Topic: A Splinter

V of the W

Date: 2007-05-09 13:04 EST
"Sir, we have something here you should take a look at."

Agent Adams had been discussing the results of Freddie Aspen's tests with one of the aerodynamics experts who worked at their facility. They had been discussing the movement of air around the human body, and the unusual way it seemed to flow around the speedster. He excused himself to go speak with the man gesturing to him.

"What is it, Kline? Why are you working with the subject's blood?"

"Well, sir..." The physicist pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, a nervous gesture. "Deisher asked me to take a look at something he had noticed in the glucose here..."

"He was having trouble with the levels. I've been speaking with my superiors about getting a competent biologist here. What did he need you for?" Adams was growing impatient. They had been working with Aspen's blood and tissue samples for weeks, but had learned very little, other than the fact that tests had a habit of yielding conflicting or impossible results. He was beginning to suspect some of his scientists of sabotage.

"Yes. I mean, sir, Deisher is quite good at what he does. The problem was that this is not something involving normal human biology. Or... or any biology we've yet seen." Up went his glasses once more. "You see, the glucose here has an unusual charge... "

"You're telling me that he has radioactive blood." Adams' tone was dry.

"No. Well... Not exactly. There's an energy here I haven't seen before. I think we might be able to tap into it, perhaps use some of our newer systems if we need to access the subject again."

"You mean the nanites?"

"Yes. It should take only a minor adjustment to their programming to be able to access this energy source. Then they would be able to power themselves with the glucose in the subject's blood... practically indefinitely."

"That will make thing easier. We might not have to bag and tag the other one, necessarily. This is good news, Kline. Deisher!" He pointed to the other scientist, who looked up from his work. "Good work, calling in the particle boy here." Deisher blinked, nodded, and went back to his work. Adams looked back to Kline.

"I'll prepare a report, sir. I might have to call in some others to look at it, to determine all of its properties. We can use it, but I would like to know where it comes from." He adjusted his glasses yet again. "This could have many applications, once we learn more. It could revolutionize--"

Adams cut him off with a wave of his hand. "I'll read the report, once it's prepared. Do me a favor and dumb it down enough for a layperson to understand it. Last one, I had to have an advanced physics textbook for reference. And a physics 101 book to understand that." He smirked, that apparently being a joke. "And give a copy full of the big words to the engineers working with the nanites. I want to be able to track, record, and monitor using this stuff, asap."

"Of course, sir. Will do."


((Adams' information is preserved here.))

The Flash

Date: 2007-05-12 09:31 EST
The Crimson Flash had not had any particularly unsual encounters for some time.

Of course, in a city like Rhy'Din, the term 'unusual' becomes even more subjective than on Earth.

Most of the people he encountered in the night were of the variety best explained as thugs. Little planning, rarely much firepower, generally nothing more complicated in terms of technology than a handgun. There were, of course, exceptions. Blasters, phasers, and other high-tech implements were not entirely absent from his conflicts, but they were indeed the minority. He encountered far more with strength above that of most or similar abilities, this being a world where humans are not nearly the majority they are in other civilized lands.

When he saw the man in a suit constructing a large device in front of a closed storefront one night on a darkened street near the market, it came as something of a shock. Stainless steel, or something which looked very much like it, covered in ports and small prongs plated in gold, was connected to other similar pieces either directly or with heavy black cables.

While this was not, in and of itself, necessarily harmful, the speedster decided to keep an eye on what was happening. He turned a corner before sprinting up to a rooftop across the street, where he crept to the edge and knelt down.

The man reached into his pocket for a moment, examined a small device which Crim could not see from his vantage point, then strode to the store's door. Planting his hand against the wood, he spoke softly.

The wood shattered.

That was all the cue the speedster needed, and he rushed down the building toward the man, who turned toward him while brushing splinters of wood from his dark jacket.


Before the man could say more, the speedster darted around the large device (which had come to resemble a rather bulky and complicated telephone booth, with no glass) and grabbed the man's lapels. "And what are we doing?"

The man, surprisingly, just smiled. "Agito te."

Starled, the speedster slid backwards, an unseen force moving him away from the man in the suit, who was adjusting his jacket. "What the--?" Not waiting for an answer, he moved forward once more.

The man spoke quickly, one hand rising. "Impedio te."

And it felt to the scarlet speedster as though he had run into water. The air felt thick and heavy, and he was slowed considerably, though not quite down to the speed of a normal man. Pushing himself, he sped up and felt something give just as the man was reaching his device, and stepping inside. "Stop!"

The man stared, wide-eyed, as the speedster approached, and pressed a button on the machine just as one gloved hand was reaching for him.

The man vanished, the sudden lack of material creating a vacuum for a moment. Crim was pulled forward and nearly immediately thrown back as the device burst. The concussive wave wasn't enough to hurt him, really, and the devices materials were not thrown more than a few yards.

The Crimson Flash approached the detritus, nudging a piece with his toe. Frown marring his mask, he piled up some of the larger scraps in front of the stores open doorway, and left a note for the owner explaining what had happened. Confused, he then departed the scene.


Later that night, while he was removing his costume, he noticed that a splinter from the door had made its way through the fibers of his glove and had imbedded itself in his finger. A few moments with a pair of tweezers removed it, and he thought no more about the small bit of wood.

The Flash

Date: 2007-06-10 17:10 EST
It was a quiet night, by Rhy'Din standards, and so the Crimson Flash was jogging about town at a relatively low speed. There were the usual muggings, and a group of young men in clown masks (possibly part of some sort of gang; Crim made a note to keep an eye out for more) were accosting a young woman near the docks, but all that was simple enough to take care of.

As he was moving back through West End, he became aware that he had company, and glanced to his side to see a young man running alongside him with a short staff in hand, peering at him. He ducked into an empty alley and stopped, warily eyeing the other man. "You're the one that was wearing the Flash costume last Halloween, aren't you?"

"Yah, that was me." Freddie stopped a yard or two from the other speedster, and started spinning his staff. It wasn't a threatening gesture, but came across more as a nervous need to move. "Listen, we gotta talk. Differences aside for the time being, and all that shit, alright?"

Crim nodded, shifting his weight between his feet. He'd had some things he wanted to say to the other man, after their encounter some months back, but they could wait. "Alright. What's on your mind?"

Freddie stopped spinning his staff for a moment, his other hand coming to scratch at his chest, near the scar just visible under his half-open shirt. "Well... A couple of months ago, some suits grabbed me. Real tech guys. They drugged me, or something, but from what they said, I think they were trying to grab you."

A frown pulled at the scarlet speedster's mask. He was remembering the man whose device had exploded outside a shop not long ago. "So, what, they let you go when they realized you weren't me?"

Freddie shook his head and set his staff to spinning again. "No. They put me through a bunch of tests and cut me up a little. I think they wanted to know how it works." He paused, thinking back to his ordeal, and reached down to rub his thigh. His legs had been itching since then, though the wounds had healed.

"Cut you up? That doesn't sound pleasant." Crim glanced out of the alley. "I think I might have run into one of them. Guy in a suit using tech and magic. He didn't try to grab me or anything, though, just took off when he saw me."

Freddie shrugged. "Maybe he wasn't ready for you or something." He also looked out of the alley. "Look, I just thought you should know about it, man. You don't want to get mixed up with them." That said, he bolted from the alley, becoming a blur before he exited onto the street.

"Yeah, thanks... Look, I--" But the other speedster was gone, so Crim just frowned after him. There'd been other things he wanted to discuss, and he believed if he gave chase he would be able to catch up, but he wasn't sure he would be able to get through to the man. "Great." He shook his head, and took off himself.


Freddie's experience is related in Catch and Release