Topic: Winter Solstice:Yenearsira


Date: 2006-12-15 23:59 EST
:;Shea awoke with the sun, she was quick to dress and gathered her things. She folded Connar?s cloak over her arm as she walked out of the room. She slowly walked down to his room, cracked open the door. Not back from the blacksmiths yet, good. She slowly placed that cloak upon the bed, with a sealed note on top, hoping he would find both, whenever he returned. Then she walked out t the main counter, she tapped her fingers on the counter top till the manager of the inn walked out and smiled to her.:: "Aye?" :;his gruff voice floated to her elven ears as he sipped that drink called coffee.::

"Thank you. Your rooms are very nice, my stay here has been pleasant. " :: she slid a few gold on to the counter:: :;the man smiled to her.:: " ye be welcome miss."

:;with that Shea went out the door, she was tot he stables, she gave Connar?s grey steed a glance before she took V by the reins. Then she would lead V out and walk away from that inn. Her day was now to begin. She pulled that hood high over her face as she walked away from the inn. Towards the market place, deep in thought.::

::Once Connar would return, once he found that note, if he were to open it he would read.::

"Dearest Connar,

There is no better way for me to say this,
I am as good with speaking these words
So i choose to write them.
I am sorry if I have seemed a bit off, things have been a little taxing
to say the least.
But although they have been, and may always be, I know that you alone may understand what I go through.
We are both bound to honor and duty.
And I find that very, appealing. For not many could fully understand those bonds.
I have never and shall never do anything to risk, any of that honor.
I may seem like I may want, something more.
And I can not deny that.
I can not deny that at times I may wish for something more, more closeness more contact.. but also, being that as it may. I have never felt so honored, nor so respected by anyone. The time may come, or it may not Either way : my love would remain.

You have always been honest with me, and you may always be, and you may always confide in me.
And I know I can be honest and confide in you. And that I may need to do.
There is some force that binds us, be it magic, fate, or similar circumstances.
I could not ask for anything more. For I have not felt so happy in years.
Things right now have vexed me, I may seem distant, and I am sorry for that. There are things on my mind I can not even begin to explain.
I am happy to be going home, when at the same time, there is a task that lies before me. Tests of my skills and strength to come.
We may face many more things to come, be together or alone. But I have found my strength by your side. A deeper understanding of it at the very least.
Though the journey ahead may be long, and full of many things, both good and bad. I know through it all it shall only strengthen, that which we have.
If you still wish to come with me back to GreenStone I leave tonight, I will be at the Red Dragon. If you have changed your mind, I do understand.
If that is the case I will see you when I return.
But I do hope you still intend to come with me.

amin mela lle



Date: 2006-12-16 00:29 EST
:He took the reins in one hand, walking to the side of his horse
and pulled himself up into the saddle:: I am ready whenever ye are...

::shea slowly united the reins fromt he porch post and mounted
up.::alright then we go...

::He moved his horse next to hers:: Wait...I do need to do
something first...

a nod:: alright... :looking over to him witha smile::

::He looked back toward the inn, as if he had business there, but
instead, he leaned over, putting his arm around her shoulder, leaning over to give her a soft, lingering kiss::

she retunred the kiss, a bit surpised at first, letting it linger.:

::His fingers would brush past her cheek as he released her from
the kiss:: Now that is the proper way to start a trip...lead on fair lady...that kiss ought to last least a few leagues....

:she laughed softly, and nodded, agreeing, she gave Violette a soft
pat on the neck:: a' Calenondo, Violette

::Her mare moved, with thsoe words slowly away from the inn::

::He smiled, giving his horse a nudge...though he didn't need
much encouragment to follow V::

Shea smield to him, and picked up the pace a bit, slipping away
from the light of the inn::

She pulled away from him while he was adjusting the reins, but
a little spurring and he was back by her side, the lights of the inn disappearing behind them::

slowly she would pull that hood over her face, as they passed
through town, Shea let V lead the way, even though she was at the reins::


Date: 2006-12-16 01:36 EST
::He rode along side her,
taking occasion to look her way, watching
her posture as she rode:: Good thing I
took a nap...I had no idea we'd be traveling by moonlight...

::she smiled looking back to
him:; im full of surprises..:; hooves
clapped over cobblestone pathway as she
made her way North.:: Its easier to travel
by night..:; she gave V pat on the neck::

::He grinned:: so?

::a laugh emanated from her lips:: Easier because I like to travel that way. I do my best traveling by light of the
moon, or in early dawn hours. Its just old habits...

::He laughed:: Oh, that
kind of easier...well, keep an eye on
me...if I start dozing off, ye might have to
take the reins.

; smiling she pushed back
that cloak, and slowed Violette?s pace, so
that she was right next to his horse:: I am
sure you wont fall asleep ::a soft kiss to
his cheek, a s a warm breeze swept by
Him ::not with me around

::He smiled at the kiss:: I
wouldn't be so sure...I do my best
sleeping when ye are close by.

; a smile to him:: aye, and I
do my best sleeping while near you, but
we have a lot of ground to cover, before
we can rest.

:He nods as they continue along the road:: Four days ride, correct?

aye, four days, a few nights,
this being one, then we should be at
greenstone gates at leas ta few hours
early... which is good...:;a thought passed
through her mind, she still had a few
tasks to do:; on our way I have to make a
few stops... I hope you don?t mind

::He smiled:: Why would I
mind...not like I have an itinerary to
keep...I should have asked this
earlier...but where will we be staying once
we arrive in Greenstone?

::the hove beats would
soften as the cobblestone ended, and the
earthen path began:: In the castle

Maybe I should be more specific....whose
castle...What I it your home or will we be the guests of one of your relatives?

In greenstone castle, my
home, the castle I was raised in, my
relatives live there, Salice, Audrey , my
niece... but it is still my home, for the
most part

::He smiled, looking at
her, picturing her living in a castle:: I'll
have to be careful then...castles tend to
be filled with a lot of old things that tend
to break easily.

:;eyes cast forward as she
saw the trees coming, Rhydin city behind
them now, once they passed through thee
trees it would all but disappear: : I wouldn?t
worry to much, its been child proofed as
they say, for Vanya, and the coming new
edition... not many breakable things
remain... a vase or two, but they would be
of no loss...

: ::He grinned:: Child proof
doesn't necessarily mean Connar
proof...but tis a start.

; a laugh:: you make your
self out to be clumsy... yet you are
not...:; a shake of her head, and now they
passed in to the trees, along that path,
now softly covered with snow::

::His horsed pawed at the
ground as they rode...liking the feel of the
snow under his hooves:: I?m not saying I'm
clumsy...I have seen what
I can do with couch cushions...

: ::The world of Rhydin slipped
away, as they passed in to those trees,
the lights, the sounds, the warmth pf the
city.:; yes, well there are plenty of those
to toss around :;a smirk:: in fact its a
tradition, between the sisters to have a
good fight with them, Shay always starts
it. I always finish it

Sounds like fun...I can't
wait for the festivities to start...:: He looked
forward, as far as the darkness the
tree branches would allow. Other than his
short excursion up the coastline, he
hadn't traveled very far from the city before

its been a long time since
we could celebrate anything at all, its
been many years since we celebrated
Yenearsira, since we were children::jade
hues looked back to him, trusting her
mare to know the way::

by now the village is lit up
with lanterns, banners flying high in the air,
the smell of good food upon the cold of
night. The feel of warmth in every house..
by now most of the guests hare there,
save for Shay , Kulbin, Mila and Aiden..
and you and I.... Salice will be up for
nights on end making sure everything is perfect.

::He looked at her, just
content to watch her, listen to her voice::
What does that mean, Yenearsira?

Winter Solstice. :: jade
hues looking forward, just in time to duck
under a low laying branch..::

::Having a little advance
warning, he ducked under the limbs as
well:: That was close...

::With those elven eyes she
could see the edge of those trees, beyond
that wild fields, then though hilly
mountains, in which that hidden pass
lie:: Aye, usually someone give me a
warning :; she gave V a pat on the
neck:: So how did the blacksmith thing
work out :: just making idle conversation
to get other things out of her mind::

::He smiled:: I didn't think
I told ye last eve where I was going, did
I?...It went well...very arms and
back will be complaining about it for a
while...but that is normal.

::the path under them
weaved, snaking along through the trees.
For now she kept her eyes forward, in
case of any more branches:: aye you told
me...forge something did you? ::knowing
that feeling::

:He smiled:: Aye...that I did.

did it turn out good? :: a soft
glance back to him::

:He was being coy on wasn't finished and he thought
it unlucky to talk about unfinished
crafts::... so far, so good.

: ::eyes looked back forward,
as the edge of the tree line got closer,
she could felt the wind coming off those
wild fields:; thats good,its been far too
long since I did any smith work, my uncle
will give me a long speech when i see

Tis hard, unforgiving
work...but rewarding all the
ye plenty of time to think while pounding
all that metal on metal.

: ::smiling softly, as she
slowed again, stopping to look over those
fields. Lit up by moon light, a glance back
to him:; aye it is, my uncle is the finest
smith in all of my home lands... he
taught me how to forge blades, and
arrows, and other things.. yes time to
think that it does.. I do my thinking when I
ride:: a smile again::

: ::He looked ahead on the
trail, confident that Shea or V knew the
way, leaving him free to keep an eye out
for anything out of the norm. Given the
late hour of their departure and the
reluctance of road bandits to work in the
cold and snow, he figured their first night's
journey to be uneventful. He smiled:: Ye
won't do much thinking with me yapping
at you all the night through.

::a smile:: I like talking to
you does me more good than
thinking... thinking gets me in trouble most
of the time...

::she looked ahead, far
through those fields, tall with wild grass
and flowers now closed for the night. She
could see beyond what most could, over
the soft roll of the hills, to that tree far in
the distance, that would be there stopping
point, a soft pat to V and in to the grass
they went::

Thinking is a dangerous
pastime of ours...:: He wanted to tell her of
his conversation earlier in the day with had him thinking of many
things...but he would wait...the journey
had only just started, and they had plenty
of time for that::

::she glanced over her
shoulder at him, slowing a bit to come
beside him, to place a soft kiss again on
his cheek:: yes dangerous indeed...

::He smiled at the kiss,
just glad to be close to her:: I won't be
doing any thinking the rest of the night...I

::she would lead them through the tall grasses, over the soft rolling hills, of those wild plains. Till they reached the camp sight, she would tie V to that tree.::

"we will stop here till morning..." :: she sat down upon that grass covered hill side next to that tree, laid out most comfortably. No bed, nor fine sheets or pillows, just the earth under her, and that cloak for a blanket. not knowing if she'd sleep or not, just gazing upwards, at the stars watching them twinkle::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-16 14:02 EST
::He wrestled with his cloak and the ground, an arm length or less from Shea, unable to find a comfortable position, lifting his head every so often to see what she was doing. They had traveled a good distance this first night, though he had no idea how to judge their progress. He tossed and turned some more, finally giving up any hope being comfortable there and he moved next to Shea, offering his arm under her as a pillow...if neither could sleep, then they would at least spend the time gazing upwards together, but just feeling her next to him made any thoughts of the ground or discomfort fade away::


Date: 2006-12-16 23:46 EST
::she lay there, with his arm under her head, looking upwards. Watching the stars. Taking in the air of the surround. ::

::With the morning light, she lifted her head, opening her eyes, she had fallen asleep at what hour she didn't know. Gazing up to the blue sky. Filled with patches of fluffy clouds. A smile rose to her features, as she felt a cold morning breeze rush by. She would curl up under her cloak. As if she didn?t wish to get up. The sun had barely started to cast its warm colors over the sky, not even peeking out yet from the east. She knew they would have to be off once the sun rose, but she didn?t want to move. Yet the rumble in her stomach would wake her fully. She sat up and dug her gloved fingers through the folds of her cloak to find that bag at her side hidden in the folds. She slowly dug of a piece of caryave fruit. She slowly unsheathed her dagger and cut off a slice, and slid it in to her mouth. A jade hued glance looked towards Connar, wondering if he was asleep or awake.::

::she held out the piece of fruit towards him as she chewed::

::she cut the caryave fruit in half and placed one half in his hand. With a smile she rose and walked to V.:: " quel amrun ,Sana sina mellonamin" ::she offered V a piece or two of that fruit, with an open palm..:

::Once V had devoured it, Shea smiled running her gloved finger tips over Violette?s soft nose:: ? Long ride ahead." :;looking from where she stood towards those mountains a few miles away. :;

::They would get there before night fall if all went well.lAand hopefully up those twisting paths towards those caves before then too. She slowly ran her fingers through Violette?s mane. And over that saddle. Over that bow slung there with care, over the fine inlaid designs upon the worn leather of her saddle The sun was rising, and as it did the light danced over the wild plains, making the flowers of winter open. The softest touch a breeze brushed through those fields of tall grass. Sending the sweet smell of freshly opened flowers towards Shea. The wind blew through her dark locks, as she closed her eyes, embracing the new day. As the sun rose higher, the light danced over Shea. Up over her fair features, shimmering as it caught those jade colored hues. The wind picked up a bit blowing from the north now. With the sun in her hair and that wind blowing through it, her hair looked like a river of deep blue, as it shimmered in the morning glow::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-17 01:16 EST
::He watched her rise, saddened to see the morning come so was a pleasant night. He bit off a piece of whatever it was she had placed in his hand, thinking it was probably breakfast. He laced his fingers, placing them behind his head as the laid on the ground and watched her take care of V. He gave a glance over to his horse...that gray, nameless horse...he'd have to work on that. Reluctantly, he rose from the ground, brusing off the bits of grass and whatever else was clinging to his clothing. He loosed the reins on his horse so he could freely graze, but judging from the bare ground all around the animal, he had been grazing most of the early morning.::

::He walked over and gave Shea a good-morning kiss and one more just in case he didn't get a chance to give her one a mid-morning. Soon they were ready to hit the trail once more, the sun rising into the sky quickly. The first few jostles in the saddle loosening the stiffness in his back from the night on the ground. He was looking forward to spending the day with her, far from the distractions that normally nipped at their heels::


Date: 2006-12-17 04:14 EST
::They had been riding for
just a little while, long enough time had
passed since he last kissed her, so he
leaned over and did so now::

::She let the kiss linger a
bit, holding back that smile

::By now their horses had
grown used to being flank to flank...he
held the reins loosely, letting the animals
lead the way...V seemed to know where
she was going.:: How far do we journey

::slowly she with drew,
taking the reins in hand, eyes gazing a
head:; see those mountains there
?::pointing off to the north:; there is a
pass up twisting through them, we head
for that pass, and the safety of the caves
shall be our next resting place...

Caves?. .::he grinned::
From what do the caves provide safety
from...dare I ask?

::she smiled:; the cold, it
will be snowing most likely, and from,
wolves, bears, other creatures... and its
easier to build a fire inside the caves than
outside, besides the path is slim, we will
have to walk up half of it, with the horses
trailing behind, unless we want to fall off...

:He smiled, shaking his
head:: I shouldn't have asked

I had a dream last night
we were dancing...some formal
ball...everyone dressed in their finest...

:;a smile to him, as she
gave V a little nudge, and again she
started through those tall grasses:: but till
then it s just these grass filled hills...easy
ridding.. sounds like the festival... :;a
smile back to him::

I remember there was a
large staircase...winding on either side of
a great hall...we were at the top...making
an entrance of sorts.

there?s always dancing,
either the first or second night... we'll find
out once we get there...:;a smile:; sounds
about right.. depends on what Salice has

:Nods::...Not that I ever
been one to dream and have it become a
premonition or reality...but I recall at one
juncture...though I can't see or remember
any details...but something made me
wish I had worn my sword...or any

she shall either go with the
old tradition or maybe she'll make a new
one.. :;a smile, crossed her features.
Feeling the sun upon them, the air was
still cool, but it made the day seem light::
well that?s one thing, since for the four
nights of the festival we ladies, though we
may argue ... we have to lay down our
swords, weapons of any kind save for
magic, and let the men defend us, should
anything happen

I wasn't planning on being
armed during the festivities...unless tis
normal...but I can't see it being much of a
festival if weapons abound...but, then
again, I am not familiar with the customs
of Greenstone. ::Smiles:: Do ye think me
capable of defending you?

We have not celebrated for
so long, since Salice and I were children,
I am sure Shay doesn?t even remember
the first festival...::witha nudge to V, the
pace quickened.:: aye I do, very capable..
:: a smile back to him::

::He gave his horse a
nudge, though the animal was already
quick to stay up with V. He patted the
animal's neck:: I've not given this beast a
name...have any ideas?

::The breeze then came
from the north again off those peaks,
softly covered with snow:: names? oh
dear, i am not usually very good with

I was thinking maybe
"Ashtray" for he looked like the bottom of
one when I first acquired him.

::witha soft nudge the pace
slowed, she was just having a good time
with him, seeing if he could keep up with
her.:: ashtray...:;a perplexed look for a

Maybe "Ash" for
short...or maybe "Cendrier"...sounds kind
of exotic.

:;she looked back to that
grey steed thinking of names, jade hues
then panned the landscape:: ash isn?t bad,
or cendrier for that manner...

::he looked at her horse
and smiled:: Well, how did ye pick Violet
as a name for your horse?

Violette... :;she said it
slowly:: and she was already named
when I got her...:;a smile:; i think it
fits...:;a pat to V's neck::

::He laughed::
Aye...she's just a big, soft, flower.

::with that pat V picked up
the pace, again, Shea smirked witha soft
laugh:; she is soft... but shes also a very
good mare, in battle times.. :;called back
as eyes moved forward, V jumped softly
over the fallen trees and rocks under hove::

::Connar pulled back on
the reins a bit, slowing his horse...he
wanted to run him a bit...he let V and
Shea get a good distance ahead before
he leaned over Ash's ear:: (w) Go get
her...::nudging him with his heels. The
horse shot up from the ground, the rear
hooves churning up the ground with a
heavy lurch forward, charging them ahead,
thundering beats against the ground as
the pair moved back to the side of the
"women" once more. He just smiled,
patting V as they slowed:: Nice horsey.

: ::Shea laughed, jade hues
cast forward through the grass, watching
the light of the sun bounce off the tallest
strands. Those looming mountains were
getting closer, her thoughts drifted, home
seemed closer , V slowed her pace to a
good trot, and Shea smiled over at
Connar ::she?s a bit touchy as of late
I think she?s more nervous than I am,
about going home.

::He smiled as she
looked his way...he was enjoying
himself...though not enough to push the
conversation he had had the previous day
with still weighed on his mind::
This may sound odd...coming from
me...but how long should two people
know each other before they get married?

::After saying it...he
wished he had given the context of the
question a bit more fleshing out::

I suppose it would depend
on the people involved... :;eyes panning
forward, keeping an eye on the surround
as V lead the way so to speak:: weeks, months, years.. it would greatly depend on whom is going to be getting

I had a conversation with
Mercy yesterday...a short one...but she
doesn't think I am handling our
relationship correctly...meaning
and I.

::jade hues looked to him::
oh and why is that?

Her exact wording is a
little hazy now...but the long and short of
it is that Mercy thinks that tis unfair of me
not to give myself fully to ye if we love
each other...She suggested that I just
marry ye, have children, and go back to
my world after ye have passed on. I told
her that it didn't work quite so easily with
my world...and that ye would outlive me.

ahh well I may outlive you, I
may not... and we take our own path in
the realm of romance and commitment... ,
I dont think it unfair... not to anyone :: pause:: I think we, you, I... are
handling it just fine... we go at our own
pace... we enjoy each others company.. ::a soft smile, thinking a moment:: perhaps she?s just jealous? ::a wider
smile, just a tad:: ::eyes looked forward:: She
just doesn?t grasp, some of the key
factors...I suppose...

I tried to tell her that ye
and I have been open and honest with
each other...about everything. I didn't
think of it then...but I should have asked
her why any two people, love or
not...would rush into marriage after so
short a period. Call me old-fashioned...but
I don't think marriage is something to rush
into out of romance or convenience. ::He
thought a moment more::...I'm not sure if
she's the type to get jealous...though I am
sure she in envious of the time ye and I
get to spend together. ::He smiled:: She even
suggested that I take ye back to my

I do agree.. :;a nod:; rushing
in can be dangerous...:; a nod:: envy and
jealousy are of the same green eyes...
well, it could not work so
easily for me to do that, I may pass
between Rhydin, GreenStone and Crendia all
well, but they are all on the same plane...
your home is not... though I would if I
could....but other things as you know
bind me to these realms...

Ye couldn't...nothing from
this realm or any other would last
long...assuming it survived the nexus. My
world is yet ancient still...the magic and
inventions of this place...the crossing of
technologies could never exist nor be
supported there. I don't think my sword
would survive the journey through the
nexus intact... I think Mercy's intentions
were genuine...she wants us to be happy
and can't understand why I would prevent

::she looked forward fully, a
smile rose to her features slowly. As did
a soft rosy blush. Then she focused, eyes
forward: upon the land:: my point tis made
then...:: still a smile:: you do not prevent
that, I think we are happy :; a glance to
him, still smiling:; at least I know I
am... ::a nudge to V and she picked up
the pace again::

::He grinned...not
remembering that last time he had been
happier in this place. He pushed Ash to
keep up as the pace was quickened:: I
have this unsettled feeling that your family
might press nature of
our relationship...your sisters might use it
to make things quite uncomfortable for ye.

::As the pace quickened so
did that cool breeze from the north ,
which breezed its way through Shea's
dark green cloak. Eyes looked to the sky,
the sun. The time of day. And she slowed
the pace again smirking:: bring it on... ::she slowed V to a stop::

::He stopped along side
her:: Were ye talking to the weather or
the possible taunts of your sisters?

please, they are my sisters,
they might pull a few fully fun jokes, but
their relationships are rather unique..

: ::He grinned:: Ye needn't
worry on my embarrassed by
them...I've nothing to hide nor be fearful
about...without that, their taunting are
but for naught.

:;she slowly brushed her
gloved fingers through her hair:; they are
siblings, taunts come and go... besides,
once they get the gifts I got them... not
taunting will go on...:;a smile to him as
she slipped one hand back in to her
cloak, digging in to the folds::

Gifts?...shite...was I
supposed to bring gifts for the festival?

:;out again she pulled
another caryave fruit, two in fact she held
one out to him:: refreshment? :;a laugh:;
no you were not, I did... its sort of a sister
past time...

::He took the fruit from
her with a smile:: scared me
there for a minute...::He held the piece of
caryave up:: thank ye.

:;she took a bite in to the
fruit, and chewed holding back those
giggles:; I saw that... :;a wink to him :

::He looked up the trail a
ways:: How far until we have to travel by

two miles...give or
take...::she held out the last of the fruit to
V, who ate it eagerly::

::He bit off a piece of the
fruit, leaning over to give the remainder to

Once we reach the foot of
the mountain we can walk from there, up
to the resting point :;she looked to the
sky, clouds but not rain clouds:: with all
luck it wont snow...

Be there any trees that
far up the trail?

aye.. trees along the path
ways, down the mount side...

::He grinned:: Good.

she gave him a perplexed
look, and gave V a nudge and back they
went trotting in to the grass::

once in the cave I can make
us a fire, and dig in to the better of the
food that i brought with me...:;a smile,
eyes cast forward:;

::He patted Ash's neck
and they continued on their journey.
Connar scanned the horizon, watching for
anything out of the norm...though he was
assured by now that there was little to
fear beyond their range of sight...his
dreams, however, had him questioning the
safety to be found in Greenstone::
Hmmm...I can't wait. ::He laughed:: I didn't
think to bring any food other than some
dried meat and a skin or two of water.

:she looked ahead, two
miles, not to far on horse back, even at a
slow pace. She knew once they reached
those mountains, Shea knew her mind
would wonder... she had told him she
needed to make a few stops, but she had
not told him what they were for, not yet at
least:: that?s why Im the guide...:; a smirk
as she had V pick up the pace::

::it was still mid-day if they
picke dup the pace just enough they
could make it all the way to the last cave,
before night fall, and that was Shea's

:He smiled, prodding his
horse to keep up the pace:: Ye are a
guide?...I thought ye were just along for
the ride to beautify the landscape.

:;a smile back to him:; oh
yes, for that too.. ::she didn?t want to tax
his horse to much, the pace not too fast
nor to slow::its all apart of the experience.. ::a wink back to him. She could see the tree line in the distance,
those trees marked the foot of the
mountain, little less than a mile left, at
this point.::

::He had to work the reins
of his horse...Ash had been ridden hard
on their last journey and kept anticipating
with each nudge to take off again as last
time...Connar had no idea of this horse's
past...but he could tell by the way his
was built, the way he handled a rider, that
Ash was trained for more than pulling a
plow:: Experience?...and here I thought V
was the one leading the way all along.

oh, well she can lead the
way, but im the best guide any one
could hope for...:;another wink to him::
just you wait. you?ll see

He laughed:: Oh...I need
no have my vote of confidence me.

;she glanced back to him,
and smiled. Those trees getting closer
and closer::

He gave her a smile and
a wink as she looked back to him...he
could see the mountain beginning to loom looked steep, even from this

I do trust you..:: another
smile, eyes forward again. the wind came
down from the mountain side, and flowed
through those tress and towards
them, colder air, through those trees Shea
could see far, to the path they would take,
it was free and clear of snow, that made
her smile all the more:: seler' ::she
muttered to her self as the grass faded to
become a soft red and gold carpet of leaves
under them with just the slightest touch of
snow, those trees now towering over them
as Shea slowed the pace::

:As she slowed, he
moved up along side her, gazing upward
as the trees towered overhead:: Mighty
big trees living in the shadow of the

;she smiled:: aye, most do
not come this far, most would not know
that beyond through hidden paths is a
land they have never seen, and few ever

:He grinned:: Let's just
hope I be one of those few.

the tress slowly lessened,
as the pathway up in to the mountain
became more visible:; do not worry
Connar, you will...

I'm not
worried...::laughing::...I was merely
referencing the fact we hadn't made it to
the *safety* of the caves yet.

Shea slowly dismounted
as V's front hooves stopped upon the
pathway in tot he mountain side.. one for
sure would think it to be covered with
snow... but it was clear of snow, and
ice... not a trace for as far as Shea could
see:: besides, our path has been cleared..

::He followed her lead and
dismounted:: Should that worry us...that
the path has been cleared?

:;she smiled to him:: y our
welcome to sleep outside the cave if you
wish...I am sure a nice creature will make
you a fine mid-night snack... ;a smirk:;
nae, Salice did this... tis my present from

:He grinned:: Your sister
manages the trails between here and

::She walked in front of
Violette, taking the reins:: she didnt do it
her self, by hand if you mean... but she
had it cleared for me, yes...

I think I knew that...but
had to make sure...::He scanned up the
mountain side...there were trees, but not
as many as down where they stood:: Ye
go on ahead...I'll catch up shortly...

she started up the path, V
close behind her:: don't fall too far

:He took the wood axe
from his pack and sized up one of the
larger pine trees, lopping off the large,
sweeping boughs along the bottom. When
he had gathered enough, he lashed these
to the saddle and took Ash by the reins,
jogging up the steep slope to catch up
with Shea and V, the muscles in his legs
burning in protest at the sudden exertion::

::eyes forward she started
up the path, slowly. Listening to the far off
sounds of the birds. Somewhere higher in
the trees. V trotted slowly behind her.
Shea hummed a soft tune::

:It took some doing, but
he could finally see them just ahead, and
he could hear what sounded like a tune
being hummed...but the blood was
pumping through his body, pounding in
his could very well have been just
his imagination::

::the path went up, and
turned to the left then seemed to
disappear upwards...She walked, witha
steady stride.Keeping an eye out on the
sky, pleanty of day light left.::
;a soft glance back over her
shoulder:: dont get lost now... :;a smile to

:He slowed his pace to a
steady walk as he and Ash finally pulled
up along side of them, wiping sweat from
his brow as he smiled at her:: Me and lost
are great pals...we spend a lot of time

she smiled to him, as she
turned left.:: aye but in these parts tis
dangerous, all sorts of things can
happen... ::smirking:;

::He laughed:: I am sure
of that...and I'm not even lost yet.

;the climb upwards didn?t
seem that steep, the path was well taken
care of, eyes looked forward, another turn
this time right, then the path was straight,
the side of the mountain now beside
them, with a few small caves here and
there, Shea walked past them slowly,
making sure not to wake sleeping

I wouldn?t let you get lost,
what sort of guide would I be? ::onward
she walked, the path snaked, left then
right around a huge fallen bolder... Shea
gave the huge rock a soft pat with her
gloved hand...::

Connar followed close
behind, the trail not wide enough to walk
side by side. He looked into the shadows
of the passing caves...curiosity wanting
to poke his head inside to see what
lurked within...prudence suggesting that
wouldn't be such a good idea. He smiled
at her comment:: It would make ye an
Incompetent but pretty guide.

she giggled softly, the
path seemed do go up just a bit higher,
rounding around the mountain.:: why
thank you.. ::a smirk, she could see their
resting place from here, just around the
next few turns... amazing what elven eyes
could see::

:He looked back down
the trail, over the distance they had
covered...Rhydin was so very far
away...both in distance and memory. He
turned back to look ahead, knowing they
must be close to their stopping point for
the night::

::upward glance, the day
had begun to fade. Around one bend, then
another, then the mouth of the huge cave
could be seen:; ah home sweet home:;
musing to her self as she Led V towards
the entrance::

::there was one lone, very
small pine tree there, that Shea tied V's
reins to:: Esta sinome ::V looked to her
and let out a breath, Shea smirked::

He gave the area around
the cave a quick study...he wanted to be
familiar with the structure while there was
enough light yet to see it...he didn't want
to have to stumble completely blind in the
dark if necessity required him to exit the
cave in the dark. He led Ash next to V,
unlashing the large pine boughs they had
hauled up the mountain. He looked at the
cave entrance and smiled:: Is this it?

aye, this be it home
::a smirk::

:He grinned, giving the
cave a wave:; Hello, home.

she smirked holding back
that laugh as she slowly sat down upon
on of the smooth rocks near the cave
entrance:: it goes back for a good mile
or so... but I like it right here just inside

:The light of day was now
fading fast:; I should make that fire, before
it gets any darker...

::He looked at her and
smiled:: A mile back? Tis more a tunnel
than a cave...

aye, I?ve been back there,
There?s a natural spring... from the melting
snow.. and glittering crystal caverns....

;she rose to her feet,
looking around for suitable wood.. the one
thing she never really thought much

:He smiled, seeing her
search and handing her a small bundle of
dried wood he had collected with the pine
boughs:: Will this work?

aye:; she took the bundle
from him, and kissed his cheek softly:;

:He smiled at the kiss,
stepping inside the cave to spread out the
pine boughs on the ground, using his axe
to trim off any unnecessary parts as she
worked on the fire::

:once the wood was in
place she gave him a little signal with her
hand, a sorta step back signal, there were
many ways to start a fire, the hard way,
and a way Shea would not use often::

::He moved back a little
farther into the cave, expecting fireworks::

Be careful, I like your
eyebrows just where they are.

::she held her hands over
the wood, and focused...:: Yala onna en'
naur :: a spell chanted in elvish. The wood
lit up quickly, the flames licked up at her
fingers, she stepped back, and smiled

::The light flowed into the
cave, filling the opening with the warm,
glowing light:: Now that's better.

::the fire was started, and
she looked to her now bare fingers, not a
sign of a burn, a brighter smile, another
test passed, with flying colors:: not too
bad for me.. ::.she then waved him over
as she sat down near that fire, slipping
that bag off to sit beside her::

::he laughed:: Sounds
like ye haven't always been so
successful...::he went back to arranging
the boughs, and when satisfied, he moved
over to sit by her on the rocks::

Fire is not my element... ::
she smiled:: tis complex to explain...::
her eyes moved to the dancing flames::

He grinned:: And even
more complex for me to
can leave it at that...tis complex

:He fought back a yawn
as he looked at the fire, extending his
hands toward it, enjoying the new-found

::a smiled to him, looking to
him closely for a moment with a thought...
then back to the fire, she sat comfortable
before the fire, watching it, no longer did
fire pose such a threat to her::

He looked at her with a
smile in return for hers:: Ye have a
scheming look in your eyes...I'm not sure
if it be the critters I should be worrying

:: a smirk:: who me :: a
fake yawn:; no...

::He scoffed:: Nae, not
ye...what could I have been thinking?

thinking, me no..:; looking
in to the fire..:: nothing of importance I
assure you.. we should try and get some
rest...: :;changing the subject as
always:: another day begins tomorrow...

:He stood, taking off his
cloak and laying it over the pine boughs in
the cave, smoothing it out and making it
as flat as possible before laying down on
top of it, testing the bounce and support it

:;Shea smirked watching
him, many things flooded her mind now
that she was back here. She'd been to
this cave dozens of times, on supposed
trips back home, but this time she would
be going back, and not turning back...::

:He smiled at her as he
took off his belt, setting it and the
weapons it held to the side on the ground.
He patted the spot next to him:: What are
ye waiting for? ::pointing to her and her got the blanket.

she smiled and rose to her
feet crossing to him unclasping her belt to
lay it beside his, then she slowly sat upon
that spot he had patted, unclasping her

He reached over,
touching her back and shoulders softly as
she sat next to him:: Ye weren't planning
on running any errands tonight, were ye?

nae, why?

He smiled:: I was just

;she relaxed a bit in to his
touch. She reached down and slowly
untied those boots and let them fall to
floor:: nae, not tonight...

That's good...I'd hate to
wake up all alone in this big cave...::He
grinned. His boots were removed in like
fashion and he laid back on the makeshift
bed, it felt better than the cold ground, the
cloak on top of the boughs providing a
slight bit of comfort::

she sat there, then leaned
back tossing her cloak up, and it fell
slowly over her ,feet, and legs:: I have no
place else I'd rather be though..

He smiled, reaching
under her to pull her next to him:: Good,
that makes two of us.

: smiles as he pulled her in
closer. A soft kiss to his cheek:

he wrapped his arms
around her, looking into her eyes,
caressing her back and shoulders:: This
has been a pleasant diversion, Shea...I'm
am glad ye invited me along.

:: looking in to his eyes she
nodded:: I am glad you came.. ::resting
quite comfortable there in his arms:: I
hope it can be more than just a
diversion... perhaps, it can become
something more:: a yawn passed through
her lips as she rested her head on his
shoulder, closing her eyes::

He stroked her hair as it
fell about her neck and shoulders:: More
than a diversion? What did ye have in

:she smiled:; perhaps an
adventure.. more than just a simple
diversion... though it has taken my mind
off things in Rhydin...:; her hands came to
rest upon his chest, as the days ride was
slowly getting to her:: and perhaps .. :;her words
started to fade as she started to::

::He leaned down, lifting
her chin gently so as to see her face::
Being with ye is always and adventure
Shea...tis a given.. ::He kissed her lips
softly as he looked at her::

:;she returned the kiss
softly:: mm good.. ::another yawn:: quel
du...Connar... ::her words fading off as she
started to fall asleep::

:He smiled, holding her,
the light from the fire dimming a bit with
each passing moment. His mind
wandered as he contemplated the days
ahead...but always coming back to
her...reassured by her presence and
closeness...the cave could have been a
palace for all he cared::


Date: 2006-12-17 23:34 EST
::The night seemed to linger. The fire soon cooling its self, and snuffing out at some point in the early morn hours. Shea lie there in his arms. Her head rested upon his chest as did her hands nicely folded one on top of the other. Still sound asleep, only shifting to move closer as the heat from that fire faded.::

::To east the sun started to rise. Casting its warm radiant glow over the trees upon the slopes of the mountain. The sun hit the back of the Mountain. Those icicles that had formed over night on the mouth of their cave began to melt slowly, at just the hint of the sun. Their day would begin again once the glow from the sun reached the earthen path before the cave mouth::

::Shea began to stir, slowly lifting her head from its resting place on his chest. A yawn passed through her lips . She could see her breath now, the night had been fiercely cold .The only ting that had kept them warm was that fire and the closeness.::

::She smiled looking down over him, a soft cool kiss to his cheek before she slipped out of bed, and slipped her boots on. The ground under foot surely too cold to step upon with bare feet. She left her cloak draped over him, as she went and tended to their horses, giving them food and water.:;

::Then she went to making them a breakfast worthy of the ride ahead. A hearty stew, filled with some of the vegetables she had acquired in Rhydin, along with the few she had from home. Always the prepared adventurer she spooned out two very large bowls. There by the soft light of the fire they would enjoy the meal. Soon after the fire went out with a whirl of wind. Shea slid that bag back over her shoulder and across her, re clasp her cloak about her neck, she gave Connar a soft kiss upon the cheek and went to V.::

::Soon enough they were both ready. Shea took V?s reins and again took over the job of guide, she would walk with a steady pace away from the cave mouth, leading them back down through the pathway that twisted now downward slowly. A ways ahead that junction, that had most travelers turning back, far ahead on the path was a large grove of tightly nit trees, with seemingly no way through , but for those who knew the way, merchants and those of the lands beyond those trees, the would know of the way through those tightly nit trees ::

::Shea walked in silence, deep in thought. Eventually she would have to explain some things to him, some things about those stops she had to make. There were only two stops she had planned. They would both happen on the last day of their trek in to greenstone. The first was in HarpSing, the small village of fine artisans , just beyond the borders of the Dark Enchanted woods. The next was a detour through those woods, that was the part she would have to divulge to him. But she would wait, for now to do so, leading on in silence..::


Date: 2006-12-19 04:30 EST
:They had left the cave,
almost an hour ago, and Shea was still
silent. Eyes forward, V trotting behind her::

::Ash and Connar take up
their position behind Shea and V,
following closely...the rhythmic padding of
hooves all that could be heard::
Something on your mind, Shea?

huh ::she gazed back over
her shoulder to him and shook her head::
just thinking

:He smiled:: So I
gathered.: Ye seem to grow more
and more distant the closer we get to

a soft smile:: you know
me always thinking :: jade hues scabbed
down the path before them, maybe
another hour and they would reach those
tightly nit trees: I am sorry, I don't mean
to be distant. It just... ::she ran a gloved
hand through her hair as she slowed V to
a stop, looking back to him:: I am just
worried...there is a task I must do and I
am not sure how to do it

A task, ::he stopped,
standing next to her:: What kind of task?

One hand gripped the
reins:: you want the long version or the sort
one :: a smile to him::

::He smiled:: Whichever
ye feel most comfortable in telling...either
way, I have no where else to be than with

she slowly let go of the
reins, and turned to face him:: I will spare
you the very long version. ::a breath
taken:: when my brother came to visit me,
it was for a few reasons, to gain my
forgiveness so that he could pass on, and
to set me witha task, a task that no other
can do. Yet it seems daunting to me

::He smiled, touching her
shoulder:: What are brothers for, if not to
tax ye at every moment, even in death?

:a smile to him:: yes well,
after gaining my forgiveness for all his past
darkness, he told me of a task I must do..

:Nods:: What sort of

this is where the tale gets a
bit more winded...when my father still
rued and my brother was young, my
father hired a man, a teacher for him, to
teach him the good uses for his
element...but my father was called out to
war before he could give the man a good
once over.. and then my father died in the
war, this man this teacher was Alaric.. he
was a dark wielder of fire, the same
elemental as my brother was... he
corrupted Jinnalt, though it didn?t take
much work...:Nods as she tells the

::she slowly sat upon on of
the rocks there :: once my brother
became king, Alaric sat in his right hand,
using all manner of darkness, in this
darkened state my brother did many
things, to which he has not be forgiven
for.. yet then a war began because of it...
::smiles to him:; and here?s where I'll save
you the huge battle story and skip to the
end... I had been taken captive by Alaric,
he intended to use my mage powers over
the wind to fuel dark fires to burn the
world, in the end it was

Jinnalt whom stopped
Alaric... by grasping my fathers sword,
which Salice had been protecting for a
long the end, Jinnalt, Alaric and I
fell from the tallest peak of the greenstone
mountains towards the trees below.. I was
save by Dae.. my brother and Alaric well
they had already been mortally wounded
by the fall surely killed them it they were
not already dead... from the battle

:He looked at her,
visualizing what must have transpired:: I
always knew ye had the favor of the

Alaric carried a stave with a
dark obsidian orb at the top, this orb
possess darkness and fire, and a daemon
like presence, It survived the fall,
according to Jinnalt.. I must go to the
place where they fell find the orb and
destroy it...I can not touch it with my bare
fingers for if it didn?t burn me alive the
daemon would take over me... I can use
magic, gloved hands and anything else I
dare to destroy it.. ::a smile:; ah yes
the gods favored me that day...

What about me? Can I
touch it? Am I allowed to help?

yes you may help if you
wish, but to touch it with your bare hands
, the daemon inside the orb would take
you... for before Alaric was whom he was
to me and mine, he was Lance Aelaryn,
Devron's father, once a honored knight of
Iron-winds.. ::smiles:: yet that is a longer
story to tell.. but you may help me, if you
wish, I must find some way to destroy it,
mere strength tis not enough for if it
survived the fall from the peak it will take
more than mere strength...

That is one of those stops I
have to make on the way to greenstone,
the other is not so... looming :: a smile::

:He smiled:: I'd be glad
to help...sometimes my old-world
knowledge sheds a fresh light on the
magic?s of this and other realms...I am at
your service, M?lady.

Tis a fire element, right?

That means shattering it
with heat won't work, I imagine...::His
mind was already thinking on the task,

a soft kiss to his cheek
and she rose:: your help is greatly....::
just smiles to him:: thank you

fire and darkness aye..:;
nodding as she took the reins in hand

::Snaps his fingers as
she kisses him...perhaps a spark of
inspiration:: we
freeze it to the point of shattering?...::he
was rambling quickly::...If we encased it
in ice and snow....freeze it to
the point where it changes the structure of
the would shatter like a wine
glass at the slightest touch...

:: thinking a moment, that
sounded like a darn good plan:: that just
might work.. :;another kiss to his cheek::
the snows always the coldest there near
Dae?s caves, yes, yes that might work, ::
a soft kiss to his lips:; your a genius

:He moved into her kiss,
letting it linger:: Ye could use your
element to drive the temperature even
lower...that would be the only way to get
it cold enough.

: ::she smiled to him:: well
that I can do.. we'll just have to get it
packed up in ice, and then I can use one
of the coldest wind spells I know.. ::her
hands went to his cheeks, and she
kissed him again a bit deeper this time::

::He leaned into her kiss,
arms coming around to hold her gently,
savoring the kiss::

He looked into her
eyes:: I guess you will have lots to share
with your sisters when we arrive.

:letting the kiss linger for a
moment, savoring it as well, before she
with drew very slowly::. Aye, a few things,
some things they can not expect.. :;a
smirk now thinking of those gifts::

He smiled:: I am sure
ye will be full of surprises.

Oh yes, as I am sure they
are. :; she went back to leading them
down that twisting path::

she could see those
tightly nit trees ahead, she smiled
continuing forward, wondering what he
would say about this 'dead end' in the
path way, no way around and seemingly
no way through the trees::

::He smiled, watching her
walk ahead, leading the way, her hair
tossed by the wind, giving brief glimpses
of her face. He could see the trailing
leading to what looked to be a dead
end...he wondered if they were going to
hack their way through the thicket of

::she smiled to him, leaning
one hand upon one of those trees, just
smiling to him as the wind brushed by::
ahh yes, how longs its been since I
passed this path...:: she slowly took off
her right glove, and looked back to him::
The elven lands lie beyond these trees,
many travelers hit these and turn back,
only those trusted may pass through...

Grins:: Let's just hope
the pass is liberal with that trust in my

Liberal:: she gazed back to
him:: the pass doesn?t have to be liberal, I
trust you, that is enough:: a smile to him,
before she faced those tightly nit trees,
her hand still upon one of them:: ally to
the people...defender of all:; the trees
began to spread apart, making a nice little
path way through::

::Watches as the
pathway opens:: that the
secret password?

you could call it that,
beyond these trees lies the land of the
elves, though others live there ..those who
know this way each have a saying that
they must say in elven or common before

Nods:: What controls
the opening, for it allows the passage of
good and evil, does it not?

evil can pass yes, though
its harder, beyond these trees lie many
dangers, those not custom to the lands
can be easily taken care of, unless they
have made them selves seem ally.. tis
pure magic the controls it, it does not
really see through evil as most things

Did Raevyn and Blahl
pass through here?

but only those who know
certain key phrases will be allowed
passage. So if they gained the knowledge
then they must have been trusted by
someone at some time...

nae they came to Rhydin by
magic... and a different road, most likely
they went all the way a round, by the sea
perhaps, or the other ways, which there
are few of

::Smiles and does a
formal greeting to the imaginary guardians
of the opening:: I'm with her...::points to

Nods:: I could get lost
very easily...all the passageways and

aye you could :;she led on
through the passage way::

In fact we will be passing
but he very woods that holds that portal,
but nae to worry, we will be far from
it...::she walked on feeling the wind rush
in at her:: once these trees end, you will
be standing in the lands I have called
home, yet we will still be far from

::He followed behind her,
looking down as he flexed his left hand,
muttering to himself:: Somehow I think I
will have a good idea when we're close.
::He looked ahead as the scenery
changed slowly:: How is it that ye call
both Crendia and Greenstone "home"?

: ::the path was now wider
than it had been before, wide enough for
her to walk beside him, with V to her
right, she could hear the ocean, the
sound of sea birds. She smiled, the trees
began to thin, the path behind them
closing as they walked:: I do not call
Crendia home, i had been calling it that,
but greenstone is my home, these lands
are my home.. and Rhydin has become a
second home...

::He leads his horse,
walking along side of her, scanning the
horizon, taking in their surroundings::...Tis
a beautiful land...I can only imagine it
grows more so the closer we get to

the portal is deep with in the
woods, beyond the counsel champers,
near the lake.. ::the trees slowly faded, to
become short grass plains, the trees now
to their right:: welcome to the lands of the
elves :: not far ahead he would see huge
walls of a castle, and he would most
likely hear the ocean::

aye it does, sweeping plains, vast woods, wondrous caves and lakes and falls. And some of the greatest elven kingdoms, any realm has ever know :;she gazed forward as she led V over the small wooden bride that crossed over the flowing river, she looked to those huge walls, those tall towers, she smiled hearing the flags whip in the wind::

He walked alongside
her, taking in the ever-changing scenery.
He looked up to the skyline, hearing the
flags:: Is this Greenstone?

this is the kingdom of SilverWaters.. The king is a very good family friend, :: looking to the walls as she walked on, a hand up in to the air for a moment:: Tis the gate way to the ocean, and another route to Rhydin, though it takes a lot longer by ship. ::Above in those tall towers eyes watched them, a few hands went up in to the air, hailing Shea back in silence::

:He looked up the those
along the walls, feeling horribly exposed
to archers' arrows. He smiled, looking at
her while she was warmly greeted:: Ye
are quite the popular lass.

she led on to that road, a
carved out dirt path in the earth, that led
to the east:; greenstone lies in this
direction.. :;on ward she went , a small
guard city lie ahead of them, smaller rock
walls around it, a smile:; I am like family,
and most of those men on those walls I
have commanded in battle... I should be

I would think it had more
to do with your stunning beauty...but it
could also be for those reasons ye
mentioned as well.

a smile to him, as she
slowed V's pace, to gaze in to his eyes
for a moment:: we can ride from here if
you wish...or we can continue walking...

He needed not to be
asked twice, he was up in the saddle in
the blink of an eye, a grin on his lips:: I'd
just as soon get on with the journey and
your tasks...

she was up, and took the
reins:: very well, lets go..

He caught her by the
shoulder before she started V moving,
leaning over to give her a kiss:: I want all
the eyes to know ye are with me.

she returned that kiss and
smiled to him, then with a soft nudge V
was off in a nice pace down the earthen
path, soon they would leave the kingdom
of Silver Waters behind, and come to
another bride over a river:: welcome to the
lands of Amethyst Rose :: she pointed off
ward towards the large kingdom to the
south ::

He looked down into the
waters as the crossed the bridge:: I am
going to need a map to keep all these
names and places best not
leave it to me to find our way back.

she rode on, closer to
those walls, of that kingdom, then she
turned V north, along that pathway that
led toward home:: now we head
north, past the many guard cities and
towns, and steps closer to GreenStone ::
V was stopped, she smirked to him:: I
have that, but don't worry I will lead the
way back...

::for a moment her eyes
panned towards the mountains in the
distance, wonderful blue mountains, she
smiled and gave V a little nudge:: on
ward.. we must reach HarpSing before
dark...::V was off again a bit faster::

::He smiled as he
followed closely, light pulls at the reins to
get Ash heading the right way:: Well, if
we ever do get separated, I'll be back
there, on that river, fishing.

:;she smiled:: tis the Myst
river, finest fishing in all of these parts...

::Grinned:: I may not
know north from south, but I know good
fishing when I see it.

she smiled to him as she
rode beside him:: north :;she pointed off::
South :;she pointed back towards the
kingdom now fading behind them::

:on that road they traveled
others did as well, merchants with carts,
women, children, armed men, and armed
women as well, going from town to village
to kingdom, doing duties.. and such,
many of the passers by waved to Shea,
some even bowed deeply::

he watched the people
as they passed by, watching with interest
the reverence they paid to Shea:: I think I
am in way over my head.

::Northward she led, pass
villages, and towns, farm lands and small
homes, she could see the walls of
Iron-winds not far beyond them:: soon we
will be in HarpSing, which is where we
shall stay till morning...

Will there be music?

: When do we go after the
evil, "ye-know-what"?

whys that :; a soft glance to
him:: aye music, fine craftsmen, and my
first task.. or stop of interest..

with a name like kind of lends itself to
thinking there might be music there.

tomorrow...:;she looked to
the fading light of day:: after some rest... :: they passed the walls of Iron-winds, and
to the north east of those walls were
larger ones, she smiled::

::Bites his own
tongue...he was a stranger on foreign
soil...He had made himself commit to
being on his best behavior...not teasing the locals. He nodded
as she spoke, steeling his resolve to be a
model citizen of whatever hamlet might be
hosting them::

tomorrow we go after the
obsidian orb, tonight we stay in the inn at
HarpSing, I will lead you there then go
speak to my uncle...

:His eyes widened:: Ye
are going to leave me alone? Ye think that
is wise, given at
attracting trouble?

Amban Inn and Tavern
:;she pointed towards the taller walls:;
that kingdom there is FairWinds ::she
passes in to the small Village of HarpSing
and dismounted:: and this village is
HarpSing :: it was lit up by soft lantern light,
all sorts of elven artisans about, many
grand shops with grand things:: your
welcome to come with me...

::He dismounts as she
does, taking hold of the reins, looking at
the various buildings, shops, artisans and
passer-bys:: I will go and do whatever ye
would have me do, have
business that needs your attention. If I
can't help ye, then I'll probably just be in
the way.

;Jade hues looked towards
the inn, as she slowed V, she then tied
V's reins to one of the many trees outside
the inn, and turned witha smile to
Connar:: your never in the way ::a kiss to
his cheek:: you may leave Ash here with
V, my uncles shop is just up the road

::He tethered Ash next to
V, grinning at the kiss and the fact that
Shea had taken to tethering the once
free-to-roam V. He smiled, walking along
side of her:: I'll be good...I promise.

She could see the smoke
rising from the back of his shop, she
shook her head softly.:: Looks like he?s
still working. Too, oh you don?t have to be
the model citizen around my uncle Dagor,
trust me...

Uncle Dagor...::He
smiled::...He gets to be the first, then.

she smiled to him and slid
her gloved hand across his, as they
walked:: aye, he'll be at the fest as well,
in fact I am wondering why he?s not there
already:: she paused in front of the shop,
the sign read Dagor Vanya Sulie:; here
we are..

He looked at the sign
with her:: Is that your family name, Sulie?

Sulie means winds, Dagor
FairWinds... my mothers youngest

:Grins:: I should have
been working on my elven on the way

:: she pushed through the
door, and a soft bell rang, though it be
hard to hear over the banging of metal on
metal:: that?s why I am here...

e smiled:: Never stray
too far away, then. ::He followed her into
the shop...he loved the smell of the
blacksmith's shop...something natural
about the smell of steel being worked::

: ::She smiled walking
towards the large wooden counter, letting
go of Connar?s hand she smirked,:: Aiya
tano ! :; calling back in to that far back

All the elements that
created mountains and
yielding under the hands of
master craftsmen to forge tools from ore::

:He looked at the tools of
the trade, hanging from the walls and
timbers above his head, all showing signs
of their age and their use in the shop::

:;the sounds stopped, and
from the back came a man, covered in
dark ashen soot, long dark hair tied
back, leather gloves upon his hands,
shirt and pants black as night:: Shea? ::
he spoke attempting to wipe some of that
ash from his face:: Shea!

::He stood in place,
hands locked behind his back, watching
the soot-filled reunion::

:He nearly vaulted over the
counter, and stopped a few inches from
Shea:: I would hug thee but, I'll get you all
dirty.. ::he held out his gloved hand:;

Uncle ;she shook his hand, not minding the
soot:: tis good to see you.. why are you
not in GreenStone, with your wife and the
other guests? ::getting right to the point::

;He smiled looking to her
then to Connar:: Oh blazes.. Shea.. thank
goodness your hear something?s been
driving this old smith mad.. you know how
horrid I am with secrets...

::A nod as her uncle
looked his way::

Secrets..:; she smiled
towards Connar:: What secrets Uncle?

:;He smiled broadly:; you
must not tell anyone else this, I was
sworn to secret, but I am horrid with
keeping them,. he hopped back over the
counter and pulled out a small box then
rounded it again:; not a soul out side this
rom can know : a nod back
to Connar:;
but Kulbin asked me to make
something...::he opened the box and
showed the finish piece to Shea::

:Connar could smell
some strange smelting he had never
encountered before...a different metal, permeated the shop. He
looked casually about, from where he
stood, listening to them talk, his curiosity
not getting the best of him...not yet at

Oh my lord... Uncle... this
is.. this is, amazing... you've out done
your self...:;gazing in tot he box:; so I was
right, he is going to ask her isn?t he?

Dagor nodded, holding the
box out to Shea but watching Connar
witha keen eye:: aye he the fest
Shh its a must not tell him I
told you...I trust your gentlemen here will
keep the secret as well?

He crouched down,
picking up a small bit of dirt and straw
from the floor, rubbing it between his
hands and bringing it to his nose,
breathing in the scent::

aye, oh yes I haven?t done
introductions, ::she closed the box and
handed it back to her uncle:: Uncle this is
Connar.. and yes he will keep the secret...

He straightened up,
emptying his hands, and brushing off what
remained on his pant legs::

::He smiled::

:;Dagor placed the box on
the counter and smiled to Connar:: your
admring my shop, I know another metal
worker when i see one :;holding out his
hand:: apleasure to meet you..

he took her uncle's
hand as it was offered, giving a firm
shake:: I am but a humble admirer of the
craft, sir....Tis a pleasure to meet ye, as

;Dagor smiled and shook
back:; ahh you no need to call me sir,
Dagor will do fine. Admire all ye like, there
are many fine things to be seen in this
shop... Shea my dear :;he turned to her
whispering something, the moment he
pulled back Shea?s face was red as a
beet:: :: Whipsered::
" seems like a fine lad youve found your self, maybe it will be ye that is next for me to make a ring for. For I have not seen you smile so in an age"

you should head to the fest
Uncle, Eleyna will be waiting, and Salice
as well.. :: hiding that smile as she

:He smiled, watching
Dagor and Shea share some private doubt this was just the
beginning to the taunting Shea would have
to endure because of his presence::

:Dagor took up the small
box again:: aye yes ..yes, i just have to
wash up and then I'll be off.. you'll be
there tomorrow I assume, the journey
from Rhydin a long one and all ::he kissed
her cheek:: you just think about what i
said :: a nod to Connar:; Connar Lad see
you tomorrow as well :; and he slipped
away in to the back again::

Aye...on the morrow,
Dagor...::watching him slip out::

;Shea smiled, and turned
back opening the door and stepping out in
to the street again::

::He followed her out,
casting one more glance over his shoulder
into the shop...thinking they might have
time on their return visit to poke around::

Did ye get what ye came
for, Shea?

;she paused there looking
upwards for a moment:; see what i
mean... aye I did...:;she slowly slid her
hands inside her cloaks folds:: my
suspicions confirmed...

He looked at her,
standing by her side:: What do ye mean?
What suspicions?

:;she smiled to him :;oh just
sort of this feeling I had, about Kulbin and
my sister, and I was right, i knew that
once I came here that if indeed I was right
my uncle would know... for I know he?s
terrible at keeping any secret a secret for

He smiled, having no
idea what she was talking about...he was
still struggling with the whole north is that
way, south is that way...:: What about
your sister?

and by the gods that ring ::
she shook her head:: Shay is going to
adore it. Which makes my gift all the
better for her ,:: she leaned up closely and
whispered in his ear:: Kulbin?s going to ask
for her hand.. :;she kissed his cheek and
headed down the road slowly:;

He smiled at the kiss,
walking with her back down the road, still
just barely able to put names with
faces...Shay's he knew...Kulbin he didn't::
Doesn't that make ye the only single
sister, Shea?

aye, it will if she says yes,
which she will.. :;a smile:: both my sister s
the eldest and the younger will be
happily wed before the next autumn...

He nodded as t hey
walked:: To whom is Salice wed?

perhaps I'll be there for
Shavyn?s wedding...;a smile; Devron

Devron...::repeating the
name:: Uncle
Dagor....::grins::. .this isn't going to be
Devron... Maybe we could make
name tags.:

:she smiled laughing
softly:: oh there?s more than just them to
remember, but it should be rather easy
once you get to know them all... name

:He reached down,
taking her gloved hand in his::
tags...placquards...yours could say, "I'm
with the village idiot."

::she stopped outside of the
bustling inn, smiling to him:: you are not
a village idiot Connar...::a soft kiss to his

what about this, I could tell
you everyone that will be there and
something about them, hair color, height,
name so forth would that help any?

he smiled:: I know...I
like to lower people's expectations...makes it easier to surpass what they might think from the outset.

Nae...just stay close
by...whisper a name now and then...I'll do
my best to recall.

I'm good with "M?lady and
M?lord" if I can't remember a name.

: a soft nod:: that I can
do.... that always works...

i'm sure your uncle will
spread the news of our arrival long before
we get to plan any entrance of our own.

: ::Slowly her eyes panned
through the city as people went inside
houses beyond those tall homes and
buisnesses she could see the woods::
Dagor... I am sure he will, but need not
worry about it, you will be welocmed with
open arms.. ::another kiss to his cheek::
we should get some rest tomorrow the
Dark Enchanted Woods lie before us, and
the task at hand...

He smiled at the kiss,
wrapping an arm about her waist, with a
nod:: Should I go gather some pine

but then again, Eleyna may
keep Dagor too busy for him to announce
us...:;a smile:: no we stay at the inn
::looking up in to his eyes:; the rooms
are nice, small, nothing lavish... the food
and drink is good, and the service better
than at the red dragon...

He smiled, looking at
her:: Better than the Red Dragon Inn? Ye
best not let Wyh hear ye say that.

e brushed her hair
back behind her ear:: As long as ye are
Close by, tis all the lavishness I need.

Wyh is a wonderful
tenderness and dear friend... as are all
the others who tend.. ::another kiss to his
cheek:; yet none of them are here

aye I shall be close by. I
wouldn?t have it any other way, come lets
go inside, so that we may acquire a room...

::He smiled, pulling the
door open for her:: After you, m'lady.

;a smile to him as she
passed within. the inn was four stories
tall, the common room smaller than the
red dragons, hearth at the back with
tables and a small bar, stools filled with
patrons, behind the bar at least six
women worked while on the floor serving
matrons, gathered empty glasses...::

He walked in, measured
strides moving him next to her as he
looked over the room and those gathered

:;Shea walked to the bar,
jade eyes peered over at one of the
tenderness she knew:: Yana, my friend,
what rooms do ye have left?

::The women stepped
Closer Shea and slid her a key:: welcome
home Shea, tis free of charge tonight.

:Yana?...She knew the
inn keeper? Well, there went checking in
under assumed names...he was thinking
they could pretend to be royalty from afar
off land...he chuckled to himself as he
looked about the inn::

:He nudged Shea:: Ye
must have overpaid the last time ye were

: ::Shea smiled:; thank you
my friend ::key in hand she looked to
Connar :: the last time I was here I
cleared out some bandits that were
messing with the ladies...

He looked at her and
smiled:: How gentile of ye...

: ::a smirk as she walked for
the stairs:; I wasn?t gentile, was I now :; a
smile cast to Yana, the women just
smiled shaking her head, making one of
those fake slit across the throat moves
with her hand...::

:Followed Shea to the
stairs, not sure if the throat slit was
meant for him or was an indication of the
fate that fell upon the bandits::

::he wasn't about to ask::

: :;Shea proceeded upwards,
she looked over her shoulder at him::
those bandits didn?t see me coming...they
pegged me as a run of the mill woman...
what they got was anything but...

::He smiled, poking her in
the side:: Run of the mill, ye? Ye didn't
say the bandits were blind...

::up again another flight, to
the second floor, and down the hall, to that
room, which she unlocked , she gave the
door a nudge. The room was small, a few
minor decorations here and there, simple
lamps, a rug, and a bed, that filled up the
bulk of the room:: it was during one of the
times I had come from FairWinds, I was
dressed like a run of the mill lady, but I
hold other weapons besides... blades...::
a smile to him as she passed inwards::

He walked in behind
her, looking the room over:: Ye could be
dressed in a gunny sack and ye would
still not look run-of-the-mill to me.

: tis one of the occasions,
that I was in a dress, but I need not bore
you with those details.. ::cloak unclasp,
and lay upon one of the chairs that sat
upon that rug, she smirked to him,
slipping her bag off to join her cloak:: well,
you see more than most do Connar

:Grins:: I should hope so.

:He set his pack to the
floor, his cloak removed to hang from the
chair next to hers::

::She walked to the bed and
sat down, slipping off that belt letting it fall
heavily tot he floor then those boots were
untied and fell there beside her belt with
sheathed weaponry, gloves tossed down
to join the slight mess shed made::

::He smiled, watching
her, chuckling as she removed the mass
of accessories. He removed his belt,
taking sheaths and scabbards along with
it, setting them to the floor. His boots
removed with a little more effort::

::her eyes gazed to the very
small window against the far wall, she
could see the lights outside in the village
twinkling, eyes slowly gazed to him, as
she rolled upon her side watching him::

::He loosened the ties at
the neck of his tunic, pulling it over his
head, shaking his hair as the fabric came
free of his head::

:;He turned, looking down
at her with a smile:: Enjoying the show?

aye :: a smile to him::

He walked around to her
side of the bed, leaning over her, one
hand pressed to the bed, the other
mussing her hair:: Ye look far too

::she lay there still in her
daily wear, wondering if she should
change:: I do I..?.::::looking up to him::
just when i was thinking I should
change...::a smile::

He smiled, fingers
combing through her hair, undoing the
mess he had made, his hand caressing
her cheek:: Change?...::His smile
brightened:: That reminds me...I came

did you now? came
prepared how?

He grinned,
straightening and moving to crouch down
and open his pack:: I went to a shop...I
asked for gentleman's night wear...and
they sold me this...::holds up a pair of
satin-esque pajama bottoms...:: They
claimed this is what all the savey
gentlemen are wearing these days.

They tried to get me to
buy a smoking jacket...but I kept telling
them, inspire of their insistence, that I
didn't need one because I didn't smoke.

::she smiled:; oh ::looking
those satin-esque pajama bottoms
Over ::they look comfortable... savvy
gentlemen eh? :: she smirked and rose
up and walked back across to her bag
digging in to it deeply, she took out a few
things as she dug::

Aye...savvy....I think they
claimed that Gav had a pair in every

:;she laughed:: ah yes he
would... I think James has a pair or two
as well, at least that?s how the ladies tell
it...:;::continued digging::

:He stood, looking at the
pants:: I went with match your

:;she took out a few more
things, that black bound journal, that blue
bound book, another book, and a white
box, with Shavyn?s name on it, and then
she found her night gown at the bottom::
blue suits you well... ::she placed all those
other things back in her bag::

::He smiled:: ye don't
have to tell me that.

::she smiled to him, with
her back turned to him she slipped off that
shirt and tossed it on top of her other
things and slid that night gown over her
head...pants pulled down and off after that
and tossed on to her things as well...a
flash of bare skin for only moments time::

:He turned his back to
her as she started to undress, loosening
the draws of his pants and sliding them to
the floor, stepping into the pajama
bottoms, chuckling as his feet struggled
to emerge from the leg bottoms::
E-gads...who in hades do they make
these for? ::He bent down to roll up the
bottoms so he could walk without
dragging the pants across the floor, the
movements swinging the medallion freely
across his chest::

she turned back to him
smiling, jade hues catching the sight of
that swinging medallion:: I think you look
very dashing and handsome, my
self...::crossing closer to him::

::He turned to look at her,
his eyes enjoying the softer side of Shea
as she approached:: Why thank ye,

nod:: your
welcome..: ;she adjusted a bit, fixing
those thing silken straps of that green
nightgown, which was among the most
revealing of things she had to date, that
she dared to wear at least, jade hues
studied that medallion once more, before
she looked up in to his eyes::

and I mean it you do look
very handsome...::a soft kiss for his

::his hand brushed her
arm and shoulder as she drew near...he
looked into her eyes and smiled softly to
her, catching her cheek with his hand as
she kissed his cheek, easing her lips to
his::...and ye look as beautiful as ever.
He smiled, thinking of
the soldiers on the wall earlier in the day::
I do not think I could follow ye into battle
without drooling.

:;leaning in to that soft
touch, returning the kiss:: thank you:; a
rosy blush graced her cheeks::
drooling... over me?

Aye...I certainly wouldn't
be drooling over anyone else.

::a smile:; tis a complement
then.. :: another kiss to his cheek:: I am
glad you approve...of what you see...

he folded his arms
around her, the softness and warmth of
her skin against his nearly electrifying::
Tis not as much what I see as what I feel,
Shea.::In light of her nightgown
and her proximity to him...he wasn't sure
that came out right::

her hands slid up over his
shoulders:; aye, i can understand that...

::He pulled her close to
him, lowering his head to softly kiss her

she returned the tender
kiss, daring for just a moment to deepen

:He leaned into the
warmth of her lips, feeling her closeness,
her mouth pressed to his:

:her hands slid slowly
behind his neck, eyes closed, heart a
flutter, enjoying in the kiss and that close

:His lips and mouth
moved with hers, tasting her with each
movement. He stroked her back and
shoulders as they held each other...the
day's journey behind them, the adventures
ahead, just a distant dream::

:she drew in closer,
savoring in that deep kiss, her shoulders
shifting against his touch::

His lips tugged softly at
hers as he tried and failed to break the
kiss, returning each time to kiss her

;:slowly, reluctantly she with
drew, from that kiss, just enough to gaze
in to his eyes::

he smiled, looking
softly into her eyes, breathing deeply for
the first time in a while::

she took a deep breath as
well, smiling up to him,
Breathless ,speechless.::

his smile broadened as
he looked at her, his hands moving to rest
on either side of her waist:: (s) We best
get ye in bed before we end up on the

Just a smile to him, and a
soft nod.:: aye.. :: breathy words spoken
at last::

His hands never leaving
her as he guided her toward the bed, the
back of her legs meeting the edge as he
leaned against her to pull back the

a smiled to him leaning in
to his touch, her legs met with the edge of
the bed, she braced against him softly so
not to fall back as he pulled the covers

::The covers pulled back
for her, he smiled, motioning for her to
slide under as he held them up with one
hand, the other holding her at the waist::

;she moved and slid under
those covers in one fluid motion::

::She never strayed far
from his touch as he joined her, letting the
covers drape over them, his body partially
covering hers, his lips finding hers without

::she returned the kiss,
hands finding their way back on to his
back, eyes fluttering closed.::

:His hand brushed past
her cheek and into her hair as they
kissed, feeling the silken strands pass
through his fingers, the warmth and
softness of her body against his, the
embrace deepening::

:her hands slid up along his
neck, as the embrace deepened, a soft
shiver passed over her, as she felt his
hands slide from her cheek, through her
hair and over her shoulders::

::The soft skin of her
neck and shoulder moved under his hand
as he kissed her, his fingers returning to
gently touch her neck and cheek as he
pulled back to look at her, his body flush
with heat::

::opening her eyes she
gazed up to him, a deep breath taken
slowly. leaning in to his touch softly::

::He looked at her eyes,
his fingers following the line of her jaw
to her ear, where they would be lost in her
hair again. He smiled softly to her, the
soft light from the window seemingly
caressing her skin in glowing radiance::

:eyes closed as she leaned
in to his touch more, a smile upon her fair
features. Jade hues opened and looked
up at him, her fingers still rested upon the
back of his neck::

::He lowered his lips to
kiss her cheek, moving to her neck and
then just at her ear, his breath warm
against her skin:: (s)...there is no where
else I would rather be than right here with
ye, melamin.

a bright smile at his
words:: and there is no place I would
rather be...A'maelamin ::a soft shiver
flowed over her form at his warm breath
upon her sensitive ear::

::He always
sounded better from her lips, his accent
still atrocious. He kissed her neck and
shoulder softly, before returning his lips to
meet hers once more::

:lips pressed against his
softly, finger tips working their way up and
down the back of his neck::

::he kissed her softly,
feeling the fullness of her lips with his
mouth, his hand caressing her shoulder,
following the curve of her body to the
narrow of her waist...the smoothness of
her nightgown gliding under his touch::

she shifted softly against
his touch, body moving under him,,
deepening that kiss once more. That soft
shiver went over her, as did a sudden
rush of heat at his caress::

His body shifted with
hers, their bodies meshing as if they were
made for each other. He kissed her
passionately, the warmth of her skin
against his, her soft scent filling his

her heart fluttered, her
hands moved slowly down his back, as
she returned that passionate kiss.:

:The heat and passion
rising quickly, the kiss and embrace
lingering moments longer before he raised
his head, his breathing heavy and in
spurts. He touched her cheek softly,
wanting nothing more than to stay right
there and let what would happen,
happen...but he wouldn't...he cared too
much for her to let passions run
unchecked. He smiled to her, his voice
soft::(s)...I could kiss ye past sun rise, if
permitted...but we need to rest
some...even if my heart and lips cry

she nodded, taking
A deep breath:: aye I could do the same,
yet your right... we do need our
rest...::though her heart might say other
wise, she knew it wise to get some sleep::

He moved slowly from
atop her, though not moving far, turning on
his side, his hand gently touching her arm
and shoulder as he kissed her cheek::
...what is that I've heard ye say...quel du?

: ::a smile to him:: aye it
means good night...::she kissed his
cheek in return::

:He smiled, kissing her
cheek each time he repeated the words::
quel du...quel du...quel du...

: ::a smile:: quel du ::a blush
rising to her cheeks as she settled in
beside him::

:He closed his eyes as
he nestled against her, caressing her
shoulder and arm:: How do ye suppose
are sleeping arrangements will be at the

well, you are welcome to
share my room with me, but I am sure
that there will be a room prepared for
you... if you so desire..

::He smiled:: What do ye
think the expect us to choose?...I know I
won't get any sleep apart from ye.

:a smile:: as I said your
welcome to stay with me in my room.. for
I doubt I would gain much sleep

:He thought of all the
teasing and taunting that was certainly
coming Shea's way from her sisters...he
didn't want to make it any harder on her
than need be. His hand rested on her
waist, nested in the curve above her hip::
Maybe I'll just volunteer to guard ye day
and night, for your safety...closely should be.

:: moving closer her eyes
fluttered, still idly looking at that
medallion, she didn?t recall seeing it
before tonight, shed have to make a
mental note to remember...eyes closed::
mmm don?t worry about what my sisters
might think... they both will be far to busy
by that time to care if we share a bed or
not...what better place to stand
guard than laying by my side...:: a
smile:: just the way it should be...

::he smiled, kissing her
cheek and neck:: Aye...what better

a smile:: good night
Connar, pleasant dreams... :: starting to
drift off laying there comfortable next to

::He rested his head next
to her shoulder, holding her in his arms,
sleep coming swiftly, though not enough
to take her from his thoughts:: (s) Quel
du, melamin.

:she heard his words and
drifted asleep::


Date: 2006-12-19 14:38 EST
::The night seemed to linger gracefully, the lights outside soon fading as the villagers went to sleep. Only a few of the main lights glittered in the dark of the night. All noise outside came to a stop.::

::Shea lay there in Connar?s arms, her head resting upon his chest, her hands folded there as well. Sleeping soundly, dreaming pleasant dreams.::

::Finally the night started to fade, the sun rising in the east, sending warm rays over the tall towers of FairWinds Castle. The sun light danced softly over the plains and farm lands. The flowers opened, and bird began their morning calls. Those farmers early to rise were already hard at work.::

:;Outside of the Inn, the noise started to pick up as the light shown through that small window in their room, casting warm rays across the wooden floor boards. The sounds of villages walking and merchants beginning their day lifted in the cold morning air. And the softest sound of music seemed to fill the chill morning air. The sounds of elvish harp and flute. As the villagers welcomed a new day::

::Shea heard the sounds outside, but she didn?t open her eyes. But she could feel the sun at the foot of the bed, warming her feet that hung out off the edge. She curled her feet in, and nestled closely to Connar, hands moving idly over that medallion. She was awake, but she didn?t wish to move. Everything else could wait, they were close enough to GreenStone, and yes she did have that task to do, and the earlier it was done the better, but still she didn?t move, eyes peering open just a crack to watch the sun slip its way up over the bed, she could feel the warmth of the morning sun. Ears perking to the sounds of harp and flute outside. She wouldn?t rise, one finger tracing over that medallion that rested there upon his chest. The other resting upon his shoulder. No matter the task ahead nor anything else, she just longed to stay there, for a few moments longer. She closed her eyes once more, humming softly to the tune being played outside.::


Date: 2006-12-19 23:46 EST
::Finally she rose from his side, tossing the covers back, and pressing those bare feet to the worn wooden floor boards. She crossed to her bag, digging out that last clean shirt. Black pants were slipped on over her legs and laced up in the front. Night gown pulled p and tossed off in one deft motion. Shirt tossed on over her head, and tucked in before she walked back over to the side of the bed, slipping her boots on ,tying them up. She leaned over taking that belt in hand and wrapped it about her waist . It always seemed to rest bound perfectly about her hips. A smile to Connar and a kiss good morning::

:;Soon enough they would be fed, and be off again, the day lie ahead of them, Shea?s task, one of the final tests , of her strength as a wind mage.::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-20 16:56 EST
::The sun light streaming in the windows giving the first indication that he had overslept...if there, indeed, was such a thing as oversleeping. He had every intention, when the night began, to rise early and bring her breakfast in bed, but, now that she was stirring, there would be little point of marching downstairs to the kitchen in his pajamas. He smiled at her kiss and made ready for the day before them. He could tell that her mind was occupied with the day's task at hand, so he didn't distract her much...other than an occasional kiss as he moved passed her in getting ready, which, at last count, was up to 5 times before they left the room::


Date: 2006-12-20 23:20 EST
:;Once they had eaten. They would be ready. Or as ready as they dared to be.::

::Shea ran her fingers down V?s nose, listening to the harp and flute music fade, though she had a task to do she didn?t see too eager, she was prepared, just a bit nervous. She took the reins and mounted up. Giving V a good pat along the neck. A smile towards Connar, she hoped that she hadn?t rushed him, it was not her intent to at least. She sat there, mounted up ready to go, not moving, eyes closed taking a deep breath:,


Date: 2006-12-20 23:22 EST
the festival is yet to start, so those guests for the festival do other things to pas the time.

::Shavyn, Kulbin, Aiden and Mila arrived , at dusk. Straight off to bed after a short greeting with the restless Salice. Shavyn hugged her elder sister tightly, and assured her that Shea would be there. ::

::At dawn Caleb and Isis Evermore arrived, Nenime greeted them::

?Hail My lady and Lord Evermore.?

:;Caleb smiled softly to Nenime.:: ? Hail M?lord of FairWinds.?

?Caleb! Your late!? :;Devron?s voice came from behind Nenime.:;

:;Caleb smirked and led his wife with in. He kissed her cheek as she went off to join Shavyn and Audrey in the lounge.:;

:;Caleb smirked hearing the clash of metal on metal:: ? someone?s training.?

:;Devron smirked:; ? aye my wife is testing her nephews skills. Come its quite the show, they are just outside.?

::Caleb smirked and followed Devron down towards the training room.::

:;Nenime closed the door behind Caleb slowly, looking out towards the gates, two guests left, Nenime smirked, and walked to go join the lookers on with the training match::

?Good, again? ::Salice held her fathers blade in one hand as Aiden stuck at it.::

::He did it again, strike ,slash feet moving.::

?Good, you haven?t lost any of your touch.?

?Neither have you Aunt.?

::Caleb gave a little clap:: ? showing signs of child and she still has the energy to train, quite the woman you have there Devron, though I knew that already.?

::Salice held her free hand up to Aiden and sheathed her fathers blade across her back and walked to Caleb, and hugged him softly.:: ? welcome my friend, tis been too long.?

:;Caleb nodded:; ? may I??

:;Salice smirked and looked to Aiden:: ? aye take over my place I am going to go, talk with the ladies?? ::She gave Devron a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the training room:;

?Alright young man,? ::Caleb smiled to Aiden as he spoke.:: ? lets move from training to a real fight shall we?? ::he pointed to the door that led outside::

?Aye Lord Evermore, lets.?

::Out they went, Aiden, Caleb, Devron, Kulbin, Duchan and Nenime not far behind.::

::In the lounge the ladies sat, Audrey with Vanya on her lap, Shavyn next to her, Salice standing at the far end out the couch talking to Isis Evermore. Mila sat near Elenya and Dagor, listening to them talk.::

:;Dagor rose and kissed his wife: ? I hear there?s a bit of a training match going on out side, between Aiden and Lord Evermore, I think I shall go watch?

::Elenya smiled to him, waving him off.::

::Dagor smiled and headed for the door to go out side.::

::Now inside the ladies all seemed to huddle together, talking and laughing about many things, as they awaited for the last two guests. The fest wouldn?t start for hours but the tension was still high, every so often Salice or Shay would glance out the window to see if Shea was coming.::

::Outside the men gathered watching the training match between Aiden and Caleb. Calling out names, and sounds of hoorays , and clapping also being heard over the sounds of the steal of Caleb?s baled against the mithral of Aiden?s.:;


Date: 2006-12-21 15:24 EST
:Shea was still just sitting
there mounted up, full and ready for the
Task a head, yet she had to focus, hands
on the reins gripped hard:: I think I am
ready now?

Connar had been
running around the building...nervous
energy...He sees that Shea's ready to go
and he practically leaps into the saddle,
pulling on the reins and setting Ash in
motion:: I know I'm ready.

::she gave V a little nudge
with her booted foot, and V backed up
and started a slow trot out of the city and
back northward, letting the morning
breeze blow through her hair as it came
through those trees::

:He had Ash headed in
the wrong direction, after seeing Shea
back up V. He gave the reins a twitch,
turning Ash around and tapping his heels
against rear flanks to get him moving in
the right direction, coming up along side
Shea and V:: How far is the task?

Those jade hues focused
on the tree line coming closer, she could
see that highest peek of those mountains
in the not so far distance. :: you see this
wood coming up, tis the dark enchanted
woodlands, and do you see that peek
There :;pointing with her left hand:: that is
where we all fell from, the orb is some
where below near the other end of the
woods near the foot of the mountain...not
too far.. a short ride through the woods?

His gaze moved in the
direction she pointed, nodding:: What are
the chances that the orb is still there?
Could someone have found it?

::he thought for a
moment:: If ye seek it to destroy it, to
keep its evil out of the reach of others,
surely there are those with evil intents
that seek it also.

::as they got closer to the
entrance of the woods a huge shadow
passed over head, a wind gust came
down towards them, Shea?s eyes went
upward:: aye some one could have, but
not many dare go that close to the foot of
these mountains :;she pointed upward'::
because of him :: above them soared
huge silver dragon, who was descending
towards his cave in the foot of those very

: ::He looked up at the
dragon, posing the question to Shea:: Is
he friend or foe?

friend...Tis Dae, sacred
dragon to GreenStone, don?t worry he
wont harm us :she gave V a little pat and
processed in to the woods::

He chuckled:: He looks
a lot like the dragon on your cloak...

::a nod:: it is...he is the
symbol of my home, how he came to be
so is a longer story?:: under V?s hooves
were the leaves of autumn covered by a
thin layer of snow, the trees above them
still held many of their golden and red
leaves, some where even still green.::

::Connar nudged Ash
along, keeping an ever-present awareness
of the environment around them...any
sudden movement, the slightest snap of a
twig would garner his undivided attention::

::the path way through the woods was rather wide, with those wondrous trees on each side, the path did curve a bit here and there, above them in those trees there was the sound of movement, the feeling of eyes upon them, though none could be seen. Shea just smiled as she made her way through those woods, she knew who watched them...::

:He let loose of the reins
to reposition his sword across his back,
making it easier and quicker to draw if the
need arose. He adjusted the straps,
pulling the hilt just above his right
shoulder. He knew they were being
watched, though he knew not if those
eyes belonged to the dragon flying above,
or other dwellers of the forest::

:A glance back to him:;
worry not Connar tis the Archers of
GreenStone.. that watch us, protectors of
the forest realm..:: she lifted her hand in
to the air just slightly, and rode on a bit

:He looked ahead, taking
up the reins once more:: Tis being a
worrier that has kept me breathing air
thus far.

::The chain maille vest
added extra weight, but he was glad he
had put it on this morning::

:; in the distance the sound
of wolves could be heard, howls in the
morning. She just smiled to him:: as of
late most of the creatures that live here
have been allies, since the war
ended...few remain that are evil .. a few of
a more neutral state though. .:;eyes
looked down through the tree keeping an
eye out for those few left in neutral state::

Ye forget...not counting
yourself...half of the creatures from your
realm have given me cause to defend
myself?::He was referring to Raevyn and
Blahl:: I don't believe in are
always on a side...even by the absence of
your acts.

::That mountain was getting
closer, the air was getting colder as well,
from the snow that adorned it:: as long as
the ones I'm thinking of stay far away:;
jade hues caught the sight of a wolf, she
picked up the pace, she was in no mood
to deal with any of those ones whom were
not allied:: aye tis true?

:He had seen the wolf
earlier...knowing full well, where ye see
one wolf, three more are cached from
view. He pushed Ash to pick up the pace,
his head scanning left and right, watching
for movements in the distance::

:the ground shook for a
moment, Shea smirked, she knew that to
be Dae's landing. She could even seen
the shimmer of silver scales through the
trees, the trees had now started to thin a
bit, as the mountain got closer, Shea
slowly dismounted wrapping the reins
about one of those trees that stood there
at the edge of the forest, The mount side
there to her right as she gave V a pat::
we'll have to walk from here Connar :: she
gazed towards that peek, that pieced in
to the sky::

::He watched Shea
dismount, the shaking of the ground a bit
unsettling to Ash and Connar had to pull
on the reins hard, circling him about, his
horse snorting in protest. He moved Ash
opposite the trail from where V was
standing...better to have them looking in
different directions. He slid from the
saddle, giving Ash a pat on the neck as
he moved to stand next to Shea::

::the path that lie before them was slim, far to slim for any horse to walk, much easier by foot, elven eyes could see ahead to the spot she figured they would find that orb:: it should be this way :: she started to led the way, hands slipping below her cloak , right and left hands gracing the hilts of her blades, every ready with that bow across her back as well, just incase.. the wind even stirred.::

:He moved the sword
and scabbard back to his left side,
brushing back his cloak so that he had
unobstructed access to both sword and
dagger, a bladder flask bouncing against
his leg with each step. Hazel eyes
narrowed against the stirring wind as they
moved up the narrow trail::

: Ice and snow adored the
foot of the mountain going up the side to
that tall peek high in the sky, which its
self was topped with ice. Shea walked,
slowly yet with purpose. She would
glance up from time to time, to gage
things from this point of View.. now trying
to remember what she saw that day
when Alaric and Jin fell... she could see
the rocks that had fallen from the cliff far
above, the snow even had covered them,
she slowly rounded them, a few bones
scattered over the snow::

:He stayed a few paces
back of Shea, wanting to be able to scan
the trail on either side for movements too
low or to the side for her to see. He
stepped where she did, making no sound
as he moved...his only objective was
keeping her safe::

: then she saw it, laying
there ona patch of earth, no snow near it,
the ground under it black as if it had been
burned. It was slightly embedded there,
for a moment Shea froze, looking to the
orb:: well at least we know its here::
releasing her right gloved hand from that
hilt at her right hip to point at it, that
perfectly round orb of black obsidian::

:;the in the fallen rocks now
to her right were broken pieces of
wooden stave, and a shimmering hilt of
Mithral... stuck out, the blade of that
sword some where below hidden by those
rocks..:: Jin's sword..:: eyes looked back
to the orb, that was her task...::

::Connar moved up next
to her, first surveying the immediate area
before he would look down at the obsidian...the faint throbbing in
his hand more noticeable now:: (s) How do
ye want to proceed? ::He loosed the
flask, holding it up for her to see::

: her eyes looked to him for
a moment:: i figure we should gather
some snow and what Ice we can, and
pack it around it, if the heat from the orb
doesn?t melt the ice or snow, then we can
proceed from there?::There was plenty of
ice and snow around, she figured best to
move the snow and ice to the orb than
vice versa::

:He nodded, handing her
the flask as he moved around to the base
of the mountain, searching out the
crevices on the north side of the larger
rocks and boulders, hands digging into
the hardened ice and snow, which he
began pitching in her direction::

::jade hues moved from the
orb to that hilt of that blade sticking out
from the fallen rocks, then to that flask
he had placed in her hand she went right
to work packing the snow around the orb::

:He looked over the large
rock to her after a few more shovels of
snow and ice:: When ye get enough
packed around the orb, pour the contents
of the flask onto it?

::she watched as she
packed in the snow, and ice in layers, so
far it hadn?t melted any, she continued to
pack in in, tightly around the orb.:; what?s
in this thing? ::looking to the flask which
she'd sat aside::

He looked over, seeing
she had a sufficient supply of ice and
snow and he walked around to join her,
brushing off his near numb hands:: Taste
it? ::When she did, she would find the
flask contained very salty
water...extremely salty, in fact::

::she with drew after tasting it, that was plenty of snow, it was completely incased in ice and snow, and opened the flash and poured the extremely salty water over the snow, now it was magic time...:; alright Connar, stand back... lets see if this works

he stepped back,
looking around them to make sure no one
or thing had neared while they were
distracted:: The rock salt and water will
make it freeze colder than water
alone...much colder in fact...if ye can get
the water to freeze...the salt will take it
even further.

Yala onna en' vilya ::the
winds around her whipped, spinning that
green cloak up behind her, her hair flying
up:: ring wing. .::: the wind started to get
very very cold, she pushed it towards that
ice and snow packed orb:: khelek hurro' ::
the air pushed in at the ice and snow, the
water froze, the air was very chill, Shea?s
jade hues shimmered silver as she
focused on where the orb sat::

:He watched her work
her magic only briefly, keeping his back
to her so as to watch the trail and the
surrounding trees and rocks::

:then suddenly there was a
loud crack, steam seemed to rise from
that place where shed packed in the orb,
steam turned to smoke, and the smoke
rose upward, the ice began to melt around
the orb now shattered sitting still where it
had been, but that smoke wasn?t like
normal smoke:: Yala rauko..:; a voice
seemed to rise from that smoke, as it
seemed to take a form, no where near
human. Shea's left hand was quick to go
back to the hilt there at her left... the orb
was destroyed yet now something else
was to be taken care of...::

::sword already drawn
as he pushed closer, the eerie smoke
rising and hissing. As if taking on a life of
its own::

though not made of flesh
and blood it was that daemon she had
spoken of that possessed that orb, fiery
eyes looked to her, from that smoky
figure those eyes focused on Shea:: Sul
Val?istar?:: a hiss of a voice::

The hilt of his sword
glowing hot white...his hand aching. He
stood in front of her shoulder, readying to

:Her hand tightened around
that hilt and she with drew that blade, the
shinning mithral blade, with its swept hilt
and beautiful design. Though she was
afraid she starred in to those eyes,
holding the tip of that long blade out
towards the Smokey figure:, that gem that
hung from around her neck glowed as did
that other light blue gem on the hilt of that
blade she held, the Smokey figure wasted
no time, lashing out at Shea, knocking her
down with a powerful blow.::

::Connar ducked down,
sliding under the figure as it lashed out at
Shea, coming up quickly, his blade arcing
up through the air, slicing through the
mid-section of the mist...not sure if he
would strike anything solid::

:He reeled back around,
cloak spinning out as he stepped in front
of Shea, blocking the path to her::

::Shea slid back, to her
knees, she hadn?t been prepared for that::
:: the Smokey figure seemed to reel back
a bit at Connar?s strike.. looking from him
to Shea..::

::His eyes
narrowed...evidently he could
strike...Shea's magic in his sword no
doubt. He wasted no time, advancing on
the creature, back spinning in a two-fisted
grip on the hilt, slicing down through the
mist once more, the gases encircling him,
choking out breathable air::

:The Smokey figure, slipped in
two then reformed behind him::

::she rose
up, never to be one to just stay down, she
had to get back at Connors side, blade in her
left hand, something dawned on her then.
she moved in from behind, jumping
through the smoke to Connar:; Connar..
do you trust me? ::she gazed to him
waiting for response...she had a plan::

He looked to her,
grinning through clenched teeth:: Like ye
had to ask?::He was readied for the next
strike even as his last turn was

:;the Smokey figure turned
as if taken off guard by Shea?s sudden
movement. Shea held out her right hand
to him:: then trust me now take my

::he took her hand firmly
in his, not sure what her plan was...but it
was far superior to any plan he had
formulated to that point::

:;she took his hand in hers ,
and looked forward as the Smokey figure
turned to face them :: Yala onna en' vilya.
ed' tel' megil en' tel belthil, amin
nuquerna amin goth :;with her left hand
she pointed that blade out at the figure for
a moment it shown, brightly, the wind
stirred around them, and blew hard, there
was a horrid scream and then the smoke
cleared, the daemon gone::

::He winced against the
blowing wind, not understanding a word of
what was uttered, but, judging from the
results, she must have said something
good. He held her hand still as the smoke
cleared...sword yet at the ready:: That
seemed to do the trick...::He looked to
her, making sure the issue of magic
hadn't weakened her...he'd be ready to
catch her if need be::

::those normally jade hues
were now silver shimmering, she blinked,
sword slowly sheathed, right hand still
holding his as she took a breath she
swayed, weakened by the spell::

one look into her eyes
and he knew not all was right...he buried
the tip of his sword into the ground,
leaving it standing upright as he brought
his arm around to support her:: Shea...are
ye all right?

leaning back in to his arm,
taking deep breath she opened her eyes
blinking, the jade color now back, and if
possible even more brilliant:; I am alright...
I think... ::leaning in to him for support::

:He held her tightly,
supporting her weight, keeping her
balanced:: Don't try to move...just
breathe...regain your strength.

:: a soft smile graced her
features, she'd past the final test, she'd
mastered the strength test for a wind
mage and now mastered that element,
she took a deep breath looking up to
him:: Thank you ? ::she wasn?t going to
move, taking deep breaths::

::He smiled to her,
holding her next to him. He looked from
her to their immediate surroundings,
keeping an ever watchful eye around
them, though the foreboding he sensed
earlier had all but been removed. Her
chest heaved against his as she
breathed, becoming stronger and

::She watched him as he
watched the surround. And placed a soft
kiss upon his cheek, her strength
regained., jade hues cast a glance to
those fallen rocks then along the ground
where the shattered orb lay... eyes moved
back to those rocks, and her brothers
blade sticking out of them.. she could
only assume either the skeleton of Jin or
that of Alaric was under there, and she
was in no need of knowing, if anyone or
anything could pry that blade out, they
were welcome to it...:: I am alright?

He looked into her eyes,
holding her by the shoulders as he
examined her, a smile coming to his lips::
Ye look fine...are ye able to stand on your

;she nodded, planting
those booted feet firmly under her, as she
steadied:; I think so?

::He did not release his
hold on her arms as he chuckled:: Well,
when ye are past thinking and arrive at
knowing, then I shall release my hold on

:she gave it a moment,
looking to him.:: I can stand see:: looking
down to her firmly planted feet , though
she had weighed the idea continuing to be
unsure, she knew she could stand just
fine, but she did enjoy this closeness
so..:: I am sure?

:He released on hand
slowly, giving her a bit of a shove with the
other as it held tightly to her arm, just to
check her balance. Assured that she
was, indeed, fine...he let go, reaching over
to retrieve his sword from it earthen
sheath:: What did ye say to the
demon....and why did ye have to hold my

::she was perfectly
balanced, giving him a shove back for
good measure:: I summoned my wind
elemental, then using my mothers blade I
said by the sword of the divine, I destroy
my enemy :;a smile to him:: and I held
thy hand for ye give me strength Connar, I
don?t think i would have come this far with
out thee?

He smiled, dipping his
head to her:: Glad to be of service to ye,
M? hand and anything else I
possess are at your beck and call.

:just a smile to him., as
she turned and started back towards the
horses.:: I shall hold you to that Connar...
:: her smile widened::

:He took one more look
around before re-sheathing his sword,
walking behind her:: I hoped ye
would? ::said with a smile::

::there were no words that
she could say that would explain exactly
how he had helped her, strength,
courage, those things that a knight would
normally have, she had none of them
from the moment the smoke arose, she
turned back to him walking backwards::
Oh I shall, you know that?::she pressed
a kiss to her gloved fingers and blew it at

He smiled, the blown
kiss landing where it may, his pace
quickened to catch up to her, arm
wrapping around her waist, as the blown
kiss was returned in kind with a real they dance-walked back to their
waiting horses::

::she returned the kiss softly, and walked beside him back towards their horses. Just smiling over to him .Once she arrived by V's side she gave her mare a pat on the side::

::He released his arm
from her as the arrived at the
worse for the wear...more than likely
oblivious to the fact that anything than a
few gusts of wind had stirred while they
were gone. He looked at Shea:: Ye need
help getting in the saddle?

me? :: she took up the
reins, in one hand and was up in to the
saddle with out a second thought:: nae
but thank ye...::a soft wink tossed his

::He grinned, pulling up
onto Ash, twitching the reins to bring the
horse about, facing the direction they had
arrived from earlier. He leaned over,
patting the animal's neck and giving him a
bit of counsel:: Chivalry isn't dead...tis
just not needed most of the time.

she smiled:: you'll have
plenty of opportunities once at the fest...
pulling out chairs, opening forth

::He trotted Ash along,
continuing his discourse on
the horse mostly:: Ash...there was a
time, not too long distant, when the
women would feign any weakness, just to
have an excuse to have their man dote
over them...using any devise or excuse to
have more occasion to hold or be held by
their suitors.?::another pat on the neck
as he straightened and looked at Shea
with a grin::... ah...but these are different
times we walk in, mon ami.

::she gave V a nudge:: homeward bound V?::V started off trotting towards that path way that was carved through the lower lying end of those mountains, once they would pass through that pass, they would come to a huge valley, at the far end a lake could been seen and near the middle was a very large tree and a stone under it, she smirked the whole time listening to him:: We women still do that, from time to time, ::looking to ash then to Connar:: but we knightly types have a hard time with it?

:He grinned, following
close to Shea and V, speaking to Ash::
Aye...tis the knightly types ye have to be
careful with, Ash...but ye already know've been hanging out with V all
day and night?

::She slowed V's pace a
moment to bow her head towards that far
off tree, then onward, she went, she could
see the guard towers:: Ahh, but V and I
have a soft side, don't we girl ::a pat for
her mare:: we will just have to show them
wont we? :: smirking, as they trotted over
the last hilly mountains, the gate now
seen, as always wide open, flags flying in
the wind.::

he looked about the
tree-lined landscape, the gate and
towers, flags left to flutter in the wind:: Ye
hear that, Ash? They have a softer side.
Now where do ye suppose they keep that

::Trotting slowly through
those gates she smiled, the village was
well decorated with banners and lanterns
that would be lit once night fall came. Alla
round them children ran and played,
merchants sold goods, villagers were hard
at work. Shea could see the Castle::
welcome Connar, to my home to
GreenStone :: beyond the castle and the
businesses and homes more of that lake
they had seen from the valley::

::He took in the bustling
scene, much like what he had
anticipated...and then quite different all
the same:: I am pleased to be here...and
in such fine company, Shea.

she smirked patting V
softly, dismounting as the stables came
closer, Shea looked over the other horses
there, her sisters, moon the white mare,
tiger lily the spotted one, Devron?s black
steed, her sons horse as well a s the
others, she led V in to the stable::

He slid from the saddle,
walking Ash toward the stables, pulling on
the reins, lowering the animal's head::
Mind your manners, Ash...we are guests

looks like we are the last to
arrive... :;she gave V a pat, and turned to
Connar, in the distance she could hear
the sound of fighting? sparring
perhaps.. Shea just laughed softly: come
on :;holding her hand out to Connar:: V
will keep him in check wont you girl :; a
wink to her mare as she led Connar
towards the castle steps::

He laughed, releasing
Ash in the stables as he took Shea's
hand:: We kind of have to remind each
other to be on our best behavior...doesn't
come naturally to either of us.

::upward she led him and
towards those huge doors, which were
opened from with in, there on the other
side stood a woman, a bit taller than
Shea, long silver hair showing signs of the
child she carried, weapons sheathed upon
her hips and one very large sword across
her back:: your late? ::a smile softly
formed on her face:: Seler'

He smiled as they were
greeted, a polite nod to the
woman...Salice was his guess::

:Shea let go of Connar?s
hand to embrace her sister:: Salice.. you
look very well :: a hand pressed to her
sisters stomach?:: where is everyone else I
was expecting a huge rush

:Hands were clasped
behind his back as the sisters exchanged
greetings and hugs. He smiled at the
homecoming for Shea...happy for her::

They are out side watching
your son and Lord Evermore battle it out...
after a while even the ladies went out, I
remained inside, to wait for you..:: a
smile blue eyes looking over to Connar::
ahh you must be Connar..:; a nod of her
head:: welcome..

He smiled and bowed
his head to Salice:: thank ye, M?lady...tis
my fault we are late...I couldn't find a
single thing to wear.

Shea just smiled:: Aiden
and Caleb are fighting? Oh dear..

::Salice smiled:; tis alright still about four hours
left till the fest begins.. yes Caleb and
Aiden, your son is doing very well for him

::He smiled...reminding
himself silently to keep his smart-arse
comments to himself::

another smile to Connar,
as she let the doors close behind the
two:: :: the room was huge, a stair way to
the left the long hall behind Salice, the
lounge to the right... the stairs curved up
and out of sight:: come lets go see how
he's fairing shall we...?

He had seen this room
in his dream...the stairs were
different...but it was more or less how he
had seen it:: Who's fighting?

:Shea smiled taking
Connar?s hand in hers, for a moment
before Following Salice down the hall
towards the doors that led out in to the
garden, the sound of metal to metal got
louder, as did the cheers, and calling of

;Salice smiled:; Lord Caleb
Evermore and Aiden.. a bit of a sparring

::Aiden...Shea's son...the
other name he didn't know...but he did
know titles...anyone with Lord before their
name was used to winning, no doubt. He
took Shea's hand and followed them out::

::they crossed to two
doors, Salice pulled them open and the
fight could be more or less seen, the
other guests had encircle them watching,
Salice circled around to find Devron::

::Shea walked with Connar to the back of
the circle..:: this is something the men do
every year?

:He smiled:: Ye mean
like washing our hair

yes, like that. :;she

::soon enough Salice came
back on the arm of Devron. ::

::Devron hugged Shea softly:: how?s my lovely
sister in law?

:He stepped back,
getting out of the way of the hugging::

I am well :;a smile:;

::Devron looked from Shea to Connar::
ahh so this is the one I have heard so
much about :; he held out his hand to

he took the hand as it
was offered, giving a firm shake, making
note of the face and name that went along
with it:: Tis a pleasure to be welcomed so
warmly into your family gathering, sir.

:;Shea just shook her head
looking at Salice:: Devron... Connar ..
Connar this is my brother in law Devron?

:: Devron smiled at the sir:; no need for
M'lords nor Sirs with me..

::He smiled:: Tis better
safe than sorry?

we are glad to have ye
Connar ::he turned back to Salice and
Kissed her cheek and passed inside::

He watched Devron
leave, leaning over to Shea:: Who's been
talking about me here? ::then he remembered
the visits from Shavyn and Aiden::

Aiden, Shavyn perhaps?

::No doubt his
near-halving of Blahl had also stirred
some talk. He nodded:: doubt.

:Connar would then feel a
tug upon his leg, then a poke, behind
Him stood a little girl, about the age of five
human years, golden hair and big green
eyes. ::

::those eyes moved to Shea, and the
girl then went to Shea and hugged her
legs:: auntie Shea!

He turned, smile on his
face, as he looked down on the child,
making sure not to step on any tiny toes
as the girl moved to hug her aunt::

Shea bent down and lifted
her in to her arms:; well hello there my
lovely niece. :: Vanya giggled and looked
back at Connar and waved at him with a
tiny hand::

::he chuckled: "auntie

:Shea smirked and let the
girl down:: where is your mother Dear

:He waved back to
Vanya with a smile::

::a little finger pointed

::soon after a voice was
heard:: Vanya Lindua GreenStone..! ::that was Audrey?s voice::

:He smiled, looking at
Vanya:; ooh...tis never good when ye get
called by your full name.

Audrey paused at the door
way seeing Shea:: Shea you've
returned...:: she walked lifting up her
daughter:: your niece here just used wine
to color my bed sheets... :: a smirk, a
soft bow of her head to Connar::

::A nod and smile to
Vanya?s mother::

This one ::looking her daughter:: used wine to color my bed sheets with.

::Shea held back those
giggles:: Audrey this is Connar, Connar
my sister in law Audrey?

::Head bowed:: tis a

A pleasure Sir :: Audrey
smiled:: if you shall pardon me I have to
go give this one a bath:: Vanya squealed
in her arms, as Audrey walked away::

: :;Shea burst in to
laughter:; looks like Vanya has my
brothers since of humor?

:He nodded:: What is
your brother's name, again?

Jinnalt. Audrey and he were
married, she is widowed now, but it
seems better that way then the way it
was before?

:He looked at her:: I'm
sorry...I had forgotten that Jinnalt was
dead...I thought perhaps there was yet a
brother I did not know about.

::Eyes moved to the
sparring match wondering who would be
next to meet and greet.:; nae worry about
it, Jinnalt was not much grieved for...
though that may sound harsh?

:He nodded, following her
gaze to the sparring area::

::Soon another pair broke off
from that Circle, it was Dagor and his wife
now on their way inside:: Shea... my dear
::Dagor patted her shoulder: did ye think
about what i told thee? ::a grin towards
Connar:: Connar my lad, good too see you,

:: he presented his wife:: this be my wife Elenya...

::he smiled to the
blacksmith and then bowed his head to
his wife:: a pleasure to meet ye,
M?lady.. :;he smiled:: I have great
admiration for any woman that can keep a
blacksmith in his place.

She smiled to Connar
tucking those rosy strands of hair behind
pointed ears:: thank you ::she bowed her
head and smiled back at Shea, before the
two passed inward,::

::Dagor smirking at
Shea:: you just think about it dear! ::said
before Elenya pulled him in::

He smirked, looking at
Shea:: What are ye cooking up with your

me? its him and
his.. ::pausing a moment:; nothing..

::.He shook his head with
a grin:: Aye...nothing...sure.

Shea GreenStone! ::A
female voice called to her, a woman
crossed to her dark brown hair, soft
eyes, her arm laced through the arm of
the man that led her, a tall man, with silver
hair and blue eyes::

Niece.. mine. .::he
smiled:: Cermie and I were worried you
wouldn?t come...

::Shea smiled as she
embraced her Aunt, then her uncle:: why
wouldn?t I come?

:He would turn and look
upon the latest relatives to greet Shea::

Nenime just smiled:; oh
we have our reasons dear. ::his gaze
turned to Connar:; ahh and this is the one
my brother tells me of, Connar correct?

He smiled:: Don't
believe anything ye have heard...I am
usually twice as bad as the stories would
lead one to believe.

:;Nenime slowly extended his
hand to him::

:;Shea just smiled:: Uncle
this is Connar and Connar my uncle
Nenime and his wife Cermie?

;Cermie bowed softly to
Connar, before she passed in wards
leaving the three alone::

:Nenime chuckled:: I hear
nothing but good things about you...:;a
glance to Shea:; your son is quite the
story teller, and that of the things my
brother tells me, then Shay.. dear sweet
shay, she has a way with words?

:He watched Cermie
leave, then turns back to Nenime:: They
be just that, stories...tis Shea the only
one worth raving about.

;Shea sighed looking
towards the group that was left, Spying
Shay and Kulbin sitting on the bench
kissing like mad:: yes she does have a
way with her tongue... uncle mine :;a soft
blush rose to her cheek as she heard

: ::Nenime smiled and patted
Shea on the shoulder:; I like him...:: he
passed inward as well::

:;He chuckled at the
exchange:: What can I say...I'm just the
likeable type.

: ::now the sparring match
more visible, Shea could see Mila sitting
watching alone, Duchan sitting alone as
well, she gave him a soft wave and he
rose to come over:; aye that you are

He smirked:: I get that
from Ash...he's a great tutor.

:;Duchan smiles to her as
he stepped before her:; I swear you look
more like her every day Cousin ...::a
glance to Connar:: I see you arrived late
as always in classic style... and you
bring a guest. ..:;a nod to Connar::

Is this Dagor's son, Shea?


::Snaps his fingers:: Ye
all tend to look alike?

::Duchan smiled:; though I
do look much like my uncle.. ..:;.:;a dashing

:Duchan smiled:; she
looks like her mother... and Mai is at
home in silver arrow official business...

;he gave Shea a pat on the
shoulder:: I am sure my father and uncle
would agree... with me that you look like
her... ..:;:;a soft wink before he went inside::

He watched Duchan
leave, then looked at Shea:: Is that a
good thing, to look like your mother?

:;Shea just blushed, trying
to focus ont he fight: ; aye... she was very
beautiful... what I can remember of her?

::He smiled:: That might
just merit further investigation....I happen
to be an authority on all things beautiful.

:Then Mila rose from that
bench crossing around the fight to Shea,
she stood there, before her, silver hair tied
back in a braid:: Shea.. :; she bowed her

Mila my dear good too see
You :looking her over, a bit surprised to se
her so fully clothed:: tis a new look for

Aiden convinced me that
even for one night an elven bezerker can
wear more than next to nothing he said it
would make everyone more at ease...
::she smiled softly still getting used to the
idea of clothing::

You look lovely Mila... ::a
smile to her:: This is Connar..: ;pointing to
him:; Connar my sons beloved Mila?

::the words darted
through his mind..."elven bezerker"?...He
shook out the idea and just smiled at the
discussion until introductions ensued:: Tis
a pleasure, Mila...Aiden is a lucky man.

Mila nodded to him and
passed inside:;

::picking up from what he had said before:: An authority on all things beautiful eh? well there i s a painting, of
my father and mother up stairs, yet it
does not have the grace that she did,
those est to describe her to you would be
Nenime, Dagor or Salice... ::she laughed::
You look lovely Mila... ::a
it is this sort of fighting matron in Crendia,
and well, I don?t know why they would not
wear clothing, its not like she's naked all
the time just in very little, and the young
lady has very. Fine assets which I am
sure is part of what drew my son to her..

:He just smiles at the
explanations:: You look lovely Mila... ::a
Lack of clothing on the part
of the lady does tend to attract the male's

::Jade hues looked towards
the two fighting, Caleb caught sight of her
first and held up his hand:: you?ve out
done me Aiden.. ; he sheathed his sword
and pointed towards Shea::

Atara.. ;;Aiden Sheathed
his blade and went to her side:: your
here..:; he hugged her, and nodded to

:A nod to her
son::? Aiden.

:Aiden smiled:: Connar
good to see you again?

he smiled:: Aye...tis
good to be seen anytime I can be at your
mother's arm.

:;Aiden smiled softly at his
mother, and nodded:: I am glad that you
Came :;he kissed his mothers cheek.:;
atara?:: that always meant something more when he spoke it to her, more that the actual meaning, and passed in ward going after

Sha just watched her son,
shaking her head:: I swear the older he
gets the more like his father he

He smiled, looking at
her:: the whole of the town seems to orbit
around ye, Shea?

its been a long time since I
saw half these people?

then shame on thee for not
coming home sooner.. :;Caleb stood
before them now:: ye were meant to come
have dinner with Isis and I ages ago...

;Shea cast a look to
Caleb:; do not make me pull rank on you
Caleb :: a smirk:: tis good to see you,
seems your skills have laxed some, for my
son to beat you

:Caleb chuckled:: aye
perhaps I have been in bed more often
then on the battle field as of late.... ..:;a
smirk, a double meaning to that::

:: Shea just shook her
head:: lay about.. :: ignoring the other
meaning, knowing him all too well:: where
is your lovely wife?

::He was thinking that,
perhaps, being her son gave Aiden a
natural advantage with the sword...but he
just smiled, listening to the exchange::

Isis she?s up stairs helping
Audrey with Vanya.. she?s getting some
practice... Salice is not only one

;a soft nod:; how very good
for you both.. so all that 'bed rest' did
some good :;a smile:: ahh yes but my
manors leave me, Caleb Evermore,
Connar... Connar.. Caleb :: a hand again
back and forth::

:He smiled and greeted
the man accordingly:: A pleasure to meet
ye, Caleb.

Caleb smiled:; a pleasure,
perhaps ye Shea:; a glance to her:: will be
the final one of the Greenstones to be
caught?:;a smirk to Connar:: happy
Hunting ::in ward he went with A whistle::

He grinned:: Caught?
Are ye on the loose, Shea?

::Her hands met her cheeks
as she shook her head:; yes wild loose
and rabid?

::He laughed:: Seems ye
will be getting more attention over that
fact than anyone else here.

everyone else here is in a
couple or is married.. .::fingers brushed
through her hair :,looking towards Shay and
Kulbin going at it still on that bench::
see like those two?

:He looked to where she
was pointing with a smile:: Aye...I noticed.

Shavyn Rose GreenStone,
didn't your mother ever teach you to greet
your sister.. in fact i know she did...!

:There was the use of
the full name again:: Ye probably sounded
just like her mother just now, Shea.

::Shay with drew and rose
taking Kulbin?s hand in her and walked
before Shea:: ohhh just wait till later

;a smile to Connar:; Connar... yes you did
sound like Ember there for A moment...
:;a giggle as she looked back to Kulbin:;
Kulbin love this is Connar, since i know
you don?t remember?

:It was then that he
recognized Kulbin...from that morning in
the marketplace with Blahl...he didn't
stick around long enough that time for
introductions:: I remember now.

::Kulbin just offered Connar
a nod, concentrating on shay::
smirked:: the fest will start soon ::she
took Kulbin?s hands in hers... and smirked
to Shea:: just you wait.. . :; inside she went
Kulbin close behind...::

He watched them leave,
out of earshot:: Kulbin is Blahl's

::Shea just watched her
sister pass in side:; aye he is. ::what did Shavyn have panned, what ever it was it could not be good.::

I can't imagine I am
endeared in any way to his family over the
incident in the marketplace.

Shea then turned as well
to go inside, most of the guests were off
getting ready by this hour:: I'll show you
up stairs, I need a nice long hot bath, and
to set these darned heavy things down ::
looking back to him:; Kulbin holds nothing
against you... you may ask him your self
when you get the chance?

Kulbin and Blahl were never
and shall never be close? :;walking and
talking, heading for the stairs, those long
looming stairs::

::He shook his head,
walking with her:: I am not going to bring
it up...tis neither the time nor place to
mention his name nor what happened.

::He took note of the
walls, with their ancient decorations,
tapestries and collectables, and the
stairway as they moved up::

:she started up the stairs,
hand going along the railing, heading up
the first flight, then the second then
slowly down the hall to her room, along
the way they passed that painting she
had mentioned, she opened the door and
stepped inside, her room::

:He stopped to look at
the painting, the family resemblance
striking, to say the least::

::it was a lovely painting,
Alcander standing behind the seated
Adamina, her long flowing dark blue hair
and soft blue-green eyes, looking out ::

:It was the eyes,
Adamina's eyes that drew his attention
most...realizing it was just a
painting...but still, the artist had captured
something on that canvass and oil::

:; it was there that most
saw the resemblance between Alcander
and Salice, same eyes color, same hair
color... same sort of look to their eyes.,
Shea sat her bag down upon the chair
next to her bed, cloak she lay there as
well, belt with weapons let go to the floor,
gloves on top of her other things, bow and
quiver, then her boots kicked off, head
poked out looking at him; see any

He smiled, looking down
the hallway at her:: Aye...there be a little
that would make me think ye were related
to these people.

she smiled:: well they are
my parents

;he grinned:: Ye don't

:she smiled and ducked
back in to her room:: you can set your
stuff any where you like in here, I am
going to make a long hot bath for my
self?:;a smirk:; yes indeed, Alcander
and Adamina?::her voice faded a bit as
she passed in to that private bath of hers::

He hesitated...the
formality of the occasion and being
surrounded by all of her nosy relatives
making him take second thought to their
sharing a least openly sharing
it:: Maybe I should see if your sister had a
room saved for should have some

He had other
motivations as well...suspicions...d might be safer for her if
everyone thought they had separate
rooms, though he would not share that
with Shea::

: ::the sound of water filling up
a tub and the smell of faint roses and
lilacs:: oh for gods sake Connar :; she
stopped the water, and poked her head
out towards him, wrapped in a towel now:;
get in here, I don?t care what they think,
besides they are all too busy to care,
trust me?

But if your dead set on
having your own room tis that one there ::
she pointed to the room next to hers::

:He looked at her with a
smile, masking the concern he had on the
inside. His dreams of the festival being
interrupted...and more::

He looked at the door
and smiled:: Just for formality's sake...will
ye humor me in that?

she smiled to him :; what
ever suits you best Connar.. .::she ducked
her head back in to her room, and
crossed it to that bath door she opened it
and went with in, closing the door behind::

:He grimaced at her
words as she disappeared behind the
door, muttering to himself as he went into
his room:: (m).. .that didn't go well...::He
removed his pack, setting it on the bed,
taking a look at the rather large
room...large compared to the ones at the
inn. He opened the pack, carefully laying
out the clothes he had brought for the

::The room he was in was decorated with a scrolling woodwork along the walls. The walls them selves were a pale green. The bed was large with fine sheets and many pillows, there was also two doors at the far end, one to a wash room with bath sink and all the comforts of home, and the other door led to a closet like area, which was sparse within. There were also two other doors that led out to a balcony that over looked the Garden below, Shea?s own Balcony lie to the right. Beyond that railing.::

::She sunk in to the water,
letting the day wash away, letting the
steam sooth her, eyes closed thinking
deeply, over the days past. She was no
fool something had changed::

Lower and lower Shea sunk in to the water, letting the heat sooth those sore muscles. Eyes closed as her head sat just above the water line. A deep breath taken and she dunked her head in to the water. Moments later she surfaced, wiping the wet strands from her cheek, eyes still closed, trying to figure out what had changed.::

::after sitting there till she was relaxed in body she rose, drying off, and pulling the fluffy sleeves of that robe over her arms, a simple bow tied in front before she pulled the water free and walked out of the steamy bath.::

::Bare feet rested on the wooden floor for a moment, she walked to her bed, pulling out those gifts for her sisters and laying them on the bed spread, then she pulled out that black bound journal.. She gave a look to it, though writing might have helped at this time it would wait till later. She sat the journal down and crossed tot hat other door, pulling it open she could see all her day to day clothes, pairs of pants, another pair of boots and shirts. There at the back of the closet hung her dress, the dress she was to wear during the festival. Jade hues looked to it as she stepped closer running her hands over the fabric.:: (w) You?ve out done your self Salice.. :;she just stood there looking at it, running her hand down the front, though it was beautiful, Shea was having second thoughts about wearing it. But it was tradition.. And she would not break that Her fingers ran through her hair, drying those wet strands, before she slipped out of that robe, and began the long process of getting in to that dress.::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-21 17:54 EST
::He emptied the contents of his pack on the large bed, trying not to get the covers dirty...most of what he owned and carried was heavily used. His belt and weapons were set against the wall by the door, within easy reach if he needed to exit the room in haste. He looked around the room, investigating what lie behind each door::

::He stepped inside the wash room and began filling the bath with hot water, moving a towel to the tub's edge before moving back out to the main room, loosening his cloak and hanging it in the closet. He untied the strap-ties of his tunic and pulled it free, revealing the tight-fitting chain maille vest underneath - this was removed as well, with a bit more effort, freed from its confines, he breathed deeply, as he hung up the tunic, and set the vest on the edge of the bed. He looked at it a moment, wondering if his premonitions would become reality...would he be better served keeping that vest on...Shea would surely know he was wearing it under his new festival clothing, which, unlike his heavy tunic, would not conceal the vest::

::He sat on the edge of the bed, working off his boots - which would need a good cleaning, after he received the same. He walked to the wash room, turning off the water and stepping out of his pants and under garment. The water was a tad too hot, but his skin grew accustomed to it as he slid in, the heat and steam more welcoming than he could have imagained. He washed his body, hair and face, sinking under the water to rinse, holding his breath with little effort, remaining submerged for a long while, the deafening silence of the water encasing his body and thoughts::

::He would emerge from the tub, drying off and wrapping the towel around his waist. He leaned both hands on the edge of the sink, hazel eyes staring back at him in the mirror - thoughts of Shea's family and his family running through his mind. She was surrounded by so many that loved and cared for made him question what it was that drew her back to Rhydin...were he in her shoes, he didn't think he would leave this place...then, again, he was but a shadow in his own home...the City of Enoch...Zion, as it was called...more a retreat than home. Time worked differently Zion, above earth, below heaven...a day there would pass as weeks on earth...months would be years. When his health required it, he would stay only the briefest of time there, preferring to labor on earth...where he was born...where he had purpose...and yet, was a stranger. He was trapped between two worlds...and now Rhydin::

::Walking out of the washroom, clean-shaven and dry, only a bit of dampness clinging to his dark hair, he started getting dressed for the festival. He pulled on the dark black pants, tapered at the ankles to more easily tuck inside of his black boots. He looked at the chain-maille vest once more, deciding against wearing it tonight, choosing instead to pull the long-sleeved, jade-green shirt over his head, trimmed in silver along the sleeves and collar...he thought the color to go nicely with Shea's eyes. The v-neck opening was laced with silver ties, which he left loose and open. The billowing sleeves were fastened at his wrists with silver stays. He tucked the bottom of the shirt into his pants and raked fingers through his hair, combing the mane back over his shoulders::

::He gave his boots a thorough cleaning, bringing the black leather to a high shine before they were pulled onto his feet, coming up over his calves. Lastly, he walked to the door, picking up his belt, exchanging the functional scabbard for the ornamental black and silver scabbard.He placed the belt about his waist, securing it in its notch and then adjusting his sword and scabbard. His door was opened so that Shea would know he was ready and so that he could hear out into the hallway::

::He walked out to the balcony, looking out over the scene below, the breeze lifting his eyes skyward...his thoughts turning to Shea, as any breeze caused him to do. He looked to the right, the companion balcony most likely belonging to Shea. He contemplated climbing over and surprising her...but not knowing her state of...readiness...he thought springing over her balcony might not be the best of ideas. He could hear faint movements coming from her room, so he assumed she was still getting ready. He leaned against the railing, the sky darkening as the sun slowly faded beyond GreenStone. Closing his eyes to the breeze, lifting his hair off his shoulders at it was dried, he thought of her...wanting nothing more than to enjoy the festival with her::


Date: 2006-12-22 00:03 EST
::Down stairs things were hectic, the plates being placed upon the large table in the dinning hall, fire being lit, those gifts being place near it. In neat piles, Shea?s pile, Salice?s and Shavyn?s. Cups and mugs were readied. Cider ,water, wine and ale, all readied. The smell of cooking food rose from the kitchen through the halls and up the stairs towards the guests that readied them selves.::

::cooks, and other servants hard at work making everything prefect?s the last of the d?cor went up. the harps, piano and flutes cleaned and readied for the coming dancing. The floor was cleaned and shone , there in that wide open throne room, that had been cleared save for the musical instruments, and the hearth, with chairs and couch there at the far end. Windows had been draped closed with lovely deep green draperies. ::

::The lounge was readied, couch and chair cushions cleaned and fluffed fire roaring, presents adjusted and readjusted . The table was se with fine silver pates, glass stem wear ,as well a s silver goblets, and fine mugs of carved wood. The wine chilled in buckets of ice, the ale kept at the perfect temp. Place cards with every guests name place by each plate. Devron and Salice would be at the head of the table. Down each side the place cards were set. Once done, the servants went back to finish up with dinner.::

::Upstairs the ladies readied them selves, wiggling their way in to those new gowns that Salice had gotten for them. The gents also got ready in their finest, and keeping with tradition they kept their sheathed weapons at their side, or sheathed along their back. ::

::Vanya?s giggles could be heard. Once each lady was well prepared their gentlemen awaited them outside their room doors. Duchan stood outside his sisters door, ready to catch the spinning Vanya when she came out. Each lady came out in turn. Salice, Shavyn. Audrey and Vanya, Isis, Cermie, Elenya and Mila. And each gent took their arm :Devron, Kulbin, Duchan, Caleb, Nenime, Dagor and Aiden. Each with wide eyes and open mouths to the wonder of their ladies in those fine gowns.:: :: Then they were led down thouse stairs to the lounge where they would await the others, mostly Shea, it was always she who took the most time::

::Shea was still not dressed yet, taking her time. Lacing up those laces in the back of the dress, slipping her shoes on, then going to sit there near a mirror, fixing her hair pinning half of it up, in lovely curls. Leaving the other straight half down. Even that pin she used matched the dress she wore. She smiled to her self in the mirror. No matter what was going on, she was make a very good attempt of having a good time tonight, she could smell the food, nearly taste it.::

::Finishing up she rose to her feet, ajsuting that dress a bit, before taking a deep breath and walking to her bed room door, a glance back to her weaponry that lay on her bed, and she opened and passed outside, jade hues turned to see Connar's door open. Even so she gave the door a soft knock before stepping in to view::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-22 11:19 EST
::Connar moved from the balcony as more and more activity could be heard from the hallway. He stepped back into the room, closing the double doors leading to the balcony. As he looked up to head toward the door, he heard the knock and saw Shea standing there. A smile rose to his lips as he looked on her. Though he had seen her in a dress before and had been privy to see her nitegown, he had never seen her completely dressed up, from hair to foot. He stood there a moment, smiling and admiring the view at his doorway. He moved slowly to her, walking around her as if inspecting a recovered treasure, nodding his head in approval with each new view provided. He moved to face her, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her close to him. He reached over, shutting his door behind them as he wrapped her up, dipping her back slightly, leaning in to kiss her tenderly before pulling back to look into her eyes::

To hell with dinner...I prefer to to start with dessert....::He kissed her again, more passion-filled than the first. He held her tenderly, responding to her lips before raising her up to look in her eyes again, knowing full well that her family was waiting for her to come down. He opened the door, extending his arm to her, a formal escort for her grand entrance::

::He smiled, looking to her:: Shall we?


Date: 2006-12-22 15:02 EST
::She watched him as he walked around her. That dress she wore was breath taking to say the least a lovely dress of an ivory color , an off the shoulder number with long sleeves. Intricate silver and green designs along the swoop neckline, and down either side of the dress. Flowing shirts from the waist downward and a form fitted top. It showed off her curves, accentuating each one. Her hair half up half down, the half part up was curled most delicately, the half part down was straight reaching down over those bare shoulders and her long neck. pointed elven ears shown off, as did her jade hues, that dress accented her finest points. Matching shoes covered her feet somewhere under the skirts, heeled slipper like things, that she was getting used to. As he pulled her in the room, closing the door behind them, she smiled softly. Before returning the kiss, cheeks rushed with a rosy blush. Then laughing softly at his words. She could deal with not going down just yet. Before returning the second more passionate kiss. A simple nod was given to him as she took his arm::

Yes we shall. ::that hint of rosy blush slowly faded from her cheeks, but that smile remained.::


Date: 2006-12-22 22:43 EST
::her smile only got wider as they walked down the hall towards the stairs. She could hear everyone in the lounge talking and laughing. She could smell the food, jade hues looked to him admiring what he wore. Taking in every possible view. That smile only getting wider. She had seen him, in full battle wear to those silk-esque pajamas. But this was a real treat for her. ::

::She leaned in closer to him as they walked, they made quite the fine looking couple, even if it was for just one night, she in that ivory dress, and he in those black pants tapered at the ankles , and long-sleeved, jade-green shirt with the silver laces at the V-neck opening. His boots even looked liked they had been shined by hand, and then she smiled a bit more seeing that ornamental black and silver scabbard, there at his side. ::

:: A soft kiss was given to his cheek as they arrived at the stairs. Her free hand lay along the rail, as they walked down ward.Shea was waiting for who ever was sitting closest to the lounge door, to notice them. Jade eyes looking inward as they got closer.::


Date: 2006-12-23 04:34 EST
:: She saw her son sitting there near the lounge doorway. He smiled as he saw his mother, and rose to his feet, this was the signal for everyone else. Dagor could be heard, laughing. ? Good now we can eat.? ::he led his wife towards the dinning hall through the double doors at the far end of the lounge. The others followed in turn, Shavyn peeking her head around Aiden to see Shea, and giving a thumbs up. ::

He held her arm through
his as they descended the stairs, smiles
for those that greeted them. He turned
and smiled to Shea as he heard Dagor's
voice:: Are ye ready for this?

:;a soft smile:; as ready as I
shall ever be ::Aiden stood in the door
way still leaning back against the wall.
Salice came to stand beside him,
whispering something to him before she
gave Shea smile and went to the dinning
hall, with the others Aiden nodded to Mila,
who followed Salice::

:Connar did the best he
could to divine whatever the protocol for
the night would be, holding on to Shea for
comfort and guidance::

Aiden bowed his head to
Connar, and smiled to his mother.
Sharply dressed him self, in those black
pants and white shirt with green designs
along the neckline. His long dark blue
hair tied back behind his head.:: Atara..
:;he smiled to her::

::A nod for Aiden as they
passed. At least Connar had the correct
color scheme...greens, silvers and blacks:

:Shea smiled to her son. In
the days, weeks and months she?d been
away her son, had gone from young boy
to young man. Handsome ,dashing, with
that look to his dark eyes, mystery and
magic. She noted his attire, and also that
sheathed throwing blade there at his side,
next to his other sword. Old memories.
Jade hues looked in to her sons deep
blue hues.:: You look very handsome my
son. You and Mila make the perfect
couple tonight. ::she had noted Mila?s
dress before ::

;He couldn't recall the
last time he had been surrounded by so
many beautiful women. It was a marvel
and wonder that the men of this town did
not suffer chronic neck pains from quick
turns of the head suffered each time one
of the ladies would pass by...though he
was sure, none turned more heads than
the woman at his arm::

:;They walked in to the lounge, Shea paused there, looking at her son, still leaning on the door frame. Aiden smiled looking from his mother to Connar then back, he noted his mothers smile ,her real smile. He had not seen that in a long time, in his vaguest memory he could remember that smile of hers the one that lit up her features. Dark blue eyes looked to Connar. Offering a nod, he knew he had something to do with his mother being so happy..:: look at who?s talking, Lle naa vanima Atara.

::He smiled at the
exchange between mother and son as
they entered the lounge::

::He then proceeded to kiss her cheek softly, he smiled softly at Connar. The he proceeded to walk in to the dinning hall pulling out the seat for Mila, then sitting beside her. Most everyone was seated, a few of the ladies were offered their chairs, and pushed in. Devron and Salice sat at the head of the table::

:He led them to what
must be their seats, the only empty ones
left at the table. He pulled out Shea's
chair, a smile to her:: M?lady?

::Shavyn and Kulbin sat on
the left hand side of the table to Devron?s
right, on the right hand side were left two
empty chairs, Shea smiled and slowly sat
down in the chair he pulled out for her::
Thank you. .::getting perfectly
comfortable, looking to Salice who just
smiled widely at her from the head of the

He slide the chair under
her as she sat down. He pulled out his
chair, looking over those seated at the
table:: My apologies for the delay...I
simply am terrible at managing how long
it takes me to get ready for such formal
occasions. ::A nod to those seated at the
head of the table before taking a seat

::once everyone was seated
the food was brought out, the wine, cider
and ale poured in to each glass, goblet or
wooden mug::

::He reached over, under
the table, and took Shea by the hand,
turning to smile at her::

:Salice nodded softly to
Connar, breathtaking as any queen could
be, sitting there in that green dress with
that silver circlet in her silver hair. Shea
took his hand in hers and smiled. There
was a soft ding of a glass as Devron rose
to his feet at the head of the table:: My
friends? ::he began his toast::

:He turned his attention
to Devron...not his full he
gave that hand a squeeze as he looked
and listened::

my wonderful family, it has
been too long since we could sit and
enjoy this fest, it has been too long since
we could honestly say we had peace, but
tonight we celebrate, not only the winter
fest, we celebrate new life ::looking to his
wife:; new love ::a glance to Shea and
Connar:: and peace.. as well as the
coming of winter.. so my blessed family
raise your glasses, goblets and mugs and
hail greenstone?

::He took up his glass as
the toast was offered, releasing Shea's
hand so she could do likewise::

: ::Shea took her glass of
wine in hand and raised it in to the
air:; hail greenstone.. ::all the glasses rose
up around the table and voices called out
hail greenstone::

::He followed in kind with
his glass as the group toast and hail was

::Shea took a sip of wine,
Devron sat slowly:; now lets eat...! :: the
feasting would begin::

He turned, giving a
private toast and wink to Shea before
taking a sip and returning his glass to the
table:: (w) I'm sure nothing will compare to

::Shea smiled, and lifted up
a fork and looked down to the plate of
food, she smiled softly looking to him::
lisse' lereth innas caryave ::she muttered
the dessert to him softly as she started to
cut in to the food on her plate::

:Around the table everyone
ate, and drank having their own
conversations, a good natured laugh
would come from Nenime and Dagor, as
the brothers talked with mouths full::

He smiled, having no
idea what she just said, but, following her
lead, he looked at the food on his plate,
fork and knife quickly in hand as he began
to cut and take first bites, sampling
everything on his plate::

::there was
meat, vegetables, and what looked like
bread on the plate, Shea smiled as she
chewed, taking a sip of elven wine from
time to time savoring the taste knowing it
to be her uncles private reserve::

He took small bites,
never more than a swallow away from
being able to speak without having food in
his mouth. He looked at Shea, smiling to
her as she was eating. His eyes followed
the conversations as the bantered around
and across the table...not able to follow
much if any of the context or content. He
took the napkin and wiped at his lips
before taking up his glass for a drink::

::in the far corner crackled
the hearth, one of many in the castle, it
warmed the room. Another laugh emanated
from the table this time from
Shavyn. Shea just looked across the table
at her sister, wondering what in blazes
was so funny...::

e looked from Shea to
Shavyn and back again, not sure he
wanted to know what she was laughing
about. He was certain they would find out
eventually, one way or another. He waited
for a break in the conversation to speak to
Devron and Salice:: Congratulations on
the expectancy of your child.

Devron smiled to
him, looking to his lovely wife, Alice
bowed her head to him:: thank you
Connar. . ::her hands lowered a bit witha

::Those at the head of the table then finished off their food, the plates were quickly taken away, as each guest finished off their food the plate was taken, and hurried off in to the kitchen. Shea took the last bite and savored it, napkin cleaned her face and her plate was removed from the table. Soon smaller plates were placed before each guest, on the plate was lisse' lereth innas caryave; a sweet bread with apples. Dessert had been served.::

Tis welcome and happy
news anytime a child can be brought into
a warm and loving home.

::Shea looked towards
Salice, never had she seen her sister so
radiant, jade hues moved to the plate
placed before her, taking in the smell of
the sweet bread::

:Devron rose his glass Connar and took a sip, before taking in the aroma of the dessert::

He looked down at the
sweet bread and apples and grinned,
looking at Shea::

His glass was raised in
like fashion before he took a sip, his
attention turned back to the dessert...a
smile given...before he looked down at the
other dessert on the plate::

:;Shea looked to his glance
at her, and started to dig in to dessert::
tis is my favorite dessert ..::she took a
bite of apple, making a soft mm sound::

:He chuckled, taking a
bite, looking at her:: I had a better one

:; a smile to him trying ton
hide that rosy blush that flushed her
cheeks, eyes moved else where watch
Kulbin feed Shay a piece of apple off his
fork, eyes moved to her son doing the
same with Mila.. another bite, another sip
of wine::

::He followed the direction
of her gaze, the couples sharing dessert
with each other. He took a bite, followed
by a drink of wine, scanning the length of
the table and back to Shea::

At the other end of the
table Vanya, Duchan and Audrey sat,
Vanya?s face was being wiped off and
she was fighting back, with Duchan::

::He smiled at the fussing
over was good advance training
for Salice and Devron...they'd have one of
their own to fuss over soon enough::

;Salice watched , then rose
to her feet:: when each of you is ready, the
next part shall begin .. :;a smile to Devron,
and he led her outward towards the throne
room, they were in no means rushing any
of the other guests...::

:;he instinctively rose as
the hosts did...waiting for them to leave
before sitting again::

::Shea smiled watching
both her uncles followed soon in suit
leading their wives , Audrey and Duchan
followed suit after that Vanya spinning
around:: its time to dance its time to
dance:: she would chant on her way out::

he leaned back in his
chair, sipping the wine, looking to Shea::
Dance? Is Vanya right? How can anyone
dance after eating all that food?

Shea nodded softly:; aye.
they will go and sit in the throne room,
then the dancing will begin :: eyes
Moved across the table towards Shavyn
Kulbin had risen behind her, he gave her a
kiss on the head and wondered
outward, Shavyn smirked at Shea:: Just
you wait... ::a whisper to her sister before
she rose, and left the room::

::He looked at Shea,
taking her hand and raising it to his lips,
placing a soft kiss on the back of her
hand:: I suppose there is no postponing
the inevitable, is there?

::Shea smirked softly,
watching her son lead Mila out, :: No
there is not :: eyes moved to focus on
Connar there they were alone again::

:He looked at the now
empty room and back to her, another kiss
to her hand:: How long do ye suppose we
could stay in here before they sent in a
search party?

a while, they will be sitting
and talking in there for a while, before the
music and dancing begins?

He finished what
remained of the wine in his glass before
setting it to the table. He rose, pushing
the chair back to stand next to hers,
hands on the sides of her chair as he
anticipated her standing...He grinned,
thinking of the first time they danced:: Do
ye suppose they've ever seen the tango?

:a soft shake of her head
as she rose to her feet:: no i highly doubt

::As she stood, he
stepped next to her, wrapping his arms
around her waist...pulling her close,
looking into her eyes:: Whatever Shavyn
has needn't worry about
me...She probably just wants to see ye

:a soft smile to him:; I don't
worry, I have an ace up my sleeve.. .:: a
soft kiss to his cheek::

:He caressed her sides
and waist, smiling to her:: I would think
this dress to be too tight and revealing to
hide anything except ye underneath it.
::He gave her a kiss, pulling her against

:a soft blush rose to her
cheeks at his words.:: you'd be right
about that...: :a wink to him:: we should go
To the throne room, before they send in a
search party?

:Another soft kiss:: Well,
let's not be making a habit of them waiting
on us the entire festival. ::He took her
hand in his, walking them around the
table, through the doors and into the
throne room::

:;She walked with him, out
through the hall and through the open
doors in to the throne room, at the far end
was a window, a few seated there, a
hearth at the back wall, others seated
there, the floor was wooden perfect for
dancing, in the corner sat a few harps,a
piano and a flute or two on top of that
piano. Vanya spun a round the dance
floor, as Salice and Devron watched her::

::A nod given to those
assembled as they entered. He gave her
hand a squeeze as they moved across
the floor, surveying the layout of the room,
the warmth and splendor abounding as
this family gathered together::

::Duchan sat at the piano,Audrey sat at one of the larger harps.They would be playing the first few songs, there was a harp florish, and a few key strokes on the piano,those two perfromers warming up, while Vanya danced to her own tune, spinning till she came flopping to the floor before Connar and Shea::

He set a knee to the
floor next to Vanya, offering a hand to
help her up, giving her a smile:: Vanya,
wuld ye like to dance with me?

He looked up at Shea::
That is, if that is all right with your *auntie*

:;a little hand was placed in
his:: yesum..:: big eyes looked to Shea::
Auntie Shea? ::a smile::

Yes,dear thats fine..::she
slowly let go of Connars hand and
crossed towards Salice and Devron.::

:He stood, bowing
deeply at the waist to Vanya, extending
his hand to her:: M'lady....::taking her two
hands in his, not really waiting for the
music to start, he began dancing with her,
bending down enough to keep her feet on
the ground, twirling and spinning her
across the wooden floor as they
moved...knowing full well that, for little
girls, dancing meant lots of twirling and

:Vanya smiled and giggled
as she twirled and spun, holding tight to
Connar?s hands:: ::Shea just watched

::He gave a smile to
Vanya's mother as they danced near her.
He also knew, that the sooner Vanya was
tuckered out, the sooner her mother could
put her to bed and enjoy the company of
adults for the evening. With that in mind,
Connar moved all over the dance floor,
weaving past those sitting or standing,
making sure they covered every inch of
the area several times over. He would give
Shea a wink and smile each time they
danced close to her::

::Duchan still warmed up on
the piano, Audrey gave the harp a little
florish. Watching her daughter and

::He gave Vanya a big
smile:: Ye are a very good dancer, Vanya.

::Vanya smiled giggling, a
little yawn passed through her lips, eyes
moved to her mother, she didn?t want to go
to bed yet, she wanted to dance with the
grownups:: you are too.. ::a smile:: thank
::He grinned:: Thank
you...Your auntie Shea taught me
everything I know. ::He gave her another
spin, holding her hand above her head,
then re-took those tiny hands in his as
they skip-danced the length of the floor

::Shea smiled watching
them, it seemed she wasn?t the only one,
everyone was awed by the sight::

another Yawn passed
through her lips, as her spinning became
slower. Her feet more uneasy under her,
even that cute purple dress she wore
looked worn out::

::As the reached the far
end he bent down to her ear:: Are ye
ready for the big finish, Vanya?

: a soft little nod given to
him:: yes ::a slight bit of excitement still on
her voice::

he smiled, giving her a
wink as they spun to the middle of the
floor. He put his hands gently at her
sides, lifting her off the floor and tossing
her in the air with a spin, catching her
again and following the movement to the
floor, setting her feet softly down, one
more spin for good measure as he
finished, knee to the floor, head bowed to
her:: Ye dance as an angel, Vanya.
Thank you for dancing with me.

: she weed as she was
tossed up, and smiled to him as he sat
her down, big eyes looked to him, and
she kissed his cheek softly.:: That was
fun....:: Before Isis Evermore took her up
in her arms, a nod back to Audrey, she
would put the tired girl to bed...::

:Once Isis passed out of
the room, and was out of ear shot the
music began softly, the other couples
going to the floor::

He smiled at the kiss,
rising to his feet, waving goodnight to
Vanya as he walked back over to Shea

::;Shea stood by the
thrones, watching the others pass in to
the floor and begin to dance, eyes moved
to Connar: She just smiled to him::

he stopped a few
meters from her, arms extended towards
her, a smile on his lips:: Don't think for
one moment that ye are sitting this one
out, Shea.

::she extended her hands to

::He took her hands and
pulled her next to him, his arms wrapping
around her, slowly turning her as they
moved out onto the dance floor. He was
more interested in any excuse to hold her
than dancing. He held her tightly, looking
into her eyes, swaying to the music with

:she swayed with
him, smiling up at him. A soft rosy blush
rising to her cheeks, as her fingers laced
with his, the other hand resting on his
shoulder, pressed close in to him::

:He brought her hand to
his lips, kissing her skin, holding in
against his lips, looking into her eyes as
they slowly turned about::: Everyone else just faded
away, it was as if they were alone back at
the inn...:

:she gazed up in to his
eyes. Smiling brightly. Feeling everything
else drift away for a moment::

:He leaned toward her, a
soft kiss to her lips as they turned on the
floor. He wasn't sure that they were even
moving to the music, they shared and
danced to a tune they felt and heard

:that soft kiss was
returned, as she swayed with him, if they
moved to that soft beat played or not,
didn't really matter to her, they had always
danced to their own tune::

:He smiled, looking at
her:: (s)...Ye are a vision, Shea...tis not
fair to the other gents that I have the
loveliest woman here all to myself.

:a soft blush rose to her
cheeks:: (s)

:He pressed his hand to
the small of her back, the soft, supple feel
of her dress the perfect complement to
the skin underneath. They continued their
slow dance, remaining fixed to the center
area of the wood floor. This was the
escape they had been longing
for...whatever cares they had lie far
outside the walls of the city::

::she smiled looking up to him. Leaning in to that touch on her back. The music was faint in the background, as was the conversations that had taken up since they began dancing::

He caressed her back
softly as they moved, taking occasion to
place kisses on her hand, smiling to her
as they held each other::

:Her cheek were still rosy
with a soft blush, jade hues closed for a
moment as she felt that caress along her
back, feeling his hands go over bare skin,
then the fabric, and over the first of the ties
there at the back of the dress::

:His fingers touched her
skin softly as the glided over the ties. He
looked at her and saw from the corner of
his eye that they had drawn the attention
of most of the other eyes in the room as
well. For the first time since they began
dancing, he was brought to the realization
that they weren't alone. He smiled to her,
kissing her hand again:: I fear we might
have strayed from protocol a bit, Shea...I
am keeping ye from mingling with your

:jade hues looked back to
Salice and Shay who watched them,
Dagor and Kulbin were off talking in the
corner. Shea shrugged:: maybe I don't
want to mingle...

::He chuckled:: Tis fine
with me...

::a smile rose to her
features.:; I figured it would be..::jade
hues cast back to Shay who watched
them witha smirk, mouthing just you
wait... at Shea. Other soon stopped
talking and danced some more, Shea saw
no sign of her son or Mila, figuring they
had slipped away back to the lounge to
be alone::

He kissed her cheek
softly, catching the end of the wordless
mouthing from Shavyn. He kissed her
neck and ear:: (w) What is she planning
on doing to you?

Shea smiled softly, closing
her eyes at the kisses:: hmm I don't
know, but I have a feeling I will soon
enough....but I still have that ace up my
sleeve...::a smirk as her eyes moved to
gaze up in to his::

He smiled at the notion
of what Shea might have planned for her
sister, kissing her neck just below her ear
once more as they continued their slow
dance...if it could be called that at
all...more resembling a slow-turning
embrace than dancing by this point::

:she smiled, closing her
eyes at the kisses. The music behind
them had faded, Audrey, Duchan, and
most of the others had by now gone to
the lounge. Again they were left alone::
see I think we've won...:;eyes opening to
gaze around:: we've out danced them all...

::He stole a quick glance
around the room before he looked at her::
We were dancing? ::A smile before he
would press his lips to her, the urge to do
that being suppressed the whole while they
were he made up for it by
kissing her deeply, holding her to him, his
hand touching her skin over the ties
criss-crossing her back::

she returned the deep
kiss, leaning in to that touch upon her
back, her hands moved over his shoulders
as she inched closer to him. Eyes
fluttered closed, as those slender fingers
found their resting spot there one behind
his neck the other upon his shoulder::

:The warmth of her touch
on his neck making him to want to kiss
her and hold her there all the more. The
room was gone again, there was only her
and him, their bodies so close together
that they occupied nearly the space of
one. His hands moved over her bare
shoulders and down her back, every curve
and undulation defined under his touch::

::a soft shiver passed
through her as she felt his hands upon her
bare shoulders Leaning up and in to his
touch, deepening that kiss. Letting
everything slip away::

::His lips and mouth
responded to hers as he caressed her
shoulders and back, knowing full well that
they'd have to rejoin the others eventually.
He pulled back from her kiss just enough
to whisper over her lips, soft kisses
between breathed words:: (s)...we're not
being exactly model guests, are we?

a few deep breaths taken::
i doubt they even notice were gone...::a
smile:: but we shoudl go join them, its
time for that sister tradtion..:;a smirk
softly, and another quick kiss:: I wonder
what they got me

He slowly slid his hands
from her body, caressing her arms as he
did so, walking around her to stand
behind her, kissing her neck on the side
where her hair was done up, letting his
lips moved down to her shoulder and
slowly back up again as he held her by
the waist:: (w) We best not keep your
sisters waiting then.

she smiled closing her
eyes at those kisses:: no.. we... best
not... ::leaning softly back::

::He pulled her back
against him, kissing her neck and earlobe
softly, as he moved them slowly toward
the door, suckling her soft skin at every
step::. .(s) wouldn't be keep...them waiting.

:a smile:: mmm I'd hate to
keep them waiting.. :;leaning in to each
kiss, a soft shiver passing through her at
that soft kiss at her ear::

:He moved them slowly
to the door, stepping to her side to take
her hand as the doors were opening, a
quick look to her with a smile:: Here we

:she smiled taking his
hand, making way slowly back in to the
Lounge Salice and Shavyn sat. Devron next
to Salice and Kulbin next to Shay. Aiden
and Mila at the window, the other guests
dispersed within the lounge ,talking
laughing enjoying them selves::

::He tried to put on a
non-chelant smile, as if they'd just been in
the other room playing cards or stacking
chairs, but it wasn't very convicing::

:Shavyns eyes moved to
Shea:: good there she is...its about
time...come on sit down you two...

:Shea crossed in to the
room, towards the couch and sat down,
Salice sat with Devron across the way
and Shavyn sat right next to her:: so
eldest first ::eyes moved to Salice.::

:: He gave Shavyn a
smiled and walked with Shea over to
where she motioned for them to sit,
waiting for Shea to take a seat before
doing so himself::

Salice smiled looking
down to those gifts on her lap:; aye,
which one should I open first? ::eyes
going from Shea to Shavyn, before
opening the wrapped package from

:He held Shea's hand as
the gifts were opened by her sister::

::Her fingers passed over
the outside of that book that now sat on
her lap, she opened it and looked up at
Shea:: Oh Shea...::a bright smile, as she
turned the pages:: where did you ever?

That book was a book of
lullabies, that Shea found in Rhydin and
bought from the library for a rather large
amount:: Rhydin still holds many unfound
treasures..look in the back...

::He grinned, looking at
the presents...thinking that explained why
Shea's pack was so full::

::Salice turned the pages to
the back of the book, at the back is a
single leaf of paper with Shea?s own hand
writing, after years of blocking it from her
memory she had written down the words
of the Lullaby their mother used to sing to
them:: This is mothers ....Lullaby I shall
tresure this...::she hugged the book and
smiled to Shea:: and so shall your niece
or nephew...

::He grinned thinking..."or
both"...Salice could have twins...who

Shea smiled. Salice sat
the book aside and opened the box from
Shay,a nd held up cute litle clothes:;
aww, Shay, you softy...:;wiggling them in
her hands::

:Shavyn smirked:: clothes
was my theme this year ::eyes cast to
Shea, knowing she was next::

:Salice smiled and tucked
the book and little clothing away and
smiled to Shea. Shavyn palced two
wrapped gifts on her sisters lap:: now is
when you'll regret calling me by my full
name...::a smirk::

he looked from Shavyn
to Shea with a smile. This is what Shavyn
was taunting about...her gift to Shea::

He let go of her hand to
facilitate the unwrapping::

I think I'll start with Salices
then. ::shea smirked looking over to
Connar, as she opened the wrapped gift,
pulling out a worn book, her fingers
graced the front:: where on earth did you
find this salice?

In fathers old study up

He leaned back so as to
not block the view of the others in the
room. He looked at the book she held in
her hands::

so thats where I left it :: the
book in her lap Shea?s old notes, torn
pages in a journal of sorts. Salice
knowing the value of these pages to
Shea.Salice had them restored :: I didnt
read anything I assure you, but I knew
you'd want them... I had them restored...

::Saice smiled:: it has the
eccounts of everything before the war...
Aiden birth,Adaron... past memories, both
good and bad...::Salice offered her sister
a smile::

He looked from Shea to
Salice...the elder sister truly knowing
what Shea treasured most::

thank you Seler' ::Shea
lowered the book back to her lap, and
looked to that other box, Shavyn's present
on her lap. She took a breath and cracked
the box open, and gazed inside, she
opened it a bit more, seeing the silken
fabric of a nightgown, ivory colored, like her
dress:: Shay? ::quirked brow to her::

:;Shay smirked:: Oh don't
hide that smile I see it, both Salice and I
know your dark secret... you just act all
modest.. i know the softer sexier Shea's
alive in there, and that... night gown
should do the trick...

::Shea smiled towards her
sister, and closed the box:: your hiding
something, I know it...

::shay hummed softly.::
once you try it on, then afterwards you
can yell at me... but I think you'll like it...

He looked between
middle sister and younger sibling with a

:He cast a quick glance
at the other men in the room, guessing
from their expressions that the sibling
exchange of gifts had a history all of its

Shavyn smiled and tore in
tot he wrapped gift from Salice, and pulled
out a delicate circlet, of silver with leaves
around it and a soft rose at the front..
made of shimmering stones and
metal::ohh ::she sat it on her head::
pretty ,:;a smile to Kulbin:; how do i look lover?

He smiled:; like a
princess.. my dear ::he kissed her

:He nudged Shea::...a

:;Shavyn smirked and
looked at Salice:: i love it Salice... worthy
of my title..: :a little pose..::

Shea smirked:: tis worthy
for the daughter of the rose..: :Shea just
smiled:: alright now mines not really
something I'd let your mother seeing you
wearing, but Kulbin will like it...

: ::Shay smirked, and opened
that box from Shea,looking
inside::ohh...::she showed it up to Kulbin,
he looked to Shea witha riase brow:: This
proves you have a soft,sexy side..::a
smirk back to Shay:: I do like it...

:He looked at the
garment as it was held up wondering
where in rhydin such clothes, if they could
be called that, were made and sold::

While in rhydin I heard of
something women wore there to inpress
their lovers, and after speaking toa few, I
foudna shop, and found that... the woman
in th e shop called it Lingerie.. and when I
saw that color, and knowing how you two
are ::looking to Kulbin:; i figured it

::He just smiled and
looked at Shea::

Kulbin smiled, and looked
to Shea. This was the prefect moment, he
slippe d from Shay side and stood there
before her.:;it is perfect..Shea...::a smile
to Shay:: M'love?

::Shay turned her attention
from the clothing in the box to Kulbin.::
yes dear?

:Shea hled back her smile,
she knew what was coming, her hand
softly squeezed Connars...

::He noted the special
interest Shea's uncle was taking in
Kulbin's actions::

::Kulbin slowly knelt down before ehr on one knee and presented that finely crafted ring to her.:: I can think of no where else, and at no better time than this to ask you, if you will be my wife?

::Shay;s mouth dropped
wide,looking from the ring to Kulbin back
to her uncle Dagor giving her the tumbs
up, she;d known that craftmanship any
where..:;Kulbin...:she smiled:: yes... a
thousand times yes.. ::Kulbin smield and
slipped the lovely ring on to her finger.
Moments later shay tackled him to the
floor, filling his cheeks with kisses::

::He laughed as Kulbin
was tackled, nudging Shea:: that's your

Salice smiled to Shea and
rose to her feet.:: well I can think of no
better way to end tonight.. ::looking down
to Kulbin and Shay:: M'love help me to
bed? ::To Devron, he nodded and looked
down to Shay and Kulbin nodding
goodnight around the room, some of the
guests had already gone up off to bed::


Shea smirked, waving
goodnight to Salice, and tossing a pillow
at Shay:: get a room you two...

::Kulbin smirked and rose
up, placing Shay on her feet for a
moment, Shay took Shea's present box
in hand, and Kulbin lifted Shay up again::
we have a room...::::a smirk to Shay, and
the two were away, off to the stairs...::

:he grinned, extending a
hand to Shea::

:She took that book and
box in one hand and extended the other
too him and rose to her feet::

::He looked at her:: Was
it everything ye had expected...this
night...the festival?

yes so far, tomorrow is
another day, of feasting and fun, the fest
continues for a few more days, events
happen and such, i thought that maybe
we could.. ::she stopped a moment:: do
something together tomorrow...

:He smiled, touching her
cheek softly:: Aye...anything ye want.

she leaned in to his touch
softly:: I am dying to get these shoes
off... and this dress..:: thinking maybe
that might have come off wrong, a blush
rose to her cheeks:; shall we ::motioning
with her full hand towards the stairs::

:He laughed, leading her
toward and up the stairs:: That's what ye take of your shoes tomorrow?

:;she laughed:: no, Im not
telling you what we will be doing, you'll
just have to be surpised..

He grinned as they
moved down the hallway to her room,
opening the door for her:: Tis good to
hear, I was worried maybe ye were
cracking up from all the commotion of the

::she walked up the
stairs,smiling the whole way up, it would
be too soon that they stood outside her
room,, she shook her head softly, opening
the door behind her to gently place that
book and box on the chair inside the door,
she then turned to him:: I suppose this is

:He smiled, holding his
position at the door for a moment before
taking her by the waist, lifting her from the
ground, kicking the door closed as he
carried her to the bed, lying her on it, his
body coming to rest on hers as he looked
down at her:: Aye...I suppose ye could
call it that.

:a smile as she looked up
to him,a deep breath taken, those shoes
of hers fell to the floor.:: I enjoyed my
self.. to night...did you?

::He supported himself
with one arm pressed to the bed as he
looked down at her, brushing her cheek
and neck with his fingers:: It was
splendid...more than I can say in words.

her eye fluttered closed as
she leaned in to his touch:: good I'm
glad... ::eyes opening to look up in to
his:: I don?t think I told you how very
handsome you look tonight...:: a hand
graced his cheek softly::

:He smiled, looking into
her eyes:: Ye didn't have to...but thank
you all the same.

:a smile to him:: your
welcome... and I know I didnt have to I
wanted to..::That pin in her hair fell out
and her hair went free,casscading down
over her cheeks and touching her bare

::He moved his fingers
through her freshly loosened hair, leaning
down to kiss her neck, moving slowly to
her shoulder and back again, lips tracing
a soft line under her chin to her throat,
then back up to her lips::

eyes fluttered closed at
those kisses, returning the one upon her
lips those soft curls of dark blue
intertwined with the straight pieces. She
could feel those laces at the back of the
dress itch at her bare skin, she adjusted
A bit::

::He kissed her softly,
before breaking the kiss and sliding off of
her body, pulling her to her feet, giving her
another kiss as he pulled her up:: tis been
a very long best get comfortable
and ready for bed.
she nodded to him softly::

its not been all that long, its just these
ties are starting to drive me mad...::she
kissed his cheek softly:

:He laughed, turning her
around to look at the ties:: They look
harmless enough to me.

he shook his head:: Not
a long day? ::Thinking back how the day
began with the destruction of the dark
orb...the ride here...all the
anticipation...and she could say it hadn't
been that long?::

;a soft laugh:; they are
making me itchy...::she eyed that box
that sat on the chair:: alright so we did
have a long day...::she turned back to
face him one arm reaching around her
back to start to undo those ties::

He swatted her hand
away:: Let me do it...::and he proceeded
to loosen the ties::

she smiled to him ::all right
::she stood still for him

::He stood behind her,
slowly loosening each tie until they
dangled loosely at her back. He kissed
the back of her neck softly before giving
her bottom a pat:: There...all better now?

:she nodded and
smirked: ;yes thank you.. ::glancing over at

drew a finger up from
the small over her back up to her neck as
he moved past her:: I'm going to go
change...all right?

::she smiled softly:: all right,
I am going to do the same..

:He smiled, moving to
the door, opening it and looking back to
her:: I won't be but a moment

:Her door was closed
softly and he moved to his, walking
inside, his belt and sword already hitting
the floor before the door could close
behind him::

:Once he passed out of her
room, she took up that box, and passed
in to her closet, slipping that dress and
hanging it back up. A deep breath taken,
before she reopened that box, and lifted
out that new nightgown, she gave it the
once over, before slipping it over her head.
Then she looked to her self in the mirror::
Oh Now I see why ...:;she looked to it..
spinning around a bit::

:The shirt was untucked
as he sat on the bed, pulling the boots
free from his legs, the black pants
following in short order. He found the blue
pajama bottoms and stepped into them,
the shirt hanging loosely over them as he
walked back to her door, a soft rap on the

She bit her bottom lip,
looking at her self in the mirror. She
peeked out from the closet:; you can
come in... ::back in to the closet she

He opened the door and
stepped inside, but didn't see her at all.
He pulled the shirt off over his head,
pulling back the covers and sitting on the
edge of the bed, thinking she might be in
the wash room...though there was no light
coming from under the door:: Shea?

I'm in here :;she poked her
head out of the closet door...::

::He turned to see her in
the closet, laughing as he fell back onto
the pillows:: What is this...Greenstone
tradition to sleep in the closet?

smile to him, trying to
hide her blush, she laughed softly:; no. .its
just... this present that Shay got me
Well ..its a little...

He laughed again,
sliding under the sheets:: Say no
more...I'll close my eyes and ye can
dowse the lights...::Said as he pulled the
covers over his head::

: ::She took a deep breath
and stepped slowly out of the closet, that
night gown was ivory colored, with thin
straps, it was short in length shorter than
the green one, and it had a rather Long V
neck line:: You don't have to close your
eyes Connar...

He held the sheet over
his head, chuckling:: It might be for my
benefit that I don't look...

Then if Shavyn happens
to ask if I liked how ye looked in the
nightgown, trying to pry into our privacy, I
can say that I never saw it.

::Slowly bare feet carried
her across the room, she sat on her side
of the bed and pulled the sheets back::

She smirked, tossing the
covers back, and turning down the lantern
light:: she wont even remember that she
gave me this tomorrow morning...

::He slid over next to her,
a soft caress to her shoulder::
may be right...she had been the recipient
of quite the surprise herself.

::a soft smile to him, as she
slid in to the covers next to him:: aye that
she was... and since that be the case,
we wont see hide nor hair of Shay or
Kulbin till we leave... back for Rhydin, I
can be sure of that

::He wrap his arm around
her as the settled into the bed, a soft kiss
to her shoulder:: Why is that...will they
not leave their room in all that time?

:She relaxed back in to the
pillows, the lantern light snuffing, the glow
from the moon outside now danced
across the floor:, she smiled:: maybe, for
food... but not for long... they will be to wrapped up
in each other... :;is how she would put
it, with a smirk::

He laughed, thinking of
a prank he participated in a long while
back...flushing newlyweds from their room
by filling their room with smoke:: He
snuggled up next to her, caressing her
arm and shoulder, having a hard time
feeling the nightgown::
There isn't much to this
nightgown of yours, is there?

:she smiled:; no.. there is
not..: : his fingers would pass over the thin
silken straps, and down her bare arms.::
its a bit revealing.

he followed the fabric
with his hand over her shoulder and down
her back, over her waist, quickly reaching
the hem at the back of her legs::
Aye...revealing indeed...that won't keep
ye from being able to sleep in it?

No.. Shavyn and Salice
know my darkest secret...I am rather
comfortable in these sorts of things,
though its not common for me to wear
them...::she leaned in to that touch
moving in closer to him:: It won't bother
you will it?

He chuckled softly,
kissing her neck:: Good, then I'll be the
only one wide awake.

::a smile:: wide awake why?
do I make you uncomfortable?

:He continued to kiss her
neck, nuzzling against her soft, warm
skin:: I ...was just...teasing?

:eyes fluttered closed at
those kisses upon her neck:: Oh... good?

his hand would move up
and over her back, caressing touches to
her shoulder and back down, following the
curve of her waist and hip as he kissed
her neck, moving from one side to the

::she tilted her neck from
one side to the other , leaning in to his
touch, her hands finding their way up on
of his arms slowly::

::The kisses moved up
her neck to her ear, gentle tugs at her
earlobe before moving down her cheek to
find her lips...soft, gentle pulls of his lips
to hers as he felt her body under his
hands, the supple softness of her skin
like warm silk to the touch::

The soft kiss was
returned, as her fingers slid up along his
shoulder, pulling her self closer, to deepen
that kiss::

:He wrapped her in his
arms, pulling her against his body, his
lips and tongue finding hers...he felt as
though they were dancing again...all else
fading away::

::Her hands slid along his
back, across his shoulders and neck then
down his back, jade hues were closed, but
she needed not her sight. She could taste
his lips on hers, her hands raced up and
down his back, as everything faded away
again, pressing up in to his body against
hers. Feeling those silk-esque pajamas of
his against her bare legs::

His lips and mouth
moved over hers as they moved against
each other, the supple curves of her body
pressed against his. His fingers moved up
her back, to her neck and into her hair, as
they kissed and held each other::

:she leaned in to every
touch. Breaking that passionate kiss for a
moment to take a deep breath ,her chest
heaving against his, her fingers dancing
slowly up his back, as she looked up in to
his eyes::

He opened his eyes to
look at her, brushing the hair from the
side of her face, back over her shoulder, a
soft smile coming to his lips::

:a smile back to
him, leaning in to his hand, she wanted
nothing more than to let what might
happen just happen...:: Connar...

He touched her cheek
softly, looking at her in the

:closing her eyes she
leaned in to his touch, her hands
sweeping their way across his back, she
didn't know what she was going to
say...jade hues looked upward in to his
eyes, speaking volumes over what she

::He gazed back into her
eyes, those soft pools of jade, his palm
caressing her cheek and neck softly,
reading what she wanted to say...what
she wanted to express...he knew full
well...he could feel her. His thumb softly
brushed her lips, as he held her gaze::

::Leaning in to his
touch, she smiled looking up in to his
eyes, kissing that thumb that passed over
her lips::

He smiled softly,
looking at her::...(s) know that I love

Aye, I do... and I love you.. ::a soft smile::

as much as ye and I
might want to...desire to...consummate that
love...I can't...even being this close to ye,
I press things further than I should...but I
need ye...want to have ye close.

I know...::she kissed his cheek:: I am glad just to be close to you..

He rested his head
against her shoulder:: I am sorry,
Shea...tis not fair to ye...I know.

::she ran her fingers up his
back:: Dont be sorry Connar... you know i
understand...::she kissed the top of his
head:: i enjoy just being with thee, being
close. I could ask for no more...

He raised his head to
look at her:: I've no right to trifle with your
heart and emotions...even if ye do

you do not trifle with them...
I know how you feel, for me. And that is

:He nodded softly then
kissed her lips again:: Ye deserve so
much more.

:she kissed him softly::
More than happiness..: :a smile, as her
fingers graced his cheek:: I would ask
nothing more of you Connar, I know you
love me, we need not... consummate it...
not now, nor ever... if that be the case,
::her fingers traced along his shoulders. ::
I would love thee wither way... nothing
could change that.

:He smiled, comforted by
her touch:: Someday...maybe things will different...time will tell...::He
held her close again, lips finding hers
once more. They would kiss, caress and
hold each other into the night until the
weight of the day would prevail and sleep
would take hold of them::

::She would lay there in his arms,sound alseep. Content. Happy. That smile finally faded as she drifted deeper. Resting in his arms.Letting the day washa way, and the night linger over them.::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-23 15:53 EST
::As morning's first light began to faintly stream through their window, Connar lay on his back, Shea sleeping comfortably on his arm and shoulder. His hand rested softly on her shoulder, his other hand idly fingered the medallion resting on his chest as he thoughts turned to what lie ahead for him. He would not forsake his duty, nor would he abandon what he had with Shea. He wondered exactly what it was that he thought he had with her...they were in love, there was no doubting that. They were cut from a similar cloth...both knowing the bonds of honor and duty, of putting others before self. They had passed through trials together...facing evil and their fears side by side. The only way they could be together was on this side of the portal. He had been there and back only once since first arriving in this realm, in Rhydin...the first by accident, the second time by design::

::He closed his eyes, letting the medallion drop freely to his chest as he shifted softly to hold her in his arms. There would be plenty of time to worry about the future, for now, he just wanted to hold her and leave those cares for another day::


Date: 2006-12-23 23:44 EST
::The nights always seemed to go slower there in GreenStone. But even so, eventually the night would give way to dawn. The sun rising over the lake to the east. Casting its warm glow over the tall peeks of those mountains and dipping down through the Valley of Dae. Sun light awoke those early to rise, those soldiers, farmers and villagers. The sun light slowly danced its way over the castle and through the windows. Shea was sleeping still, some where off in her pleasant dreams. Her head resting there on the pillow, curled up close to him. The castle was quiet this morn. Just the faint sounds of servants getting to work ,on the lower level.::

:;That warm sun light danced over that bed,still she didn?t wake,even as the sun danced through her dark hair and over her cheeks, her body just adjusted in sleep, lowering in to the sheets. Those silken straps of that night gown hung off her shoulders, her hair a soft mess, strands covered her cheeks now. Those curls having come out during the night, her hair straight once more. Still she slept, the day before had caught up to her. Her body in need of this rest. ::


Date: 2006-12-25 00:38 EST
Shea just lay there. Still in
bed even at this hour. The sun fully risen
and shining through the window. Jade
hues glanced to the sun light, then to
Connar at her side. Was it still morning?
Or had the morning slipped away

:He was awake, had
been for hours, her stirring next to him
made him caress her shoulder softly::
Good morning.

:a soft smile to him, as she
yawned with a good stretch:: mm good

he smiled at her
stretching, running fingers through her
straightened hair as it fell at her neck and
shoulders:: Did ye sleep well?

Yes very well: :she sat up in
bed. Smiling to him:: Did you?

::His fingers slid down her
back as she sat up, he was lying back on
the pillows, one arm folded back behind
his head:: I did...I always seem to when
ye are close by.

he leaned over him
slightly: good. ::a soft kiss to his cheek,
jade hues again noting that medallion
there resting upon his chest, one finger
idly graced it, as she starred down at
him: So ready for another day of
adventure? ::a smirk.::

::He wrapped his arm
around her, pulling her against his chest
as he kissed her lips softly:: What do ye
have in mind?

she returned the kiss and
smiled:: Its a surprise.. ::another soft kiss
to his cheek, as her fingers slowly moved
along the side of his neck::

he pulled his arm out
from under his head so as to run both
hands down her shoulders and back, as
he smiled up to her, reaching up to kiss
her neck:: Is this another one of the sister

No ::leaning softly in to that
touch upon her back:: there aren?t any
more of those..

:Fingers moved over the
small of her back, rising to trace her
sides, arriving back to her arms and
shoulders:: I'm up to an adventure
today...though I doubt we'd have to travel
farther than these sheets to find one this

: a soft smile to him,
fingers sliding along his shoulders:: aye
that would be true.. :;she leaned in to
every touch of his hand upon her skin::
We can eat something and then head
off. When ever we wish...

::He grinned:: Eat? That
sounds like a fabulous idea...I think I'll
have this...::said as he kissed her neck
moving up to her ear, nipping at her

:: a soft shiver went through
her body, eyes fluttering closed, her ears
so sensitive:: Taste good?

he chuckled as he
tugged at that earlobe:: I think I might
have to sample the other side, just for
comparison sake...::and he proceeded to
kiss along her neck line, pausing at the
hollow spot at the base of her throat
before moving up to the other earlobe::
Hmmm...tastes just as good here...

:a soft giggle passed
through her lips, eyes still closed, smiling

:He would laugh at her
giggle:: Are ye ticklish, Shea?

yes, and my ears are very

Really? ::He kissed her
earlobe softly and then proceeded to trace
her entire ear in tiny kisses::

a shiver passed though
her:: yes. Really ..::she held back those
giggles, as he traced her ear with those
tiny kisses. Those delicately pointed
ears, softer than silk::

;he continued to kiss her
ear, tender pulls of his lips on some
spots, suckling on others, arriving back to
her neck and earlobe once more::...I'll
have to remember that...
:a smile as jade hues

fluttered open looking down to him: :;Most
of my body is sensitive to touch ::her
fingers traced their way over his shoulder
and up the side of his neck::

::He would smile a sly
grin::. .that could be dangerous information
in the wrong hands...or lips...:;he smiled
at her touch, his hands moving slowly
down her sides, tracing that hour-glass
figure of hers::

she smiled, and her body
shifted against his touch along her sides::
I trust you to keep it to your self then...

Your secrets are safe
with me....::he kissed her neck, chin and
lips softly, her body warm and smooth
against his::...I think I prefer ye to
sheets...::said as his hands glided over
her back and shoulders::

her eyes fluttered closed
a moment. Her body shifting to rest
against his chest fully, jade hues opened
and looked in to his eyes:: I think I prefer
it this way as well...

:He laid his head back
against the pillow, closing his eyes,
feeling the full effect of her body on his,
smiling as he caressed the length of the
nightgown, feeling the warmth of her skin
along her legs::...aye. I can't argue with
ye there.

she smiled, closing her
eyes and shifting in to that
touch. Watching him as he lay back she
moved upward a bit and kissed the side of
his neck very softly:: Not going to argue,
have I taken the fight out of you? ::a smirk
and another kiss to his neck ,traveling up
towards his ear::

he smiled, the touch of
her lips against his skin sending tingling
sensations out in every direction:: Some
battles are worth conceding...

::a smile, as she kissed
higher, placing a soft kiss to the lobe of
his ear::

:His fingers would press
into her skin with that kiss, pressing her
against him::...I see what ye
mean...about the ears being sensitive...

another soft kiss, to that
ear then a soft kiss to his lips:: mm
hmmm ::now to the other side she went
kissing up the side of his neck to that
other ear:: perhaps I'll find a ticklish spot

:Not ticklish, but
definitely sensitive, his body reacting to
the kisses, muscles tightening under her,
his breathing stopped then quickened:: I
won't tell ye if ye do...I'd much prefer to
have ye keep searching.

:: soft kisses to his ear
lobe, and back down his neck: That I can
do...::her fingers slowly traced down his
chest as she adjusted a bit .Gazing down
in to his eyes, as her fingers flowed down
his chest and over his sides and back
upwards, only pausing to kiss his cheek,
then lips softly::

:He looked into her eyes
and responded to the touch of her lips on
his, wrapping his arms tightly around her::

::pulled down and in to that
kiss, she blinked then her eyes closed, as
she savored in the embrace::

:He turned his head,
deepening the kiss, his lips and mouth
moving over hers. He stroked her hair and
shoulders as they kissed, as he thought
this had to be the perfect way to start a

::feeling the kiss deepen, she lowered her self fully against his chest One hand slipped over his shoulder to brace in to the pillow, the other graced along his neck softly.::

:;He squeezed her neck
and shoulder softly as they kissed, his
hand sliding down her side, coming back
up her body to caress her neck and
cheek, holding her lips to his::

:a soft shiver passed
through her frame and she slowly
withdrew, only enough to look in to his
eyes: If we don't get up now, I know I shall
never leave this bed..

::He smiled with a nod, a
kiss to her neck and throat:: aye...not
that I'd mind terribly...but we do have that
adventure of yours to attend to.

::a smile:: I wouldn't mind
staying right were I lay...But. we get to
spend the whole day together.. with out
snooping eyes, or ears around...I think
you'll like my surprise. .:;she shifted
upwards a bit and rolled back to the other
side of the bed::

::He sat up as she
moved, looking at her in the daylight...she
truly was a vision...perfect in every
sense:: I'm sure I'll love your surprise.

:bare feet slipped out of the
covers and touched the wooden floor, she
rose to her feet and cast a smile back to
him, as she crossed over the room
towards that closet::: I do hope so...

::He watched her walk
across the room, then pulled the covers
back and slid from the bed, taking up his
shirt and moving toward the door:: How
should I be dressed for this adventure?

in what ever your
comfortable in, I'll give you one hint... I?m
wearing my classic wear. .::she opened
that closet door and leaned against the

He looked at her and
smiled:: Your classic wear?

aye :;a smile:: what i
usually wear ...form fitted yet comfortable
clothes, good for fighting, ridding, and
many more tasks...

: ::He smiled a teasing
grin:: Oh, that classic wear.

a smile:; yes that classic
wear, you didn't think I'd stay in this night
gown all day did you? ::a little spin
backward in to the closet::

::He smiled watching
her:: The thought had crossed my mind.

She smiled to
him, spinning around back to lean on that
door jam.:: then we think alike.. but I think
if I went out in this.. id draw quiet the

He laughed:: Aye...that
ye would...not that ye don't any way...but
that would cause quite the stir.::

she laughed softly:: aye it
would, so you go get ready, and I shall do
the same...before we end up on the
floor...::a smirk as she slid away from the
door, going back in to that closet ,pulling
the door behind her just a tad::

::He gave her a wink
before slipping out the door and going into
the adjoining room, moving to the closet
to get dressed, not giving the chainmaille
vest a second thought as he saw it lying
on the bed::

::She slowly slipped out of that knight wear and in to her normal knightly attire, piece by piece till she was dressed fully again from head to toe, walking out of the closet to slip her belt with sheathed weapons about her waist. A glance given to her cloak. The day light had felt warm, so she would forgo putting that on::

::Once they were both dressed and ready. They would head down stairs and in to the dinning hall, now very empty. Shea would wonder in to the kicthen and find them some leftovers from the night before which there were plenty of.::

::Once the food was finished off. She would led the way out towards the stables. Once there, she gave both V and Ash a piece of apple. Giving V a gentle rub down her nose.:;

Ready? :; a bright smile to Connar. One of those smiles that just lingers ::

::Up mounted, and away they would go, down through the streets and back out the gates. Shea led the way over the hills and down in to the Valley of Dae. They weren?t going very far. She led the way till they reached that tree. That huge tree that stood nearly centered in the valley. That long smooth rock lay beside the tree. The branches were massive, like the legs of a dragon, the trunk was thick and wide. The laves were just as huge, and beautifully colored. Red and Gold. Shea left V to graze in the tall green grass nearest the tree. And smiled towards Connar. Then those jade hues scanned down the length of the Valley towards the immense lake at the end, that lake reached north ward in to greenstone, craving its way through the mountain, and back down south to the walls of Guard city LightBlade. Which they could not see, with the mountains in the way ::

:;Shea twilled a bit under the shade from the Sacred tree. In the sun, things seemed perfect. Every so often a cool breeze would rush down from the now topped peeks of the mountain. Shea smiled to Connar:: I?ve brought you to one of my favorite places in my home lands. The Valley of Dae. This ::she placed a bare hand upon the massive trunk of that tree:: Is the Sacred tree, when my grandfather first found those mountains. :;looking to the largest set:: He believed there to be nothing beyond. But the adventurer in him pushed him on, he made his way through the mountains, which then had no pass. To find this Valley. Even then it was well guarded by Dae. But when Astalder found this Valley it was at this time of day, early, and though he did not know it then. The dragon that guards GreenStone now. Dae, he sleeps at this time . Astalder saw this tree, the largest beyond the mountains. One of the few ancient trees left in these lands, the others being, the Dark Willow, the Lady of Wolves tree, and the great tree of the Dark Myst Forest.
:;she smiled:; ]It has been a place, that many have come to, to sit under its strong branches,. My father brought both Adamina, and Ember here. For then he thought if this tree could outlast all the wars, and all the bloodshed of this world, then so too could his love for Adamina and Ember. ::she leaned against the tree softly:: I came here many times when I was small, before my brother was king, when Ember ruled. I used to climb the tree, as high as I could climb. Then after Ember disappeared Shay told me that she came here, seeking guidance. Soon after she found Ember? In that time of many chnages each of us sisters found some peace here, we even on occasion found answers, and I think theres a since of protection here.. cut off from the rest of the relam by mountains, and the lake, the stury branches of the tree shelter to mnay things.
: she took a deep breath:: Soon after Aiden was born I brought him here, then as he grew older, I would lay there on that rock and watch him run through the Valley. ::a soft smile, as she sat down there next to the tree:: In the spring it flowers, the most amazing smelling and most beautiful flowers , they start out a deep red, and fade slowly to pink and finally white before they come falling to the ground. Every spring when it is time to celebrate the spring fest along with the day I was born, we sisters, we used to ride out here, and pick up the fallen white flowers and flout them down the lake, We have not done that in ages, it has been long since I have been close to home in the spring... :

:She slowly lay back in to the grass:: It has been a place I have found the most peace, even in times when peace was lacking. ::She slowly closed her eyes, feeling a few sun beams come through the leaves and branches.::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-25 18:10 EST
::Connar walked around the tree as she spoke so fondly of it and the time spent here with her family. He gazed up into the tall branches that seem to reach endlessy toward the sky::

"I marvel everytime I see anything in nature left alone to grow this magnificnet."

::He came around the tree to see Shea lying in the grass, her eyes closed and faint rays of sunlight streaked across her face. He leaned against the broad trunk of the tree, looking at her, the peaceful, content look on her countenace. His eyes followed the soft contours of her lips, a wry smile coming to his his thoughts roamed to the previous night and morning::

::He sat down next to her, lying on his back in the grass with her. He reached over and took her hand in his, closing his eyes against the streaming sunlight, enjoying the peace and calm provided by the valley and tree::

::He opened his eyes, watching a tiny puff of cloud drift by overhead...and then a thought would cross his mind, followed by a smile as he turned his head to look at her:: Ye know what would be perfect right now...?


Date: 2006-12-26 03:19 EST
:He turned to looked at
her, smile on his lips:: Ye know what
would be perfect right about now?

: ::She opened her eyes and
gazed to him with a smile. Fingers
interlacing with his. Upward she glanced
through the branches to those puffy
clouds that danced in the morning light.::
What's that, what would be perfect? :;she
posed the question as she rolled on to
one side to face him::

He turned to his side,
rising up on one arm to look her , a
glance skyward before looking back in her
eyes, the smile growing across his lips::
Any guesses?

::a glance to that smile that
grew across his face, gazing in to his
eyes.::hmm :: she moved closer::I don't
know why don't you tell me

::He reached over,
placing a hand on her shoulder, leaning
close to her:: Alright, I'll tell ye...a nice
mild day like this...soft grass
underfoot...what would be perfect...would
be a little rain storm...::he grinned::

she laughed softly:: that
can be arranged...

He looked at her, rasing
a brow:: Ye are good friends with mother

a smile:; maybe..::an
glance upward, the wind blew softly
through the tree.:: You know I have a
knack for the wind...::a smile:;

is fingers brushed
through the hair at her cheek:: Aye...I
know that...but it takes more than a few
puffs of wind to make a good rain storm.

:;a smile:: mm well I know
some where there?s always rain, so to

::He laughed:: Aye...I
suppose if ye traveled far enough, quickly
enough, ye might find some rain.

she smiled:; well we
wouldn't have to go far, theres always
misty rains near the lake, no matter the
weather about the sky...

Cants his head:: Misty
rains? I suppose that's better than nothing.

she smiled:: its lovely by
the lake, at this hour...

:He smiled, rising to his
feet, pulling her up by the hand:: I don't
need to hear anything else...let's
go...unless it will make us late for any of
tonight's festivities.

:she shook her head and
rolled up to her feet:: nae it shall not...lets
go then. :;She gave a whistle to V::

He smiled at the
whistle, not recalling having heard her do
that before:: Does that work?

Every so often:: V came
trotting up, chewing a mouth full of green
grass:: and other times it does not...

he stood next to her,
leaning to look at her lips:: How do you do

:she smiled to him:: like
this:: pressing her lips together.::

He smiled as his lips
where pressed together:: and them whaft?

blow air out as if your
exhaling...::she did so a soft whistle
sound coming out::

He smiled as she
wistled, trying it himself with a silent
failure:: I must not have the lips for
it...::He leaned in and kissed her lips
softly::...ah...but ye do...

::Ash would come
trotting up behind V...he followed her
around mostly::

: ::she returned the kiss
softly:: I think ye have fine lips.. whistling
takes practice like anything else....

:He smiled, soft touch to
her cheek as the horses arrive:: Practice
eh...lip practice?

yes:: she smiled
softly, glancing over to V and Ash::

He nodded with a
smile:: I can do that, I suppose

you'll just have to find a way to practice; she turned and walked slowly
Towards V and gave her mare a good pat
on the side::

He walked over to Ash
and took the reins in his hand:: I'll find a
way...I'm sure of it.

::she took the reins in hand
as well:: good..::she looked to him,
thinking a moment.,before mounting up::

He gave her a smile as
he took up the saddle, tugging at the
reins and bringing his horse around to
Shea and V:: Off to the lake and misty
::Giving V a soft nudge::
aye...:: down the valley they started, going
towards the water::

He gave Ash a nudge
riding along side Shea, keeping pace with

:she smiled to him
softly, letting the wind blow threw her hair::

::He felt the breeze cross
his face, bringing a smile to his lips...the
breeze always made him think of her::

: ::the lake was getting
closer, the mist starting to rise up around
them, a soft drizzle starting to fall::

:The light misting rain
started to cling to his shirt as they rode
close to the lake, he looked over at Shea
with a smile:: Not exactly a down pour
with lightening, but I could get used to it.

:: a smile:: see isnt it nice?

The rain fell heavier as
they neared the lake. He turned his face
to the sky, feeling the water run cool and
fresh across his skin:: Aye...quite nice.

she slowed V's pace,as
the lakes shore came upon them,the soft
drizzle becoming a slight down pour.The
rain streaking threw her hair::

:He slid out of the saddle
when the pace slowed, giving Ash a pat
on the flank sending him off to roam the

::He looked up as the rain
fell against his face, closing his eyes and
extending his arms, palms up to receive
the falling rain::

::she dismounted, and let V
follow Ash. A stood in the rain::

:Rain was the ultimate
equalizer...falling on the just and unjust,
without prejudice or malice. The rain
made everything right somehow.

:she did a little spin, letting
the rain fall on her face as she looked up::

::Water ran down his face
and hair, sticking his clothing against his
skin. He opened his eyes to watch Shea,
a smile coming to his lips::

::she spun in the steady
rain fall, slowly coming to a stopped, opening
her eyes to look at him with a smile, the
water splashed off her shoulders, soaking
in to the cloth of her shirt::

Ye look like you are
enjoying this more than I am
I do enjoy it..::she walked
towards him,pressing her hand to his

::He shook the rain free
clinging to his face, smiling to her, as he
reached over to lift her soaking hair from
her shoulder:: The rain looks good on ye.

:a smile:: thank you::she
brushed her fingers across his cheek:: it
looks very good on you as well

:He wrapped an arm
around her, pulling her close, looking into
her eyes:: tis been a long time since I've
enjoyed the rain...even longer since I
enjoyed it with anyone I cared about.

::a bright smile:: its been
long since i enjoyed both of those

He ran his fingers
through her hair, the water running from
the ends, his hand resting against the
back of her neck and shoulder, their shirts
sticking to one another:: I wouldn't have it
any other way.

:gazing up in to his eyes
she smiled:: neither would I...:: she
leaned back in to his touch, running her
wet fingers down his arms:: so is it
perfect now?

he smiled, eyes looking
up to the rain before looking back to her::

whats missing? ::looking
around through the mistand rain then
back to him,feeling the rain soak through
her shirt and down in to her skin

he wrapped his arms
around her waist, pressing his body
against hers, leaning in to kiss her
tenderly, the rain running past and around
their joined lips::

::she let her hands slip over
his shoulders and returned the tender
kiss. There in the rain now that was

:He pulled back slightly,
to look into her eyes:: (s)...Now it's

:gazing up in to his eyes
she nodded:: (s) I agree..perfect...::she
listened to the sounds of the rain hitting
the lake.. it was like music::

He watched the drops of
rain fall from the hair hanging at her face,
the water streaking over her cheeks,
clinging to her eyelashes, and running
over her lips. He leaned in to kiss her
again, holding her tightly against him::

:she returned the
kiss, pressing up and in close to
him, deepening the kiss softly, as her wet
fingers traveled down the over the back of
his wet shirt::

:The touch of her body
against his providing a warming contrast
to the chill of the rain. He kissed her
deeply, lost in her touch and embrace::

::the rain was cold, but
Shea couldn't feel the chill, only the
warmth of his lips to hers ,even as her
fingers slid along down his wet shirt she
couldn?t feel the coolness of the rain ::
::He broke the kiss to
caress her cheek and look into her eyes::
Why ye ever leave this place, I could
never fathom.

:a soft smile to him:; it has
many great wonders, yes, places and
people I love, yet it holds other memories
as well, darker ones. As a knight I have
spent most of my time away from
greenstone...Rhydin became a place of
peace for mea place outside this realm I
could go where I was not a knight...
though I was still bonded by those oaths,
in Rhydin i could be just another woman,
another adventurer...I often went there
seeking safety in the darker times.. when
my brother ruled

He kissed her lips
softly:: Ye were never "just another
woman" in Rhydin, Shea.
::a smile:; yes I know I can
not pass as that, i am a warrior, tis not
something I can hide..

He smiled, laughing as
he gave her waist a squeeze:: That wasn't
what I was referring to.
:a smile:: what were you
referring to then?

He smiled, his hand
brushing her cheek::...I was referring to
this....::followed by a stroke to her
hair::...and this...::His hands moving over
her shoulders and back::...and
this...::...finally, a kiss to her lips::...and

;Leaning in to each touch
softly,she returned the kiss and smiled to

hat had him smiling,
giving her cheek and neck a kiss::
Aye...lots of "oh" there, too.

:a soft laugh:: is there
now? ::she pressed a soft kiss to his

he sucked the rain
drops off her wet neck and shoulder, as
far as the opening of her shirt would allow
before kissing her ear, whispering into it::
(w) thought and deed.

: a smile crossed her face,
eyes closed as he sucked the rain drops
off her neck, a shiver running through her::

He lifted his head to
look at her, to see that smile on her face,
his hands moving down her shoulders and
arms:: Are ye getting cold?

:she opened her eyes and
looked back up in to his:; no, amazingly, I
feel quite warm...::resting her hands upon
his shoulders::

::His hands moved down
her sides to rest on her hips as he smiled
at her, water dripping from her face and
neck, being soaked into her shirt. He
looked back up to her eyes:: I may never
be able to look at a rain drop the same
way again.

:a soft rosy blush rose to
her cheeks, as she ran her fingers through
his wet hair::aye I don't think I shall ever
look at the rain in the same manor ::a
bright smile::

He kissed the water
droplets off her bottom lip and
smiled::...tastes almost magical coming
off your skin.

the blush got a little
deeper red:: well i am very magical..:: a
smile, and a soft kiss to his lips::

the rain continued to
fall, they couldn't get any more soaked,
her lips soft, warm and wet to his as he
took her in his arms again, kissing her

her hands slid around
him, as she pulled her self closer to
him, returning that deep kiss.::

He would kiss and
caress her, feeling her wet skin through
the soaked shirt...minutes passing
unnoticed and quickly, the warmth rising
between them giving no cause to think of
anything else::

:;her hands would slid over
his sides, leaning in to his touch, she
could nearly feel his fingers upon her bare
skin, with how soaked they both were, the
warmth rising between then, muted out the
cold to her senses.::

He was lost in her he always was...his lips
moving with hers, warm and
magical...until he heard the clip-clop of
hooves sloshing up behind him. He broke
their kiss to look over his shoulder at a
soaking gray horse, and he laughed,
looking back to Shea, kissing her lips
softly again:: Seems the rain is
appreciated by all.

she laughed softly, Looking
through the mist to see V quite content
slashing through the puddles near the
shore:: indeed..

He gave her arms a
squeeze, feeling water escape through his
fingers:: We best not get too much of a
good thing.

aye true ::a soft smile:: we
can head out of the rain if you like

:He smiled, looking at
her, her skin nearly showing through her
wet, soaked shirt:: any longer and your
clothing might very well rival that gift of

she gazed down over her
soaked shirt:: not that you'd complain
any...if it happen to.. ::a soft smile, she
could see her skin through that shirt, her
arms, and stomach, but she just ignored
that fact::

:He smiled::
complaining here.

she kissed his cheek
softly:: (w) I didn't think you would

:He laughed:: It would be
kind of fun to wring ye out.

:a soft giggle at that:: oh
really now.. ::she gave his shirt a
squeeze:: I could say the same for
you...::letting the water drip through her

::He smiled as she pulled
at his shirt. He reached over, his hands
taking her shirt by the sides and pulling
forward, twisting the fabric inward, pulling
it tight to her skin, water wringing freely
from it:: Ye've more water on ye than

:she smiled to him, looking
up in to his eyes:: well I'll just have to dry
off then, and wring out my clothes as
well.. ::with that shirt now so skin tight and
still wet, more of her skin underneath
showed, a smile to him, as she Glanced
back at the sound of a huff, she giggled
when she saw V behind her mane and tail
wet:: but perhaps we should move out
towards the

He looked from V to
Ash...neither looking as happy to be
soaking wet as Shea and Connar::
Aye...that sounds like a good idea.

She took a step back and
took V's reins. And started to walk her
way out of the misty rains::

:He sloshed over to Ash
and tugged at the reins, walking behind
Shea, admiring the soaking view::

:Soon the mist faded behind
them and Shea let go of the reins letting
V tort around in the sunlight. She laughed
softly, as she rung out her dripping hair::

:He stepped up his
stride, catching up to her and wrapping an
arm about her waist, a kiss to her
cheek::...not matter what else may come
our way...this was a perfect day...thank

a smile to him:: your
welcome Connar :: she kissed his cheek
softly:: I am glad you have enjoyed it so
far. Being with ye, has made it perfect for
me as well...

:He smiled, watching her
there in the sunlight, her skin and hair
glistening from the was all he
could do to remain in place and not run
over and tackle her to the he
just smiled and watched her::

::she rung out the bottom of
her shirt and glanced towards him with a
smile, a soft rosy blush crept over her
cheeks, and she went back to ringing out
what she could. Letting the sun tend to
drying her hair, Ever so often she'd glance
up to look at him, with a smile::

He looked at her and
grinned:: Dry yet?

::a smile:; No...

:He smiled::
neither...::He moved over to her, wrapping
her up in his arms, rolling with her to the
ground, cradling her in his arms once
again, a soft kiss delivered to her
lips::...Sorry...I couldn't help myself.

Eventually they would
dry off and head back toward the castle,
but water did not dry quickly, and neither
did their kisses and caresses::


Date: 2006-12-27 03:38 EST
::Once dressed again for dinner, this time a bit more casual, still in rather lovely dress just not the one from the first dinner. Shea opened her bedroom door, with a smile::

::Connar was leaning in
his door jam, dressed in the black pants,
now accompanied by an ivory-colored
loose-fitting poet's shirt, open at the neck.
His belt and sword wrapped loosely over
his hip. He smiled to her as she came out
of her room:: Ye look lovely, as always.

::Her hair was long and down, reaching past her shoulders, over the short sleeves of that rose pink colored dress, with its own lovely silver and green deigns along the Low collar line ,and around the mid-section. The dress was less full of shirts than the ivory one, more form fitted, and with no dreadful ties up the back.:, she did a little spin: ;thank you, you look dashing as always

:He smiled, bowing his
head:: Thank ye, M? are too kind.
::He walked over, extending his hand to
her:: Shall we?

::she extended her hand
back to him:: yes we shall, I wonder what
on the menu tonight, Salice is always full
of surprises...

:He laced his fingers with
hers, bringing her hand to his lips for a
gentle kiss:: As long as those surprises
are edible, I'm not sure that I'd care...I am

:a soft giggle::well then lets
get down there before my uncles eat it all..

He smiled, walking with
her down the stairs, the smell of dinner
heavy in the air as they descended::

:Shea took in the
scent:: mmm smells good

:He leaned over, his
cheek brushing hers as he took a deep
breath from her neck and hair::
Hmmmm...aye...simply divine.

:a soft blush rose to her
cheeks, as she glanced over at him.:: I
mean the food ::another smell: ;mm
smells very familiar..

He smiled, as they
reached the bottom of the stairs:: Ye have
your favorites, I have mine.

: ::once they had reached the
bottom of the stairs, Shea would glance in
to the lounge, no one seated in there, she
could hear the sounds of conversation in
the dinning hall, she walked on with him
until they reached the open doorway of
the dinning hall. Jade hues gazed over
everyone just standing around the dinning
hall talking she held back her smirk::

Salice?s gaze turned to
Shea.:: Ah well, there?s one of my
sisters.. did you perhaps see Shay up
there? I want to make sure she is still
breathing ::a smile::

He gave a nod to those
gathered within the hall as they passed
through the door. He muffled a laugh at
Salice's inquiry into Shay::

: :;Shea smirked now:; Oh
she's breathing, I wouldn?t count on ehr or
Kulbin tonight Sister dear, we best just
start with out them

:He grinning, turning as if
to head back upstairs:: Do ye want me to
go fetch them?

::Salice smiled:; nae leave
them to their, excitement, we can ea with
out them. But thank you for the offer
Connar. Come now everyone lets sit, and
enjoy the lovely meal, courtesy of Hisime
SilverWaters, who sends his love to all,
he would be here, but He is helping
Morbin prepare his wedding date...

Smiles, looking at
Shea:: Maybe we could send up a
tray...We wouldn't want them to starve to
death, now would we?

Shea smiled:: I am sure
that has already been done, Shay would
hate to miss out on dinner, even if she
does not come down to enjoy it with the
rest of us...::she started to move towards
her seat::

He walked with her,
pulling out her chair for her, waiting for her
to sit before sliding the chair under her::

::Shea sat and smiled to
Connar, as he pushed her in:: thank you..

:He smiled, taking
standing at the back of his chair, a glance
to the head of the table. He leaned down
to ask her a question:: Is it proper for me
to sit, or should I wait for all others to be
seated first?

;she smiled to him:: you
may sit Connar.

:;The others started to seat them selves as well. The plates of food being brought out and placed before each guest ,glasses and mugs filled .Once done the servants would retire again to the kitchen. Salice looked over the guests, she tapped the side of her glass with her spoon, and slowly rose to her feet: ;tis my turn to make a toast ::she lifted up her glass::

:He pulled out his chair,
taking his place next to Shea::

;Shea turned her attention
to Salice, taking her wine glass in
hand. listening::

:;Salice smiled and continued:: I am so pleased to have you all here ,my dearest family. :;gazing over each face:: To have you all here, each one of you, means the world to me. Shea.. Your being here means the most of all to me. Though I love everyone here, you my sister.. Were our strength in the last war, I do not know what I would do with out you. I do not know what GreenStone would be without you.. :;she rose her glass up:: toyou my sister, I raise my glass.

::He rose to his feet for
that toast:: here, here!

::Shea blushed deeply, as she watched everyone raise their glasses to her, She slowly follower suit:: Diola Lle Seler?

He couldn't speak for
GreenStone, but, he too, wondered what
he would be without her influence in his

::Salice took a slow sip of her cider, and smiled to Connar:: No thank you Shea, we wouldn?t have gotten this far with out you. You my sister, bound to duty so young, we rode together as Knights, you I and Shavyn. We all faced our own trials, we each lost loves, I was the only one granted to get mine back. Shavyn found new love, and you faced death, more times now than any of us. And you still fight ? I do not know where this kingdom would be now if you had died that day?::a smile to Shea:: Neither I nor Shay would be where we are today with out you, you have served this kingdom so well as a knight, forsaking everything for this your home. And I know that cost, you my sister are my most honored in command. And I love thee. ::Salice looked to the table, and rose her glass again:: To Shea?

::Raising his glass high,
echoing the toast:: To Shea.

:shea was blushing
deeply:: thank you all:; a slow sip of wine

A look from Shea to
Salice, after the latter took a sip, he
followed suit and then took his seat again::

:He leaned a shoulder to
Shea's:: (w)...that was quite the toast.

Salice sat slowly:; now
lets enjoy this Lingwe ::Salice started to

Shea just smiled to him,
still blushing ::(w) aye...:;another slow sip
of wine::

He looked down at the
"lingwe" thinking he should have brought
paper and quill to write all these new
names and dishes down so he could
reference them later. He leaned over to
Shea, kissing her cheek:: All of it
deserved, I'm sure

:she started cutting in to
the food on her plate, everyone had
toasted her, she had gotten a wink from
Nenime, and a smile from her son ,Salice
had spoken high of her before but never
like that: you should try the fish its very
good:; after a swallow::

:He nodded with a smile,
looking at the cooked fish on his plate::
Ah, fish...I should have guessed...::Taking
knife and fork in hand, he cut off a small
portion and ate...his mouth filling with a
rich, savory flavor he had never tasted

Shea smiled as she took a
bite of fish and a bite of vegetable::
Hisime goes out and catches them him
self, from the ocean. ::a sip of wine:: mm
and Salice had paired it well with the wine

At the far end of the table
Audrey cleaned off Vanya's face and
slowly rose to her feet, off to put the little
girl to bed::

:He continued sampling
all the offerings from his plate, enjoying
the meal::

:He waved to Vanya
before she was led from the table::

As everyone finished the
plates were cleared, Salice rose to her
feet, and took Devron?s arm and he led her
to the lounge, where the other would soon
follow as they finished::

::In short order there was
nothing left on his plate that would give
evidence that it had once been filled. He
took a drink of wine, his gaze following
those leaving the room::

Shea smiled looking
across the table at Dagor and Elenya as
they rose. Dagor sent Shea a wink as he
walked in to the lounge::

He gave Dagor a smile
and nod as he leaned back in his chair,
his hand finding Shea's:: That was a
superb meal.

:her fingers laced with his::
yes wasn't it, simply divine.

:He looked at her, seeing
others leaving the room as their meals
were finished:: What awaits us next?

::she smiled tilting her head
to listen in to the lounge:: sounds like its
a quiet night, something must be up...if all
I hear in there is talking... perhaps just
some simple talk in the lounge, it must
have been a longer day for everyone

::He nodded, rising slowly
from his chair to stand next to her:: I
guess we shouldn't keep them
waiting...unless ye have reason not to
want to go in there.

::she pushed her chair back
and smiled to him as she rose to her
feet:: nae i think the ode to Shea is over
for now...

:He smiled, lifting her
hand to his lips:: That ode shall never fade
as long as I am around ye....I've a mind to
add a few verses myself.

:again she blushed:: oh?
well then perhaps it wasn?t so bad, if ye
intent to add on to it.. shall we? ::looking
toward the lounge::

:He gave her hand a
squeeze as they moved toward the
lounge, passing through the large set of

I'm sure I could add a few
lines of praise that your sister may not
have considered.

:;she smiled to him and
walked slowly in to th e lounge seats all
pulled in around the hearth, everyone close
by, all except her son and Mila who sat by
the far window: such as? ::she moved
towards the smaller of the two couches
and sat slowly::

grinned as he took a
seat next to her on the couch, wondering
why she would even leave a door that
wide open for him:: Ye wish to hear

well, you don't have to tell
me now, but later if you wish, if they be
more private words, but yes i would like to
hear it, eventually..

He rose to his feet, a
smile on his lips as he gently released
her hand:: Now is as good as any time. ::He looked about the room, readying to
gain the attention of those gathered::
Mesdames...monsieur?s...if I might speak
to you a moment...::A look to Shea as he
gathered his thoughts and the room

::attention turned to
Connar, every eye went to rest upon him
as a hush fell over the room::

He looked at those
gathered, making eye contact with each
as he spoke:: I am but a stranger in your
land, a guest in your home. ::He looked to
Salice:: Your toast and praise of your
sister was lovely and befitting her,
M?lady...I would entreat ye to allow me to
add a few of my own...

Salice nodded:: you are
welcome to add what ever you wish
Connar.. please go ahead.. :;a smile to him
then a smirk to her sister::

As many of ye know by
now...and if ye don't, tis no secret that I
love this woman that ye call sister,
cousin, aunt, friend, and captain. I was
lost before she found me, adrift when she
rescued me. Shea embodies all that is
just and right in this realm, amid the
darkness and squalor, she is a bright
warm light.

Shea just listened to
Connar, smiling. Blushing deeply red.::

He turned to look at
Shea, leaning down to take her by the
hand:: I've said as much to ye, but I would
have ye hear it again. Thank you for loving
me. For being my eyes when I couldn't
see. For parting my lips when I couldn't
breathe. I've not deserved the half of what
ye have given me. ::He looked to Salice, a
soft smile on his lips::

:Salice watched him as he
spoke so highly of her sister, everyone
watched him, every eye. Aiden's the most
keen of watch. Salice applauded Connar,
and the others joined suit:: very well
spoken Connar...:;a smile to her sister::
what say's you to this Shea?

I've stood by her side in
the throws of a fight, been healed by her
touch, comforted by her soothing voice
and smile. I am a debtor to all of ye for all
of this and more. Tis with grateful heart
that I thank ye for letting her be a part of
my life. ::He kissed Shea's hand softly
and took his place next to her::

::Shea?s cheeks were very
red with blush, a huge smile on her
face, looking to Salice then to Connar, she
didn't know what to say::

He looked at Salice and
smiled:: Shea needn't say a thing, for she
has said all I need to hear or know

;Salice smiled:: I am glad to
hear all that you have Said.. Connar. And
to see my sister smile, her true
smile. .which I have not seen.. in a very
long time.. ::a soft nod to Connar :: you
sir are more than just a guest here, if you
love her:: she leaned in to Devron who
stood by her side::

:He bowed his head to
her:: I speak from the heart, M?lady.

:Salice smiled:: tis a trait
we treasure here...::she kissed Devron?s
cheek, and sat down in that large arm
chair, looking over to Aiden by the window
then back to Shea.::

He leaned back in the
couch, looking at Shea, a soft smile to
match his gaze on her::.. I'm sorry if that
embarrassed you.

:a smile to him:; no you did
not..: :she kissed him softly:: you honor
me with such loving words...thank you..

:He returned the soft
kiss, looking into her eyes:: Ye are

::her free hand graced his
cheek, jade hues moved from him to her
son, who had moved in to view, he
crossed out of the room with Mila. Shea
closed her eyes and leaned in closer to

He put his arm around
her as she leaned close. He saw Aiden
pass out of the room, not sure if he might
have upset the lad or said anything out of
turn. He thought that Aiden might resent
the time he was stealing with his
mother...a mother he did not get to see all
that often, and now Connar took all of her
free time::

:Salice was soon to rise,
and on the arm of Devron she passed
out, with a wave back to Shea and the
others left. Dagor came around the couch
to kneel before Shea:: Elenya and I are
headed home tomorrow, but on your way
back to Rhydin you should stop in to the
shop.. ::he rose to his feet:: and come by
the house.. we all can have dinner, if you
both like..

thank you uncle, safe
travels, and I shall be in tot he shop
before we head off to Rhydin, that is a

:He smiled, offering his
two-cents:: I'll keep her to that promise.

:;Dagor smiled and took his
wife?s arm: ; good good.. ::out of the room they went. Nenime still sat there across
from Shea, Cermie already gone off to

:;Nenime smiled and rose to
his feet:: Audrey ,Vanya, Duchan, Cerime
and I also leave tomorrow, back to
FairWinds... you should come by the
castle on your way back to Rhydin as

:He looked at his guide,
with a grin, knowing Shea was the only
one that could assure that the two of
them could get anywhere...he was all but
lost...geographically speaking::

:Shea smiled:: aye uncle
we shall stop in.. I'll have to get my blade
worked on in HarpSing, so it be best to
stay around in FairWinds while I
wait...that is if ye don't mind Connar

He looked at her with a
smile:: Tis fine by me...I've nothing
pressing to attend to...I would love to visit
anywhere ye care to visit.

Nenime nodded:: good
good.. ::he smiled to Connar and passed
out of the room, leaving the two alone
there by the fire::

looked over the
empty room and smiled to Shea, lifting a
hand to run through her hair as it hung at
her shoulders:: Here we are, alone
again...and we even showered today...

leaning in to that soft
touch she smiled:: aye we did, it was
rather nice, the rain.. you'll like
FairWinds. .the castle is not as grand as
GreenStones, but there isa lake and falls
::closing her eyes as she thought about

:He touched her cheek
softly, leaning back into the couch and
against her:: I'm sure I will...::His thoughts
turned back to Aiden:: Ye don't suppose
that Aiden has missed opportunities to be
with you? I've all but monopolized your time

::She smiled:: tis kind of
you to think of him. But I wouldn?t worry, my
son loves me, and he is happy to see me
happy, I can tell, in the way he smiles at
me.. tis true it has been long since he
and I spent any time together.. but he has
a love and life all his own now, and though
I am his mother he is now a young
man..he may need me from time to time,
and when he does need me he will sa
it...he likes you. .::she smiled looking in to
his eyes::

he smiled, looking at
her:: If the opportunity presents itself, ye
should seek him out and just talk with
him...even if sons don't show it, they
always need to hear from their interests or not.

I shall do so. .::she kissed
his cheek::

:He smiled at the kiss,
leaning against her, stroking her hair and
shoulder:: Tis been a pleasant day all
around, Shea.

she leaned her head upon
his chest closing her eyes:: Aiden has
long searched for answers, to why his
father was murdered, after we found out
who and how.. Aiden still searched. .::a
smile:; it was pleasant for me as well..

::He closed his eyes as
he ran his fingers softly and slowly along
her neck and shoulder inside the collar of
her shirt, his head leaning to hers:: I'm
sure he will always be searching for
answers to his sense of loss. Those kind of
answers are hard to come by.

aye, he sought vengeance,
even at his young age, but I was the one
who faced Jinnalt when I found out that he
was the one who had Adaron
killed...Aiden barely remembers Adaron...
but he is so much like him, not bound to
an element like we sisters, though we can
learn and practice others, Aiden is bound
by none, he can weild them all, he is what
his father was... a Taur'Amandil.. he has
had to find his own path :;she ran her
fingers up and down his chest::

Why did your brother kill

My brother killed two men,
Zel, and Adaron. Zel loved Shay and
Adaron loved me, yet they were both men,
not of elf kind, my brother had been dark
since forever, but after my father
died....and Alaric came in to our lives,
Jinnalt was never the same, he killed both
Zel and Adaron for he feared they would
take his kingdom...Jin also tried to take
Devron from Salice...she was the lucky
one...though Shay after finding Zel was
dead found Crendia and Kulbin.. and new
love and I I found my way to

::He nodded slowly:: The
women of this realm suffer much at the
hands of evil, Shea.

yes we have, we lost our
mother Salice and I to evil and we all lost
our father to the same evil...and we each
lost love to Jinnalt and Alaric, but each
have gained it back... we are strong...

He caressed her skin
softly as he thought about that new-found
love. How it might feel to love and lose
again:: I've heard say, that which doesn?t
destroy us, makes us stronger in the end.

::she smiled, looking up to
him:: that it does: she sat up and looked
in to his eyes:: we?ve had quite the
day.. ::a soft kiss to his cheek::

:He smiled to her, the
realization that their escape...their retreat
from all cares would soon be at an end.
He closed his eyes, leaning in to kiss her
lips, chasing those thoughts from his
mind:: Aye...tis been a non-stop thrill ride
since we left Rhydin.

she returned the soft kiss::
well the next day shall be quiet... we
could even stay in bed all day...::a smile::

:He smiled:: What, and
deprive GreenStone of her prized citizen?
We would be seiged by search parties for

I don?t think so... both my
uncles their wives Duchan Audrey and
vanya leave tomorrow at dawn, which
leaves you and I, Salice and Devron, Aiden
and Mila , Kulbin and Shay... and all of
them will be 'resting' the day away...

Ye make a strong
argument for staying in bed all day...and I
can't find a reason not to do just that.

good, then its settled...

:He grinned and nodded::
Well, that was easy.

::she smiled resting her
head on his shoulder:: I could lay down
right now. With ye.. and be most

:He ran his fingers
through her hair, squeezing her neck and
shoulder as his hands moved over:: As
could I...::He grinned::...There be enough
cushions to make a right fancy pit here.

:leaning softly in to his
touch:: that is true.. hmm are you thinking
what I am?

:He laughed:: I would not
dare...not here...:

:she smiled:: oh come
on. Why not?

;He shrugged:: Why not?
Ye are the guest of honor, right? Ye can
do whatever ye please.

:she smiled:: exactly...::she
nudged him with one of the pillows:: but
even so if I make a mess I'd have to clean
it up. Much easier just to go upstairs.

::He smiled, reaching
over to take up one of the pillows, popping
her on the head with it:: Did ye change
your mind already?

:she smirked and hit him
softly with another pillow:: no...just trying
to distract you...

:He laughed, not dodging
the pillow volley:: If all ye wanted to do
was distract me, all ye needed to do was

: ::He jumped up from the
couch were they were seated, moving
quickly to another, taking up cushions
and pillows as he went, sending them
haphazardly in her direction:: As I recall, the last time
we did this, it didn't end all to well for ye.

:she ducked and tossed a
few cushions back at him:: i think last
time it ended just fine for me.. ::a smile::
in fact I liked how it ended. .::tossing
another pillow at him, as she ran to hide
behind one of the chairs::

He laughed and ducked
as the pillow volley continued, the floor
quickly becoming a sea of couch cushion
and pillows:: I seem to recall ye begging
for to be set free.

:she smiled:: maybe I was
just feigning weakness.. ::a larger pillow
tossed at him:

Another laugh as he
jumped over to another couch, sending a
new hail of cushions and pillows her way,
stopping long enough to loosen his belt
and scabbard, tossing them aside:: I'm
sorry, I was there...there was no feigning

:she ducked under the
pillows and cushions and fell back in to
the ones behind her that lay before the

He tossed a few more in
her direction before stepping over the
back of the couch, lowering himself to the
cushions next to her, leaning over her, his
face poised just above hers:: This is about
how the last pillow fight ended.

:she smiled:: I?ve been
beaten again ::lays there motionless with
a smile::

He leaned down and
kissed her neck softly, raising up to look
into her eyes:: To the victor go the spoils?

aye:: smiling:: and you are
the victor again..

:He grinned, tickling her
sides:: I've seen how ye are
spoiled. ::He wrapped his arms under her,
Leaning down to kiss her lips::

:she slid her hands over his
shoulders and returned the kiss::

:her hands slid to their
resting point on his back, her eyes
closed, as she returned that passion filled
tender kiss. One hand moving up slowly
to the back of his neck:

:His hand moved up her
arm and shoulder to caress her cheek
and neck as they kissed, leaning into her
lips, softly cradling her skin under his
touch. His lips would move over hers,
exploring their warmth and softness::

::her body leaned in to his
touch, like a natural reaction, as her
fingers played their way up the back of his
neck, her body shivered softly, as she
could feel the heat rise between
them, deepening the kiss pressing her body
up close to his::

::They would continue to
hold and embrace one another on those
cushions in front of the hearth, letting their
love and passion fuel their
some point finding the right moment to
kick off their boots and find a blanket to
snuggle under. They would whisper to
each other, share more sweet kisses
before sleep would take them. Morning
light and the first visitors to the lounge
would find them wrapped in each others
arms, peacefully sleeping::


Date: 2006-12-28 00:31 EST
::Morning light would push through the drapes ,and over them. A soft giggle would be heard, as Vanya ran and went to jump on to those pillows. Duchan rushed in and grabbed her.:: Don?t wake them dear, its far to early. Come on.

::Vanya whined:: but I want to say goodbye to Auntie Shea?! ::She screamed and Duchan laughed softly:: Shh dear, you?ll see her again, she?ll be stopping by the castle bfore going back to Rhydin.. Now Shh.. You?ll wake them its barely dawn. :

:Vanya pouted, and gave up Duchan smiled and carried her out of the castle. Nenime laughed as he looked in to the lounge. Then he led his wife out the door. Dagor was leading Elenya and Audrey out, when he stopped. He chuckled softly,:: maybe she finally gave what I said some thought? ::Elenya pulled on his arm, and Audrey just shook her head at him, She headed out after Duchan and Elenya finally got Dagor out the door.::

::Shea had started to stir the moment she heard Vanya scream. As the front door closed she was up. It was dawn, she flopped back down on to the pillows and cushions. :: Five more minutes


Date: 2006-12-28 03:42 EST
:He began to stir as he
heard Vanya's protests fading in the background. He reached around Shea, caressing her back softly:: (s) Are ye awake

:she smiled:: (s)
no...:;eyes closed:: its too early to be

He chuckled softly,
twisting her hair in his fingers as his hand
moved through her hair to draw across the
back of her neck and shoulder:: Aye...tis
way too ye suppose anyone will
notice us here?

::she smiled abit more:; I
think we were already seen, I heard
Vanya...saying something. But ::eyes
opened to look to the door of the
lounge, she didn't see anyone:; looks like
who ever saw us left us to sleep..

:He smiled:: We could
just pretend to be asleep all day...anyone
leaving today can just wave to ye on the
way out.

:;eyes closed again as she
moved closer to him:: I think that was
everyone...I heard Dagor chuckle I
swear...and I know I heard Duchan, I think
we'll be safe here for awhile..: :she moved
closer and kissed his cheek:: mm I slept
very well here in the pillows and cushions
with ye..

:He smiled, wrapping his
arm around her as she moved next to
him, his other hand raised to caress her
cheek, neck and shoulder:: I slept well,
too...tis always that way with ye.

:;leaning in to that soft
touch. Closing her eyes, determined to just
lay there and enjoy the morning, the
sounds of the birds outside, the softest
sounds of villagers in the streets of the

::He closed his eyes,
leaning his head to hers, his fingers idly
tracing the skin inside the collar of her
shirt, moving from shoulder, under her
neck and throat, following the V and back
to the other side, his touch light on her
soft, supple skin::

:;a smile rose to her
face, eyes still closed. Her body shivering
just so slightly, before she opened those
jade hues to gaze in to his eyes:: I like
this. ::her hand slowly graced his
arm, going upward::

:He looked at her and
smiled:: Me too...tis not every day we can
just lie around with nothing demanding our
time or attention...I'm not sure what to do
with that kind of freedom. ::He brushed
her cheek with the back of his fingers as
they continued their circuit from shoulder
to shoulder inside her shirt::

she smiled leaning in tot
hat soft touch, inching closer:: we have no
demands that lie at our feet today, we can
do what ever we wish with this
freedom..: ;one hand came to rest upon
his shoulder, the other gently graced his

::His eyes closed at her
soft touch, her skin warm to his. He
traced a tiny circle under her throat, down
to the first button and up again:: (s)...tis
better than finding a pot of gold, that sort
of freedom and the liberty to spend it with

:she smiled closing her
eyes, tracing small patterns with her
fingers over his shoulder and back.::
better than a pit of gold? Hmm ::she
kissed his cheek softly.:: so what would
you wish to do with this day of freedom..
? ::tracing those patterns down his back
as far as she could reach::

::He smiled, her touch
soothing and comforting as he moved his
hand to caress her cheek, his fingers
passing lightly over her lips:: (s)..I think
I'm doing what I want right now.

a smile, kissing those
fingers that passed over her lips::( s) so
am I.. :;her fingers travled back up wards
still making those patterns little swirls, and
fine swooping lines as her fingers danced
up towards his neck and down it and over
his shoulder again:: I even seem to have
the best of dreams when I am near you..

::He laughed softly:: I
don't even think I dream...why should my
mind try to compete with what I have right
here? ::He gave her lips a soft kiss,
fingers caressing her neck and ear
softly::. .tis a losing battle for my dreams.

:;she returned the soft kiss::
why is it a losing battle for your dreams?

::He brushed his lips over
hers softly as he spoke, pulling her
against him as he whispered against her
lips:: (w)...With ye right next to me, I have
no need to dreams can't
compete with reality...what more could I
dream that would top just having ye next
to me?

:she shrugged:; I don't
know. ::a smile rose to her features, as
her fingers slid along his cheek and through
his hair::

:He smiled, moving his
lips across hers, soft tugging kisses, as
he caressed her neck, his thumb brushing
her cheek:: (s) times I feel as if I am
dreaming when I am wide awake...times
like this.

the kisses were returned
softly, tenderly.:: (s) I know what you
mean, feels like a dream, though I know I
am wide awake.: her fingers slowly came
to rest behind his neck::

he kissed her cheek
softly, his lips moving slowly down to her
neck under her ear, softly suckling the
skin, his fingers passing against her skin
to hold her shoulder, breathing hushed
words between kisses::
(s)...Just...don't...pinch.. me...I

::eyes fluttered closed:; I
wouldn?t pinch you. If it is a dream then it is
a very good dream, and I do not wish to
be awoken either: :tilting her head softly to
the side, that soft shiver running through her
body as she felt his breath and lips there
just under her ear::

::He pressed more kisses
along her neck and shoulder, moving
following the line of her shirt, then back up
to her neck and ear again, drawing her
soft lobe into his lips, his hand and arms
around her back sliding over her hips and
back up again as he kissed her::

:;her hand slid down his
back as he kissed along her neck and
shoulder. soft goose bumps rose to her
arms as he drew her ear lobe into his lips.
Those goose bumps raced down her arms
as his hands slid over her hips, her body
shifted closer to his, eyes still closed:;

::His hand moved up her
body, finding the edge of her untucked
shirt and passing under it to draw across
her stomach and side. His lips would
linger at her ear a while longer before
traveling the short distance to her lips,
softly kissing her before deepening the kiss::

:that kiss was
returned, softly at first then deepening, she
could feel the heat of his hands against
the bare skin of her stomach and side, her
hands raced down his back as she drew
her self closer in to that kiss. Her breath
quickened slightly::

held her tightly
against his body as they kissed, his hand
feeling the warmth and softness of her
skin as he caressed her back, his hand
moving up over the small of her back then
moving back to her side and stomach

her body shivered
softly, reluctantly she started to break the
kiss, only failing to do so, her lips returning
to his. Her hands slid over his back, and
up his sides, a soft warm breeze seemed
to surround them, as the lounge and the
castle seemed to fade::

He met her returning
lips with a deepened passion, his arms
moving under her body to move her supple
form against his, the warmth of her skin
sliding under against his skin::

she shivered softly, breath
deepening. As the kiss deepened even
more, tight against him, hand racing up
and down his back.::

::He caressed her back
and sides, hands moving to her waist and
hips as he continued to kiss her...the
briefest thought crossing his mind of her
nightgown...grateful at some level that she
was not wearing it at that moment, their
passion running deep. He would smile
softly, his lips pulling softly at hers, his
breathing hard and erratic as he
whispered over her lips:: (w)...tis a good
thing Vanya left when she did...

she smiled:: aye..:: her
Breathing hard as well, she looked up in to
his eyes. One hand slipped slowly forward
and across his cheek softly:: (s) tis a very
good thing..

He took deep breaths,
trying to collect himself as he looked at
her, this dream, this vision he held in his
arms. His eyes moved from her eyes to
those luscious lips, the soft curve of her
jaw, that supple neckline. He would look
into her eyes again, his finger drawing
tracing circles on her stomach::

:she would follow his
gaze, as he seemed to look over her, she
smiled, letting her hand trace soft patters
over his shoulder, and back on to his
back:: amin mela lle ::she kissed his
cheek tenderly.::

:;He smiled, leaning down
to kiss her lips tenderly, lifting his head to
look into her eyes:: Amin mela lle, Shea.

::a soft blush rose to her
cheek as she looked in to his eyes, she
returned the tender kiss with two tender
kisses of her own. She could hear
sounds coming from the kitchen, the staff
of servants that were employed greatly
around fest times was now hard at work
with breakfast.::

:He leaned down, kissing
her lips then her ear softly:: (s) Are ye
hungry? I think I hear breakfast being

:;she smiled:: (s) famished..

:He sat up slowly, his
hand still flat on her stomach under her
shirt. He smiled, leaning over and lifting
her shirt bottom to kiss her stomach, then
lying his ear to hear if her stomach was

she giggled softly, but he
would hear the rumble of her stomach, as
he pressed his ear to it, through her

::He smiled, pressing his
lips to her soft skin once more, after
hearing the faint rumbling, her giggling
making it not an easy task. He looked up
at her and smiled:: I think I found another
ticklish spot on ye...

she smiled softly:;
no.. that?s not true:; still giggling.. trying her
best not to::

;He grinned:: Nae...I
could have sworn...::He slid his body
down against her legs so as to be lying
against her legs, his face over her exposed
stomach:: Ye mean this doesn't
tickle?. .::He lowered his head, kissing
around her navel and then pressing his lip
in a marching trail down her stomach
meeting the top of her pant line, lifting
His head to smile at her again::

she giggled and laughed
like mad, closing her eyes:; yes, yes it
does..: :she squirmed a bit gigging:: im a
very sensitive woman...

::He pressed a few more
kisses to her skin, her legs swishing her
dress about her legs. He raised his head,
pulling her shirt back down as he rose up
to his knees:: I'll have to remember that ..

she couldn?t stop those
giggles, as her legs squirmed, her head
leaning back in to those pillows and
cushions. Now more than grateful that
she'd changed from that dress to those
training clothes she'd found in the late
hours of the night.:: I am very ticklish...its
one of my few weaknesses...::she opened her eyes and gazed to him::

He rose to his feet,
offering his hands to her:: I promise only
to use that information in the event of an

:she slowly extended her
hand to him, and rose to her feet:; a tickling

He wrapped his arm
around her as she rose, stooping down to
sweep his other arm under her legs,
picking her up, pressing her tightly
against his chest:: Any emergency will
do...:;He kissed her lips softly as he
stomped over the cushion-covered floor
carrying her toward the dining hall::

;she giggled as he swept
her off her feet:;oh ..:: she returned the
kiss and giggled some more as he carried
her towards the dinning hall::

::After enjoying breakfast,
laughing and feeding each other the
assortment of breakfast foods prepared by
the staff, they would head upstairs to
change clothes and freshen up. He would
suggest a walk around the village,
strolling hand in hand, taking in the sights
and scenes, finding opportunity at every
shadowed corner and secluded areas to
embrace each other and steal a few
kisses. The would return late to the
castle, in time to have dinner with those
members of her family that yet remained::

Connar Valdor

Date: 2006-12-28 17:02 EST
::As they strolled through the streets of this place Shea called home, walking hand in hand, arm in arm, he tried to push thoughts from his mind, there were things he wanted to tell her, needed to tell her, but he pushed those thoughts back every time they pressed on him. He found easy distraction in her embrace and tender kisses, which he availed himself to at every opportunity during their excursion through GreenStone::

::He had fears, premonitions of adversity during this winter festival, none of which had been realized. He had imagined Blahl getting free from his Temple captivity and reformation in Crendia and coming to crash the party, so to speak, in GreenStone. Connar had also held private reservations that Shea's family might inquire as to his history and his future intentions toward this daughter of GreenStone that so many held in high regard. This, too, did not come to pass, though, as he had added to Salice's praise of Shea with words of his own, he had left little doubt as to his feelings for her::

::They would be leaving in the morning, the return trip to Rhydin. His heart and soul ached at the thought of it...that at some juncture of their travels, she would continue on to Rhydin without him. His mission back in his world could wait no longer...He had lied to her when he said that he did not dream that night, for his nights had been filled with visions and glimpes of the bloodshed and carnage unfolding back in his world. He watched Shea making light converstation with each merchant and townfolk they encountered, her soft smile, her tender, genuine love of the people evident in her tone and manner. Each step they took, every turn of her head, and her soft gaze to him only made him grow more and more fond of her::

::He tarried in telling her of their eminent separation, not wanting to take away from this dream-like escape they were sharing. He remained with her for purely selfish reasons and he hated himself for it. He had never known love like hers before and it wrenched him inside, torturing the depths of his soul. He found himself on the verge of cursing his God for making him what he was, for not being free to pick his own path. His hazel eyes would mist over, but he would hide his eyes from her, keeping any hint that anything was wrong far from her knowledge. After century upon century of carrying out his mission on earth, he finally knew what it was to fear dread with all his soul the separation that it caused::

::As they returned to the castle at day's end, he held her hand tightly in his, keeping that masking smile in place, wanting to make the most of their last eve in GreenStone::


Date: 2006-12-29 00:33 EST
::She had walked beside him, arm in arm. Passing through the streets, talking to the villagers. Men at arms and many more as they passed their way past homes, businesses ,barracks and more. She dreaded that tonight would be their last night here, she had enjoyed this trip more than she could have hoped. Yet something still hung in her mind, some threat unbidden unwavering. Jade hues would glance to him, then back upon her home village. Watching the children run and play. To long had she been gone from this place. To long had it been since she could say she had been here. So long that the walls that had been torn down in the last war had been rebuilt. She could sense something amiss, no matter how he tried to hide it, she knew he dreaded the thought of the return journey back to Rhydin. But there was something more.:;

:;Once back at the castle she was close as she could come to asking him what was on his mind, but she didn't she knew that if he wanted her to know what was on his mind he would tell her eventually. Tonight would be the last dinner, the most casual of all the affairs so far. ::

::She slowly got dressed, no dress tonight, she did slip on nice black boots, new ones, not all dirty and scuff marked, new black pants, and a lovely long sleeved V neck shirt of the palest blue. With little silver ties up each side. She slid her belt with sheathed weapons around her waist. And pulled her long dark blue hair back in to a long braid that she sat over her left shoulder. She opened her bed room door so that Connar would know she was ready, she could smell the food and hear voices already downstairs, as she gazed slowly out her door she saw Kulbin and Shay heading down the hall, something still stirred in her mind some threat unknown. With a breath she stepped out of her room and in to the hall::


Date: 2006-12-29 04:27 EST
:He had been sitting on
the edge of his bed, pulling on the last
boot as he heard Shea's door open. He
stood, fastening his belt and scabbard
around his waist, adjusting the last of his
new shirts, tan, long-sleeved, open v-neck
with no collar, the shirt hanging untucked
over his black pants. He moved to the
door, stepping out into the hallway, as
smile as his eyes greeted Shea's:: My fair

:she smiled brightly to
him:; you look dashing as always

He smiled, looking down
at his shirt, giving it a tug, the large cuffed
sleeves rolled partway up just above his
wrists:: I'm running out of new things to
wear.. ::He put is arm around her, admiring
the braided hair:: This is a new look for
ye...I don't think I've ever seen your hair

;she smiled:: its getting
long enough now to do more with it, and I
am wearing blue for once ina long time::
looking to that pale blue shirt she wore
fitted nicely about her curves.:: and new
boots, well their not new their old but I
hardly ever wear them...::she shrugged::
its more of a relaxed night...

He smiled, giving her a
complete look over, liking the blue shirt,
the silver ties, the form-fitting nature of it
all:: Ye look amazing in just about
anything, Shea.

she smiled:: a potato
sack? ::she winked to him softly:: shall
we I can already smell the food..

:He grinned:: Aye.. even
a potato sack...lucky sack that would be.
::He took her hand, lacing his fingers with
hers as he led them down the hall to the
stairway:: No sense in keeping good food

she laced her fingers with
his and walked beside him smiling:: I
think I even Saw Shay pass by my room
before, maybe they came up for air finally

He laughed at that
comment:: They must be part fish by
now, having gone without air for two days.

she smirked:: hmmm part
fish... :;thinking holding back the giggles
as they walked down the stairs:: maybe

He looked at her and
grinned, walking down the stairs together,
the drifting aroma of dinner growing
stronger with each step::

::she smiled as they
stepped off the last of those stairs and
walked through the hall and in to the
lounge, slowly they would pass in to the
dinning hall. Salice sat at the head of the
table fingers tapping over a folded piece of
paper, everyone else was already
seated, Shea looked over them all:; Seler'
? ::eyes moved to Salice::

::He looked from Shea to
Salice and back again, something was
amiss that Shea had not anticipated::

:Salice rose slowly from
her seat and crossed to Shea handing her
the folded letter: ;its from Darius.. its
marked urgent.. ::Shea took the letter in
her hand ,and gazed towards Kulbin, then
back to Salice:: I don't take orders from

:Salice nodded:; read it..
then we shall see what measures we
might need to take...

He released her hand
from his, not sure who Darius was, nor
the import of the letter. He looked at
Kulbin and then back to Shea::

;Shea nodded and slowly
broke the seal on the back of the folded
parchment, and started to read, as she
read the penned words the edges of the
paper were eased in, the letter as short
and to the point, she looked to Salice, and
handed her the letter:: read this...

::He glanced around the
room and those gathered...he wasn't the
only one feeling the rising malaise in the

;Salice looked to her sister
and started to read, she didn?t even have to
finish it before blue eyes moved to
Kulbin, she walked to him and handed the
note to him:; explain this...

he had stopped
watching the letter and the people, his
gaze now fixed on studying the room,
doors, windows...he had been in here
numerous times and never taken notice::

:;Kulbin looked over the
parchment:; he's mad man darius has
lost his mind... this this is...:;he handed
the letter to Shay, so that she could read
it:: Shea :;he stood:: Darius is out of his

Shavyn was the one to
tear the parchment in half:: Darius has
lost his mind? Seler? ? after what that
man did to you?after what he did to me,
how could he ? ::her eyes moved to
Kulbin, he knew Darius the best:: how
could he even think this...

:;he watched Shea as
Kulbin spoke, judging the severity of the
unfolding events by her reaction and
emotion...perhaps his apprehensions
were not unfounded after all::

:;Shea just looked on:: what
did he do to you Shay?

::Enough was enough
already:: Will someone please tell me
what is going on before I crawl out of my

:;Kulbin sighed:; he broke loose and tried to hit her, I nearly ran him threw?I will not let this happen?.:;his gaze turned towards Connar:; the commander of Crendia has seen it fit to let my brother rejoin the ranks and he has asked that we all , my self, Shay Mila ,Aiden, and Shea to return there at once, to help in the fight we swore to help him with

::He smirked:: I did run
him through...a lot of good that did.

:;Kulbin continued :: Darius may be wise in certain aspects of war, but with this he can not be in his right mind, I have no intent of going back until spring?Shay, Aiden, Mila and I are staying here till spring comes to GreenStone then we will think about going back. Shay and I will be getting married. Before the spring fest.

:;He smiled softly to Connar:: We all need a break, the war has yet to start, yes what happened to Blahl was just a taste of what?s to come. I know in the end we will all have to go back. But this is not the time for Darius to be asking such things from us, least of all you Shea?

Wars and conflicts know
no season nor are they respectors of
holidays, celebrations, nor festivals, it

:Shea nodded:: so what
you don?t intend on telling Darius, that
your not returning? What am I to do? War
has never paused for a moment...

::Kulbin shook his head:: no I do not intend to tell him anything. He may think me one of his best men, but I am not. I was an outcast long before this war, long before I knew who I was, and of my brother the paladin. I have been an outcast since I was younger than Aiden. You call me a druid in elvish. And that I am. I can fight and I fight well, but my life is not controlled by the blade I carry.

::He listened to Kulbin,
his eyes fixed all the while on Shea::

::Kulbin looked to Shea:: I made an oath to Darius as well, as I know you did Salice, and so did Shavyn and you Shea. We will all own up to what oaths we have made in our own time, that time is not now. We made oaths, not in blood though, they can be broken. We here are the ones who helped you? minus a few?Darius was of no aide to us in the battle. He does not command any of us. You least of all Shea. After what Darius had said to me before we left Crendia I thought he understood.

:;He sighed leaning his fist upon the table top :: But to have his best warrior and paladin back on the team. I do not know ,I do not trust in the god of Crendia. The goddess has shown her self, has proven to be a savor. But I have heard too much of this Darin?I do not trust my brother?not at this time. I will not put you, Shay Mila or any other woman in danger, Blahl is dangerous. And I know the next time I will kill him my self, if someone else doesn?t do it before I can get to him.

::He wasn't about to join
in a discussion of oaths and honor...not
his place, nor his argument::

:Shea sighed:: I don?t care if I had made it in blood I would break it. I have my honor yes? but there are something even I will not do and I will not abide by and let some crazed man, I will not fight along side a man I can not trust. Oath or not.

::He looked at those
around the table and then to Shea,
knowing the conflict she must be feeling
inside...knowing it all too well::

Aiden looked to his mother
then to Kulbin then back:; we all stay till
spring, Atara.. I know you do not trust
him, and I will be the first to say that if he
dares even try to befriend you again, I will
kill him my self.. I dare not even trust the

:Shea looked to her son,
then remembering that vision at the temple
of the wind:: I will go back when you all go
back, but not for Darius.. and I will not
fight by the paladins side, I?ll kill him first...

::He shook his head with
a smirk, thinking he had the opportunity
to save them all the trouble of killing Blahl
when he held his life by the throat::

::Salice slowly sat beside
Devron at the head of the table:: then it is
settled for now... when you all decide to
leave send word to Shea... and we shall
speak nothing more of it till then...the
issue is closed, come lets eat :;looking
down tot he plates of food:: before it gets

:He stood by Shea,
waiting for her...looking from Salice and
back to Shea again::

slowly the others took
their seat, Shea crossed slowly to her
chair and sat looking to her son. She
would speak with him once she had a
good moment alone with him:: yes Salice
is right...

He took his place next
to Shea, eyes moving across the table to
Aiden as scooted his chair in under him::

::Shea sat there looking
down at her food as the others ate, it
smelled very good, she would pick at it a
bit, eating small bites. The issue was
closed, but not to her mind::

::He lifted his glass,
taking a slow drink, setting it slowly back
to the table. He touched his fork, but did
not pick it up::

::jade hues moved to focus
on Connar, that dream like world they had
shared for all these days had been broken
in one moment, she rose to her
feet:; pardon me... ::she was to the door
and out in to the garden ::

His finger brushed over
his lips as he watched her walk out. He
looked over the table at Aiden, giving him
the first opportunity to go speak with his
mother...he already felt as if he had
crowded Aiden out of his mother's life::

(behind the closed door)

:Aiden watched her leave
the table and rose to his feet:; Atara.. :;he
went after her::

:Good boy...he thought
to himself as he took up his glass again,
leaving it perched between his hands as
he took a sip from it::

:;outside he would meet her, and come to sit beside her:: Atara?

:;Through tears she looked to him:; Aiden? why did this have to happen now? why now?

::He slid his arm around her shoulder:: Atara?I will not let anything happen to you in Crendia, Kulbin and I shall not let him hurt you?

:;She wiped the tears from her cheeks:; I?ll kill him, if he nears me, how can Darius do this to me??

::His fingers wiped away some of the stray tears:: Mother?

:;She looked to him:: Aiden?

:;He smiled:; where did your smile go? The one I have not seen since I was small, I saw it, for the past few days. And now it is gone again. I have missed that smile.

:;She smiled to him leaning in to her sons embrace::

:;He smiled:; I know what happened with you and.. the paladin hurts you.. he hurt you and I will kill him if he dares do anything to anyone else I love, if he dares speak to you?. But I love to see you smile Atara? your in love.. With Connar?

:;Shea nodded:; yes?I am

::Aiden smiled:: is that what has made you smile?

:;Another nod::

::He hugged her close:: then let not this night plague your thoughts? let it drift on the wind? we may return to Crendia but I shall never leave your side, Mila will understand?we all shall be there at your side. I love you mother? I know I do not say it enough, I know we have spent little time together as of late, us both being in love? but you are always with me in the air I breathe?to see you happy again makes me fly? to know you are loved in return? I hold deep respect for him, after what he said the other eve?

:;She smiled looking in to his dark eyes:: your so much like him?your father, the way you speak?

::Aiden smiled:; I know you have told me that often?its part of that mysteriousness? I want you to be happy Atara?I do not want these things to hurt you.

::She smiled:; seems as of late that I am only happy when I am with Connar

::Aiden smiled:; then lets go in there so you can be with him?

:He pushed his chair
away from the table and stood, a glance
given to those gathered around the table,
and a look to the door leading to the
garden as he paced the dining hall slowly::

:;After the tense moments passed both Aiden and Shea came back inside, a soft smile had returned to her features::

:His gaze moved from
the floor to her as sounds of them
entering filled the quiet hall::

Aiden hugged her once
more and crossed past Connar, he
nodded to him softly, out of the deep
respect he held for the man, after what
Shea had told him, and what he had
heard in the nights before::

A nod was given back to
Aiden as he passed, glad that Aiden had
been able to speak privately with his

:Aiden rejoined Mila at the
table. And Shea walked to Connar, and
smiled softly::

He looked into her eyes
as she neared, a soft smile coming to his

(s) hello ::looking up in to
his eyes:: Diola lle :;she leaned up and
kissed his cheek softly, wrapping her arms
about him tightly::

::He smiled, as his arms
enveloped her slender frame, lifting her
toes nearly off the ground as he held her
close to him::

her smile widened, as she
closed her eyes, savoring in that embrace::

He held her tightly,
closing his eyes and leaning his head
down, his cheek against hers, his hands
moving over her back, pressing her close,
as if to reassure him that she was still

:her hands moved over his
back, cheek to cheek, eyes closed, taking
a deep breath. All she wanted was to be
swept away back where they had
been, back in that dream like escape::

:He drew his head back
slowly to look into her eyes, his forehead
coming to rest against her as he held her
by the arms and shoulders, caressing

;she smiled to him opening
her eyes to gaze in to his, leaning softly in
to his touch::

He raised his hand to
cover her cheeks, lowering his head to
kiss her lips softly::.. (s)...nothing like a
little adversity to get things rolling...

:she returned that soft kiss
and smiled to him:: (s) aye...::leaning in
to his hand upon her cheek::

:He caressed his cheek
softly, suddenly aware of the eyes looking
at them from around the table. He
smiled:: I think I've had enough to eat,
how about ye?

Yes :;she had noted the
gazes as well:: quite enough

:His hand slid down her
shoulder and arm, finding her hand as he
led them to the door, a salute to those
around the table:: Good evening all.

: ::she nodded back to those
who sat around the table, as they slipped
out, a few waves were given by her sisters
a nod by her son::

:No sooner had the
dining hall doors closed behind them then
he turned to face her, wrapping his arms
around her, his lips finding hers, to kiss
her as if they hadn't seen each other in

:;she returned the kiss, that
kiss had caught her off guard. Her hands
moved quickly over his shoulders, eyes
fluttering closed::

:He held her close as
they stood in the lounging area, kissing
her deeply for moments longer before
pulling back to look into her eyes, drawing
in a deep breath as he looked upon her:: I
thought ye might not come least
not back the same.

::she smiled softly:: I was
worried of that my self.. ::a deep breath
taken, as she looked up in to his eyes::
But I think I am the same.. ::her hands
slipped forward, and one softly graced his

::He smiled at her touch::
Good...I hate goodbyes.

I do too:: smiling, looking
towards where they had made the pit of
cushions, now cleaned up. Jade hues
moved back to focus on him:: I feel as
tense as I could be..

::He followed her gaze to
the couches and hearth, then back to
her:: I feel it, too. I thought for a moment
that Blahl might be coming here. I was
preparing for the worst

as was I..: ;she sighed:; it
was a terrible feeling...

I was readying to finish
what I should have back in the
marketplace...::He looked around the
room, knowing that others would be
coming in as they finished dinner::.. Let's
go upstairs. I'm not in the mood to
socialize just now.

: ::she smiled, thinking of
how well prepared she had been if that
had happened, in fact how well prepared
everyone would have been:; yes lets...

:He took her by the hand
and started up the stairs:: Blahl certainly
has no allies left among your family...

::she shook her head as
she laced her fingers with his:; no he
does not...

they walked down the
hallway to her door, which he opened,
leading them inside, closing the door
behind them:: Even his brother would
rather have him dead than to be near ye
or Shay.

Yes, Kulbin would do that.
:she walked in to her room. Sitting down
On the edge of her bed:: and I would help
him... I can't imagine what happened in
Crendia... and I am starting to wonder if
Darius is losing his bleeding mind at his
elder age...

He nodded, sitting on
the edge of the bed next to her:: Seem all
of your family has lost confidence in
Darius...tis hard to be governed by those
ye don't trust.

we GreenStones know that
all to well, the years of Jinnalt... still very
fresh in our minds...I worry for Crendia, its
people...I worry for my homelands, it may
seem selfish of me but I worry that the
darkness will spread again, and we finally
have some peace here ::she lay back
looking upward::

He turned, drawing his
leg up on the bed, looking down at her,
his fingers drawn lightly down her arm to
her hand. He wanted to talk to her of what
was weighing his mind, but knew not how.
His fingers traced each of hers lightly as
he sat by her:: Tis nothing selfish about
worrying over places and people ye care

:she smiled to him and sat
up, looking in to his eyes ,she could sense
something when she looked in to his
eyes:: no I suppose it is not selfish...
::her hand slowly rose to slide over his
cheek:: something else is on your mind...I
can see it...

His eyes closed at her
touch, his hand coming up to meet hers
at she touched his cheek:: Ye know me
too well, Shea...

:she smiled:: tis my job to
know the man I love so dearly, now come
on talk to me, you know I shall listen...

:He loosened his belt,
wrapping it around the scabbard, brining
the hilt toward his lips, kissing the coin
embedded in the hilt, then setting the
weapon and scabbard to her lap:: I want
ye to have keep it for me.

:she looked down to that
sword with the coin in the hilt:: why....?
::her fingers slid over the coin, eyes
studied his gaze:: Why give this to me?

He looked at her,
longing in his eyes:: I can't take it with
me...the coin, the has no place
in my world.

:She looked in to his
eyes:: I know that much, but why now,
were still in greenstone.. why not keep it
with ye till ye must leave...::she stopped::
wont you be in need of a weapon?

::He smiled softly:: I
made another sword. I leave this one to
your safe keeping, for I shall come back
for it...for you.

: :;she smiled:: I'll take good
care of it... I promise...::she kissed his
cheek softly::

:He smiled at her kiss,
his hand coming up to caress her cheek,
looking into her eyes:: I've known since
before we left that I would not be returning
to Rhydin just nights have been
haunted by that knowledge...but I did not
want anything to take away from your
happiness in being here.

:She smiled softly to him::
nothing would have taken away from my
happiness here... haunted...? So you
mean to go back to your home... once we
are out of my homelands don't you...

He nodded slowly::
Once we are through the pass, I must
head up the coastline, away from
Rhydin...::He took her hands in his::...
I won't be gone much as I can
help it...a few days at most...I promise,
Shea...I will be back...and I won't go to
home...with all my soul, I will not let it

::she nodded, holding his
hands in hers:: I shall be here.. in
Rhydin.. and with thee the whole way...
though magic may not exist in your
world... part of me goes with you..

He smiled with a nod::
Aye...more than ye could ever know.

:she kissed him softly,
squeezing his hands, closing her eyes::
and I keep part of ye with me...::one hand
lifted to her heart and she opened her
eyes with a smile...::

:He took her by the
shoulders, kissing her lips, drawing her
close::...(w) course through my heart
and soul...A? go wherever I

::she moved in closer to him
returning the kiss ,letting her hands race
over his shoulders she couldn?t help but
smile at his words:: (w) A'maelamin.. ::she
kissed him again a bit deeper this time::

::He wrapped her up in
the kiss, leaning them down to lie on the
bed, his hand caressing her cheek and
neck as they kissed::

::she leaned in to the touch
upon her cheek, slipping her hands over
his back, and slowly up along the side of
his neck, drawing her self closer to him::

:He leaned over her,
lifting his head to look into her eyes as he
touched her neck and shoulder, his eyes
searching hers, as he drew in a breath,
not sure how he would pass any days or
nights without her next to him::.. being
away from ye is going to be difficult.

she smiled softly looking
up in to his eyes:: being away from you is
going to be difficult. I do not know how I
shall sleep with out you by my side...but
we shall not be parted for long..

::He smiled, kissing her
lips tenderly, then looking back into her
eyes:: One day is one day too long.

:a smile:: yes it is...::her
fingers graced his cheek softly:: but we
have tonight, and at least two more days
left in my lands.. if not more.. we can
enjoy our this freedom...

closed his eyes, lying his head on her
shoulder, kissing her cheek::.. I am so
weary, so tired of hiding from that which I
can't taxes me to the very core.

she smiled running her
fingers through his hair:; aye I understand
that, perhaps it is time to stop hiding.. we
must face what we must, some things can
not be avoided...::she kissed the top of
his head::

He rose up again to look
at her:: It scares me, Shea...I've never
been scared before...I had nothing to
fear...not even die is to close
my eyes and awaken back home
again...made whole again, renewed...but
now the thought of that terrifies me.

she smiled softly to him:; I
understand, that feeling. I did not feared
death, I had not for a long time even after I
had faced it. Why does it terrify you now?

:He touched her cheek
warmly:: If I return home through death it
would mean that I would be gone a long
time, much longer than a few days...for a
few days there will pass as weeks and
months here...I couldn't stand the thought
of ye wondering what had become of
me...if I was coming back...when I was
coming back.: I can't imagine living life
without you...without your love...I can't
bear the thought of it.

:she smiled, and leaned in
to his touch:; I have faced not knowing
before...:;her hand touched his cheek:;
and you shall never have to know that
feeling for you have me and my love...
always even in death and beyond...if and
when it comes to that...I do not wish for
you to worry about me, I know it shall be
hard for me not to worry about you, I know
not what lies ahead of you, what battles
you might face...but I shall be here, for as
long as it takes..

:He looked at her, his
eyes fixed on hers:: I will not let that
happen...I will not...god himself will have
strike me down.. I will not let it happen.

;she looked deeply in to his
eyes, and squeezed his hand in hers, and
kissed his softly:: then it shall not
happen... and when you return, I will be
right here...just as I am now..

;He smiled, kissing her
tenderly:: Just as ye are bed with
your boots on?

: :;she smirked:: yes ,or
perhaps with out my boots on...

He laughed, sitting up,
feet meeting the floor as he stood, taking
her boots in his hands and pulling them
off one by one, casting them to the floor.
His boots were kicked free as he returned
to the bed, lying next to her::

::she giggled as she laid
back more comfortable, as she shifted out
of her belt with sheathed weapons
slipping them to the floor.:; Much better :;
a smirk as she crawled up closer to the

If ye are going to be
waiting in bed that long, ye might as well
be comfortable.

:;a smile, as she flopped
her head down on the pillow:; Comfortable
umm ::adjusting the pillow under her head::

He moved up next to
her, sitting up to pull his shirt off over his
head, the necklace and medallion
bounding off his chest. He looked down at
it, grasping the chain and lifting it over his
hair and head, leaning over her and
slipping it over her head:: I want ye to
have this, too. ::He adjusted the chain,
setting the medallion against her chest::

:she looked to it:; hmm
::she ran her fingers over it:; but I have
nothing that goes with this...why are you
giving me this..? I am going to have to find
something to give you. if you keep giving
me things you'll have nothing left on :; a
pause and a smirk crossed her face then
faded slowly::

:His hand covered the
small medallion on her chest:: I made it a
long time ago.. fired clay from my home...I
used to think that kept my heart focused
on home...::He leaned over and kissed
her:: This is home now.

::she returned the kiss:: I
shall keep it close to my heart
matches well with my greenstone
necklace :;her fingers ran over the slender
chain about her neck that held that
greenstone gem, wrapped in swirls of silver
like metal:: I'll have to find something
non-magic related to give to you, so ye
can keep me close to your heart...

:He kissed her again,
feeling her heart beat under his hand as
he whispered over her lips:: Ye are
already close as ye can be.

:she returned the kiss and
smiled:: well I knew that

Then I need nothing more
than that...::He moved his body next to
hers, his hand sliding up under her shirt to
caress her shoulder and then hold her
neck as he kissed her lips::

::the kiss was returned, her
body shifting leaning against his touch::

::His body would melt to
hers, arms and legs entwined as they
held each other, as he kissed her deeply,

::the kiss was
returned, feeling everything drift away the
hectic-ness of the night seemed to drift
away. As she savored in the embrace. The
taste of his lips on hers, the feeling of his
arms and legs entwined with hers.::

They would make the
most of this last night in GreenStone, lost
in each other's embrace. He would
whisper in her ears as he kissed them,
telling her how much he cared for her,
saying those words she yearned to hear,
amin mela lle...As the night waned on,
they would succomb to sleep, his free
from the nightmares for once::


Date: 2006-12-29 18:21 EST
::The morning would come all too soon. The light danced in through the window. Over the bed .Shea was already awake standing outside in the wind, out on that balcony. Already dressed, packed and ready to go. Not that she was in any hurry. Around her neck hung that medallion, her fingers traced over it. Over and over again. She then tucked it through the V of her collar and let it fall to rest against her chest. She looked out over the village. Already awake with the dawn. They were leaving GreenStone today, Bound for HarpSing. Then FairWinds, then the pass then?Goodbye? Shea was not good with goodbyes. She always said ?this isn?t goodbye its see you soon. Never goodbye.? Her hands slid along her belt now a new weapon joined the others, she had placed his sword there at the left next to her mothers. Her hand graced the hilt. She hated this, having to say goodbye, yes it was days away. But it was coming. She let the wind sweep through her hair, and closed her eyes. She had been through this before hadn?t she. Perhaps it wasn?t the saying goodbye that worried her, it was the possibility that they would never again say hello.

? I?ll be back? she?d heard those words before. But this time she would believe them more. Love would find a way this time, this time she would not be left to wonder, this time it would be a happy ending.::

::She stood there eyes clsoed enjoying the wind as it blew through her hair,holding her arms out as if she could take off,like a bird.Some how she wished she could, just fly them both away, away from these duties that bound them both, oaths and such. Shea had honor,she had done ehr duty as a knight many times, leading men to death,coming close ehr self,killing,murder: both seeing it and nearly doing it.But now more than ever she just wnated to settle down, find some peace and be more than justa knight,more than a warrior, to help people,with more than her blade::


Date: 2006-12-30 05:11 EST
(I'll finish coloring this when I am less tired)

He pulled the covers back, feet sliding out to touch the floor. He
rubbed at his eyes, looking out toward the
balcony, Shea's silhouette could be seen
through the paned glass. He walked across the room, stepping through the doors, standing behind her, wrapping his arms
around her waist, leaning over her shoulder to kiss her cheek:: Giving GreenStone one final farewell?

: a smile graced her
features, as she opened her eyes to gaze
back to him:; yes I suppose you could
call it that...though I'll be back here before
I know it... just enjoying the morning

He leaned against her,
holding her tight, he lips at her cheek and
ear:: Are ye packed and ready to go?

Yes, but in no hurry I assure
You ::a smile, as she gazed out over the
garden and the village::

:He kissed her neck and
smiled, fingers locking over her stomach
as he held her:: I packed most of what I
brought yesterday...I just need to
change...::He closed his eyes, letting the
breeze softly lift her hair to fall against his
face::...hmmm...I'm in no hurry to leave

::she smiled closing her
eyes, leaning back in to him softly:: good
::she slipped her hands over his:: its so
quiet today...::looking over the
village, barely a few awake...:: I am going
to miss quiet morns

::He rested his chin on
her shoulder, leaning his cheek against
hers, looking over the village slowly
coming awake below them:: I will miss
them too...and sleeping in a bed...waking
up next to you...

:she smiled:; I'll miss
sleeping ina nice bed, waking up next to
you...:;looking slowly in to his eyes::

:Her hair was like silk
brushing against his skin as she turned
her head to look at him. He smiled softly
to her, drawing his hands back over her
hips, his left hand feeling one hilt and then
two. He knew the second very well:: Ye
seem to be very well armed today...

aye four blades.. more than
my usual, one new to add to my belt..I
figure I'll need it perhaps. I need Dagor to
give my swords a little fix here and there...

:He chuckled:: I don't
think I'll carry any on my person...if I need
one, I'll just borrow one of yours.

:;she giggled softly:; I doubt
I'll need any of mine...but old habits die

:He reached around her
waist with his right hand, fingers wrapping
around a hilt:: I'll just travel behind ye like
this..I can draw a weapon and still leave
ye three to choose from.

;she smirked,leaning back
in to him:;and which three would I be left
with? ::a smirk,as she slid her hand down
over his::

He kissed her cheek::
And I can kiss ye at the same time...Ye'd
be left with your mother's blade, a couple
daggers and a wicked left hook.And if Looks could kill

;she smirked:: a wicked left
hook huh.. how would you know that?
Looks that could kill...::a smile:: well I like
the kissing part

his fingers slid off the
hilt moving up to caress her neck softly
as he kissed her cheek again...his fingers
finding the chains about her neck,
following them down to the tokens
dangling at the ends:: I like the kissing
part, too.

::her eyes fluttered closed
as his fingers graced her neck and
followed the chains that hung there, her
greenstone necklace rested at the base
of her neck just perfectly, his medallion a
bit lower, she kissed his cheek softly::

:He smiled as he
fingered that simple medallion of his, fired
earth circle, hollow center, fine gold
wrapped from the center to the edges
forming eight spokes around the wheel::
When I made this, it was to remind me
that all men walk equally on the soil under
their feet...the prince and the pauper, the
master and the slave are all equal under
heaven's eyes...

:she smiled looking down
to the medallion has his fingers traced
it:: tis a good reminder

:His fingers drew a short
vertical line up and down the center of her
chest as he smiled:: The medallion could
not have hoped to have a more beautiful
home than it does now.

;she smiled softly as she
watched his fingers move up and down:; I
shall wear it proudly

he pressed his palm
against her chest, covering her
medallion:: Knowing that what once
dangled near my heart now lies close to
yours make all the difference in the world
to me. I always feared losing it...I'd hide it
so as not to loose it in battle or to thieves,
but knowing that ye have it will help me
focus when it matters most.

:she smiled:: good:; she
pressed her hand over his:: I shall keep it
close to my heart

He would kiss her neck
and cheek soflty before slowly unwinding
his arms from around her, givng her a
gentle pat on the bottom:: I'm going to go
get ready...::he smiled:: I think everyone
in town has had a chance to see us kiss
in public by now...::He passed back
through her room, picking up his boots
and shirt, walking the short distance to
his room, his bed never having been slept
it. He set about chaning into his tunic and
leather pants, stomping into his boots::

he wrapped the belt
around his waist, adjusting the scabbard
on his left, the sheathed dagger on his
right before taking up his pack, givng the
room one more look over, assured that
nothing was left behind, before walking
back to Shea's room::

:she smirked, and watched
him go, she passed back in to her room
closing the balcony doors behind her,
picking up her quill ink and journal from
the table and slipping them in to her pack,
she would leave that old journal that Salice
found here , she tucked the last of her
things away, she took up her cloak and
folded it over her things, she would also
leave her finely made armor there in
greenstone safe and sound:;

::His pack slung over his
shoulder as he watched her making final
preparations:: Anyone we need to say
goodbye to before we head out?

No, I left my son a note,
and Salice and I said goodbye already...
Shay is currently busy and I will see her
soon enough. I am ready if you are:; she
slid her cloak about her neck, sliding her
bow over that, quiver already around under
that cloak, her bag was slipped over her
shoulder under her cloak with a motion::

He grinned as he
backed out into the hallway, waiting for
her to join him:: Next time we come here,
we'll stay longer.

yes we shall, lets go, we
can head to HarpSing, I can have my
weapons worked on, while we have lunch
with Nenime and family.. then when that?s
over we can head back to HarpSing pick up
my things and have dinner with dagor and
Elenya and be gone before we know it...

::He nodded as they
walked down the hallway, pausing to
pound on Shay and Kulbin's door, a grin
on his face as his pace quickened,
carrying him quickly to the stairs. He
couldn't resist. He bounded down the
stairs two at a time, landing with a thud
and turning to look up to watch Shea
come down the stairs:: I always wanted to
see ye come down the stairs, just to get
a glimpse of the view all the guests had
each night.

she closed the door of her
bed room behind her and smiled to him:: I
bet you that V and Ash are ready to go
too.. the stable hands always take good
care of the horses...they will be well fed
and groomed and ready for action: ;down
the stairs she went, watching him race
past her:: what do you think :;she
stepped off the last step and kissed his
cheek:; good view?

He grabbed her cloak,
pulling her back to him, a soft kiss to her
lips:: Tremendous view.

::she returned the kiss, and
the door was opened for them by one of
the guards standing there, she was the
one to then bound down the steps towards
the courtyard:; you couldn?t resist could
you...::she smirked she had seen him
pound on her sisters door::

He grinned, following her
into the courtyard:: I couldn't help myself...

:;she was quick to the
stables, looking to V well,rested,well
groomed, eyes looekd to Ash then to
Connar:; they most liekly didnt notice..
::she smriked:: you have to be more
direct with them...:: a musing smile, as
she ran her hands down V's nose::

:He gave Ash a pat as
he removed his pack and tethered it to the
saddle on his back:: More direct? Ye
mean like walking right in the room with
them? That kind of direct?

:Shea smiled:; no.. not that
direct good god...more like this..: ;eyes
focused a moment as if she could see
Shay's window, she knew well enough
where it was, a full force wind blast would
go through Shay's balcony doors and
Shea could hear Shavyn scream her
name, Shea giggled:: like that :;the wind
died down and she mounted up::

::He doubled over with
laughter as the door was blown open and
Shavyn screamed:: Now that is direct.

:;V backed out of the
stables, with a gentle nudge :;she wished
To torment me, and it only made my
weekend here better...:; a smile to him::
one good turn deserves another...

::He took Ash by the
reins, following Shea and V:: That will
teach her to mess with her sister.

:she gave V another nudge,
witht he back of her boot, they started to
move away from the castle and through
the village:: thats right..though her
attempt to mess with me, seemed to be
more of a good things this time around ...

:He rode along side of
her, turning to look her way with a smile::
Ye mean the nitegown?

:through the streets they
would ride, at a good pace, the gates
getting closer: aye the nightgown..

::He grinned:: I get all
flustered just thinking about it....

flustered...:;she smiled:;
mm I shall have to remember that..: ;she
gave V another nudge and the pace
quickened as the call was put out, horns
blew in the morning air as Shea Passed
through the gates and on to the path, that
would lead them through the valley and
over through the mountains, back towards
those woods::

other things as well...::He prodded Ash
with a tap from his heels, keeping pace
with Shea. He would look over the area,
making mental notes as they rode
along.. In the even that he would ever have
to find his way here on his own::

:;she smiled back to
Him :;other things, what other things could
you mean :; there was that smirk again,
As they passed through the valley fo Dae
she would nod almost respectfully
towards that tree, and again that huge
shadow would pass over head, Dae would
watch them from above::

:He grinned:: If ye
couldn't tell that night, then I'm not about
to say anymore on the matter...::He
looked up, Dae soaring far over head::

Oh I could tell :: another
smile:: ::she would lead then back
through that mountain pass and in to the
dark enchanted woodlands, those other
eyes watching them from above, as they
passed through the trees, V seemed to be
leading the way now, as Shea held a
scroll of paper in one hand::

:As they passed through
that forest, the sensation of a multitude of
eyes watching them, he could sense the
malaise in the air, raising the hair on his

::Ash had become quite
adept at following V's lead, giving her just
enough space to move freely, but not be
more than a full stride or two away at any

::some how going back to
Rhydin always seemed to take less time,
she never understood why... she just went
with the flow, holding up her other hand in
to the air, to those that watched them
from the trees, in goodbye, she sensed it
in the air as well, other eyes watched
them, she could hear movement in the
trees the archers were on the move...::

He shook off the
foreboding sensation as the left that stretch
of forest behind. Even if he could
remember the way, he wasn't sure he
could make it through the archers and
others on his own::

::Once out of the woods,
shea would lead the way to harpsing,not
slowing that pace for a moment, V was
well rested, and peppy as could be.She
smirked softly, humming as she let that
scrolled piece of paper close, she tucked
it inside the folds of her cloak, as they
rode in to HarpSing, Shea stayed
mounted, as they rode past the inn,
towards her uncles shop::

:He rode along next to
her as the trail widened to a road as they
entered HarpSing. He'd ask her about that
piece of paper at some point::

::Once out side the
shop, she dismounted, she could hear
the working of metal, she smiled:: this
shouldn?t take me too long...

::He slid from the saddle,
stretching his back as he nodded to
her.::.. take as long as ye need...

::her hand pressed to the
door and she walked in ward:: paying
customers here uncle...:;she was already
placing those two sheathed swords on the
counter top when Dagor walked out, soot
covered his face, after a few moments of
talking and her insisting that she pay him,
she left her sword and her mothers blade
with him to be fixed, and walked back out
side, with a smile:: he is so silly, he
refuses to give that up...:;mumbling as
she came out::

::He looked at her and
smiled:: What does he refuse to give up?

she held up two fingers:;
two things.. the fact that since I am family
I shouldn?t have to pay him, and the other

that other thing? Ye
mean the secret behind his constant
winking at ye?

she was back in the
saddle, reins in her gloved hands:; aye
that, tis no secret among those who know
it. .:;a smile::

:He pulled himself back
into the saddle, turning Ash about with a
tap to the reins:: Okay...I mean to say the
secret that *I* am not privy's that?

Now to FairWinds while
that?s being done, for lunch with Nenime,
Cermie, Duchan Audrey and Vanya.. :;she
smiled:: he wants me to think over
something...but i think he spoke to the
wrong person on the issue at hand...::off
trotting they would go, Shea?s gaze
forward, towards the towers of

he just shook his head
and smiled:: Maybe he should have asked
me then...

he should have...I agree:: a
smile:: he just enjoys to torment me

::Now her reply really had
him wondering what in hades those two
were in secret talks about:: Seems many
in your family enjoy tormenting and
teasing ye.He grinned:: I am glad I,
for one, have never succumbed to doing

Indeed, oh really now...:; a
smirk:: ::another nudge, V's pace
quickened, as they rode towards the walls
of FairWinds, through the gates past the
tall towers, and in to the main square,
there stood that fountain, Shea led V
towards the castle steps, and looked over
the village for a moment, before looking
back at the castle, both good and bad
memories flooded her mind::

he looked over
FairWinds was they passed through the
gates, riding next to Shea and V...He was
certain that this place held as many
stories for her as GreenStone and

::She smiled, as Vanya
came running down the steps and jumped
off the last one , Shea caught her and
spun her around in her arms:: ahh the
welcoming committee...

::she kissed
Vanya's cheek and lowered her back to
the ground, Vanya just smiled and ran up
to Connar, holding her arms up in the
air..:; Up :Vanya would smile::

:He bent down and
scooped Vanya off the ground:: How is
my little dancer?

:she would smile:: good
::giggling softly:: I picked flowers today in
the garden.. just for you and auntie Shea..

He carried her, looking
at her and smiling as they followed Shea::
Ye did...picked flowers just for us? I can't
wait to see them.

::Shea smiled softly, as she
started up the stairs, listening to Vanya
talk to Connar, the large doors were
opened from within, Nenime stood there
smiling:: your early...good things I am
always prepared. Come come, lunch is
nearly ready...

He carried Vanya into
the castle, setting her tiny feet to the
ground and patting her head softly as they
stepped inside. A nod and smile to
Nenime as the moved to Shea's side::

:: Shea passed through the
doors and towards the dinning hall, which
was the second room to the right... the
first being the throne room, FairWinds
was a bit of a different design than
GreenStone the huge stairs there right as
you walked in leading upward, she smiled
to Connar and slid her hand in to his, as
she led the way back towards the dinning
hall, Vanya close behind::

He gave her hand a
squeeze, looking back at Vanya with a
smile, then looking back to Shea as they
moved through the castle to the dining
area, taking note of the way each room
was laid out::

::Cermie, Audrey and Duchan were already seated, Vanya spun in tot he room, and ran to sit on Duchan?s lap, Nenime crossed in tot he room behind them all and walked to the head of the table to sit beside his wife, Shea smiled walking towards her seat::

:He smiled, following
Shea, amused at the unspoken order of
things with her family...everyone knowing
their place...where to sit at any gathering::

Thank you for inviting us
Uncle...:;she slowly took her seat.::
::Nenime nodded:; aye my dear, its been
too long since you were here, the last
time here being not anyone?s best
memory, but come now lets eat ::looking
to the plates of food::

He gave a polite nod to
their hosts before taking his seat, leaning
over to whisper to Shea:: (w)...Ye will
have to fill me in on the details of your last
visit here...

This would be one of the
last full meals Shea would have for a
while, she would savor the bites of food:;
(w) on the ride back to HarpSing I'll fill you
in :: a sip of water::

he ate the food before
him eagerly, the ride here working up
quite the appetite. He looked over at
Vanya and gave her a wink as they ate::

::Audrey would be the first
to finish, Vanya sat there picking at her
food the whole time. Audrey lifted her out
of the chair:: time for a nap...little one
::she would smile:; :;Vanya would pout:;
but I want to stay here with Auntie Shea..
and uncle Connar..:: she pouted more as
Audrey lifted her higher:; Shh that?s
enough you?ve been up since dawn :;vanya
would wave a soft little goodbye as Audrey
carried her out::

:He smiled, warmed by
Vanya's endearing "uncle" in reference to
him. He would wave to her as she was
carried out::

:Shea coughed softly, and
took a long sip of water:; So Duchan...
how goes the wedding plans ?

::he looked at Shea as
she coughed:: Chew before ye swallow.

Duchan smirked:: they go
well.. ::Shea smirked and took a long sip
of water:: I did chew...

He smiled, taking a
drink:: Are ye coming down with a cold

::Nenime chuckled softly,
watching Shea:: I think she was

He looked at Nenime
and smiled:: Now what could Vanya have
said to embarrass Shea?

Uncle...::she smiled:: surely
you jest.. I do not get embarrassed..

Maybe the child knows
something the rest of us haven't figured
out yet...::a smile to Shea::

;Nenime smiled:; yes I
think it was that word ..uncle..::he ran his
fingers over his chin as if her had
something there:: hmm yes it was uncle I

He put his hand on his
chest:: It made me feel warm inside to
hear her call me uncle...I wasn't
embarrassed by it at all...::he grinned at
Shea:: Now why would that bother you?

:;Shea smiled hiding it the
best she could with the rim of that glass::
Uncle...::she gave him a look and
smiled, looking towards Connar:: well I?ve
had my fill... I was not embarrassed...I
swear :; a blush rose to her cheeks::

::He leaned over placing a
kiss on that blushing cheek:: We believe
ye, Shea.

:;Nenime chuckled:: I don't
:: he smirked:: Dagor was right... darn I
owe him twenty gold then...::he snapped
his fingers, and rose to his feet:: we don?t
mean to torment you dear, its just so
easy.. when things be so obvious to the
rest of us...::he held out his arm fro his

:He chuckled, nudging
her:: obvious to the rest of us...

Cermie rose and smiled to
Shea, Nenime smirked:; I think the only
one its not obvious to is you, and you just
don?t want to let it be known :; he winked
at her:: but its late you two should be
off... safe travels niece... we shall see you
in the spring...

:He went over and shook
Nenime's hand thanking him for the
hospitality, then a kiss to Cermie?s
cheek, a soft smile as thanks were given.
He walked around and met Shea on the
other side of the table::

::Her hair swept in front of her
face hiding her blush as she made her
way fast out of the room::

He smiled, a wave to
them in parting as he walked out with
Shea:: I can see why your family enjoys
teasing ye are so beautiful when
ye blush...they must revel in it as much
as I.

:;that just made her blush
more as she started out the open door::
they enjoy it because it flusters me so

He laughed, walking
along side of her:: Flustered? Did ye say
flustered? I think I heard that word used
earlier today...

::down the steps back in to
V in a moments time, reins in hand:: yes

:He grinned, taking his
place back in Ash's saddle, a quick tug
on the reins::

you fluster me as well...::up
she went back in to the saddle::

:He laughed:: And I don't
even have a nitegown.

::She gave V a nudge and
led her out back towards the back gates
this time: you don?t need one to fluster me
:; a smirk, eyes forward focused on the
lake that was getting closer, she could
hear the falls::

he didn't even have to
nudge Ash, he set right after V as Shea
set her in motion. He smiled, leaning over
to pat the animal's neck:: Steady there,
Fell a...I know how ye feel..

::He looked over
the lake, the distant rumbling of the falls
rising in the distance::

::She slowed V's pace
along the shore of the lake , jade hues
gazing towards the falls:: FairWinds falls
and lake.. Home to Zaide

::He looked to the lake
and the falls:: Zaide...who or what is Zaide?

The Green Dragon of
FairWinds, his home is in those fall
cliffs... he?s quite the sight...not as huge
as Dae...

::He nodded:: A dragon. I
should have guessed that.

: there are many of those
here...Dae, Zaide, Valar, the dragon of the
dark willow, Airlia, StarFire ,and the
dragons of the dragon riders Amethyst

She dismounted slowly so
that V could take a drink from the lake ::
now as to the tale of what happened the
last time I was in FairWinds...

:He nodded as she
spoke of all the dragons keeping watch
over the land:: I've not had much contact
with dragons...just Icer and Ty mostly and
only from a distance...

He dropped out of the
saddle, letting Ash follow V to the water's
edge:: Oh, is it story time already?

well Icer and Ty are
different, new world dragons.. they can
speak, but the dragons here do not speak
any common tongue that I have
heard.. :;she nodded:; you wanted to
know didn?t you

He took her hand in
his:: Of course I do.

;she smiled taking his hand
in hers:: it was ages ago, before Shavyn
had returned from Crendia, and while
Salice was searching for Devron... I had
come here, well to the castle, to see what
news had come...

::He looked at her while
she spoke...he loved watching her lips,
the changing expressions on her
face...the glimmer in her eyes::

the castle was ambushed,
by those who followed my brother and
Alaric, I was taken captive... Nenime
protected Audrey and then his unborn
grandchild. The castle was over run.. by
those who followed with my brother...

And I was taken captive by
a mad man, who once was a trusted ally,
and commander of the Rangers of
GreenStone, Magnus..he had been
posined by Aalric, and corrupted by my
brother, he had been promised power, and
many more things to place a ambush
upon the castle...

Godds, Shea, ye seem to
be surrounded by men ye once put your
trust in who turn mad and make things
worse for ye...

::He grinned:: At least ye
knew I was mad when ye met
surprises for ye there

:;she looked behind them:: I
was taken tot hat tower there...:;looking
to the tower that came from the castle:;
Held captive... eventually the allies came
,Kulbin Shay and the others, I was
saved... Magnus was beheaded and it
was a hell of a fight according to Shay...
your not mad Connar...:;a smile:: ;:she kissed his cheek:: at
least not mad in a bad way...

::he laughed:: Tis right,
I'm not mad....just flustered...but that
could drive me mad, eventually.

;she smiled softly:: well
flustered is one thing, I could always try
not to fluster you.. so...

Ye and a potato sack
would fluster me...tis way beyond your

:She took V's reins in one
hand, and looked to the sky:: I could
always just not wear anything ..:;she
shook her head:; I mean anything that
would fluster you more so...

He smiled, and looked
at her:: Aye that would...but those
nitegowns of yours aren't much more than
nothing at all.

she smiled softly as she
pulled up in to the saddle:: Perhaps I like
to fluster you...

::He stepped up to Ash,
gripping the saddle and pulling up into it::
And I like being flustered by ye.

Good ::She gave V a little nudge, and off they went back towards HarpSing. Back within the city walls back to her uncles shop, dismounting again to go with in:; This wont take but a moment

he watched her while
they made the return trip to HarpSing,
watching her hair whip about her
shoulders, her posture in the saddle, tall,
confident, assured. He nodded as she
went in to see her uncle once more::

:;Inside she would go, a few moments passed, and out she would come sheathing those fixed blades tightly to her belt:; My uncle sends his regrets that he will not be able to host that dinner for us tonight and give us these instead: she held up two bound packages, bound by cloth:: a few good rations? ::she tucked hers away in to that bag at her side and handed Connar his:; there?s apples, good elven bread, and dried meat in there, at least a weeks supply?

:;He took the bundle,
hefting it with a smile:: That will go a long

::Up in to the saddle she
went, brushing the hair from her eyes, it
was already getting dark, if they moved
quickly, they could reach the Mith Woods
by night fall and the pass soon after that::

::He turned Ash about,
riding up next to Shea;; I can just imagine
what your uncle will say when he hears of
the whole "uncle" incident...

;she smiled and started to
head out of HarpSing:: he will be a happy
man, twenty gold?s richer?

::she led them along the road down past the villages and towns, past the kingdom of Amethyst Rose, its banners caught high in the early night air.

;He shook his head::
What was the wager on?

Twenty gold? No wonder
he didn't want ye to pay for honing your
weapons...we fattened his coffers already.

::she led them along the
road down past the villages and towns,
past the kingdom of Amethyst Rose, its
banners caught high in the early night
air.:; a brotherly gamble..

:He grinned:: Brothers
will gamble over just about any matter,
large or small.

:she smiled as she led
them across the bridge, and towards
SilverWaters the moon rising high in tot
he night air:: they place their bets on
me, in a way.. tis a long complicated tale..

He rode close to her,
catching that smile as they crossed the
bridge, the last rays of daylight fading
behind them::

Ye are the source of
teasing and wagering? No wonder
everyone is so glad to see keep
them amused in more than one way.

::she looked over to
Him ,then ahead as they passed the town
of gold feather, the walls of SilverWaters
getting close, the sound of the ocean
heard once more:: yes indeed, and I pay

:A smile coming to his
lips:: Aye...that ye do...tenfold and then
some more.

::she blushed softly,
keeping that good pace, V still as peppy
as ever, trotted along past the walls of
SilverWaters, and away from her home
lands back towards that pass, well hidden
in the mountains::

Ash seemed to revel in
a good workout, keeping pace with V as
they moved away from SilverWaters and
headed toward the mountain pass. This
horse would get a workout of a different
sort in a few days hence::

::back along that path till
they reached those trees that blocked
there way, her hand rested against the
trees as she spoke softly in elvish this
time, the trees parted, and she rode on
through them, it was getting closer the
moment she dreaded::

He listened to her speak
those words, the pathway opening, the
trees standing guard between her world
and all that lay on the other side:: Where
will we be making camp for the night,

The cave here, the one we
can call home:: she stopped there before
that large cave mouth, she slowly
dismounted:: and we head out at
dawn.. make our way down through the
pass back in the lands beyond Rhydin

He slipped off of Ash's
back, pulling off the pack and loosening
the saddle straps, pulling it free from the
horse's back for the night. He smiled as
he moved toward the cave:: I won't have to
go looking for pine boughs then...

:She would tie V to that
tree again and get to making a fire, once
made she sat there before it starring
inward at the flames, they had made it
from greenstone to here in one day, Shea
had done that before only once, She
gazed towards her weary mare, as V
nuzzled up to Ash:: nope its all hear...and
already roaring with fire...nice and warm

He pulled one of Dagor's
apples from the pack, drawing his dagger
and slicing it in half, offering on half to
Shea as he joined her by the fire::

she took the apple in hand
and smiled to him: :thank you :; she
Took a bite::

Ye are so welcome...::He
smiled, holding his half in his teeth as his
cloak was removed and placed over the
pine boughs within the cave. He came
back next to her, taking bites of the
apple...the silence all around them saying
more of what weighed heavily on their
minds than words could::
:;she leaned in close to him
as she ate her half of apple, closing her
eyes in the warmth::

The last bite of apple
swallowed, he wrapped his arm around
her, kissing her cheek softly:: Let's just
have this be one more night together and
leave the worrying about what lies ahead
to tomorrow.

::she nodded:; yes I like
that idea

He gave her a soft kiss
before moving over to his pack once more,
taking out an apple for V and Ash,
offering one to each of them from his
open palms. He walked toward her,
extending his hand to her:: Come
on...morning will be here soon enough.

:she took his hand and
rose to her feet:; too soon..

:He lead them back to
the cave, pulling off his belt and setting it
and the attached weapons to the ground.
He turned to face her, his hands moving
to loosen her belt as he leaned in to kiss
her lips tenderly, the belt and weapons
freed to drop to the ground::

:;she returned the kiss her
hands slipping over his shoulders::

He caressed her waist,
drawing the fabric of her shirt through his
fingers as his lips pressed tightly to hers,
drawing her close::

;she savored in the
embrace as he drew her closer, returning
that kiss ,deepening it letting the worries
of tomorrow slip from her mind::

His hands moved to her
back, enraptured by her touch and her
kiss, chasing off any thoughts other than
thoughts of her. He would pull back to
look into her eyes, his hand moving up to
caress her cheek::

:leaning in to that soft
touch she would smile:: we should get
some rest...

::To soon would rest sweep her off her feet, resting there in his arms, sleeping soundly, too soon would the day light come. The dawn. The night had chased away all her worries but the dawn had brought them all back::

::Back would they be on the path way down through the pass all too soon, and then they stood there, among those tall trees, the pass behind them, the time had come to say goodbye. Shea hated goodbyes, she never said that word? and never could::

He held her tightly,
looking into her eyes:: I will be back
soon...Shea...just keep a lantern lit for me
so I can find my way.

::The trees hummed with the sound of morning birds, the winds swept past them through the trees, past the grass. Shea stood there silent as ever, her eyes spoke everything, every fear, every worry, every inch of feeling, in her body. Seen there in those jade hues, saddened deeply with in:: I will..

::her arms tightly about him, if she could
have she would have just stayed right

::she slowly lightened that
embrace, holding that rolled scroll in her
hands:: here.. this is my gift to you, just
in case...

:He took the scroll,
looking at it...:: What is this?

A map, of my home lands
just in case you return and cant find me in
Rhydin don?t worry no magic to it, just ink
and parchment...

:He took the scroll,
looking at it...:: What is this?

A map, of my home lands
just in case you return and cant find me in
Rhydin don?t worry no magic to it, just ink
and parchment...

::He smiled, taking the
parchment and tucking it inside his tunic::
Just what I needed...I hope I don't have to
use it...::He took her in his arms again
and kissed her deeply, not a good-bye
kiss, but an embrace to say, "I love you
more than words can express."...He
pulled back, a soft touch to her cheek:: (s) I will see ye soon
enough, will be with me always.

::she smiled softly after the
kiss ended:: and ye will be with me..::
looking up in to his eyes:: there be no
magic in your world but trust in the winds
even so, they have never been wrong...

He nodded, a soft smile
to her as his hand slid slowly down her
arm, to grace her hand once more before
leaving her side:: Give my best to Wyh
and the rest at the Inn...

she kissed his cheek
softly:: amin mela lle.. , i will give them
your best

::He fought back tears
that wanted to fall, wrapping his arms
about her:: Amin mela lle...Shea...::He
would kiss her lips tenderly once more
before breaking away to turn to his horse
and pull himself up in the saddle,
snapping at the reins and lurching Ash
forward. He would ride a short distance,
then turn the animal around so he could
see her again, before turning back to that
coastline trail::

:She stood next to V now,
letting the wind whip through her
hair, watching Him fade in tot he distance,
the wind at his back would go softly::

::She would stand there till she could see him no more, then mount up, and Turn V towards Rhydin, making her way slowly back towards the town,off in the distance::


Date: 2006-12-30 23:42 EST
::She walked now, along through the fields of tall grass, leaving her realm behind: Heading for Rhydin, not knowing why. She had done little to help the people there, with all the killings amassed in the west end. Perhaps she could still make a difference. She was still miles from Rhydin, as she sat down, letting V graze. The sun setting, to the west, her right hand grasp at that medallion. Closing her eyes. She would make camp here tonight, it would be lonely, and she knew sleep would not come to her. But V needed rest, and Shea was weary in soul and body. The winds whipped towards her carrying the smell of the ocean from the coast line from far away.::

:: The coastline? Connar? The hours had passed slowly from when they had said ?goodbye? though those words were never spoken. Now there alone she let a few tears fall to the ground. Still holding tight to that medallion, her mind so torn between three worlds now, GreenStone, Rhydin.. And Connar.. Her love, now off to do what he must. Her heart was with him. She lay there back in to the grass as the sun set, taking with it the warmth of the day. Looking up as the stars came out she counted them to pass the time. Thinking over everything that had transpired. ::

::She did not like goodbyes. The eve before late in the hours of night she had woken, when they were still in Greenstone. She had gone down stairs, and Salice was awake making a cup of hot tea. The sisters sat there in the lounge, quietly talking for hours of many things. The past, the present and the possible future. They talked of what action to take with Crendia, battle plans. They exchanged wisdom, and stories from the months that had passed since they last saw each other. Finally Salice would rise to head to bed leaving Shea with one thought, ? We have always trusted in our hearts , they have never led us astray, no matter what?s happened in our past seler?.? Shea knew those words to be true, they had all long trusted in the hearts to guide the way, and yes there were some pit falls, some dark times. Pain and despair, but still they trusted in love. Salice had won out, Shavyn as well. And this time Shea would win out. They would not say goodbye, it was bad luck to them, goodbye meant they would never say hello again, and even if one came to death they would see each other again in the after life. Neither would say goodbye.::

::After sitting there for a while alone, Shea went in to the study, and pulled out a blank piece of parchment . She started to write a letter to her son. Connar and she would be leaving in the early morn, she would not say goodbye to anyone, she would be back before to long. But she did have a few things to say to her son.::


Lle amin utinu , naa tel kallo' en? amin coia. Amin vara, tuulo' iire lle nae ai, tenna' sii'. Ann gar lle chebin lle vesta a? Adaron. Lle gar naa antha en amin. Amin sinta ta naa a Norn coia, ala de avorn. Sii? lle naa a nessa edan. I am proud of you.

:;She smiled as she writes and starts to just write it in common::

There is something I must tell you.

I saw your father, in Rhydin, out side of the city in the forests at the fallen temple of the Sul Val?istar. I also saw Cala. Your father and she spoke to me, I was to train and be tested. I know your fathers spirit lingers in this world to watch over us both. I think it would do you good to find him, you would not have to travel to Rhydin, speak to Salice as her how she found Cala.

Once this is known, travel to find him. You could learn from him this way, there are many things I can not teach you. You are a fine warrior and a wonderful son, a gentleman and full of love. But every son needs his father, and Adaron was taken from you long ago.

If you find him, perhaps you shall find the answers you seek. I head to Rhydin today, if you need me send me word, and I will not hesitate to come back. Something in Rhydin calls me there, the winds shall wield it. I shall be safe. Though I go alone.. Yes that is what else you should know.

Connar rides with me to the pass but not back to Rhydin, he has things to attend to in his world. We will be parted, and it frightens me. I tell only you this. I love him Aiden? more so than I have loved in a long time.

Please think of me often, send me your blessings and hope that this time love will find away? for I need it to. I love you my son. Be safe. I will see you again soon.


:;That morning she slipped it under his door before she and Connar left, and now she thought over the words she had written to him, wondering if by this hour he was awake.. He son would have a task laid at his feet. She smiled as she lay back in the grass watching the sun slowly fade to the west, heart and mind so many places at once.::


Date: 2006-12-30 23:47 EST
:She was not the only one out there, in the rain, in those wild fields. In the dark she could sense it. Violette could feel it too, getting antsy. She rose in the falling rain eyes panning over the area, through that all grass towards the trees and the un beaten pathways. Jade hues saw through the shadows that were cast by the clouds above as they passed over the slightest of crescent moons. There was a flash of lightning . She watched the light coarse to the ground near the trees. Then there was a fire there in the under brush, the deer and wolves ran together to escape the flames. Shea watched predator and prey run side by side no feelings of fear, or hunger. The rain came down harder over the flames that burnt in to the dry grass underbrush.::

:: Violette pulled back. Shea grabbed the reins to calm the mare.:: Easy girl, its alright the rain will put it out . :;the rain crashed down hard upon them soaking in to her hair and clothing quickly, V was quickly soaked. The fire was put out by the rains, the smoke rising high in to the night air. Shea still sensed something Her hand rested on the hilt of that blade at her left: Her mothers blade, that was now hers. She would have to stop calling it her mothers, it was now bound more to her and her power. Something lurked in the rising smoke, a figure. Shea feared for a moment that the daemon from the orb was back. Ready for a fight if it came tot hat. But the figure had solid form, or seemingly so. ::

Seler? this will be the final test, you have used fire magic, you have faced off with the daemon of the obsidian orb, and destroyed both. We have spoken and you gave me your forgiveness, now for one last time face me. :: He held that blade in his hands, he seemed as real as anything, the rain bounce off his broad shoulders . The water slid down the length of his board sword. The wonderfully crafted blade. The long blade shimmed in the dim moon light, the long light and dark iron blade came to a fire symbol just before the curved cross bar, it tapered up at the ends two black crystals, from the cross bar the handle made of ivory was segmented and held to look as one with a mithral ring, at the end of the ivory handle is another larger ring of mithral and on top sits an orb of mithral and iron. Shea had seen that blade sticking out of solid rock, not days ago, she had left there, choosing on the side to not know who lie under those fallen rocks, be Alaric?s body, or Jin?s. She was ready, after years and years of waiting, this would be the last battle they would have. Their first few had not ended well, for either Shea still left with that scar along her side, it had been healed by the paladins magic but after eh betrayed her, the wound soon returned. She wore that scar with pride now.::

Toror? I am ready. :;He smiled to her walking closer, the rain streaked through his short silverish-blue hair. Those light blue eyes with flecks of darker blue and green mixed with in looked to her. It was Jin, him before the shadows took him, the real him that had long be taken away from the Lands of Greenstone. Jade hues starred in to those light blue hues.:: Toror??.

:;He smiled to her:; Seler? you have forgiven me fully even in your heart, you have faced the greatest of challenges, the orb of Alaric. Now I will embody the last of your tests before your full powers are realized. By dawn you will be the Sul Val?istar you were born to be. Magic spells will no longer drain you, healing spells will no longer take away from you. And then you can continue to study, I recommend starting with water elemental, since it is in you as much as wind.

:;Shea nodded, and drew that slender swept hilt sword. The mithral blade shown in the moon light as the clouds cleared. Jinnalt smiled to her, and held out his sword:: The magic is still in this old blade of mine, it can still hurt you.. with that. I dare not hold back.

Don?t.. :;she was on the move the winds whipped about her tossing her hair high in to them. She moved though the grass, and over the rocks to meet her blade with his the crash of mithral to iron heard ringing though the empty fields. The blade slid passed each other, as Jinnalt spun moving quickly upon his toes. He had always been well trained in sword play. They parried and dodge, slashed and crashed. The wind elemental stirring the element of fire with in Jin?s blade. Shea spun as the flames licked out at her blocking them with a powerful gust.::

Good.. ::Jinnalt would call to her as he ducked , and rolled to the side, going for that move he?d used long ago to slice across her side. Shea moved jumping up. The air lifted her a bit, she spun backwards the tip of her blade clashed to his. She landed on her feet. The rain was coming to a stop now. Jinnalt stood there with a smile. ::

:;It would go on for hours this practicing this dueling. Brother and sister. Trainer and trainee. Student and Teacher. Finally Jinnalt slipped the tip of his blade in to the earth. And he knelt to one knee. His eyes gazed to her. :: Are you ready?

Ready? ::She wondered what he meant.::

:;He looked down to the blade and spoke something in elvish, from the tip of the blade that stuck in the ground flames rose and raced towards Shea and around her in a high circle. She was trapped there in the flames.::

:;Shea focused, she would not fear the fire, not any longer. She held out that long slender blade towards the flames and chanted in elvish, the winds picked up, the flames fueled at first then they died down. She jumped upwards over the wall of flames, the tip of her cloak getting the slightest bit burnt. Before she landed, she looked to the ring of flames her eyes shown silver, and the flames died. Shea took a breath, she didn?t feel weakened, she felt strong.:: Jinnalt clapped softly as he sheathed his sword and walked to her side, the sun was starting to rise over the eastern woods. :; Very well done, you have passed. And now so may I.

:;Shea looked to him:: Toror? ?

:;He smiled:: I am sorry for what I did to you, I am sorry for taking your love away. But to see you now, I know you have found new happiness. Trust in it, as you did before. And be at peace. :;he patted her shoulder. And as the sun rose the figure shifted and faded away, the sun danced over the plains, over the burn marks upon the earth.:: Fire can kill, but it can also renew? ::she smiled:: be at peace brother mine. :;She walked over to V and took the reins and pulled up in to the saddle and made way for Rhydin::

:;She was now fully in to her powers, a Sul Val?istar true, fully. She smiled as she rode. What ever was going to come her way she would be ready, and now she would start to focus on becoming as skilled with the other elements, one day perhaps she would be a Onna Val?istar , and elemental high mage. Though wind would always be her most skilled of powers. She rode on through the waxing day light, through the trees and back down the path ways toward Rhydin, she could see the city in the distance . She could see the tallest buildings. Soon enough V?s hooves beat against cobblestone pathways, she was back in Rhydin. It was mid-after noon. She would make her way tot hat Inn on the outskirts, and pay for a good few days stay there, She would take all her things inside and leave V to be taken care of by the stable hands.::

::She left a few things in her room, and locked the door as she left. She would leave V there to rest, and walk the streets back towards the market place and through it with cloaks hood drawn high above her head, she would hear of all the things she had missed while enjoying her time away, killings in the west end, much blood shed in Rhydin. She would make her way towards the Red Dragon Inn as night started to fall. ::


Date: 2007-01-01 00:04 EST
::Shea returned to that Inn on the outskirts of town: Silently, through the front door in the middle of the night: The Red Dragon had been madness, too crazy for her. Thank god for this place, which was unknown to most. The Red Dragon was the center of Rhydin, and this place barely ever had paying customers, thank goodness for Shea and the few other ?outsiders? who stayed there. She would go in to that sparse room , and slip off her cloak ,bag, bow, quiver and belt with sheathed weapons, her weapons sat upon the bed. She slowly sat there and looked around the empty room, her hand slowly traced around that medallion, since they had parted not a moment did she not think of Connar. She had no idea where he was or what was put before him. She had already faced her first battle. Though it was more of training, a test. Than a fight. Now she would sit there, knowing sleep would never come::

:;But it did: sleep came, after hour of sitting there she finally fell back upon the bed, her hand clasp around that medallion : now she would dream:

::She was standing in a wild field of tall grass, trees far to the west, jade hues took in the surround she knew this place, the ruins all about the desert like sun beating down upon the dirt path. Crendia. She walked the path towards the main city, it was in flames. The city was on fire, women and children running from the gates out in to the safety of the plains. They looked to her for aide. She could smell it on the air, thick black smoke. Rising up in to the mid-day sun. She could see the flames from the Village rising up, as the people ran out She ran in.:;

::She would go to work, putting out fires, with her powerful wind magic?s. Calling ona huge storm to come over head to rain down relief . Villages cheered her name. She walked towards the palace in flames as well the Village could be saved, but inside the palace Darius was trapped.::

:;Shea ran towards the palace, pushing open the doors with a heavy kick tot hem, as she walked in she heard the crackling of the flames all around, blood on the floor, seared men in their armor lie dead before her feet. There was a roar of fire all around her, the sound of breaking glass, and metal melting, the heat was intense. Then there was a sound from above a huge beam came crashing downward at her, she moved quickly ducking through the flames the beam crashed to the floor singing in to the tile. Air thick with smoke. She held her hand over her mouth as she ran through flames, coughing. The flames licked at her face, burning it, leaving blisters, scarlet flames licked out and shot out from the very floor under her feet, singing at the ends of her dark blue hair. She ran with all the speed her feet could muster as those leather boots began to melt around her feet, her cloak was black but it would survive. he room was orange and red with flame. She kept going. Ducking through roaring flames. Up the singed stairs and over the causeways : toward the main room. She pulled on the door, the metal handle singed her hand. Burning through her glove to her bare hand, she pulled back and kicked open the door through the pain and dashed inward:: Darius? ? :;he voice called through the smoke.::

Atara! ::She heard her sons voice:: help us? !

Aiden! ::She moved through the smoke trying to find her way.:; where are you?

Shea! ::That was Shay?s voice:: Seler? where are you? I can?t see?!
A?maelamin ! ::No it couldn?t be, was that Connar?s voice too::

:;She fumbled her way through the smoke, , before her she felt that large table, she could barely see, she had to clear this smoke, she rose up some wind to blow the smoke through the open windows, shattered by the heat.:;

where are you? I can?t see you :; she looked over the room, death every blood painted the walls.::

They are already dead? :: a male voice came from behind her, she turned to face the blood red eyes of Blahl, possessed for sure, flames licked around him but did not touch him:: And you?ll be next? this is only a taste of what?s to come?::He moved to hit her then the flames took him over::

::Shea awoke with a scream:: NO! ::A deep breath as sweat dripped down her face, she looked over the dark room, snapped back to reality. That medallion bounced against her chest, she took hold of it tightly?:: Connar?

::She would not sleep again, she would remain awake, till the sun came through the window.::


Date: 2007-01-01 02:59 EST
::Salice had felt it in the air, sensed it int he water upon the ground, something stirred in rhydin, though she could not see it from where she stood in the castle in GreenStone she could feel it, she was quick to sense the magic being used by Shvayn: something was wrong: With all the spped she could muster she wrote a letter and called to the winds::

::From far he came, that ahwk, Shea had often spoken of: Adaron was the name she ahd given this feathered friend. This was the only one she would trust to get this note to Shea. She sealed the note and handed it to the bird of prey::

"Fly fast, fly with the winds that she wields, you must not fail."

::The bird was up and gone away as fast as his wing beats could take him Salice watched from the tower, then her eyes gazed over the city below, now that they had peace in GreenStone: Its eems as if every where else was filled with tension::

::Far from rhyidn, in the castle Salice sat, looking over papers, durbing her fingers on the table before her, it was then that she heard something, she turned to see a note laying just under the garden door, she moved and lifted it, it was from Shay, she tore it open and read::

::a siigh passed through ehr lips and fingers ran through her silver hair:

Shea... ::her heart went out to her sister, Shavyn ah d written every detail of what ahd happened in tot hat letter save for what exactly happened with Shea and Blahl, slice now sat down at the table took out her ink and quill and blank parchment and wrtoe a very long letter to Shea.::

amin mela lle.. Salice...

::she signed ehr name and sealed the letter shut, then stood and walked out side, she called to the winds, the winds took the letter in their grasp and felw with the letter towards Rhydin, the letter would be picked up by that feathered friend of Shea's Adaron her beloved hawk, he would get it to her with out fail::

::The lanters were being lit. As the sun set. The festival wasn't for a few days, but the village was already getting ready for the party. Banners being hung, lanters being lit. Guest list being made out and inviations being sent out.::

::Salice sat comfortable in the lounge upon her favored chair, looking over the quest list, checking off names of those she'd already invitied.::

"My love, you should get some rest." :;Devron ran his hands over his lovely wifes shoudlers:: " you need all your rest."

:;Salice smiled and leaned back in to his touch.:: "I'm almost done, I'm just making sure everyone one got an inviation, you gave one to Caleb right?"

:;He nodded:: " aye, he and his wife will be here, and Dagor will be here with his wife and their daughter, and your sisters will be here, Aiden and Mila, Master Kulbin and who ever Shea is bringing."

::Salice smiled as she amrked off those names again:: "Connar.. is his name love." :;a smile back to him:: "oh yes that remind me, tomorrow I must go in to harpsing to have the dresses made, for us ladies. I am sure Shea and Shavyn will be very surpised, oh yes I should have new ones made for Audrey, and Vanya. Its my gift to them all, it has bene far too long since we could celebrated Yenearsira."

:;He kissed her cheek:: " yes it will be grand, freinds, family, good drink and good food. "

::she smiled to him:: " alright, I know I should be resting."

:;He kissed her cheek again.:: " when ever your ready to my love."

:;she let the list roll up and tucked it in to that chair, and slowly rose up to her feet.:: " I suppose I am just excited."

::He nodded and offered ehr his arm:; "aye I can tell. I havent seen you smile like that ina long time, now come my lovely, I shall put you to rest and tend to those things that trouble you so." :: he kissed her cheek and led her up stairs to bed.::

"You rest, I'll tend to the menu, and the village, and anything else?"

::She smiled.:: " No,IU can't let you do everything, now can I. Just don't take too long."

::He smiled, laughing softly :: "No I know, you like to add your own touches. I would never dream of taking long my love. now rest, I'll be back before you know it."

::He kissed her and turned and left the room off to do thsoe pesky things that were of the most importance to his beloved

::Giggling would be heard as Vanya ran down the hall:; " Catch me. Catch me.." ::she called back to her mother Audrey who chased behind her.

:;bump, Vanya hit someone?s leg. Big beautiful eyes looked up to see Devron.:: " hewwo, uncle Devron."

::He laughed, and lifted her up:: " hello dear."

:;Audrey finally caught up:: " Diola lle Devron." :: she took a deep breath.:;

:;Devron chuckled. And Vanya hugged tightly to him:: "higher, higher!"

:;He lifted her up high in to the air and winked up at her.:

"Yay...!" ::she giggled::

::Salice smiled as she watched from the bed room doorway:: "Are you giving your mother a hard time Vanya?" :: she would walk out slowly, dressed in her training gear, the most comfortable clothes she had.::

::Devron smiled to his beautiful wife, and lowered Vanya to the ground.:

::Vanya ran and hugged Salice?s legs, and looked up at her belly. Salice had barely begun to show the signs of that child she carried inside:: " hello baby..." :: Vanya pressed her hand to Salice?s tummy::

::Salice smiled softly, looking down to her niece.:: " are you ready for the party?"

::She jumped up and down:: " yes, I can't wait! Yen...ear...sira.." :;she tried to say the elven words:: " its fun."

::Salice laughed softly.:: " yes, the whole family will be together for the first time in a long time."

::Vanya did a little spin.:: " yay, everyone? Even aunties Shavyn and Shea..?"

::Salice nodded:: " yes dear, they will be here."

"YAY!" :: witha spin she went back to running down the stairs.::

" Vanya.. walk..." :Audrey called after her as she went back to chasing after her::

::Devron chuckled and walked to his wife?s side.: "sleep well my love?"

::A nod to him:: " yes, very well. And now I'm ready for another busy day."

::he kissed her cheek, and offered her his arm.:: " then come , food is calling."

::Together they walked down stairs towards the dinning hall::

with tired eyes Audrey stared out the window.:; "Look here comes, my father and mother."

:;Salice walked up behind her:: " ahh Nenime, and Cermie, good, soon enough all shall be here. You should go get some rest why you can sister mine."::though Jin wa slong dead, audrey was stilla sister to Salice. Beloved.::

:;A smile rose to Audrey features, and she rose to her feet.:: " yes your right Vanya will be up at dawn, quel du Salice." :;She walked tot he door and opened it for her father and mother, they embraced and said their goodnight to their daughter. Cermie followed Audrey up stairs while Nenime stayed down stairs.::

"Dear niece of mine." :: eyes cast upon Salice by the fire side.:: " should you not be in bed beside your beloved at this hour?"

::Salice smiled looking from the fire to her uncle:: " aye, but I can not sleep."

::He walked to her and sat beside her.:: " Dagor and Elenya will be here tomorrow I am sure, and Shay and the rest soon after." :;he patted her shoulder:: " the castle looks lovely, the village is lit up light a bright star."

;Salice smiled.:: " I do hope everyone makes it here safe"

::Nenime nodded:: " aye, your sisters come great distances, bt they do not come alone, all shall be fine, you worry to much for such a lovely young woman. No off to bed with you, I'll stay up incase anyone shows. who are we awaiting besides your sisters, and my brother and his wife?"

:;Salice rose to her feet::" Caleb Evermore and his wife, and that is all, tomorrow I am sure the rest shall be close. Tis a three day ride from Crendia.. and four days from Rhydin... knowing both my sisters they will arrive hours before we are to start."

::Nenime chuckled:; "they wouldn?t be younger siblings it they didn?t pull your chain a little, now go " :: he pointed off:: " to bed with you."

:;Salice smiled and kissed his cheek and went towards the stairs and up to bed.::

:;Nenime sat there alone in the lounge before the hearth thinking.: " how proud you would both be of your daughters..." :; thinking of his sister, Adamina and Alcander... as he lay back in that couch... Just in case someone was to show early::

::With the breaking of dawn Nenime woke to see two huge eyes starring at him:;

"Hewwo.? ::A smile rose to the girls face::

:;Nenime chuckled:: "Ah and Angel, I have died them.She young beautiful angel. Say it is not so. ?::playing dead.::

?No silly grand father, its me. Vanya.? :;a giggle to him watching as he played dead.::

::He smiled:: ?Vanya. No, it can not be, for you are an angel for sure. But let me make sure.? :: he reached over and gave her sides a good tickle.::

::She giggled, then laughed. Nearly falling to the floor::

"Atar ?" :;Audrey looked in at her father, tickling her daughter.::

::He smiled:: ? what ho another angel in my sights." :: a smile to his daughter:: "What did I do to deserve such a morning?" :: he slowly slid his feet off the couch::

::Audrey walked in to the lounge and lifted Vanya in to her arms., she gave her father a kiss on the cheek :: ? Atar..? :: she shook her head at him then walked for the dinning hall::

:;Nenime mused there for a moment, before rising to his feet.::? Wait blessed Angels.? :;musing to him self, holding back that smirk.:: ? Where is my beautiful angelic wife??

::Cermie laughed and poked her head out of the dinning hall.:: ?morning my love, sleep well??

::He smiled to her and walked from the lounge in to the dinning hall. Then with a strong arm he pulled her close:: ?with out thee by my side, I cease to sleep at all.? :: he dipped her down low and kissed her softly, then he slowly pulled her back up and gave her a little spin. ? so what are my lovely angels doing this morning??

::Cermie smiled, regaining her footing after that dip,kiss and spin. And continued to set out the plates for breakfast:: ? helping out a woman in need, tis time for breakfast, and our niece still sleeps.?

::He nodded:: ? ahh then let me go check in on the kitchen staff.":: slinking away. He could smell the food, he was so hungry could eat a horse.::

?Nenime FairWinds, don?t you go sampling anything.?::Cermie called after him, knowing her husband too well::

::He grinned as he slipped in to the kitchen, humming pretending not to hear his wives words., taking in the smell of the cooking food.:: ? mmm smells wonderful.?

::Along the path the carriage rode ,they had passed in to the elven lands a day ago, the trip had been a long one but now finally as the sun rose they were headed throught eh Valley of Dae and closer to GreenStone. One last set of hills and then they would be at the gates.::

::Shavyn woke her head resting upon Kulbins shoulder, soft hues gazed over to Aiden and Mila sound asleep. She smiled looking up towards Kulbin, He was wide awake, just smiling down at her.:: ?Morning my love.? :; he had that mischiveious look upon his features, for yesterday when they where all sleeping, he had the driver taken them through HarpSing and Kulbin had a nice long talk with Dagor, a secret talk::

?You must keep this a secret, no one can know.I want her to be surpised.? ::Kulbin smiled as he spoke to Dagor:: ? you are the finest smith in all of these lands, your work is hailed. That is why I would only trust you to do this.?

::Dagor smiled:: ? ahh my boy, you?ve come to the right man.? ::he slowly took off those blackened gloves and wipped the bit of soot off of his face.:: ?I?ll get to it striaght away, I am sure Elenya will wonder where I am, I was supposed to be in GreenStone by now. She went there last eve, I was meant to go there this morn. But I assure you I shall get started on this right away, and by tomorrow. I shall arrive, and give you ?? ::he looked over to the carriage , to make sure all were still asleep, he whispered softly:: ? the ring of her dreams.?

::Kulbin shook dagors hand, not minding the black soot.:: ? thank you..your work will be paid in full.?

::Dagor smiled,:: ? your going to be family now, I usually don?t charge family..?
::Kulbin chuckled softly.:: ?well im not family until she says yes, so your work shall be paid in full.But you must keep my

secret.?::Dagor smiled:: ? I shall, see you tomorrow at the fest.?

::One last vigorius hand shake and Kulbin slipped back in to the carriage, as it pulled away Dagor slipped back in to his shop and started to work.::

::After selecting the perfect unflawed piece of raw mithral he could find, he began the long laborous work of heating it. One it was headed, he went to work, flatining and shapping the metal. Cooling it and twisting it in to form. Long had it been since anyone reguested he make a ring, but he had done It often in the past.. Sweat dripped down over his blackened face, over his bare arms as he worked,pounding the metal in to shape. Blades took him only hours now to make, he had become so skilled with that work, but this would take many more hours.It had to be prefect, the right size and shape.::

:;Hours passes and he looked down to the ring as it cooled not done just yet, but he was tired, far to tired to finish off just yet. He smiled taking the cooling ring up in his gloved hand and placing it somewhere safe for the night, before he went off to get clean and sleep::

::Shavyn and the group arrived in GreenStone at mid-day::

::Now only a few guests left::


Date: 2007-01-01 03:16 EST
The walk to the blacksmith's shop was short but chilling...he had left his cloak with Shea...not wanting to get it soiled...he knew the night's labors would be messy, and he'd rather limit the number of articles of clothing he'd have to clean when done. The back door to the shop was left unocked, as promised, heat hissing from the furnace greeted his ears as he entered. He had arranged with the blacksmith to use his shop when he could work without getting in the blacksmith's way. He gave a few pulls on the bellows, firing up the coals in the furnace, filling the room with its red, hot glow

He removed his tunic and shirt, carefully placeing them as far away from the work area as possible, his medallion now freeling swinging across his chest with every movement. He pulled on the heavy furnace gloves, taking up the forge tongs to inspect the glowing metal in the furnace. He had worked on it most of the day, the near molten metal already taking on the shape of a sword

He placed the glowing steel on the anvil and began pounding it flat with a heavy hammer, each blow sending hot sparks flying in all directions. The metal was flattened and folded and then placed back in the furnaced and heated until glowing nearly white again, the heavy bellows being worked to increase the heat, the process then repeated through the night. Each time the forging process would strengthen the steel, making it better able to hold sharpening and endure heavy use. Within the first hour or so, his face and arms were covered in a generous layer of soot and sweat. He stopped only briefly to take on water, the process not giving any allowance to stop or rest.

The labor did, however, give his mind plenty of time to reflect on his present state...state of mind...and his emotional state, as well. He thought of Shea...she didn't seem quite herself earlier in the night...though with the trip back to her home looming on the horizon, and all that that entailed, he was sure much of that occupied her thoughts. When he had arrived, Mercy was there, was awkward for say the least. He was sure Shea had questions about Mercy and vice versa...throw in Shylah's...::he would smile::..."antics"...and the whole scene was just centemeters from a carriage wreck waiting to happen. Connar thought he had been clear with Shea, how he felt about her, whether that be in word or by letter...nothing in him had changed since. He had been less successful talking to Mercy...this thought would have him pounding the steel with a little more force...they saw each other with such infrequency, they might as well be strangers...and when, on the rare occasion they were at the inn at the same moment, there as always, always something that would keep them from being able to talk.

He oft questioned whether being anything but the stoic, emotionless traveler was wise here. He had lowered his normally inpenetrable emotional defenses when he had first discovered this place...this realm...maybe he felt freed from the constraints and demands of his world...isolated, hidden even. It had been a bumpy ride from the start...his education quick...and painful at times...very painful...It probably could have been lessoned if he wasn't so naive...though that naivite had diminished greatly...he couldn't use that excuse anymore.

The former lump of steel was taking shape nicely...the shaping by hammer now left to the slow process of shaping and sharpening by hand. He thought of the last sword he had made, the one that now carried Shea's coin and a bit of her bound them together in a way that was hard to explain...even his attachment to her was of a similar nature...hard to explain...making perfect sense whenever they were together. And yet, he always felt that he left her wanting for more...more closeness, more contact....just more. He smiled as he refelcted on their innocent sleep-overs...they seemed to sleep better when next to each other than apart. While there was nothing that could be considered indiscreet or carnal in their sleeping next to each other...especially not by the standards set in this made him feel as if he was cheating her all the be that close...and ye so far distant from he had chosen to not put her or him in that situation as best he could control. It made him miss her terribly...but he chose to err on the side of caution and propriety...hoping in so doing that he showed how much he honored, respected and cared for her. His were old, antiquated notions...but the only ones he knew or cared to live by.

He knew that he and Shea would face many more trials, some of them together, side by side, others, they would have to face alone. The heat of the trials not unlike the refining process of enough to break the metal down, to make it pliable...not destroying it, but making it stronger. Likewise, their trials, their passage through the refiner's fire would strengthen them in body, mind and spirit.

The newly shaped sword was covered in clay and then burried in the red hot coals and heated to critical...Connar having to work the bellows hard to achieve that much heat. As the metal glowed white hot, he pulled it from the furnace, dipping it into the water, the steel hissing out its last protest before emerging to be honed and sharpened. He tested the balance, knowing how the hilt was to be finished to give it the weighting he preferred. As morning's first light streamed in the window he was sitting on a bench, the blade shining, the double-edges of the sword razor thin and sharp, both carring the harmon marks of the process that created them. The blacksmith entered, his large beard still carrying crumbs from the morning's breakfast. He took the blade from Connar, holding it to the light to inspect it with eyes trained from years at the forge. "This came from my furnace?" His voice low and looming, much like his physcial form. Connar knew that it wasn't a question, but, rather a compliment, coming from a man who would spend the day shoeing horses, welding bits of iron fencing, fixing the occasional bridle. Connar took the blade as it was returned to him, a smile on his sooty face.

Connar went about cleaning the shop, amid the protests from the blacksmith, but Connar insisted on leaving the shop cleaner than it had been when he arrived. He'd also leave payment for the materials he had used and a more for the use of the shop. He wrapped the new blade tightly with canvass and twine and them moved to put on his shirt and tunic, stopping to look at the blackness covering his chest, arms, and pants, knowing full well the rest of his clothing he had kept clean would soon share their sooty fate. The blacksmith dropped a heavy wool blanket over his shoulders, patting him on the back and telling him he could return the blanket next time in town. He also bundled up his clothing in similar fashion to the blade. Connar thanked him again, wrapping the blanket tightly around him and stepping outside, the cold morning air fiercely hiting his face. He hadn't realized until that moment just how hot the shop was.

He walked briskly to the inn on the outskirts of town, heavy footsteps moving down the hallway to his room. He paused outside of Shea's was quiet...she was probably gone by this hour...tending to her flower perhaps. He stepped inside of his room, the bundles placed on the floor as he collapsed on his back onto the bed, one foot dangling over the edge...exhaustion and lack of sleep finally taking their toll...and he slept