Topic: "Live and Let Die"

The Flash

Date: 2006-02-24 18:50 EST
When Daniel Dean first came to Rhy'Din, he was overwhelmed with wonder. A human from late twentieth century Earth, the magic and mixed timelines of Rhy'Din delighted him to no end.
Having been a motivational speaker on Earth, he did not have any skills that would be particularly useful in his new home, but he quickly learned that he had a knack with horses, and worked his way from being a stable hand to driving a hansom. He found that, so long as he was careful, he was able to live in relative comfort on his meager wages. He was able to rent an apartment, and even managed to hold onto enough to have a night out now and then.

It was during these nights out that his opinion of the magic in the land began to sour. There he was, spending his hard-earned coin, and mages would walk in, wave their hand, and rain gold on the bartender (assuming they didn't simply conjure their own drink). When he was barely able to scrape together the coin for a modest silver bracelet for a lady friend, a mage waltzed in and snapped his fingers, gifting her with gold and diamonds. Or, worse, some brown-robed spacefarer would wave his hand in front of her face, causing her to follow him wherever he wanted to lead her. He began to notice that everything he had to work hard for, some magic user could get with a wave of his hand or a snap of his fingers.

He talked to the other humans he knew, those without ability in magic, about this problem. It turned out that many others felt as he did, that those who worked in magic were being unfair to those who couldn't have whatever they wanted with a wave of their hands. Banding together with those he trusted, he formed a group he called the Fraternal Order of Humanity, with the goal of removing magic from the city of Rhy'Din. It was not a large group, really. There were few members, and they were not of the powerful sort, by any means. However, they came to the attention of certain mages, who became worried. When Dean began giving speeches on the dangers of magic and the virtue of mundane technology, one of these mages decided to kill him with an item of that very technology (as magic would have merely made Dean a martyr).

The assassin mage was unsuccessful, though not captured, when the bullet was caught by the Crimson Flash.

The Flash

Date: 2006-02-28 15:46 EST
Dean did not like the looks of his rescuer. He moved to fast, and he wore that outlandish outfit. Dean was sure magic was involved, which made the caught bullet an insult to his beliefs; no, an outright mockery.

By the time that he arrived at his apartment, Dean was seething. How dare someone use powers derived from magic to save him? Was he supposed to be grateful for that?
He would not. He went to his books, various treatises on magic and the dispelling of magical effects. He would find a way to end the tide of magic, and make Rhy’Din safe and predictable again, as it should be. There must be a way to dissipate magical energy, he reasoned, and doing so to every major source of magic may end, or at least cripple, the use of magic in Rhy’Din.
He finally found what he was looking for, in a ritual that closes the world’s connection to magic in the vicinity in which it was performed. He sought out the nearest focus of magic, which was near the area known as the West End, and prepared to perform the ritual.
Everything was ready. Dean took a deep breath, reciting the words to himself as he shook in anticipation. He would be breaking the power magic holds over the world, and would, in time, be hailed as a hero.
After he began, chalk marks made around the area from whence the magic seemed to flow most strongly, he realized that something was wrong. The ritual was not going as it should, the energies it was releasing were concentrating not on the font of magic, but on his own body. He tried to stop, tried not to speak, to walk away, to run away. He found himself continuing the ritual, unable to take control of his body, forced to watch in terror as he became little more than a passenger in the casting of magics that were spinning wildly out of control. When the ritual was completed, he was thrown into the air by the burst of energy that struck him. In control of his body once more, he screamed until he hit the ground, at which point the world went black.

When he came to, he was in a healer’s tent. He was told that had a bystander who happened come upon not brought him there, he would have died.
He was furious. Twice now he owed his life to the use of magic. His hands flew up as he backed away from the startled woman, and tendrils of energy came out of her, drawn to his hands. He turned and ran, leaving the woman shouting after him.
When he finally slowed, he realized that he had robbed the woman of her magic. He could feel the energy, see it seep out of his skin as he looked to his hands. The ritual had not shut the font, but it gave him the ability to do what he had to do. He no longer needed to close the fonts, he could simply steal the magic from those that used it!
He realized that he would be killed, if any mages learned of his plan. They would resort to using sellswords, if they had to, to protect their precious magic. So, he threw together a costume, a tattered cloak and a scarf across his face, and decided to go for a walk, to see what magic he could take.

The Flash

Date: 2006-03-03 20:31 EST
As Dean walked down the street, he found that he could actually feel the energies of those that used magic. His appearance, though not normal in those rags, did not garner much attention in Rhy’Din, and he was able to steal the magic from many before anyone realized just what was happening. Even then, no one suspected the man garbed in the tattered cloak. He was wandering aimlessly, and he knew that it would take him ages to make a dent on the magic of the world. He needed to have direction, to have a plan, and he began to form one over the next few days.
The mages’ guilds. It would be a strike that would be noticed, that would have a real effect. But he could not simply walk in and begin to steal their power. Already, he knew that there were whispers about a thief of magic. He may be able to cause some damage, but there was no way he would last long before one of them managed to stop him. He needed some means to distract them, to draw their attention away so he could do what he needed to do.

While he planned an assault on the mages, he continued to steal the magics of those he came across. Healers lost their touch, shifters found themselves stuck in one form, and other, subtler, magics were lost without immediate notice. It was not until he took the magic from an offworlder, whose ability to survive in the air of Rhy’Din was achieved through magical means, that he saw his actions as causing harm. He froze, appalled, as he watched the man fall to the street, gasping for breath. As the man died, Dean released his hold on all the magic he had taken, and was thrown back. The power escaped him explosively, shooting out of his hands in a blast that left a smoking crater in the road. He rose, stumbling, and ran.

A man was dead. Dean drew shaky breaths, staring at his hands, once he had stopped running. He had killed someone. He had wanted to help, to save the city, the world. Magic was to be its ruin, and he wanted to stop that before too much damage was done. How had he come to the point where a person was dead?
He shook his head, lifting a cold gaze to the world around him. He had killed a man who existed here because of magic. The man had no right to live, was a product of the very thing Dean had decided to destroy. Any who existed through the grace of magic deserved to die.
He shuddered, realizing that before this was over he would need to destroy himself. After all of the other magic is taken, he would need to die, as he existed through magic, now. His life had been saved twice by magic, and the power he would use to save the world was one of magic. He was willing to die, however, knowing that he would have done some good. He would be the last to die because of magic, after taking care of all the others.

Yes, he would take their magic, or kill them all in the process. A dark smile lit his face, and he began to walk again. He would need to take a good deal of power, before he could do what he would need to, but he was sure he could do it. Once he had the energy, he could bring down the walls of the mage guilds. Blind shock had blown a hole in the street. If he focussed himself, controlled it, he could destroy them all. First, however, he would need to take more magic. And so he did. He walked the streets, taking magic as he could. Days later, he caused another to fall.

The woman was not an offworlder, like the first to die at his hand. She was a native to Rhy’Din, and had an artificial heart. Powered by magic, it stopped beating when Dean drew her magic away. A red blur signaled the arrival of the Crimson Flash, who caught her before she hit the ground. He looked down at her before turning his head to peer at Dean.
Dean, for his part, was prepared for the possibility of being seen in the act. He took on a shocked air, starting to explain that he was walking by when this woman simply fell before him. All the while, of course, he was attempting to draw the magic away from Crimson, and the lack of any noticeable effect made surprise much easier to feign. Crimson nodded, frowning, then tore down the road to carry the woman to a healer.

Dean scowled as he stared after Crimson. He was sure that the other man’s speed was the product of magic, but he could not take it. He walked off, in the opposite direction, toward the guild halls. He believed that he had enough power, combined with what he would be able to take from mages near the halls, to do what he must. He would still go ahead with the plan, even if Crimson had retained his power. Later, after the mages were devastated, he could worry about the costumed meddler.

The Flash

Date: 2006-03-05 15:07 EST
The Crimson Flash raced to the nearest healer, the dying woman in his arms. He skidded to a stop before the tent, ducking in and laying the woman down on a mat. He turned to the healer, who came forward and placed her hands over the woman.
“Her heart was magicked, and it has stopped.” The healer looked up, frowning. “Something affected the magic, took it away. I can do nothing.” She glanced outside, then turned back to Crimson. “There was a man. My apprentice healed him, and he took away her gifts. She is still here, as my assistant. Just a moment.”

He nodded, one hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck. He looked down at the dead woman and sighed. “I’m sorry. I tried,” he muttered, before looking to the flap, at the young woman, barely more than a girl, that walked in.
She described her encounter with the man in rags, how he had been injured in some energy explosion, then raised his hands and drew the magic out of her, before running off. A frown could be seen under Crimson’s mask as he listened, and realized that the man he had left behind when bringing the woman here had likely killed her. From what the healer’s assistant said, he considered that the man may not have realized what he was doing, but he knew he had to find the man, and stop him before anyone else was hurt. He thanked the girl, pressed a coin into her hand for her help, and ran back to where he had seen the man in rags.

Dean was trying his best not to think about the man that, unbeknownst to him, was seeking him out. He was ready, and he was full of the energy he needed. He went out, to walk to his first target. He reached the guild house, a haven for mages. The walls looked thick and sturdy, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bring down the building from the ground. A short look around, however, and he found that a nearby building was taller than the guild house, and had an easily accessible roof. He climbed the fire escape after a wary look down the street in both directions. Once he reached the roof, he turned to examine the guild hall. He took a deep breath to steady himself, and raised his hands toward the hall.

When Crimson discovered that the man had not hung around, he took less than a moment to consider his options, then began to run up and down the streets in the area, in a widening spiral. Eventually, he stopped before a mage guild hall, and looked around, unsure of where to go next. It was purely by luck that he glanced up, and saw faint glow as Dean prepared to throw a burst of energy at the guild hall.

Dean smiled grimly. It was a shame that people needed to die, but the magic had to be taken away. He braced himself, and prepared to release his energy at the dome atop the guild hall.

As he loosed the energy, he was knocked back by the Crimson Flash, throwing off the blast.

Crimson stopped as the short blast was released into the air. He frowned as the fallen man in rags glared up at him. “What are you doing? You killed that woman, and you nearly just--”
“I know what I nearly did, and damn you for stopping me!” Dean was irate, scrabbling to his feet and backing away from Crimson. He lifted his hands, trying to draw magic from Crimson while at the same time throwing another blast at the man in red. A feedback loop was created, which caused a small explosion that threw both men back. Dean was thrown off of the roof, the impact with the ground knocking him out. Crimson leapt to his feet, running down to retrieve Dean’s unconscious form.

He left Dean with the city watch, along with clear instructions to keep any magical items or magically inclined people away from wherever Dean was held.