Topic: Zombies

The Flash

Date: 2007-09-18 22:31 EST
The Crimson Flash was busy.

It was the third mugging he had to stop that hour. It did seem a bit odd, though. The muggers were moving rather slow, though they seemed to have quite a good grip on the woman they were accosting. In fact, it took him a few moments to pry their fingers off of her. The grunting and what not proved to be a bit distracting, as well.

"Alright, fellas. Let the lady go. Yes, yes, 'graaaaah' to you, too. I tell you, this town..."

One mugger over each shoulder, he ran to the nearest guard station. "Careful, guys. These jokers tried to bite me a few times, and they're stronger than they look." He found it curious that the guards who stepped forward had man catchers at the ready. "Huh. Good to see that you guys are finally getting some decent equipment. I need to go check on their victim." With that, he sped back to the scene of the mugging.

The woman had huddled in a corner, and wasn't moving when he arrived. He approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her. "Miss? Are you alright?" He knelt down, laying a hand on her shoulder. He jumped when her head snapped to the side, teeth clamping over his gloved fingers. "Whoa. Look, miss... Now, let go...." Careful not to hurt the woman, he pried her mouth open, pulling his hand away. "This stuff can stop a bullet. You're not going to be able to..." He cut himself off, straightening and stepping back when she snapped at him again, teeth closing where his shoulder had been a moment earlier. "Hey! Knock that off!"

The woman was on her feet, though she seemed barely balanced. Hands were raised in front of her, barely, as she groaned. Now that she was standing, the speedster could see ragged red wounds on her neck, where her attackers had bitten her. "Okay, listen to me. We need to get you to a healer. Those don't look good." When she kept shambling toward him, teeth snapping, he sighed and took a quick look around. "Alright. Just...just wait here."

He dashed off, returning a few moments later, leather belt in hand. "Alright, now just..." As the woman opened her mouth to snap at him once more, he thrust the belt in her mouth, wrapped it around her head, and pulled it closed. "Yeah. That. Thanks. Right. Now... Stop that. You can't bite me. Just... stop. Right. Okay, we're going to the hospital. Seems there's more wrong with you than most healers are ready for. Yeah, see, that'll keep you from...oh, never mind." Throwing her over his shoulder, he darted off to drop her off with someone who might have some idea how to help her.

He let them keep the belt. No need for anyone to get bitten while taking care of her.

The Flash

Date: 2007-09-18 22:32 EST
Before long, he had learned exactly what was happening. Having gotten over his initial shock, he called in a favor from a farmer whose daughter he had once saved. The old man was more savvy about technology than many, and one of his cattle enclosures had an electric fence.

Zombies might not feel fear or react to pain, but electricity still makes their muscles twitch enough to keep them from forcing their way through.

The problem seemed confined to Rhy'Din, and a nearby town had a surplus of fabric that would be strong enough to withstand strong bites. It seemed that there had been a military garrison there which the nexus had decided to relocate without their equipment. He adapted it quickly, and brought back with him a hundred pair of elbow-length gloves made of the stuff. He also brought back belts, other thick straps, and even a few muzzles designed for human faces.

"Alright, people. We have zombies." He had taken his equipment to the West End, down into the cavern where many of the outcasts of that part of town had holed up. "They're not very fast. Anyone who wants to help round them up, take a pair of gloves and a strap or two. They can't bite through the material, so get your hands in there before they go for something that's not protected. We're trying to get them here." He pointed to a board where a rough map had been drawn, leading the way to the farm in question. "Farmer Williams has lent us the use of one of his pens. Should hold a lot of them. He'll be there with his family to help corral them in with cattle prods."

A few people; not many, stepped forward to take gloves and straps. "Thanks. The rest of you, be careful. You should be able to keep them out of here pretty easily, and they'll definitely trip the alarms K'lorkanto has set up. I'll leave a few pairs of gloves here, for when any of you need to go out. I'm taking the rest out, hand them out on the surface. This place is a lot easier to defend than a normal home."

"Guys?" Dark eyes shifted under yellow lenses, turning to those who had agreed to help. "I appreciate this. Be careful out there. It's going to be a long night." That said, he led the way up the stairs.