Topic: Not Exactly Santa. But He Does Wear Red.

The Flash

Date: 2006-12-25 23:39 EST
It was late in the night, technically early morning. Early Christmas morning, to be exact. The Crimson Flash was out shopping for a few last-minute Christmas presents, doing what he would have been unable to do in previous years. He spent a few hours, scouring a good portion of the continent, for what he was looking for, at a price he could afford.

And indeed, he found it. It had taken some time, but he had managed to find a town that was, due to the air currents and weather patterns, not long past their grain harvest. It was a good crop, in fact, and they had grains, breads, and various cereals to spare. A great deal of all, and he bought as much as he could, which it turns out was quite a bit. The metals in the coins he had brought with from Rhy’Din were all much harder to come by in this area, and so his coins were worth a great deal more than he expected they would be.

In another town, he bought up a number of warm wool blankets, and a hand cart with which to take them back to the city. All told, he had enough blankets to warrant two trips, and the breads and other bits of food took three. He managed to get the loads back to Rhy’Din, though, and loaded up his cart with a mix of blankets and food. The rest were left in a pile, stashed away out of view of greedy eyes.

His deliveries were made under cover of darkness, not that he slowed enough for many to be able to see anyway. He had spent enough time on the streets, in West End and in other neighborhoods, to know where those homeless and transient would gather. Most were asleep, and would not have seen him even had he stopped for minutes, but he had much to do.

Those who had no roof to sleep under awoke Christmas morning with a blanket draped over them. Those who had not had a morsel to eat in days were greeted with a loaf of bread when they opened their eyes.

The children might not have received toys. But they needed these other things a bit more.

He took a quick trip around town, to check on problems. He found only a burglar hoping to walk away with someone else’s presents, and a few of the usual mugger types. That done, he went home for some restful sleep.