There before them stood a woman, in white, brown locks of hair flying back in the wind, the light surrounded us protecting us from the on coming onslaught of rabid looking creatures that started to tear their way through that cage Kulbin ,Shay and Aiden had made for Blahl .::

It?s the goddess?::Mila and Hinn bowed their head to her::

:;My eyes had fallen heavy the voices of my loved ones fading out of my ears, I could see Connar?s smile before my eyes. Connar?I tried to open my eyes but could not. I had vowed to my self that I would return.. That I would find out if he had lived, to see if we could be something more? I could not die not here.::

:;There was a flash of great light and we all appeared there in the woods before the portal back in to the Mith woods:: you seven have done all you can, it is too late to save Crendia.. But not too late to keep the darkness from your lands :: she looked to Shay then down to me:: she has been wounded deeply by the darkest energy known to Crendia , her blood changed it back to pure.. ::The goddess known as Willow leaned over me as Aiden and Hinn held me.:: I will heal her as much as I can?:: she went to work as Shay watched on, nearly at tears?:: Shea.. ::I could hear my sisters voice, so distant::

Atara.. ::Aiden?s fingers brushed through my hair.. He could see that wound that went right through me.. He turned his gaze. There was so much blood, that blade had cut in to the skin, making a deep hole. An inch higher and the blade would have hit that armor now covered in blood as well, and inch lower, and no magic could have saved his mother.::

::The warm light of healing passed over me, healing the wound some, stopping the blood flow, but I was still out:: I have done all I can for her? she is beyond my healing this time? take her home, take her to your healers?leave this place.

The elder counsel! ::Shay chimed in:: they healed Devron after Alaric took him captive?

::Willow started to fade from view:; go quickly?she doesn?t have much time.. Kulbin close this portal behind you? it is the only way

But.. Crendia.. ::Kulbin stuttered softly::

Do it Kulbin?Blahl will be here in a moments time to finish her off.. Close the portal? say goodbye to Crendia.. Let us left here fight.. Crendia shall not be ruled nor destroyed go? go with my graces.. I shall visit there. I shall do what I can here first. Go Now.. ::there was a rumble through the woods:: He is coming you must go now..

::Kulbin nodded:: were all ready ?

::Through the portal I was carried.::

( to be picked up in A GreenStoneTale/Ramblings and also in Aiden tales)


Date: 2007-01-16 16:16 EST
In Crendia while the temples and palace burned Darkness lays out there next move.

::Rae passed back and forth along the charred ground. Blahl stood before her, still as a stone statue.::

:;Aurina and Kadri sat back with Tancred all three watched::

::Raevyn smirked , and shifted her form to take on Shea?s visage a perfect copy:; Now my love..:: but the voice was Raevyn?s she hadn?t gotten down Shea?s voice just yet:: What do you want to do to me?

:;Blahl looked to her, in that form and he moved quickly pushing Rae back against the wall of the dark temple ::

:;Rae smirked:: mm very good, will you kill me?

No. ::He answered::

Why not?

Because we seek to have you on our side.

::Rae shifted her form back to her own:; very good my love.. :;she gave him a long lingering kiss:: will you kill every one else??

No, I will leave Kulbin, Aiden, Zorin and Mila alive

Very good, and what of Connar, the man that Shea loves?

I will keep him alive as well


So that he may see me take what is mine back..

Very good my pet :: she pressed her hands to his shoulders and pushed him against the temple in one swift movement:: This war will be the last war..

For all of them ::Tancred rose to his feet:: The sword will be mine. And I will rule over this land and their realm with an iron fist .

We shall get our revenge. ::Kadri hissed::

::then the five disappeared back in to the woods::


Date: 2007-01-17 14:50 EST
In The great woods, known as Fear

:;The five walked through the woods, in to the great dark temple. Since the disappearance of the great sword they had been hard at work, killing, maiming, torturing, and also working on a way to get back in to the realm of the elves, or at least back in to Rhydin.::

:; Chains hung from the back wall, in one set of those chains hung what appeared to be a lifeless body of a young woman. Cattle for Kadri, who still needed human blood. Next to her hung a another woman?s body, her face was filled with long scars, from those claw like nails all three temptresses had. That woman still wore her clerics robe. It was Lady Fey. Her hair was coated in her own blood, her eyes were closed, but she was alive. A play thing for them all. One more person hung on the wall. A man. His chest was covered in deep long marks, from claw and dagger. His eyes were open, and he was still giving up a fight to be free. It was Darius. Raevyn had not killed him, only savored in torturing him to a point near death.::

Ahh, Look who?s awake. ::Tancred walked over to Darius and punched him across the jaw:; never call my pet a bitch again..

:;Darius looked to Tancred. He spat blood to the floor.::

:;Tancred smirked and lowered that hood, The visage behind that cloak was a sight that would turn most eyes away, or turn them blind. He had a face, but it was daemonic gnarled and ancient looking. His eyes were white, but they still locked on to Darius as if he could see just fine. Kadri and Aurina removed the cloak from his back::

:;Darius just starred, unable to turn away::

:;Tancred paced:: you seem surprised :; he flexed his one good arm. That was made of flesh and metal. And smirked at Darius.:: You were there he day this all happened to me. Don?t you remember. We had become rivals. And I was so close to finding the great blade that you, set a trap for me. I didn?t notice it till it was all to late. When I woke up from the explosion, Rae here :: he gave her a little nudge under her chin:: was nursing me back to health My left arm was a lost cause, the flesh wearing away from the magic in the blast, so she bound it and it has been that way ever since. But my other arm, I had misguidedly landed on top of some old shields and shards of old weapons. The heat from the blast fused the metal with my skin and bone under it :: he looked to his bare shoulder, a mixture of metal and flesh. From his shoulder to wrists it was a collage of metal and flesh. His fingers and hand the only thing still on his body that was his original form. He made a fist with that hand.:: From that moment on, I was not a man. It was not much later that I was taken by dark powers, and given a new goal. ::He looked toward Lady Fey, smirking deeply:: I gained allies ::his eyes shifted over the three temptresses that stood awaiting orders like good pets:: And they serve me well ::his eyes shifted to Blahl:: then came the opening of the portals, and so many more delicious things . Like those elves . And now because of them, the portal is closed, I do not have what I want, and that really pisses me off :: he stepped back from Darius:: I didn?t kill you for a reason my old friend, they think they are safe, Kulbin closed the portal with Druid blood. I have searched high and low for another, but most have fled this land. All but one.. :;his eyes narrowed on Darius:: your father was a druid?

:;Darius for a moment looked shocked.::

Yes my friend you, are the druid that will open the portal? you will give us access to their world. I can not go my self.. But those four can..: :his eyes looking to Blahl, Aurina, Kadri and Rae:; they will hunt down the sword for me, kill everyone they have been instructed to , and bring back those who I wish to be in slaved to darkness. :: he smirked:; soon enough I will have my full power back, and their would will look like this, their gods will die, and I will reign. :: he nodded:: Let it begin..

:;Raevyn, Aurina and Kadri walked over to Darius, smirking, Blahl wlaked up and hit Darius hard across the face knocking him out:;

Undo his chains, and ready the Cleric.. :;his eyes shifted to Lady Fey::

:; Blahl undid the chains that bound Darius and tossed him over his shoulder. The three temptresses went to the female cleric. Tancred followed, he gave her a little nudge under the chin:: wake up?

::Lady Fey slowly opened her eyes and was about to scream, when Rae placed her hand over her mouth::

Listen to me my dear ::Tancred ran his fingers through her bloody hair:: I can stop the pain, all you have to do, is help me.

::Lady Fey shook her head and bit down on Rae?s Hand::

::Rae sneered and reeled back::

I would rather die.. :: Lady Fey shouted::

::Tancred pressed against her:: You will face a fate far worse than death if you do not help me. :;His eyes shifted to Rae:: Knock her out, and bind her to my bed, and strip her of her clothing.. Its time she learned who is master here

No!.. No :; Lady Fey screamed::

::Rae smirked and elbowed her in the face which knocked her out, then she and the other two temptresses unchained her and carried her off towards Tancred?s bedroom. Tancred looked to Blahl:; go in to the woods with Darius, bind him to a tree and keep watch on him, I?ll be there in a hour.. Or so.. :;He slowly made his way back in to his bed room, closing the huge doors behind him.::

::Blahl followed those orders , taking Darius in to the woods and binding him to a tree, he then stood watch::

::Rae, Aurina and Kadri watched as Tancred forced him self upon the unconscious Fey. The three women, delighted in the sight of Fey?s face when she finally awoke. Her mouth had been gagged so she wouldn?t scream but Tancred quickly ripped that off.:; Scream for me?

::Hours passed, Lady Fey?s screams filled the temple. Soon enough she fell silent?the darkness that Tancred beheld had made its way in to her lithe little body. He smirked:: will you do as your told?

Yes, Master..

::He smirked:; that?s a good pet. :;He with drew and got dressed and looked to Rae:: dress her, and bring her to the woods.. It is time..


Date: 2007-01-17 23:57 EST
;In the woods of fear Lady Fey chanted, as Darius was bled. His blood dropped over the ground and was tossed in to the air. The sparks would fly, A portal would open. Tancred would smiled:; Yes?

:;He looked to Lady Fey:: very good, my pet. ::He looked to Darius, bound and gagged:; you did well too. I think I?ll keep you around just incase this doesn?t work. :;He looked to Raevyn:: Would you like the honors my love?

:She cast her glace behind her:; I would but I think its time I tested Aurina..

:;Aurina stepped forward:: I will not fail

You will pass through see where this takes you, you will come back with in two hours, no later. Understood?

Yes Mistress.. ::She bowed her head, and passed through the portal::

Delicious ..:;Tancred smirked:: Now we wait.


Date: 2007-01-19 00:05 EST
::Two Hours passed and Aurina came back, her head hung low::

Nothing sir, it was neither in Rhydin nor in the elf lands?

:;Tancred snarled, and looked at Darius, then to Lady Fey:; one of you is responsible.. And I know who :: he took Darius?s gag off, and hit him across the face::

::Darius spit blood to the ground:: You said my father was a druid, he may have been, but I m not.. I never took the measures nessaray to be one..:; he smirked::

Damn it :: Tancred hit Darius hard knocking him out:; Find me another druid, a real true blood this time :; his gaze shot to Raevyn, Aurina and Kadri who quickly went off to try and find another druid.::

::Tancred looked to Blahl then to Lady Fey:; Blahl guard Darius

Yes sir.. :: he stood guard::

::Tancred walked over to lady Fey and smirked:; we need to figure out a more powerful spell my new pet

Yes M?lord?


Date: 2007-01-19 14:56 EST
::Tancred smirked softly as Raevyn, Aurina and Kadri came back dragging a young robust man behind them::

We found one M?lord. ::Raevyn nodded to the other two and they moved aside as Rae lifted the young man up by the collar and hung him in front of Tancred::

:;He smirked:; and your sure he is a real ture blood?

Yes, M?lord. We found him casting druidic magic?s in the village. He was trying to save a young woman and her child from the vampyr?s that seem to have taken up the western end of town. :;she smirked:: our kin :: she looked back to Kadri and Aurina::

Very good my pet :: he nudged her under the chin:: let us begin? Lady Fey :; he called back and she slowly walked out dressed in long black robes.:; Yes Master :: she began to chant::

::Raevyn smirked and carried the young man towards lady fey and slowly dropped him to the ground, she then straddled his waist and drew out that long wicked looking rapier from her side. She took the tip and cut in to his bare arms, the blood slowly spilt on to the ground::

Make sure you don?t kill him love, we may need him

Yes master :: she watched the blood trickle on to the ground, there was a spark, like lightning in the air and the portal opened before her. She smirked. And drew up the young man and licked the wound closed and carried him and tied him to a tree.::

::Darius watched in horror. As the portal appeared between two dead trees. He could see through it, on the other side was living trees that mirrored the dead ones.::

Aurina :: Rae looked to her:: get going

::Aurina nodded and passed through the portal::


Date: 2007-01-20 23:34 EST
(Adult content)

::Raevyn looked to the portal, and then to the sky:; its almost sun rise she?d better get her ass back here :: then there was a flash of light.:: About damn.. :: she stopped to see Aurina?s pretty little head, hair a bloody mess:: My little pet.. :: she ran to the head:: what did they do to you?

::Tancred came out from the great evil temple:; Rae, is she back? :;He walekd up behind her, looking down to the head in her lap:: what a shame..

::Rae looked to the head:; this isn?t possible ..:: she glared towards the portal, then back to the limp young male druid, still knocked out. Then towards Lady Fey.:;

:;Tancred nudged her under the chin:: maybe she was out numbered? ::he glanced to the head:: Poor pet.. :; he lifted the head up by the hair, the mount hung open, the eyes dead. He looked to the neck, he noted something?:: Rae my love.. What?s this?

::Rae rose to her feet and gazed at Aurina?s neck.. She hissed:: That damned elf did this ..:: her fingers touched the skin of her neck, wiping away the blood to see, that tell tale sign that the blade used to do that cut was one of magic, and bound to the wind. The slice was clean, precise.. ::

::Tancred tossed the head n to the flames of the fire they had built hours ago.. The fire lavished in the blood, and flesh of Aurina?s severed head::

:;He patted Rae on the shoulder:: It was sent as a message.. :; he looked to the portal:: I may have miss judged the elf woman..

I?ll go in next :: Rae turned towards the portal::

No my dear :; his hand rested on her shoulder holding her back:: I have a better idea.. :; his eyes shifted to look at Darius who was awake but blind folded and gagged:;

:;Rae followed his gaze:: M?lord?

::Tancred smirked:: we wills end Darius through, at dusk. He smirked to her:: feast my love.. Sink your fangs in to him..

:;She smirked, her face shifted to that demonic visage, that she had not taken in a very long time. Rae had long given up the feeding on humans part of her vampyric past. She had savored in Darius, as a lover.. And now she would sire him. She walked towards him, and undid his gag and blind fold. He screamed.::

Daemon..! Witch! :: she squirmed against the tree, trying to loosen those binding that held him there.::

::She smirked, running her claw like nails down his bare chest, drawing blood:: Its been a long time since I savored in a long drink of human blood.. Even long since I made anyone .. : she licked her fingers off.::

::Tancred watched, with Lady Fey at his side. Kadri had gone out to hunt villagers. She enjoyed tempting fate, in the pre-dawn hours::

::Lady Fey watched on, trying to hide the fact that she was the one that had made sure that who ever passed through the portal would be easier to kill than they normally would. The darkness had tempted her, they had tortured her. But her soul was her own. She would not sub come to the darkness. Her eyes watched the horror as Darius was tortured. Not turning her gaze so to keep up the illusion that she too was on their side::

::For hours Rae, tortured Darius, as he was tied to that tree. Finally striping him of his clothes as she ore him from the tree and pinned him to the ground. Vines wrapped around his wrists, pinning them above his head. She would lick the wounds on his chest, making them burn. She straddled his waist, taking his hardened member in her fingers.:: You can fight me all you like Darius.. But you can?t hide that you enjoy this..

::He looked up at her his mouth had been gagged again. His eyes starred in to her soulless ones. If he could have spoken, the words he would have said. Would make even a sailor blush.::

::She smirked:: perhaps you wish me to take on the form of your lover, Bella? :: she stood up, and her form shifted with the crackle of dark magic, the woman who stood before Darius now looked just like his dear Bella. Those long flowing golden locks curled over her supple nude form.::

::A smile, touched Rae?s cheeks as she saw Darius?s face. She leaned down slowly, and whispered in his ear:: it will only hurt for a moment? ::she sank those fangs in to his neck::


Date: 2007-01-21 00:22 EST
"As long as there is light,there is darkness"

:: Darius screamed for only a moment, before he was out cold, near death..:;

::Rae smirked and slowly drew her fingers over his chest, then she drew that long claw like nail across her exposed breasts , and let the blood drip down over his lips. He licked at the blood, sitting up grabbing Rae by the shoulders, burring his head in to her breasts, drinking in that dark blood::

:: In a moments time there in the shadows of the forest known as fear, the man known as Darius was no more, a daemon took his body and mind, his soul had long been sold to Rae:;

::He forced her back on her back and kissed her luscious lips::

::Tancred clapped:: very good, now Darius, my old friend, lets have a talk :; he smirked:; shall we?

::Rae smirked as Darius walked away. She redressed and her dark hues fixed on Lady Fey:: We need to talk too, Miss Fey..


Date: 2007-01-22 00:09 EST
?Here's the thing, there?s moments in your life that make you. That set the coarse of who your gonna be. Sometimes there little subtle moments, sometimes there not. I?ll show you what I mean ?

::Hours passed: The sun had long set in Creinda.::

::Darius passed before the portal:: How much longer?

::Rae smirked:: there there pet, only two hours. I am going to have Kadri go with you.

:;Kadri smirked::

Remember, your not going for the kill, your going, to send a message. Don?t kill, hunt, feed. I want to see blood on your lips when you both return.

Yes Mistress :: Kadri replied::

Be ready for anything ::Tancred ran his hand through Raevyn?s hair:: You don?t want to end up coming back like Aurina did. Headless?

:: They waited, training, sparring. Talking out battle plans::

::The whole while Lady Fey went unnoticed, unchecked. She wanted to run, run as fast as she could, but they would catch her. Instead she remained where she was watching them. Earlier in the day Rae had threaten her with death. But Lady Fey did not fear death. She had been tortured, raped, beaten and turned towards darkness, but there was nothing to really turn. All she had to do was play the part. In the moments when Tancred, did what he did to her, she decided then, to follow orders, and help the others on the other side of the portal. In that moment, she feel in to line, and pretended to be dark. Eventually it would lead to her death, but she would rather die helping that hurting::


Date: 2007-01-23 00:02 EST
::Raz and Darius passed back through the portal to be met by the on looking glare of Raevyn, Blahl and Tancred.::

Report :; Raevyn barked orders at them:;

They had help, there were six fighters and one very large dragon. Kadri and I managed to place the dragon in a deep sleep. Kadri and Jade are still there

::Raevyn walked to Raz and smacked her hard across the face:: what of Ivy and Kaie?

Kaie is dead, The one elvish woman killed her. The brown haired one.

The Earth mage sir :: Rae replied softly:: Shavyn is her name, she is Shea's sister.
And Ivy? ::Tancred continued::

She was close to death when Kulbin sent me fumbling back, should we return?::Darius looked to the portal::

No.. its up to Kadri and Jade now. We have bigger plans to lay. I found out why it was so easy for them to kill poor Aurina. Well Raevyn found out.. :; his glance cast to Lady Fey who was bound and gagged, chain held her to the stone of the dark temple. Her right side of her face was covered in blood, her right eye gone Her left arm was torn up, bleeding badly. But she was awake, looking at them with one eye. Most of her clothing was gone, save for a few shreds of cloth that covered her. Her stomach had long deep scratch wounds across it, that had been licked clean.. There were marks on the side of her neck as well, Both Tancred and Raevyn had savored in the blood of the young female cleric :; For one who sees so much, you think she?d see that I would see her deception. She thought she could hide it from me. But she could not, she is paying the price now. You two may be the only ones to get back here. But I am hoping that Jade and Kadri return as well. Kulbin, he will destroy the portal. But perhaps those two will do some damage, I am sure you two did some damage.

Let me go through and .. :;Blahl began::

No Blahl.., your time is not yet, even if your brother closes the portal, we can find another Druid.. I am not giving up. The great sword will be mine, as well as the woman who made it pure. When Darin struck willow, it killed her, and turned him pure, but the blade remained dark.. I want to know why this woman?s blood turned the blade pure. I want to taste her blood. I want to savor in her flesh.. I want to make her realm mine, take everything away from her.. Steal her family, corrupt her love.

Yes M?lord :;Blahl bowed his head::

Its sweet :; Raz smirked:: her blood, sweet and pure, there is power in it..

:;Tancred looked to her:: you tasted her?

I didn?t feed on her, but her blood was on my hands? its sweet, like wine. Powerful.

:;Tancred smirked, walking to her taking her hands in his, the blood was gone, but he drew his long tongue across her bare knuckles:: Mmm :; he smirked::

:;Raevyn looked on, slightly jealous, she had wanted to taste the blood, of the one who turned the Blade pure. She had it on her hands many times, but never indulged in the taste::

Till then, we wait.. See if Kadri or Jade get back before dawn. Till then, Raz, Darius :: he gazed to them:: your training Darius will now intensify. You and Raz will go in to the village and find me another Druid. Bring as many as you can find. Rae my dear :; he looked to her:; you and I will continue to teach miss Fey a lesson. Blahl.. ::he looked to him:: you may stay here with Rae and I or go with Raz and Darius.

I will go with Darius and Raz.. Sir

:;Tancred nodded:: very good, be back here before dawn. If Kadri or Jade or both have not returned by then, then they were killed, and the portal will surely be closed.

:;They all fanned off going in different directions. Raz, Darius and Blahl village bound. Tancred and Rae took the cleric woman back in to the dark temple. She was screaming, but could not be heard.::


Date: 2007-01-23 15:18 EST
:: Once Jade and Kadri passed through the portal. They came to find that the dark temple was on fire:;

What in hells name? :Kadri looked around:: Raevyn? Darius? Master Tancred?

They aren?t here :; a female voice floated to them::

::Kadri and Jade turned to see Willow standing before them, her blade dripped with blood::

:;While the fight was going on in The Mith Woods::

::Raz ,Darius and Blahl went towards the village to find more druids. They were met with an unlikely force. :;

:; Willow stood before the three: : I will not let you pass

:;Raz went in first, Willow had long been fighting their kind. And Raz's head soon rolled across the ground before it burst in to flames. One down::

::Blahl looked to Willow and turned tail and ran. She let him go and focused on Darius. He too tried to run. But she engaged him in battle. Getting a few cuts across ehr bare fore arms.::

:: But in the end her sword slid through his heart:: you my lord may go now and be with Bella, she is waiting for you.. :; a white light surrounded him.. and he died.::

::Willow looked back at the village ,palace and temples. burnt, and dead. Crendia was lost. But she would not let the people loose their homes, their lives to darkness.::

::She pressed on towards the woods known as Fear.::

::Blahl got there first, in time to warn Rae and Tancred of her coming. The tree fled. Going for the docks and the ships, out of Crendia.::

::Now as Kadri and Jade return from the fight n the Mith Woods they come to find the temple they once beheld as powerful, in flames. No one in sight and Willows voice has called to them::

They aren?t here :; a female voice floated to them::

::Jade looked to Willow. Once long ago she had been Willow's ally. And now she was faced with the fact that Willow would kill her::

:;Kadri rushed in at the goddess:: Damn you to hell!

::Willows blade sliced across Kadri's mid section.:: This place is hell :: Willow looked to the forest and temple as it burnt::

::Kadri fell back, smirking:: you've lost your touch... ::She came towards her hitting her across the cheek with those long claw like nails::

:;Willow reeled back a bit :: No I have not... :; her emerald hues glowed as she focused on Kadri::

::Kadri then burst in to flames, and ran in tot he temple, screaming. The temple began to fall, and soon enough a loud crushing noise was heard. Kadri was dead.::

::Jade looked to Willow::

::Willow looked back, then towards the portal between the realms:: Jade, once long ago, you were my ally, and you were my friend. :: She cleaned her long sword off and sheathed it:: I will not kill you.. ;; she crossed to her, and placed her hands on Jades shoulders:: But I will show you what you can have if you change your way..

::Jade would be basked in a white glow, seeing through to what her future would hold if she went back to the good side. Then also seeing what would happen if she remained on the dark side. Jade fell to her knees:: Willow.. :; tears ran down her cheeks::

::Willow knelt:: you always have a choice Jade... what do you choose?

::Jade looked to Willow :: I don?t wish to be evil...

::Willow smiled:; then leave this place and never return, never again turn dark, Or I will find you and Kill you.

::Jade rose to her feet, shifting in to a wolf form, and ran off in to the woods::

::Willow gazed to the temple, there on the wall hung Lady Fey. Dead. Willow hung her head:: be at peace, my old friend..

::Willow then passed through the portal, to go to the other side::

(See Ramblings of an Elvish Knight, for more on this part of the story)


Date: 2007-03-21 02:22 EST
::Darin sat in the high palace that glowed across the land,his love hisqueen gone,off to live ehr life with in the mortal coail as she could,this was a gift to him for now,this living body that beating heart.::

::And some where hidden in Crendia Willow sat alone,not beside ehr beloved,alone in the newly amde temple that had bene amde dark then turned back to light and rebuilt,she sat clothed in ehr classic warrior way,thinking about eh rlost love with Darin thinking about ehr past,everything: Vince's face flashed before ehr eyes: He friends faces:Issy,Sammy,August and Summer,James... Shaun... he sons face...everything amess of images,to the goddesses emerald hues.Crendia was rebuilt, her once love and lord was sitting upon its throne,the man she loved, the man that killed her... the one she trusted but did not trust....::

::Now more than ever peace was not easy for the goddess to find::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-21 15:41 EST
- Slowly the two of them stepped out onto the fields of Crendia, with a glance around, before Victor glanced to Ghallon. Without a word, he pointed them in the direction they should take. -

Just hope this isn't a wasted trip. - A sly grin towards Ghallon, who chuckled before shaking his head. They both enjoyed the scenery as they walked, neither one of them saying much. -

- It would take them a few hours to reach Darin's palace, with Ghallon pausing a moment to glance in the direction of a certain tower. He then looked to Victor...and nodded for him to continue he disappeared. -

- With a nod to his friend, he headed inside...knowing where Ghallon had went...He went to see Willow. -


Date: 2007-03-21 23:53 EST
::Alone in a deep trance she sat,cross legs under her.wearing thsoe clothes of a warrior,long sword across her knees,she ahd not returned to be at her lovers side.She reaimed in these lands healing them of the death,healing those deep wounds of the soil, letting the spirits of those departed leave to the heavens.She sensed something,someone,two men coming to Crendia.. Underneath the great temple tower in the woods known still as fear she sat rebuling that ocne great temple to the gods,fgocused,pure goddess and mage magics,focused on her world.Her mind ever flickering to Darin, their past their assorted future,she knew someone was coming to find her, and she welcomed it...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-21 23:58 EST
- And a lone figure in white slowly appeared in front of her, with the staff digging into the ground a bit. Next raw magical energy started to slowly seep into the land. -

Lady Willow...I presume? - Came the soft voice from the male, whom seemed to be the focus of such magic...aiding her in healing the land. -


Date: 2007-03-22 00:01 EST
::Emerald hues shifted to the man in white and she nodded to him, as she rose to her feet sheating that long sword to her right:: I am Willow ::a emerald hued glance to him,one with power,she could feel it:: What can i help you with?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 00:09 EST
I am Ghallon..I came here with a speak to you and Darin..- A bow of his head in return, before taking a slight lean into the staff. -

What can you tell me..about this..person you can not kill?


Date: 2007-03-22 00:12 EST
::Willow looked to him:: Your here with Victor... :;slayer senses always peeked,half vamp half angel didnt matter they peeked any how:: Me and Darin... ::a smirk:: you mean Tancred, its not that we cant kill him, its that we havent yet,and thats all Darin's deal not mine...what do you want to know? Cuz its a long story,I could give you the short version,or the long one... either way I hope you have the time...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 00:20 EST
- He nodded to that, before gesturing her to sit down. - What we really need to know is...Does he have the power to summon people fro the dead? but I will listen to your story..


Date: 2007-03-22 00:31 EST
:;She sat slowly emerald hues never leaving him::Tancred,oh yeah,he has that kind of power,and worse...::a soft nod:: Hes not human,not anymore, once along long time ago,he was a man a good one,a warrioir for a holy casue.then darkness took ,magic and death,made him immortal as a vampire with strength and skill and all those lovely things Vamps do, then darkness of magic took his body,it corses through him, it was fire and rage and old enemies he now sought,his body withering and dying around him,metal and bone and wrap of cloth around skin,eyes long have lost their color,but never have they lost their power, his minions are dead,his women he bore under his sign dead by my hand, shea's hand..and comrades hands....he sought one thing alone, a great sowrd made from ...dark and light magic and metal... :;She tooka breath thinking over the long lost past::

Darin sought it, good and evil sought it for it could be either....Tancred got his sweet revenge years ago when the darkness of that sword took Darin and he killed me, but thus made Darin a god and me a goddess... and Tancred lived on the sword was lost and all was history Crenida went on,then those of the lands of the elves found it, and the sword was refound and darkess drove it in to the flesh of the one with the pure soul and heart and her blood made it pure...

::She spoke of Shea:: she used that pure sword to cut down Raevyn while I hunted the last few, Blahl was killed... and then Darin caught Tancred tied him to a stake and he burns forever for the fire does not harm his callous skin,holy light can, he ahs no soul, and no human herat left his osul is long gone to darkness, the one true person that can kill him besides my self and Darin would be the Wind Mage... ::short,not so short very abridged version...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 00:36 EST
I see...- A light nod to that...before pausing a ponder things. - And what of Darin? - He watched her softly - What about him?

- He was trying to he didn't wish to upset Willow, but summoned Victor to allow her to meet him as well. - This is Victor..


Date: 2007-03-22 00:43 EST
::Willow first shifted her gaze to Victor,with a nod.:: pleasure...:emerald hues looked him over amoment,an elder vampire,different from others,able to walk in the light and all... but she saw something else ahh yes that love he held for Shea, the knowledged perhaps only a slayer could know to see that he had tasted Shea's blood...Willow knew what that must have been like,powerful deeply so,like slayers blood... but more filled with magic than her own was back in the day.. there was that ever lingering feeling,she often had,when a vampire was near friend or not,years of training and all,made her abit more tense...there was good reasons for that.::

::Then her eyes back to Ghallon:: Darin... what do you want to know about him exactly?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 00:47 EST
- Victor bowed his head to her, before letting Ghallon do the talking. - Is he the are here....and the reason the land needs rebuilding? - Yeah..Ghallon was just blunt with her...He was here for one get answers..and if need be..eliminate problems. -


Date: 2007-03-22 00:52 EST
Is Darin the reason... no.. he is not... war is the reason this land needs rebuilt...I am sure if you ask shea she will tell you what happened here,she lived it... the reason I am here it to rebuild my lands,these lands to help my people return to peace, and to watch over Darin until someone else comes in to the power,he would like me to sit at his side his love and lady once more, but that ship has long since passed,but I will watch him,keep him in check and help him Kill Tancred when the time does come...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 00:58 EST
- A nod to that, before glancing to Victor. - Stay here..and help her..- Ghallon then turned to leave... Victor nodded and lowered to a knee, before pressing a hand to the help Willow heal the land. -

- Meanwhile, Ghallon headed towards Darin's layer...more so to find out where Tancred was end this before anything more happened.. Willow said Shea was the only one that could kill him..He wasn't going to try and prove her wrong...but upon hearing he was total darkness now...holy light could end it. -


Date: 2007-03-22 01:03 EST
::Willow watched Ghallon go and looked to Victor, her mnd refocused on healing that lands those trees:: wheres he off to ? :;when Ghallon left she bothered not to oepn ehr eyes she could feel him go::

::Darin sat in that large throne like room of the tall palace of Crendias great city,the whole place was aglow with light,as Tancred stood tied to a stake burning forever with Darin watching on from his high perch above the city,thinking now about willow::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 01:08 EST
Probably to go kick Tancred's ass. - He chuckled to that, before focusing healing the lands. -

- Meanwhile, Ghallon appeared in the throne room, probably spooking Darin. - Where is Tancred? I'm in no mood to wait either...- His tone flat and very serious...He wanted to take care of this he could take the proper steps to help heal this land. -


Date: 2007-03-22 01:11 EST
::Willow smirked to that:; He will ahve to go through Darin first....::Willow knew her old ex well,very well::

::Darins hues shifted to the man in white before him:: who in hells.. ::he paused:; who are you? ::eyes shifted as he rose from his chair that ahd been overlooking the city,the bon fire below had Tancred tied to it...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 01:14 EST
Ghallon.. - He caught that glance, and followed it, before turnning to head out.. Poor Darin..not to bright was he...He looked right at what Ghallon came here for...-


Date: 2007-03-22 01:21 EST
:;Oh and Darin wasnt going to that that,he follwoed suit knowing where Ghallon was going now he made his way via a bit of magic down to the fire where Tancred was tied,he tapped his foot looking back to Tancred who starreed at him with thsie hueless white eyes...:: Ghallon.. okay ::he shifted:; so what do you think your doing huh?

:;In the woods Willow shifted back to her feet:: your friend may be strong, and may be wise, but no matter his god like powers Darin tends to talk out of his... ::she smirked:: I don't want anyone getting hurt...I think I'll go ref this.. :;and before Victor could protest she was gone in a blinding whte light::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 01:26 EST
Doing something you don't have the balls to be a good little immortal king and step aside...- As for Ghallon's power? Like the old saying goes. "You ain't seen nothing yet"-

- Victor blinked and looked up to Willow, and nodded lightly, before focusing back on the task at hand. If he was needed, they could call for him. -


Date: 2007-03-22 01:33 EST
Darin looked to Ghallon:;dont have the balls to,its not about that ..its about

What is it about Darin do tell :;willow was there ina flash:; I have wnated to kill him, and you wont let me,so come on, tell me love whats it about sticking it to him,lets just kill him and end this all ready, then we can have peace

:;Darin shot a look to her:;Its not about that Will...

:;Willow looked to Ghallon giving him the go ahead nod she was stalling for time:; Oh really whats it about huh,want to show me how powerful you are but tying him to a atske and burning hom for ever.... think that will win me back?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 01:37 EST
- He just shook his head slightly...before glancing towards Darin. - I'd advise you to shut up...and go play with the other kids...Trust don't want to piss me off.. - He then gave Darin a shooing motion with his hand.-

- He then focused on Tancred, a moment, then brought his arms...staff in his right hand, and started to focus on the needed..spell that might do the trick.-


Date: 2007-03-22 01:43 EST
What! what did you just call me? :;Darin shot Ghallon a glance and Willow stepped in front of him::

You wanna fight with him when hes done I'll love to watch you but right now deal with me,unless your willing to kill me to get to him,come on Darin let him try something I am sick of waiting around for you to get the balls to do it, maybe he has them, for gods sake someone has to...

:;Darin looked to Willow then to Ghallon then back:: this isnt fair, teaming up with some no body

::Willow smirked:: Darin open your eyes,look at him huh will ya if I can sense it you can to :: she tapped his head twice:: hes got uber power,and I know he can do it, hell I can do it but you wont let me!

::Darin huffed and sneered at Ghallon,muttering to him self a bit:: Fine! I don't care... :: poof he was gone::

Men... Gods... I swear :;Willow looked to Ghallon:; feel free I wont stop you ::she lookeed to Tancred who glared at her:: Don't get me started Tancred Im pissed as hell and if I can't beat up Darin I'll kick your ass...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 01:51 EST
Finally..- Muttered to himself, before shutting his eyes...It took a moment longer, and if Willow was watching closly...She'd note Ghallon was floatting a foot about the well as herself. -

- Glowing silver eyes openned. - Holy judgement..- Was all he said, as a pure white circle appeared under Tancred, and seemed to just grow in power. Another thing Willow would sence...was the souls of people killed by the male in front of them, as well as the sorrow that he caused...Look liked Ghallon was going to make this...interesting. -

- In the next moment, his arms shot out to the sides..before the full power of the spell was released. A blinding pillar of pure holy energy shot straight up, to consume Tancred and destroy him once and for all...Ghallon just to make sure this worked, had all his focus..and near limitless power focused into this one spell. -


Date: 2007-03-22 01:59 EST
:;She noted the fact that he was floating and she was too..watching closely,seeing that as a pure white circle appeared under Tancred, and seemed to just grow in power. Also noted...was the souls of people killed. This was going to be intresting...:;

::watching as that holy pillar of light comsumed Tancred she herad him scream almost,hunhumanly screams at that..the light was blinding but she watched through it, if this workedCrendia would have peace,Willow added ehr focus to the spell,and she knew he would feel that too, her own holy light the light of the goddess,she wasnt going to let Darin have his way, she would help,or be damned::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 02:06 EST
- And when Willow aided with her own holy magic, that got Ghallon to great abit, before shifting the staff into his left hand...then with a nod to Willow...telling her to hold it as well. -

- When she did...she'd note that it pushed her help up to match his, and hopefully with the dual power...Tancred would be for Darin...Victr's waitting on deal with him if need be -


Date: 2007-03-22 02:10 EST
::Her hand grasp that stave in it and she felt that rush of power go through her,as her power increased to match his,that light holy and great devouring Tancred in screams of horror and some blood too...Here eyes shot to bright almost tanslucent green before they shut,fosuced onn that power,on killing Tancred once and for all::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 02:15 EST
- And after a few minutes...the screaming Tancred was no more...gone in a dual powered pillar of holy magic. Once the power died down, Ghallon slowly lowered them back to the ground...with him breathing deeply, before glancing over to Willow. -

- He noticed where, she was holding the staff...right above and against his own hand. He didn't say anything, before smling - Thank you for the added help... It seems it took the both of end his life..once and for all.


Date: 2007-03-22 02:23 EST
::Willow breathed afew times,before she noted where her hand was and with drew slowly:; your welcome...::a soft smile to him, her clothees had chnage din that white light from those wears of ehr slayer self to the ones of her goddess self, white and blue,a dress of blue flowing and lovely and that white like cloak about her shoulders,in goddess robes or those wears of her warrior self she was striking,powerful,beautiful..:: I am glad hes gone finally ::she cast her gaze upn towards that tall palace she knew Darin had been watching:: thank you,for having the balls.. to help out,unlike some people... :: a soft bow of her head to him::

;;;Darin stood looking down at the two has his old arch rival was gone in a holy bright white light,he saw the two,holding hands! He sneered slightly, and would poof him self down there...:: Willow....go home...

:Willow cast her hues to Darin:: This is my city too,you go home... :;she shifted a bit to look at him with that deadly stare::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 02:29 EST
I was asked by Victor to aid him...He is the one you need to thank..- A bow of his head with a soft smile. He leaned lightly on that staff again, before looking to a sneering Darin.-

- He shook his head slightly, before starting to tap his foot. - You always talk to ladies like that? - A slight tilt of his head, with a gesture of his hand to Willow. - Or do I have to beat some respect into you...then make you kiss her foot to keep her from mopping the floor with you?

- He was still leaning on that staff, making it look as if he was dead tired after that spell was done...hopefully Willow wouldn't say anything. -


Date: 2007-03-22 02:40 EST
Willow just smirked hearing that::

::Darin looked at Ghallon:: you've done your job then get out of here... you too Will :: ignoring Ghallons comments ,he spoke to whom ever how ever he wished,even Willow:: Please ...::to the comment about moping the floor with him...he shot a look to willow:: you go back to your elven lover and you ::to Ghallon:; get out of my city...

::Willow looked to Darin those robes of the goddess fading to the robes of a warrior, the tip of her long sword at his neck in record time:; Darin... you forget this is my city to and your here beacuse the powers that be sent you here,but dont forget I can send you back,like pieces if I have speak to your comrades so still after all these years,I will not let you rule here,If I have to I will speak to every god in this world to revoke your power in the mortal realm,go reign as a god and get the hell out,I'll stay behind and stay till someone of proper worth comes to hold the place in the palace...

::Darin looked back to her:: Going to kill me love? ::feeling the sword tip at his neck::

No,I'm not like you we've been over this now poof your self away, but first you will thank Ghallon and say your sorry to me... like a good god... or I will slice you from neck to..:she gave him a look downward:; and I'll cut it off to boot

::he looked at her a moment then to Ghallon::thanks... sorry Willow...::poof gone...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 02:48 EST
- He started to laugh to that, one of those good hearted ones as well...before shaking his head, and wipping his eyes. - That was funny..and I thought I had a way with words and threats..

- He looked to Willow at that, and patted her shoulder - Think I met my match. - He then took them back to her tower, with a nod to Victor..whom Ghallon sent home. After a moment, he looked to Willow, before placing the staff into the ground again, then nodded to her as he sat down. He was going to aid her in healing the lands. -


Date: 2007-03-22 02:52 EST
::Willow smiled softly to him as she sheathed her sword:;comes with years of life long practice.. and knowing just where to hit him...:: she looked to his hand as he patted her shoudler,hearing that he's met his match,she had to smirk a bit,looking across the lands through that window... nearly fully healed now a bit here and there the city was all ready rebuilt the temples and palace the homes and emty buinsess. She lowered her self to sitting again,the fields had to be regrown,the air made smoke free again,the forests finished.hard work aheead,she smiled to Ghallon with a nod, a thank you,knowing he was helping her out::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 02:57 EST
If you need any time..feel free to send word...- He then bowed his head to her, before starting to fade from sight. - One last are a very lovely woman..

- Yes..Ghallon just flirted a bit with her, and left it at that. Willow would notice..that she knew how to reacGhallon if she ever needed his help..for any reason. -


Date: 2007-03-22 03:01 EST
::She smiled at his comment...did he just flirt with her,she smirked she kind of like that,she noted the fact that she knew how to get in touch with him,she'd keep that in mind...::

:: She rose and walked down through the palace,not realy the type to sit up on high and watch the people go about thier lives, she would wait for them to return on the stairs wtahcing over her city,looking to that temple her temple then to Darins own temple sticking her tounge out at it:: shows you! :;a smirk::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 03:36 EST
Oh leave the baby alone...don't you think he's all whimpering and whinning enough? - This said into her ear, as Ghallon appeared behind her, with his arms lazily drapped around her shoulders, chin resting on them. This would surely add to the whimpers and whine of Darin. -


Date: 2007-03-22 03:44 EST
::Willow looked back to Ghallon,shocked for a moment that he was there his arms over her shoulders,whispering in to her ear,but she hasd to smirk about it:: but hes funny when he whimpers and whines,Mr.I'm a god... I can crush you ::a smile then crossed her face as she looked back at him again,first their hands get all close contact,vibes there major ones...then he flirts with her,and now this...oh willow was a little lost for words,as she starred back at him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-22 03:48 EST
I know..he's just a lucky kid..who has power and let it go to his head. - He didn't move from her, but did turn his head to look at her. He smiled to her staring at him, and matched her gaze. He could move at any time, as it was the same with her, but he wasn't moving. -


Date: 2007-03-23 01:20 EST
::Emerald hues shifted over him a momnet:: Lucky,Darin,I wouldnt call him that,but he does have power,and it often goes to his head...:a soft smile,she wasnt about to move::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 01:42 EST
I'd rather just kick his butt huh? - He smirked to that, before shifting to lean his head closer, teasing a possible kiss, only to look back out at the land. -

He's not a wise ruler...he lets power go to his head, instead of thinking what is best for the good of the people. - Sounds like Ghallon knows alot about how to be a ruler...then again..he taught Darkmere. -


Date: 2007-03-23 01:48 EST
::Willow nodded her gaze never shifted as he leanedi n then back again,was he still flirting with her,pulling that almsot kiss move:: Darins never been to wise, more the ask questions later sort,attack first.Yes I'd like to royaliy wipped the palace floor with his... ::a smirk:: but I can' matter how much I want to,beaucse he just loves to see me all...::she made a face:: its all our damn history and all.. ::hues looked back to the land:: someone will come along that will be able to rule these lands right,but till then I shall saty here,sooner or later villagers will return....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 01:52 EST
And if the right person came along..what would you do? if they asked you to rule by their side? - He kept his gaze out on the lands, the very lands that together they were healing. Odd, Willow and someone concidered an outsider..healing the lands. -


Date: 2007-03-23 01:58 EST
::Willow shurgged:: I can not rule this place,aye it is my home now,but it wasnt always so and... ::looking down to her hand,she'd takenthat ring off weeks ago,when she left those lands and came back here,she had no idea where her elven beloved had gone,if he was alive or dead,looking for her or not...:: I suppose if it was the right person,but I am a goddess a Slayer not a queen,I cantt see my self sitting up there looking over all the people,I'd rather live as one of them,not some high ordained lady,I know as a goddess they come to me to worship ask for my aid..buts its not the same thing,Darin wanted me to rule beside him,but that time... ::speaking of her and Darins time:: is long over...

::she knew he was helping to ehal those lands,and it seemed odd, but sometimes odd things happened to her,sometimes they were good:: if it was the right person I might consitier it...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 02:06 EST
- He nodded to that, and suddenly turned his gaze to hers...when she looked up. Willow would find herself..A goddess..being kissed, very lightly, and softly..but the very male..whom aidded her once..with one problem, and continued to help with another. -

- Could it be..Ghaloon might be that man..she was waitting for to show up, and lead her people? Maybe...but for now...she was trapped with her back against his chest, being kissed. -


Date: 2007-03-23 02:15 EST
::She was caught off guard,hard t do...he was kissing her very softly,lightly...her eyes were wide openn still as he kissed her but the most shocking of all was that she rretunred it,trapped her back to his chest,caught in that kiss ,mind racing as fast as her heart::

::Some where Above them all in those clouds Darin looked down on them and huffed softly, mummering to hims elf about plans to make::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 02:21 EST
- And he slowly turned her to face him, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck, while his arms snaked around her sides. Oh he knew it was a shock that he just...suddenly kissed her, but he wasn't offering to pull back. -

- And for Darin..He'd hear a laugh in his mind..and guess who it was coming from? Ghallon. -


Date: 2007-03-23 02:24 EST
::Her hands did move their way around his neck,after he turned her to face him.She felt his arms around her,still shocked,but not pulling back::

::Darin heard that luagh and muttered and went off to make his big plans.... what ever those were,they most likely involved Willow:

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 02:31 EST
- Seeing Willow move closer and continuing the kiss, he would continue to kiss her back. Hands softly running along her back and sides, nothing else mattered at the moment, but the kiss with her. -

- Meanwhile..a vague image appeared in front of Darin alone. -

It would be wise for you to hand over the power for this land...unless you wish to become less than a god..and less than a will be nothing.
- Was all the image said..A god's worst fear was to be that...nothing and forgotten. -


Date: 2007-03-23 02:37 EST
::Darin looked to the image:: power what power do you speak of,I reign not as king here,only as a god,it is the powers that be that wish me to reing on here so I shall if you wish to take up this place as its ruler please be my guest...

::Silver hues looked away:: She may be the goddess of light,love and helaing here, a warrior and mage, but shes always liked a bit of darknes sin her men,think you can own up to that, shes got her own deep dark secrets,just to let you know... ::Darin feared nothing he had lived for bloody forever,and seen everything,he was more mad that Ghallon was kissing his willow...and more over that she was kissing him back!::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 02:43 EST
If you wish to give up the land to one whom would wants to rule..Go to Willow..and the one she is with... do it not..and you won't like another day..

- The figure then pulled back part of it's cloak, allow just a hit of a pull on Darin's bosy..and his immortal soul.. Whomever this was...was very dangerous..and could full fill the vow to get rid of him. -


Date: 2007-03-23 02:47 EST
::Darin sneered softly and faded from the clouds back down to the street before Willow and Ghallon still locked in their lip lock,he cleared his thoat... he had fel thtat pull on his body and immortal soul.. he was not about to lose those,not right now...he knew he was in dnager and when so he figured best to just let whom ever wnated to rule rule,he could reing as god...::

::another thouat clearing would be heard as he fully materalized before the two::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 02:53 EST
Yes? - This from Ghallon and he slowly broke the kiss, sure as hell not wanting to, as he looked to Darin, with a very annoyed look. You one a dad gives to their kids, when they just won't listen. -


Date: 2007-03-23 02:59 EST
Will ::he looked to Ghallon but didnt speak to him:: I am giving you and... ::a glance to Ghallon again:; the power to rule this land with out my involment,I will not go beyond what the powers that be wish...they wish you to rule, seems that you might have found someone you wish to rule beside... ::a glare now:: so the power is yours....I will reign as a god till the powers decied it is my time to pass....

::Willow looked at him,she didnt speak she just nodded and gave him one of thsoe 'ok your done now right ? ' looks....::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 03:03 EST
- He nodded to that and gave him one of those, "Thanks..but can you go now?" looks. He was planning on tanlking to Willow about that, but no point in saying anything now. -


Date: 2007-03-23 03:08 EST
::Darin looked to Willow then to Ghallon then poofed again::

::Willow sat there ponderd a moment:: that was od,even for Darin, he doesnt like to give up power like that,wonder what got in to him? ::a shurg she didnt care::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 03:16 EST
I have a feeling I know was. - He shrugged a moment, before sweeping Willow rihgt back into that soft kiss again, before slipping from her. - queen...shall we? - A motion towards the lands, indicating a notion to go see the people here, and tell them of the news. -


Date: 2007-03-23 15:06 EST
::Emearld hues looked to him witha soft glance,the vaillage was still empty.Not a soul to be found to be told of this new found power.There were few left though in hiding,Willow had sensed them,in the far reaches in caves and underground...She would nod softly looking out to the lands with a smile,not only beacuse they were healed,but at the 'my queen' comment. Her cheeks blushed softly as she looked away from him:: Yes we shall... ::A new start,for Crendia,for her,for the people.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 15:38 EST
- He nodded softly to her, before summoning his staff to his hand, before taking her hand in his. They would then slip out together, to see the land, as well as find the people that were hidding..and tell them the news. A new time for Crendia, and a new alliance..with a whole other relam as well. Real peace had finally come back to the land. -


Date: 2007-03-23 15:48 EST
::Willow smiled as she took his hand,as they slipped off to find thsoe in hiding,to tellt hem of the good news,the bulk of the people were stillgone,sailed away,on great and small ships,some would never retrun,but some would Willow coild feel it.Those that were in hiding were a few magic users,one priest,one priestess,a few villagers who ahd managed to escape...and one sight that Willow did not forsee, there guarding a group of those villagers who were lucky to have gotten away was Aaron,not related by blood to Blahl and Kulbin but a brother to them in his own right:: Aaron.. ::she smiled to him and he bowed to her::

Lady Willow, the day ahs come,all is at peace? ::he was worn and weary, his armor still stained with blood,his weapon long lost but his will to portect those few villagers had never wavored for a moment:: What of my brothers?

::Willow looked tot he villages as they crossed their way out back towards the city..:: Kulbin is well,soon to be married,save in GreenStone... Blahl is dead.. ::Willow wondered how much Aaron had seen of his brothe rina rms turning to that darkness that poisned his mind::

::Aaron sighed softly:: I wish I could have done more,fought harder,what of everyone else? Shea and her family?The comrades from GreenStone...are they all alive?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 15:53 EST
Shea and her family are alive. - He offered the man a smile, before squeezing Willow's hand a moment, before slipping from her. -

I am Ghallon..Willow and myself are the ones ruling Crendia together now..I ask you to help us get the people back to the well as to continue to help us defend our lands.. - He then bowed his head to Aaron, before moving back to Willow's side. -


Date: 2007-03-23 16:02 EST
::Aaron nodded to Ghallon with respect,nodding tot he comment about Shea and ehr fmaily being well,Aaron was glad for that :: A pleasure,Sir... Of coarse,i will do what I can... ::a bow to Willow he helped elad the people back to the village..:: This way everyone... ::with a wave of his gloved left ahnd the villagers and those others that had bene found would follow Aaron back towards the City.::

::Willow smiled brightly:: tis good to see so many escaped the wars...::a deep breath then taken,knowing how many had fallen,in this war past and in those ones years ago,Crendia would have peace now,Willow hoped for it so deeply.:: after all these years...::she smiled,feeling the land so healed,the people smiled at her,they had peace,a taste of it,it took her whole life to get Crendia there,much loss much blood shed,and even her own death,but now they would have peace,she squeezed Ghallons hand softly,as emerald hues looked across the landscape::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 16:10 EST
- A bow of his head to Aaron in respect as well, before looking to Willow. Her life long dream to restore the lands was happening, before kissing her cheek. He then turned with her, to gaze out across the lands. -

Aye...peace is returnning to the lands now..but there is one more matter that needs to be done. - A soft glance to her, as he lead her out of the caves. She'd then see a vast army before her, some had split off to walk with the villagers and Aaron. -

Meet..our army. - He smiled and nodded to the men. Normally they would have a black dragon crest, now they had that on one side of their breastplate, with Willow's sign on the other. She'd also note, their were women and childern as well. In one swoop, Ghallon had restored peace to Crendia, and gave them the means to defend it.-


Date: 2007-03-23 16:14 EST
::Willows emerald gaze shifted over that army...seeing the men there,armored wearing on one said a black dragon crest on the other her goddess moon crest.Women and children as well there,she smiled back to Ghallon,as she watched some go off with Aaron towards the City:: wow.....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-23 16:19 EST
Now...the real work begins...rebuilding the lives of our people..and keeping them safe. - He then looked to Willow, before turnning to follow the people with her. A long road was ahead of them, but between the two of them..things were looking up. -


Date: 2007-03-24 01:14 EST
::Willow walked the path way towards the city,with slow paces,a smile upon her fair fetures as the wind caught iin her long dark locks of brown,tossing them across her brow and shoulders:: the people who have lived here have always found a way to surive...,but we shall help themuild the farms, and help them descover what this place was meant and peace...::Willow smiled,thinking to Shea some whee in Rhydin,she;d have to pay her a visit soon enough,emerald hues shifted to Ghallon then,what was it about mysetious men ,that drew her so,men with power,a great weakness of hers::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-24 01:21 EST
- He nodded softly to that, before just enjoying the walk with her. He knew they needed supplies, which he was taking care of as they..just enjoyed the others company. -


Date: 2007-03-24 02:11 EST
::Willow walked humming now as the cobble stone clicked under her boots.Having shifted back to those robes of a warrior.Long sword at her side. The village was busy now with people,all ready it seemed as they took on everything that needed to be done,farm lands to be sown..trades to be under taken,blacksmith,traders,clothe makers,children even now ran past Willow a few of the younger girls stopped looking up to her,She smiled at them,knowing they ahd seen that rgeat statue of her in her temple of light...She patted their heads each in turn,giving them eacha little blessing before they'd run off. Willow just ahd that glow about her no matter what,that light a boundless glow of the goddess she was...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-24 02:30 EST
- And Ghallon was right in there with the villagers, getting his hands dirty. Odd..she said she wanted to have someone like that..and there he was...treating her like a lady, and her people just as respectfully. -


Date: 2007-03-24 02:37 EST
::Willow was helping out too,giving the new blacksmith a few pointers it seemed as she showed him her balde and some of her lesser known skills with that work,sooty and ash ridden but no matter to her,washe dout easier than blood.She also helpped out some of the clothe makers. She smiled watching Ghallon get his hands dirty.::

::Darin never did that,he ruled on hight above them all thinking he was btter beacuse he wa sking,and a god,Willow could never do that she spent ehr life protecting them,serving them as salyer as a goddess as a friend more than as a queen. She washed her hands off and splashed off her face as she went back down the street,the new crops needed sun,water and the soil,from under those newly planted seeds water would trcikle at Willows call, just enough to water them,not too much::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-24 02:46 EST
- He smiled back to her, before moving onto the next job..and started to point out a new design for the buildings. It would make them much stronger, as well as being hotter during winter and cooler during the summer. -

- He then slipped up behind her, and goosed her sides...before darting down the streets. See..he can be a kid. -


Date: 2007-03-24 03:02 EST
::Willow giggled and chased after him, a few of the children joined at her sides as she ran smirking at Ghallon,letting that wind fly through her hair as she ran after him,freeing...the air was clear,the sky so blue.. perfect::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-24 03:16 EST fair! - Ghaloon called out to Willow and her growning army of childern, before collasping on the grass just outside of give the childern a chance to play with them. -


Date: 2007-03-24 23:54 EST
::Willow smirked to him as she lay on the grass outside of the city as the kids ran around them in circles.Willow looked up to the blue sky,smiling.The children laughed and played around them chanting. Before they would run off again back in to the city.:: Its plenty fair...::she snickered softly looking over to Ghallon,the day light was slowly fading and Willow closed her eyes.:: Its been so long since I felt so at peace about everying... ::Emerald hues looked over to him:: I want know something ::looking still to him:: Why are you doing all this,healing these lands,helping me rebuild things? Why did you decied to stay and even rule beside me? ::now leaning on one side,looking at him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-25 01:17 EST
Maybe because..I wanted to? - A smile to her, enough to let her see his fangs. Ghallon a vampire...a very ancient one at that. Willow would probably be shocked to know how old he really was. -


Date: 2007-03-25 01:24 EST
::Her emerald eyes took in those fangs, no shock to her really,as if she had known from the moment they met that he was a vampire,old one too,how old Willow was unsure:: you wanted to.?..::a smile to that,inching in closer,hardlt fearful of vampires any more, years and eyar of hunting them,killing them, loving one even very deeply,long ago,knowing the good ones from the bad ones:: But Why? Your not From Crendia :;neither was she though:: and well...::brows perked:: what is in it for you,I mean yes helpping innocnets is all very well and good,I agree but...still

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-25 01:30 EST
Not everyone does something to find gain. I chose to stay..because we both want the same thing.. Peace for these people. Together we can give that to well as. - He left the end hanging as he held his hand up to her..inviting her to lay with him. True..he was old..yet he didn't look it, but anyone with eyes could just see the gathered wisdow behind those silver eyes of his. -


Date: 2007-03-25 01:34 EST
Aye we are in it for the same reasons...
::emerald hues shifted to him as she took his hand and laid there close beside him now,willow was old maybe not as old as he was though even she couldnt tell how old he might be not that age ever mattered to her...she saw that gatehred wisdom in his silver hued eyes, her emerlad hues shifted with magics of light and healing as well as that darkness deeply imbedded within her immortal s and mortal souls::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-25 01:40 EST
- And when she slipped in close against him, he held her close, allowing a silver wing to wrap around her. Age didn't matter to him either, as for now..he'd let things run their he always had. -


Date: 2007-03-25 01:45 EST
::Eyes shifted to see that silvery wing,then back to him with a soft smile. Willow would also let things run their corse,but be on her toes as she often was in the past,trying despretly this time not to get 'burned' by loves fire::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-25 01:51 EST
- And he would not try to hurt her. So for now, he just laid there with her, with an arm and a wing wrapped softly around her, looking up as day slowly turned into night. -


Date: 2007-03-27 02:38 EST
:;Night time was always Willows favored time,perhpas it was that whole hunting the creatures of the night business she had done for years.Or maybe it just was that calm that came at night,the vaillged put to rest their days work the lights turned up as the gentle glow of the moon shown down upon the city square.Emerald hues were filled with that light of the full moon,it bathed her in its splendor,shifting her from the robes of a warrior,to the robes of a goddees in its light,the one thing that never changed was that long sword at her side.Those moon light filled hues looked to Ghallon beside her, a vampire, a very old one, who was good with magic. ::

::And of all magics the magic of holy light, divine powers. Those moon litgh filled hues took him in a moment, There was always something about the men in her life,they always had a bit of darkness to them,even a deamonic nature. Vince,Darin,Chrissium. All with those darknesses,their own deamonic nature. Vincent: tall dark mysterious, a vampire,her first love...Darin with his powers of balde and magic,who was swayed to join the powers of dark. Chrissium, the elven man from the dark wood clan,last of his kind,his body adored with runic symbols that came to life under the full moon,his deamonic like forms wolven,reptile even almost vampire like with his long fangs. Her blood stirred him more,than it had ever stirred even Vince.::

::Hues cast to the moon,thinking of him,the last time they ahd been together it had gone rather deeply,arising thatd arkness that she had deeply hidden in her,from years ago.It arose his full deamonic form,and if it were not for the powers she ahd in light,he might have been lost to her forever,but the next morn when she woke he was gone,that was months ago now,now she had been facing her own trials by fire.Helping Shea,helping her people,remembering her past even ...she had even gone back to that place from her past long gone now tro ash and dust. That Inn,so long forgotten.The grey silver tombs at the back now even nearly gone, that once old tree merely a stump now after all these years.Emerald hues shifted back to Ghallon then,she knew barely naything about him,save for the fact that he was a vampire,and very proficent with magics.:

::He was here beacuse he wanted peace for the people of Crendia,that was what she wanted to. Peace,after all the blood shed.Peace had no been easy for Willow to find in the years she had lived withion the moratl coil,and even now she had not found it,even though she was a goddess of light and love,healing and all things peaceful. A deep exhale left her lips,letting her body relax back in to the soil.Perhpas for once she'd let her self be at peace and not so on edge about things.The past was the past, it made her whats he was yes,but she would not undo it...even if she could. Now with ehr eyes closed she let the moon light bathe her over.:: Ghallon... how long have you lived? ::she question flowed from her lips,it wasnt a matter of age or wisdom she knew he had both of those..she just wondered possibly,how much had he seen in hos years as what he was::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-27 03:05 EST
- He chuckled softly to her query for a moment, not that he didn't think she was serious in asking it was one that was asked alot. He then slowly stood up, with his staff appearing in his hand, before turnnong to face her. A soft gaze locked on to her, and at that moment...with the moon right behind him...He did see much more..intemidating that he really was. -

I have seen...many...many events in my long life..Longer than you and Darin put together, but to answer your questions.. I have lived for the better part of 50,000 years. - Granted there was wisdom, and an ever present calm in those silver hues, yet she'd note..there was also a tired soul behind them. He had lived a long and tiresome life...and he had found his finally relax..and take it easy. That life if she allowed it..was with her. -


Date: 2007-03-27 03:12 EST
::Willow sat up looking to him, 50,000 years that was a long time,indeed she saw that wisdom and that tried soul behind his silver toned hues. She smiled up to him with a nod...she handt lived that long even now,shed lived less than that far less.She rose to her feet and smiled to him:: well then,perhaps ye have found some where ye can finally relax,after such a long life... ::holding her hand out to him,she allowed it,for that was what she wanted as well::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-27 03:59 EST
I hope so as well. - He smiled and softly took her hand into his, before lifting it up to place a kiss to it. He then turned to head back into town, so they could find a room, and a bed to sleep. -


Date: 2007-03-29 03:32 EST
::Willow smiled looking back to the place,there were a few rooms in there if they wnated but staying down in the town soudned fun as well.So did sleeping out under the stars one of Willows favored past times::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 03:35 EST
- And he picked a room where the bed was next to a large the stars would shine into the room. Once both were ready for bed, he waited for her to lay down, then laid down behind her..watchingthe night sky -


Date: 2007-03-29 03:42 EST
::Willow smirked softly sitting on the bed looking out the window.T the stars and moon light,as it bathed her in its glow.She wore a soft satan nightgown of a deep blue over her slim frame,the mid length sleeves hung off her shoulders slightly,those brown locks pulle dove rher left shoulder she looked to him with a soft smile...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 03:47 EST
- He smiled softly back to her, as he was just wearing a pair of pajama bottoms, pure white as well. She'd also not that his hair was just as long as her's, with he hoped wouldn't be an odd thing to her. -


Date: 2007-03-29 03:54 EST
::Willows emerlad hues shufted ove rhim a moment before she looked back out the widnow.She didnt take anything as odd about him,about most men, it seemed to her that the men in her life chared many things in common,long hair was one of them, and that way they looked in their night wears was another,emerald hues focused out the window as her bare feet shifted upon the floor,her legs were bare from mid thigh down,those long and strong legs.Willow hid ntohing of her feminine beauty any more,letting her bare shoudlers show as well as the slighest hint of cleavage at the top of the neckline that swooped down a bit.What did she have to hide now any how::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 04:01 EST
- That may all be true, but this one so far had proven true to his word. He got rid of problem after problem after problem. He had shown that he wanted peace for her and her people, as well as for her to live in happiness.. He'd slip up behind her, arms and silver wings wrapped around her. Granted he was vampiric...yet..he looked a heavenly angel...sent down..just for her -


Date: 2007-03-29 04:08 EST
::Willow looked back to him as his arms and those wings went about her her eyes closed as she leaned in to him her hands idly caressed one of those silver wings.She knew hed sloved one of the biggest problems for her,and now was there to help her bring peace to her and her people. Eyes opened shofting back to him, aye he was vampric but standing there with his arms and those wings about ehr she felt as if he was indeed some angel sent down just for her.She leaned in to him again closing her eyes,feeling a odd sence of peace was over her::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 04:13 EST
- Ghallon was looking out into the night, with a soft yet hawk like a father would have when watching his childern play. He glanced to Willow as she started to caress one of his wings and smiled softly, before looking back out the wings, softly holding her a little closer, to her leaning into him. He then looked back to her again, feeling her eyes looking upon his again, seeing that peace in her eyes. When she closed her eyes again he pressed his lips to her, and closed his own eyes, sharing a midnight kiss with her. -


Date: 2007-03-29 14:55 EST
::Willow shifed in to that midnight kiss,turning in to his arms and that embrace.HHer hands moved over his shoulders then,savoring in that kiss,in that peace she felt in his arms.A peace she'd long forgotten::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 16:02 EST
- And Ghallon continued the kiss with her, before slowly pulling back from it. - Let's retire for the night..we have a long hard road ahead of us. - He'd softly slipped into the bed with her, before falling asleep together, and once morning cane, they could really start the long road to gainning the peace they both wanted. -


Date: 2007-03-29 16:29 EST
:;Willow would lay there beside him, and get some much needed sleep.When the dawn broke again the city belwo would fill witht he sounds of the people working and those soilders going through their moning drills. Willow stood now perched at that window,dressed in her classic warrior way,form fitted black pants and tall boots, a form fitted shirt her hair long down around her shoulders.Crendia would have peace, the people would not have to suffer war again she hoped as she pressed her hand to the glass of that window.A lone tear slid down her cheek,so much pain held with in her, weight upon her shoulders...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 17:36 EST
- And Ghallon would be right there by her side, dressed in his usual..all white priest like outfit. He glanced to her, and notice the lone tear, before softly using the back of his fingers to wipe that tear away. He knew she was holding back many years of pain...but she had something to look forward to now..Peace. -


Date: 2007-03-29 17:44 EST
:;Willow leaned in to that touch of his fingers upon her cheek,and smiled to him,taking in a deep breath:: Forgive me ::looking to him, with that dim smile,her hand still pressed to that window, the land below was peaceful,and she felt some sort of peace too,as she gazed to him:: I do not feel as though I am my self

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-29 19:01 EST
That is are starting to feel at peace, Willow. - He smiled softly to her, as he continued to caress her cheek with the back of his fingers. He would then take her hand into his, and lead her out of the room, so they may start the day together, helping their people to rebuild and protect their lands. -


Date: 2007-03-30 15:22 EST
::So it was down to business again.Willow was wondering the city streets talking to the villagers now,seeing of what help she could be to them,not so much as a goddess but more as her self.She watched the people as they worked,and got her hands dirty.She could see Aaron and the rest of that force working through their morning drills there just beyond her temple...::

- And Ghallon was working right along side of her, with a hip nudge to her each time he pased by her with an innocent smile. He was continuing to help the people to rebuild their homes..using a bit of magic to make the more..heavier things lighter -

::Willow smiled to him as he hip checked her as they passed by she was on her way towards Aaron and those mena nd women of that new force to defend Crendia. She watched them as Aaaron called out commands,watching them go through their drills,and then smiling as she took point of taking over it a bit.:; If I may.. ::she stepped in to Aarons place as he fell in to the ranks::

- Ghallon looked over to her, with a smirk, wondering if she'd be shocked to see how well trained the men were that..were sent ny his little brother -

::She would smirk looking over the men there:; they are well trained I see :;looking to Aaron who just nodded:: I thank you all for coming to be the defenders of this land,I do hope that we will not have need for war,but battles may come again. ::speaking to them as a whole now:: as long as you walk under these colors,with the protection of this land and its people in your hearts,I shall protect you all...

And we shall protect you, the people and the lands! - The whole group said in unison. Ghallon grinned to that, before going back to helping the people. Willow would note..that it wasn't just men in her new army...There were women in it as well. -

::Willow smiled to them, yes she had noted there were women there as well,happy to see female warriors there,she then nodded to Aaron to continue witht he trainings, and she would walk off her hand idly grace the hilt of her long sword at her right,as she wondered back in to the town,back to helping rebuild the once great city::

- He was currently talking to a few of the locals know to learn where each city was, as well as what the trade routes were..-

::Those emerald hues gazed out towards that ocean there beyond where the ships with the people had gone,she knew perhaps beyond that ocean they had found something better than Crendia.She walked then to town giving asmile to each she passed, before stopping there at Ghallon's side as he spoke to the traders, there were only two near by towns,and one portal to the elven lands, which was closed at the moment... but perhaps Willow would open it again...::

- He nodded softly and thanked the two traders, not knowing Willow was there at the moment, as he was tapping his chn, with his gaze lowered, as he seemed to always be deep in thought. -

::She smirked to him:: deep thoughts?

Hmmm? - He looked to her, as that was a sure sign he was. - Didn't see you standing there.

::She smirked softly,and even giggled a bit:: you know some one could really sneak up on you when your like that :; a pressed hand to his shoulder:: what were you thinking about

- He chuckled to that, before stealing a light jab to her side, a friendly poke really - Just trying to learn more about these lands is all

:;a nod to that,poking him back softly:: well anything these villagers can not tell you or seeing them can not I can

- He nodded to that, and turned to walk, with her able to steal a glance to the sword that hung at his side. It seemed to have an...elvish aura to it - Walk and tell me?

::She nodded she noted that sword there at his side, seemed all most elvish in nature:: what do you wish to know

As much as I can about how this place used to be...before the wars and all - A soft glance to her -

::she nodded:: before the wars :she thought a moment:;oddly enough this land was once like rhydin is now... ::thinking of that old city she once loved:: they were connected back then and this was all rhydin... old rhydin... then magic came and this world Crendia split from that one and became its own,outside of Rhydin yet connected still... I was but a normal mortal woman when it all happened...a slayer with manyf riends and my own palce to call my own... but darkness came quickly in thsoe times... and sense then there has been war and battles and much blood upon these plains.... :

- He nodded softly to that, before losing himself in thought again - I many towans were there?

back then dozens... now are just three,that one::pointing back to that main city that they tended to:; one about four miles away and one further down the coast

- A nod to that - And..these - A glance over the shoulder - Is all the people left?

The people from this city left when the war ebgan on the rgeat ships,thsoe who didnt get out are dead, they fought Tancred and his little helpers as best they could but in the end it was the allies from GreenStone that saved us,only seven got out,shea and her friends... and those of darkenss survided to hunt again...

- He nodded to that, and jabbed his staff into the dirt, before reaching out... it was that same white glow she had seen he was pretty much making himself one with the search for anyone...that was out in the lands, good or evil..besides the ones in the town behind them. -

::Willow watched him brows quirked,the only people were miles away in toehr towns,or simple wanderers,willow had sensed no evil yet, but there was alway s the run of the mill deamons and vamps to hunt,people to save thw whole clal of duty that never died::

- He nodded lightly, before the glow faded -

::Emerald hues shifted over the lands, those grass lands green now, the trees and forests too:; war and battle has ever been upon these lands, the blood flowed like water here forever,it all began so dark person, one lie, one dark betrayal...

- He nodded softly to that again. - Maybe now...these lands will be peacefull..

:;She nodded to that:; it has long been my wish for that...

And is coming true..- A light nudge to her -

: ::she smiled to that nudge:: aye.. :: eyes closed for a moment,letting the years pass over her, the blood the death the war and battle,her own death,and her rebirth all ina flash of a memory...before she looked back tot he city, the towns folk were getting settled the new amies were aptrolling around the forests and down along the coast:; I was thinking about something....yet I am unsure if I should do it

: Reopenning the portal to Greenstone? - A side glance to her with an oh so innocent grin -

aye, i closed it,and i vowed not to open it, but if their is peace here now perhaps I could open it, though I am sure I will have some hard times explaning it to Shea....and the rest

- He nodded to that - But we have an ace up our sleeve. - He grinned, and turned to look out at the land. - We have Victor..

::Willows brows perked to that:: and how is he an ace up our sleeve exactly?

He knows what we are doing...- A glance to Willow. - and..he knows Shea wants to see this land restored...with his help...I do believe..that if you open the portal...they will help us as well..creating a three

way...alliance...Greenstone...Crendia...and Nosgoth...

:brows perked:; Nosgoth...?

Aye. - He nodded softly to that -

::Willow hoped as much,Shea had gone through so much hell ehre as had the others, but she knew a few llonged to come back Hinn, and Gretz and Zorin even,awaited for her to call them back...she would nod softly walking towards the woods:: and what is Nosgoth? :: as she wlaked to the place there the portal once stood::

Where I am younger brother is the ruler there. - A smile as he walked with her to the portal. - It is a lovely land...very beautifull.

::a nod to that:: I suppose there are places even I do not know of.. ::the portal back to the elven lands once stood there between two twin trees where now there were just shrubs.. Willow focused and trees rose side by side, a antural arch way of vines above them around their trhinks and across the ground then she would slip that swrod from ehr side and slide it acros sher hand,and toss her blood in to the part between the trees, the whole area pulsed with magic a moment as she muttered a few words,in latin no less,and then the portal would spark and come to life....leading back in to those Mith Woods of the elven lands:: I am going to get it when Shea sensed this portal....

Don't worry - A kiss to her cheek. - Victor will talk to Shea about it...

;a smile to that kiss as she sheathed her sword::aye he does have a way with words whe it comes to her,I am sure she will understand...

She will..- He smiled and took her hand in his, before turnning to head back. - Plus..Victor already knows what I am up to.. So...Shea will be jumping at the chance to help

:she smiled as she took his hand:: tis her way to help...::a bright smile, even though they were so differnt Willow felt as if Shea was some sort of kindred spirit...:: We may need all the help we can get,but for now tis peaceful ::emerald hues shifted looking over those woods,sort of feeling them out to amke sure nothing lurked there:: tell me about your home

- He chuckled softly to that - It is probably the size of..Greenstone..Rhy'Din and here combined...Sure we have the usual petty border fights..but all in all...a very beautifull land... centered around the pillars.

:nodding listening to him:: sounds like a great land, if it is that large, ::the elevn lands and rhydin togtehr were huge add in Crendia and you had your own side of the world::

- Pretty much the same with Nosgoth. - Aye...we usually keep it well - He really didn't need to say anything..Willow knew -

: ::she nodded to that:: aye I can understand that,you say your brother rules this place? ::a slight nod:: must be a hard job

- He nodded softly - is hard...- A glance to her - Just picture having the duties of a king to tend to. - He held out a hand in front of mean "King". - as well as the weight of the entire world, as well as holding back a sealed demons that want to destroy it...- Now moving his hand from signal that as well -

:willow nodded:: I can image it better than you might think...::a soft smile then:: one who is known as king with the weight of the world upon his shoudlers, and also must keep the balance and keep back deamons sounds like my life to date, though I am no king,yet in the same boat...

- He chuckled to that..before nodding softly - True...but here lies the difference..If you were to fall..another could step up...if he fell..- He summoned piece of the land up, and formed it into a small..but exact copy of his realm. - Checkmate...- And she'd watch the small world...start to if pure evil was taking it over -

:Willow nodded::I see, well a grave thing indeed...

well then perhaps a alliance would do some good for your home as well as for here

It will be good for all three..- A glance to her.. - I know Crendia and Greenstone...are allies...but brother would want to meet Salice...He's not all that trusting of other...kingdoms..

Willow nodded:: would he trust me? Salice is Queen of GreenStone but this not the only kingdom he would be allied with, hed have to meet them all, or trust in Salcies word...

Salice is the one he must speak for you...- He smiled and kissed her cheek. - He agreed to help you sending a small part of his own personal army..- Hince them being well trained -

:;she smiled to him softly:: I am glad he did that for me,but he did it for you,for you are family...perhaps I can thank him personally

He kissed her cheek again. - He knows what you went through...

: :she smiled again to that kiss:: does he now...well still, it would only be right to thank him...

I know...- He smiled before smirking as they continued to just walk -

::she walked with him, smiling softly:: it must be nice to have family...

Aye..- He nodded to that, before nudging her - you have family as well?

::she smiled: no blood family, a few new close friends...and the people I care for in the village

- He nodded to that. - Much like Victor..

:; a soft nod:; he has shea now,and they are to be married and all...I had friends and family long ago,long dead now, my only blood family died a long time son tis the most recent to add to that list....

well then he and I share a few thinsin home village ended the same way,I think maybe two other people got out,it was atatcked, and I was saved oddly enough by a vampire...

- He nodded to that - He was taken as a mere baby...and well...- He looked down - Lest just say...he hasn't lead the..easiest of lives,

:Willow nodded to that:: has anyone lead an easy life...?

He chuckled softly - Depends

::she smiled to him:: depends on what?

Well..some do lead easy lives..- A glance to her - Take a spoiled brat..they get everything they want.

;:Willow nodded:: aye yes.. well those are rare around here

- Ghallon nodded before taking her hand in his again -

;she took his hand and smiled softly::

- He smiled softly as well, with a soft squeeze to her hand, here and there -

::she squeeze his hand back softly,thinking back a long ways,to all those old times at ehr favored place with her friends... her hues looked down to her and she still wore that wedding band made of wood,aye wood,the one her elven love had giebn her,she let it slip down in to ehr hand and she pockted it::

- He noticed that movement, before looking back out to the he started to ponder..if he was possibly breaking up smething she already had -

:;she smiled softly to him, there was nothing to break,it had long been over and she had not let it go,but now she would she was here now, in Crendia,and things were gravely different::

- True..but still he was pondering on that -

He sighed softly and looked to her - I'm not...breaking up I?

breaking up anything? how so do you mean?

The wooden ring...

ahh yes, well was given to me,with a slight vow, but has been broken for a while now,that vow...

Ah..- A soft nod to that -

my life has been full of men who love me. and in the end it turns out most are not suited for me...:;a soft smile to him:: the man whom gave me that ring,as many of the othe rmenf rom my past he had a darknes sin him that I only helped arise..

Ah... I see..- He nodded to that, before slipping up to her, to hold her - <vsw> Everyone has darkness in them

;she leane din to him:: aye I know,even I do...but in the end it was best... he left.. my elven man, disappeared,i have been told by many that my blood is powerful, by demaon and vampire and all alike.. good and evil, but to him it was like... ::she shook her head softly:: .

Was like? - Nuzzling his cheek to her's -

it a rose the deamon in him,something that was bound by magic and the power of my blood be it the magic of it or the fact of who i am... it rose something in him that was darker than most things I have faced

I see. - He nodded to that, before shiftting to lean to her neck, before slowly, softly and deeply..inhaling her scent -

::her eyes fluttered a bit:: Vince once told me it was like drinking wine that was deeply laced with power and magic...::her scent was like no other, roses faintly,soft and light, like the wild woods after a rain, and powerful as well:: does have that..scent to it. - He then leaned his cheek back to her's again, making no move to bite her -

;she smiled softly,leaning her cheek to his::after sammy and Is died I was the last true blood like me left,sought after for years by vampires and deamons, how odd that it was my lover that killed me... :: hueslooked to him, she noted he made no move to bite her::

- He nodded softly to that - You have nothing to worry about from me...I only attack when I must defend my self

:;she nodded to him softly:; I do not fear anything much any more, and I nae worry about you ::a soft kiss to his cheek:: vampire or not, I know not every deamon or vamp is pent on hunting me down to drink my blood and kill my friends...immortal life seems to have done that too me

True..- He nodded to that, before stealing a kiss to her neck, then slowly started to kiss it, just to playfully get her to think..he too was after her blood -

:she smiled to those kisses on her neck,her eyes fluttered softly,as she tilted her neck just slightly::

I take that as a yes? - Another kiss to her neck..just wanting to be sure. This would be interesting..Two very powerful beings...about to share..something both would concider..a lovng act -

::she gave him a soft nod:; aye.. :; tilting her neck more to that kiss::

- He nodded softly and allowed his silver wings to wrap around her as well. Silver hues closed, before softly and carefully bitting down into her neck, right under her left ear...then slowly started to drink from her -

her hues would flicker closed as she fel those wings wrap about her, and then she felt that sensation of his fangs in ehr neck and gave in to that rush she got from it,her hands came to rest on his shoudlers::

- And he slowly drank from her, as his eyes openned half way. Granted he was very old, but even he noted how...powerful her blood was, yet..nothing she feared happened...just a soft moment between the two. -

::and she was greatly enjoying that moment,hues closed breathless, nothing she had feared happened it was just a moment to savor,and so she did leaning in to those wings her fingers moving idly across one of them,as it went around her back,she could trace it towards her self and back to him:;

- And he continued to slowly drink from her, till she statred to run her fingers over his wings, getting him to bite down just a bit deeper, to drink a little deeper from her -

;a soft exhale left ehr lips as her fingers graced his wing, the other hands fingers clung to his shoulder softly,as those naturla magics rose all about them, she was deeply enjoying this:;

- As was he, yet she'd notice..that none of her magic seemed to slip by his wings...Looked like Ghallon had anticipated that her magic would flare up to this. -

::she did note that fact she didnt even have to open her eyes to note it.her fingers still moved over that wing the other moved up around the back of his shoulder pulling her self in an inch closer ::

- And to her continuing to caress his wing, and to her inching closer, he deepened the kiss a bit more, while helping her to slip closer -

:a another soft nearly unaudable moan escaped her lips,as her fingers of her left ahnd came to rest softly upon the back of his neck the other still moved across that wing of his::

- The fingers of his right hand, were making small arcanic designs on the small her back while his left hand, massaging the spot between her shoulder blades, not moving back from her just yet -

::her body shiverd softly at the feeling of his hands at her back and shoulder.She wasnt moving away any time soon, only closer as her hues blinked open and shut::

- He finally moved a hand up and around to play with the other side of her neck, letting his wings start to flutter against her back now -

::another shiver at that touch upon her neck,and another soft sutble moan...her fingers pressed to the back of his neck::

- And he deepen the kiss as full as he could now, to her pressing her fingers into the back of his neck, and continued to deeply, yet softly and slowly drink from her. It had been a while for him -

she smiled softly,it was obviosu to ehr that it must have been a while since he last did this,drank like this,those magics still flared around them as her fingers raced down and up the back of his neck::

Slowly he started to pull back from her neck, then licked those marks closed, before licking his lips. He then started to softly nuzzle that spot, a soft "Thank you" -

:;she smiled and nodded softly,as he nuzzled that spot::

<vsw> Very powerfull...yet very sweet...just like you. - Said into her ear. -

:;she smile and blushed at that:: (w) thank you

<vsw> Welcome. - He smiled and shifted to rest his brow to her's -

:she rested her brow to his and smiled still:; how long has it been for felt a long time... feeding wise... :;she knew her vampires well::

He smiled back to her - A few years...I have trained myself to eat..regular keep me going.. : - Try a few..thousands years...but he wouldn't say that -

::she nodded:; aye its become a great custom for vampires to eat normal food...::her eyes looked in to his::

Aye..- He nodded then smirked - Keeps me from going all..blood hungry.

:she smirked at that:: dont seem like the type to do that

That is because I have control of it..remember..I'm just a simple old man. - A smile to her -

ye arent old just well aged ;;a soft kiss to his lips then:: and simple is not the word for ye either

- He chuckled to that, and kissed her back softly - Thanks?

aye twas a complement... :a smile::

Uh huh..- He smirked..and seeing how he hand her trapped in his wings..he started to tickle her -

::she giggled softly::oh come on ::giggling:; you look good for your age... ::smirking::

So do you..granny. - He smirked and continued to tickle her sides -

granny :;giggling:: I am hardly that

:;she smirked to him:;I look good for my age,dont you think...::now tickling him back::

Hey! - he started laughing now with a nod to her question, now tickling her again -

:;she giggled softly:: hehe come on say it say I look good for my age... :;tickling him more::

- He shook his head, as he continued to tickle her back -

:;she smiled:;come on say it:; more tickling:; you know its true,I see the way you look at me,say it,come on ..:;tickle tickle up his sides::

He started to squirm now, as he stopped his tickling to try and grab at her hands -

:;she smirked to him and stopped tickly holding her hands out towards him:; give up?

- He took a few deep breaths, before smiling innocently..- Never

:;she smirked at him:: good :; back to tickling::

- And he started to tickle her gain -

:she squirmed:: come on ::she giggled, as she tickled him back:: old man, :: she smirked:; is that all you got... humm

granny! - He squirmed, and continued to tickle her back -

::she giggled::oh come on is this :;pointing to her self:; the body of a granny... :;tickle attack::

Hard to say. - A smirk, and tickled her again. -

: ::she smirked:; ohh really well whys that :;giggle fit as she tickled him::

- He leaned to her ear - Never seen you nude...

::she smirked softly:: would you like too? ::leaning in to his ear then::


::She smirked at that maybe:; well perhaps when that amybe turns to a yes, you will let me know...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 15:46 EST
I'll do that. - And so after walking around Crendia for the next few hours, with them spending some alone time together, and learning more about each other's lands, the two would retire for the night, sleeping out under the stars in each others arms. -

- Come morning, Ghallon was already up and helping Aaron with the placement of the guards, sending some out to guard the traders, as well as sending some out with letters to the other two towns, letting them know what was going on. -


Date: 2007-03-30 15:51 EST
::Come morning the goddess would be no where to be seen: In the wee times of the morning she had been there with him sleeping in his arms but when the sun rose to cast its warm glow upon the soil she was gone,only a flciker of wind and that ever lingering sense of her being there, even though she was not::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 15:54 EST
- And that had him worried a bit, to Willow just poofing like that, yet he knew she could take care of herself, and would call out to him if she needed his help. He guessed she had something private to take care of, and would be back later. -


Date: 2007-03-30 16:20 EST
:Private would not have been the word Willow used for this meeting::

Why did you call me here?

We need to discuss a few things

What is there to discuss?

::He shifted out of the shadows and stepped towards her:Will, come on its me... I know you too well to just think you came here idly,even when i called...

Jules.the time for all those lessons is long over now,if you called me here on Darins behalf, or even beacuse of anything in my past i do not want to hear it..

::He passed slowly around her:: Nae Darin did not ask me ehre, nor is this do do with anything in your past nor anything about your elven lover or any of these new things in your life ::a glance to those bite on her neck, then again to her:: Some one else called me here to call to seems you are harder to reach by old methods now in days...

::Emerald hue slooked to him:: who Jules?

I called you here goddess ::Hinn bowed low then...Willow hadnt even realized she was standing in the elven lands tills he looked ove rher shoudler to see that great elven cousnel house:: Hinn.. you called me here, on what purpose?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 16:33 EST
- Using a bit of his powers, Ghallon located Willow..and quirked a slight brow to sencing her in the elven lands..He knew it wasn't Victor...and that got him to wondering who it could be. He shook his head, and continued to help out the people...keeping a silent link open. -


Date: 2007-03-30 16:42 EST
My lady Willow ::Hinn bowed low:; I noted that you opened the potral again, and I was hoping that I could now come back to Crendia, there is nothing left for me here, I know where Gretz has been hidding, he wishes to come how as well,and Zorin well...

:;Willow held up her hand:; then go get Gretz and return to Crendia if you like Hinn. ::Emerald hues shot to Jules then::

::Hinn bowed and went off to find the master dwarf known as Gretz::

You did not call me all this way to speak to Hinn... Jules...

::He shook his head softly:; Nae I did not... how are you coming by? with this new weight upon your shoulders,this new world you are building from the ashes...?

::Willow smirked:; right down to business eh? Thjing are going fine Jules, Crendia is rebuilt the people return...and all will be at peace I dare say or at least hope for a while...

Peace has never been easy for you , I lied when I said I was not here tot alk about the past there is somehting yet to be done, Tancred and his allies are dead,and the lands healed in Crendia and here in thes lands yes :;he walked slowly,age was catching up with him, it was odd to Willow that he had lived so long, past the years of any normal man::

Aye but peace can be found....what past do you wish to speak of?

:He lened softly upon a tree:: Your son...

Shaun is dead Jules...

That is what you believe, that is what Darin made you beileve....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 16:48 EST
- Good thing he was listenning in, as homes for Hinn and the people he was going to be bringing, were starting to be built. He then blinked to hearing about Willow's son, and made a mental go "speak" to Darin later. -


Date: 2007-03-30 17:00 EST
::Willow looked to Jules her ever faithful friend and teacher:: Jules... what are you saying... is my son alive?

:;He nodded:: aye,Darin has been hiding him from you, that day when you were back in rhydin with your...with..Chrissium when you thought you found Shuan dead, it was a decoy...

::Tears ran downhehr cheeks, then fury filled those emerald hues:: Darin! Darin has been lying to me about my son, our son for ... ::she shook it off hardly surpised that the man who killed her betrayed her and turned against her had lied to her:; I forgave him, and everything and he...I'll kill him Jules...

:Jules tooka breath:: I told you to do that eyars ago, but did you listen no... the man kills you, he sets out with darkness whos forces killed everything everyone you loved..theres something else Will... and you wont like it...

I don't like any of this Jules ::looking to him with a breath:: what is it?


What about Vincent...I ahvent seen him in many years I didnt even know he was still

Oh hes still a round, Darin has been secretly hunting him,he thinks Shaun may be Vince's not his...

::Willow looked to Jules:; What.... ::those magics flared:; thats it.. I am going to go have me a talk with my former husband ...

Will wait.,... ::he held his hand out to ehr but before he could stop her she was gone:: Oh this isnt going to be pretty... no sir...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 17:14 EST
- And guess who was gone as well...Ghallon..had left before Willow did and was already there before her..and he was not to pleased. He was in full battle mode right his power seemed to nearly shave the very area they were in. -

Where is Shuan?! - This is a ground shaking booming voice. - I want to know where he is...right now...before I kick you ass all over the multiple!


Date: 2007-03-30 17:31 EST
::Willow appeared then feeling that ground shaking voice, she knew it,she walked with purpose:: and I will help him so help me god Darin....

::Darin smirked softly:: took Jules long enough to figure it out, hell took you long enough Will... I am not telling you want your son,you'll have to prove to me that hes mine....

::Willow glared fingers rested on the hilt of her sword, no it wouldnt do much damage to Darin not in his current form, but she could still kick his ass, immortal or not...::Darin so help me I will do everything in my power to kill you where you stand... tell me where my son is...

::Darins hues shifted to Ghallon: bring it on old man .. beacuse this is none of your concern

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 17:42 EST
- Ghallon slowly removed his cloak, before tossing it over to Willow followed by his staff. - I'll handle this..and he'll whimper the information. - Willow would note the white glow pulsing around Ghallon again, yet only she'd note it's strenght. Darin had push the wrong buttons. -

- His right hand then moved to his sword and slowly started to draw it..with those elven runes starting to pulse with magic. Ghallon woul dgrin slowly - I do hope you are worth it...because I'd had to waste energy.. - He then brought the sword up...letting the energy, stream off the sword, as it started to bounce around the room..Yup...Darin pushed the wrong elder vampire -


Date: 2007-03-30 17:51 EST
::Willow took hold of that stave and cloak and nodded, she so wanted to kick Darins ass all over hell and beyond but would glady watch Ghallon do it, feeling that power,knowing Darin had messed witht he wrong person::

::Darin watched this display and smirked softly:: I do not whiper.. ::he shifted his hands over his left shoudler to draw his own sword, willow looked to that sword and stood back in shock:: you should not have that! it was destoryed....

::Darin smirked as his hands gripped that mightly blade he had once killed her with it was pure now thanks to an elfs blood:: Aye suppsoed to be.. but not.... ::power pulsed about him as well, light and dark power,still so on the middle ground::

::She slunk back more holding on to Ghallons stave and his cloak she could alsmot feel that wound at her side again, and wodnered if some where Shea could feel it too,that balde that sword was the one thing that willow feared, it was the one thing that could still kill her even now...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-30 17:58 EST
How cute. - He smirked and once the light faded around his sword...Darin would feel tha same odd pull on his soul. It wasn't the Soul Reaver of Darkmere's...It was Ghallon's own version of the sword. He then motioned for Darin to bring it, as he was about to get a crash how limited his ass was. -


Date: 2007-03-31 00:26 EST
:;Darin looked past Ghallon as he held that sword pointing it idly at willow, before his silver gaze tured to focus on Ghallon.He felt that pull on his soul, what little of it he had left. He made his way slwoly just walking ina semi-circle around Ghallon:: we dont have to fight you know if she will just tell me....::pointing that sword tip at Willow:; did you lie to me?

::Willow scowled:: burn in hell :: fingers gripped that stave of Ghallons which she held with her left hand her right hand still rested on the hilt of her long sword:: if I lied or not tis none of your concern where is my son?

::Darin smirked and looked to Ghallon,he had seen those amrks on Willow neck:;always with the vampires what is it with you and vampires...

::Willw glared now, one of those if looks could kill moments::

::Darin smirked,swinging thats word around just for looks and to taunt willow, he didnt want to fight mr. uber vamp he wanted to fight her:: Tell you what Ghallon ::looking back:: you can wipe the floor with me after through with ehr, hows that for a deal...?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 00:57 EST
No. - He smirked before darting towards Darin, moving in a blur. Darin might be a "god", but he had pissed of the wrong vampire now...Darin better hope Ghallon does land any soild blows, or the fight would be over quick. Anyways, he blured behind Darin, to send a charged slash right up his spine. -


Date: 2007-03-31 01:04 EST
::Dairn turned at that blur and rose his sword to guard feeling the clash of the blade:: oh come on man :;bracing him self against that power:: I wont hurt her I swear

:;Willow was beyond mad right now,beyond fury those emerlad hues pusled with magics, both light and dark. She watched them begin their fight, for all she cared Ghallon could kill him as long as she found out where he son was...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 01:22 EST
- Ghallon didn't say a word, as he held the swords in place with one hand, while using his other hand, palm facing unleash a burst of mental power right into his face, trying to send him crashing into the far wall..that is..unless Darin moved. -


Date: 2007-03-31 01:32 EST
:: Nope he didnt move Darin got blasted in to the far part of that room they stood in, his kingdom for godlyness,or what ever he called it. His nose dripped blood,as did the corner of his lips,he sneered it had been a long time since he had to fight anyone, he rose back to his feet liftinf that sword from the ground where it had slid. He walked slwoly back to Ghallon then stopped he was going about this all the wrong way.He smirked almost darkly at that thought as he moved quickly up behind Willow and pulled her back by her hair::

::Ghallons cloak and dtave went flying, as she felt that tung on her hair, right back in to Darins grasp:: you know if you piss him off much more or me for that matter:; breaking from his grasp with a wicked kick and spin which tore her hair shorter.She didnt even wince:: you atatck me,and I'll kill you Darin..

::He smirked at that her strands of hair in his hand:: then you'll never see your son again...

::She sneered at him:: whats gotten in to you? ::looking to him he seemed different, yes he always had that dark side to him,but... there was something else:: Tancred did something to you, even in your malcie in the days in the past you were not this wicked...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 01:39 EST
- And he would appear infront of Darin, in a fool him...while the real Ghallon appeared behind him...looking for a knockout strike to the back of his head, with his staff. Hey...Ghallon said he'd get Darin to tell them where Shuan was...Mind reading counts -


Date: 2007-03-31 01:50 EST
:;Darins thoughts indeed were focused on where Shaun was: It was a wide open field some where,it could have been Rhydin or Crendia, the view was emmense... the trees large no city in sight, it had to be some where in Crendia, and then bink right on his ehad he was hit so much for the all mighty Darin KOed in a moments time...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 01:55 EST
Kill him. - He smirked and walked over to Willow, with a smirk on his lips, before slipping his own sword into her hands. - Meet me at your tower..and make food for a guest - A wink to her, before disappearing -


Date: 2007-03-31 02:08 EST
::Willow looked to Darin KOed and nodded to Ghallon:: A quest...:: but he was all ready gone she looked to Darin and then to that sword.She then took it up in to her hands.Thats word pulse din her hands:: I promsied Shea that this sword was gone... she killed Raevyn with it and it should have died with her :: the blade pulsed a few times then shattere din to peices:: Not even the gods could fix it now

::She unsheathed her long sword from her side: your right, hes not yours,Shaun wasnt yours, I think you always knew that,I forgave you for killing me, for turning on me.... but not any more.... its done.... :: she lifted her sword and pushed it down through his chest and a powerful rush of magic raced up through the blade an din to her hands and through her body... her eyes went silver for a moment.... before Darins body that shadowed form of his immortal shell seemed to elap in to the clouds around them, the whole building started to fall that immortal place..::

::She sheathed her sword then diappeared back to ehr tower to make food for three people, hoping that Ghallon knew where her son was...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 02:18 EST
- And in a flash of white light, Ghallon appear in that exact field, and started to look around - Shuan! I was sent by your mother...the goddess Willow to bring you home...If you are here...I mean you no harm. - Speaking just loud enough for him voice to boom a bit...just to make sure he was heard. -


Date: 2007-03-31 02:26 EST
::Shaun was sitting below a tree he heard his name being called.He rose and walked a ways then h e saw Ghallon:: My mother....::looking perplexed:: How can that be he said she was dead...

::Shaun looked to be about 20 if human years meant anything in Crendia or any where else these days, but he was older than that for sure. Dressed like a warrior, yet with a long coat, his hands in his pokctes,his hair was short and darker brown almsot black in fact his eyes were dark as well, that was the clue.. Willows eyes were green Darins had been blue in his human years.... there was something about the young man,he seemed nothing like Darin more level headed::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 02:38 EST
He lied to he lied to your mother...only by the help of an old friend of your mother's did we find this out.. We both confronted him...I got your location..with your mother killing Darin..and destroying his sword... I am Ghallon..I am with your mother now.. - He seen no point in lying to Shuan, so in typical Ghallon fashion, he was blunt with her son..letting him know all that. -

Your mother and me..rule the land now..with her openning the portal to the elven well as there being another oe in waitting to my create a three way alliance..Crendia is slowy rebuilding..and in time..we hope it will be strong well as having peace... Come your mother is waitting..I do not wish to keep her waitting..

- He then openned a white portal, allowing Shuan to see his mother..inside the town making food for their arrival. Ghallon would let Shuan enter first before following him. -


Date: 2007-03-31 02:42 EST
::Shaun nodded along through most of that udnerstanding only about half of what he said, he had no clue about the elven lands? what where those, and Darin was dead, he was very confused now. Darin had lied to him and to his mother,well now he could take that in, he knew their story,his father was a wicked man...:; all right... :; with a nod and trusting in Ghallon who'd been blunt with him, he stepped through the portal::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 02:47 EST
I'm back! - Called out to Willow, before ducking off to the side with a nod for Shuan to stay where he was, so when Willow came into the room..her eyes would lock onto Shuan first, with Ghallon standing off to the side. -


Date: 2007-03-31 03:04 EST
Oh good...::Willow pasued mid step;;Shaun....

::He smiled brightly seeing her....::

::they would embrace::

Mother... your alive?

Yes my son alive and well and you are too :: smiling as she hugged him close looking to Ghallon, there was nothing she could tell him to say how much this meant to her::

Mother... I am very confused about all this... ::Looking to her then Ghallon::

, ::shifting her fingers through his hair::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 03:22 EST
I'll let you two talk. - A bow of his head, before slipping into another room, to put the staff, cloak and sword up..then slips into the kitchen, to finish dinner... He knew Willow would say something to him later, just right now..he wanted Willow and Shuan to be alone it had been a long time. -


Date: 2007-03-31 03:25 EST
::And after a very long time of talking and many wquestions Shaun had some since of what had gone on, and he now knew the truths about many things, the formost was that darin was not his father,which he took in with a great stride,it seemed soothing to him to know that.He took in all the history and all the new things, about the levn lands and this new Crendia... and everything he had missed while Darin had been hidding him he also found out about who his real father was and all the rest.It tooka while but byt he time dinenr was served all was well again...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 03:32 EST
Dinner is served. - A smile to the two as he waited for the to sit down, before fixing them a plate, and a drink..setting it before them, then fixed his own, before joinning them. - I take it..everything is alright now?


Date: 2007-03-31 17:10 EST
::Willow nodded softly smiling to Ghallon:; Aye all is well now

:;Shaun seemed to be ina more understanding stte of mind::It was hard to believe so much has happened I had no Idea..

::Willow looked down to that food,it had been a long time since she'd sat down to eat::.

:;Shaun smiled softly to Ghallon:;Thank you...for eveything...

:;Willow smiled softly, she had been very blunt and truthful with ehr son,about everything,the past the battles and war and everyhing about Darin.It would be up to her to find Jules again and see if she could speak to Vince,not exactl knowing where he might be:: Let eat shall we? ::Digging in,savoring each bite::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-31 17:28 EST
Welcome. - Ghallon smiled to Shuan, before noddign to Willow. It was really just a simple meal, nothing all that fancy. He slowly started to eat, with a glance to Willow and Shuan, every so often, just relaxing after the day's events. -


Date: 2007-04-01 01:00 EST
::Willow smiled brightly,as she ate,sipping that drink and glacning to her son.He looked not a day older than 20 but she knew he was,perhaps part of that imortal nature had brushe doff on him,she just starred at him,as if she hadnt seen him forever and in all truth she had not...she remembered the day that Darin took him away on that mission....not long after that she was killed...and all thing changed...emerald hues glanced to Ghallon...there were no words in elvish,common or any other language she could say to tell him how much all this meant to her.... so for now she just smiled and ate enjoying this time::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-01 01:19 EST
- He smiled softly as he watched the two, before looking to Shuan...both would notice that fatherly type look, as Ghallon watched the young male for a moment, then to Willow again. A soft shake of his her..letting her know she didn't have to thank him, it was something he wanted to do. Time and time again, he had proven be the man she wanted to be in well as the type of man..she seen herself ruling with. -


Date: 2007-04-01 01:43 EST
::Willow finsihed her food:: very good

::Shaun was half done as well, nodding as he chewed,he had nearly inhaled the food...:: very good indeed :; after he swallowed::

::Willow nodded:; thank you, its been awhile since I cooked anything, did everything come out all right?

::Shaun nodded:; aye mother it did...::his gaze looked to the window then, as he softly excused hims elf from the table to walk to it::

::Willow watched him a moment,stanidn after as well:: Below lies Crendia,you may stay here as long as you like Shaun....

::He nodded:: I would like to stay, so that we may.. discuss things further I would aslo like to meet these allies.. of yours...

::Willow noddeD:; I shall arrage something

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-01 01:49 EST
I'll handle that. - A smile to Shuan and Willow, knowing the perfect day to just..."show up". He then started to clean the table off..letting them have a little more time together. Hey...he knew when to keep quiet and let people have some space. -


Date: 2007-04-01 01:55 EST
::Willow nodded to that:: There is a room down stairs all for you,and you shall recognize a few faces here.... Aaron for one...:;a smile:: any perhaps you will elarn to like our new allies, there ar e a few young men about your age, you could make friends and everything...

::Shaun nodded:: aye., yes does sound good, I think I shall go and try to get some :; he hugged his mother and held a hand out to Ghallon to give hima frim shake before heading off out of the room::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-01 01:59 EST
- Ghallon looked to Shuan's hand for a moment before pulling the boy into a hug. It would probably shock Shuan, but he got a hug...a fatherly hug, his way of letting him know...he wanted to be his father.. After a moment..he'd slip from Shuan, with a pat to his shoulder, then watched him slip off to bed. -


Date: 2007-04-01 02:05 EST
::Ghallon would get a hug back, aye it shocked Shaun but the hug was returned. Before he would slip off to had been a very long day::

::Once they were alone Willow smiled to Ghallon and embraced him tightly:: you have no idea.. how mcuh this means to me ::she with drew form that hug and kissed him, and not just a lite little kiss a deep full bdoied pasisonate kiss::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-01 02:10 EST
It means the world to you. - He smiled softly as he hugged her back.. - All childern mean the world to their Shuan means the world to us. - Yes he said "us", before getting kissed. She actually caught him off guard with that deeply passionate kiss, but it was returned none the less. -


Date: 2007-04-01 02:15 EST
::She had heard that us,and took it in as she ksised him.,before with drawing softly:: Shaun means the world to us... :: brighlty smiling to him, she had seen that hug and those looks Ghallon gave to Shaun.:: Aye it means the world to me...thank you...::another soft kiss::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-01 02:21 EST - He smiled and kissed her softly again, before resting his cheek to her's and closed his eyes. He'd do the dishes in a bit, as right now he was enjoying that soft embrace. -


Date: 2007-04-02 01:27 EST
::Her arms were wrapped about him tightly,not so much that she would hurt him but ina loving sort of way,her cheek to his, her smile never seemed to fail for a moment:: Ghallon... ::pulling back only slightly,she gazed to him with those emerald huesnae he was not Shauns father and Vince was alive some where out thereand yes she would find him and tell him the truth... but she also knew he was a different man now than he had been before... if she could even find him at all that was,she wnated Ghallon to stay with her, to be that us... with her,to be even... a father figure to had never been kind to her, she wasnt sue what this was,but she didnt want to lose it::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-02 01:32 EST your worries...I know it is hard..but do try. - He smiled softly to her, and continued to hold her, making no move to slip from her. He knew she wanted to tell Vincent about Shuan, and he wouldn't interfer with he knew Vincent had a right to know. -


Date: 2007-04-02 01:38 EST
::She rested her head on his shoudler nodding softly,she would psuh thouse thoughts from her mind,and just stand there in that embrace,slowly giving in to the day that she had yes even she a goddess got tired at the end of her day::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-02 01:44 EST
- And he continued to hold her for a while, untill sencing she was starting to get tired, before sweeping her up in her arms, and carried her to their bedroom -


Date: 2007-04-02 01:48 EST
::sleep would surly follow one of those restful sleeps that just feels so right.Nothing out of sorts and ntohing upon a busy mind but sweetd reams and soft cushions::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-02 01:52 EST
- Not to mention she had Ghallon sleeping with her, within his arms and wings, for added warmth and comfort, as he to fell to sleep along with it had been a long tiring day for them both-


Date: 2007-04-02 02:05 EST
::Aye who could forget Ghallon there sleeping next to ehr his arms and wings around her in comfort she lied.A smile pon her fair features reasting easy.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-02 02:09 EST
- Nor could we forget Willow, a match to Ghallon, as both were sleeping peacefully in each others arms..allowing the other to relax them into that peacefull sleep -


Date: 2007-04-05 00:11 EST
::Willow woke the next morning aftera night of very restful sleep,streching her fingers and toes,bright emerald hues looked to Ghallon with a soft smile before she rose from bed and crossed to go take a shower::

::It was one of those showers where she just stood there running that highly coveted soap over her body flicking it between her fingers as the buddles rose upon her skin. Hair long and wet drapped over her form like some mysic mermaid as she dipped her head under the fall of warm waters,eyes closed. So much had ended with her killing Darin, tears started to flow from her closed eyes as she stood there the water falling down over her::

:: stepping away from the water then turning it off stepping out to graba towel and dry off,before getting dressed for the day,she had big plans today.She would have to find Jules,he would be the one person that knew how to find Vince. She also had plans to spend time with ehr son,today after her meeting with Vince....::

::dried off and dressed now in her classic Willow way, hair slightly wet and curly.,as she stepped back in tot he bed room::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-05 18:53 EST
- Ghallon continued to sleep, when Willow slipped from him, before the running water slowly woke him up. He laid there a moment, as his mind went over the events of the last few days. The death of Darin...finding Shuan, as well as Willow's plans to find Vincent. He would slip out of bed and stretch, and made the bed up. -

Morning. - He smiled and caught her as she stepped back into the bedroom, with a soft loving kiss to her lips. He'd linger there for a moment with her, before slipping into the bathroom to take his own shower. -


Date: 2007-04-06 00:15 EST
Morning... ::said watching him go back to take his own shower,smiling a bit more before she would slip out of the room and go to prepare breakfast for her two favorite men,her son and Ghallon. She smirked the whole way down to the kitchen before staring breafast up::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-06 00:22 EST
- After his shower, he slips out and drys off before getting dressed, then heads out..with a knock to Shuan's door, to get him up. He then heads to the kitchen to set the table for Willow, as well as fix three glasses of juice for the three as well -


Date: 2007-04-06 00:34 EST
::Willow came out setting the table with Ghallon placing a peck or two to his cheeks as they apssed, and smiling to ehr son as he walked in tot he room:; Morning Shaun...

::He yawned and smiled to her:: Good Morning... ::sitting down at the table slowly::

::Willow served breakfast to Shaun then ghallon then a plate for her self before sitting down.. smiling softly,before taking a slow drink of juice: Shaun I was thinking after I return today that we could have some time together yes?

::Shaun nodded mouth full of food now,chewing and swallowing before he would answer:: yes, that would be very nice mother,I was going to looka round the Village maybe meet up with Aaron?

::Willow nodded chewing:: aye ::swallow:; that sounds like a fine plan... ::continuing to eat::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-06 00:48 EST
- For the most part, he quietly watched the two as he ate, already knowing what Willow had planned before looking to Shuan. He smiled to seeing that he wasnted to spend time with his mother, as he took a sip of his juice, and continued to eat. -


Date: 2007-04-09 00:36 EST
::Shaun would be off as soon as breakfast was done thanking Ghallona nd his mother both ebfore heading out in to the village below.Willow would watch him go ,before Turning to Ghallon:: Ghallon... :: her words would travle like soft leaves upon a spring time breeze,once he turned to face ehr she would softly,lovingly almost kiss his cheek:: I sha;; be back ebfore dusk,keep an eye on Shaun for me ::a soft kiss to his lips then before she would fade ina splendor of white light::

:: Some where miles away not even in the lands of Crendia any more but some where between old rhydina nd new, some where hidden,yet not yet in those elven lands of GreenStone and the beyond Willow would appear, ina forest that looked very old... trees tall, braches bare, where ever she was seemed to almost transend time.She walked dressed inher classic wears , a V neck shappire blue shirt,form fitted, black form fitting pant ttall balck boots that woven silver and balck belt where hung a dagger and that long sword as well as a shethed satake any slayers main weapon, now around her neck she wore somehting esle, a cross,of silver and sapphire,small yet lovely hanging there against the dark locks of her brown hair. She walked with t e strides of a hunter,ever watchful as she amde ehr way to an over grown Manor house, where she knew she would find her long time tutor and mentor,Jules. Tough now she was ageless he had aged some,but time it seemed the powers that be kept him there.::

::She apssed through the veils of vines towards the door and it oepned from with in, the tall ebaugy with dark skin and hair stood there,looking as if she had not aged a day,it was Kathryn Jules's long time love. Still abring the mark from Vince that day of the "attack". Willow knew much now she had known most of it for a very long time. Being the slayer wa slike being two people, there was Willow then there was the slayer. Hw many times had those paths cralshed then there was that amgic in her blood, those mage like powers, witches , she had been claeed a witch by many but had often consitered her self a mage.::

::Now as she passed with in that monor that ahd not changed since the last time she saw it with mortal eyes. Or as mortala sigth as a slayer could bear she walked the long corridor to that study where Jules awaited her. his timeless round glasses upon the desk before him, his dark hair a bit grey now, a few worn and torn signs of age, scars and wounds that wouldnt heal even with her light touch now.:::

::He cast his hues to her and smiled:: All is ssaid and done I felt it... Darin?

Dead :: Willow replied on her way to elan upon that old arm chair,that ahd been refurnished at least dozen times now, now sporing a leather look::


In Crendia,with Ghallon and the others... I come here seeking his real father....

Vince... ::Jules nodded: even with all your forsight you can not feel him?

I feel him ::touching those wound long heal on the right side of ehr neck, Ghallon had chosen the left side to drink from newer healing wounds there,that willow did not regret:: I always feel him but I can no longer sense him as I once did... hes not any where near here...

::Jules nodded:: here :: handing her a rolled peice of paper and a note:: follow this map, use not of magic go by your old ways, trust in your feelings,and perhaps he shall be there, are you sure Darin didn't :: Jules made a little staking motion to his heart::

If he did.... then there is no magic and nothing I could do...But I must find him if I can... Darin is dead,the sword gone for good now, but I still feel it Jules...

The lingering darkness, aye, it hangs over Crendia,The Elevn alnds anf Rhydin.. ;like a looming cloud the time will come again to fight....but it is not now.... there are new allies,and more wars to be had, but for now follow the map and his note ::sitting now::

::Jules nodded: you forsight serves you well now
::Willow nodded:: Thank you my old friend....

::He smiled:: Will....

::She looked to him:: Aye?

Do you love him?


No... Ghallon...

::Willow blinked at the question:: is love something a goddess a slayer can have Jules, for if it is I have only known true love once.... I do not know if it is love,though I do long to be at his side for him to help me restore Crendia,some part of me wonders why for evey man I have ever loved why it was they always changed.... Vince never really did I did....Darin,James,Chrissium.... I long so much to be at peace Jules,happy....loved,and to know it. To thinkt hat the goddes sof light love and healing knowns not of love curretly,is a sad thought. I look to Shea, who is so soon to be wed, and so ahppy no w with out doubt,and it amazes me...her stregth her power, her heart... I once knew love yes, Vince loved me,he always has, it was I that turned hima way, it was the things I ahd to do, that made him leave....part of me loves him still after over one hundred years of afterlife,of goddess hood...Ghallon is a good man, vampire or not.... yet I dont know anything about him, but I wish to....

::Jules nodded:: Aye, well now... go find Vince....I shall a wait you here?

::Willow nodded and headed back towards the door and out in tot he woods first reading that note as she stepped out the door::

"Willow my dearest Slayer,

If you are reading this it means we have been parted for a while,yet by the graces you seek me.

Look to the map, follow your heart.

There is a place long ago that we were,we amde love there,more than once, our son.I know him well, he was conceved there.Go there first...
there you shall find another clue, this is no normal hunt my love, be ready be on your guard, remember a slayer must always have her weapon ready, a vamppire al lready has theirs...."

::The cryptic message led her to opent hat map, old map it was indded, yet she would not need it really, she would walk from that manor, not using her goddess magic only the widns to carry her along the path following her long time insticts towards that place in the message::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-09 16:32 EST
- Ghallon smiled to Shuan as he headed off, with a bow of his head in return for the thanks, before starting to clean the kitchen up. He paused and looked to Willow upon hearing his name. - Alright...just be safe Willow. - He smiled to the sound of her voice, before kissing her cheek back then watched her disappear. -

- Once he had cleaned up the kitchen, he slipped out as well, and walked up to Shuan's side, giving the young male a squeeze to his shoulder, before starting to help the people out for another day. - I want you to know..that I really do care for your mother..and would do anything for her..and for you. - This said to Shuan when he had a moment to speak to him.-


Date: 2007-04-10 00:42 EST
::Shaun nodded softly,looking out over the village then back to Ghallon:: I can see that you make her very happy ::he smiled softly:: there is something you can do for me,She told me a little bit about these allies of ours yet some how I am lost about how exactly these elves came to be our allies... do ye know anythign more about it?


Date: 2007-04-10 00:45 EST
Some where beyond the lands of Crendia

::Long ago this place was a house, a manor a home ina way, no matter how dark it was. His sancturay. Their place. Now stones fell down to the ground and vine grew in through the old broken windows, no one ahd lived there in ages, a restless time peice,keeping track of once was. She walked through the archway thatw as once the door and those emerald hues peered through the subtle dark looking for that clue, anothe rnote something that would tell her where to go next::

::The old building smelt of ash and soot, the embers of the hearth warm still, someone or something was here.::

Slayer.... :: a hiss of avoice seeped from the back of the room where Willow stood.::

Thats me... ::Willow replyed,immortal or not,that hiss sent a chill through her body::

Its been a long time :: bright hues opened staring at her glowing a almost feral blue grey in the darkness::

::Willows hand inched along the hilt of that silver long sword:: why dont you come out here so we canhave sme sort of proper reuninon

::Then flanking from the sides of the room came six vamps, then the bright blue hued one stepped out,a tall female vampire,long dark hair,dark eyes::

Alex... ::the name rolled off her tongue, in the days afterRaevyn and after she had died, Willow had returned to the alnd of men,a goddess yet still the slayer, and she had come across a new band of vamps. They worshiped pagan gods of death and darkness,thier memebers mostly females, but a few males had since joined the ranks by the looks fo thsoe six about her, three male three female. ::

::Alex was their learder,an ancient by now,it had been many years since then, and back then Alex had been strong she looked more so now, her body well tone like she had been awaiting this day. But Willow was not the smae as she was back then either, stronger more pwoerful now. Wilow looked to the vampire:: I should have kileld you a hundred years ago.

::Alex smirked holding up a peice of paper between her fingers:: you lover leaves things in bad places his home is now my castle...

::Willow sneered at her:: if you want a fight you will have one

Fight you, ha, your a goddess now, you can not die, yet mmm I bet your blood is even better now, tell you what if you can kill my minions with out using magic of any kind I will give ou your lovers note....hows that sound?

Fair to me ::Willow focused, she couldnt use magic to fight or defend but that was why she came so well armed, it had been mnay years since a fight like this, she would have to hone in to those old trainings Jules had given her, to kill these vamps.::

::Three rushed at her the three women first, bared fangs and claw like nails ripping fo flesh and fabric. began::

::It was three on one, they roudned her snarling baring their fangs. Willow watched them,hearing Vinces voice in her head. "a slayer must always be able to use her suroundings, don't forget that." Willow focused on them on the room, a fire place embers going cold, no wodden things in sight,save for the small coffee table in which Alex had rested her feet as she sat back in that leather chair to watch. Willow had a sword and two daggers and three stakes. And a few good old fashioned moved that would not require magic.::

::One fo them rushed at her then,claw like nails bared ripping through the fabirc of Willows shirt,no blood though.::

::Willow spun her boot coming across the female vamps face,with a sppater of blood, a broken nsoe for sure. with out the powers of a goddess with out ehr mage like powers from her early yeasr she would rely on those skills of a slayer,she didnt need magic.::

::The female flew in toa thud upon the floor the other two moved in Willow focused on the one on the right, a fast and wicked back hand,a soft crunch of bones,as the vamp thuded to the floor. Willow then spun as the other female lungded at her, knocking her back to ehr back along the floor, it was wooden, willow cloud use this, with all the power she could muster Willow kicked the vamp off her towards the wall,thuding her feet tot he floor,as the female vamp fell the floor splintered under her and poof, asha nd dust. One down, the other two moved back in, Willow was tired of games::

::She drew one stake and sent it flying in to the ones herat puff dust, rolling across the floro she even ahd time to grabe that tossed stake and sue it on the last of the females as she rushed back in at her,puff dust::

::Three down three to go::

::It was the mens turn, they were all tall and handsome, it was something about vampirres now and alwyas they fed off the young and lovely for thsoe made the best vamps, the old were fed off of but never tuned it seemed, Willow had never come across a old vampire in her history... some with silver or even grey hair but they didnt look old...::

:: The male vampes move din one at a time, first up was the shortest of the group, he was about Willows height maybe even an inch shorter,they went right down to it, and he even got ina few punches, those would leave some less than desired marks.::

:;But he dusted like any other vampire, the next one moved in,kicks and puches thrown and landed as they moved around the room,rolling tot he ground,he even snagged her hair at one point tossing ehr back to the wall with a soft crunch of bons sin her shoudler, but he duested too just like the rest as thsoe insticts took hold, it was kill or eb kileld like it was long ago, one left. That one took advantage of knowing his now dusted comrade had hurt her shoulder and he grabbed ehr arm and dislocated it with a loud pop, Willow winced and back handed him and tossed him over her shoulder with her good arm, and stabbed him through the back with ehr stake, poof dust::

::She craddled her right arm and walked over to Alex holding that tip of that silver sword to her neck:: my note...:: Alex nodded and slid it on to the table willow bent alittle and lifted it up and stuff it away,she then rammed her sword through Alex's arm:: something to remember me by...:: turning to leave then as Alex screamed as the blade was with drawn.::

::Willow sheathed her blade and wlake dout the door opening that note::

"Down down, they go a stair case of stone, hidden they were, but we found them. hiden in shadow and dark they hid, but we saw them,look in those dark and dank shadows of those once cold stairs,to find... what blood does..."

::Willow closed the note and slid it in her bag to join the other, she knew where he was speaking of and would ehad there but first she reloacated ehr shoudler witha loud pop, and a soft wince,hoping to avoid any more fighting::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 00:47 EST
When war ravagled these lands..Shea..and her peopel from the elven lands, lead an army in help out..Once it was over...Shea and her family, where the only ones that survived from their lands. - A glance to Shuan with a smile, glad to see he wanted to learn more abouthis homelands. -


Date: 2007-04-10 00:57 EST
::Shaun nodded to that: I see,::looking about:: Mother told me these lands had been badly ravaged that few people got out ::looking to the village rebuilt:; do you have any clue where she ran off to this day? ::wondering now why she wasnt there with them::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 01:05 EST
She went to find your real father.. to tell him about you.Don't worry..she'll be fine - A smile to Shuan, before going back to help the people out, as he was hidding the worry that he had for Willow, but left his mind open to her...just incase -


Date: 2007-04-10 01:13 EST
My real...:: a breath then:: I am sure she will be fine:: as Ghallon headed off so did Shaun,off to find Aaron,to start his day,looking around these lands,so foreign to him,worry filled his face as he walked, for so long he had been parted from her, so much had changed in those years,so many eyars, she had died and become a goddess and now sought out his real father, who Shaun only vaguely remembered. In the back of his mind he hoped Darin hadnt gotten to him first...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 01:29 EST
- Ghallon looked over his shoulder to Shuan, before turnning around and coming up to his side. He didn't say anything, as he placed a hand to his shoulder for a moment, as he would spend the day with start to build a father/son relationship with him -


Date: 2007-04-10 01:39 EST
::Shaun looked to Ghallons hand upon his shoulder stopping cold in his tracks away, udnerstanding that the man wished to spend time with him, Shaun nodded softly walking with him now:: I worry for her...:; he would admit then,as his dark gaze scanned the landscape, over those training men and women of the armies::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 01:43 EST
So am I son. - He paused a moment, relazing what he just called Shuan just then, before looking to him with a light smile. He then looked back to the women and men trainning. -


Date: 2007-04-10 01:52 EST
::Shauns dark brows perked inwards, knowing he heard Ghallon right, his ears did not decieve him:: I worry what she might face,I do not remember my father,the man I thought was my father all these years was not,and now I feel as if she is in danger,I ahve not seen her for so long, I do not wish to lose her now again... :;he breathed out deeply:: What if Darin got to him first? What if its a trap?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 01:57 EST
Son...she will be fine...and if she gets into trouble..and needs help. - He reached up and tapped his temple, letting Shuan see that Willow could call out to him, if she really got into trouble..and needed help. -


Date: 2007-04-10 02:04 EST
::He nodded to that motion, some how he understood that, he also knew that if she did get in real trouble he would feel it too, he smiled softly looking to Ghallon. Shaun knew with out even looking that Ghallon wasnt human,Shaun wasnt human either son of vampire and a goddess, well Willow hadnt always been a goddess, but of a vampre and a lsayer with mage like powers,he looked 20 but was much older than that,his body had been well triend, Darin had made sure of that... yet he held a soft sort of wisdom, a sense of things like Willow had, a coolness,not too cocky,conifdent... yet balanced. Nothing like Drin,Shaun shook his head softly,shifting his ahnds in to his jacket pockets:: Ghallon...::dark hues shifted back to him then:: If I were to ask you soemthing would ye tell me the truth?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 02:14 EST
Aye..Shuan - He nodded softly, as he seen no reason as why he should have to lie to Shuan about anything. So he turned to face him, while he waitted for the question..or questions that was going to be asked. -


Date: 2007-04-10 02:31 EST
:: Shaun looked to him:: Your not human i can sense it... vampire? :: the first question in sorts though some how shaun already knew the answer:: You care for her, and she cares for you I can see it, how much do you care for her? :: Shaun wondered was this man before him in love with his mother, for he already knew from how Willow was around Ghallon that she was falling for him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 02:36 EST
Yes I am a vampire..and I love her help her with her enough to help her rebuild and rule here, to build a father/son relationship with her well as lay down my life for save her's..your's and the people of Crendia..if it comes to that choice. - Said softly and with a blunt truth to it, a he wasn't going to hide that he would give his life up..if it ment for Willow, Shuan and her people would live on. -


Date: 2007-04-10 02:45 EST
::Shaun nodded:: You love her... ::he smiled softly hearing that,taking in the rest then:: good... ::looking to him now,thankful that he had been blunt with him:: I would gladly build a relationship with you,Ghallon...::looking to him, no he wasnt his father, but a nobel man no less, willing to put his life dwon for willow for him for the people and these lands:: She loves you, I see it when she looks at you...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 02:56 EST
- He nodded to that, before smiling as he glanced out to the field. Shuan would finally see the worried look on Ghallon's he wanted so bad to go with her...but chose to stay behind, let her handle this trip on her own...while he looked over Crendia, her people and her son for her -


Date: 2007-04-10 03:07 EST
::Shaun saw that woried look upon Ghallons face,looking out over those lands,hoping some how that all would be all right, he clsoed his eyes, almost able to feel her fighting, where ever she was,feeling that power she gave off magic use or not...:: Shes fighting... ::He opene dhis dark hues looking to the lands laid out before him,wondering if Willow did find his father, what would come of it...?::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 03:12 EST
Aye. - A soft nod to that, before turnning more to face the lands, then looked to Shuan in the blink of the eye..- I need to go take care of something..Take care of things here for me? - His look was serious, as he senced the fight as well...but also senced Willow had been hurt during the fighting...which would hamper her...if she got into another one -


Date: 2007-04-10 03:18 EST
::Shaun nodded:: of corse :: looking to Ghallon then senseing his plan ina way, if his mother had been hurt duing that fight it might hamper her in any others then aagain she did heal fast, and then again she couldnt be kileld least not by any standards he knew of. Yet still, he knew something was not right::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 03:22 EST
I'll bring her home safely..once she is done. - He bowed his head to Shuan, before disappearing in a soft flash of white. He knew where Willow was, as well he again listened into her conversation, and would appear beside her, on the back of a beautifull white horse. Knight in glowing robes.-


Date: 2007-04-10 03:36 EST
"Down down, they go a stair case of stone, hidden they were, but we found them. hiden in shadow and dark they hid, but we saw them,look in those dark and dank shadows of those once cold stairs,to find... what blood does..."

::Emerald hues looked to Ghallon then there upon that white horse in glowing white robes:: You can not help me here Ghallon... I must do this task myself:: her arm ached, but otherwise she looked all right::I know your worried... but I must do this... ::emerald hues would then casta way from him as she walked on,towards that place in the note:: If it is a trap, I shall call for your aid, do not worry so much over me...

::Walking on she went, the wind through her dark hair, she looked back to him, yes she wanted his help, but she had to do this alone,trap or not. She walked on towards that tall tower of stone that stood in the distance,Willow feard no creature nor death.. yet she did fera dying knowing she would never have that time with her son, or the words to say how much she now cared for Ghallon... but she shook it off as she walked towards the tower,looking back over her shoudler to him as she passed with in.::

::Down the long steps deep udner ground, tot here it smelt of blood and stone,she had been ehre before a prison long ago,cell doors broken now, all by her hand long ago, rusting upon the dank floor. She walked back to the cell thatw a sonce her's and knelt down lifting up another note::

"you were never the only slayer, and here in this place many died... here is where you shall find me..."

::Willow slid that note in to her cloak and walked back out in to the woods, knwoing where he meant he meant the burned ruins of her once great inn, where those silvery grey tombs now stood for slayer and deamon hunter alike friend and foe fought and died there.... she would look back to Ghallon as she left the tower, casting hima sorrow filled look... before she walked on::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 03:42 EST
- He paused to that, before looking down a moment..He knew she wanted to do this all alone, and closed his eyes..hearing her walking off. He was frozen in place for the moment, then looked up to see her head inside, as well as when she came out. -

- Part of him wanted to do as she asked..the gentleman side of his was telling him to do just that, but he refused as he nudged the horse, and trotted up to her - As much as you wish to go alone..I can not leave your side.. I made a promise to bring you home safely...If that means staying here with you..after you told me to be it. - His voice was soft..letting her see that he wished to let her travel onward...but she knew him enough..that once he made a vow..he wasn't going to break it -


Date: 2007-04-10 03:49 EST
::Emearld hues looked to him:; you may come with me Ghallon but you can not help me, I know you shall not break your vow... I do not expect you to leave just to understand that this fight is mine, and you can not help me if one shall come,no matter what the odds are :: to be honest she was glad he was there, she didnt want to face this alone....::

"Alone.. theres that word again, who you are how'll you'll die" :;Willow wlake don with him totting beside her, towards that palce she had long ago called ehrs, it wanst too fara way now,emerald hues peered through the darknes sof the ngith taking in the scent of everything that wlaked under the night sky::

"You think you know what you are whats to come? you've only just begun" :: so many haunting words filled her mind, her memories flashed before her like some cryptic movie for her mind..::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 03:53 EST
- He smiled down to her, as they walked together, as he didn't agree to what she said. Granted..he knew this was her fight...but reguardless of that..if came to saving her life, he was stepping in..and he'd deal with her going off on him later.. -


Date: 2007-04-10 14:47 EST
::Willow walked slowly as the trees faded and the field appeared before her, her eyes closed tightly for a moment, gaining strength from some power with in before she walked on, towards the burnt ruins of her old Inn. Long ago the Rose Inn stood a stable of good service and long time frienship, it hasd been gone for many many years now, ash and soot, beams of wood and nothing more left save for the underground basement. Willow pasued as she came to stadnd beside what once was a great tree, now only a bunt shell of a stump, true she could have healed that long ago, but left it, there upon the earthen soil lie many silvery grey tombs, each one for a fallen friend... salyers,hunters and mages alike. Emerald hues closed tightly pushing back the tears, as she had scanne dover the names of her two best friends and their loves, their graves, stood there,vines upon them flowers there ever blooming...:: I never thought I'd come back here

::tears tinged her words as her hand rested upon the silvery tomb of one Samantha Lily Harris, the other hand rested upon the tomb that cold stone of one Isabelle Jean Thomas, tears chocked her words and Willow fell to her knees,sobbing openly::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-10 15:57 EST
- Once they reached the Rose Inn, Ghallon slipped off his horse, before walking around with her..looking over what had happened here. He stayed by her side, with him giving his own respect to her fallen friends. He then turned sharply and caught her as she started to fall to her knees, letting her bury her face into his shoulder to let her cry. -


Date: 2007-04-11 00:26 EST
:she burried her face in to Ghallons shoulder as she cried,openly,for the loss though it had happened so many years ago was so fresh in her mind.:

He's not here slayer :: a voice,rather famialr floated to Willows ears,she turned looking drying her eyes to see none other than Kathryn standing there::

Kathryn... ::Willow breathed:::

:she wlaked slowly to her and handed her one last letter:: here... Jules asked me to get this too you..

::Willow took it looking to the dark haired woman who she ahd long known as Jules's lover.:: Thank you...

::She nodded and turned and walked away::

::Willow drew her fingers across her cheeks,and opened the note::

"My dearest Willow,

I do not know how much time I have here,I ahve left this in plain view so perhpas you or Jules will find it. I have been hidding out in this basement for what feels like and age.Darin seeks me,he holds our son captive and I shall not endure it any longer tonight I leave here to find him. To find our son, to bring him some sense of who you were... who you are.

It surpised me to know that you had died, by his hand,I wish I could have been there to save you... but it seems you were saved by another power, that ahs made you a goddess,though to me you always were one.

I go to seek Darin out, it may very well be my death,if I go to it then please give our son this..

my love with you always


::A silver braided chain fell in to ehr hand, there upon the end hung that crest of Vinces family,criss crossed swords over ashild with what looked to eb a bat upon it... she had seen Vince wear that many times...more tears slid down her cheeks,in what dungens had Darin tossed her former lover in to, or was he now nothing more than ash... Darin was dead, there she could not find answers, but she knew who she could find answers from:: Its time to go dig up a very old relitive...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 01:03 EST
- And Ghallon would hold her while she cried, before letting her slip from him when Kathryn showed up. While he waited for the two to talk, and the needed item to be exchanged, he petted his horse. -

Where to? - A glance to Willow upon hearing her speak, before holding out his hand to her...hoping she would let him take her by horse back to the next stop. -


Date: 2007-04-11 01:08 EST
::Willow took his hand and slid up behind him mounted on that horse:: South East,if anyone knows Darin well it will be his brother... since I have no clue where to start

::she would let him take her by horse back it be easier than walking for sure::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 01:28 EST
Alright. - A nod to that before pausing to remount the horse, with him behind her make it easier on her, as they rode together towards the south east, with an arm wrapped around her. -


Date: 2007-04-11 01:34 EST
::Willow close her eyes softly as his arm wrapped about her, one hand on the reins of his horse as they rode south East. With any luck before the night would come she would have her answers, even if she had to beat them out of Darin's brother, which might be likely. She idly checked her weapons,two stakes, her long sword and two daggers, still doing good,she had opted not to use magic in the last few fights, but when it came to Darins family all bets were off::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 01:41 EST
- Ghallon placed a kiss to her cheek, as he softly held her back against him, as they rode out to meet Darin's brother. He had already guessed, the information would have to be beat out of the man...seeing how they had to do the same to find Shuan's location from Darin...when he was alive. -


Date: 2007-04-11 01:50 EST
::Willow smile d to that kiss on her cheek, even on horse back it would take a while and she wasnt about to have it be had in silence::I fear the worst ::looking down to that chian in her hands:: What if Darin did get to Vince first, then my son shall never know his father....::she breathed in deeply:: he barely knows me...some mother I am...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 01:57 EST
Willow. You are not to blame for this..Darin took him and hid him away from you both...He has paid for that crime..and if he did get to Vincent.. - He looked to her, as he softly turned her gaze to his.. - Then I will take his place as his father..and help you to be there for him, when he needs his parents.


Date: 2007-04-11 02:02 EST
::She nodded softly along with him,and when he turned her gaze to meet his emerald hues held a moment of surpise::Ghallon...::she breathed softly looing back in to his eyes::you would do that... ? ::emerald hues blinked softly as her fingers graced his cheek:: Ghallon....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 02:06 EST
I told you..when we found Shuan..that I would help you to be there for him as his well as to being there for whatever you wish me to be. - And before she could say a word, he kissed her deeply and lovingly, not holding back the growing love that he had for her. -


Date: 2007-04-11 02:11 EST
::she returned that deeply loving kiss,daring not to hold back from thsoe growing feelings she had for him,her fingers inched over his shoudler,as they kissed.'What ever you wish me to be' those words echoed in her mind as she kissed him back,her heart beat a million times faster than it ever had before.Even if Vince was alive some part of her wanted Ghallon to be that father figure to ehr son,w anted him, in so many other ways as well::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 02:17 EST
- And he wanted to be with her in many other ways as well, as well as being Shuan's father, but for now..he continued to kiss her, before softly breaking the kiss. - You may feel this is your do this all alone..but I am not going to let you face this alone..I told you..that we will face everything together..that includes this..

- And before she could protest, he kissed her deeply again, just to let her see..he wasn't taking "No" as an answer, as well as he enjoyed kissing Willow, letting her see how much he cared for her..and for her son -


Date: 2007-04-11 02:23 EST
::she took in hsiw rods witha breath, ebfore she could say anything he ksised her again deeply as before if not deeper.She enjoyed kissing him,enjoyed his embrace she let go,letting her feeling for him go back through that kiss they shared,she knew he cared for her and her son, but till then she hadnt been sure about anything,she would with draw from that kiss softly not to protest but to say::thank you... I do not want to face this world alone any longer,or this fight..

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 02:26 EST
Nor do I wish to face the world alone. - He smiled softly to her, before resting his chin to her shoulder, with his cheek against her's as they continued face the world together well as the up coming fight. -


Date: 2007-04-11 14:49 EST
::Willow smiled softly back to him before they ehaded on to the South East: Focusing on the fight that was sure to come Darins brother was younger and not mortal any more either,long ago powers of magic had taken the sorcer,made him immortal ina way different yes from she or Darin. But like anything else immortal he could be killed, Willow didnt want to have to kill him.:: James will be expecting us,be prepared, the last time I saw him I tossed hima cross his living room.. and in to a wall... ::Willow had to smirk at that, that was years and years ago back when she was mortal, or as mortal as a slayer could be::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 15:49 EST
I'm always ready. - He looked to her and smirked at her, then tickling her stomach while nuzzlig her neck, just being to lighten the mood a bit with her, before they had to deal with James. -


Date: 2007-04-11 15:59 EST
::She giggled to that tickle, as he lightened the mood before they would have to deal with James.Willow was preparing mentally it had been over a hundred years since she last saw James.No telling what he could do now. She remembered thier last encounter when she tossed him across that room,and in to the wall, back then he was powerful, he could break ehr back then as easily as any sorcer, and now he might be even more power but then again, she was a goddess now,and if she had to she could break him...:: good, no telling what he'll have awaiting us.... :: Willow would get her answers,any way she had to::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 16:08 EST
You just worry about asking him questions...I'll handle the fihgt if it comes to that. - He grinned and kissed her right behind the ear, before whispering to her. - Remember, you have me here with you now..I know you are used to fighting on your own..but you have me now...and I will protect you..for anyone.


Date: 2007-04-11 16:15 EST
::Willow nodded to that, she could hardly forget how Ghallon had ripped Darin a new one,she would gladly handel the queestions, but some part of her itched for the fight as well:: I know... I am glad you are here with me ::her gaze shifted back to him then looked forard, as soon as they passed these trees the tower would come in to view, she could already feel the magic in the air, it pulsed through the very air::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 16:23 EST
- He felt that magic as well, before looking softly to her again, with a kiss to her cheek, then whispered in her ear. - Maybe once we are done..we can act on those images. - That would probably get Willow to just stare at him..mouth wide open and blushing..Yes..he had the same images of them together. -


Date: 2007-04-11 16:34 EST
::She looked back at him eyes wide, blsuhing softly, she did not deny that she had thought about it,often in fact as of late.She just blsuhed nodding softly. going back to focus upon that large tower that now stood before them, a huge magical barrier stood around it,they would not be able to pass through it easily, she slwoly dismounted and looked to the barrier placing ehr hand to it:: I call forth to the sorcer of the tower, to come forth, and face me... :: she could just blow that barrier away with a mere thought but was willing to give James the chance to remove it::

::From the high window eyes peered down at the goddess of light love and healing:: Slayer, you timing is late... ::the barrier fell, as a man dark and cloaked appeared there before them both,he looked to Ghallon a moment then to Willow:: I have felt a change,what has happened?

::Willow looked to James, he had always been cloaked and hidden , she ahd seen his face twice,and it was sight she did not wish to see again:: Darin is dead...

::James looked on:; by your hand?

Yes, he hid my son from me, and paid the price, I come not here to depate on if it was wise or not, I come here for answers, he told you everything, every move he made you knew that Shaun was alive yet never told me... so I demand of you now to tell me where Darin would hide Vince... and if you do not tell me..::sher eyes shifted back to Ghallon:; then he will break you... and I will let him...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 16:48 EST
Do be a geantleman..and answer her questions...Neither one of us wish to get the imformation she wants.. - He slipped off the horse, recalling the staff to him, as he stopped beside Willow, with his eyes starting to flicking with magic...both light and darkness.. - I will become unpleasent. As for Darin...Yes he died by Willow's blade...but I was the one who fought him...know this...I would do anything for her...


Date: 2007-04-11 17:06 EST
::James looked to Ghallon a moment again from under his cloaks hood:: I do not wish to fight with either of you ::his dark gaze shifted to Willow:: espeacilly not anyone who would do anything for you,slayer... and not anyone who could kill a god,or wish to fight one.... I will answer your questions

::Willow nodded:: good now, tell me where would your dearly departed brother hide Vincent...

The vampire? why do you seek him?

He is my sons father and I have right to seek him if I wish...

::James nodded:: Darin had a fortress,by now its nothing more than catacomb worthy,cells and locked doors, under soils of old, if Vince sought him out or vice versa, Darin might have strung the vampire up there,to await his wrath...if that is he is not all ready dead.. :; a slight maliced grin:: which I would say is likely

::Willow glared to James and her hand rose quickly and latched around his neck:: I can break you as well...if you know something you better tell me now...

::James coughed under the presser of her hand around his neck::

I know nothing....

You lie... ::Emerald hues glared to him::

I saw that grin of yours, you know more than you say

I know nothing... :: he coughed:: It is justa feeling... I know my brother well...

Your brother is dead now and I will be more than happy to have you join him;: relasing him then as she withdrew:: where is this fortress?

::He leaned down coughing:: three miles to the North...::he looked to Ghaloon then back to Willow:: Your style has changed....Willow...

::She smirked at that:: yes I have, know this James, if your lying to me, I will be back to slay you...::she looked to Ghallon:: lets go...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-11 18:05 EST
- He remained quiet as the two talked, as he never took his gaze off of James throughout the entire questions and answer...session. He then looked to Willow when she gripped James's neck, and just smirked. Once the information was gained, he nodded softly to Willow, but kept his eyes on James a moment longer. -

If he lies...I'll handle him. - A dangerous smirk to James, before turnning to hold the reins for Willow to mount up again, then mounted behind her, one arm going around her again, before turnning to head towards the North. Anyone could see why her style changed, Ghallon. -


Date: 2007-04-12 00:27 EST
::Willow looked to James and held the reins as she leaned softly back in to Ghallon as they moved off Northward, she would gladly let Ghallon rip James apart if the sorcer lied.She hoped for his sake James had been honest.::

::Willow had changed much since the last time James had seen her, yes she was a goddess now, but also that change was in part of Ghallon being there at her side, she was relaxed yet ready to spring in to action, she was in the best shape of her life mortal or immortal. Emerald hues cast North,she knew not what to expect when they arrive at the fortress thatw as once Darins she rememebred it in the deep recesses of ehr mind a place of cold stone and blood. A place where she had dared never go before, but now she would dare that and much more::

::She pushed those dark thoughts from her mind, reminding her self that if Vince was dead that Ghallon was there with her beside her, ready to face anything for her her people and her son. Ready to be what ever she wished him to be,she wanted that more now than she ever had.Eyes focused north along the endless hills,of this far ancient world.. knowing that place they were off to remembering it well now,the walls once stood high,the depths low, cages and cells for darkness and beings Darins Tower,a place he called for solitued a place he called home when he was her enemy and her ally::

::She shook her head blocking out those ancient memories from her mind, and closed her eyes,leaning in to that arm around her.She was not alone any longer, she knew that. It came as great comfort that Ghallon was there,she let her mind think better thoughts as they rode on,her hands hung on lightly to the reins before her,as the air whriled in to a soft wind about them she ahd tucked that heirloom of Vinces in to her cloaks folds, to remain there till she saw her son again...::

::In the deepest memory she remembered the day she bore Shaun, after so much torment and toil... she knew when she had him that he was not Darins but to save her son and Vince from death, she ahd convinced Darin that Shaun was his, but it had been her undoing.::

:: Shaun was five and Darin took him a way,in the days before he was evil again... before he killed her, he took him in the night like some wicked thief.. and she had not seen him since, save for that body that Darin had planted, one to make her think her son was dead... it had all been a lie... she shook it all off, "focus Will... Focus..." :

::She heard Jules's voice in her head, y"ou'll do no one any good if your not focused...I know its hard but you must focus.." He had spoekn those words to her after all her friends were dead, and after her son w s gone, when the fight was coming to her, her alone, yet she wasnt alone she had allies, and she had her son back and she had Ghallon...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 00:43 EST
- Ghallon continued to keep his eyes on James, untill they started to head off, and as if feeling that...wish that Willow would let bolt of lightening hit the ground behind James...just to scare the hell out of him. -

- He had noticed the change, as she was so..docile when he first met her..but the brief moment she met him...with him heading off to not only kick Darin's ass..but to get rid of an enemey of her's. It seemed he arrived just when she needed that change. His gaze was set towards the north as well...remembering the tower she had pointed out to him before.-

- He then looked to her, as he once again let her lead them towards the next stop, with him softly holding her back against him, while placing a reasuring kiss to her neck and cheek. -


Date: 2007-04-12 00:55 EST
:: She smiled softly eyes clsoed as they rode, silent as ever,a silent slayer could be deadly as a focused one. Once upona time she ahd been docile, but the time for that was done, it was not just Ghallon that brought it out it was everything at once, killing Tancred, Darin finding ehr son,seeking answers. Becoming even more empowered::

::she leaned in to that kiss upon her neck ::

::Her gaze focused back north as her eyes opened fiercely emerald, she sensed them,no doubt old appoclites for Darin, immortal soilders, dead and undead alike,vampire and demaon she felt them there before that tower even came in to view, they guarded something awaiting their master, Darin was dead, so now they would suffer Willow,she knew they kenw she was coming the area tensed,but now she was sielnt and focused,deadly::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 01:02 EST
- Willow would feel one arm slip from being around her now, as he summoned his staff yet again...Looked like he was getting ready for this upcoming battle as well. Two powerful beings together...which probably had Willow smirking to herself, knowing that all she had to do was point..and Ghallon would more than likely..spring into action. -


Date: 2007-04-12 01:11 EST
::That did make her smirk softly, there were over adozen guardians of the tower, all their eyes locked on Willow. "One thing about being the slayer, your always well known, every vampire and deamon will know you your scent, your power, some may fear you, others will not..." Willow nodded to Ghallon:: lets get to business:: slipping off the horse in one fluid motion,tosisng her cloak to rest over the horses back,eyes locking on thsoe demaons there,undead things,some vampires some curde monsters like in the days of war in Crendia::

::She moved in quickly with magic speed and grace long trained for, swrod drawn with a flick of a wrist. But tof her sword met the first of the demaons that would slowly, almost reluctaly go after her... there were six each for them both maybe more down with int he depths of that now long gone ruined tower with only the catacomb worthy cells left::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 01:19 EST
I'll try not to show you up. - A wink to her as he slipped off as well, before drawing his sword.. Staff in one hand....sword in the other...Ghallon was ready for a fight now...-

- He followed her lead, as he moved up to her side...making it hard for the deamons or other vampires to surround her. While she took down her group, in her own way, Ghallon used his fighting skills to cut through his...saving his magic for a last resort -


Date: 2007-04-12 01:41 EST
::Willow smiled, back to him as her fist came across the jaw of one of the few vampires there with in that horde that was soon to surround them. and a quick kick to two behind her one demaon one beastly looking creature,Willow wasnt even using the sharp end of ehr sword yet just the blunt end and a few times to guard strikes from fnnaged mences, before they would poof in cloud of ash a d soot, she spun that stake in her left ahdn with ease no magic needed for fighting the run of the mill deamons and vamps, she was well trianed in this kind of herat pounding combat,it made ehr feel alive to fight like this swrod and stake and her cliassic moved revamped up for the fight as if shed never forgotten them, not thats he could she moved sleekly like a prowling cat upon its prey,a few of the demaons started to run, she would leave those ones to Ghallon as she was locked in a three way battle at the moment::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 01:57 EST
- Ghallon grinned to that, as he continued to fight along side of he was enjoying this, knowing Willow looked to him when she got the moment. He fought with the skill of a swordsman, yet had the grace of a dancer...just to make him look like the near perfect match for a partner in fights. -


Date: 2007-04-12 02:08 EST
::She smiled as she caught sight of him fighting, the fluid motion and near grace like a dancer yet the skills of a swordsman, indeed a good match for fights and much more she smirked , as she finnaly used that sword of hers to gut an approching deamon, there were three left and she sheathed her sword and watched Ghallon as he handled them,her mind now raced with those images from before much more vivid::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 02:12 EST
- He then turned to her once those three were gone, catching that look in her eyes, before motionning to the tower, before heading in that direction. He waited till he was a good few paces in front of her, before looking over his shoulder..letting her see that same look on his face..but the smirk..told said in silence. " When this is done..I plan on acting in those images...and I'm not waitting till we get home." -


Date: 2007-04-12 02:25 EST
::she caught his glance and smirked softly before following him towards that ruined tower to the door down in to those catacomb worthy cells, her cheek red not from battle but from blush she had caught that look of his and sensed what he meant by it, she pried the door up and off, and looked down in tot he darkened tomb she sinced no more deamons, so witha bright orb of light appearing in her hand she deceneded in to the dark::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 02:35 EST
- He glanced to her again, and caught that blush, before looking forward again. Once they started down into the tomb, he leaned to her ear...starting to whisper to her some of the images he had seen...that included her -


Date: 2007-04-12 02:53 EST
::Willow shivered to those whispers in her ear as they went down in to those tomb worthy cells, most fo the cell doors were long gone, Willow cast that bright light of hers in to each dark cella waiting something to come out of the darkness, yet nothing came...::Vince? ::she called out and her own vocie echoed back to answer her,she sensed nothing down here,the smell of blood lingered ehre, dead rats and bodys old and rotten,bones of men and other things here as well::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 03:00 EST
- He walked a step or two behind her once they were starting to check the cells, and placed a hand to her shoulder to catching the smell. He had caught that shiver, but right now..finding Vincent was more important. He then slipped from her, as his eyes started to glow silver, letting her check on side, with him checking the other - Vincent?


Date: 2007-04-12 03:07 EST
::The room echoed, Willow saw something shift int he far corner,her bright hues flared abit as her magic light moved to illumate someone hanging from chains upon the wall,looking worse than hell::

Oh my god... :: willow rushed in and lifted the face of that chianed prisoner:; Vince... Vince.... ::emerald hues looked to him::

::He looked at ehr he had been cahined there for a long time,looking worn and beaten, his hair had gone grey now, his eyes once dark and nearly choclate brown now colorless...Darin had starved him of food, both blood and normal food...:: Vince.... ::tears slid down her cheeks::

::His colorless hues looked to her seeing her but not really seeing her, they cast enarly past her over ehr shoudler long past Ghallon to someone who ahd come in behind the two:: Its... ::he coughed:: Trap....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 03:20 EST
- Ghallon looked over his shoulder, before holding out a hand towards Willow and Vincent..then muttered a few words. In a flash of white...He had sent the two to safety, before turnning to face the threat. -

- He knew Willow would yell at him for that stunt, but Shuan if he could sence what was going on knew why he done it.. - You two want to dance...bring it.. - Glowing silver hues dared the two to attack. -


Date: 2007-04-12 03:27 EST
::Willow blinked as she appaerad back in ehr tower in the healers room with Vicne upon the bed before ehr, Ghallon ahd sent her away with Vince to safety::

::In that tower two men stood,one Ghallon knew, it was James; Darins brother, the other he woudl not know, but looked to be family of sorts, they sneered at him as he sent Willow away::

My buisness is with Willow ::James snarled:: you can handle him Bane..::gone in a puff of balck smoke leaving Ghallon there to face the yongest of the Cutless brothers, Bane::

::Bane rushed in at Ghallon wicked swowd blaring down like fire::


Date: 2007-04-12 03:34 EST
::Willow paced outside the healers room having been shooed away, the hairs on the back of ehe neck stood up and ina moments time ehr hand was at the hilt of her sword. And she whipped around to gaze in to the eyes of James, they were very pale, almost yellow in that light , his face was unhuman, as ever, looking like it had been ripped off and stuck back on::

Come to finish the task your brother had you begin... you will ahve to kill me to get to him

::James chuckled softly:: he will be dead soon enough... for only if he drains your blood now could he live...and seeing as how hes got about I dont know a few moemnts to live before he dusts. :;he rushed at ehr then magic blazing::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 03:37 EST
- He pointed the staff towards Bane, as he started to glow white, with the winds starting to whip around him. Ghallon wasn't in any mood to hold back, as he openned up everything. Ground shaking power started to erupt from his form, and a sudden wave of fire shot out from the tip of that staff, rushing towards Bane, to meet him head on. What Shea saw...was indeed a touch of his true magic prowless....but this wave of fire had on utter destory his attacker -


Date: 2007-04-12 03:48 EST
:;and poof just like that up liek a match ebfore his sword could even flal, engulfed in flames, taken back by the sheer power before he was nothing but ash::

::James shot dark lighting at Willwo as she moved flipping off the hall walls, and behind him to meet him with a powerful burst of pure good magic, that blinded him a bit, allowing ehr to kick him a few good time, but he caught her left leg and tossed her ove rhis shoulder senidng her flying towards the window:: I cant kill you but I can go in there and dust your former lover for fun :; she drew up his cloak and kicked through the doors the healers fled, he spun a stake in his hand::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 03:53 EST
- And in a dual blur, Ghallon had caught Willow...long enough to set her down, only to appear right infrotn of James...He didn't even say anything, as Ghallon pointed that staff at the man. James had pushed him, over a very dangerous edge, before Ghallon unleashed another spell...Pure holy magic, much more powerfully that the one he used with Willow. Again it had one purpose...destruction to the one attacking -


Date: 2007-04-12 04:05 EST
::James glared at that pure spell hisisng:; spoil sport.. ::backing away hands in the air::

::Willow looke don to Ghallon he hed saved her life again...she watched James carefully...soemthing was very wrong::

::James looked to Ghallon back down away from that bright pure holy sepll that started to eata way at his flesh::

::With in the healers room Willow would hear a sound she knew well, over her years she had dusted over a million vamps and knew that sound well she raced past the two men ina flicker of wind it seemded and sstood within the helaers room nothing but dust and ash upon that bed now, upon the bed lie a simple note.. and a stake...::

::Willow sobbed softly:: Damn it... No... :; emerald fileld with fury as she cast them abck towards the fight between Ghallon and James::

::James just smirked softly:; One day you wont have your pure herioc lover to you slayer and when thatd ay comes you know I'll be there ::poof gone again...::

::Willow looked back to that pile of ash upon the bed as the window opened and took it out,in her own way she had done that holding that note in ehr hands it simply said::


Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-12 15:27 EST
Coward... - Growled towards James as he poofed away, before turnning towards Willow, before walking over to her side, and placed a hand to her shoulder. He knew what had happened, and softly turned to hold Willow now. -

I know you are sad that he is gone, but he is in a better place of the pain he had been put through, and had been suffering. - Said softly to her, as he continued to hold her and comfort her, as this just madeit clear to what must be done..James would pay for doing this...Ghallon would make sure of that. -


Date: 2007-04-13 00:15 EST
"I swear to you this is not goodbye,I am going to find that basatrad if it takes everything I've got.I will." ::Willow's fair face was bathed in tears as she leaned upon Ghallon,her tears casscading to his shoulder.He resolve even stronger,she knew now she would have to hunt down and kill James,and was more than willing to do it.But even though her resolve was strong she felt weak.:: Ghallon... ::she sobbed softly leaning in close to him her arms tightly about him,she knew that Vince had taken his own life,no matter what the healers had done he needed blood, powerful blood,James had even said that,her blood.Rather than risk ehr he took his own life. Leaving a simple note in his wake of ashes.. that note fluttered from her hand now as she held on tightly to Ghallon,feeling so weak so sad... she had been too late, and she knew who was to blame yet he was allr eady dead,but James was alive,she would have her revenge. But for right now she clung on to Ghallon.:: Don't leave me... ::Willow was afriad,terrifed it seemed no matter what that the dark powers Darin and his kin had always taken all he could from her. Her friends,her loves,her own life.All she wanted was peace, to be able to live her life with ehr son and take care of her people. To be with Ghallon as she wished to be. She felt powerless.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 00:38 EST
I'm not going to leave you, Willow...and I'll personally deal with James. - His voice started out softly, to comfort her..with his promise to never leave her, only to switch to a very cold tone..Oh James would pay for this, but for now, he held Willow close in his arms, letting her cry into his shoulder. Silver wings would softly wrap around her, before closing his eyes...bringing Shuan to the tower as well...before sealing it keep everyone else out for now. -


Date: 2007-04-13 00:53 EST
::Shaun morned holding on to his mother::

;;Wilow slipepd the chain from Vince witht hat house crest upon it in to her sons hands:: he loved you, he looked for you for ages...

::Shaun nodded looking to Ghallon then:: who did this?

::Willow cast her gaze to Ghallon she wnated to help him rip James apart but she did not knwo if she had the pwoer to do so...:: James did this... Darin and his Kin....

::Shauns rage furrowed along his brow line:: Darin.. and James all this time, all this time..! ::his fist struck the wall, and he slowly clamed him self::

::Willow did not blame him for being angry:: He will be delt with...:: she took her son close again:: ye are safe,a nd here now,that matters more to me...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 01:11 EST
- He shook his head at Willow to that look of her wanting to help deal with James, before moving up to them. - Shuan...right now..your mother needs you..

- Said softly to him, before hugging them both..- Right now..we need to calm down...and honor Vincent..


Date: 2007-04-13 01:17 EST
:;Shaun nodded softly wrapping his arms around his mother:: I am sorry Ghallon... :;said lowly:: I wish to honor him well, mother..

::Willow ran her fingers through her sons hair and smield softly to Ghallon, she honored Vince in her mind, his ashes blown away in tot he winds as did that note with goodbye scribed upon it.. She held back her etars she ahd her son, she had Ghallon she had the people of Crendia to look after:: I know Shaun.. as do I... :;she leane din to Ghallon and hugged her the time for killing James would come... for now she wnated just to stay there and regroup::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 01:27 EST
Tis alright..Shuan...I understand. - A nod to him as he held Willow, before ashes would start to float back into the room, and into a beautiful jar. The jar was of vampiric and Crendia design..It was a thing for Ghallon to honor people that he seen as..proud..but now overly proud..Willow and Shuan would note the name.. -


Date: 2007-04-13 01:37 EST
::Willow noted that urn first nodding softly to Ghallon, Shaun noted it then and smiled:: tis a good way to honor him thank you Ghallon...

::Willow smiled now softly,looking to the urn then back to Ghallon:Itw as indeed a good way to honor Vince. ::

::A moment of silnce passed and a few roses appeared near the urn in their own vase, Willow had conhured them there:: It has been a rather long day yes...? ::looking to Shaun:: You may retire if you like now...

::Shaun nodded:: will you be all right?

::Willow glanced to Ghallon:: yes, I shall be fine go ahead you have had a busy day i am sure, tommorrow we shall have some more time yes?

::Shaun nodded and bwoed softly to Ghallon before hugging his mother goodnight and heading off to bed.::

:;Willow then sat down upon her bed, worn from the day:: Ghallon.. I know you wish to go and face James alone, but I ask only one thing, that you allow me to come with you... I do not wish to hamper you in fighting him, but I long to fight him as well ::looking ceiling bound::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 01:47 EST
- He smiled to the two, before turnning to the urn, while the two talked..whispering something to himself, as he had his head bowed. He then looked back to them, with a nod to Shuan, before turnning to face Willow -

No. You will stay here and protect Shuan and the people.. - He knew she wanted to go with him, and telling her no...that she couldn't come could probably get her to go off on him. He warned James...that if he crossed Willow...He...himself would make him regret that choice. -

I know you want to fight him...but right now...Shuan needs you now more than ever...Both of you have been hurt by Darin and his family..You killed Darin...and I plan to finish his family off. - A hint that Bane was dead now as his hands. -


Date: 2007-04-13 01:55 EST
::Willow opened her eyes and looked to him:: you are right :: she closed her eyes again:; do promise me you will be careful :: she knew that Bane must have been dead, and James was the last of the line...the other two brothers ahd been gone for hundreds of years now and would not dare cross Willow now...:; I shall stay hwre as you ask, and protect my son and the people :: her voice lowered to a whipser::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 02:02 EST
Willow..I would love for you to come with me..and fight along side me again. - Said softly to her, as he took her hands into his, and looking into her eyes, as he already had a idea what James would do if either of them fell..or worse..was used as a hostage -

I am doing keep either one of us from having to hesitate...I know when we fight..We don't...but if he were to use one of us as a shield...we would. - He then kissed her softly, before slipping his arms around her. -


Date: 2007-04-13 02:10 EST
:; she smiled to him softly holding his hands in hers, she knew what James would do if either of them fell or was used as a hostage, Willow knew too well:; I know your right... :;she kissed him back:: he uses tricks magic very dark, he may look old and weak but he is powerful,pelase do be careful... come back to me.. ::she leaned close in to him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 02:20 EST
I will come back to you. I promise. - He then slowly started to lead her out from the room, as she'd finally note that line of silver that was around him..was gone right now. She would of also noted his eyes were more of a greyish blue...meaning the two fights..drained him nearly to his limits -


Date: 2007-04-13 02:29 EST
:;She noted those changes:; Ghallon.. ::her hand rested upon his shoulder:: perhaps you should rest a bit before going out to fight James :; worried now she sensed that he had nearly been drained to his limit... her mind then perked a moment:; or maybe even.. something else rather than rest soemthing to regain some of your strength? :; emerald hues looked to him as he led her out of that room back towards their own, he would know what she meant witht hat look, she was a goddess of helaing and light after all she could help him in some way with magic and if nto with magic then perhaps with a drink... of her blood::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 02:34 EST
I was planning on resting before I go fight him. - A smile to her to ease her worried look, and once they were in her room, he slowly sat down in the chair by the fire, before pulling her down to sit facing him on his lap. -

Tis up to you love.. - He kissed her lightly on the lips, letting her pick which way she wished to heal him. -


Date: 2007-04-13 02:43 EST
:;She sat in his lap facing him returning that kiss,her hands slowly massaged his shoulders::I am glad you intend to rest.. :she smiled brightly to him:: perhaps when this is all done with we may have a moment to play out a few images we have shared? ::with that massaging motion light magic seeped in to his body with a tingle.a soothing warming effect would soon be felt..::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 02:47 EST
- He smiled and started to relaxed to the massage and to the soft healing energy flowing into him. He then grinned to the query, as he softly pulled her into closer lean against him. - Aye..we could do that.


Date: 2007-04-13 03:00 EST
:;she smiled softly, massaging her fingers in to his neck then still sending thsoe soft warm ehaling magics through him,emerald hues looked in to his eyes.:;Aye we could,Ghallon..... :;moving her hands down his chest as she leaned in closer she kissed his cheek softly and whispered softly in to his ear:: I love ye,very much..

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 03:04 EST
I love ye, very much. - A smile to the kiss to his cheek, before leaning to her neck, and started to nuzlle his spot, as she continued to heal him. He wanted to do thank her for everything.. -


Date: 2007-04-13 03:12 EST
:;She smiled and closed her eyes at that nuzzle to her neck to that spot he had made his. Her hands lingered there upon his chest,that ehaling magic got abit stronger as that nuzzle had relaxed her grealy..:: mm we should get some rest

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 03:19 EST
In a bit..we'll rest. - Whispered against that spot, before softly bitting down into it. A silence spell fell around the room, to keep any noises the two would his hands started to caress her back now, seemed he had a plan right now -


Date: 2007-04-13 03:23 EST
:;She shivered against hima s she felt him bite down in to her neck, she leaned in to his touch upon her back as her emerald hues closed and a soft whisper of a moan passed through her lips, it seemed Ghallon had a plan... a plan different from resting::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 03:31 EST
- And he continued to softly caress her back, and with a few muffled words, Willow would feel his hands against her bare skin..and her hands against his. He did have a plan..and it seemed to be about to happen, as he drag a bit deeper from her, as he started to pull her closer -

Fade to black


Date: 2007-04-13 14:04 EST
::Willow breathed in deeply,as her fingers slid over his chest,the room still pulsed with power,as did her body tingle with it. Now that was one hell of a way to relax and rest. Her eyes were closed the day had ended and night as dark and the stars were dimmed under the clouds, she was neearly alseep there in her loves arms. Letting all her fears pass. Tomorrow she would spend time with her son,after so many years of waiting and thinking he was dead she could spend time with him. Vince was dead, but there at her side she knew she had a great man,a man she had come to love very deeply,their passioante love making was proof enough of that.Though Shauns father was dead, she knew that Ghallon would be a great figure for Shaun to look up to and even consiter a father. Aftera day of fighting and much toil Willow slept comfortably against Ghallons chest.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-13 19:03 EST
- Ghallon breathed deeply right along with her, as they laid in the bed, with his fingers softly running along her back. He sighed softly, as he did promise her that he would act on those..images the two had been having, and closed his eyes to just surprising her. A soft glance to the stars, as he held his love close against him, with her wrapped in his arms and wings. -

- Tomorrow would be spent with Willow and Shuan, so he could get to know both better, to be that father figure that had been missing in the young man's well as being the man Willow had been waitting for. -

Zysac.. oui femm kad fryd ec lusehk du oui...Melg ouin fuihtc frema oui lyh..palyica uhla E femm syga oui civvan - Whispered to himself in his own tongue, before shutting his eyes and falling to sleep, resting peacefully with Willow-


Date: 2007-04-13 23:53 EST
:;Breakst would be made and sereved and there mother and son sat awaiting Ghallon who was briing out the food::

Your day with Lord Aaron and the new men and women of the arimes went well yes?

::Shaun nodded:; very well

Did you see any one you knew? anyone you could remember?

::He shook his head:: No, but... I heard Lord Aaron say he saw Lady Maewen...

She is back? Really

::Shaun chewed his breakfast: Yes I am sure, he said he saw her,though she was not with Lord Vaepin

::Willow smiled looking across the dinning room table at her son:: You don't say ..

Lord Aaron told me , he said he saw her... yesterday while you were away

:;Willow smiled even brighter looking to Ghallon, as he sat dwon the plates before them each:: My day is getting even better... :;she kissed his cheek:; Shaun has told me some great news ::she sipped her juice::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-14 00:29 EST
I think I over heard..somthing about Maewen..and her male friend? - Poor Willow and Shuan, as he moved to get his own plate now...but they both managed to see that grin on his lips.. That old vampire knew something they didn't. -


Date: 2007-04-14 01:01 EST
:;Willow ndoded:: Maewen Valenya was one of the finest smiths I have ever know she learned under lodr Vaepin, who I think might ahd died in the war, but Maewen is very skilled one of the best smiths in all of Crendia,along with miss Black-Swan.. I wonder if Andrea has gotten backyet? :;a pondered moment:: You heard about her with someone? :;to Ghallon she knew he knew more than he was saying::

::Shaun nodded:: Lord Aaron said he saw her with someone he didnt recognize the man...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-14 01:12 EST
- Yet he didn't say a word as he sat down with them, innocently eatting the breakfest he cooked, and looked between the two as they talked. He grinned more to the mention of the male Maewen was seen with. -


Date: 2007-04-14 01:18 EST
::Willow gazed to Ghallon:; you know something :;eyeing that innocent look:: I will have to go down in to town with you today Shaun we can see miss Maewen then.. and meet her new friend... ::tricky tricky goddess::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-14 01:32 EST
That I do..and they are probably busy right now.. - He smiled at the two, before motionning for them to eat. but if you two must go...then we can..after we all eat.


Date: 2007-04-14 01:35 EST
::Willow grinned softly:; busy...? :;she looked across the table to Shaun then back to Ghallon:: well why not share what you know..

:;Shaun smirked softly:; you'll never get her off you father until you tell her :: a moment of pasue, yes Shaun did just say that...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-14 01:43 EST
- He started to say something to Willow, before looking over to Shuan..with one of those speachless and surprised looks... Shuan had just called him father...and just got Ghallon to just softly look at him -


Date: 2007-04-14 01:53 EST
::Willow looked to Ghallon then to Shaun, smiling to him:; hes right Ghallon, I wont get off of you till you tell me, I can be very perswaysive ::a bright smile::

::Shaun just smiled softly, back to Ghallon. Nodding to him. Shaun was a grown man but even so he still needed this time with his mtoehr and Ghallon, and if Ghallon wished to be with his motehr than Shaun would see him as a good father figure, to elarn from if he could even::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-14 02:06 EST
Lesson number one...never agrue with a woman. - That in a grin towards Shuan before looking to Willow, before sighing.. - Oh fine...She is with a man called Max adopted family member to my a little brother..He is human..and he contacted me..while we were away..and with my help..I brought them here..


Date: 2007-04-14 02:10 EST
::Willow nodded smiling to Ghallon:; mm Max Alcar you say :: taking that name in:: human you say hmm :;thinking now:: you brought them here ::she kissed his cheek:: I will be most happy to see her again, and hear about this Max...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-14 02:18 EST
- A side glance to Shuan as he used his free hand as a puppet, to playfull make funn of Willow talking, before looking back to her, at the kiss to his cheek - up..


Date: 2007-04-16 02:22 EST
::Shaun and Willow both ate each talking back and forth about what they would do that day,mother and son.Willow smiled softly knowing that Ghallon would join them and happy with that knowledge. There was a stinging pain in her heart, she dare not speak of how it weakened her, to know that Vince was dead,all these years... and he was dead, bith it was something else, something deeper than that that bothered the goddess.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 02:40 EST
Shuan...go ahead and get ready..we'll be out in a moment. - A smile to him as he waited for the young man to head out then looked over to Willow, having senced somethign wasn't right, before moving to her side. He didn;t say anything as he lifted her eyes to his, with a " What is it? and don't tell me nothing..I know better. " looks -


Date: 2007-04-16 02:56 EST
::Willow watched as her son went off taking his dirty dishes with him, watching him fade before lifting ehr gaze to Ghallons, she saw that look he gave her, she pressed ehr fingers to her heart,the pain of Vinces death had hit her hard ahder still was something else still there, that fight with James.. through brief had made her feel odd:: I feel as though someone is watching us....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 03:00 EST
Who does it feel watching us? - A soft whisper to her, as he sat down facing her, with his hand moving from her cheek, to join her hand over her heart. -


Date: 2007-04-16 03:13 EST
::Emerald hues shifted silver, for a moments time. Those hues darted past him to the far shadowed corner of the room,she saw orange lit eyes there. She rose to ehr feet not answering him and not stopping for a moment before she reached in tot he shadows and pulled out a lackie worthy female vamp who trashed at her, Willow held on to her by the throat::

A spy... ::the roomw as a wash of light and the female vamp did not dust, that perked Willwos brows in ward a bit::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 03:21 EST
- He nodded to her and would step to the side, letting Willow handle this before looking to the vampiric female. He too quirked a brow to the woman still being there, before placing a hand to Willow's shoulder. -

- His gaze locked onto the vampire, and bared his fangs at her, as well as letting his eyes start to glow...letting the lowly vampire see...She was in the pressence of an ancient...- Before I destroy you...mentally send a message to James... - He grinned and started to rock the girl's mind..with James's own well as her Ghallon knew already who sent the little spy. -


Date: 2007-04-16 03:33 EST
::Willows grip tighted on the fmeales neck as James spoke to her, the females eyes widened with fear as she looked from Willow to Ghallon, seeing that he was an ancient. Her mind was rocked with James death as well as her own::

::Willows ermeald hues never left the lowly little vamp, as she held ehr inches above the floor, Willow was dwon playing by the rules, she knew she could reach for her sword cut off the females head but it felt better to feel the bones of her neck crack under her tight grip::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 03:39 EST
I'm going to help Shuan. - A kiss to Willow's cheek, but told her the truth in her mind, as he slipped out of the room. Once out of the room, he mentally told Shuan to keep an eye on things. Ghallon was pissed...and James was about to get the ass kicking of a lifetime...but...He wasn't going to just kill him...He was going to make James suffer, and make him beg for death -


Date: 2007-04-16 15:49 EST
::Willow nodded as the female vamp dusted under the presser from her grip:: I'll be down ina moment :: emearld hues looked around the room once more for any more hidden spies.James would pay and she knew Ghallon would make him suffer and beg for death::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 15:59 EST
- Ghallon would land silently in James's tower, before murmuring a few words to himself, placing a seal around that very tower. It served the same pourpose as the one around Willow' keep everyone out...but it kept James and himself trapped inside. -

- This would be a one shot if Ghallon failed here, or was beaten...He wouldn't get another shot at killing James. He just hoped that he could get the job done, as everything was ridding on this bold and daring attack. -


Date: 2007-04-16 16:31 EST
::James was waiting for him sitting in his great chair on the highest level of his tower:: I was hoping that she would come to fight me ::he sighed as he waved his stave around,his face was hidden by that cloak he always wore, under it dull colored eyes looked to Ghallon:: but instead she sends her brave vampire knight in,her ancient love.. ::he laughed softly to him self:: So you fought with a god and let her kill him,oh well Darin is dead. ::He smirked, there were worse things at stake here, if Ghallon shoulf fail:: well come on old man ::he rose slowly, making no move to attack but the room was pusled with dark magic:: lets get this done..

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 16:42 EST
As cocky and arrogant as Darin...such a shame people like you think you are gods.. - He felt that dark energy, before allowing pure holy energy to start to seep from him to counter it, as well as to level the playing field. He already knew James wouldn't fight fair, yet the small time vampires he might of controled, still had that fear of an elder vampire, which played into his favor -

- He then pointed his staff towards James, as a silver glow started to wrap around Ghallon's form, then motioned James to start this high stake dance. One of them would perish, then again...anyone looking into Ghallon's eyes could tell..if it cost him, his life to get rid of James..then so be it. -


Date: 2007-04-16 17:00 EST
:James looked on, and walked forward He felt that holy enegry,and with in his cloak his hues changed colors going to red from pale nearly colorless white.James wasnt human,it had bene a long time since he had tapped in to it but like darin and many of th e other kin of th e clan of Cutless, he had abit of deamon in him:: I do not fear you,Ghallon.. the ancient,my servants may, but they are weak little two bit vampires...:;His stave glowed dark,puprle almost, there was a deep feeling of a void,a darkness that could not be escaped in that tower:; You come here to fight me, and you lock us n here, but yet do you think of what is going to happen to Willow should I win?

::He smirked:: If you fall here you know that even with all her power and all her strength the goddess can not fight me,and if you should fall here I will break her...and enjoy it... ::He smirked darkly under that hood.:: And if we both die here this day... there is nothing that can save her from what is to come, she has the gift of sight she knows what might come.... to think of it how delicious... :;The darkness in the room grew as the room went tottaly dark and was lit up by purple flames::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-16 17:10 EST
Granted..but like I said..your are an arrogant fool. One of us may die here this day...both of us could die here as well...but what you fail to I always have an ace. - And if James could sence his own vampires under his control....something was wrong... They were being utter wipped out, but the odd thing was..there was only one person doing this. -

Should I will join me shortly. - He then without warnning, darted towards James...Ghallon was channelling all his holy magic into that staff. He was focusing all his will, energy and if it came to it...his life into one spell...and when he saw an openning..he was going to unload it.. It was a very risky plan...but have to risk it all -


Date: 2007-04-17 00:29 EST
::James could sense his vampire lackies and it seemed to distract him away from the fight at hand, if he and Ghallon were locked away in his tower who was destroying all his vampires? The Slayer, no it didn't feel like her, his red hues looked back to Ghallon in time to catch his movement, it came without warning. That holy light filled James tower and he hissed, rising his stave to counter attack, but would it be in time?::

::Some where in Crendia Shaun and Willow sat upon the fields watching the men and women train for the armies soon they would drop by the smith shop to speak to Maewen, but for right now they would sit there and talk. Then something in the woods crashed...::

::Willows Emerald gaze moved to the woods where animals fled. She rose to her feet:; Aaron...:;she called to the long time captain of the guard:: Watch over my son...

::Aaron moved forward :: Yes Lady Willow :; he bowed his head:: if you wish I can send out the armies to see what is going on...

::Those men and women of the forces all well trained moved to take orders from Willow as if she was some great general...:

::Willow shook her head softly:: your mission is to protect my son ... as for the rest of you :; she looked to them:;await my signal ...I am going to check it out... ::She moved quickly across the plains towards the woods known as fear. She focused her magic and her powers her strength focused for a fight.::

In the tower of James

::James sneered as the light blinded his eyes, and seemed to freeze his movements, Ghallon did indeed have an ace, but James had a plan as well. He would not die before having fun with the goddess, even if he could not do it him self....::

:; His teeth gritted against then powers being tossed about like bouncing balls, the room flickered dark to light ... magic to magic, ancient to ancient...::

The Woods known as Fear In elvish had been made beautiful by the hand of willow and her magic, but now something dark stirred and she would find out what it was. Blade at her side, skills ready, one stake sheathed along the small of her back. What could she say old habits died hard. She moved through the woods, knowing that if she got in trouble that those armies would come to her aid she also knewthat Aaron would protect her son.::

Slayer.... ::the voice came softly just barely audible to Willows ears:: Slayer :; another voice joined it:: Slayer... :: then another...:: We see you... :: there were a dozen voices, hisses of vampires, Willow dare not question who they all followed::

Is this James pity attack? :: emerald hues gazed around catching that orange glow from their eyes, She'd all ready choked one of his lackies to death, these would soon join her. They stepped out all cloaked and hidden from view, all bearing that orange glow of their eyes, something only James vampires held. All vampires had a glow to their eyes, all different depending on clan or sire. Some depended on magic. These ones had that orange glow because theyewere more than just vampires they were never human, like most vampires that Willow had known these vampires did not have a sire a maker. James made them his young In a way more daemon than vampire but vamps no less.::

::They surrounded her over a dozen of them, there eyes watched her, but seemed fearful not so much of her but of something else, Willow sneered at them:;

::James cried out in pain as the holy magic seeped in t him, all his lackies in that ancient world of his were dead now, but those he had sent to Crendia would not die that easily, he disconnected himself from them, leaving them to do as they wished with Willow. He struck back at Ghallon with his stave that pulsed with dark magic ... hoping that if nothing else he could take him down with him. The room was a wash of light and the smell of burning flesh could be caught as that holy light burned in to James under his cloak...::

::Willow watched the vampires, awaiting one of them to move. Her hand flicked at her side along the hilt of that silver blade. Her muscles tensed, she knew she could not fight James but she could fight these vampires, and that would bring her some pleasure. Her mind raced a bit hoping that her son would be well protected by those armies, and hoping that Ghallon would return from the fight with James alive.::

::Twelve more vamps flank din behind the others, the odds were stacked against her, Willow cursed under her breath lightly.::

::They moved in three at a time, towards her, some bare fisted some with weapons besides those needle thin fangs::

::Her muscles pumped in her legs as she kicked and ran, her instincts told her to run so she did to gain the higher ground to make the fight her own, the gave chase, as she ran she broke off tree branches making them perfect stakes, she tossed a few back like flying spears and a few about four or five of the vamps dusted, they dusted like any other vamp shed faced in crendia or rhydin. Yet those who fellow ere the weak ones the strong cased after her.::

::She vaulted over to a clearing and awaited them, no weapon in her hand as they came towards her, kicks were landed across her, and given back. Punches flew and landed and missed. As the fight grew more and more powerful her magic sparked, she was tried of playing games, a few were snapped to death by vines that grew out of the round, others died in flames. Willow breathed as they kept coming, cut and bruised nothing yet broken, she fought on, something primal stirred in her. As they ripped at her clothes, though it was day light the vamps didn't fear the sun. And even though there was no full moon and no shadows, something deeper stirred inside of willow pulsed through her magic, as she killed them with fist and sword, stake and magic. Her hair went darker, going to deep brown almost black with hints of crimson, her emerald hues darkened as she fought them all, killing them with only a few blows of fist or magic, blood draped from her lips and she could taste it, that burnt copper and bronze of her own blood.::

::There were four left and they were killed with a flick of her wrist, they went up in flames. She knelt to her knees her blade lay beside her, her hands pulsed with power, as she fought that darkened side inside her, that she had cgaed,but had set free when she was with Chrissium.. the dark side of Willow the goddess of light,love and healing... was one of destruction, pain and suffering...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 00:38 EST
- Ghallon was pamting now, before unleashing that held back holy magic with every fiber in his being. This was his chance, it matched the combined power that Willow and him used that one time, but the odd thing just seemed to be focued to double with each passing moment. The strain was clear on Ghallon's face...this was taxing his body greatly...and was finally taking that chance to get rid of James. -

- He wouldn't see if it worked, because as soon as he unleahed it...he collasped...passing out as well as being very injured from the battle with James. -


Date: 2007-04-17 00:51 EST
::James screamed in horor, and his bodyw as eaten alive by that spell, the tower he was inn that whole floor blew away... the darkness disappated.::

::With some luck Ghallon would land away from the fallen tower,helped by teo of Willows finer firneds, Jules and Kathryn,how they came to be there was anyones guess::

Is he alive? ::Karthyns dark bros perked::

::Jules nodded:: yes, but we have other things to tend to you stay here watch ove rhim,I have a slayer to handle :;gone with a flicker::

:;Kathryn satyed there at Jules request watching over Ghallon making sure he was well tended toJames was gone... thank the gods::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 01:13 EST
- Ghallon knew he had been moved, but by whom..He did not know. Anyone could see the damage and toil his daring move done, as he looked like he had fought every single deamon and vampire, that was under Jame's control. Multiple cuts were over his form, but the most notible thing..was him gritting his teeth every few moments. - Willow..... - Said in a very faint and tired voice. -


Date: 2007-04-17 01:20 EST
:;Kathryn looked down to him as she tended to his wounds cleaning them as bests he could and healing whats he could with what magic she knew:: No my name is Kathryn Demonte.. I am one of Willows friends... shes a bit prepccpied right now, but I am looking after you rest, you need it ::her words were soft and kind as she gazed down to him,seeing the damage hoping Jules would have luck with Willow::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 01:24 EST
What is going on? - Meaning with Willow, as upon hearing seemed to snap him back to the here and now, and ignoring the pain rocking his body, he tried to sit up. - I her. - And his stubborn side started to come through -


Date: 2007-04-17 01:31 EST
::Kathryn pressed her hand to his chest:; No ye must rest Jules is taking care of it,everything is fine,lay down rest :;her dark eyes looked to him, pushing through the pain he was she knew that much:: she will show soon enough,trust me

::In the woods known as fear Willow lay, breathing in deeply,her hands crakled with dark enegry::

Will... ::Jules appeared before her::

::Willow smirked::Jules... you should have seen thier faces.... when they saw what I could do...

::He crossed to her:;Will.... Ghallon needs you, James is dead, Ghallon is in need of healing magics of the good goddess.... fight back this dark and come with me...

::Willow sat up her hair still darker than bewfore but her eyes shifted back to Jules:;Ghallon... ::she rose to her feet:; what happened?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 01:35 EST
- And he was laid back down on the bed, to tired to even put up a fight right now. - he dead? - He didn't even know it was clear..all that was on his mind was getting back to Willow...atleast before the last of his strenght was gone. -


Date: 2007-04-17 01:41 EST
::Kathryn nodded:; James is dead... ::she focused on healing him::

::Jules and Willow then poped right in upon the scene.::

:;Jules walked to Kathryns side:: you did well love...

::Willow rushed to Ghallons side:; oh my.. ::she looked back towards the ruins of James tower then to him her hands slid to his chest:: I'm here love,I'm here now... ::willow would focus all left over energy on healing him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 01:50 EST
Good... - And his head slumped to the side, making it look like he had passed on, but he had just give out from the battle, and was deep asleep. Slowly his various wounds started to close, but for the moment..he just laid there...It nearly did cost him, his Jules and Kathryn managed to get Willow there in time. -


Date: 2007-04-17 01:56 EST
::Now willow would look to him apssed out, and focus on helaing him, her emerald gaze shifted to Jules,he ahd gotten to her just in time she could feel it, she nodded a tahnks to them both ebfore they would vanish, leaving her there to tend to him.She focused , and they would appear back in her tower in Crendia, his form laid upon their bed,as she continued to heal him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 02:00 EST
- Grey hues openned and looked up at her, being somewhat well enough to atleast open his eyes, and smiled weakly at her...just waitting for her to start wailing at his chest. In a way..he did desreve an outburst from he had been far to reckless in his attack .-


Date: 2007-04-17 02:04 EST
::Willow looked to him::Ghallon :: her fingers stroked his chest softly her eyes brimmed with tears:: are ye all right...? ::he still looked like hell:: your crazy you know,putting your self in so much danger ::what was she talking about, after her last stunt. Surrounded by vampires, and turned a bit dark again,oh yea she shouldnt talk... ::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 02:12 EST
And what about you? - He knew what she was up he overheard Jules and Kathryn talking. He then waved it off, before reaching up to wipe the tears from her cheeks. -


Date: 2007-04-17 02:18 EST
Me...? ::Willow smiled dimly, she was still healing her self from her fight,the brusies and cuts still shown she could not hide it:;I am fine I am more worried about you..:;she leaned in to his touch::I could have lost you...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 02:23 EST
- He smiled to that, before motionning her to lay down with him. - I'll be fine...just going to take me a while to get back on my feet...just don't try to take advantage of me.. - Not that he would complain...but he was trying to atleast get her to give him a smack smack..-


Date: 2007-04-17 02:26 EST
Ghallon...::she shook her head:: I wouldnt do that ::the thought crossed her mind:: you need you rest...::she gave his shoulder alittle poke then just for good measure::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 02:30 EST are just waitting for me to go to sleep.. - A daring smirk, as he shifted a bit to get into a more comfortable postion. Luckly Shuan wasn't here, as he was expecting one of them..or nboth of them to fuss at him about this. -


Date: 2007-04-17 16:15 EST
::Willow smiled softly::yes yes I am...::she rose to her feet::you get some rest ::she kissed his brow on the way up:: I'll be close... ::She rounded the bed and sat there ebside him.leaning her head back she was tired too::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 17:06 EST
- Ghallon smiled to that, and relaxed as she wished for him to do. It didn't take long, as when his eyes shut, he was deep asleep, able to rest now that he was back home and with Willow right there with him. He'd let her tell Shuan about what happened to him. -

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 17:10 EST
- Ghallon smiled to that, and relaxed as she wished for him to do. It didn't take long, as when his eyes shut, he was deep asleep, able to rest now that he was back home and with Willow right there with him. He'd let her tell Shuan about what happened to him. -


Date: 2007-04-17 17:17 EST
::Willow would rest beside him,knowing Shaun was well taken care of. She dreamed of that battle she went through with those vamps,and what had happened. She would have to seek out a bit of help,she knew that if Jules hadnt come, that Ghallon would have died... and it would have been her fault, she rested there beside him, she would tell Shaun what happened when she awoke later::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 17:38 EST
- And in his sleep, Ghallon would slip an arm and a battered wing around her. He was healed of mosy of his physical wounds, but he still had some, as well as being mentally drained. It would be near a full couple of days before he would start to stir. -


Date: 2007-04-17 17:47 EST
::Willow rested against him softly,until she awoke later,she kissed his brow and rose out of bed.She would cross out of the room,and make her way to see her son.She knew it might be a few days till Ghallon was on his feet again, till then she would tend to him,and spend time with Shaun::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-17 23:00 EST
- It had been four straight days of Ghallon being asleep, before he was finally able to wake up, as for the most part he was nearly healed. He laid there in the bed for a few moments, before slowly moving to sit up, as he looked around, seeing if anyone was in the room with him. That ever present aura of silver was around his form. - Willow?....Shaun?


Date: 2007-04-18 00:05 EST
::Shaun rose from his chair and crossed to Ghallon:: Ghallon your awake...::He smiled softly:; How do you feel, any better?

::Willow was no where to be seen, andasomething playe din Shauns eyes, worry perhaps::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 00:18 EST
Much better. - He grinned before noticing the look in Shuan's eyes, and stood up off the bed. He then looked around again, then back to Shuan, a concerned look on his face - Where's Willow?


Date: 2007-04-18 00:30 EST
::Shaun shurrged softly:;No ones seen ehre for a day now,I contacted Jules, he's looking for her... she was here yestderday,when I came up to check on you both, we spent the day before that in the village,but when I came up this morning she wasnt here...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 00:43 EST
- He nodded to that, before closing his eyes, to try and see if he could locate her, as now it was his turn to be worried about her well being. It wasn't like Willow to just up and poof without telling someone, what she was up to -


Date: 2007-04-18 00:54 EST
::He would find her but it would be no easy task he would see her sititng along side a stream,Jules knelt at ehr side ,the two were talking,Willow was gazing down in tot he waters her hair was darker still, nearly black with hints of brown and crimson... her emerald hues darkened a bit still.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 00:59 EST
She is alright...she is talking with Jules.. - Said as he openned his eyes and looked to Shuan, then motioned towards the door as he rounded the bed. He would wait, but sent a little rush of energy into Willow, to let her know he was awake..and alright. -


Date: 2007-04-18 01:21 EST
:;Shaun nodded:: thats good...::He sighed softly,he looekd towards the door::can i get ye anything Ghallon?

::Willow felt that rush of energy::Ghallon is awake and all right,I should go back

were far from through here Will ::Jules crossed his arms over his chest::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 01:24 EST
Aye...let's eat. - He grinned to Shuan, before walking with him to the kitchen. He took his time to get his body used to moving again, letting Shuan help him when he really needed it, but for the most part...he done it himself -


Date: 2007-04-18 15:41 EST
::Shaun served out breakfast and ate there at the table with Ghallon still worried about his mother.::

::Some where by that ancient stream Slayer and guide sat,Jules tossed flat rocks across the stream watching them bounce, they had been talking for some time now. Willow seemed to have returned to her normal self.:: One of these days,you will have to face it, knwoing that there is some darkness in you,there is darknes sin us all Will, we just ahve to choose which way we'd rather be,I know you walka fine line a balance. But Crendia has peace, your son is alive, our eneimes are dead, and you have love in your life,I think the choice is simple..

Its not that Jules, its not just a choice, between light or dark.It just comes, in the fight so easily..

Then we must training again,you must be able to control it Will,or risk those you love.I will seek someone out,see if he can help.. till then, just try and relax and enjoy you son and lover all right ::he patted her shoulder and rose and witha flicker was gone.::

::Willow rose then and in a flash of light appeared at the breakfast table next to Ghallon:;forgive me for being late

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 16:32 EST
Tis ok, my dear. Just next time...leave a note.. - A soft glance to Willow, before leaning over to kiss her cheek, then continued to eat the food Shuan had fixed for them. The young man knew how to cook, as he slowly ate to savor the taste. -


Date: 2007-04-18 16:38 EST
::She nodded to that: I shall do that..

::Shaun brought his mother a plate:; here you go mother, you need all the strength you can muster ::he smield to ehr before sitting back down again::

:;Willow smile dlooking to the food, of coarse the boy could cook in the five years that she did have him with ehr she taught him how to cook, it seemed he had only improved as Willow began to eat::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 16:49 EST
Well? - A side glance to he would of rather talked about this in private, but Shuan deserved to know what had happened. Granted Ghallon was still recovering, but his senses were pointing out something to him. He also noted Willow's new look. -


Date: 2007-04-18 16:58 EST
::Her emerald hues shifted to him::Jules is going to help me train again, to help me get some things under control... ::She smiled to ehr son, Shaun had never seen ehr dark side before, luckily her hair was going back to its normal color,Jules was good at calming Willow down, he had years of practice.::

I am glad your back on your feet Ghallon :;she smiled to him softly,she would discuss things more in depth later with him, when Shaun was away, yes he might have needed to know what was going on, but Willow was not ready for that just yet::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-18 17:01 EST
Glad to be back on my feet. - A soft smile to her, with one of his classic " I know more than I am letting on" looks to Willow, before going back to just enjoying the moment with the two. -


Date: 2007-04-19 00:27 EST
::Willow smiled to him softly. Shaun rose from the table and crossed out of the room taking their empty plates with him::

::Willow had caught that look Ghallon gave her:: I am not ready for my son to know that his goddess of a mother has a very deep dark side... Jules is going to help me control it if it can be... when I was fihgting those vampires that james sent,while he and you were fighting,It came out,its been a long time...I thought I had burried it. But Jules knew he felt it,I am sure you noted how I changed... if Jules had not gotten to me when he did... I dare not think what would have happened to you... I know those enemies of mine are now all dead, and that yes there may yet be demaons to fight,my calling is never over,until someone with my skills is called to take over, it should have happened years ago when I died but ::she looked to her hands:: Jules said he had to go seek out some help,I can only guess who hes going to...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-19 00:40 EST
I could help you with this problem...if you want.. - A soft smile to her, as he stood up to help her clean the dishes up - and don't try to say now just because of my current condition...Everyone has a dark side...even me


Date: 2007-04-19 00:45 EST
::Emerald hues shifted to him once more:: anything you may be able to do,Ghallon...I would take... I woulnt say no,I have an idea who Jules is going to talk to...if he can find him,I dare not even think of it ::she glanced away::I know everyone has a dark side Ghallon, but mine has cost many lives before in the past,I dare not think what I could do now,the power I felt after killing all thsoe vamps,it was more than a rush,it was emmnese

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-19 00:52 EST
- Soft silvers gaze into her emeralds - Alright.. give me another day to recover...then I'll try to help you as best as I can, besides...I might like the dar side of you. - A wink to her, before kissing her cheek lightly -


Date: 2007-04-19 01:00 EST
::She nodded to that:: You like myd ark side, you havent seen what I can do,with the powers I have when they are all turned dark,its ::she smiled to him::tomorrow then...:;nodding along softly::Shaun and I are supposed to go see Lady Maewen today,my sword is ina bit of need of her fine skills,will you come with us?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-19 01:05 EST
Aye... - He grinned before finishing up the dishes, before nodding softly, to wanting to meet well as seeing what Max was up to. -


Date: 2007-04-19 01:11 EST
::Willow nodded:; then let us go find shaun and be off... I am very interested to meet Max...:;a bright dazzling goddess smile::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-19 01:21 EST
- He nodded to that, and summoned his staff, before heading out to find Shuan with her..He had a slight lean going into the staff right he was still getting his body to work again-


Date: 2007-04-21 00:35 EST
::Off the three would go down in to the village to see maewen and meet this new fellow of hers. Willow was beaming,happy from ear to ear for her good friend. She knocked on the door, which was locked:: Maewen ,the goddess calls

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-21 00:42 EST
Hold on....I'm coming.. - And Max would make himself look..presentable, before slipping from Maewen...then walked over to the door, and unlocked it, then openned the door..looking to Willow...Shuan..then to Ghallon. -

- Ghallon had a smirk on his he wasn't going to say what he heard...but Max just coughed to the smirk his friend was showing -


Date: 2007-04-21 01:23 EST
::Willow smiled to Max:: ahh you must be Max... where is dear Maewen?

::Maewen was in the back getting redressed she poked her head out,looking very flushed:: ahh forgive me M'lady willow,I was working ona rather hard sword.... :: a double meaning perhaps::

::Shaun smirked looking to his mother then to Ghallon::

::Willow smiled looking to Maewen:: I do not wish to intruput you from your work, but I come with a bit of work for you, and to meet, Max

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-21 01:30 EST
Good to see you again, Max. - Ghallon bowed his head to his friend, before looking to Maewen with a wink, catching that double meaning, before waitting for Max to show them in. -

Yes..I am Max..Lady Willow..this is your son...Shuan? - Yeah..he's so trying to get the attention off of themselves..and onto another subject, before looking over to Maewen, as he rubbed the back of his neck -


Date: 2007-04-21 01:38 EST
::Willow nodded:; aye this is my son...

::Shaun smiled::nice to meet you... ;a nod to Max a bow to Lady Maewen::

::In ward they went. Willow walked to the counter and looked around::seems untouched since I last saw it :;she smiled to Maewen:: your looking very well

::Maewen smiled,to Willow nodding to Ghallon and Shaun:;welcome to the shop all of you... ::an od to Willow then::yes,it seems it went undamaged now how can this humble smith be of help to you My Lady ?

::Willow slowly unsheathed her sword and laid it upon the counter:: you are one of the few I will trust to fix this for me,I need it to be sharp once more... and if you could add a few little elven touches ....

::Maewen looked down to the sword: yes My lady I will, of coarse

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-21 01:45 EST
Nice to meet you as well.. - He then slipped off to get the pit it kind of died out while they were busy. Meanwhile, Ghallon kept he wasn't about to ruin the moment, as he wastched the two..acting a little akward right now-


Date: 2007-04-21 01:58 EST
Willow smiled:;ohh good,A day or so yes?

::Maewen looked tot he sword::aye if ye think ye can be with out it for that long

::Willow nodded:: do not worry I intend for at least one more day to realx,perhaps tomorrow when I come to pick it up ye and I can have lunch?

::Maewen smiled brightly::oh yes I would like that... ::she watched max for amoment,before turning her gaze to Ghallon, he knew more than he was saying as she knew Willow did, but they wouldnt say anything::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-21 02:08 EST
Come on you two...let's go so they can get back to work.. - He chuckled and wiggled his brows at the two, as he was feeling much better and just had to pick at the two. Max glanced over his shoulder to Maewen, then to Willow. -

Safe travels.. - He then shot Ghallon a slight glare, which only got him to chuckle like a kid before slipping out...Poor Maewen and Max..-


Date: 2007-04-21 02:14 EST
::Willow smiled to Maewen, and headed out::

::Shaun smiled to them both::well Im off to go join up with Aaron for my day,see you later mother?

:;Willow nodded:; be safe my boy ::she hugged him close and then let him race off?:

::Shaun wouldnt race off before looking to Ghallon:: you need some more rest....I know she will take good care of you father:: off he raced now::

::Willow smiled to Ghallon:: hear that you need some more rest

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-21 02:16 EST
Try not to woo the heart of some poor lass from the village! - Called out to Shuan as he ran off, then looked to Willow. - Bah...I don't need any rest..unless.. - A wink to her, before turnning to head back towards their home...-


Date: 2007-04-22 00:26 EST
::Shaun chuckled at that as he hurried off::

::Willow smirked to Ghallon:: more rest for you, thats an order ::she sent him a wink on the way back towards the tower::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-22 01:34 EST
Depends on what type of rest it is. - A shameless smirk as he slipped inside the tower..with a playfull and meaningfull rub to her rear. -


Date: 2007-04-22 02:11 EST
::Willow smirked and transported them in to her tower::

~ a nice long fade to black~

::Through the Portal in the woods of Fear stepped Kulbin and Shavyn from the elven lands back to those lands of Crendia. Renewed and restored udner new 'management' They were ehre for their honey moon, and were going to enjpy it, in that little cottage Kulbin hoped was still there at the other end of the woods near the ocean, the smell of the sea the flowers the grass, all things his beloved Shay would like::


Date: 2007-04-26 00:32 EST
Kulbin looked around Crendia,he had not seen it so green since he was very small.The days before he was a warrior,the days before all the darkness. He held Shavyn in his arms as he walked,she was smiling.That was all he needed to know.He was home any where with her was home.They were here tor ealx in this peace that Willow and Ghallon ahd brought,and Kulbin also knew that he was here for more than just that as was Shay, but allt hat would come soon enough,for now they would enjoy this time here,this peace.

Shavyn smiled as she sat in the main room of the small cottage,looking out the window over the woods and fileds of green.Crendia had deeply changed since she was here last.Those once blood coated fields now held deer and flowers and there was peace here now and that glow Shea had told her about the glow of the goddess. She knew one day she would be back here,back in this place that enarly cost her and her sisters life. This place of death it was back then,but a place of love as well.

She knew theyw ere here to celebrate their wedding,and the fact that a child was to be born. Shavyn found it quite funny that all three sisters were now wed,one al ready to ahve borna child and and the other two with new one son the way,the clan of GreenStone was growing. her throughts were with her sisters,with Salice and Shea. With GreenStone, and with Kulbin there at her side.

This was to be their honeymoon,and Shavyn would enjoy it.


Date: 2007-04-27 15:32 EST
:;Maewen worked hard that whole day on the goddesses sword. Taking ehr time fo make it perfect once more make it feel light weight again and adding a few elven touches to it. She had even clsoed down the shop for the day while she worked on the sword,taking a break to eat and give Max and lingering kiss or two. Every time she looked at him her heart started to flutter all over again,he was busy shapring swords and helping her out with that sword she took great care in reforging and fixing. ::

:;That break she let linger eating and enjoying that food and drink at his side, just smiling at him,liking the way the light of the fire playe dover his chest now sweat covered once more. Sweat clung to ehr brow and down ehr bare arms,and across the form of her chest under that shirt she wore,she was nearly done with that sword as she had promsied to be done in one days time.Once lunch was done she would rise and get back to work,her hands ached by the end of the day, but there she was Willows fine swordfixed and retouched witha bit of elven runes and some magic laid in.Maewen aid in the back of the room ,on the cold floor shirt undodne,fanning her self rubbing at her hands.She lay there totally exposed,cooling down.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-27 15:40 EST
- Max was busy leaning back on the counter, resharpining the other swords, and various other weapons in the shop with a glance over to her every now and there. He'd pause when she did to return thos soft lingering kisses, then back to work again. -

- He too enjoyed their breaks to eat, before sighng softly and contently, then started to polish the armor and shields. Once the day was done, he was sitting with her as she was laying down, her head in ihs lap as he stroked her hair -


Date: 2007-04-27 15:52 EST
::Maewen smiled to him resting there. Her head in his lap, she was glad to have him there with her.He'd come there with her, giving up waht ever life he had before that life of a ranger, she felt a little bad,he was now more city bound than forest bound. even though when they were not in the city they were in those woods but it wasnt the same she knew that. She was happy where ever he was,she rubbed her hands a bit more,they were healing with thsoe touches of magic, no wonder her hands never felt rough::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-27 15:56 EST
- They really weren't city bound as they only spent a few hours a day in town..running the shop, with most of their time spent off somewhere in the forest, but he did give up his previous life..not that he really minded..He was there with Maewen.. -


Date: 2007-04-27 16:04 EST
::She galnced up to him, she was awaiting the goddess still. Knowing that she would be ehre for her sword and that ,unch date,Maewen smiled looking to him.She sat up and kissed him softly her soft fingers running over his face,she vowed to her self to make sure they would have more time in those woods, for she enjoyed them much mroe than the city even though she loved smith work.:: Willow will be here soon I am sure

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-27 17:45 EST
Aye..and the two of you will slip off..with you getting questioned about me.. - He chuckled and continued to run his fingers through her hair, as he looked down softly at her, before slipping his arms around her to kiss her back softly. -


Date: 2007-04-30 02:45 EST
::she giggled softly:: yes she wants to know about you..::a bright smile then,before that soft kiss was retruned:; dont worry I am sure she intends to embrass me as well

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-30 15:19 EST it won't have as bad. - He laughed softly, before going back to running his fingers through her hair, just enjoying the moment of peace and quiet they were sharing together. -


Date: 2007-04-30 15:32 EST
:;She giggled tot hat then there was a rap at the front door,Maewen rose and buttond up her shirt.She kissed him softly before rising fully. She then went skipping to the door, and opened it.::

:;There stood Willow, Shaun and Ghallon::

:;Willow had a smirk on her face:; Maewen I hope you dont mind that i brought these two I figured they could keep Max company while I steal you away

::Maewen smiled :; See Max you wont be left out fo the fun.. ::she smirked and walked to the counter and lifted Willows sword and then ahnded it to the goddess hilt first:; you long sword my lady

::Willow took it and looked it over:: ahh wonderful work as always... shall we?

:;Maewen nodded:: yes we shall ::she darted back and kissed Max;'s cheek before she and Willow would head off. Leaving Shaun and Ghallon there, and now that his mother and Maewen were gone Shaun could let out a good natured chuckle::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-04-30 15:37 EST
Appears so. - He chuckled and kissed her cheek back, before watching the two slip off, then shook his head slightly. -

- Ghallon looked from Shaun to Max, before smirking. - I do hope up for being interigated...because I have a feeling..Willow's going to be asking alot of questions about you. - That to Max, who just nodded lightly to that. -


Date: 2007-05-01 01:03 EST
::Willow and Maewen headed out for a picnic just beyond the woods near the shore line. They talked along the way about old times and all that had happened to date,much said about new allies and good new times and some old pains that had passed.::

::Shaun looked over the smith shop then back to Ghallon then to Max. Smirking softly humming to him self::

::Once the perfect spot was found they would set up the picnic and Willow would be all smiles:: so... tell me how did you meet Max...? :: so began the questions::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-01 16:42 EST
So...what do we do now? - Max said as he looked from Ghallon to Shuan, as he was waitting for one of them to start bombarding him with questions. -

- Ghallon already had an idea as to what was going on, and chose not to say anything, well on that subject...but did inform the two that the alliances were forged now, as he looked to Shuan...with a soft fatherly look. -


Date: 2007-05-01 16:57 EST
:;Shaun smirked softly catching that lookf rom Ghallon:: so.. max liking Crenida so far? ::might as well stear clear of the Maewen questions he didnt want to know...::

::There in that field Willow ate smiling at Maewen::

::Maewen smirked:: we met in this place called Rhydin....

Rhydin? :;Willow smirked:: its been ages since I've stepped foot there, how did ye end up in Rhydin...?

I am not sure,the ship left from here and we sailed through a huge storm.. then I woke up on the beach the ship was empty but int act, I had no idea were I was I found my self to and Inn... and I met Max there....

::Willow smiled softly:: and that was that?

:;Maewen shook her head:; no, we spoke a little then he departed, and days later we bumped in to each other we got to talking and he said he knew the Ghallon..and then we ended up here....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-01 17:54 EST
Yes..I am enjoying my time here..It's a lovely place..but I do prefer the forest. - Max said as he smiled to Shuan, while Ghallon took a lean on the wall, watching the two. -

I feel sorry for Maewen...Willow's probably going to ask her a million questions about you. - A chuckle from the old mage, as he glanced to Max a moment, whom nodded. -

I guess.. - Max smiled a bt before looking to Shuan. - What about you? No lovely lady in your life yet? - Yeah..he was getting the attention off himself and onto someone else. Poor Shuan. -


Date: 2007-05-02 16:33 EST
:;Shaun shook his head:; Nae, no lady in my life... :: he'd been trapped away from people for so long,away from everything,his love life was not really high on his to do list:: I have been away for so long I never really..umm met anyone...:;a look from Max to Ghallon then back over the shop::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-02 16:39 EST
- Max smiled lightly to that as well, he didn't know that Shuan had been locked away. - Oh...sorry.. - He didn't mean to pry before looking to Ghallon, who seem to get what Max's silent glance ment. -

How about we go out and find you one? - A devilish grin from the old mage, said in joking..but really did want his son to be happy. -


Date: 2007-05-02 16:45 EST
::::he smiled softly to max:; its okay.. :; he knew he didnt know that he'd been locked up for forever ::

::Shauns dark brows perked:: go find me one...? :: yes there were many fine women in Crendia but he wasnt ready for a love life yet:: Umm maybe later... ::to ghallon:: so Max... ::taking the eyes off of him now:; how'd you meet Miss Maewen?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-02 16:53 EST
- Ghallon chuckled to that, and just grinned as he looked to Max. Rather sly move by Shuan, when he asked Max about Maewen..He then looked to Max, who blinked and started to rub the back of his neck. -

We first met in Rhy'Din..I was talking to a friend of the family, before sitting down at the fire beside her.. We talked about where we came from, how we ended up there and such. - He paused to take a breath, before crossing his arms, as he had been looking from one to the other during his story. -

A few days later...she snuck up on me, while I was out camping in the forest, and once again started to talk...while having dinner together, after talking her into staying. I talked to Ghallon..about bringing us to Crendia, and well..we been together ever since.. - A soft smile crossed his lips to saying all that, as it was easy to see..he really didn't mind being in the city, as long as Maewen was by his side. -


Date: 2007-05-02 17:11 EST
::Shaun nodded to that,smiling on:: and now my mtoher is out there asking her all kinds of personal questions ::he had to chuckle at that::

::Willow sat there with Maewen the two ahd been talking for a while and Willow was giggling softly.Maewen was blushing very right red,one could only guess what they were talking about::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-02 17:15 EST
And poor probably blushing rather badly. - Max had to laugh at that and shook his atleast Ghallon wasn't prying into that part of his life, but when the old mage shot him one of those knowing grins...Max looked down as started to rub the back of his neck. -


Date: 2007-05-02 17:24 EST
:;Shaun chuckled:: ahh my mother does have a way of doing that, she knows all too much ::he snickered:: shes askingher things to make her blush I am sure,as well as things she should not ask,she likes to do that ... ::smirking more, catching that look Ghallon gave Max...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-02 18:34 EST
- Max looked between the two now, noticing Shuan was smirking as well. It took a moment, but he caught on and placed his head into one of his hands. - Great.... - He knew what both ment by the looks and smirks...They had heard Maewen and him the other day...and no doubt..Willow was finding out alll about what happened. -


Date: 2007-05-05 00:42 EST
::Back the two ladies came Willow was skipping yes the goddess was skipping and Maewen was laughing as they came through the shop door, it had bene a few hours:; Boys?

::No one there:; maybe they took your son out to meet women

:;Willow burst in to giggles:; to the inn then...:; basket set down and off the two went hunting down those boys.;;

The Inn Of Crendia

::Shaun sat there with a mug of untouched ale before him,Max and Ghallon with him , they'd ;eft for the inn after awhile at the shop. Shaun wouldnt tease Max about hearing that ratehr vocal sexapades between him and Miss Maewen he just smirked. Ghallon ahd dragged them both here, Shaun was sure with every intent on setting him up on some date, Yes there were fine women here,some very fine.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 00:52 EST
- Well not really to set Shuan out on a date, more to get him used to being around people. Max was greatfull that nither of them had pressed for..details to his love life. -

How would you two like to go to a festival? - Ghallon grinned at the two, as he just finished talking with Darkmere, and was asked to well as bring any interested parties. -

Sure..I'm game..that is if Maewen comes as well.. - Yeah...Max seemed to have changed a bit since starting his relationship with Maewen. -


Date: 2007-05-05 00:58 EST
::After yeras of being locked away from women and everything else hed known,being trained to be a warrior and nothing more Shaun did have appeal. A few eyes of ladies watched him,elevn and human ladies, those in sirts and those in armor. Seems they knew who he was, word travled fast here. Son of the Goddess of Light,and their wishpers were follwoed by blushes of those ladies who watched him.::

::His dark brows rose as he blinked, and started to sip his ale:: they are all looking at me.. ::he gazed to Ghallon who surelty was chuckling by now.::

a fest you say why sure, can I bring a date ::shaun mused:: wheres this fest going to be?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 01:13 EST
They are looking at you, because they find you to be quite handsome...son. - Whispered to Shuan, as he just grinned to that sight..of the ladies swooning over him, and started to give him a nudge to go talk to them. - can bring a date..and it's in homelands.. - He smiled to that, as that was two he just had to wait for Willow and Maewen to arrive. -


Date: 2007-05-05 01:22 EST
Nosgoth :: a nod to that as he was being nudged,far to shy to go talk to any of those ladies there:; I am sure Miss Maewen and my mtoehr will be most happy to go to this fest... ::looking back to the room::

:;Shaun wasnt bold but a few of the ladies of Crendia were, one came over to their table:;pardon me... :: she smiled brightly,a fine looking lass, her long black hair tied up behind her head, the soft note of elven like ears,weraing shirts but witha sheathed sword at one side, a fine lass indeed::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 01:26 EST
- Ghallon nodded to that, before looking to Max with a quirked brow as he got a hard elbow in the side. Max then nodded to the lovely young lady walking over. Ghallon put two and two together - Excuse us for a moment.

We'll be back in a bit..just need some fresh air. - Said as he clapped Shuan on the shoulder, before following Ghallon out, both giving the lass a bow of their head in greeting. Yup...Shuan was on his own..-


Date: 2007-05-05 01:44 EST
:: Shaun watched them go. and smiled to the lady before him,no drooling no no drooling, no chekcing her out, be a gent a gennt His mind screamed at him:: Ello.. :: oh god he was going to suck at this::

My Name is Victoria.. ::she smiled at him, she had a nice smile,nice body nice eyes,soft and almost lavender toned::

Shaun... :: he gave he his best dashing smile::

::Wllow and Maewen camedown the street just in time::

there they are

:;willow snickerd:; oh boys! :;a little wave as they got closer::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 01:54 EST
- Ghallon and Max just shook their heads as they walked outside. - I feel kinda bad leaving him on his konw..this being his first time talking to a woman.. - He grinned and looked back to the inn. -

He's a smart lad...He'll do fine..besides..we'd just embareass him more if we stayed. - He then looked to Willow and Maewen, upon hearing Willow. - Oh boy...shall we stall them? - He grinned to Max. -

Sure. - And the two started towards the approaching ladies..more to keep Willow from barging in..and embareassing parents do have a habit of doing that -


Date: 2007-05-05 02:16 EST
:;Maewen smield to Max: and went right up to him and kissed him::

::Willow looked to the two love birds then to Ghallon:; where is Shaun at? :: brows quriked,oh no think fast Ghallon;:

::Inside Shaun rose to pull out a chiar for his new quest and she sat there and batted ehr eyes at him, as he sat back down::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 02:20 EST
- And Max returned that kiss as he slipped his arms around Maewen. -

He's inside talking to a young lady..She came up to him and Max and me, chose to step not to interfer. - Said honestly, before stepping up to her, and slipping his arms around her. -

Besides...he's a smart lad..He can handle himself..without us in cramp his style. - Letting Willow know..she couldn't be all mommy and run inside. -


Date: 2007-05-05 02:26 EST
::Willow ginned:: hes talking to her? :: very happy now:: Oh i wont do that, hes been away so long.let him do it him self I have plans for ye any how... :;a bright goddess smile::

:;Maewen pulled back from that kiss:: you left him all alone in there, what if she tried to mate him upon the table, some crendia women are like that

::Willow snickered:; well was she dressed? ::that to Max or Ghallon::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 02:31 EST
Oh really? - He smirked to that, before looking to Maewen with a daring smirk, causing Max to look away with a cough, before holding Maewen from behind -

Aye..she was dressed, beside..we have been invited to a dance..that is being held by Darkmere... - This to Willow and Maewen. -


Date: 2007-05-05 02:40 EST
A dance:: Willow beamed::

::Maewen chuckled::well if the lass was dressed the Shaun should be fine...

:;Inside the two were talking, Shaun wasnt doing too bad for him self,maybe some of those skills Vince had rubbed off some how,some way,maybe it was that dark soothing look he had,dark hair and eyes,youthful face,nice body,yes the ladies loved him::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 02:45 EST
I take that as a yes.. - He chuckled as he looked at the two, then over his shoulder, before taking Willow's hand and started back towards their home. - Join us?

Sure..seeing how we are going to be heading out to Nosgoth together...but what about Shaun? - A blink as he looked to Willow and Ghallon, after answering for Maewen and himself -


Date: 2007-05-05 02:51 EST
::Willow smiled and looked back to the inn:: ohh he'll be fine... if he lands a date... then I am sure he'll want to be.. well :;a smirk::

::Maewen giggled:; lets just leave him be,he needs some time to elarn the ways around.. ::a kiss to Max's cheek::

Aye yes thats it ::Willow grinned:: so when be this dance?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-05 02:59 EST
- Both Gahllon and Max smirked to that before taking the hand of their respected lady, and started off..leaving Shuan to possibly get lucky. - Darkmere will let us know when everything is ready..


Date: 2007-05-06 04:10 EST
::Off the four would ehad to get ready bathe and change before ehading to Nosgoth:

* see The Wolves Den= a dance for the Ages


Date: 2007-05-09 18:34 EST
With the dance done the group would retrun to Crendia,with two more.Aiden and Mila.

Maewen and Max headed off again abck for home no doubt.

::Willow smiled as she pointed out where Shavyn might be found and warned Aiden to knock real loudly Mila was glad to be back in these lands. She could now see her brother, and also speak to Kulbin. Off the love birds would go tos eek out the other two love birds.::

Willow chuckled,as she knocked on ehr sons bed room door , there was no answer : guess hes still out on the two which means :: she pounced Ghallon::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-09 19:05 EST
- He waved bye to Maewen and Max as they headed off, then the same to Aiden and Mila, before slipping into the house with Willow. He noted it was strangly quiet, before looking to Willow at Shuan's door. He was just about to say something, when a flying Willow tackled him to the ground. -

Ooof! Nice to see you as well. - He grinned to that as he laid on his back with Willow perched over him...Oh he knew what she had in mind....not that he was going to complain. -


Date: 2007-05-09 19:18 EST
::She smiled to him:; we have the palace all to ourselves... :: she smiled looking down to him, she knew he wasnt about to complain who would?::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-09 19:23 EST
- He smirked up at her. - Appears we what evil things are going through your mind right now? - A sly smirk up at the lady of Crendia, as silver hues looked up into hers. Oh he already knew what she had in mind...he just wanted her to say them..or show him -


Date: 2007-05-09 19:26 EST
::She looked down to him with thsoe emerald eyes:: I think I'll show you... :;there was that bright soothing light and they were gone from the hall way and in to their bedroom,doorlocked curtains drawn,and now she was layign over him,smirking....fade to black::


Date: 2007-05-11 17:35 EST
::Mila and Aiden where in Crendia Mila was enjoing ehr self rather much.Aiden was too, they ahd found Shay and Kulbin now at least the palce they were staying::

Knock Knock.... love birds :;Aiden chuckled::

::Shay came to the door:; Its Aiden and Mila ::She smiled Kulbin came in to site shirt less smirking::

ye two have the worst timing ye know that

::Mila bounded in to Hug Kulbin::

::Aiden smikred on:; Shea sent us to make sure you know that your breathing, ye look fine....

::Shay smirked:: aye I am fine,I hear we have new allies...

Aye ye missed a good party too

Aww I missed a party?

:Kulbin chuckled:; come now love we've been busy

::Mila smirked looking to them both;; ye both are crazy...

::Shay nodded:: how is everyone,Shea,Salice?

Good and good, both relaxing.

::A nod then:: good about time....

How go things in Rhydin?

As they ever have... :;Aiden shruged:: I will be happy when Atara stops going there for good....

I heard about Connar, Salice wrote me... ::Shay looked to Aiden::aye,I had a good heart to heart with him, Atara got her words in edge wise, I think everything will be all right...

Connars family... ::Kulbin nodded:: even if he and shea arent well.. you know... :: a sage like look to Shay then::

I came here to see my brother.... ::Mila looekd to Kulbin::

Hinns living in town...

I was looking for Zorin as well ::Aiden added::

Kullbin nodded:: hard finding him, here let me pull on a shirt :: he went to do so and came backa few moment slater and ksised Shavyns cheek::I'll go with Aiden help him find Zorin

All right,I am gonna head in to town see if I can talk to Willow... ::Shay went off to get dressed.::

::Mila smiled and wlake dout with the gents and kissed aiden on the cheek before she slippe d off to go speak to her brother::

::an hour or so later::

:;while Aiden hung out with Zorin who was busy the rough little rogue the master sneak they would train,Aiden wanted to learn::

:;Mila went to the house where she was raised and where her brother now stayed she knocked:: Hinn...

::Hinn opened the door and smiled to his sister:;Mila your home :;he looked around no aiden his smile grew:; and no Aiden ,well good girl...

::she crossed her arms:;Aiden is with Zorin trianing...

Oh sister you could do so much betetr, there are many nicce men in Crendia, Shaun the goddesses son is back... :;a smile::

I know that, hes met someone did ye not know that? :;Mila crossed ehr arms over her chest::

Oh really ::Hinn shrugged:; nae to matter, you can do better than Aiden..

Your just mad beacuse Shea smacked you and turned you down ::a knowing smirk::

:;Hinn just glared to her:; why are you here Seler'?


Date: 2007-05-16 14:31 EST
I was here in hopes of making things right but I see now that was foolish.Aiden loves me Toror' and just beacuse ye dont like him doesnt not mean I will lave him. Everyone else loves him as I do.

As long as I draw in breath you will never marry him.

You can't stop that Hinn. Ye hate him yet ye do not even know him

He like his mother

Shea is a wonderful woamn,and a amazing fighter.She is a wonderful mother. I would be most happy to be apart of her family.

She is foolish,after everything that happened...
Ye do not know do ye? She is married now,and not to whom you might think.

::His brows rose:: married....she went through with it?

Aye married, all those days she spent in Rhydin fighting by the side of the one you hated most beacuse he loved her and she him and she married someone else,Connar was as good as dead at least thats what she thought.... she is amrried to Victor now. I would watch your mouth when speaking of her...

::He crossed his arms:: she can do nothing to me

Ye don't know her at all brother,I was going to ask for your blessing...but now I will not,Kulbin will give me his...I need not of yours.. ::she turned to leave::

::He grabbed her arm:: no your not going back to be with him.

::She pulled on her arm and smacked hiom across the face with her free hand.:: Ye should know that I am not some weak sister that ye can toss around and tell what to do...

Your not the beserker you were :; he rubbed at his cheek::

I am a warrior... and you do good to remember it. I shall not come to see you again....:: she pulled away and walked away::

::Hinn huffed:: he is foolish just as his mother is....!

::Mila walked on she would not ehar this outrage.:: He is a better man than you...dear brother....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-17 17:03 EST
- Nope it wasn't Victor...It was none other than Ghallon himself..after spending time with his lady Willow. He happened to just be passing by and seen Mila heading towards Hinn's and having been told that at times..the male could run his mouth, chose to follow the young lass. -

- He had overheard what was being said as he leaned on the wall outside, before grinning to the slap...maybe him tailling Mila wasn't needed, before hearing Hinn speaking about Shea..and narrowed his eyes...Not a wise move to speak of family like that. -

- He'd wait till Mila finished with her brother, before leaning off the wall, only to step out where she could see him, then brought a finger up to his lips.. Hinn had someone else to worry about, was going to happen sooner or later, that these two crossed paths..might as well happen now. -

You run along and tell Aiden I said hi...and you two have my blessing.. - He bowed his head to Mila, as in a sence..he seen himself as a grandpa to young Aiden, seeing how he seen Shea as his own daughter. Once she headed off, he moved up to Hinn's door, with the nicest smile he could muster, before knocking on the door. Things were about to get very interesting. -


Date: 2007-05-18 00:44 EST
::Mila smiled to Ghallon:: Thank you Ghallon,I shall do that :;she bowed her head to him and ran off to find Aiden and Kulbin some where trainign with Zorin..::

::Hinn was inisde his house when he ehard that knock:: If you think for one moment Sister that I am going to stand by while you marry Aiden your insane! :;he was tieing his blet to his waist as he opened the door.His pale hues looked to Ghallon:; Aye may I help you? :: Hinn had no idea who Ghallon was he'd ehard that Willow had taken on a king but had never heard his name::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-18 00:57 EST
I'm Ghallon... - He was smiling all polietly to Hinn, as he leaned slightly on his staff, giving off the impression he was in fact..a harmless old man, while keeping his aura of magic to levels that would give Hinn the same empression. -

I just happened to overhear how you talked to your sister..about Lady Shea and her just thought I'd let you know...the next time you talk ill of either one of them. - All while he was talking, those shields he placed around his power dropped, letting Hinn see..he wasn't the push over..he had started off as. -

I'll personally make sure you regret it...Why? because no one..speaks of my daughter..or my grandson in such a manner...Now you willl back down...and not interfer when Mila and Aiden chose to marry...understand small fry? or do I have to go get Shea and Victor..along with all of her stomp you into the ground? - All said in a rather pleasent tone...eerie. -


Date: 2007-05-18 01:15 EST
::Hinn looked to Ghallon, the figure of an old, man...he listened as he spoke,he sensed that magic about him grow and fade,and Hinn was taken back by the power and eerie tone of his voice:: as long as I draw in breath my sister will not marry Aiden of GreenStone, he is too much like Shea, to rash... :;Hinn was pushing his luck again...,Shea could have broken him in two long ago but she was not the type.Ghallon on the other hand:: she needs my blessing not just Kulbins.....and she will never have it....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-18 15:20 EST
Then you are an idiot..Mila is happy with Aiden...and you should be happy for her..but are being a crybaby..just because you were turned down by Shea.. - Said he stopped holding back..Sure..Ghallon could force Hinn to be dragged along..and give Mila his blessings. -

I leave you with this...Either you stop pinning over the past...and open your eyes to seeing how happy your sister is...or I will see you as a problem that needs to be removed...This is about her happiness....not yours...Get over yourself.. - He didn't give Hinn a moment to reply as he turned to head off...leaving him with one last train of thought. - Be lucky Victor himself didn't hear you...or he would of beat the holy hell out of you..


Date: 2007-05-18 15:53 EST
::Hinn scoffed softly and closed the door. Shaking his head he was taken back by Ghallon but didn't fear him enough.He paced inside,thinking about what Ghallon had said about Mila being happy.That Hinn knew but beacuse of Shea and Aiden Mila had left home.:: This is all Shea's fault... all those allies fault...:: he paced a bit more:: This it im going to stop this now :: he walked to the door and pulled it open and let it slam behind him::

::In the garden of the forest near,in the shadows Aiden,Kulbin and Zorin now sat after their training Kulbin leaned up againt a tree snickering at Zorin:: He beat you...::a smirk to Aiden who was laying on his back tired and shirtless::

::Zorin just smirked:; aye,whos been training the boy?

::Aiden just smirked:: Ohh if I told you that Master Zorin I'd have to kill you :;jokingly::

::Zorin smirked and brows rose at Kulbin::

Hey dont look at me I only trianed him three times and it was all druid stuff, those moves he pulled seemed very Shea like...

:;Aiden snickered:: Atara teaches me with out having to train me...

::Mila came in to view::

Ahh Theres Mila,Mila.. Aiden kicked Zoriis ass ::Kulbin chuckled::

::Mila smiled wide:: I knew he would...

::Zorin smirked:: Hows your brother?

::Mila rolled her eyes:: an ass... as he always has been i expect him to show up,Ghallon was gonna have a talk with him.

:Aiden sat up::if I was Hinn id run far far away with my tail between my legs... Ghallon could crush Hinn...what did Hinn say?

::Mila slowl sat down: oh he went on an on, said soem things I slapped him...

::Kulbin smirked:: thats two women who have done that :; his brows rose abit::

:;Zorin looked to Kulbin,he heard it too,he looked over his shoulder:: speak of the devil:; Zorin slowl y Rose:: Lord Green-Leaf what can we do for you :: smirking ::

This has nothing to do with you or Kulbin leave

I think not :;Kulbin shot hinn a glance:;

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-18 16:01 EST
- Ghallon seen Hinn heading towards where Kublin was at, and knew Mila and Aiden were there.. He shook his head slightly..Some idiots never learn..He started to head after him...before getting an evil little grin...before contacting a "friend" of his..-

- Once that "friend" was on his way, he turned to head meet this lady Shuan had met...Time for him to embares his son..just for the heck of it..and to see..if the las would stay with him. -


Date: 2007-05-18 16:12 EST
Hinn shot a look to Kulbin:; this has nothing to do with you Kulbin...

::Kulbin just looked at Hinn:; it conerns me... your here to amke some big fuss

::Zorin just shook his head and walked towards Hinn:; ye have no right here Hinn...

:;Hinn glared at Zorin:; you will not call me by my name i am higher rank than you

So? ::There was Shavyn arms crossed:: Im higher rank than you Hinn,and Zorin could break you better be careful

::Hinn casta glance to Shay:: this has nothing to do with you Shay...

Ohh I think it does,your here to start up with my nephew and his beloved it so concerns me....

::Kulbin smiled to Shavyn:: face it Hinn your out numbered...

::Aiden looked to his aunt,then to Kulbin Zorin and Mila:: No its all right... : he stepped towards Hinn::

::Hinn looked at Aiden and went to draw his sword::

::Aiden looked to Himms hand:: do it and it will be the last thing you do... we can talk about this Hinn,it doesnt have to resort to that :; looking to hinns hand near his hilt::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-18 16:26 EST
- And guess who else was heading Hinn wards..from behind? Yup..Ghallon was rather evil now..Hinn had been warned twice...and it seemed he was about to get what was coming to him. Aden might catch sight of that large....pissed off..stalking male coming up the path..seems Ghallon...called dear ole dad. -

- Of course..Aiden and the others knew..Victor and Hinn butted heads once....with Hinn being sternly warned...and upon hearing this knew bit of news..about how Hinn talked down about Shea, their son...and Mila....Seems daddy was pissed..and was in a rare mood..-

- Aiden and him already talked about Mila and him getting married..with Victor, of course giving his blessing..and as it looked..he was there..much like the prevent anything..or anyone, save the two in question..from keeping it from happening. -


Date: 2007-05-19 00:36 EST
::Well there was one among the group that didnt know Victor that was Zorin.The two had never met. But-Aiden looked over hInns shoulder to Victor::

:;Zorin looked over to the side and his brows perked,seeing Victor,Zrin moved to stand beside Kulbin:: who's that? ::a whispered word::

Thats Victor...:;Mila chimed in softly::

::Shavyn stood down and simply said:; this would be an act of treason,we are allies,all of us here,from greenstone,crendia and :: she smiled softly,Victor was looking rather pissed off,Shavyn knew it must be beacuse of Hinn:; and Nosgoth.. ::she finished::

::Hinn just looked to Aiden not even bothing to think that there was anyone behind him::I will not stand down Aiden you and your mothe and these allies ruined everything,you made Mila leave,leave us....

I left beacuse i wanted to Brother.

::Shavyn looked to Hinn:: do not do this Hinn, do not become our enemy.... do not become his enemy...:;a look to Victor::

::Hinn still didnt look back::

::Aiden would not draw his balde against Hinn,not in abttle only in defense.:: This is unwise Commander Green-Leaf

:;Zorin leaned upon a tree:; stand down,Hinn or we will all put you down

:;Kulbin just held on to Shavyns shoulders:; no we wont have to.....Hinn,have you met Shea's husband?

:;Huinn glared at Kulbin: any man would have to be crazy to marry her.

Speak not of my mother that way...::Aidens stare now lingered upon hinn all the more firece::

best listen to my nephew Hinn Green-Green Leaf :;Shavyn stood ehr ground there with Kulbin,Mila and Zorin behind Aiden all in plain sight they all could see Victor::

I will speak of her waht ever way I wish,she is no knight...:I will not allow you her son to be apart of my family.

Then I will not be of your family dear brother....::Mila looked to him::

She has my blessing :: Kulbin added::

and mine :: Zorin chimed in::

And mine as well :;Shavyn smiled dimly::

And... ::there was a voice on the winds:: She has Mine.... ::Shea appeared in a swril of winds next to Victor whom stood behind Hinn::

::Hinn turned his eyes went wide as he now spied Victor::

Give me one good reason why I shouldnt have you torn apart and tossed in to jail for treason....Hinn Green-Leaf....::Sheas arms crossed,she would not try to stop Victor,he was welcome to beat the ever living crap out of Hinn::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-19 01:49 EST
- He offered no nod, wave or form of greeting to anyone..he'd do that in a moment as his eyes stayed on Hinn, as it was easy to see..the more Hinn ran his mouth off, then more pissed he got...yet there was a very eerie calm around him. He paused a moment, upon reaching the male, not looking at him at first, before lowering his narrowed white eyed gaze on him. -

I should break you in half..right where you stand...but..there are things you should know first... Mila came to Nosgoth on her own accord...No one made her come...and no one is going to force her to do anything she...herself doesn't want to do...- So looked like Victor was keeping his calm right now, but it was easy to see..he wanted so badly for Hinn to say something...-

Second...You are right in saying I am crazy to marry her...I love her more than for someone being a are disgracing your well as spitting on the name of the royal family....that alone gives anyone here reason to cut you down where you stand..- And just to prove that point, he drew the sword he got from Salice, in a blur of the hand, he stopped the razor sharp sword at Hinn's neck. -

Third...If you ever speak ill of my son...or try to harm Mila ever again..-All three who have more honor than you do - He leaned down face to face with Hinn. - The last image you see...will be me..standing over your corspe...This union between Mila and Aiden..will happen..unless one of them decide for it not to happen...Untill will either offer your sister your blessing...for her to be happy....or you will be locked away for the rest of your life.. for treason against your lucky...that I am trying to keep my anger back...


Date: 2007-05-19 03:09 EST
::Hinn looked up at Victor easy feet taller than him,he wasnt a tall man Hinn he was just short of Shea even.He listened oddly,enough keeping his mouth closed.Hearing how Mila went to Nosgoth on her own accord,rubbish he thought but didnt say.Then he ehard the part about Vuctor loving shea more than anything.He didnt care about the allies,the royal familys of greenstone Crendia or anything else, then he felt thats wrod at his neck and glupped::

:;Shavyn smirked and walked beside ehr sister the two joined hands for a moment,Hinn would have to be very stupid do do anything with Alcanders balde to his neck. But insace he did those two ahd a plan,as sisters often do.::

:;Hinn looked to Shea then to Aiden and Kulbin thn to Mila as they all came to stand beside the sisters of greenstone behind Victor.Zorin still didnt move,until Kulbin gave him the nod over.::

::Hinn didnt move didnt breath swrod tip to his neck::I would rather rot away in hellt han give him my blessing...:: lighting quick reflexes whipped a throwing dagger from a shetah and tossed it heading right for Aiden.:;

::Zorin was there in the line of that tossed dagger with in moments caygthing the balde between his fingers:: color=green]careless... :; he spun the dagger and sheathed it in one of thsoe empty sheaths along his chest::

:;Shea glared at Hinn and looked to Shavyn, vines bound Hinns feet to the forest floor. Sheas jade hues went silver:: aye that was careless....:: a soft nod was given to Zorin in thanks for his quick action...she then glanced to Vcitor,that move was sure to get him pissed, but now she was pisses,hell hath no fury like shea...:: you dare try to hurt my son...::now she drew her mothers sword and pointed it on the other side of Hinns neck:: Royal law decrees that you go to trail for treason againt the crowns of not just GreenStone, but the goddes of Crendia and againt thsoe of Nosgoth...but tell me ::she pressed the tip in justa touch:; why I shouldt let my husabnd kill you with my fathers sword?

;Hinn glupped and closed his eyes:;

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-19 17:20 EST
That can be arranged..- A growl towards Hinn, before seeing that quick movement, and started to strike Hinn down, before leaning back and sheathing his sword. It would probably seem odd..that a moment ago, Victor was so willing to chop hinn up..yet didn't do it. -

- He then placed a hand on Shea's - No...he will go to trial..he wishes to rot in hell...- He smirked...- Let him rot in the prison..never again to have freedom..nor never able to see anyone he cares about..- He then nodded for Shea to lower her weapon..He knew she would stare at him...but if she though about it..Death was an easy release...and what Hinn wanted..more than likely. -


Date: 2007-05-21 00:47 EST
::Shea lowered her sword and sheathed it:: Zorin Kulbim, will ye do something for me?

::Kulbin nodded looking to Shea:; aye?

Drag him to the darkest dungeon in these lands that ye two know of,and I shall in form Willow...:;Shea hues still sliver she understood that reslove.::

:;Zorin took one of Hinn's Arms Kulbin took the other:; Shavyn go with them, keep Hinn in line :: a smirk to her sister::

yes,my pleasure :;a nod as the vines grom the ground gave way only to bind Hinns hands so that he could be dragged away by Zorina nd Kulbin with Shavyn close behind.::

::Mila lowered her head and shook it::

::Aiden looked to her:: he chose his fate,my love

I know ::Mila watched her bother being dragged off:; I know I am not surpised after everything that has happened

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-21 15:00 EST
- Victor watched as Kublin and Zorin dragged Hinn off with Shavyn going with them, and shook his head slightly before looking to Shea, as his eyes where flickering between white, deep blue..and an eerie black..Seemed Hinn was a breath's away from..waking up that hidden side of Victor. -

I'll go with you to tell Willow..- He felt it should be him to tell Willow, seeing how he was the one that said to lock Hinn away. He then leaned to her, kissing her cheek, before looking over to Mila and Aiden. -

- After a moment's pause..he walked over to Mila, and hugged her. - Sorry..- Whispered to it came close to being much worse...and if it did come to that...He didn't know how Mila would react..but on the other would of been justified for the lone reason...of Hinn attacking Aiden. -


Date: 2007-05-22 00:38 EST
::Shea nodded noting that eerieness about Victors gaze.Hinn had pushed one to many buttons of the wrong kind.With Victor and with her as well::

::Mila hugged Victor back and nodded:: do not brother chose his fate long ago....

::Aiden looked to his mother then to Victor then took Milas hand and the two walked off::

::Shea tooka moment and clsoed her eyes that shifted from ajde to silver to white to the deepest color they would ever get,yet that color would not be seen as her lids fell and she tooka deep breath:: let us hope he doesnt do anything else stupid

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-22 00:45 EST
- He nodded to Mila, before watching Aiden and her walk off, before taking a deep breath, as Victor was in a rare mood right now...but looked to Shea when she spoke up, eyes still flickering. -

Shea...if he messes up again...we may have no choice..- Said softly..but said after Aiden and Mila were already gone, as well as being said as he walked over to her, and lifted her gaze to his. -


Date: 2007-05-22 00:54 EST
::She gazed up to him:: I know,we need need to go speak to Willow,I am not the one tod eal out death and punishment any where least of all here,Shavyn,Kulbin and Zorin can handle Hinn I know where they are taking him....He will be well guarded....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-22 00:59 EST
Then let's go..- He he looked more eerie now, as his eyes had a slightly darker tint to them, yet he ever so softly scooped her up into his arms, craddling her in them, then started off towards the town. If this didn't prove to her..she had nothing to fear about his..former self..about him being in full control of it...when it came to not harming the ones they both loved...nothing would -


Date: 2007-05-22 01:09 EST
::Jade hues looked to him,her own eyes softly darker than nomral.Very few ahd seen Shea at her full fury potentail.Hinn had gotten close to seeing just that. Shea feared nothing baout Victor,not his dark past nor any of it she knew he had control she could feel it. Off they would go heading town bound bound for the palace and the Goddess::


Date: 2007-05-22 01:27 EST
Willow seemed to know,she always did these days.She was waiting dawned in all white there ebfore the Palce as Victor and Shea arrived,Ghallon was most likly there at Willows side.::

Shea ,Victor....:;A sage like nod to them both::

::Some where in the far forest Hinn Green-Leaf was tossed in to a iron bareed prison,that Shavyn fortifided with earth bound magics and Kulbin added his druid touches too.Zorin watche don ready to act if the low life should try anything,he didnt.::

The goddess will come and decied your fate.

::Hinn grinned at Shavyn:; Not bere you sister comes and when that happens...

::Shavyn shot a whip like vine at him across his cheek leaving a slow red welt:: touch my sister,speak her name,or any thing else and if Victor does not kill you I will...

::Kulbin looked to Hinn and shook his head silent:; you were our ally,you helpped us and now what have you become?

:;Zorin just huffed softly:: hes become someone to join those whom were our enemies...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-22 01:35 EST
Lady Willow..- Victor bowed his head, before notcing..Ghallon wasn;t there...which was odd, but he chose not to say he set Shea down on her feet. Ghallon..much like Willow, knew things before they happened, but he appeared..a moment or two later. -

Sorry for the delay.. - A bow of his head to Shea and Victor, as that was towards Willow, before taking his place by her He kinda spied on what was going on...It was a trait of his when he..felt something wasn;t right -


Date: 2007-05-22 16:14 EST
::Shea bowed her head softly to Willow and to Ghallon as well::

::Willow smiled:: I sense that you come with news of someone whos become a bit of a trator

::Some where in the far forest they had tossed Hinn in to that jail and now they left him there,well guarded by magics and two guards that shavyn spouted from the ground, one of rock and one of vine and earth...Now the tree would make their was towards the palace to meet up with Shea and Victor::

Aye Lady Willow, Hinn has become ... a trator....

::Willow breathed and shook her head:: I should have seen this coming he had worked so closely with Darius for so long...these threats he's made will not go un punhished...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-22 23:23 EST
- Victor bowed his head back to Ghallon, as he listened to Shea and Willow, as he went over what had happened, and waht he had been told...Something got him to start pacing. -

- Ghallon glanced away from Shea a moment, catching Victor pacing behind he knew the look his friend's well as the..tease form he had now. - Victor...what is it? - Not meaning to interupe Willow and Shea...but he had a feeling..Victor senced something..-

I don't like this....- Said to them all as he continued to pace. - Why now..does Hinn decide to show his true colors..Something's not adding up..- Yup..Victor had this gut feeling he had..that there was something about to go down...and there were three possible targets now.. Aiden...Shea..and himself..Seeing how..Aiden was with Mila, and Shea had chosen Victor..both things that pissed Hinn off. -

I could be...thinking to much on this...but...I just get the feeling..there's a hidden motive here...- Now looking to each one, more so towards Shea...with a soft..yet..worried look... It wasn't one he showed that often..but to Victor..Hinn's recent..chose to have some guts...struck him as..odd. -


Date: 2007-05-23 00:40 EST
::Sheas brows perked as she looked to Ghallon and Victor.Willow noted it as well:: I sense it too...

::Shea nodded:: somethings not right,I agree... after being our ally why now would he turn

He was Darius head in command for years,Darius was turned by Tancred...and Raevyn, but they are dead... really dead this time Darin is dead,James is dead.Something is not right.

::Shea nodded:: and we are the targets,me,Victor,my son....

Perhpas I need to go speak with him;; Willow glaced to the men then back to Shea:: I can be quite good at that

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-23 16:35 EST
- Victor was already gone..once Shea and Willow agreeed with him, yet Ghallon didn't bother to follow..He already knew whom Victor was heading for. He then looked to Shea and walked with a nod to Willow. -

Becarefull..we'll stay here.. - Indicating himself and of course he placed a hand on her shoulder. - Victor has gone off to collect Aiden and you don't have to worry about him..gutting Hinn before you get there..

- Vic knew Shea would want to come...but untill they figured this out...the safest place for Shea..was where she was at..even if Shea wanted to go..and Victor wanted her by his side..He had quietly taken a keep her and their child out of harm's way...Seems Vic's just as reckless as her. -


Date: 2007-05-24 00:14 EST
::Willow looked to Shea with one of thsoe all knwoing look:: ~ go to Rhydin Shea,do not follow.thats an order~ ::she then faded and left Shea with Ghallon following Victor to go see Hinn in the deepest dungon Creinda ha to offer,Willow knew the way there well::

:;Shea looked to Ghallon:: I can not stay ehre and do nothing,I will be in Rhydin,it may not be safe there,butno hard wiill come to em there if I stay here,I may do something unwise.I know Victor and Aiden are veryble of taking care fo them sleves,my son and my husband are not the types to go lightly in to any fight...I know Victor wishes me to saty out of it as does willow,Ghallon if I stay here It will drive me mad Victor can find me in Rhydin or at home in Nosgoth ::the winds rose before Ghallon could say anythign Shea was gone::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-24 00:20 EST
- And just as Ghallon was about to say something..Shea poofed on him. - Women... - He shook his head softly, as Victor wasn't heading for Hinn...he was heading out to find Aiden and Mila, to get them to head back to Nosgoth. As for Hinn...He'd leave him up to Willow...-


Date: 2007-05-24 00:38 EST
::Shea had things to do it seemed::

::Willow appreared before the cell that held Hinn:; Hinn Green-Leaf you have been accused of treason... what say you to these words?

I do not care anymore... I know the law says I should die for these things I have said and things I have done,I do not fear death. :;He was waiting for the wind mage,he was waiting for shea to show in all her fury::

::But Shea would not show she was in Rhydin.... speakign with Connar now...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-24 00:49 EST
- Meanwhile, Victor had caught up with Aiden and Mila, and told the both of them of his gut feeling, before leading the two back to Nosgoth. Once there, they would head off to Darkmere's castle, with Victor heading off towards home...towards Shea. -


Date: 2007-05-24 15:16 EST
::Willow stood before the cell that held Hinn hearing his words.::

" I do not care anymore... I knwo the law says I should die for these things I have said and things I have done,I do not fear death"

:;Willow breathed,one of those all clensing breaths:: Hinn, you were our ally you went to find She ain the moment we needed her most,you fogut for us you adandoned your post under Darius after you knew what had become of him.It can not be just jealousy that has brough htis new madness out of you.When you went to Rhydin to hunt down Shea ,to bring her here... since then you have not been the same.

::Hinn looked to her his normally light eyes darker:: did you not sense it Goddess....? ::His gaze locked to hers::

::Willow inched back her hand slid t that long sword at her side:: No, you of all people should not have didnt

I did,I left Darius true.I helpped the allies, but the one thing i wanted,i couldnt have.....she loved a normal man more than me and now shes married to of all things a vampire.....

Victor is a good man...your lucky to be standing here Hinn,he had every right to cut you down.I have every right as goddess as ruler of this land to cut you down, but you must stand trial, the leaders of the elven lands,nosgoth and Crendia will decied your fate. I will have tos end word so until a time for trial is set you will rot in this cellw atched by every eye of this forest by these creatures Shavyn has conjured. You will breathe with out me knowing it. :;She backed slowly away::

::She would retrun to the palace she would have to write to the kings and queens of those elven kingdoms,NenimeFairWinds,Morbin Silver Waters ,Almathia D'KeRose,Issac GoldenVine,Roxanna Luna, and Salice GreenStone. Shed have to tell Ghallon which would be esay,then she would have to write to Darkmere and those whom looked over Nosgoth.A busy night lie ahead of her when she arived home.::


Date: 2007-05-24 15:19 EST
::Shaun was fianlly home and smiling ear to ear,hed been out all night after meeting a few ladies he met someone who struck his fancy she was more that beautiful more than elegant,she was breath taking.He had been at the inn tlaking with Victoria till the hours grew late then he wlaked her home liek a true gentlemen.::

::; Then in the late hours he was wlaking home he had takena short stroll in to the woods thinking about his nigth so far hed met many lovely women and while they were nice and sweet they were not what he was looking for. Then in the woods he stopped he heard a and lovely singing,he followed the sound.::

::He came upona grovew of old oaks and there she was sitting dresse din a log flowing gown, she had wepaons though like some maiden yet some knight.She was elvish like the leves that lived in Crendia longer ears and sued tot he ehat of the summer dunes off to the south.Her hair was long and looked dark in the shadows but he could see a few strands as the moon light touched it it was almost purple in tone so dark that it looked black.::

::She had not seen him and she was singing.She seemed sad.He walke din to view and her eyes looked to him he was striken by her beauty her eyes were he fiarest blue he had ever seen like the sky at dawn whent he light seems to wash out the color. Her face wa s soft,her elven features made it even more so her skin was tanned she was indeed one of thsoe elves from the dunes like Kulbin, one fo the rare sand dune elves druids by nature.::

Are you... all right My lady? ::He asked her softly, her cheeks were softly red it looked as if she had been crying.He was stirken by her beauty,fair skin and dark lips full and they were turned up ina smile to him. ::

Ya naa amin? She spoke back to him in elvish. Shaun knew very little elvish. But he did know one phrase::
Lle quena i'lambe tel' edan?

::She looked to him blinking taking him in. :: n'uma..

::He smiled to her:: My name is Shaun...I wont hurt you... ;; he hoped that even though she didnt speak human that she might understand him::

amin essa Soronuume ::Her light gaze never left him,very cautious::

::Shaun breathed in deeply wishing he knew more elvish.:: Soronuume... do you understand me?

::She nodded her head softly,looking to him::

Are ye injured?Do ye need help?

::She nodded to his first question and again to his second:: Uma...

::Shaun looked to ehr this would be an adventure.He had no idea if uma meant yes but she nodded so it must.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-24 20:48 EST
- Once Willow returned, Ghallon could tell by the look on her face and how she was in that...serious mood..what had happened, and nodded softly to her. Without another word, he gathered up the needed papers -

I'll send word to Nosgoth..I'm guessing by now they already know..but still..I'll send the letter to them..letting ye send one to Salice. - Being as helpfull as he could, before sitting down to write a letter to his brother Darkmere. -

- He already knew how Darkmere would react, as dispite the calm, brooding man his brother seemed to portray..Treason was a crime..Darkmere didn't dance around on..Poor Hinn had sealed his own fate...the moment he acted out against Shea and her family. -

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-24 21:05 EST
He is Lady Willow's son.. - This said as Max walked up. He happened to be walking through the woods, as he had spotted Shuan heading into them, while doing his usual walk through the forest on an off day. Maewen was around..probably hidding seeing how, since they got back from the dance, they started to take long walks through the woods. -

- Some days it would be together, other would be both keeping their skills honed by hunting the other..Today was one of those days, with Max supposed to be tracking Maewen. -

I am Max..Shuan's friend. - This offered to the sand dune elf, with a bow of his head...with a polite smile to the elf. - Is there anything we can do for you? - A motion of his hand to Shuan then to himself..not trying to butt in..just being there for a friend. -

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-24 21:09 EST
He is Lady Willow's son.. - This said as Max walked up. He happened to be walking through the woods, as he had spotted Shuan heading into them, while doing his usual walk through the forest on an off day. Maewen was around..probably hidding seeing how, since they got back from the dance, they started to take long walks through the woods. -

- Some days it would be together, other would be both keeping their skills honed by hunting the other..Today was one of those days, with Max supposed to be tracking Maewen. -

I am Max..Shuan's friend. - This offered to the sand dune elf, with a bow of his head...with a polite smile to the elf. - Is there anything we can do for you? - A motion of his hand to Shuan then to himself..not trying to butt in..just being there for a friend. -


Date: 2007-05-25 00:44 EST
::The young elf womans broes perked:: wanwa :: she looked to them both::; amin wanwa...

::Maewen came in to view from behind max slowly from the other side of the woods she was there looking from max to Shaun tot he female elf.:: She says shes lost...::She offered a soft smile to the female dune elf:: amin essa Maewen, amin naa amin awra?

::She shook her head:: amin essa Soronuume...:: the elf seemed to smile a bit to Maewen but kept her gaze on max and mostly upon Shaun::

:;Maewen looked tot hem both:; She is from the clan of Soronume... a rare tribe of dune elfs here in Crendia. Mani Essa?

:;She looked from Maewen to the other too then back::amin Sirannon

:;Maewen smiled:: her name is Sirannon,which means great stream... in elvish she must have been born under the water elemental its rare for the sand dune elves....::she looked back to her: we wont hurt you we wish to help you,your lost, yes? where were you trying to go?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 01:22 EST
- Max smiled to seeing Maewen, as she took over talking to the lost elf, with a nod to her explainning things to them. Max understood what she said, but didn't say anything. -


Date: 2007-05-25 01:35 EST
Sirannon looked between them all picking up common words spoken,:: amin... lost... ::she spoke common one word but hey it was a start::

::Maewen smiled:; your lost,yes, where were you going? Home? Were you running from some thing someone?

::Shaun looked on smiling softly to the dune elf, he was quite taken with her::

::Sirannon looked back to Shaun then to Max then again to Maewen.:: Toror'

:;Maewens brows perked:; brother? you were trying to find your brother?

::Sirannon shook her head:: Brother sinome

::Maewen looked on:; your brother is here?

:;Sirannon nodded:: Here...::she tapped the soil under her::

::Maewen looked to max then to Shaun,then back to Sira...:: hey guys does she remind you of anyone? :;the female dune elf didnt have the red hair, but the eyes held that same look, though a different color ,she looked alot like Kulbin more like Blahl with the darker hair but perhaps she was their sister,a real blood sister.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 01:43 EST
- Max blinked and looked at Sira, before shaking his head he never had meet Kublin before. - Not that I can recall...then again..I only know a few people here.. - Which was true. - her brother.. - This coming from one of the nearby trees, yet none of them would know the voice, nor would the one who spoke himself just yet. It had that dark..tone to it, yet at the same time, hed a slight...arrogance to it as well. -


Date: 2007-05-25 01:49 EST
::Maewen looked towards where the voice came from:; and the one lurking in the shadows gets it on the nose...

::Shaun looked to where the shadows ha d spoken from he could see through the shadows call it a ttrait from his father::

::Sira slowly rose looking to Shaun, her pale blue eyes looked deeply in to his dark brown eyes:; Seldarine...

::Shaun looked over to Maewen::

::Maewen smiled:: Seldarine means gods or goddess in elven, she must sense that you are Willows son...

::Sira turned hearing the name Willow:: Goddess..

::Maewen nodded:: yes, Shaun is the godesses son

::Sira nodded and turned to look back at Shaun:: termara mori

::Shaun looked again to Maewen::

Termara Mori is the only word elvish people have for vampires... your father was one she senses it...

::Shaun looked to her and smiled softly::

We should go and find lord Kulbin, and Lady Shavyn.... if anyone can help her it will be them....:Maewen looked back towards the shadows she could see the one who spoke but not fully::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 02:03 EST
- another part of Crendia...namely..where Hinn was located..a dark figure seemed to slip by the guards, and headed down towards the cell Hinn was in. The male looked like the normal everyday..human. Well dressed in dark red clothing, chopped black hair, yet that demonic smile on his lips, could probably make the toughest man shiver, as deep pools of blood red, came to a stop on Hinn's cell..Bingo. -

So..this is Hinn? Heh...not much to look at. - The male snicker as he kicked the cell, to snap Hinn out of sleep..or out of any possible daze. - Hey! Idiot..wake the hell up...before I just gut you for the hell of it.


Date: 2007-05-25 02:10 EST
:: The two guards were amd eof stone and vine and let the figure pass,perhaps beacuse theyw ere told to let anyone pass whom looked of good intent to kill Hinn Shavyn hadnt really cared mush else.::

::Hinn opened his eyes now black pitch black looking to the make at the fornt of his cell. dark reed clothinh,chopped black hair,a grin that looked unhuman upon his face... Hinn was taken back, for a moment:; what do you want...? ::He sat up and looked out the bars to the man:: come to pay me respects fromt he wing mage whore ::he smirked he was up to no good::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 02:18 EST
No..I didn't come to see you on your slut of a mother's behalf... - Ouch..seemed whomever this was, had a mean streak a mile wide, yet never lost that demonic smirk. - Besides...she not very fond of you anyways...I just have a few questions...

- He then crossed his arms over his chest. - And do be smart..for once in your sad use less life...Are you toying with a friend of a friend's wife, just to make yourself feel like a man?


Date: 2007-05-25 02:26 EST
::Hinn paid those wise ass cracks no mind,and just eyed the man:; to feel like a man.. hmmm no its not for that its to make he feel what i felt when she said no she will lsoe something so dear to ehr that she will never be the same woman again...she will know what it is like,she took my sister from me now her son is going to marry him, but before that she will lose her child to ehr own deep dark minds desires....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 02:34 EST
Thank you. - A smile to Hinn, before it quickly faded. - Oh...before you die....remember my name in hell....Etten... - He started to cackle darkly, as he openned his hand towards Hinn, with pure malice glowing in the demon's eyes. -

Goodbye...Hinn...may you rot in Hell where you belong... - A black and blood red wave of utter dark energy rushed forwad, with malice, death...and suffering as it's well as making the target suffer while every organ of their body slowly died off..but there was one thing..that was happening elsewhere. -


Date: 2007-05-25 02:41 EST
::Hinn screamed... as he felt every organ in his body die lsowly in pian he fell to his knees,looking to this man or what ever he was outside of his cell his screams filled the woods yet those guiards Shavyn had conjured did not move....they watched on with wide elemental eyes was Hinn died slowly blood dripped upon the cell floor.Hinn s body collapesed in not nothing mush and rotting flesh and bone his eyes gone his heart expoloded Hinn Green-Leaf was dead::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 02:47 EST
Damn...I though he was tougher than that...I didn't even break a sweat..and it looked like I made a mistake..Oops - Said after all this was said and done, not even bothering to pay any attention towards the guards, as he idlly watched Hinn's rotting corspe. -

Oh well...blowhards are usually push overs.. - A shrug, before turnning to head off, with a glance to the guards. - What? He disagreed with something that he messed with...How was I to know..he'd be that easy.. - Said with a demonic smirk. -


Date: 2007-05-25 03:03 EST
::The two guards seeme dot fall in to their element,one back tot he stones and one back to the earth::

:;the wind grew and light fell over the cell in which the body of Hinn lie:: and whom might you be? :: the female voice floated to him Willow stood on the top of that cell clad in ehr slayer huntress gear armed tot he teeth seems someone beat ehr to her assaigned task::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 03:09 EST
I am know by many names...Asshole...killer...murderer.. Cold hearted bastard..Take your pick. - A slight shrug as he turned to look at Willow, as that demonic smirk never fell. - My..aren't you quite the sexy woman.. - He smirked more as he eyed her over very slowly -

But if you must know my is Etten


Date: 2007-05-25 03:16 EST
::Willow looked to him head tilted a bit she had met many man who claimed those names before,hadnt she dtaed many of them in the past any how.... ,did he just call her sexy? She jumped from the top og the cell to the forest floorSword along her right hip bow and arrow along ehr back dagger at the left,clad in all dark colors she was hunting she was goddess and slayer and had abusy life,but now Hinn was dead:; Etten... ::she looked to him with thsoe bright emerald hues:; I am Willow... and you have just killed Hinn Green-Leaf eh was to stand trial for treason, but I see you killed him,looks like you worked out that middle man...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 03:23 EST
Your point being? He was trying to cause I gave him what he wanted...Suffering..Pain..Agony.. - A faint shrug, as he was back to looking at his nails, as if they were more interesting to him, than what they were talking about. -

He wanted to rot in Hell..I just gave him a taste of what Hell is like...and I went easy on him...Oh well..serves him right. He asked for it..I delivered - Said so coldly..that it was hard to tell if he was that cold..yet that demonic smirk grew as he spoke..He enjoyed making Hinn suffer that badly. -


Date: 2007-05-25 03:28 EST
::Willow just looked to him:: I have no point, your serive was greaty needed,i know not who sent you or how you came to be here but you have my thanks,as the ruler of this land :: she was used to men whowere cold cold as ice and she shrugged it off and moved to go back to her hunt::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 03:32 EST
Save your thanks...He messed with a "brother" of mine...It was a personal pleasure..and had nothing to do wth these lands... - A slight smile, before turnning to head off to what ever hell spawned him..Granted..they were going to kill Hinn anyways...but that "brother" would stand out. -


Date: 2007-05-25 15:17 EST
::Willow looked back over to him,brother... that word stood out indeed time to seek out ehr lover,Ghallon knew everyone it seemed and Etten seemed to be someone Ghallon might know of::

::Mean while Maz,Maewen,and Shaun led Sira towards the cottage where Kulbin and Shavyn had been staying. Maewen and Sira were in the lead and Maewen tried to teach Sira some common words.As she walked Sira would look back ever so often to Shaun and smiled.::

::Shaun smiled back to her::

::Maewen smirked to ehr self,Dune elves lived a very different life from the other elves aout Crendia.Clan based,very rare.Most of the women stayed in the huts while the men hunted or went off to wars.She was starting to wonder exactly what Sira's story was::


Date: 2007-05-25 15:30 EST
To Understand The way things are you must first understand the past.

Long ago,before the wars before Willow even came in to the lands of Crendia as a goddess. There lived a family out in the dunes of the far reaches.A father a mother two boys and a young girl. Yet when the boys were very young still the father took them with him,they ahd trainign to go through things that the daughter could not. She remained in the home with her mother to do the things the women did farm the rare sand crops lear ways of magic and otther things.

Kulbin and Blahl were those two boys Blahl being older bya few years got intenxe training from his father and when he was very young was sort of srafted in tot he armies of far off crendia. Her was perfect for it too he didnt look like a dune elf his ears were short hardly pointed his hair dark like his fathers. Kulbin on the other hand looked much like a dune elf his eears long like there hair bright red,like his mothers. He was skille din magic and his father sent him tot he Druid school before going out to the battles that raged the country side. Their father died in battle,so the two boys were split from their blood sister and their mother for the rrest of their lives Kulbin a druid helped out when he could but soon became an outcast.Blahl became a head commander of the warriors of Crendia- everything changed when Shavyn came...

Sirannon stayed with ehr mtoher through old age finally she passe don and Sira was alone.She had a vivid mememory of ehr btohers and now she had to find them she set out with a few things food,water,clothing and one wepaon besides her well honed magic.A dagger ornate and lovely that was her mothers silver and rare tot he dunds,the balde was a nix of gold and silver the hilt strong the guard thin yet perfectly balanced was the blade. She set out in tot he dunes and would walk to find her brothers::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-25 23:01 EST
- Granted, Ghallon should know whom Etten was, and what the "brother" comment meant, yet this would be one subject, the old wizard had no clue about either, but guessed..other than Etten himself, whom was gone by now..Victor would be the one to ask. -

- Meanwhile, as Maewen was teaching common to Sira, Max was teaching a little elven to Shuan, with him casting a glance towards Maewen, but did catch the smiles between Shuan and Sira. -

I do believe...Lady Sira has taken a liking to you.. - A grin to Shuan as he whispered that to his friend. He might be reading to much into the offered smiles, then again...Maewen gave hi the same smile..when they met the second time. -


Date: 2007-05-25 23:58 EST
::Willow shurgged as Ghallon told her he didnt know,she wasnt about to bother Victor and Shea to ask Victor if Etten came back or made his presense known else where Willow would surly get to udnerstand him better.::

::Shaun smirke dlooking to Max:: ye think so? :: his brows perked as he looked back to Sira,he was taking in the elvish words but lordy be he couldnt say half of them::

::Finally they arrived at the cottge and Maewen knocked:;

::Shavyn answered the door her brows perked:: Lady Maewen... good eve to ye whan can I :; then she saw Sira, then shaun and Max:: well whats going on?

::Maewen smiled to Shay:; we were looking to talk to Kulbin...

::Shay nodded taking in Sira,that dark hair ehr light eyes,that look about her,she looked like Kulbin and looked like Blahl...:: Hes in the bath he'll be out soon enough come on in all of you please....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 00:03 EST
Aye..I do. - A soft nod to Shuan, as it was the same with him as the words go..It took him a bt of pratice to be able not to make a fool of himself as well as offend an elf. -

- Once they reached the cottage, he bowed his head to Shay, before following everyone in, then moved to be beside Maewen. -


Date: 2007-05-26 00:17 EST
::Shaun smiled wide, and went inside the cottage they each took upa seat and Sira looked sat Shay.::

:;Shavyn smiled to her:: I'm Shavyn...

::Sira smiled:: Sira ..::she tapped her chest softly still getting used to the common tongue::

Saesa omentien lle ::Shavyn smiled back to her::

::Sira smiled feeling istantly better that Shavyn was a elf....:: Vedui'

::Shavyn smiled:; its hard to learn and udnerstand common,so ::she looked back to t e others:; whats going on?

::Maewen snuggled close to Max:: Oh Shaun found her in the forest....and...

Sira... :: Kulbins voice came from the stair way behind Shavyn::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 00:24 EST
- Max cuddled back to Maewen. - Well..Sira's - He paused when Kublin walked into the room and said Sira's name, and guessed that it would be best if Kublin answered that Sira was his sister. -


Date: 2007-05-26 00:34 EST
::Shavyns gaze turned to Kulbin:: My love? Ye know her?

::Kulbin crossed the room Sira rose:: Toror'

::Shays brows perked:; brother? You never told me you had a sister
::Kulbin gazed to Shay witha smile then to the others:; well i guess since your all ehre and since you all did find her I might as well tell you all this tale

When my brother and I were young our father took us away from home to be trained Blahl was trained to be a soilder and became one,and I was trained to be a druid and when my ftaher died int he wars we never went home I can barely remembe rit my self. She is my sister,raise by my mother after we left,I had heard things that the dune people had been wipped out.....::his brows perke dlooking to Sira:; Atara?

::Sira looked back sadly:: she is dead...

::His ears perked more::ahh well it seems in your short time with your new friends :;meaning maewen.max and shaun:; you have learned afew common words. ::He moved to her and the two embraced::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 00:42 EST
- Max looked to Kublin as he told his tale, and smiled to seeing brother and sister embrace, while still cuddling to Maewen. He waited till Kublin was done speaking, before speaking himself. -

Actually...Maewen is the one teaching her to speak commons. - It was true, letting the sweet and lovely Maewen have the credit for teaching Sira common..-


Date: 2007-05-26 00:42 EST
Sira, ::Kulbin looked to her:: Blahl is dead....

::She nodded:: I felt it,I felt the ....huine in him

::Shavyn looked on between the two::

::Kulbin nodded:: I am so happy ou are alive Seler' you must meet my wife :; he pointed to Shavyn::

::Sira smiled and boudned over to Shay and hugged her :;

::Shavyn smiled:: welcome to the family, your going to be an aunt :: shay stroked her tummy:; Sira could come to the summer fest ::she looked tot he others:; your all invited of coarse, she could meet the big happy family....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 00:59 EST
- And to hearing they were all invited..he glanced to Shuan, and just with his eyes, gave a glance towards Sira...One of those guy looks of " Well...ask her to be your date" type looks, before looking to Shay - Would be an honor to join in the festivals with your family.


Date: 2007-05-26 01:07 EST
:; Shavyn smiled to Max:: good its going to be in GreenStone....:; she smiled looking back to Kulbin::

::He nodded:: yes yes,you will have to meet the family now ::he looked to his sister:;I am sorry I didnt come home,if I had known...

:;Sira shook her head:; it is all right brother...

::Shaun looked to max seeing that look, Shaun wanted to ask her to be his date but didnt want to come off to forward::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 01:14 EST
- Max nodded to Shuan upon catching the return look, before offering Maewen one, with a kiss to her cheek then back to Shuan, as if to say " I know how you feel..but from what I heard...You have to be bold to swoon them. " Max wasn't trying to ruin Shuan's chance...He just seen how things had turned out with a few of his friends, reguarding anyone that was with a lady or friend of Crendia and Greenstone. -


Date: 2007-05-26 01:15 EST
Sira looked to Shaun and smiled softly.Then back to her brother, then to Shavyn.::

::Kulbin caught that glance Sira gave to Shaun:; ahh yes, Lord Shaun I must thank you for all your help in bringing my sister here

::Shaun nodded, :: well it was Maewens idea to bring ehr here she saw the resmblence.

::Kulbin nodded to Maewen then:: a keen eye indeed lady smith....

::Maewen smiled she had seen that glance Sira gave to Shaun::Lord Kulbin if I may say something, perhaps your sister would feel better at the dance at the fest in rgeenstone if she had someone to take her, there are many couples as I am sure...

::Kulbin nodded:: aye tis true ::he smiled knwoing Maewens plan:; Shaun how about it?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 01:21 EST
- He chuckled softly to himself and nudged Maewen at that, to her and Kublin putting poor Shuan on the spot..before looking to Shuan, with a nod..telling his friend...His chance had arrived. -


Date: 2007-05-26 01:25 EST
::Shaun looked to Kulbin and tooka breath:: way yes I will serve as escort M'lord...

::Sira smiled to her brother, thing about brothers and sisters or sisters and sisters for that matter they could always read eachother in fact Shavyn sent She a little flower message....::

::Kulbin nodded:; good good, now its late Sira ye can stay ehre with us if you like or perhps Lord Shaun would be kind enough to allow you to stay in the palace ..there is only one room
he re after all

:;Shauns eyes went wide a moment:: oh yes ,there are mant rooms at the palace I know my mother would not mind...

::Sira nodded softly::

::Kulbin nooded:: good tis settled tomorrow we will meet back here yes?

::Maewen nodded and rose:: well unless you need me and Max we will be working at the shop... but if ye need us send word

::Shay nodded:: good night ;lady Maewen,Max....

::Maewen headed out the door with Max snickering softly::

::Kulbin looked to Shaun:; now you and I need to chat for a moment ,pardon us ladies :; he pulled Shaun behind him up stairs::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 01:30 EST
Goodnight everyone. - A smile as he stood up with a bow of his head, then slipped out with Maewen, chuckling softly himself, then a bit louder to just catching the " We need to talk" from Kublin to Shuan. - Poor Shuan...just meet Sira...and already having to have to talk alone with her brother..


Date: 2007-05-26 01:49 EST
::Maewen smiled softly to that :: Shaun will survive he seems to be taken with Sira...

::Kulbin gazed to Shaun:: ye are Willows son, and I know ye have been away for a very long time,I see the way my sister looks at you,she has not ebeen around people very much either,i think you two shall do eachother well,as friends first....:: emerald hues looked to shaun:: treat her well

::Shaun nodded:: yes sir,I will i promise....

;:Kulbin patted his shoulder:: good walk her home,and no funny business :: he smirked:;

::Shaun nodded:: yes sir...

::Down the two came Sira and Shavyn had eben talking while the two were gone,Shay was telling Sira about GreenStone and alos told ehr shed happily help her learn more common... Sira asked many questions and a few about Shaun,Shavyn had smiled to thsoe telling he ronly the things that she knew but Shay would leave the rest up to the young shaun::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 02:26 EST
Aye - He nodded in agreement to that, before walking Maewen back to their shop. -

Meanwhile back at the palace.

Wonder where Shuan has gotten off to. - Ghallon said as Willow and him were sitting at the table, eatting a small lunch. Nothing fancey or anything, a few sandwichs, he had made for the two and some juice. -


Date: 2007-05-26 02:30 EST
::Willow had come back from her late night hunt and Shaun ahd not been home still and now it was lunch time rather a late dinner, as it was rather dark out:: Hmmm ::Willow pondered:;

::Shaun and Sira left Kulbin and Shays cottage and Shaun walked Sira towards the palace they talked a bit but for the mst part both were rather shy,it made sense they had beena way from people a long time ::

::He held door open for her and led her along in to the palace::

::Now it was time for Willow and Ghallon to looked shocked as the twow alke din to the dinning room::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 02:36 EST
Just's not like Shuan to - He paused mid sentence as he heard the door open, before watching Shuan and Sira walking into the palace, then into the kitchen. Lucky for Shuan he was with someone, as Ghallon was about to ask where he had been...You a rather embareassing scene.. -

Who's your friend? - The urge to be all..fatherly passed, as it was replaced by a growing grin, to seeing Shuan and Sira together, almost one of those, " Nice lady you have meet...I aprove" to Shuan..Looks like he might be embareassed after all..once Willow spots them.. -


Date: 2007-05-26 02:44 EST
::Shaun smield to Ghallon catching that glance and eharing that fatherly tone:; Mother ,father :; he smiled abit more:; this is Sira...she is Lord Kulbins sister

:;Sira smiled to them both:: Mae govannen

Sira these are my parents, Willow and Ghallon :: a hand motioned tot hem both::

::Willow saw her son then saw Sira, then ehard the part about her being Kulbins sister she could see it, though her hair was darker than Kulbins and eyes so blue she saw the Binoa family in her .Blahl and kulbin their father and their mother both whom Willow had known of....:: Well well met Miss Sira... :: she gave her son one of those looks,and then smiled to Ghallon::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-26 19:17 EST
Tis a pleasure to meet you, Lady Sira. - A bow of his head to her, before standing up to fix them something to eat as well, after catching the glance from Willow. -

- Once the two sat down, Ghallon chose not to asking Sira question after question, as he didn't wish to run her well as to let her get used to being around Shuan's parents. Poor girl..only met Shuan today, and already she was meeting his family. -


Date: 2007-05-27 00:31 EST
::Shaun sat there and ate his dinner, it was oddly sielnt Willow didnt ask any questions, and was happy to let Sira saty in one of the many rooms within the palace,any rooms he saw fit.Willow knew much about the dune elves and was struck by how much common sira had learned ina few hours,impressisve woman, and Those emerald yeyes watched her son and smiled softly.She greatly apporved::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-28 00:03 EST
- Ghallon chuckled softly to Willow being quiet, but chose not to break the silence, as the four ate. He glanced from Willow, to Shuan then to Sira. He noticed Sira was rather good at speaking the common tongue, yet knew they usually didn't know much. -

So...where did you two meet? - Might as well get this over with..just to save the two from having to answer those questions later. -


Date: 2007-05-28 00:15 EST
::Shaun looked to Sira then to Ghallon:: I was walking home,and tooka little walk through the woods...Then I saw her

:;Sira looked to Ghallon:: Amin...:; she started to sayit in elvish :: I was lost,looking for toror,Shaun was very kind to me.Aratoamin :: Sira smiled softly to Shaun then looked to Ghallona nd Willow. She could tell much about the goddess and her chosen mate...Years spent alone in the city of dunes had made hr senses very accute::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-28 00:19 EST
That was very honorable of you. - A smile towards Shuan, before noticing the look from Sira and smiled to her as well. - Kublin is your brother? - Brows quirked a bit, noticing the similarites. -


Date: 2007-05-28 00:32 EST
::Sira smiled and nodded:; Uma... yes he is my brother...I have not seen him in many many years he and Blahl left with my father when i was very young. ::She tucked back that black hair that shone purple and those light bright blue eyes shown out. She didnt look like Kulbin,she looekd mroe like Blahl and her father... dark hair, but she had her mothers light eyes::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-28 00:41 EST
- He nodded softly to that, before glancing to Shuan a moment, then back to Sira. He had to admit, they did make a cute couple, as well as it being good..Shuan found someone that he might share his life with. Granted it was stil early, but Ghallon had a feeling, they would stay together. -


Date: 2007-05-28 01:14 EST
::Willow smiled looking to Sira and then to her son. they shared so much in common,he had been kept away from evrything and everyone for so long. Sira had lived a very differnt life,the life of a dune elf,but she was one of the few left,and Willow coudlnt image how long Sira had wlaked across thsoe sands to reach was miles... of hot sands.... the girl might be in need of a nice cold bath, as well as some friends...::


Date: 2007-05-28 01:17 EST
::Willow smiled looking to Sira and then to her son. they shared so much in common,he had been kept away from evrything and everyone for so long. Sira had lived a very differnt life,the life of a dune elf,but she was one of the few left,and Willow coudlnt image how long Sira had wlaked across thsoe sands to reach was miles... of hot sands.... the girl might be in need of a nice cold bath, as well as some friends...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-29 23:33 EST
- Ghallon looked from Shuan to Sira as well, noticing that same fact Willow did. Shuan was locked away because of a wannabe god, with Sira being locked away with her people, probably by tradition. He didn't know that and wouldn't ask, but the two did live a similar life maybe what they needed was someone that understood that. -


Date: 2007-05-30 02:20 EST
::Aye was ture she did need someone whom udnerstdoot hata nd Shaun was the man for the job. dinner would be eaten and Shaun would help clean the dishes and then show Sira to her room ::

if ye need anything,the servants will tend to ye, my room is just three doors down....,and this palace is very protected,ye are very safe here.

::Sira smiled to him:: Diola lle...

Your very welcome, quel du....Sira..

::sira smiled to him and opene dthat door and passed in to her room, and Dhaun made his way to hsi room on cloud nine....::

The day after

:: after visiting Icer in Rhydin Shea nad Vic would head towards Crendia gettign there the next day just after dawn they stood otuside that cottage where Shay and Kulbin were staying::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-30 17:34 EST
- Victor smiled to Shea, before winking at her, as he walked up to the door, then rubbed his hands together. Yes..he was in a good mood, as well as in the mood for a little fun. He knew this would get Shea to giggle. -

Help! - He was trying not to laugh during this, as he cried that out while banging on the front door, then quickly ducked behind Shea...grinning ear to ear.. He was such a goof right now, but a goof Shea loved dearly and he loved her just as dearly back -


Date: 2007-05-31 00:15 EST
:: Shea giggled , and rose ehr browws as he slid to hide behind her that wasnt possible she was hsort he was tlal it wa slike trying to hide a mountian behind a tree. ::

:Shay came to the door brows perked and she smirked:: your late everyone else is all r ady here :; she noted back to Kulbin,Shaun,Sira,Aiden and Mila ,Willow and Ghallon wow a big family affair huh.::

::Shea smirked:; sorry we were busy making love :: shea wasnt lying either,that got Aiden to amke a face at his mother:; Atara....

::Shea smirked and wlake d inside pulling her goofy husband with her::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 00:23 EST
What?..She started it..- An innocent look to everyone as Shea dragged him inside, as it was well..half the truth. - Besides...all you know how Shea can get...- He chuckled before sitting down, while pulling his lovely wife, into his lap -


Date: 2007-05-31 00:34 EST
::Shea sat in to his lap:;

::Aiden rolled his eyes softly:: Atar...

::Kulbin got a good chuckle out of those two:: aye we all know how she is stubborn... and flighty ..:; his red brows rose:; but now that we are all ehre down to business aye...

:;Shavyn nodded:: Aye, well i am glad you all are ehre, ebacuse Kulbin has someone to introduce....

:;Kulbin beamed a smirk and looked to his sister who was sitting at that table with Aiden,Mila and Shaun:: Shea,Victor... my sister Sira...

:;Sheas brows rose as she looked tot he elvish woman, she looked much like Blahl the dark hair and faint blue eyes but there was that look to thsoe eyes that was very Kulbin..... :; a sister... well...

:;Sira smiled softly to Victor and Shea seems so far so good everyone else she had met:: Saesa omentien lle :; she bowed her dark head ::

:;Shea smiled:: Mae govannen Sira, Lle naa vanima

:;Sira blushed softly:: It is such a pleasure for me to meet you Miss Shea... Your sona nd his beloved have been very kind to me as has everyone...:: she gazed past Aiden,Mila,Ghallon,Willow,Shavyn, Victor, Shea and her brother:: I am so please to be apart of a family

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 00:39 EST
- He sooo started to add on to what Kulbin just said, but didn't want a pissed off wind mage...more so one that was with his child...- Alright..I'll behave..

- He then looked to Sira as she was introduced to them, and bowed his head to her..before having to say it. - Not to be rude or anything....but it seems like everyday..our family keeps getting bigger and bigger...- Just pointing that out. -


Date: 2007-05-31 00:44 EST
:shay smirked to that:; aye it does and on that note Kulbin and I know what our daughters name is goign to be Kaleigh Ember... :: a bright smile then::

::Kulbin gave that proud little smirk:: Binoa GreenStone :: he added::

:;Shea smirked, she so wanted to tell them all now about her and Victors choice of name but she would wait till summer fest to tell everyone at once.::

::Sira smiled looking over to Shaun then back towards Victor and Shea... those bright blue hues saw much,just as she could tell things about Shaun,Willow,Ghallon,Mila, and the rest fo them she knew that Victor was different from them,and Shea as well... all those years in training in the dune sands...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 00:48 EST
- Ghallon was being quiet as he looked towards Victor and Shea, noticing the look the two shared, and grinned at the two, with Victor shooting him a look..of ' You can wait to..old man" -


Date: 2007-05-31 00:52 EST
:;Willow smriked:; ahh yes, as most of you know Hinn is dead.... killed by,Etten, :; oh yes she could remmeber that name:; and it seems he may have gone in tot he elven lands, Shea ye might want to inform your sister.... hes no threat I dont think but I dont know him all that well...hes got a cold attitude which i am all to used to , but i think he may have a hard time in GreenStone with all the peace about

:;Shea nodded and looked to Mila,then back to Willow :: peace we do ahve but I am sure all will be fine, but I shall send Salice word...

::Mila was upset about her brothers dead, but knew that it was the only way...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 00:57 EST
He'll be fine...just hope no one pisses him off..- A glance around to everyone there, before slipping from Shea to walk over to Mila, then leaned down, placing a hand on her shoulder, offering her a comforting hand.. True he wasn't the one that done it...but he was the one that said for Hinn to be locked meet that fate. -


Date: 2007-05-31 01:06 EST
:;Mila smiled softly to Victor::

::Aiden looked to his mother and smiled....he was one of the only was here he was sure that knew the childs name, the child that grew inside of ehr she had told him, and he handt told a soul not even Mila....::

:;Sira looked again to Shea and moved form Shauns side and sat down by her:: My brother... cared for you once...

::Shea was breathless for a moment:; aye,Blahl did.... ::the past hurt yes,Sheas past with men was haunting her,oddly enough the one spirit she hadnt seen lately was Adaron, but every other name was brought up ....::

::Siras bright blue hues looked to the wind mage;; you were not the one to kill him... the first or second tried to help him...

::Shea nodded;; I did...

::Sira looked on back to the others..then again to Shea...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 01:15 EST
- Victor smiled back to Mila, before looking to he was there when Shea told him, before looking over to Shea and Sira a moment.. He looked down at what was said as well...granted Shea didn't kill Blahl either time..-

- He didn't say it was rather..odd.. Blahl messed with Shea..after being brought back..and Victor killed him. Hinn done the same..and he nearly killed him as well. -


Date: 2007-05-31 01:23 EST
::Sira looked to Victor,then to Shea and rose to go back to sit wit Shaun::

::Aidens brows perked looking to his mother and Sira.... Sira had not seen the hell they all went through with Blahl, he ahd he had been there for it all....the war in greenstone the war in crneida, the fights in Rhydin..... nearly losing his mother hed been through it all too many times....::

:;Mila smiled to Victor and patted his shoudler, giving him that' it was the right thing to do' look. Before she rose:: well Aiden and I are heading to GreenStone early

::Aiden nodded:: aye,Isaac wished to speak with me

:;Sheas brows rose a bit::

:;Aiden flashed his mother asmile:; we will see you all at the fest... :; he took Milas hand they said their goodbyes gave their hugs and were off.::

::Willow rose slowly;; seems the lovely Queen wishes to speak with me, I'll be ehading to GreenStone as well,but I'll be back later :;she kissed Ghallon softly patted her sons shoudler and flickered with a touch of light and wind out of the room::

:;Kulbin sighed:; and I made a big breakfast and everything, well guess more for us, plates on the counter, everyone help your self to some food....

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 01:29 EST
- Victor smiled back to Mila before, looking to Aiden at that as well, before nodding softly. - Be good. - This as he hugged the both of them, before fixing a plate for Shea and brought it over to her, before fixing one for himself. -

- Ghallon kissed Willow back, before fixing everyone a plate..and handed them out..-


Date: 2007-05-31 16:14 EST
::They would all sit and tlak Sira would share many tales of what had gone on in ehr home,Shea, and Kulbin filled Sira in about the wars in greenstone , and crendia. :;

::Once breakfast was done and all ahd their fill there would be dishes to do and Shea and Shavyn tended to thsoe with Sira, leaving the boys at the table with Shaun... the three women had to laugh softly...While Sira dried the dished she smiled to Shaun. Shea knew that look,she knew it well::

:;Shavyn giggled,:: I think someone has a crush on Shaun... :: this whispered to her sisters ear::

::Shea giggled softly and nodded and gave Sira alittle nudge...::

::Sira blinked at Shea.. as if to ask, ' what was that for?' ::

::Shea smirked she could see Ghallon,Victor and Kulbin sitting there with Shaun..... poor poor Shaun::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-05-31 21:43 EST
- Victor was the quiet one out of the bunch, getting Ghallon to notice it..but chose not to ask any questions, before looking to Shuan, grinning at the youth. -

Seems ye like Sira... - Yeah..Ghallon had noted how polite times shy Shuan had been around Sira. While Ghallon teased Shuan, Victor bowed his head to the three at the table, before slipping out of the house. He wasn't trying to be rude to anyone, just needed some fresh air..and a few moments to himself. -

- Ghallon glanced to Shuan and Kublin to Vic slipping out without a word, before quirking a slight brow to the two, seeing if either one of them felt the same need for talk to ther friend...and in a way..felt someone at the table. -


Date: 2007-06-01 00:26 EST
::Sheas brows perked as she saw Vic slip out.::

:;Shaun smiled and nodded looking back to Sira, then to Ghallon, his brows rose as he saw Vic leave the house.::Aye she is quite amazing.... ::his gaze looked back to Sira there ont h e couch talkign with Shavyn::

::Kulbin looked to Shavyn then to Shea and would follow Victor out:; Victor you okay ?

::Shea walked to the table and sat next to Ghallon,her face played with worry.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-01 00:29 EST
- Ghallon patted Shea on the shoulder, before watching Kublin following Victor out. -

- Victor looked over to Kublin a moment, before looking back out into the woods. He didn't say anything, for a moment or two, before sighing lightly. -

I'm alright...- Said in a low murmur, but didn't offer to glance towards Kublin as he spoke. -


Date: 2007-06-01 00:38 EST
::Kulbins red brows rose:; you sure?

:;Inside Sira was giggling as Shay was telling her stories about Kulbin....things that Sira might have msised out on::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-01 00:45 EST
Yeah... - Still not offering Kublin a glance, as Victor kept his gaze on the distance. It wasn't like him to be like this, then again..he had been a quiet and off to himself. -

- Inside, Ghallon was keeping an eye on Shea...having a feeling..what ever was going was bothering Victor..but still chose not to say anything. -


Date: 2007-06-01 00:52 EST
::Shea glanced to the door then back to Ghallon, with that' all right old man you know something look' ::

::Kulbin stood there leaning back upon the door :: Victor it doesnt take a smart man to figure out that something i bothering you, I know you and I dont know eachother well, and I know how hard it is to be married to a greenstone woman, so if somehtings bugging you maybe you should you know get it off your chest

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-01 01:01 EST
- Ghallon smiled slightly to if saying, "I know something is up..but what it is..I don't " -

- Victor sighed softly to that...before looking down a moment. - You know about the special connection Shea and I have...- Now turnning to glance somewhat in Kublin's direction. -

I know..we are together..but lately..- He closed his eyes a moment...ntot sure how to say this.. - it just time I get the feeling she would take the chance to change the past..- Seemed alot was bothering him, which he kept bottled up.. - and before you start on us being married...The feeling is still there..

- A slight glance to Kublin...normally..he'd keep this to himself, but it seemed it finally reached a point he needed to talk. - Now you know...what is bothering me..It just she wants to change what happened...before she met me...


Date: 2007-06-01 01:08 EST
::Kulbin listened:: Shea loves you,it may take her time to put her past to rest when it come to Connar.... but sooner or later she will s e he is not the man she thought he was.... she loves you,Greenstone women are very stubborn and harder to understand than any other woman,but they are loyal.... shea would never do that the past is the past and she is with you now....:; Those deep emerald toned hues rested on Victor:: I thiink it should be Shea your telling this to not me.... Shea might wish to chnage alot about ehr past,she feels much of the things that ahve gone wrong are her fault,Connars leaving, my brothes betrayl the wars,lots weighs on her mind, and she doesnt share it with anyone,she doesnt like to burdan anyone...tlak to her,I am sure all your worries will be put to rest

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-01 01:15 EST
Maybe your right..- He smiled slightly before looking back towards the distance.. It would be the second talk they would have had...hopefully it wouldn't become to frequent.. - Could you please send her out?


Date: 2007-06-01 01:21 EST
:;Kulbin nodded:; you got it... ;;he slipped inside: Shea... :: he looked to the door::

::Shea rose and nodded to him and slipped out::

:":Onc einside Kulbin beamed a smile tot he others there::

All right, everyone else, lets head out the back door to the fest... :: he looked to Shavyn, Sira,Shaun and Ghallon:: hate to be late

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-01 01:26 EST
Let's. - And with a flash of white light, Ghallon would take the group..minus Shea and Victor, seeing how the two needed to talk. -

- Victor glanced to Shea when she came out, before taking a deep breath. -


Date: 2007-06-01 02:43 EST
- And off the two heading towas Greenstone, with Victor carrying Shea, as they flew throught the Shea a look a bit into his world...on what it was like to have wings -

;Shea smiled gettign a 'birds' eye view as they flew ina new way back towards greensotne::

He grinned to her smiling , before suddenly dipping towrds the tree tops...just to see her reaction. -

::She closed her eyes:; Victor...:: yes the winds had often whisked her here an there and yes shed riddena dragon for a few moments but thsi was very different::

Open your eyes...- He grinned so she could see the two skimming the treelines, as he had wanted to share this with her..and seemed he picked the right night to do so.. -

:she peeked ehr eyes open:: this is amasing:; she watched the tree wiz past her and giggled:: dont you dare drop me Victor

He grinned to that, and suddenly shot upwards towards the clouds, letting her feel the wind rushing through her hair much more that just poofing throught the winds.. -

::she smirked and giggled as she felt the winds rush past ehr face and through her hair:: this is amazing.... is..- He then teased he was going to drop her, just to see how tight she would cling to well as yell at him -

:she clung on to him tighter::Victor!..::she closed her eyes tightly::

- He chuckled softly to that - Yes? - He chuckled more, he was sooo going to get it the moment they landed -

she clung to him tightly, she shot hima look:: yes? you know what... im so going to get you when we get to the castle

He chuckled softly, and shifted her around, letting her look him right in the eyes now. - Oh really? - He would thenn com to a stood, with his wings flapping enough to let them hover high above the ground, and above the cloud...Nothing but the stars and moon all around them...A truely lovely sight..-

she gazed up in to his eyes and ndoded, she could see the stars and feel the moon ligh:: yes,i will punish ye...

I think not..- He then kissed her softly as he closed his eyes, as he had just pulled off something..if one though about it...that any wind mage would want to feel..and see..How it felt to truely fly. -

:that soft ksis was returned, she was blissfully happy... there in his arms flying really flying::

- He continued the kiss for a moment, before pulling back, gazing into her eyes again. - Sorry about before..I..just needed to get all that off my chest...

:she smiled and her fingers slid over his shoudlers she was still clinging to him:;nae be sorry my eveining can always get things off your chest...

I know..- He smiled and would start the trip off again, holding her just like this for the rest of the trip, knowing the way, both from their trip here last well as his own trips -

:;she smiled to him as he continued on the way back home::

*see summer fest


Date: 2007-06-07 01:45 EST
::Willow,Ghallon ,Shuan and Sira had returned to Crendia.Along with Max and Maewen who had all ready worked a long day at the shop::

:;Willow lay in bed now as the hour was past midnight, and she was stilla wake,all that had happened in Greenstone had troubled everyone who heard the news, she gazed over to Ghallon likely sleeping. She knew the feeling of betrail. She knew it well::

::She could hear Shaun and Sira stilla wake at this jour down stairs talking, sharing stories,she was happy for her son.And she knew Salice was very strong,but the hurt, that pain,Willow felt it knew it well::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-07 02:06 EST
- Ghallon wasn't sleeping either as he was sitting on the side of the bed, eyes burnning a hole into the wall. He heard the news....but had made a promise to Shea...that he wouldn't do anything...but it still pissed him off.. seeing how Shea was his "daughter" which made her sisters..his "daughters" as well. Dervon had gotten off many of their family had promised on another not to rip him apart. -


Date: 2007-06-07 02:24 EST
::Emerald hues shifted to Ghallon:; cant sleep either can ye? :: she sat up and gazed to him:: ye are doing quite well, yes we are not going off as we promised we would, but I think ye might bore a hole int hat wall if ye stare at it any longer

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-07 16:28 EST
Nay..I can't...I never expected Devron to cheat on Salice.. - Breaking his gaze off from glaring at the wall, to look over his shoulder to Willow, that firm stone expression locked on his face. He let it fall, as he turned to sit on the bed with her. - Iwish there was something I could ease her pain of being betrayed.


Date: 2007-06-08 00:00 EST
:; her hand graced his cheek softly:; I never saw it coming ewither, I know that pain,there is no easy way to ease it,it comes in time.... we shall be there for her, and her childre, that is what we can do...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-08 00:12 EST
I know....I know.. - He sighed softly, as he slowly moved to pull her in closer against him, while resting his chin on the top of her head. -


Date: 2007-06-09 00:33 EST
::Willow kissed his cheek softly:: everything will turn out all right,you'll see my love. ;; She slid her hands to his shoulders and gave a nice rub:: Come let me help you with some of that tension

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-09 15:09 EST
I know they will... - He sighed softly. - I'll be back in a moment. - He smiled lightly to her, before slipping from her massage to stand. He would then dress, before disappearing in a soft flash of white.. There was someone he needed to speak to. -


Date: 2007-06-09 23:58 EST
::Wilow blinked doubly to that, she rose slowly from bed and tossed on her robe, time to go poke ehr nose in on Sra and Shaun they ahd fallen a bit quiet::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-10 00:13 EST
They are just talking quietly. - This as Ghallon walked back into the room, seeming much more, relaxed after his little trip, while slipping his arms around her -


Date: 2007-06-10 00:16 EST
::another double blink:; that was fast :; she leaned up and kissed him softly:: you think they are talking? :: a soft smirk graced her face:: where did ye go to anyhow? ::she shifted her hands over his shoulders::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-10 00:19 EST
I just checked on them..They are telling each other about their home lands. They didn't want to bother us. - He grinned and spun her around the bedroom. - I went to talk to Salice...


Date: 2007-06-10 00:22 EST
::Willow smiled broadly as she spun back in to the room:: I bet they dont want us to bother them. Ahh and how is Salice doing?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-06-10 00:29 EST
Much better now...I have the feeling..that come morning...She will be back to her old self again, but much stronger as well - He nodded softly yet firmly to that. -


Date: 2007-07-02 00:40 EST
Time always seemed t pass more quickly in Crenduia than in the Edhel Ndor. Thegreen plains were golden as the summer sun heated the far off sandy dunes. The palace glowed a spire in the bright blue sky. Shay and Kulbin were still taking their time there int hat cottage on the edge of the forest. Sira was getting more used to sepaking common and she and Shaun had grown closer yet they were botht to shy to acy upon any of the feelings they had.

Maewen and Max worked hard in the shop, fixing swords and farm tools more at night now as the ehat during the day was all to much to be working at the forge.They spent their days in the cool forest.

Willow and Ghallon ruled with kindness and could foten be found in town helping with chores that most would think a lord and lady should not do but Willow was not your average goddess,nor wa sgHallon your usual vampire. The city was florising and along the cost thewir neighbors did well, the closet town was three miles away down the coastal line, and the dune elves awere now all but lost save for Sira and Kulbin,the last of a great and noble race.

Willow now sat int he the shade of the large rowan tree at the edge of the forest looking back in tot he woods that ocne held fear and now held temples and a few small homes. Nothing had happened, no wars and no wars among any clans. They were all untined under one banner now. Willow could hear her son and Sira in the forest.She was greatly pleased that they ahd become so close,she wished she could do more for her son. He had friends now Max,Kulbin,Aiden... though they were more like family but family never turned their back as friends often could.

Willow leaned upon the tree and closed her eyes. The ages had been kind to her, though she had died young mnay years ago in the lands thatw ere now forgotten she had been granted immortal life, and now all her enimes were dead,her allies had come together and they were untined the Edhel Ndor and all its kingdoms,Nosgoth and Crendia. She had lost her firiends, ehr loves long ago, the last rgeat painw as losing Vince but she had Ghallon now. Though they were an odd couuple. He a vampire ages older than she and she a salyer of vampires and a goddess now.

The summer winds blew in sands from the dunes far away.Willows eyes closed and she breathed in the air. Eventually she hoped Sira and Shaun would grow to be more than justf riends, things seemed to be progressing that way.But Shaun had been locked up for years trained by Darin and he was different from the little boy she lost when he was five. And Sira had been living with her fmaily int he dunes, her father and brothers had been gone for years and there was no way to tell how long her mother had been dead, most to the dune elves were gone now, the youth left witht he seas and the elders dead. Strange sicknesses had plagued them,and it seemed sad that so few were left. There was evena myth of a child,no older than Lona that ahd been taken away and had not been seen again. Willow wondered what had happened to that baby but could not sense it.

Willow thought much about Salice. They were alike in many ways rulers of their lands, powerful women with pasts dotted with pain. Though salices pain seemed all too deep. Willow also sensed that Deron was there in Crenida but had told no one. If he started trouble here hed have to deal with her. Willow knew Salice had her family and Etten. The strange dark mage witha past no one save for perhaps Victor knew.

Willow watched as Shaun and Sira passed her holding hands that brighted her smile. Perhpas in time those two would be able to get past their past to begn a good future.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-02 01:04 EST
Willow wasn't the only one that had picked up on Devron being in Crendia. Ghallon had senced the male's arrival..but would leave him be till he tried something. He had just gotten back from a trip to Nosgoth, to find out how things were there. He guess Shea's family already senced the change in her...Not the magical one...but the more..settled one.

He appeared leaning back against the same tree as Willow, and smiled to hearing Shuan and Sira in the forest. Everything was peacefull at the moment, but Ghallon was always a carefull man..The guards continued to do their one should never tbe to relaxed...even during peace.

" I take it you feel his pressence? " Said softly to Willow, as he looked over to her. White hues looking at her, before starting to fade. After a moment a pair of stunning blue eyes were on her form...with the elder vampire smiling at her.


Date: 2007-07-02 01:16 EST
::Willow shifted looking to Ghallon as she felt him appear.She watched Shaun and Sira disappear from sight before she would answer him:: Aye I feel him. ::Meaning Devron:: I did not think he would flee here of all places, but unless he starts something I will not try to stop him.

::She smiled as her eemrald hues rested upon his most stunning blue eyes. She had often seen his eyes as white and they shone most often, her head tilted tot he side and she rose to meet him:; I am not worried, he is free to be here as long as he behaves

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-02 01:24 EST
He chuckled softly, more to seeing they had the same idea...not to bother Devron unless he tried something. Once Willow rose to meet him, he'd softly pull her into his arms. He laned back against the tree again, just resting with her.

" I agree...but if he does..I have a feeling...there will be alot of people hunting him...with the worst one..being the male that hold Salice's heart now. " Seems his trip to Nosgoth, netted him a bit of info on that very male..Not much...Just a few basic things.


Date: 2007-07-02 01:43 EST
::She smiled as he lifted her up and pulled her back to rest against the tree with him.They thought alike, she knew that much. :: Etten would rip Devron apart at Salices command even before that.Devron is a marked man and he knows this. If it was up to me I wouldnt allow him here but I am not that way. I know very little about Etten but from what i have heard upon the winds via one friendly wind mage is that hes very fond of Salice and her daughter. ::She smiled to him then, would he know what she meant by fond?She figured her smile and her flutter of lashes would tell him.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-02 18:52 EST
He chuckled softly to her smiling and batting her eye lashes at him, as it got him to grin. He then leaned down placing a kiss to the tip of her nose.
" You are trying to be a cute and adorable..aren't you? " Teasing her with that, and he flashed her a innocent smile.

" It is rather odd...Salice and Etten being well as being that close to the other.. " He knew what she was talking about, as he had talked to Victor about that very thing.


Date: 2007-07-03 00:52 EST
::Willow smirked to him:: I am cute and adorable and ye cant resist me. :; she spun slowly from him and walked backwards looking at him the whole while.:: I think they make a nice couple, surely the oddest of the couples. Though I am not sure what etten is,not human but that doesnt matter as long a s Salice is happy. ::She darted back in and kissed him softly:: Did you see your son, :: she smirked:: going off with Sira? I think hes becoming more confident.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-03 15:10 EST
He smirked to her comment, as she started to back away from him. " are cute and adorable...sometines. A sly smirk to her, with him watching her every move. He did nod in agreement with her about Salice and Etten, as well as Shuan and Sira.

" Aye..they do make a cute couple. I wouldn't worry to much about Etten. Victor told me..that dispite being a dark person, he will protect Salice and her childern. Said with a grin, before catching her in his arms when she moved up to kiss him.


Date: 2007-07-04 01:03 EST
::Willow was cuaght up in that kiss for a moment, her heart fluttered as she slowly pulled away fromt hat kiss witha soft purr:: I do not worry for Salice I know Etten will protect her and her children. He will be a good father to them.As for Devron,I'd like to keep an eye on him myself,would ye like to come with me?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-04 13:41 EST
He purred back to her, before slowly smirking down at her. He knew what she was planning, or atleast had an idea as to what she was thinking. " Always... Shall we?


Date: 2007-07-05 00:22 EST
::She smiled to him:: aye we shall. Tell me first love what if he does cause trouble? What shall we do? Shall we stayy our hands in hopes that maybe Etten might do something? Or shall my retubitons be quick? ::Her emerald hues mused for a moment, she was a goddess after all she could do many things to Devron should he choose the wrong path of action::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-05 13:56 EST
" We shall wait and see. I have a feeling if Devron trust anything..Etten will go off.. I don't know him personally...but just seeing what he done to Hinn.. " Ghallon just smirked to that. Etten had utterly destroied the male, just for messing with Victor and Shea...Heaven help anyone that messed with Salice.


Date: 2007-07-07 01:02 EST
::Willow just smirked and wisked them away.::

::In the woods known as Fear Devron sat,his sword unshetahed laying arcoss bent knees. His eyes were closed. On his back a pack of rations and clothing, at his side a dagger. His bow and quiver lay agaisnt the tree behind him as he tried to contenplate his foul deeds,he had at first cursed him self then he curesed Salice... ::

::The woods of Gorgamin were dark even now in the mid day. The trees flitered out all the light. Yet no evil lurked their now all the ebasts had been beaten back. The light had taken ove r the woods of fear. Tancred was dead and his temple had fallen to dust. But deep within the woods darknss could still be felt.Devrons eyes opened he could sense it.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 01:22 EST
A sudden wind started to flow through the forest known as Fear. No evil that one thought of, but evil comes in many forms. Slowly in a tree behind Devron, a flicker of shadows started to form, with a pair of red hues peering out from the hood. It was hard to tell whom it was, as who ever it was...was masking their scent.

The figure didn't move, as it just watched Devron. Who ever this presence was, it was hard to say at the moment..which side this figure was on. A slow smirk grew on the figure's lips...He felt that darkness as well...Could it be that is what drew it out?


Date: 2007-07-07 01:30 EST
::Willow and Ghallon would appeard a few feet away out of sight.She sunk down in tot he shadows and watched Devron. She could feelt he darkness of the deep woods,she sensed more than just Devron about.Keen emerlad eyes focused throught he darks eening a pair of crimson eyes, her hand flcikered to that long sword at her side,who ever was wtahcing Devron had Crimson eyes,few did these days. She nudged Ghallon and pointed off towards the eyes::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 01:37 EST
Ghallon looked towards those eyes a moment, before shaking his head slightly to Willow. Slowly that form dropped from the tree, landing without a sound, before standing up fully. Those red eyes stayed on Devron, paying no attention to Ghallon and Willow.

" Tell me...what do you have to gain from starting a war? " That voice came out in a cold, dark tone. Enough to send chills up the spine of whomever it was focused on...For the moment..Devron held the figure's attention.


Date: 2007-07-07 01:55 EST
::Willow recolied a bit but watched on as the figure jumped dwon from a tree and settled before Devron,the goddess of light shivered at the voice, she had heard many a dark voice in ehr time few sent chills down her spine::

:Devrons eyes opened and he looked to the looming figure before him, the voice would have sent chills down his spine if he wasnt used to dark meacing voices by now.:: I am not starting a war am I ?::he looked to his sword then:: I am just passing through, your not the lord here so be gone. Im not here to cause any trouble...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 02:02 EST
" Not causing trouble..I find that hard to believe...You are in a place that still has darkness dwelling under the lands...Cursing yourself for cheating...and cursing your former wife...for kicking your ass to the curb...taking your childern from well as finding a better man. " That voice continued, as the form started to slowly walk around Dervon, looking down at he was nothing more than an ant.

" I beleive you are here to gain this darkness for try and use it against Salice..Not a wise move..dark knight..not a wise move at al. " A dark rumbling chuckle flowed from the form. " Tell me why anyone should believe you are not her to seek revenage. "


Date: 2007-07-07 02:30 EST
::His eyes shifted up to the figure whom spoke down to him.He rose to his feet, he would not be talked down to:: I am not here to gain any darkness for my self,merely passing through. I am trying todistance myself from Edhel Ndor and my wife.

::Willow watched on:; former wife :; said under ehr breath as she watched on witha keen eye. She wondered if Devron was here to start trouble and take int hat looming darkness for him self, if so he'd ahve a goddess to face. But more so she wondered who the figure was speaking to him::

If I were here to seek revenge I would have gone after Willow,or one of the leaders here.Hell if I wnated revenge I would have gone back to GreenStone to face my wife.

:;Willow snarled softly,she could crush Devron with out even using a sword,just a thought and poof hed be dust, but she waited she wanted to know more about the one with crimson eyes::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 02:44 EST
That form started to laugh more, that same errie bone chilling laugh from before. " You best keep it that way...because... " That form held out a gloved hand, before that darkness and evil that lurked below the land...slowly started to seep out. At first it was a faint feeling, before it erupted as it started to wrap around that cloaked form.

" You maybe a dark knight...but my dear Devron..I have been called a devil in my homelands. might be able to strike down, a few of the people here...but you wouldn't last long against me...not here..and not now..You see...I have been trailling you for a while..and you led me to this place...A place where deep down evil still lives, and allowed it to be freed. " Still in that dark cold tone.

In the next moment, he turned to look ineo Devron eyes...Time for the figure to reveal himself. Slowly two gloved hands pushed the hood back...Once it fell...a slight pale form stood before him, with that light blue hair, catching the light of the moon. Arms crossed over the scythe that appeared out of thin air. Both the form and that scythe cackled with that, dark and evil energy.

It was none other than.......Magus. " Thank you for leading me here...I advice you to leave these lands and never come back...Because if you will see me in your dreams, in your night well as in every shadow you pass... "


Date: 2007-07-07 02:50 EST
::Devron blinked, he had met Magus back in GreenStone.He didnt like him not one bit, but he sheathed his sword acros shis back and pushed past him and headed off with out a word.He didnt really care who he led where he was a man on a mission to find a way to leave the world he knew and start some where new::

::Willow rose to her feet as Devron passed and crossed to Magus,she looked at him from behind:; come here to start trouble or just put the fear of the devil in him? :: she stood unwaverying ,Ghallon better duck and cover or stop her::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 02:59 EST
Magus turned to Willow as Ghallon followed up behind her. He narrowed his eyes at Willow, as his arms were still crossed over the to of that scythe. " Willow. I am not like the other dark mages you know...Granted..I might be a dark wizard...mage...warlock..Whatever the term is for my kind...but I came here to keep him. A glance over his shoulder towards he left..and was out of ear shot.

" From gainning this energy..True..he isn't going to do anything...But better to be safe than sorry. " Ghallon shook his head, before kissing Willow's cheek and headed back home. " You can go back home...and stop worrying your pretty little head off... " And Magus dared to pat Willow's head, before turnning to leave as well. He really did look like the dark mages of old at the moment.


Date: 2007-07-07 03:04 EST
::She huffed at Magus and shook her head softly. She sneered at the pat on the head.:: He would not have gained it, not with out facing me.These are my lands and I will worry about what i see fit! :: Magus was out of ear shot by then, but still worth while to say it. She turned and walked back through the woods to catch up to Ghallon:: you think its funny dont you...? :: she crossed her arms, and looked out over the field as Devron walked for the coastline. She then turned and walked off towards the palace...looks like Ghallon would have his hands full with a pissed off goddess::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 03:09 EST
Ghallon chose not to say a word....Nope he wasn't going to get Willow pissed off more, as he was busy bitting his lower lip. Yeah he was holding back that deep laugh that wanted to slip out. Yeah he though it was funny as Hell! He just wasn't going to say it...


Date: 2007-07-07 19:57 EST
::Willow walked to the palace and inside ,trainign would get ehr mind off what had just happened.:; the nerve of that mage....

::Shaun and Sira walked by Ghallon hand in hand talking in both common and elvish. Shaun pasued a moment and looked to Ghallon, he ahd seen his mother walk past with that look in her eyes:: I do not know if I want to know why she is angry...

::Sira smirked softly:: perhaps she just needs to blow off some steam.. ::she smiled brightly::

::Shaun snickered:: Father did you tick her off? ::his brows rose as he asked the question::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-07 20:12 EST
He chuckled to hearing Willow, before shaking his head softly. " Nope..Magus did...she was herself...and he patted her on the head and told her not to worry so much...I found it funny. " He chuckled again, as he smiled at the two.


Date: 2007-07-08 00:13 EST
::Shaun smirked he found it funny too. :: Oh she hates that being patted on the head. She hates when others act high and mighty around her. Magus pushes her buttons...

::Sira just smiled softly:: the goddess has buttons to push?

:;Shaun nodded:; many, my mother is not with out flaws

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-08 16:18 EST
" Let's get something to eat...I have a feeling..she'll be in there for a while. " He grinned as he looked over his shoulder to that trainning room. He'd have to remember the points Shuan made.

He would then walk with Sira and Shuan to the kitchen, before fixing the three of them something to eat.


Magus slipped back into the mage's house, smirking from ear to ear. He had pulled the hood back over his head, as he found someone to pick on. Poor Willow, she finally met that dark mage..face to face..and got a pat on the head for it.


Date: 2007-07-09 00:50 EST
::Willow sat in her private training room,crossed legged clad in black,dark locks pulled back,eyes clsoed focusing.:: The nerve...of that Magus....:: she grumbled softly::


::Shaun and Sira joined Ghallon for a bite to eat.After it was finished Sira slipped off to go take a batha nd Shaun walked up to Ghallon, and while helping him witht he dishes asked:: Ghallon.. can I ask you something? :: the youth had been doing pretty well on his own,getting back to being used to being around people, but he was still very shy around Sira.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-09 01:05 EST
Ghallon brows quirked as he looked to Shuan. " Sure. " He had noticed the youth was shy around Sira, but just figured it was because " love " was new to him. He turned to face Shuan, while pausing on the dish washing.


Date: 2007-07-09 01:14 EST
::Shaun slowly dried the dish in his hand:: How did you tell my mother that you loved her,how does one go about such a task of telling someone how they feel. I havent yet told Sira how I feel.I am worried...I know she knows that I feel something for her,but if she knew how much. :; He wanted to make sure to get this all out, if he was to get any sort of help,and he'd rather ask Ghallon then go to his mother, not that she didn't know alot about love she was just well.....clingy:: I want to be able to do more than just hold her hand,I dont want to rush things but I don't know were to begin. She and I were both captives for so long-though in different ways. I don't want to scare her off. ::He lowered the dry dish and placed it back were it belonged. He then gave a heavy lean to the countertop::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-09 01:23 EST
He chuckled softly to that. He knew how Darkmere felt now, what it was like to be a father. " Ye just have to tell her...but look her in the eyes when you do. I know this is all new to you, but you are a smart young man...I trust you to take your time. " He smiled to Shuan, before turnning back to finish up the dishes.


Date: 2007-07-12 00:23 EST
:;Shaun gave a heavier lean to the counter top,listing to Ghallon, he nodded:: Just tell her? :: he thought a long moment, thats what both Aiden and Max had said to him as well, to just come out with it. He nodded and lay down the last of the dry dishes and disappeared,perhaps to go tell Sira how he felt.:;

::In her training room Willow sat,legs crossed under her,focused. Her form glowed with that glow only a goddess of light could have. She decied to forget about Magus's pat on the head and go to deal with that darkness that still seemed to flourish in the deepest part of the Woods known as fear.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-12 01:01 EST
" Aye..just tell her. " A smile to Shuan, before watching him head off. He shook his head slightly, before finishing up the dishes. Once done, he slipped off to the living room. He wouldn't bother Willow...He'd let her blow off that steam from what happened.


Date: 2007-07-12 23:58 EST
::Blowing off steam would not cover what Willow was up to. She flickered from her training room, and appeared before the Gorgamin Woods. She was dressed to kill, long sword sheathed to her leather belt, a rather ornate looking bow across her back over a quiver filled with silver tipped arrows. She tied her black boots up and knelt there before the woods, tying back her dark locks. Emerald hues flickered through the forest before she moved. She moved with all the skill and speed she had years ago when she first began fighting the fight against evil. Her clothes made it easy for her to blend in, a mix of green and black. She could go tree bound or stay low in the shadows and not be seen by anything save for those things with the keenest of sights.::

::She moved quickly past the good temples and pure places of the forest, till the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She went in to a low crotch and looked around the under brush. She could see the tree where Devron had been sitting, the same tree where Magus had jumped from and beyond it the woods grew darker. She slank in closer to the tree, it stood as a sential before the shadowed woods. The sounds from the darkness a mix of feral growls and hoots of owls that dared not peak their heads out. She knelt upon the ground where sentinel had been sitting, running her hand over the tree. It was past time to see what was left lurking within those woods. She went to move, but a firm hand stayed her movement. Someone had come from behind her as quiet and swiftly as she had, and she had not sensed them, who ever it was rather good. She shifted her hand to the hilt of that longsword,ready for a fight. ::

Willow what in blazes are you doing? ::Her eyes looked over the hand on her shoulder glad in black, the voice sounded rather familiar to her. She turned and saw Zorin standing there, with enough weapons to take on a well armed army of men. The master rouge was one of few that could sneak up on her. His arms were crossed, he was clad in his classic black, his dark hair pulled back and light eyes looked to her. He had a smirk across his roguish features. ::

::She rose to her feet and faced him:: Zorin, you shouldn't sneak up on me.

::He chuckled to himself :: Oh Willow, what would you have done if it wasn't I a friend who had snuck up upon you. You would have been dead, you must be more careful in this part of the woods, its dangerous for even one as skilled as you. I could have shot you in the dark with my eyes closed and with two broken arms Will, as could have anything beyond this tree.:he pressed a gloved hand to the tree where she had been kneeling::

What are you doing here then? ::Her dark brows rose at him::

Hunting.. :: he smirked to her:; You forget I am a master at the shadows and the things that dwell in them. The things in this forest past this tree do not know if they should think of of as foe or friend, but you, even dressed in black, even with your skills as a hunter of daemons and darkness, they could smell you. The pureness in you Willow, in order to go in there and fight back the darkness you must be willing to tap in to the darkness within your heart, the darkness we all have hidden: he tapped her chest with his gloved hand.::

I will not tap in to the dark part of me Zorin, the last time I did. :; she shook her head.:: I will go in there as I am.

::He shook his head:; not alone you wont, this place draws out the darkness if you will it or not Willow. If you insist on going int here I am going with you. Can you handle that?

::She looked to him and nodded softly.:: Yes, can you handle it?

::He smirked:: aye, but dont try to give me orders. I'm not one of your warriors, or your lover. :: He snickered to that.::

::She hit him in the arm as hard as she could.::

::He shifted at the hit and mockingly rubbed at his arm:: that all you got? :: His brows rose twice and he smirked and led the way in to the woods. Willow followed.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-17 17:11 EST
There was another form already up ahead of Willow and Zorin. Granted, this place was supposed to be feared, yet one whoms home is the darkness wasn't afraid. That form was none other that the one Willow was pissed off at...Magus. He had learned of this place, during his readings at the mage's house...and finally made a trip here to see what the fuss was all about.

" So this is the woods of Fear. " Murmured to himself, as he slowly looked around. His brow quirked slightly, to feeling the presence of Willow and Zorin. He had a feeling once they found him...Willow would more than likely storm up to him..and go off..He could make this fun.

" Seeing how she is already in a pissed off mood..might as well have some fun with it. " He chuckled quietly to himself, while grinning ear to the devil he could be. He then turned and floated up into a tree, before weaving a make him appear as part of the forest.. Play time would soon arrive.


Date: 2007-07-18 19:14 EST
Zorin shifted as he moved he sensed Magus even if Willow would not. He just smirked, normally it would be him pulling such a trick on Willow. But they were allies now and he wasnt about to have her go off on him.Dispite her manerisms she was rather strong,in both mind and body. He just shifted his hands back along thsoe throwing dagger that hung along his belt idly.

Willow shifted through the shadows with Zorin trying to do as he had said,to become one with the darkness around her, but still keep her cool. She wasnt here to fight not unless a fight came to her. She could hear the growls of were creatures and feel the glowing eye of who knows what else. She also felt that sense that they were being watched yet she couldnt pick out where. She saw Zorins fingers idly touching his throwing daggers and her hand siffened about the hilt of her longsword. She looked up past the trees where looming black owls and raven sat wiuth their eyes keen upon her. She could sense the massive wolves all around as well as something else. The hair on the back of ehr neck stood on end. "Zorin...someones here.."

He looked over his shoulder at her, he wasnt about to give up Magus, what kind of spor would he be if he did that, he enjoyed the darkness and shadows as much as any dark mage would. "Owls,ravens,wolves.." He pointed off towards the trees and underbrush. "Nothing too forboding yet Will." He had to smirk softly as he looked toward the tree he knew Magus was in, would Willow sense it as he did or was she far too pure to sense it?

Willow looked back to the owls,ravens and the glowing eyes of the wolves, nothing forboding huh? She wasnt about to believe that. Though she trusted Zorin, she knew he was as dark as most of the things that dwelled here if not darker. But she didn't sense anything really forboding around,she looked right past the tree Magus was in, that spell he had worked hid himf rom her gaze.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-18 20:41 EST
Magus smirked to Zorin, as he was keeping those creatures at bay. He'd let Willow scan the bad Zorin was here, then again. A shadow would reach out..He didn't? Yes....he did.. Pop! That shadow would slap Willow right across her butt, but the odd thing felt like a hand. The only one around was? Zorin!

Magus would seep into the shadows, only to reappear in another tree..just incase Willow shot out a spell towards the tree he had been in. Now, he'd made a shadow pat Willow on the head now. Magus was grinning from ear to ear.. He was having fun.


Date: 2007-07-19 00:24 EST
::Willow felt that smack on her ass, and turned,brows furrowed at Zorin :: Zorin!

::His brows perked:; what?

:;She hit him harder int he arm:: why did you just smack me in the ass?
::He looked at her witha puzzled expression:;No offense willow, I mean your a nice woman, and rather hot, but I wouldnt touch you,not like that, your lover boy might hurt me, and maybe you would. ;;;He rubbed at his arma bit more:: That time it hurt.

You so touched me Zorin, someone smacked me. ::She looked around she still didnt sense or see Magus there but her senses told her someone was there.:: Zorin... ::she glared at him with crossed arms.::

:;Zorin smirked and held up his hands:; I swear Will I didnt touch you... :: He wasnt going to give up Magus now, he was a good sport::

Zorin tooka few pace steps away from Willow.:: Im going to check something out, can you handle your self Goddess?

::Willow furrowed her brows at him:: ye just want to geta way so i wont hit you again, fine go check out what ye want I'm going on.

::Zorin snickered:; Call if you need help... ::he slid off in tot he shadows::

:;Willow galred at him, and walked on:: I will not need help- when will everyone remember I do this for a living? :: she walked on and shook her head::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-19 01:01 EST
Magus grinned to Zorin being a good spot, before watching the man leave. He had to admit..Willow was more pissed off now than before. He waited a moment, before appearing right in front of her. He hopped to get her to stagger back and well..fall on her rear. " Boo! " He did move back just incase she took a swing at him.

" Hello stuff. " Smirked at her with his arms crossing over that scythe from before. Oh this was about to go from dangerously bad...If that was possible.


Date: 2007-07-19 01:11 EST
::Willow looked at Magus with shiock only shifting backa bit, she nearly drew her sword at him:: Magus... :: she grumbled:: What in hells name do you want to torment me some more? :: she moved to the left and down through the path through the trees:: I'm a little too busy to deal with ye dark mage. :: She shifted her hands forward away from the hilt of her sword:

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Date: 2007-07-19 15:48 EST
He chuckled to that, before turnning to follow her, but fare enough back so if she whipped around..He wouldn't get slugged. " Willow..I'm hurt.. " A fake mock pout to her, just before sendng another shadow in that darkness, to swat her rear. He was just asking for a fight. " You barely know me..and you are just being so mean to me. "


Date: 2007-07-20 16:06 EST
:: She looked over he shoulder at him and stopped the moment that darkness formed and slapped her rear again:; It was you,not Zorin :; she crossed her arms . :: I am not being mean,I am trying to get a job done. Light and darkness must ahve some balance if Crendia is to survive so I am making sure that even though this place is dark it remains balanced. :;She crossed closer to him::

Why are you here dark mage? Come to soak up some more of the darkness? Don't you have better things to do than come ehre and annoy me,with your dark tricks?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-20 16:31 EST
She got an innocent grin when she turned to face him, before mocking a gasp at her, while pointing to himself. " Me? I didn't do anything..Maybe the darkness here finds you smoking hot..and wanted to slap your butt. " that would happen.

" Sheesh...You really think that's all I do..Look around you..This place is balanced right now..and even if it wasn't...You really think it would attack you and me? Hmm? Face it..right now..dispite you want to go off on me..You won't. " A bright grin, as he walked by her..popping her butt himself. " Come on hotstuff..Let's get your tour over with..and get you home. "


Date: 2007-07-21 00:41 EST
::She glared at him :: I can see that its balanced Magus I am not blind. I wasnt expecting a fight,but it never hurts to come prepared. I may wish to go off on you as you say, but your right I will not. :;Then she shit a cold look at him as he him self smacked her rear:: Magus ! :: she shifted,:: This is not a tour and when i wish to go home I will go there my self. :She shifted back and walked the other way, oh she wanted to show him what for but she wouldnt dare not right now::

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Date: 2007-07-21 16:08 EST
" So you want to be all alone here with me..Willow..I never knew. " Yeah...The dark mage was asking for Willow to snap and go off. He turned and slipped up to her side, walking with her yet again. Scythe was being used as a walking stick at the moment.

" Don't know this is a tour...and you have me as your tour guide. " Pat...pat..pat to her head, grinning while doing it, just to get her riled up again..Would Willow go off..or would she just let it go..and start picking back at him?


Date: 2007-07-21 19:20 EST
::she shot him an ice cold glare:: I did not say that did I, I do not wish to be here all alone with you, speaking of where in hells name did Zorin go to ::she gazed around once more then back to Magus, she elbowed him int he side and walked on:: This is not a tour and I dont need a guide I know these lands better than any. :: she swatted his hand away from her head:: stop doing that! I am not some child ye can pat on the head, I am a goddess and you do well to remeber that dark mage.

:: she ran her fingers through her hair:: Dont you have a wind mage to go :; she made a face at him:: go do things with.. :: Yes she knew, Shea had told her of the enws from GreenStone and Edhel Ndor.::

::She quickened her pace an huffed. Ohh she wanted to just go off on him but she would keep her cool,for now::

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Date: 2007-07-22 16:06 EST
" He probably got tired of you trying to beat him up..Seeing how you are a fiesty and aggresive little minx. " Yup...He just said that, before smirking to the elbow. " See what I mean...Always got to go around hitting people..Sheesh... " Yeah..Willow was going to hate Magus. He smirked to her scolding him, and it earned her yet another pat on her head.

" And I am not one of your soilders...or Ghallon...I'll pat your head if I feel like well as to continue to torment the Hell out of you..You do well to remember that. " He smirked and continued to walk beside her, matching her pace. Upon her mentionning his wind mage, a sly smirk crossed his lips.

" Oh...I know what it is now...You can't handle that you are old....and have a younger male hitting on you...I see that now.. " Dear lord...Magus might have crossed the line with that. Calling Willow "old" as well as saying she couldn't handle a younger man.


Date: 2007-07-23 00:01 EST
::Willow glared at Magus and stopped once more. After hearing him call her a minx:: I know you are not one of my soilders or Ghallon. Ye just enjoy to torment me,Magus. ::Then she saw that smirk:: OLD! :: she glared at him::who are ye calling old I am not old Magus. I can hadle anything Magus, you do well to remember that. Even a youngser like you.

::Zorin leaned on a near by tree niblling on an apple:: Yout wo being good now? :: He smirked looked tot he two,he looked like ahd ahd run around doing some work him self:: Your not being too hard on her now are you Magus? :: He smirked to Willow:: Or did you want me to leave you two alone Will?

::Now Willow glared to Zorin:: I'm going to get you Zorin :: she went to run after him:: You knew he was around this whole time.

::Run Zorin,Run!::

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Date: 2007-07-23 16:22 EST
" couldn't handle me...granny. " A shove to her shoulder about the time Zorin made himself seen again. He grinned innocetly to Zorin. " I guess I am...The old woman here can't handle it. " Yet another pat to Willow's head, before getting a dangerous grin.

" Actually...that would be us some alone time. " Willow was going to go off on them both...Magus just knew it.


Date: 2007-07-25 15:40 EST
::Zorin looked to Willow,waiting for the goddess to explode and kick Mgaus around:: color=green]All righty then,call me if you need me Will ::he alsmost called her granny as well but held back and shifted away in to the trees::

::Willow shoved Magus back:; who are you calling granny! :: then she shot a long glare at Zorin oh he was going to get it,but before she could yell at him he was gone, she huffed and crossed her arms looking at Magus:: I could handle you,and if thats a challange I'll take it. I will show you I am not old,not in any sense. :: she shifted her hands to her hips and looked at him,oh no Magus had gotten under her skin:: I'll teach you a lesson for calling me old.

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Date: 2007-07-25 16:38 EST
" think you can handle me huh? I don't think you can handle me..Grandma Willow..I don't think you can. " Oh he was all face to face with her right now as he said that, yet still made no move to start anything.

" Teahc me a lesson for calling you old huh? And in what way would " He just dared to use a soothing voice with her, flirting with her while she was so ready to go off on him.


Date: 2007-07-27 13:52 EST
::Her brows furrowed inwardat that, he was face to face with her, okay not reallt he was taller than her,but she didnt seem to mind that, she looked right to him with those intense emerald eyes:: Thats right I will teach you a lesson for calling me old, oh it wont be right now, but you just wait and see you will regret calling me old :: she heard the soothing florty tone in his voice which made her brows perk out of that furrow, she turned and walked off,to head out of the woods:: Zorin!

::Zorin was sitting at the edge of the woods munching on an apple looking at the two:: Yea Will? :: said to her as she passed him:: Need me to get you two a room? :: he smirked to that, and lifted his brows up twice:: What would Ghallon think if he saw you openly flirting with Magus?

::Willow growled and pulled her sword on Zorin:; I was not flirting.....

::He looked at he sword from tip to hilt where her hand held it:: am I supposed to feel threated? You know I could take you with out even moving Will, and to be honest I thin you trying to teach him :: motioning to Magus:: a lesson is dumb the only thing you will get is taken... one way or another... :: a daring smirk now::

::Willow growled and sheathed her long sword:: men..... :: she stolled off out of the forest abck to the palace::

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Date: 2007-07-27 18:53 EST
Magus smirked down to her, as he was just starting to lean closer down to her, just before she turnned off to yell for Zorin. He looked to Zorin and couldn't help bu laugh to hearing the man.

He crossed his arms to Zorin taking ihs turn to tease an alreadypissed off Willow, before watching her start to storm off. " You know...I bet she is a wild fire in the bed...but I'll say this...I don't mind watching her storm off...just makes her look all hot..and needing to have a wild romp! " Said to Zorin...but loud enough for Willow to hear. Dear lord...They were going to get it.


Date: 2007-07-29 23:30 EST
::Willow glared back at them both. She would get Zorin later but Magus she would let go. Perhaps Ghallon could attest to the theory of ehr being a wild fire in bed.::

::Zorin chuckled:: Willow? a wild fire in the sack :: he scratched his chin:: I'd have to ask Ghallon, don't think he'd tell me... :: he leaned idly back upona tree watching Willow storm off:: she always looks like that....always has... :: he snickered and slipped off::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-07-30 16:01 EST
Magus chuckled to what Zorin said, before slipping off himself. A moment later he popped up right in front of Willow. Nope, she wasn't getting off that easy. " I see you are all bark and no bite..Saying you were going to do something about calling you old... " He smirked, and turned from her.

He started to walk off from her now, with a glance over his shoulder. " Yet you tucked your tail and ran from me! " Oh boy..Magus more than likely...crossed the line there.


Date: 2007-08-01 00:18 EST
::Willow turned on her heels and glared at him:: Magus if i bit you you'd be sure to remember it. You may think me old but I care not,what ye think. One day when you are as old as I am i hope you look as good as I do. :: she watched him walk away and sent a blast of ice cold air at him:: I run from no challange, but why should I face a dark mage who is young and most likely inexpericened ::oh no she didnt just say that did she:: I have faced some fo the darkest deamons of hell you are no challange Magus...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-01 13:28 EST
Magus smirked to that, as he spun around with him sending a blast of warm air to crash against her blast of cold air. " I do agree that I am young...old woman...but I am far from being a child in the dark arts. " He suddenly shot forward, his feet didn't touch the ground, as he snapped that scythe up. Willow wanted to see what he could do.. She was about to get that wish.

That scythe would come up in a slash, coming from the ground and was aimmed to catch her across her form. Going from her left hip..up to her right shoulder.. The dance..had begun.


Date: 2007-08-01 15:31 EST
::Willow just blokced the blast of warm air wit ha rised hand, that blast seemed to just disapate around her.:

: She started to turn when he moved, she heard the sound of his scythe as he snapped it up, her hand reached for that long sword at her side and as his scythe came up ina slash fromt he ground t it was aimed to not only catch her off guard which it did at first but also it was aimed form the ground from left hip to right shoulder, a less experienced figter would easily be cut in two, and if Willow could die it would be one hell of a way to go, but she countedred his attack her sword fliiping to her left hand and blocking the scythe before it got close to her left hip, She held her blade frmly and stared at him with shock::

did I hit a nerve Magus? ::That sapphire necklace around her neck shown, the gem that hung off a silver chain looked much liek the greenstone gem but had no green to it it was pure dark blue and it shown bright white at the momemt: crossing blades with a goddess of light? Is that wise Dark Mage? ::Her sword hummed with its holy engery,her gaze did not flater from him, she wasnt one to back down from any challange::

Do you really want to do this with me we are allies after all.

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Date: 2007-08-01 16:12 EST
Magus smirked to her when she blocked his scythe. " What's the matter Willow? To scared I'll have you begging me to stop? " Seems Magus could be just as evil as he was thought to be, as he moved back from her, spinning that scythe around his form. He then snapped it up in a defencive position...

" Goddess of Light? Ha...You think that scares me? You are sadly mistaken...You may dear Willow...are out matched here..We both know it.. " Magus did have a point...They were still in those dark woods, which gave the upper hand to Magus at the moment..


Date: 2007-08-02 14:40 EST
::Willow held firm,ready for another attack.:: I fear nothing Magus, least of all you. I do not beg for anything :, that was at least partly true. She saw him go in to defense,and shook her head softly, he could be rather evil couldnt he and right now being in the woods of fear he ahd the advangate but when did that ever stop Willow?::

Nae I do not think I scare ye dark mage, but ye will find out rather quickly that no matter the odds, even if they are not in my favor that I do not back down froma fight, I fear nither death nor pain. :Then she rushed at him ina flurry of speed that perhaps only a wind mage could match, ready to slash him from right to left from shoulder to hip::

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Date: 2007-08-02 15:48 EST
" That so? " Magus smirked to Willow saying nothing scared her. When she darted towards him, in that blur of speed...a lesser fighter would of been cleaved in two. He'd snap that scythe, up letting her sword hit the staff of it. He would then turn sharply, while turnning his scythe..letting her sword slice through the air.

Once he passed by her, he ainned to give her a light boot to her rear. Nothing that would hurt...just more to embareass Willow, to underestimating him.


Date: 2007-08-02 15:57 EST
::Caught a bit off guard for a moment when ehr sword met the wooden stave part of his scythe she was turned as he moved and her sword sliced through the air. Then she stumble abit forward at the kick to her rear and turned upon him again ,she had underestamated him, but sghe often did that,but he underestimated her,through her move towards hima nd his turn towards her his heels would rest now outside of those woods of fear not by much but enough,Willow played these games well.:: That is so.. :: she switched her hands from left to right the sword went, it felt more balanced in her right hand:: I see why your wind mage cares for you so, your sly and quick... All of Edhel Ndors women must have a thing for dark men... :: she woudlnt sheathe her sword shed stand in defence sword held at mid guard.::

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Date: 2007-08-03 00:11 EST
" Personally..I think all of you women I have met since being here love the rogue men. " He smirked as he spun that scythe around himself, before letting it lower to the ground. " Even you...Willow...goddess of light. " Yes..He said it ...Willow prefered a rogue. How would she react to that?


Date: 2007-08-03 16:30 EST
::Her brows perked softly and she had to smirk:: aye, I will not deny that I have a foundness for rogueish men. ::After all she was deeply involved with Ghallon:: But I think all you men, like a woman whos a little light but witha bad touch to her,like your Miss Aure. ::She spoke of Novella, with a smile then shetahed her sword:: The GreenStone women are very found of Rogueish men,all of the women of Edhel Ndor are the very same. I share much in common with them. I do not deny my foundness for dangerous men.


Date: 2007-08-03 16:32 EST
::From the far end of the forest walked Sira and Shaun . The two stopped when Shaun saw his mother and Magus,looking as if they ahd been at odds::

Does she do that often? :: Sira smiled softly looking at Willow::

::Shaun smirked:: aye since I can remember, shes never backed down from anyone even an ally,best leave them alone.. ::he winked softly::

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Date: 2007-08-03 18:04 EST
Magus just chuckled to that, before crossing his arms over the top of his scythe. " And what about me? Am I to dark for you? " A wink to her, before turnning to leave, while snagging up his scythe. " See you around...old woman " He would then disappear, in a puff of black smoke.


Date: 2007-08-04 01:34 EST
Willow huffed at the old woman comment::oooh I swear I will show him

::Zorin chuckled as he slid in to view:; you two make quite the pair you know. ::a smirk:: too bad Ghallon got to you first

::Willow shot hima glare:: Zorin! Take that back!

:;He smirked:; or what? you gonna challange me toa duel you know you can't take me Will.

Dont bet on that Zorin. ::Shauns voice flaoted over the two::

::Willow looke dover her shoulder to ehr son and his new found love:: Sira,Shaun how long have you two been standing there?

:;Sira smirked softly:: Long enough

:;Zorin just smirked:; care to test that theory Lad?

:;Shauns brows rose::Ohh no im no where near capable to take on you Masetr Zorin

::Willows brows raised:: do not bet on that Shaun, ye were trained well,even if it was by scum of the earth...

Hey now Will thats low, Darin is not scum, scum is better than him. Bu shes right boy, your hlaf vampire you could easily take me on if you put your mind to it, how about this when Aiden comes back, I'll pull you towo lads awaya nd teach ye some thiungs, Max and any other of the young lads can come...

Whats about me ? :: Sira posed::

::Zorin looked at her:: your Kulbins sister so I'll give you a try , Mila can come too...maybe vene Maewen will come show her stuff

::Willow nodded:;that i would like to see

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-04 16:51 EST
Magus wasn't as gone as everyone though, as that scythe suddenly appeared touching Zorin's back. Just lightly, as Magus spoke up. " Doesn't pay to be overly cocky. You are a little to...pridefull of your skills... " Granted Magus was cocky...but he didn't brag.

Magus then lowered the scythe, before shifting it to press the staff part of it to the ground. He then crossed his arms, over the top and rested his chin on his arms. " are Shuan...I see you heard your mother make no...statement that she didn't like me. " He knew Willow would just glare daggers at him, but it was his way of kidding around.


Date: 2007-08-05 00:13 EST
:: Zorin smirked to Magus, he wasnt bragging, he would never do that that was Willows area of expertise.::

::Shaun looked on Magus: Lord Magus Sir.. :: Shaun bowed his head a touch.::

::Siras brows just rose as she looked from Zorin, to Magus then to Willow::

::Willow did glare at Magus:; I thought yo went home dark mage, and no I will not make any out right statement about any of my feelings towards ye...:: a daring smirk:: It might start a war

:;Shaun looked to his mother then to Zorin:: I will relay the message to Aiden and Mila.. and tell max and Maewen my self. Mother do play nice, i wills ee you and father at dinner, :: he then nodded to magus and bwoed lightly to Zorin:Lords good day

I will see you later Shaun,Sira... :: Willow smiled to her son and his lover::

::then he and Sira slipped off levaing the trio alone once more::

::Willow shot a look tot hem both beof e she heade off towards the village.:: Zorin. ::she glanced at him:: Tomorrow at night fall understood?

As always Will :;He shifted slowly away::

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Date: 2007-08-05 16:31 EST
Magus nodded to Sira and Shuan again, before looking back to Willow. A sly grin to match her daring smirk, before waving her off as she turned to head off. " Bye old woman.. " He chuckled and decided to head on back to his wind mage... Poor Ghallon...He'd have to deal with Willow when she got back.


Date: 2007-08-06 16:21 EST
Willow headed back towards the palace,only to find a blue-green haired Wind Mage sitting at her table with Sira,sipping tea.:: Lady Novella ... ::Willow stopped in her tracks,what could the wind mage be here for?::

::Novella smiled to Willow::M'lady Willow, I hope you do not mind my coming unanounced, but I sensed someone with potential here and I had to come check it out for my self :: Novella had other reasons for being in Crendia as well::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-06 17:06 EST
Luckly for Willow, Magus did infact head back to the mage's house. Ghallon had senced Willow being rather ticked, and decided to find out what was going on. He arrived in time to see Magus leaving. A slight shake of his head, before following after his lady.

" Ladies. " A bow of his head to both, once he caught up with Willow. He heard what Novella said, before quirking a slight brow. " This a private conversation? " Said as he looked between the two, as he would head back and wait..If that was the case.


Date: 2007-08-06 18:14 EST
::Sira would rise leaving the two women alone in the dinning hall, the two and Ghallon::

Potential? ::Willow took a moment shifting her bow, and quiver to a chair before crossing to sit across from Novella, but not before she gave Ghallona kiss on the cheek:: who did you sense?

Nae Lord Ghallon please come join us ::Novella would gesture him in and Willow would smile to him::

::Novella smiled softly to Willow then :: there is a young girl in town,Ella, and all though she is younger than my usual,she holds great potenial,I came ehre to ask your help,I would like to train her . ::Novella could sesne the essencnse of Mgaus on Willow:: How does he fair?

::Willow blinked:: You have my help I will speak to her parents ::Then she knew why Novela had come:: He,ohh Magus, you can sense him, yes he fairs well

::Novella smirked:: Gets under your skin doesnt he?

Nae... ::she lied:: But he does have a loose tounge.

::Novella chuckled lightly:: aye he does, part of why I love him.

I can understand that ::she shifted her gaze to Ghallon then ::

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Date: 2007-08-06 18:40 EST
He nodded to Novella, before pulling out the chair by Willow then sat down. One arm wrapped around the lovely goddess, as he looked between the two as they spoke.

He started to say something, before Novella brought up Magus. He couldn't help but start to chuckle when Willow lied to the wind mage. " Oh please....He had her all fired up..He got under her skin...baaaaaadly.. " Yeah..He just ratted Wilow out, but he was laughing now... He still though it was funny.


Date: 2007-08-07 13:41 EST
::Novella smiled seeing Ghallon chuckle,a nd then she saw the look Willow gave him and smirked more:: Hes very good at that

::Willows look softened as she looked back to Novella:: How do you keep him under control?

::Novella giggled:: Magus, under control... mmmm :: she pressed her fingers to her lips:: I think Id have to tie him up to keep him under control. But if you don't let him bug you too much you two might get along.

I dont think they could ::Shauns voice floated to the three:: Gooddess fo light and fanning flames....

::Novella nodded to Shaun:: Yes that is true... Did you bring Ella with you?

As you requested miss Aure... :: He questured with his ahnd and Sira walke din holding the hand of a young girl about ten,her long dark hair was pulled back and she was dressed in common clothing,her face was young and sweet.::

::Willow blinked whens he saw the little girl::

::Novella rose slowly with the fluidness only a wind mage could have and crossed over to Ella.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-07 14:42 EST
Ghallon gave Willow his best innocent look, before going quiet again, listening to the two ladies talk. He knew Willow would more than likely fuss at him, when they got home for telling Novella the truth.

He then laughed again to hearing Shuan. " Like a moth to a flame. " Guess who he was calling the moth. Yup! Willow was the moth.

He would then looked over his shoulder to hearing Shuan and Sira, had brought the girl in question. He too would rise, and fall into step behind Novella.. It wasn't that he doubted her, it was more along the lines of having been in charge of teaching youths how to master the different forms of magic.

He slowly looked Ella over a moment. " She does have great potential...and should be taught.. " Seems Novella had Ghallon to back her up as well..


Date: 2007-08-07 14:55 EST
::Willow cught that innocent look from Ghallon, ohh he would get it later.For now her gaze shifted as her son came in tot he room, and then Aira with the young girl holding her hand.Willow rose slwoly and walked towards the girl, she agreed the young girl had great potential:: I agree

::Ella smiled to the three,she looked to Novella then to Ghallon then to Willow.::M'lady Willow... ::her voice was low and clam::

Hello there Ella ::Will smiled to the girl:: Lady Aure here would like to train you,but you would have to leave Crendia

::Ella looked then to Novella,her brows rose softly:: Your a wind mage....

::Novella nodded softly::yes you are right, your very smart,you use you instinks well. Would you be willing to come with me to Edhel Ndor?

:;Ella looked back to Sira,then over to Shaun,she was bit scared::

::Willow noted that:; you dont have to be frightened,Edhel Ndor is very close by and when ever you want you can come home,I can even go with you, your family could go too if they wished to.

::Ella nodded:: Mommy and Daddy wont leave here,but I will go. ::She looked to Novella::

::Novella smiled;: I will take good care of you..You will like the mages house,there are many students, and I will have Audrey bring Vanya over you two should get along well.

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Date: 2007-08-08 17:41 EST
Speaking of the devil. Magus would show up, as he stepped out of the shadows. He smirked and waved to Willow, getting Ghallon to chuckle and shook his head. " favorite person is here. " Oh god...Ghallon just had to pick on her.

Magus smirked to that, before walking over to the table and plopped down. Hands placed behind his head, and feet propped on the table. He looked Novella over a moment, then looked to Ghallon. " So...the old woman been telling tales about what happened? "

" I can guess what happened...You pestering her till she got into a bad mood...Though it was cute. " The last whispered so Willow wouldn't hear him. It got Magus to nod.


Date: 2007-08-09 23:47 EST
::If looks could kill,Magus was getting one of those looks form Willow.::

::Novella rose from her kneal and smirked to her dark brooding dark mage.::

::The young Ella stepped back and took Siras hand whens he saw Magus.::

::Sira's gaze shifted to Magus then she led the young one ut with Shaun::

Your people skills need work Magus... :: Willow followed Sira,Shaun and Ella out.::

::Novella smirked and crossd over to Magus:: Do not get your self in too much trouble ::she kissed him lightly before breezing away to follow the goddess::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-10 15:29 EST
Magus stuck his tongue out at Willow to her, trying to kill him with a look. He then looked to his wind mage, and blew her a kiss with a wink following.

Ghallon just shook his head slightly, as he looked from one to the other. He just let Magus and Willow be.. " They act like brother and sister.. " Said to himself..but loud enough to be heard.

Magus laughed to hearing Ghallon, before looking towards Willow. " But sister!...I don't wanna change...I'd be more like you..A housewife! " Dear lord...Ghallon just gave Magus something to really get under Willow's skin.

Magus then looked to Novella as she walked over, eyes watching her every move. " Me...get into trouble...Never.. " He kissed her back, before looking over to Ghallon. The elder male just chuckled and shook his head.


Date: 2007-08-10 15:51 EST
::Novella chuckled as she heard Magus.She also gave ehr hips an extra wiggle for him.::

::Willows brows furrowed but she refused to skin Magus alive while achild was present so until Shaun,Sira and Novella had taken Ella out of ear shot she would wait.::

::Shaun just chuckled as he walked with Sira and Ella out towards the stairs.::

::Novella followed them but saw Willow hanging back:: Hes only doing it to get under your skin, don't let it get to you. ::Easy for her to say, then again Novella ahd fallen for Magus dark charms, she floated off behind Shaun,Sira and Ella.::

::Willow stood there in the hall way trying to figure out if shed go back skin Magus alive or leave him be.::

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Date: 2007-08-10 17:09 EST
" You enjoy tormenting her...don't you? " Ghallon quirked a brow, seeing how it was just Magus and him now. He had a feeling, he knew what Magus would say.

" Yeah...she's always so...serious..She needs to relax.. " A grin from that dark mage, before glancing down the hall the group went. " But if you ask need to take her home..and give her one hell of a romp in the sheets. "

Ghallon blinked a moment, before chuckling. He agreed to an extent... Willow did let the smallest things get to her. " I agree..she can be a little serious at times..but that's who she is. "

Magus just shook his head, before looking down that hallway. He waited a moment....before grinning. " I just think sis needs to stop acting all stiff and get laid! Hard and fast! " Luckly...only Ghallon, Novella and Willow heard that!


Date: 2007-08-14 14:49 EST
That got Novella to giggle like a amd woman, and the wind amage had to hold out her arm to stop Willow from turning back to go and kick Magus around.

Willow glared , and looked down the hall way: to Ghallon then to Magus, he would get it soon enough. ::I am not stiff!

Novella pulled her arm back, and smirked wondering if shed have to break up some sort of fight. :; you two fight like a old married couple...when your done find me and Ella in Edhel Ndor.. :: she fglickered away with a breeze. ::

Shaun and Sira were a bit surpised when Novella flickered before them and took Ella's hand then disappeared.

Willow looked to Ghallon then to Magus, and threw up her arms and went off. She would go find Zorina nd go train.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-15 15:52 EST
" Stiff old woman! Stiff old woman! " Magus grinned to Willow, with a cocky little bopping of his head. Ghallon just shook his head slightly, but did have his hand over his mouth to stiffle his chuckles. He didn't want Willow after him as well.

Magus would flicker out of sight when Willow started to storm off. " Oh hell.. " Ghallon just knew what Magus was up to...He was heading off to torment Willow more...Well....It was a good a way...Willow had someone to banter with..that was as cocky as herself..


Date: 2007-08-20 23:24 EST
Two days had passed since Novella had taken Ella, and Willow was going to ehad to Edhel Ndor after her morning meeting with Zorin. She slid out of bed and got ready,going down to join Ghallon,Shaun and Sira for an early breakfast before she ehaded out Shaun and Sira had plans for a lovely picnic with Max and Maewen. Willow didn't know what Ghallon wa sup to this day but she knew he'd keep him self busy. She left the palace dressed for hunting, in alld ark clothing hair pulled high and dressed like she might go to war with out the armor.::

There by the edge of the woods known as fear stood Zorin,dressed in classic black, his long ebon hair covered his face, and his eyes were closed he held ablade of grass between his teeth and he smirked when he sensed Willow coming he imedtaly drew a throwing dagger and tossed it her way.

Her senses peaked as she nearly heard the wizing sound the dagger made as it cut through the air it was a good shot and anyone else might have been caught off guard but Willow was ready she caught the blde between her fingers and smriked,tossing it back his was it spun end over end twice before hitting the tree behind him.

"A little wide." He gazed to her, and smirked was he talking about th e throw or her hips? he gave ehr that look only Zorin or a rouge like him could give.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-21 16:26 EST
While Willow headed off to keep herself busy...Ghallon headed to check on things for Darkmere. Of course..with Novella busy with Ella, and Shuan and Sira..heading out to join Max and Maewen on a picnic...What's a cocky dark mage to do?

Magus would head out to find guess who? Yup...He was looking for Willow. They were either going to end up deeply hating the other, or somehow become the best of friends. Anyways, Magus headed towards the woods of Fear as well.. He hadn't been there long before hearing the thunk of a dagger into a tree..

He smirked more to hearing Zorin's comment, and moved through the shadows...before lurking just close enough to have a little fun. Yeah...with a touch of shadow magic...the shadow casted by poor Willow...had her with...wide hips...Magus was so going to get it one of these days.


Date: 2007-08-26 23:58 EST
Willow looked to Zorin and sneered at him,:: do not give me that Zorin

::Zorin held back his chuckles he saw there on the ground how wide that shadow looked from Willows hips then he also saw Magus there hidding in the shadows behind the trees, never one to give up a fellow rogue he whistled a moment before folding his arms acros shis chest.:: Come now Will , dont be cross with me just ebacuse that dark mage got under your skin, I think I'll have to lock you two up alone together for a few hours, just to see what happens..
::Willows brows furrowed inward:: you'd better not Zorin, all the gods in this world wont save you if you lock me up with that pompus no good, dark mage...

:;Zorin smirked:: pompus.. mmm so you do like him, hot headed,wild temper.. mmm sounds like you. If you two got along any better youd be all over each other... i mean if it werent for Ghallon and Lady Aure that is...

::Willow growled at Zorin:; oh shut up
::Zorin knew he was right::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-27 14:35 EST
" Seems you struck a neeerve! " Magus stepped out of those shadows and leaned into the tree with his shadow. He had one of those sly grins on his lips. Yup, he heard what was said as well as Willow making no statement to deny them.

" I knew she liked me..but she still couldn't handle me. " A wiggle of brows at Willow, before turnning to head off. Oh hell...He had something new to torment Willow with...The fact that if by chance they were both single...There was a chance the goddess would be with him..


Date: 2007-08-27 15:03 EST
:;Willow glared at Magus turning her head over her shoulder to do so just right.::

::Zorin chuckled and slid down the tree to the ground snickering.:: Hmm she can handle Ghallon.. . :: a smirk:: she could handle Vince... Will do you just ahve a thing for Vampires or is it all dark men?

::Willow now shot that icy glare at Zorin. Then looked back to Magus as he walked away,oh no he wasnt getting off that easily. She poofed-yes she could do that too, yet ina sparkle of light, very showy very willow and appeared before Magus arms crossed. She wasnt about to deny that she didnt exactly hate the dark mage but she didnt like him very much either.:: Don't be getting cokcy on me Magus... even If I were single... you'd have to be the last dead man walking in this relam or any other for me to even think about it..

:;Zorin smirked and stood up he was too late to stop Willow from going off, now he wished he had that earthy snack known as pop corn so he could chow doewn and watch the two go at it.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-27 15:42 EST
Magus came to a stop when Willow appeared in front of him. A slow smirk crossed his lips. " You are being rather defencive over this. Seeing how you glare at poor Zorin...then poof over here..and tell me that classic line..Fact it sweetie... " Oh hell..Willow tempted the wrong dark mage! He leaned dangerously close to her.

" If we were both wouldn't think twice about wanting to make me your own..To let me have you fully, as well as pleasure you fully. " Oh my...Who to feel sorry for here? Zorin for starting this...Willow for not letting it slide.. or Magus for daring to say the blunt, hot truth to the goddess.


Date: 2007-08-27 15:57 EST
::She glared at him as he leane dind nagerously close to her, her emerald hues shifted colors, it was a rare thing for that to happen. Zorin chuckled watching the two. He knew that at any moment hed have to pop over and pull Willow back from doing something stupid.::

Sweetie? :: her brows perked more so as he went on and on:; you think you know so much, you think you know everything , you cocky dark mages :: she poked him hard in the shoulder;; you know nothing... :: her emerald hues flared darkly at him. Hed gotten under her skin, that was for sure,Majorly under her skin. Was she angry or something else or a bit of both things, never easy to tell with the goddess::

::Zorin smirked and strolled over and pulled Willow back, placng his hands on her shoulders:: down girl...

:: she glared back at Zorin:: you started this..

:: he just smirked:: you didnt deny any of it... you admited it with out words Will. Now come on, back off. Before you dig your self deeper. I know that look in your eyes Will Ive seen it before.

::She pushed Zorins hands off her shoulders and looked between the two and poofed away this time a little less flashy and a little more darkly. Seems Magus got to her more than shed admit.::

::Zorin smirked and held back his chuckles:: you get under her skin so badly. That look I havent seen her so... : he chuckled softly. He didnt feel bad for starting it, he could handle Willow, nine times out of ten,but she was surpising even to him...::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-08-27 17:56 EST
Magus just smirked more to Zorin's words and Willow poofing again. A slow scan of the area for the moment, before looking to Zorin..with a rogueish look. " Appears so...see you later.. " And he slowly vanished from sight..Time to hunt a Willow! Poor Willow was never going to live this down, and Magus was just going to tease her more!


Date: 2007-08-28 00:08 EST
::Shed be hard to find. But not impossible to find. She poofed to one spot ,a spot few knew of. One she went to rarely these days. It was an open field of wild flowers, only one tree stood there it was an old tree, an anicent oak by the looks of its gnarled branches. She took a breatha nd stroled the empty field. She was just out of the reach of Rhydin, beyond the view of that anicent city, beyond the death and blood that ruled there now. She could remember a time she called this place home, this place hidden. There was no sign of it now, but there once stood an inn there by that old tree, her inn. She could see the gray tombs, one for every friend she lost and her own. She handt been ehre in over two hundred years. ::

::She walked over tot he tree now gorwn back from the ashes stronger than it had ever been,looking old and worn as she could feel at times. She pressed her hand to it.:: some things never change...


Date: 2007-08-28 14:39 EST
::There Willow was her hand pressed to that old oak tree, eyes now closed as the winds swept through the open field of flowers.::

- And guess who showed up. Yes..Magus had found the goddess. - Hello sweetie... - Oh he just had to tease her. -

: ::She didnt even open her eyes, how in hells anme did he find her, not even Ghallon knew she came here.She cast ehr gaze back to him, a darker emerald gaze tot he dark mage,her fingers curled in ward and she pushed off the old oak:: go away Magus... and dont call me sweetie...

And why should I do that? - He smirked and started towards her, as he pushed his hood back. His skin just seemed to glow a touch due to the light, with those lanvender hues locking onto her dark emerald ones -

::She looked to him:: because I own this place. :: she looked to the graves, the tree old lively hood.She looked at him she had never once seen him lower that hood, her brows perked softly:: If youve come here to make some sort of point.. please do so quickly...

As you wish them.. - Said as his hand reached up and lightly caught her chin. Oh hell....He wasn't about to kiss her was he? Maybe, as his hand shifted to cup her neck..letting his thumb rub against the front of her neck. -

:: she looked right at him:; what are you doing? :; she pulled back from him but not that much:, her eyes flared darkly.::

- Oh but he moved with her, keeping that his hand lightly against her throat. - What do you think?

: she looked at him, she felt his hand near her thoat instint was telling ehr to pull back to fight.:; who knows maybe you'll try to kill me.. though I dare you to try :: she noted the grave behind her:: Im already dead, kinda hard to kill. Otherwise I have no clue what your up to Magus, does anyone ever know.?

- He then pulled her dangerously close, before leaning to her ear. - What to do with you? - Oh lord..Willow was all alone with Magus...-

::she took a deep breath in, and looked up at him:: you can let go of me, :; she did put up a fight she was after all a warrior, yet she didnt move to draw her sheathed long sword, nor did she call on her magic, she was all alone in the middle of basiclly no where with him.::

- He smirked and grabbed her shoulders, then pulled her in tight. Oh happened..Willow found herself in a deep hot kiss with the dark mage! -

: her eyes shown the shock, what in hells anme was he doing, he was kissing her, and for a moment she enjoyed it... some part of her, all right all of her, she shivered and pulled back as quickly as she could and smacked him hard across the face, that might leave a amrk:: what are you doing? :: said through a breath and shiver::

He smirked to that slap, and lightly rubbed it. - What's the matter Willow? - A glance to her now, as he crossed his arms. - To scared to let bad?

::she glared at him and pressed her lips together:: I am not scared of anything,least of all that. I know what it is to be bad, Ive been there and done that. :: she gazed to him, he rubbed his cheek where she had slapped him, it was impulse but it had felt good, botht he slap and the kiss.... she blinked and turned around:: Me and bad dont mix... :: though she had a foundness for bad men, dark men, her and dark meant too many bad things.::

- He smirked and spun her around, before kissing her again! This time pinning her hands at her sides, while trying to back her up against that tree. True...both were seeing others...but Magus was the bad boy. -

:: her hands were pinned to ehr sides before she could counter, and ehr back pressed tot hat old oak tree, another shiver raced her form as she felt him kissing her, she wasnt going to give in no matter how much she wanted to, her eyes flickered even darker and she closed her eyes and for a moment gave in tot he kiss before turning her head sideways and tooka breath:: what are yoy trying to prove Magus?

That ye can't handle me - Moving his lips to her ear - And you are proving it..- Oh he was dar, and evil as he started to kiss her neck..How would Willow react.. True she could just blast him away from her...But Magus would hold that claim over her..-

: she tooka breath as he kissed her neck, was he right, could she not handle him? No she knew that wasnt true, she was darker than anyone knew, maybe even darker than Magus, it was easily sensed ,though very few would say anything:: Magus not even you could handle me, if you knew:: she was giving in for a moment to him, just long enough to grip that sword hilt in her hand and pull it out she held it up and flicked it towards his side, she was quick with the sword.:: back off before you start something no one can stop.

- He blurred from her when she drew her sword, with his scythe appearing out of thin air. - Try me Willow...You might find...that dispite me being young..I am quite in touch with darkness...Unless you wish to give up and fully admit..You can't handle me..

: she shifted, and looked to him:: I do not dobut your skills Magus... :: he might note shed taken ona dark look, her eyes darker, hair as well,clothes too, seems the light goddess had a very deep dark side. Even that pure long sword seemed darker, the guards twisted a bit as if by magic.:: I never give up :: she moved towards him::

- He smirked to that, and let his darkness take over him. His lavender eyes turn to a deep purple, as a wind started to whip around him. - Nor do I..- And he started towards her, with his scythe looked like two together -

: she moved witht he winds her own winds behind her, her heus flickered with a touch of dark magic, as she darted through the grass, quick and stelthy she could be, she watched him as went for the first strike a long left to right, from left shoulder to right hip.::

- He shifted and darted towards litterally floating a few inches above the ground. And so it began...the dance of two dark mages. His scythe was snapped up, letting the meatl part of the staff, block her sword.-

::she pushed back against the stave part of his scythe, and then flipped ina sudden flurry of magic and landed behind him in a low croutch, her eyes glowed a deep green with darkness creeping in on the edges. Upon her hands something flickered, a tatto? no something else something far older than ink... she flicked her swrod and the end cureved softly, and the blade glowed slightly red.::

- He turned sharply to face her, with one hand moving in a near blur in the air. Willow wanted a dance, and she just might notice the arcanic motions..Whatever Magus was about to pull off..was just as old as the spell Willow was using -

:: she smirked darkly at him watching him , hed drawn out something rather dangerous, along her ivory toned skin glowed silvey looking runes, shed gotten those from someone, way back in the day. They were hidden usually, but now she called on that old power and it shot through her light lighting turning her eyes dark almost black, and ehr hair shifted to raven locks with hints of red.. this was not yuour goddess of light.. around her lifted cold fierce winds::

- Yet while her eyes were on that hand movement. He would suddenly appeared behind her, then trying to snapped that scythe up to try and disarm her of her sword -

:: yet she turned to meet his gaze, nothing wnt unnoted it seemed, and even if he did disarm her from her sword she still could call on magic, yet she wouldnt be easy to disarm.:; Nice try:: she smriked , her voice even soudned darker,sultry.:: But not good enough... :; the sky turned from sunny and bright to dark and looming. Lighting now flickered int he sky, lighting she summoned::

- he smirked to that. - Oh really? - He crossed his arms over the scythe. Dispite all that was going on at the moment, he was looking her dead in the eyes...- wish to dance more?

:: she smirked to him and looked him right back in his eyes, not wavoring:: bring it on.. :: she switched hands with a flare of magic.Now holding her sword in her left hand, lighting above and flickering in her darker eyes:: I told you if you started this youd have to try and finish it... but now sweetie pie, your not dealing with goddess of light... oh no... :; she smirked:: youve got something darker on your hands.. it.. - He smirked as his hand shot out to curl into her shirt and jerked her closer, that is if she allowed it. -

:: she would allow it, clearly not willow, not the willow everyone else knew, she stood closer to him and smirked:: shall we dance. .:: her eyes flickered as she gazed to him::

- he smirked and leaned down kissing her on the lips again. It was the Willow everyone knew, just a darker Willow -

::oh a much darker willow, she pressed up closer in to that kiss this time.She was first to with draw though with a nip to his bottom lip:: is this the type of dance you do dark mage?

Yes.. - He smirked and turned shoving her away from him, before turnning to walk away..Oh he was trying to bait her. -

::she smirked and slowly walked after him, then in a flurry of lighting poofed and appeared before him arms crossed sword shetahed across her back,she did look wicked dark...:: your a very bad man Magus, you shouldnt toy with me...:: little sparks flickered between her fingers as she drew them through her now dark ebony locks::

- He smirked to that, and snapped that scythe up, letting the razor sharp tip touch her chin. - That I am..but if you let the things I wish...What will it do to your more..pure side? - Oh he was bad..-

::she grinned softly, and she smirked to that razor sharp edge of that scythe touching the soft skin under her chin:: mmmm :: she pondered that, her eyes flickered to emerald then abck to that near onxy black:: dark and light, same body same mind, same willow, just two sides ... you know Magus if I didnt want anything to ahppen nothing would have... :: a smirk, and she flipped back and stood and smirked,nice move, she may be old, but she was no granny::

- He smirked. - Maybe..but - He appared right in front of her, with her hand softly pinned over her head, then started to kiss her. True..they shouldn't...but in a way, with the way the two worked...Something had to give right? -

:: something did have to give,odd how things worked. That kiss was returned and her hand flinthed as it was pinned above her head witha flicker of sparks.::

- And it seemed both were giving in.. Willow giving in to the dark mage that so dug under her skin..and Magus to the one he had tormented. He continued that dark kiss with her....seeig how both were laced with darkness at the moment -


Date: 2007-09-04 14:25 EST
:Lighting flickered and flashed above them,Willow had given in for a moment to the dark mage and her own darkness and now it was playing all around them and between them.::

- Then out of the blue, he pulled back fully from her, and turned..A smirk crossed his lips as he started to walk, leaving her to ponder over what just happened. -

::She licked at her lips and smirked and pressed her hands tot hat old tree that had been behind her::mmm seems your the one who can't handle me Luv..

- He smirked and looked over his shoulder. - Never said I could..or couldn't...but you are the one needing something for support.

:: she smirked to that and pushed off that old oak tree and swayed a bit in the breeze. Her emerald hues were dark and her hair was raven toned. Not your normal good as gold willow. :: I do not...:: she slowlt turned and walked slowly the other way::

Besides...would you really let inimate with another? - Could it be..Magus had coaxed Willow to the point..of drawing out her bad girl side? -

Would you? Or does the wind mage have you caged wrapped about ehr little finger ::she spun and wlaked backwards.:;

I asked you first... - He smirked darkly a he turned to face her, cloak pulled tight around his form as the wind tossed his hair around. - false goddess. - Ouch! -

: she smirked to him:: You have no idea Magus. :: she let the flase goddess thing go:: Oh a goddess I am a gddess of two worlds, one light, one dark. :; He had brought out her bad side, her dark side. Her eyes flickered and she made her way down in to the field. Lighting flickered above her as she walked.Willow did pull off the all balck look well,very well.:: I would allow it, now the good me wouldnt... and your too whiped to be that bad.. ta.. ::a little finger wave backwards at him::

- He smirked, as those very shadows of the night started to curl lovingly around her ankles to root her in place. - Who knows? - Now just appearing in front of her. - But you are wrong about me being whipped.

;:she smirked to him, those shadows she seemd to enjoy as they held her boots to the ground.:: I don't think so :: she could easily release herself, but she wouldnt yet.:: I think you are Novella has you turned ... good... as gold :: a smirked whisper ::

- A smirk to that. - Maybe...maybe not..but my dear..fasle goddess..- Those shadows let her go. - We both know..this will hurt the ones we do care for..- He turned and started to walk from her..-

- That left the question..If he didn't wish to have her atleast for one night.... What was all this for? -

::The good willow knew that so a nod was given. But it did leave her withthat very question, she released herself from those shadowed binds.:: perhaps your right, perhaps Ghallon might enjoy me like this... :: she ran her fingers through her hair:: I suppose this was all to prove some sort of point...

Very true..- He looked over his shoulder. - That you would wish to be with me..If I tried...but you were willing to go all the dear Willow...- Oh boy...He had poor Willow in a a bind. - - He was evil. -

;; She cast her gaze over her shoulder.:: I told you, not to bring out my dark side Magus... :; her eyes flickered to their normal emerald color:: Its a danerous business.Some of us like you are dark always,some of us have to hide that part... :: she shifted her hands in front of her and kept walking::

Then learn how to master it..- Said with that arrogant tone of his - That is your problem...You hide from that side of yourself..- Magus was about to get slapped...Wasn't he? -

::worse he got a good zap of lighting to the ass. ::Bite me Magus... ::said witha sharp tone:: you have no diea.I have to hide it, I have no choice. Your allowed to go around being dark and an asshole but me I can't even go there. I'm not allowed. So you and your little deal with its can go to hell ...:: she shifted and turned and walked off again::

- He growled and just blinked in front of her - Like I run..- He smirked slowly. - Or will it take a heated night to open your eyes? - Oh he was baitting her into saying yes. -

I'm not running. The last thing I want to do is hurt Ghallon. Ive done my share of hurting,a nd you don't want to hurt Novella and the last thing either of us need is a heated one night stand. ::Her eyes flcikered as she looked up at him:; Now step aside, before I push you over and walk over you.

- He smirked to that. - Try me..

::Lighting flickered above them and in her eyes. The winds grew colder.Her hands moved an inch towards that sheathed sword but stopped.:: We've already done this dance Magus... :: she moved to the side and moved away::

- And he jerked her around to face him - What's wrong? The big bad Willow...scared?

::She sneered at him,and shoved her hands against his chesta nd jolted him with lighting and a good bit of dark magic:: sacred,nae.Not of anything, but way go throught he whole song and dance again? You've made your point..

- He growled to the point of baring fangs, as he weathered that blast of magic from her. - Admit it Willow..- He smirked again..- Oh...I know what it is..- A light nod as he moved from her and started to walk away. -

:: she snickered to his near baring of fangs, ahd she hit a nerve?:: Admit what Magus...? :: she shook her head and shifted her hands to her hips:: you know nothing dark mage...or should I call you fake dark mage.... ::ooh no she didnt!::

- He smirked. - That you aren't getting your dark desires at home..and you want me to full fill them - Ha! Got her right back -

:she glared at him:: Youve met Ghallon.He got hsi share of darkness, but..I will not allow myself...such things.. ::She then shifted slwoly away.:: Way else would I come here of all places...the place where I died,killed by the very darkness that I started

Because you never got the chance to know how..pleasureable it can be..- Oh he was just teasing and tormenting her -

You never knew Darin. I know darkness I knew it for many years and I know what it can bring :;she inched closer:; no pelasure did I find from it... just pain :: she shifted away again::

- He smirked and pressed a hand into her back..letting that very darkness snake around, and through her form...It was just like a lover's caress.. -

::for a moment her eyes flickered closed at the feleing of the darknes snaking about ehr in that caress,it felt good but she wouldnt allow herself to show it.::

- he leaned to her ear. - Under the right person's can be pleasureable..- He then turned from her, and left her with that -

Guess Ive never known it like that :: she muttered and moved back down towards the tree and those tombs and there she sat by her own.And closed her eyes::

Not many want to. - Said over his shoulder towards her -

::Perhpas that was true, as she sat there and took a bretah the darkness that she had summoned started to fade,she had control of it, as long as no one else knew that.It was bad enough Magus knew. She was not free of weakness.::

: - Maybe..but Magus openned her eyes that the darknes was both good and bad..-

She shifted her hand over that gray tomb, over her own name.Even though she felt alive,lived and breathed,she still felt different.:: Thanks Magus :: Her emerald hues shifted to him then, her hair was still raven black at the moment, what was she thanking hiim for .::

- He was suddenly beside her - Welcome Willow
::she nodded to him, seems he knew what she was thanking him for. Her hues shifted from him then away::

- And he patted her on the head..just to rile her up! -

;:she snickered and shot a glare at him::

- He chuckled and patted her head more -

You gonna stay here and annoy me Magus? :: Emerald hues flickered darkly at him, before she refocused.::

Yes.. - He smirked -

::she shot another glare at him and decied to just ignore him:: your evil.

Seems they were finally getting along.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-06 14:20 EST
" fun as it is to make fun of you...Granny..I have better things to do.. " Well...Atleast Magus hadn't stopped picking on her, dispite what almost happened. Willow would get another patting of her head. " Oh...and try not to dream about me to much. Not that I would blame you, if that happened. " Poor Willow..She just had to nearly give in to him, and now he had something to really torment her about. Magus was gone in the next moment, appearing in the woods known as Fear, with that arrogant smirk on his lips.


Date: 2007-09-06 14:27 EST
::Willow rolled her eyes and shook her head as he patted it. He got one of those looks,one of thsoe ones if looks could kill. About the dreaming comment he made. She'd never live this day down,then again there were alot of things she'd never live down. After he poofed she shook her head.:: see you later boy.. :: if he was gonna call her granny she would find a good anme to call him, boy might just work. She snickered and sat there in that open field where her inn once sat,now waiting on someone else.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-07 15:03 EST
Ghallon would just happen to have a run in with the dark mage, and noticed that smirk. " Oh lord...what did you do this time? " He knew something happened just by the smirk Magus was flashing.

" Oh nothing to worry about...Your lady is waitting for you.. " The dark mage grinned and motioned to the portal, before heading off.. Ghallon quirked a brow to that...and seeing Magus was still walking. Guessed they had come to some sort of understanding. That was good.

" Willow? " Said once he was in that open field, without a clue as to what really happened between Magus and Willow.


Date: 2007-09-07 15:21 EST
::Dark brows perked. Bright emerald hues shifted looking through the field.Her hair was still tinted darkly, still black as a ravens wings witht hsoe hints of red.She didnt look like herself, but it was her.:: I am here Ghallon... :: she wasnt expecting him. She took a breath and slowly rose from her own grave side,dressed differently than when she ahd left Crendia, she ahd left in light colors now she stood in dark ones. For a moment she wondered how Ghallon had found her ,herew of all places but then she shook that off... portals linked everywhere these days..::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-08 15:04 EST
Actually, Willow might catch the aura around that portal. It was created by Magus to let Ghallon find the rather naughty goddess. Silver hues wouldturned and lock onto Willow upon hearing her voice. A slow quirk of his brow to noting the new look she had going at the moment. " I take it you and Magus worked through your little spats? "


Date: 2007-09-09 00:06 EST
::Emerald hues shifted away, she nodded softly:; You could say that :: guilt welled up in the pit of her stomach in her chest. What had she done? She had given in to her darker self, and let ehr self be swept away by it again.::

::She looked to Ghallon again, coming through that portal. This was the icing on the cake for Magus. He could hide it from Novella, Willow knew that.It was justa kiss, or two,or... she tried to convince herself of that. But now she felt lowerer than low, she had wanted... and she felt now the pain it would cause::


Date: 2007-09-12 00:24 EST
::Now with Ghallon there she looked to that gray tomb that bared her name. Willow Cutlass. It was etched in stone, but no longer in her heart. She wasnt Willow Cutlass anymore. She was just Willow. Willow Rose Callaway. But no longer really that either. She felt like a different woman than she had been all those years ago when she had been chosen, and very different from the woman she had been when she had been married to Darin. ::

::She looked tot he other tombs,those stones stuck in to the ground. Isabelle Jean Thomas,Samantha Lily Harris,August Marie Jameson,Summer Yvone Peterson, Eve Kali Moore, Julie Evart, Talia D'Lecronte', Marina Lee Fransis , and Andrea' Zoe Geroge. They were in no special order,but once upona time they had all foght side by side and now years after they had all died Willow sat there at there vine covered graves. She was the only one left from thsoe fights,Darin, his bother and the forces of darkness were all dead. Willow knew no one could be able to tell those tales of the past like she could.::

::Emerald hues looked over to Ghallon. How many tries had she had? Vince, James, Darin, and now Ghallon. ::Ghallon..I need to tell you something.. :: Willow had to face what ever would happen.::


Date: 2007-09-12 16:29 EST
:: Her emerald gaze settled upon him.She fingers shifted through her darkly toned hair. Would he be able to tell just by looking at her what had happened? Ghallon knew her pretty well, he knew she had a dark side, a very wicked darkside. Would he recognize it now as she looked back at him:: You may want to sit down... ::Oh no that was nevera good sign.::

::She would wait for him to sit,or choose to stand before she continued.::

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Date: 2007-09-12 16:31 EST
Ghallon watched her for a moment, as he took in the newer look. The portal behind him fluttered shut after another passing moment. He then looked around as he startedd towards her, then took note of the tone of her voice. A soft sigh passed his lips, before comming to a stop in front of her.

" Willow. I have a feeling I know what happened here. Call me crazy..but nothing happened to the point that I should doubt you.. " Seems Ghallon had forgiven her before she told him, about her little dance with Magus. He gathered from the smirk from the dark mage, as well as the pain of guilt in Willow's voice. Magus has teased, and pushed Willow to the point..she nearly crossed that line.

But there was one thing that showed it hadn't been crossed..Magus led Ghallon here, and in his own way told him what happened. " Stop beating yourself up over this..Nothing happened for me to be concerned about...Yes we all face temptaions..but the strong ones don't cross that line.. "

He would then slip his arms around her. " Now seeing that you are all dark and..riled up...Why don't we...spend a little time together? "


Date: 2007-09-12 16:40 EST
::Willows brows rose as his arm went around her, she took in his words with shock. He did know her well. She also knew now that Magus must have led him here. That made alot of it clear. Ghallon didnt doubt her, but she did. Willow hadnt cossed the line,but she had come close.Very close.Temptaion had pushed her to the brink and she was still there. She glanced to him with a softer look as his arm came to rest around her. Wondering how he wasnt mad at her, but then Ghallon was different from most other men, most other vampires even.But then her right hues flickered,she was still in that satte bewteen light and dark.:: Spend what sort of time together? ::Looking him over for a moment.::

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Date: 2007-09-12 16:47 EST
He grinned to that question and looked around a moment, before smirking. He then took her hand in his, before starting towards a spot that would, keep the two hidden. No need to say, when actions, were louder than words sometimes.


Date: 2007-09-14 16:28 EST
:: Somewhere back at home in Crendia. Shaun was pacing trying to work up his nerves. It had been a while now that he and Sira had been seeing each other.It wasnt offical or anything.He hadnt even worked up the nerve to do more than hold her hand. Hed asked advice from Aiden,Max,Ghallon, and even Zorin. They each had a different apporoch but Shaun wasnt sure what his would be.::

::Sira crossed out from the blacksmith shop she and Maewen were talking. Shaun looked to Sira and lost all his nerve...::

::Zorin just happen to be there idly watching while flipping that dagger up in the air, he'd seen Willow go off with Magus then Magus come back and Ghallon slip off to gofind the dark goddess. Zorin ahd a dark smirk over his face. His gaze shifted to Shaun then and he chuckled.:: Just go up grab her and kiss her all ready ...

::Shaun looked back to Zorin and then back to Sria he couldnt seem to gain the rogueish spirit to do such a thing.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-17 15:50 EST
Max looked from Sira to Maewen, then to Zorin and Shuan. They had closed the shop early today, seeing they had company. At the moment, he was leaning back against the wall, listenning to the two pairs talk. A soft chuckle as he watched Shuan, pacing around trying to work up the nerve,only to lose it a moment later.

" I'm with Zorin here..You keep acting like this...Some other rogueish male's gonna steal her away from you...Unless you get the nerve to just walk over to her. Take her by the shoulders....and kiss her with all that love you have for her... " A glance to Maewen and Sira, before giving one of those rogueish grins. He then looked back to he was about to call the youth's bluff.

" That is just want to be friends with her, and wouldn't care if another young male took her from you. " A polite smile to Shuan, as he was daring the youth to make his move. What would Shuan do?


Date: 2007-09-17 16:01 EST
::Shaun looked between Zorin and Max. Then Towards Sira and Maewen who were staanidng a ways away having a talk and laughing. Shaun saw the looks Sira got.He blinked then looked back to Max.:: No.. I don't want to be just friends with her...::He gazed back to Sira, and then went off with a deep breath, seems all the pushing had gotten him in to action.::

::Zorin smirked softly:: Oh I have to watch this...

::Shaun walked right over to where Maewen and Sira were standing and before even Maewen could tell Sira that Shaun was coming. Shaun took Sira by the shoulders and spun her around in to a kiss.::

::Zorins brows rose and he chuckled:: Looks like we pushed him far enough.... :: he then blinked...:: Ok get a room! :: he shouted over.::

::Sira was taken back by Shauns actions but didnt seem to mind .::

::Maewen snickered and slipped aay over to max:: Why do I have the feeling that you two ::looking to Zorin:: had something to do with that...

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-17 16:13 EST
Max chuckled as Shuan turned and stalked towards Sira and Maewen, before grinning to seeing that he took Max up on his bluff. " About time. " He laughed softly, before looking to Maewen with an innocent look, before drawing her in close. " I had nothing to do with that. Just gave Shuan a little push. "

He then looked over to Zorin, and smirked. " It's alright Zorin.. One of these days, we'll find you a woman to hug and kiss. " Seems someone turned the tables on the rogue. Poor Zorin, all these couples around him...and no one of his own.


Date: 2007-09-17 16:21 EST
::Zorin smirked looking to Max, then he gave Maewen his classic up down look:: please women are nothing but trouble,fun to look at though.. ::a raised brow looking back over at Shaun and Sira still going at it.::

::Maewen smirked then gave Zorin her classic half glare back at his look at her.:: a little push huh? :: she snaked her arms around Max's shoulders.:: Looks like more of a shove than a push...

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Date: 2007-09-17 16:29 EST
" Oh....I see...Women aren't you thing....Got ya. " A nod to Zorin, before looking back to Maewen, and rested his brow to hers. Zorin had himself to blame on that comment, as he set himself up for it. " I think...Mister big bad Zorin is scared of women. " Sage nod to Maewen.


Date: 2007-09-17 16:35 EST
::Maewen smirked softly looking over to Zorin::mm scared of women, it could be... :: a wide smirk.::

::Zorin just shifted lightly, with his brows risen.:: Hey I never said that.and I am not scared of women. :; he shrugged and pushe doff that wall he had been leaning on and headed for the palace.::

::Maewen smiled to Max then:: looks like you pushed a button :: shifting closer:: so now that the new love birds are going at it like rapid wolves... what shall we do?


Date: 2007-09-17 16:58 EST
:: Zorin stoled inward through the empty palace,tossing that dagger up iin the air as he walked,he muttered softly under his breth about what Max had said. Zorin rolled his eyes:: Women...

Whats wrong with us? :: The familar female voice floated through the empty hall.::

::Zorin looked down the hall way he had just passed and saw Lady Andr?a Black-Swan. The only other female smith in all of Crendia besides Maewen.her dark brow hair was swept up ina messy bun and ehr bright green eyes looked to Zorin, she was dressed in dark clothing,Zorin could tell she had just come from the forge at the back of the palace.:: M'lady Black-Swan ::He actually bowed to her, one of the very few women he did that for..::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-18 15:01 EST
Max smirked to that, as he glanced to Shuan and Sira. He shook his head to them finally able to show affection to each other. " Hmm...what to do? " He grinned and looked back to Maewen, before kissing her now.


A certain black mage appeared off to the side of Zorin, and smirked. He though about giving the male a boot in the rear as he was all bowing, but decided not to. He then looked to the woman that he was bowing to.
" Nothing is wrong with women. Well not in my eyes. "

Magus then looked to Zorin, who was sure to stand up quickly and shoot him a glare. " But poor Zorin here thinks otherwise...Thena again..I don't think he knows how to handle a lovely lady from these lands..He acts so tough.. " Now looking to Andr?a, with a prize winning grin. " I just think it's a cover to hide that you ladies are just to much for him to handle. "


Date: 2007-09-18 16:38 EST
::Andrea smiled softly looking between Zorin and the Dark Mage.:: Mmm the dark mage may have something going there.Master Zorin, tis that true can you not handle the women here? ::A smirk formed on her face. As she caught that prize winning rin from Magus.:::

::Zorin mttered curses under his breath towards the dark mage.:: Nae M'ady I just beileve that women cause alot of trouble ..:: digging him self a hole:: I mean, there is nothing wrong with them .:: he shook his head::

::Andrea smiled and held back her giggles.:: Trouble.. hmm :: she crossed her arms over her chest and looked between the two, then slowly turned and walked off.:::

::Zorin watched her go then shot Magus a look::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-18 17:08 EST
Magus chuckled to that before looking to Zorin. " Don't glare at me because you can't get a woman. Not my fault you prefer to sulk about being alone. " He then started to follow Andrea. Yeah, looks like he was about to be bad all over again.

" Wait right there and I'll see if I can get her to act try to and go on a date with you. " Oh boy...just what Zorin needed. Magus trying to hook him up with someone. This should be interesting!


Date: 2007-09-18 17:15 EST
::Zorins brows rose a moment before he darted to stop Magus.:: I don't need your help Magus to land a woman,or a date. ::He looked to make sure Andrea was out of ear shot.::

::Andrea might have been out of ear shot,but now back from the romp in the woods Willow was not. She leaned on the pillar in the hall way watching Andrea walk by.Then She looked down the hall to where Zorin and Magus were.Her brows rose and she went after the lovely smith.::

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Date: 2007-09-18 17:28 EST
" Oh please... You need all the help you can get to land a woman like her! " Saying that loud enough so Willow would hear. Yes, he spotted her when Zorin blocked his path. Seems Magus had a plan.. He'd help Zorin to learn how to talk to women, with Willow taking care of the lovely lady..Magus had picked for Zorin.. This was so not fair to the man.


Date: 2007-09-19 01:11 EST
:Willow smirked and went after Andrea:; Lady Black-Swan...

::Zorin rolled his eyes and looked at the dark mage with that offish smirk:: You think you can help me? :: a bit more of that smirk:: What do you know about women?

:Andrea stopped when she ehard Willow calling her::Aye M'lady Willow?

::Willow grinned:; Could I have a moment of your time? ::what was the goddess up to now?::

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Date: 2007-09-19 16:48 EST
" It might be a challenge, but yes I can help you. I know more about women than you do, seeing how I have someone..and I am barely old enough to drink. " Ouch..that had to hurt Zorin's pride. He had a youngster offering to help him get a woman.

Magus shook his head slightly, before smirking at the male. " First off...always calling women trouble isn't the way to go.. You are just showing them you think little of them. Try a different tatic instead...Tell them how lovely they matter what. " Poor Zorin..Magus was talking to him like he was a teenager, then again..Zorin did have a hard head...It just might work


Date: 2007-09-20 00:21 EST
:: Zorins brows rose lookign to the dark mage just how young was he? He shook his head and leaned against the pillar,like a'semi-good' student.:: All right mater teacher whom knows so much about women enlighten me...
::Down the hall Willow went in to action talking to Andrea, what the two were talking about well, thats a secret.But there was the slightest int of laughter.::

::Zorin crossed his arms:: You mean that you always tell Novella Aure that she is lovely even when she wakes up in the morning and her hair is a mess? Oh that when shes ina bad mood that you look at her and say, shes lovely? ::It was hard for the master sneak to believe.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-20 15:09 EST
Magus smirked to that. No...I tell her she's as ugly as a wart covered toad. " Well...Zorin asked a stupid question, and the rule is..ask one and get a smart arsed answer. " You know...You might need more help than I first thought, and of course I tell her she is lovely all the time. A smart man compliments a lady.. " Of course..He did torment Willow..but that's another story for a different time.


Date: 2007-09-20 15:20 EST
::Zorins brows rose and he just smirked back at the smart assed comment:: So you tell every woman shes lovely? :: He smirked more:: Even Will?

::Down the hall Willow was finishing up with Andrea, and as the goddess walked past Zorin and Magus she smirked to Zorin, then headed off the other way.::

::Zorin caught that look from Willow:: Shes up to something...::He gazed back to Magus and then his gaze shifted down the hall way.Andrea was standing there,her back was to them,but he could still see her.He gave ehr a look,hoping she wouldnt turn around.Also hoping Magus wouldnt notice. Zorin admitted that Andrea was lovely,but still women were too much trouble. Like a goddess he knew.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-20 15:33 EST
Magus smirked back to Willow as she passed by, before looking to Zorin. He turned a bit and looked down the hallway to Andrea, then back to Zorin. Without a word, he started to move by the male, only to turn and give him a shove in the woman's direction.

" For Pete's sake...stop pissing around and go talk to her...Sheesh! Shuan has more guts to talk to women than you do...And he's a kid! " Ouch...Take about a jab to Zorin's pride as a man.


Date: 2007-09-20 15:44 EST
::Zorin looked back to Magus with a glare for that shove.The master sneak was not a far of being shoved.. But his brows rose softly:: yeah the kids got balls.. but he loves Sira.. and she loves him..:: He then slid down the hall towards Andrea.:: But it couldnt hurt...

::Willow watched from the doorway, with a smirk. Oh this was gonna be good.:

::Andrea looked to Zorin and smiled dimly::Something ye need, from me?

::Zorin looked to her.:: Umm about what i said before,I didnt mean to offend you.

::Andrea smirked softly:: Oh the master Sneak is saying hes sorry..::she looked towards Willow and Magus:: did your friend there tell you to do this?

::Zorin looked to Magus:: Hes not really a friend... and No he didn't. I wanted to come talk to you.

::She crossed her arms over her chest, and looked up to him, he wasnt that much taller than she. Andrea had that tough as nails look, a woman no one messed with.::Is that that look you gave me I thought you might be here for some other reason...:: her hand touched his arm.::

::In the door way Willow held back her giggles.. oh this was good.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-20 16:48 EST
Magus chuckled to that, before moving over to lean on the wall beside Willow. A side glance to her, before whispering low. " Poor Zorin, trying so hard to be all cool and sly. It really is kinda cute...and sad. " Now this would be intereasting..The goddess and the dark mage providing commentary.


Date: 2007-09-21 00:34 EST
::Willow gaze to Magus:: Mmm hes quite funny.Poor sweet Zorin.. ::Oh Willow had laid a little bit of ground work, but Zorinw as dealing with the tough as nails lady smith. Willow just wished she had some pop corn.:: He knows nothing about women, mr. tough guy. ::she looked to Magus:: I'll bet you that he kisses her and she slaps him

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-21 14:14 EST
He chuckled to that, but had to agree with her. Magus did give Zorin some pointers, and if he was smart..He'd follow those tips, then again as he glanced to Willow again...He smirked. " True...but I did give hm some pointers, as for Zorin kissing her. You women like a bold kiss...if I do say so myself. " And as if reading her mind, he poofed a bowl of popcorn, before eatting some. He then held it up for her..Might as well enjoy the show.


Date: 2007-09-21 14:37 EST
::Her brows perked at the pop corn and she gladly took a handful.:: Aye we do like a bold kiss tis true. But Andrea Black-Swan is not like other women here. ::she munched a few pieces of pop corn.:: pointers? :: a smirk:: you gave Zoirn pointers? On women? : A wide smirk:: Oh this will be good... ::looking back towards the two.::

::Zorin looked to Andrea, knowing she most likely had heard Magus.:: Look, what look was that M'lady?

::Andera smirked, and slid her hand down his arm as she stepped closer:: the one you gave me before,like you were undressing me with your eyes.

::Zorin blinked looking to her hand upon his arm, he had never been so flustered in all his years.:: I would never do that.. :: but he had done just that,::

::Andrea smirked softly.:: Oh? Why not? Do you not like what you see? Or is the master sneak shy?

::Willow smirked as she leaned there down the hall munching pop corn.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-21 14:55 EST
He chuckled to that, with a nod in agreement to her comments on this being good, then turned back to watch. A few more pieces of popcorn munched, before summoning the two something to drink, as well as chairs to sit in! Might as well, get all comfy as they watched.

" I beat you Zorin is blushing right now. " A snicker, as that bowl of popcorn was set on the table between them. This picture was just so wrong... Willow and Magus teaming up together, to torment Zorin. Guess they really did find a common ground to stand on now. True..there was still that love/hate relationship there, but god help whoever they decided to team up together on. They would be screwed!


Date: 2007-09-21 15:11 EST
::Willow smirked, and sat down, happy for the chairs,pop corn and cold drinks.Oh yes this was the life. God help Zorin he would need it.::

::Zorin blinked he was blushing, and trying to hide it:: Oh no your.. beautiful.

::Andrea smirked:: so you do like me

Yes I mean ...:: Zorin looked to her, he was failing at this horribly.:: but..
::Her fingers pressed to his chest:: but what ::looking up to him the two or so inches.::

::Zorin looked down at her, he had to muster up some courage, He let his hand move to her shoulder.::

::Willow munched and sipped and snickered under her breath::

::Zorin got a touch of rogueish coruage and leaned down and kissed her.::

:: Willow watched with her jaw on the floor:: nice pointers :: plinking Magus with a piece of pop corn.;;

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-21 15:37 EST
Magus chuckled as he sat down as well, and kicked his feet up. A sip of his drink, before munching on some popcorn again. He tilted his head as Zorin was statring to lose his nerve, but seemed to find some courage.

A side glance to Willow at the kiss Zorin gave to the tough as nails Andrea, before getting plinked right on the nose. " Thanks..and besides I did have a run in just like this with you. " A purr to Willow, just to tease her about that, before looking back at the two down the hall.

A slow evil smirk crossed his lips. " Hey! You two! Get a room! " Dear lord. Magus just had to yell that out at the two, more than likely geting Zorin to pull back..and be totally flusterd that he just kissed Andrea. And Willow and Magus had seen it!


Date: 2007-09-21 15:52 EST
:: Willow smirked back and shook her head at his purr. The snickered softly as Magus yelled at the two.Oh no he gave thema way, Willow muched pop corn and snickered.::

::Zorin did pull back slightly. But for the few moment he had been kissing her Andrea had seemed to enjoy it. Zorin shot aglare down the hallway at the goddess and dark mage.::

::Andrea smiled softly and licked her lips and drew Zorin in by grabbing his shirt.::Zorin...

:;He looked back to her.:: Andrea...

::Thens he smacked him hard.::

::Willow even winced at that:: ohh... that had to hurt...

::It did hurt Zorin withdrew from Andrea and rubbed his cheek.::

::Andrea looked to him:: next time dont call women trouble, you might get in trouble for it :: she turned and walked off.::

::Zorin rubbed his cheek and shot a glare at Willow then went after Andrea.::

::Willow plinked Magus with another piece of pop corn.:: Mmm that seemed rather familar.

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-21 17:16 EST
Magus couldn't help but chuckle to that glare from Zorin, before laughing more when he got slapped. " That's gonna leave a mark. " Oh he was being mean, before looking to Willow at getting plinked again.

" True, and if I recall..the next time you submitted. " A slow smirk at her, before tossing that bowl of popcorn on her. He shot out of that chair too. Nope! He wasn't going to wait for her to counter attack!


Date: 2007-09-24 13:53 EST
::Willow shook the pop corn from her hair and smirked, she wasnt about to go after him. He was right after all, she had submitted to him. That would be forever something he had over her. ::

::Zorin blinked watching Andrea walk off then he turned and headed fr the popcorn haired Willow. He stood there a momnet and took her by the shoulders:: You did this...

::Willow blinked and looked to Zorin, then to his hands that rested upon her shoulders, she mockingly made a kissy face at him:: I did nothing, you got yourself in trouble.

::Zorin looked to her, and slowly let go of her shoulders:: Now what am I supposed to do?

::Willow gazed to Magus then back to Zorin:: you gonna stand here and let her get away or are you gonna go after her?

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-26 14:15 EST
Magus watched the banter between the two, before chuckling softly. " Turn yourself around, and go get her... " Said as he grabbed Zorin by the shoulders, and spun him around then gave him a push in the direction Andrea went.

He waitted for Zorin to go before looking to Willow. " If he comes back..and starts asking questions on what to do with her...He's mroe hopeless than we both thought..But you'll be handling those questions on your own. " Willow then got a prize winning grin from the dark mage. This was just evil, with them teaming up to try and help Zorin finally get a woman.


Date: 2007-09-26 14:23 EST
::Zorin spun around and was shoved off after Andrea.He gave the two one last look ebfore he went down that hall way.::

::Willow smirked and shook her head at Magus.:: I had it handled.. :: Then poof there she went to watch the two from a different location.::

::Andrea walked wiht a smirk on her face as she ehaded back to her pirate forge at the back of the palace.::

::Zorin followed her,and when ever she turned around he hid behind a pillar, he really didnt want to get smacked again::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-26 14:32 EST
" you handled me. " He smirked and poofed with the goddess, before looking down at the two. A slight roll of his eyes, as he watched Zorin duck behind a pillar.

" You know...For a guy that acts a big, bad and tough..He sure is a wuss when it comes to women.. " This whispered to Willow, as he was standing behind her. And yes, he had rested his crossed arms on the top of her head.

He then smirked and gave Zorin a little zap in the arse, to try and get him to come out of hidding. He also done it to see how Andrea would react to seeing the male suddenly hop out from behind a pillar.


Date: 2007-09-26 14:43 EST
:;Willow smirked and moved so his arms would fall off the top of her head, she was trying to peek at Zorin from where she stood and nodded to Magus:: He's always been that way. Big and bad until it comes to wooing a woman. Oh the sotries I could tell you:: a wider smirk watching Zorin geting zapped in the arse.:: Nice shot...

::Zorin jumped at the zap and shot alook back to the goddess and magus and he shook his head.::

::Andrea turned just in time to see Zorin pop out from behind the pillar and she smirked, and turned crossing her arms and stared right at him.::

: The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he looked over his shoulder to see Andrea staring at him.::


Date: 2007-09-28 02:35 EST
::Zorin slowly went towards her, his stomach in knots as he reached her.::

:;Willow peered down at them talking and made lovey dovey eyes at Magus.:: Well now that those two are off and running, I hear my son has been.. well :: a smirk:; I must go see if this is true.. :: and poof she was gone, leaving Magus to watch or poof away too.::

::Zorin and Andrea were talking and they began to walk down the hall futher away from Magus, perhaps his wise teachings had done some good.::

::Then hed feel a tap on his shoulder and a mysic wind wold race through his hair, it could only be one of two people, Shea which wa sunlikely or Novella.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-28 15:37 EST
Magus glanced to Willow as she poofed, with a slight chuckle. He'd get her later for being meddling, as he glanced back to the two new lovebirds head off together. He was just about to poof himself before feeling that rush of wind and the tap.

A sweet smile crossed his lips, before slowly turnning to face Novella. How did he know? He didn't sense Victor around, as well as knowing Shea wasn't seen to far from her husband. " Hello, my dear. " He was given her his best innocent look, to bad it just didn't look right on him. Yeah...He was more than likely screwed.


Date: 2007-09-28 15:45 EST
:: Novella smirked softly tucking her two tones hair behind her ears as she looked up at him and that oh so best of inncoent looks:: Hello luv :: her eyes sparkled at him and she tooka step forward:: A little birdy told me something... :: who could that little birdy be?:: I am hoping I don't have to worry. :;Leaning up closer to him her hand slid up his arm and gave hima soft zap of magic.:: I don't have to worry about a certian goddess stealing my man do I? ::Novella was dressed to kill, no mage like robes, but something more fighter style.::

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-09-29 14:17 EST
Magus smirked to her look, as well to that zap of magic. Slowly, he caught her by the hips, before leaning down at her. " Is my little wind mage jealous? " A zap of magic sent back into her on that. He then looked her over again, before tilting his head slightly.

" Or does my soft little wind mage, wish to fight the goddess? " Oh he was just being bad, just to see how Novella would react.He had a feeling who that little bird was.


Date: 2007-10-01 00:18 EST
::Novella shifted tot hat zap in clsoer to him:: Why should I be jealous? ::Brows rose softly:: I could take the goddess on, dark,light or anything else.But it was nothing more than a kiss, or two. So I am not jealous. ::She smirked up to him, Novela had come dressed for a fight, but she had been trianing at home as well,but that look did her justice.::


Date: 2007-10-01 18:09 EST
He smirked down at Novella to her wanting to prove she was just as dark as Willow, before shaking his head slightly. - I don't think you could take Willow..

:Novella huffed and crossed her arms:: You don't and why is that, think shes stronger than me,just because shes a goddess, doesnt mean shes that strong..

- Magus chuckled to that - Oh you just want to pick a fight with her don't you huh? To "try" and teach her a lesson. - Oh he was being evil -

bright blue narrowed at him:: I have no reason at the moment to pick a fight with Willow.Ye do as ye please. And so will I..:: she stepped back and turned shifting her hands through that two tones hair as she walked away down the hall.::

- Oh but he caught her by the back of her pants, before pulling her back up against him. Once arm then snaked around her form - Meow...never seen you so...protective..- He then leaned to her ear, purring deeply. - Could it be...Novella..found someone she wishes to keep? - Teasing her now -

::she looked back over her shoulder to him:: I am not protective.. :: she was pressed back to him unable to move at the moment:, she made no comment to his question.She wasnt sure herself if she wanted to keep him.::

Yes you are...not many women would be this...willing to fight to keep a man..- He had her there, as he started to softly kiss her neck. - True..Willow and me did kiss...but when it got to the point of us...taking things further..- More kisses to her neck. - I..pulled back..and didn't let things got to that point.

:He did have her there, she titled her head to those kisses along her neck,her eyes fluttered a bit and she couldnt help but smile just a bit.::Perhaps I am a bit protective. ::She did wonder why he hadnt just pushed Willow to her breaking point,and figured it was because of Ghallon..Willow did love Ghallon and Novella knew the goddess didn't wish to hurt anyone::

- He grinned and pushed her away after that, then strolled right on by her. He hid that sly smirk from her, letting her see that he could be just as...tormenting to her..Maybe she'd see why Willow had been so flustered -

::she gave him that narrow little glare, she did understand why Willow had been so flustered by him, he had that way about him.To give you waht you wanted then pull back just enough to make you desire it all the more.Bright blues flared a bit and she shook her head::

- He looked over his shoulder, as he moved further away - Seems I bore you now...Oh well..- A light sigh, as he looked away and continued. Would Novella give chase to that? -

::she blinnked at that and the winds picked up and she poofed infront of him:: Ye do not bore me..

He came to a stop. - Oh really? - He smirked and leaned down to her. - Prove it

::she gazed up at him, and smirked leaning up slowly.The wind swirled through the hall way and seemed to pull at his arms,pulling him back towards a pillar. Those bright blue hues flickered at him, as she pressed her hands to his chest.:: Would you like me to prove that right here...and right now?::looking around,the hallway was empty for a the moment...she nipped up at his lips.::

- he let himself get pulled back to that pillar. - Aye..- A light purr - in a fight with Willow..- He smirked. - Show me that you are just as tough and dark as she is...- Oh he was just plain rotten to the core! -

::her brows rose to that::But she is an ally,:: Novella did have some sense of what she was allowed to do and not allowed to do.::But if that is what it takes..

I didn't say a fight to the death...just a fight..- He smirked before pouting. - Unless you think me not worthy of fighting for..- He looked away all hurt -

::she shifted slowly away.:: You will see, I am as dark and tough as the goddess can be. Nae :: she kissed him softly:: Ye are worth fighting for.. I think I saw her outside speaking to her son...

- He kissed her back..- Shall we then? - He smiled at her. Yeah he wanted to see if she would go throught with well as it could be one heck of a fight! -

::she nodded:: aye :: she stepped back and let the winds wisp her away to go and find Willow. One intersting fight for sure::

- He smirked and slipped into the shadows, and picked a spot out of sight, but close enough to have a very nice view.. This might be good -

::Willow had just finished up patting ehr son on the back and saying her goodbyes tot he two love birds ,a nd when she turned she saw Novella.::Lady Aure.. ::Willow nodded to Novella, willow knew why she was here.:: I suppose youve come for some sort of explaination

- Magus smirked as he watched...but chose to keep quiet...Nope..not going to give himself away -

Novella shook her head and the winds raced past her, her fingers twtiched at the hilt of that sword.:: No I have not come for some explaination,I've come to make sure it never happens again.. I respect ye Willow. But I can not just let it pass

Magus smirked to that, and leaned on that tree.. Yeah this was going to be good..Very good -

::Willows brows rose:; I assure you Novella it was nothing, I was not myself. I am sorry. ::But was she really?Willow had enjoyed it to some level:: I admit some part of me enjoyed it but it will not happen again...

- He pouted to that...He wanted to see a good old fashion fight...but he couldn't do anything to get it started without giving away that it was his idea. -

::Novella shook her head:: Nae, I can not take that simply as your word,I know we are allies, but this must be settled. :;she drew her sword and moved in to Willow qucikly:: I don't want to kill you or even hurt you, but I do want to face the woman who had the nerve to kiss my man.. ::bright blues fared at Willow.::

My my - Whispered to himself as Novella moving in on Willow..He rubbed his hands together -

: ::Willows emerald hues narrowed at the sword, then she shifted her gaze to Novella. If a fight would settle things Willow was more than ready to do so.:: As you wish, i missteped my bounds :: her fingers flicked to her longsword,and she gave Novella a powerful zzap of magic,dark magic, seems since their little encounter Willow was mroe able to use that darker magic.:: I will not hold this against you.. nor the alliance we share... ::she held ehr sword out:: en guard..

- He grinned and with two quick flicks of his wrist, sent their swords away from them..Nope..he wanted a cat fight..Would he get it? -

: ::Novella shook off the bolt of darker magic.and watched her sword end up behind her along with Willows. She didnt need a sword to fight she went back in after willow and before long the two were on the ground,throwing punches.::

::willow was not going to let the lack of a blade stop the fight, but she was a bit thrown off by Novella;s quick actions, willows emerald hues flickered darker and it was time to unleash hell. Novella got a fierce pulse of fire raced through ehr body as Willow landed a punch.::

- And just to add to the mix? It started to rain, making the ground a touch muddy...Magus was going to catch hell if they found out he this fight started -

::willow was not going to let the lack of a blade stop the fight, but she was a bit thrown off by Novella;s quick actions, willows emerald hues flickered darker and it was time to unleash hell. Novella got a fierce pulse of fire raced through her body as Willow landed a punch.::

- Magus continued to just watch -

::Novella rolled back through the mud and glared at Willow.That was a low move to make. Novella glared tot he goddess:: you really do have an evil streak...
::willow smirked and brushed the mud from her now raven toned locks:: cant handle it? :: a daring smirk tot he wind mage::

- he smirked to that, as he crossed his arms. - This is good..- Murmured to himself -

::Novella glared to Willow, and the winds rose, through the rain and she rushed back in at willow, and pulled her down to the ground tugging on Willows hair, she could fight dirty too.::

- He grinned more, as a figure in white came up beside him...Ghallon shook his head. - You just love to cause trouble...don't you? - Magus pouted .- Oh come on..we both knew this would happen...They just needed the push

::Novella threw a punch and it landed but willow fought back with magic, darker toned magic. The two were covered in mud by this point neither one seemed to care. Wuillow was flared up to dark willow and Novella wasnt minding fighting it out with the goddess using those touches of darkness she knew.::

Ghallon shook his head - Hey! Magus is the one you want! - And with that..He poofed...Magus on the other hand froze..Oh hell..-

:Novella was on her feet, and she shook the mud from her hair.taking a breath.::

::Willow glanced to Novella then over to Magus:: so came to prove yourself? :: that to novella:: you cant even come close to me Novella.. :: willow was in that dark mood now,it be hard as hell to get her out. She stepped around Novella and flung a hanfull of mud magus's way.::

- And Magus dove to the side..and out into the open. Once he rolled to his feet..he just had to smirk - Looks like she was doing a good job of kicking you ass from here! - That to Willow -

::willow smirked softly:: shes not bad..:: a snap of her fingers and she was mud free, and Novella was surrounded by a circle of wild flames...Willows hues flickered dark as night.:: But can she stand the heat...:: poof gone.::

- Magus smirked to that, before moving towards Novella. - Meow..That was very..impresive.

::Novella looked around to the walls of flames around her and rose the winds to slowly snuff them.She could stand the heat,bright blue looked to magus and flickered with a touch of darkness. He then got a zap of lighting in the arse. Before she went and drew her sword fromt he ground Willow had taken hers when she poofed.::Ghallons gonna have one pissed off goddess on his hands...::she shook the mud from her hair.::

Maybe..- He growled softly to the zap of magic, before waving his hand..Cleaning up Novella. - But you just showed you can hold your own..

Did ye think I couldnt? :: he might note that that violet colored tattoo that adored her face glowed dimly.:: I told you, I am as mucha force to be reconded with as the goddess in any light... ::she shifted now clean she examined the dmange to her clothes, a rip here a tear there but nothing too bad.::

- He smirked and moved up to her. - I know you did but...- He slipped his arms around her, as she might note his eyes were glowing softly - Seems I picked the right claim as my own..Seeing how you - He leaned down to her. - just showed you'd fight anyone to keep me..

::she looked up to him as his arms snaked around her, gazing up in to those glowing eyes:: Mmm well ,im not about to just give you up to anyone. ::she smirked::

- He smirked to that. - Nor will I let you go..- A deep dark purr. - Besides...Willow knows that she lost to you..She's just licking her wounds

:she inched in closer:: good ::she leaned up and nipped softly at his lips:: I would hate to think you enjoyed kissing her more than you enjoy doing so with me..mmm it was a draw... shes very good..

- He smirked to that. - I prefer you over her..- He stole a kiss to her lips. - Besides...she isn't as big and bad as she goes on about

:;a smirk to that:: Mmm either way ::she slid her hands up his chest:: ye seemed to enjoy the show..

That I did...- He smirked and kissed her, sure to make a certain goddess jealous? -

::that kiss was gladly returned,inching up to her toes as she gave hima soft pulse of mgaic to his shoulders as her fingers tips moved there::

- And he would continue that kiss while lifting her up more into it, then sent his own pulse of magic into her -

:a soft purr was given to that pulse of magic as that kiss continued.::

- He then slowly pulled back. - Seems you do wish to keep me..

Aye I do.. ::she licked softly at her lips:: and I'll fight anyone to do it..and do anything at all

As would I - He smirked and swept her up into his arms, and started towards the mage's house -


Date: 2007-10-06 00:56 EST
After her rousing fight with Novella,Willow slid through the palace.A bit darker than she had been before. She peeked in on Zorin and Andrea.

They sat before the forge,Willow noted how far Zorin sat from Andrea. Oh this was good fun. "So M'lady Black Swan." Zorin gazed to her, she had let her hair down those chocolate toned locks graced her fair face,her eyes looked to him and did not move. He was very nervous around her, they had known eachother for many years and for all of them he had liked her.

"Aye master Zorin." She scooted in closer to him.

Willow smirked leaning there in the door way ebon locked head and darker eyes, the fight with Novella had her all spunky.

Zorin took a breath, "I wanted to talk to you, to.." Before he could finish his sentance her noted that Andrea's fingers were pressed to his leg.He gazed to the lovely smith. Andrea was a bold woman,she let her hand rest upon his thigh. " Talk,what do we have to talk about?" That hand inching higher. "I... I have a slight confession." She nodded to that, "aye?" He glupped, " We have known eachother a long time and,I much enjoy your company." Andrea smirked and pressed her other fingers to his lips as that other hand rose up along his side. " just shut up you fool." She leaned in to him very close straddling over his lap. Zorins eyes went wide,,he was at a loss for words any way.

Andrea smirked softly and took his hand up in hers and placed it upon her chest just above ties that held that top she wore.She then pressed his hand down along those ties.He blinked at her boldness, but then got her message and slwoly undid the first two ties. Andrea smiledand shifted forward upon his lap.Now pressing his hand in down towards the line of her amble cleavage.

In the door way Willows eyes went wide.Shed be damned. Looked like Andrea was going to have her way with Zorin.Willow was sure the rouge didnt mind one bit. Shed leave them to it and poofed to go find Ghallon. She had some plans for her man.


Date: 2007-10-26 00:22 EST
Willow had been out around town, then with ehr son and Sria for some time, everyone was so happy about the up coming fest at greenstone castle, it seemed everyone would be there. Willow smiled as she walked through the halls, she ahd ehard whsiepres that a certain black smith and a ceritn rogue had gotten together::

Meanwhile, Ghallon was in the castle in the study, leaving Willow time to be " mommy" with Shuan. He was all kicked back and relaxed. -
: ::Willow poked her dark locked head in to the palace study and smiled at Ghallon., she then slipped in :: hello my dear :: she spuna bit as she came up beside him::

Hello my love..- He looked up from the book he was reading, as they had different ones here, never a good idea for one such as Ghallon. He might not look it, but he was such a book worm - Enjoy embareassing our son?

::she peered over tot he book he was reading, there was a huge selection here in the palace:: I did not embrass him. I tryed my very best not to at the very least :: down she bent to kiss his cheek:: I enjoy spending time with Shaun and his lovely Sira, they make such a couple and to think if they got married we'd be even more like family to Shea's extneded family :; a wide smile, oh no too muchw edding tlak floating about::

- he smiled to the kiss, before quirking a brow at her on the talk of weddings. - Don't you think we have enough weddings going on at the moment? Or do you want to marry Shuan off so we have the place to ourselves?

Its a palace my dear, we have enough room as it is even with him,Sira and assorted others staying here. :: a smile then:; yes yes many engagements and weddings. :: she pulled achair up and sat beside him.:; how was your day?

It was quiet. - He smirked and closed the book, and set it to the side, only to loop an arm around her, tugging her into his lap -

:in to his lap she went witht hat soft tug. She sat there happyily:: ahh yes, been reading all day, enjoying the palace, did ye miss me?

He chuckled to that and looped his other arm around her - I have been reading all day...and should I miss ye? - He tilted his head -
:: Willow pouted to that:; Yes.. :: her hands shifted over his shoulders:: did ye not? :: a big wide eyed look::

he smirked more- Not all that much..seeing how all you women are trying to get all the male her hitched..- He made a note to tug her closer -

:: more of a pout:: I am not trying to do that, what would make ye think that?

he chuckled softly and kissed her nose - Just teasing.

::Willow wiggled her nsoe at that. And kissed him softly:: I have not tryed to marry of anyone.I like to see everyone happy though...

He nodded lightly to that - And are you happy?
Yes, very much so. :: a smile:; I have everything I could ever desire and more.
- He grinned to that - As do I

:she snuggled in closer then and closed her eyes:: Good... :: her fingers rose playing through his hair::

He chuckled softly to that - And people say you have a darker side..I just don't see it..
:: a smirk tot hat, and she opened her eyes and gazed to him:; would ye like to?

- He smirked - I already have..not much of a difference..You are still just a tamed kitten.

:she purred to thar:: Mmm I am not tame. :;she snuggled closewr though::
You are two..- He smirked and nipped at her neck -

Willow smirked to that, both what he said and the nip at her neck:: Ye seemed to enjoy yourself well enough when I went all dark... :: pressing her fingers along his back:: were rather vocal..- An innocent grin as he held her closer-
::a smirk to that:: Well considtering I was with ye, of coarse I was vocal..

Enough to wake the dead. - Teasing her -

:: a smirk to him then:: Perhaps...:: down ehr fingers noved then up along the back of his neck:: But I ahvent seen any dead walking about...

He chuckled to that - You scared them off.
:: a wider smirk to that::mmm good, beacuse I didnt have the time to go hunt them down,I was much much to busy with you
- He chuckled to that - Not my fault you are more interested in being a naughty fiesty goddess, than a hunter.
: a smirk to him:: I can hunt them down when I'm not being a fiesty goddess :: she wiggled upon his lap and kissed his cheek:: I could go chnage and do that now :: going to rise::

he smirked and held her in his lap - Like you really want to move
::she smirked to that and wiggled playfully:: Nae I don't ::she leaned in closer::

Good. - He smirked and cuddles with ehr -
::she cuddles closer with a smile::

So..what did you three do all day?
Well we went to lunch, which was rather good fun :;a wide smile:: then while Shaun went away for a bit I got to talk to Sira.. she is so lovely, and so much like Kulbin as well tis odd...

- he chuckled to that - Trying to talk the lass into marrying Shuan...
Nae, nae. Just talking to her. Getting to know the lovely woman that loves Shaun so deeply

Uh huh..- He smirked -
::she poked him at that:; they are too young to get married.. I would not rush them for the world

He chuckled to the poke - Right..

::she poked him again::

And he poked her back - You are as bad as Shea...trying to pair up everyone..
I am not as bad as Shea, I do not try to pair everyone up, somethings just happen that way and He loves her you know that... you have seen them together

Uh huh..- He smirked - Like you pairing up Zorin and his new lady friend.
: Andrea.. ::a smirk:: I did not act alone on that mind you and there was sexual tension between those two

That you pushed..and pushed at - He smirked -
: Besides leaves one less rogue man to bug me... about things, and he needed it so :: a stuck out tounge at him then:; I nudged... He is the one that kissed her not I.. and she is the one that has wooed him along...:; a long look then:: its not like I made them do any thing

Maybe...but you did push Zorin till he made a move..- Now poking her side - Such a meddling little minx
: I like to meddle.. ::: a smirk:: yes I did push him but again i wasnt alone on that... I had help... Magus hold half the meddling blame as well :: a purr then:; bsides ye like that I am a minx...

he smirked to that - admit that you meddle..just like you weredoing today..- Oh he was just being a pest now -

::she poked him again:: I was not meddling, I was spending time with my son. I made no mention of weddings or engaments of any sort to either of them.

- He poked her back - True...but you do try to baby him.. Treating him like a child..- Shakes a finger at her - Shame

I do not baby him :; a glare then:; I do not treat him liek a child ::a huff::

He snickered to that - Meow...seems I touched a nerve..- Oh he was grinning from ear to ear if he could -
: ::she huffed more and slid from his lap and walked off .::

Oh come on know I was only playing.
::another huff, and she shook her head, and left the room, and downt he hall she went to change in to something more huntress of the night::
- He rolled his eyes, before following after her. -

:black sliming pants, balck boots and a tight huntress of the night top of a deep merlot. Hair tossed up long sword grapped and shetahed to her left, and a few staple weapons tucked along her belt and out she went a quick change... ignoring him as she went to go down stairs::

And he caught her by the arm and turned, pinning her to the wall. -
::she glared at him witha firece look::let me go Ghallon...

No..- He smirked and pressed up against her. - You know you don't scare me...and I was only kidding with you.

she growled under her breath, and forced a fierce bolt of magic through him.:: Ye were oto kidding you were serious as am I let me go, I have work to do...stand in my way and become the first fight of the night

- He growled to that bolt of magic, and send one in return - Calm yourself Willow..I know you weren't meddling with Shuan....

::she looked at him:: I do not meddle with him, nor do I treat him like a child, he has been away for a very long time. I love him, I gave my life for him once and would do so again... I had lost him, so if I meddle a bit it is only beacuse I love him and if I sometimes forget that he is a man and not a boy it is only because thats as I remember him. Now let me go Ghallon... kicking ass if comfort food...for me..

True..and remember..I was here to help you free him..He is as much my son as he is to you...- Said as he moved his hand to caress her cheek. - but do calm down...You are mad at me...
::If he did not let her go she could break away she ahd the power and strength to do it. She turned ehr cheek away from his touch: yes he is much your son as he is mine... and yes I am mad at thee so let me go so i amy go..

No..- He turned her gaze back to his. - Tis my duty to make you well as to calm you down when I make you mad..or sad..- Seems Willow had someone that really didn't care that she could break away..but would she..-

:she gazed to him, she knew he cared to much for her just to let her go off mad, she would not break a way either. But she was still mad at him:: I will calm down after I go and do my job.. and perhaps then I shall ask about see if I can find some where else for Shaun to stay, perhaps I do baby him too much. But if I was to lose him again nothing would stop me from taking my own life... not even your wise counsel or sweet looks... one will take Shuan from you like that again...Yes..he might get married if that is his choice..- A softl smile to her -'s nice to have him around...Gives me a helping hand when dealing with you..- Trying to tease her - You are a handfull..

I hope he does one day get married, and I hope you are right that no one would take him from me again. :: a glance then to him:: Tis who I am Ghallon....

Willow...If anyone even tried..You know full well..I would give my life to save would any of our family members..- Now cupping her cheek again. - give me a challenge...Would be dull if you were always a tamed kitten..- A smirk, before kissing her deeply, before she could comment -

::that kiss was returned but she pulled away before it could become to deep:; I know ye would and I know they would as well. Hopefully Shaun and Sria will live a long life..together,long after I am gone...

They will..- He smiled to her - Feeling better..or are you still in a ...- He smirked - I want to beat up a helpless old man mood?

Ye are not a helpless old man Ghallon ::a look given to him:; ye are anything but that, and I would not beat at you.. there are pleanty of things out there awaiting me...

Maybe..but..- He swept her off her feet and into his arms- You aren't going to be doing any hunting tonight..- And he turned to carry her towards their bedroom -

Ghallon :; she wiggled in his arms.::Its my job... ::she was still mad at him:: and I would not sleep for the world right now...

Oh you will - A grin down at her, as he wiggled his brows -

*- I will come back and color text another day