Topic: Outside...looking in


Date: 2007-02-01 10:40 EST
Light returns to the world. Night-time gives up its hold on the land as the animals awaken, followed shortly by the human and human-looking denizens of Rhy'Din.

Except for the wolf laying by the gate of the Sanctuary.

Well, he's as close to sleep as he ever gets, anyway. Resting would be more accurate, but anyone passing by looking at him would assume that some wolf from the woods had - for some odd reason - chosen to curl up here, at the gates of the Scathachian least, until they saw the thick, beaten silver collar around his neck. Then they might assume he was someone's pet.

He's managed to get some sort of control over himself, again...sitting by the water, followed by another night of prowling the city, seems to have brought back his sense of self-control.

Just...something about that scent. It started with that scent, that he is sure of.

As if it had brought the demon side of him up, made it stronger.

Perhaps what that guy had said was truth. Him and many others that hadn't seen anything, but were forming their own speculations.

Curiously, nearly all of them seem to think that whoever it is, is definitely female. An interesting coincidence? Or rumors spreading?

He doesn't know. The scent the...thing...had left didn't reveal the sex - it was too...dirty. Muddled. There was a scent-trace of human in it, but for the most part, all he could find was evil. Like it was human, but only that barely.

He continues lying there, by the gate, resting.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-01 11:39 EST
Never the early bird, Trixie was without sleep still, dragging herself in from a patrol she just hadn't been able to tear herself away from until now. Several times she thought she'd really found something out there, but it always slipped away, leaving her with a bruised ego and a sense of failure. How would she ever provide justice to the slain family?

Bringing up her right foot, she delivered a swift kick to a rock on the path just ahead of her, sending it sailing towards the gates of the SHQ. It didn't quite reach, but it prompted her to look up that way. The painted on domino mask changed shapes slightly as she raised an eyebrow, nose and eyes working on that lupine creature that her nostrils told her wasn't canine-born afterall. She placed her hands on either hip, the red and black catsuit stretching and giving way to the swagger she used to creep up closer to the "pet".

"So, yer the guy, huh? Izz told me 'bout 'cha briefly. You, uh...ya want water or somethin'?"

She'd sure make an odd sight for the man-creature, what with the Harley Quinn getup and all the face-paint, but she figured he'd deal with it.


Date: 2007-02-01 12:44 EST
He stirs at the words. Female. With an interesting accent, familiar and yet somehow still strange. He remains the wolf for a few moments, looking her over. Her words bring a canine imitation of a grin to his lips - some people still can't get over treating him like an animal when they see him thus, and privately he finds the attitude amusing. Her appearance isn't quite what he would have expected of one of the Sisters - this must be the one he's heard of referred to about Rhy'Din as the Harlequin.

No joke, this one is, then, he thinks, the grin broadening briefly at the pun.

He pauses just a moment more, the morning breeze bringing her scent to him. Not human, then. Not anymore, anyway. Interesting. He had thought the Sisters of Scathach would be more...mortal. Apparently not.

There is a shimmer of violet light from the amulet dangling from the collar, dim at first, before it brightens and consumes him in a flash, before fading to reveal him in his more human-looking form, sitting on the ground. He looks up at her for a brief moment, bowing his head quickly before springing lightly to his feet.

"A good morn to you, m'lady," he says, bowing slightly and dusting himself off. "I've a few tidbits of information, if you'd be interested."

'Izz?' Must be the lady I talked to here the last time....though I'd thought she would have a name more appropriate to her Bambi. He smiles slightly.

"As you friend may have pointed out to you, though, I'm not really capable of entering your Sanctuary in this form, and in my other...well, communicating as a wolf has its limitations. Would you be able to take the message?"

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-03 14:10 EST
Not surprisingly, she didn't look shocked to see the transformation. The black lips with the dark, eerie curls spreading out past the corners, moved into a menacing smile, though perhaps she didn't mean it to look that way.

"'Chea, the spells an' stuff...," she said in response to his comment about the wards. She looked up to the gates that were ready to welcome her in, pondering it over. She was sure the wards could be worked to allow the guy entry, but maybe she shouldn't mention that, yet. They had been set up to let her through, even though by normal standards she was "damned" (though not quite a demon). But then, her ties to the goddess protected her.

After clicking her tongue again the metal in her lower lip, she dropped the fiercely green eyes back down onto him, sparkling like emeralds against the black-mask background. The devilish smile still in place, she cocked her left hip out, her tone coming out with a certain sarcasm to it.

"Yeah, sugar. I think I'm kinda capable of passin' along info. Whaddya got for me?"

As an afterthought, after her nose twitched again whilst working with his smell, she added:

"An' fer the's Trixie. M'lady isn't the most applicable, 'cha know?"


Date: 2007-02-03 21:49 EST
He smiles slightly - a human-looking expression, with just a touch of something...feral...about it.

"A pleasure to meet you, m'lady. Most just call me Wolfe." The grin broadens slightly for a moment. "Though I can't imagine why."

He catches her glance at the gates, observing her in minutae, and wonders for a moment about it, but passes it off shortly. If it were important enough to tell, she might be saying something. It's simpler, he has discovered, to not want what you can't have anyway. His sapphire eyes flicker in their depths briefly with violet light as he listens to her.

Appealing, in an interesting sort of way. It'd be a worthy fight. The way she talks, her tone of voice, her posture and carriage all speak of a highly skilled warrior, and at the same time a most unorthodox, casual person. I wonder how often her style grates against the others of her order, he thinks, and smiles inwardly.

"Anyway...I was told to keep an ear out, and most of what I've heard is, to be frank, wild speculation, fearful mutterings...rumours only. But the night previous, I had the opportunity to...interrogate someone. He had talked to a witness to one of the murders...two brothers, I believe it was, near or in a warehouse...the one where one of the bodies was burned. According to him, this was the act of a single person. I didn't get much of a description of the perpetrator, but that she was female...and dispatching the first brother - the one who was eviscerated, I believe - was an act of simplicity."

He pauses for a moment, as he thinks of the scent he had followed to the water. Something about that still bothers him, but he can't quite put words to it. Still, he doesn't have any difficulty putting the bearer of that scent to the murders, in either case. He shakes it off and goes on.

"I'm not sure if this tells you anything, but this man seemed to think that the murderer...was some sort of demon. Others who have been forming their own ideas have put the same label to this one. And the majority of them think that the demon is a woman."

And I think they may be right, he almost says...but holds it back. This is supposed to be an impartial report, he tells himself.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-04 15:07 EST
She was staring at him unabashedly, sizing him up while he spoke to her. Her lips were set straight, though that artifical grin stayed plastered to her skin. Without really planning the movement, she began to stalk in a semi-circle, nose, eyes, and ears all focused. Perhaps it was the canine in him talking to hers. She'd had a similar encounter with the lil' vamp, Tara.

However, when he reminded her of the murders, she immediately stopped, mid-step. Unbeknownst to the pair, they'd both picked up on the same dark, lingering aura. They'd both tried to track it. Her pursuit had only led her to much frustration. She'd found it again, beneath all the blood in the slain family's house, just lurking. It'd nearly driven her insane. Yeah, really far trip, there.

She looked to the ground with the most serious expression a Trixie could muster and nodded, the little blonde pigtails bobbing in solemn unison.

"'Chea...we'd heard female. An' demon.... It prolly is. we just gotta find the bitch."

Hm, that might have been an offensive word to such a formal dude, huh? Oh well. Her voice has gained a certain edge, but she shook it off.

"Thanks...ya know? Yer efforts and work are appreciated, Big Bad Wolfe."

She started to move past him and to the SHQ, mood on the borderline, again.


Date: 2007-02-05 00:41 EST

He isn't sure what drags the single word from him. A certain kinship sensed, perhaps, or just a feeling...whatever. Something compels him, and if he has learned any one thing from his long, long life, it is to never question his instincts.

"There is more," he says, reluctance just barely showing its edge in his voice. He's gone this far - stopping now might only lead to further suspicion. And every little thing can help. It is a lesson he had learned from a long-lost friend - never hold back. Honesty is the best policy, and all that.

"I'm not sure what help this may be...but the night everyone was at the mansion not far from here...the family that was murdered...I found something more. A scent...of sorts. Nothing more than a residual trace, but it wasn't anything like the other smells of the place, you know?" He swallows at the memory of the traces he had found, the feelings they aroused. "I am a demon...and we know our own when we find them. Whatever this was - is - isn't a demon...but it does have a demon behind it."

He pauses, wondering if he should tell the rest - reveal what just a trace contact with this kind of evil had nearly reduced him to. But no. That is his business alone, and he is certain it is something he can handle himself. He has, after all, succeeded very well in the past, through the years. Now should be no different.

"Whatever it chose its method of escape well, and was not in the least easy to track. Whoever - whatever - this's as skilled as any warrior I've yet come across. And as bloodthirsty as any demon I've yet faced...even myself."

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-05 22:48 EST
She halted when he spoke, her gaze fixed on the gates as she stood parallel to him. She thought it might be something idle, some passing info she'd heard before. But then he did it...

He made real the thing she'd been obsessing over. He talked about that smell.

The wide-eyed warrior swung her head around and soon her body was following, a few steps quickly closing the gap between. She didn't care that she may be getting too close. He'd picked it up, too, and she wanted to discuss.

She plopped her hands down on either of his shoulders and curled her fingers just enough to hold him steady. Her grip was strong alright, but if he knew she wasn't mortal, he'd also know she was actually being pretty gentle.

"Yeah...I...I tried, ya know? To track it...I followed that damned thing all around the city. It was like it was crawlin' under and around stuff, or slitherin', like it was a goddamned snake." She was staring at him so intently, almost imploringly.

"It's somethin' real dark. Bad...evil..." and intoxicating, too. But she couldn't admit to that. "Yeah....yeah...I didn't think it completely demon. It's like it's...I dunno..."

And she really didn't. All her theories sounded crazy in her own head. She smiled ruefully behind the black lines and pulled herself back a foot.

"Sorry. I, uh, I gotta go...sleep..."

Solid excuse. She rubbed her hands together, reluctantly moving to the house, again.


Date: 2007-02-09 16:36 EST
Ordinarily, he doesn't let people touch him. Unless he's in a fight, his empathic abilities don't allow for it - touch communicates someone's feelings directly to him, rather than leaving them in the background noise where he can more or less block them out unless he chooses.

So when her hands land on his shoulders, even for the briefest moment, her emotions spring to the forefront of his mind like a cat pouncing on a mouse. The experience is disorienting, and for just a moment it is as if she is in his head. He barely hears what she says.

He struggles for a moment to sort them out. Fear, frustration...and fascination. He just makes out the words about the scent, and suddenly he realizes that she found it too - and that he was not alone in the way it had affected him.

For a moment, he feels a certain kinship with this one, whom he has only just met. Not like attraction, nothing intimate or sensual or...any of that...but a kinship all the same. And as she steps back, he catches something else from her scent.

The smell of something canine.

A lycanthrope?

"You felt it too, didn't you?" he says softly. For a moment, he wonders just what in the hell he's doing - discussing anything like this is not in his nature. Ordinarily, he keeps things like this to himself. But he's already started - might as well finish it. "The...scent...whatever left had an affect on me that..." He sighs, searching for the words to describe it. "I nearly went back to being a true demon again. Just off a trace of the scent. Whatever that thing's dangerous in more ways than one."

He looks away, gathering his thoughts. "I'm not sure how many of your Sisters are like you, m'lady. But I would urge you to caution them - and yourself - to deal carefully with this...I have had ages to learn how to keep myself under the strictest control, and just a small taste of this nearly undid it all."

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-02-13 15:52 EST
Ah, yeah. He got a whiff of her puppy-side. Normally, it was lost beneath the sheer chaos that was her true scent. One unhappy camper once tried to bludgeon her with a stone when he realized he couldn't sort her scent one way or the other. Parts vamp, parts lycan, some more uncertain smelling things--but all of them undeniably Trixie.

Also, being that she was only really parts vamp, and not a full anything, she didn't possess mental abilities quite as strongly as he did. She had a teeny tiny bit of psychic persuasion on hand, but she never really did get to using it. His emotions, and his plight in dealing with hers, were lost on her.

All the same, now, as she stood away from him, she served him a smile as heavy as the shading around it.

"It makes me hungry, that smell. It makes me...not me. It took 'em years ta' teach me how to cage this sucker in..."

But Trixies weren't allowed to cross the line over into that place--oh no. That spelled disaster. Casting off that train of thought, and that mood, she puffed up her chest as a final attempt for some humor, and put her curvy, cat-suited body to its full potential. As she swaggered for the gates, her hips practically singing "va-va-voom!" in as over-exaggerated voice as you could imagine, she gave her own joke of a farewell.

"There ain't no other Sisters like me, Big Bad Wolfe...juss' remember that, sugar."

She was right, technically, but she just meant it to be light. Something about him made her figure he'd see in past it, though. She wouldn't give him time to press it. Besides, the sun was only getting higher, and that was only making her sleepier.


Date: 2007-02-14 10:27 EST
He can't help it - a laugh escapes him, both at the sight and feel of her surface bravado, as well as what she says. Long, long ago, in the past, he had said the same thing to a young witch who had come to his own sanctuary, though not under the same circumstances. He has no doubt that it is as true of this one as it was (and still is) of him.

"As you say, m'la...Trixie." The habits of a Guardian and knight are hard to break, he thinks to himself with a wry grin. It feels strange to address her by her name...perhaps out of deference to those long-ago ingrained habits.

He bows and turns away, giving his own farewell.

"Should you have need of me, I can be found by the Inn, or otherwise in the West End. And in the your backs...I don't expect this little truce to last long."

Again, there is a brilliant flash of violet light, bright enough to cast shadows even in the daylight, as he slips into his wolf form. He tosses a sharp bark of farewell before loping off.