Topic: Finding Your Roots

Keely Asher

Date: 2008-03-28 10:08 EST
One would think that watering a little garden is quite a simple thing, especially if one has a hose. It will soon be clear that until it has been tamed a hose is an extraordinarily evasive and dangerous beast, for it contorts itself, it jumps, it wriggles, it makes puddles of water, and dives with delight into the mess it has made; then it goes for the man who is going to use it and coils itself round his legs; you must hold it down with your foot, and then it rears and twists round your waist and neck, and while you are fighting with it as with a cobra, the monster turns up its brass mouth and projects a mighty stream of water through the windows on to the curtains which have been recently hung.

You must grasp it firmly, and hold it tight; the beast rears with pain, and begins to spout water, not from the mouth, but from the hydrant and from somewhere in the middle of its body. Three men at least are needed to tame it at first, and they all leave the place of battle splashed to the ears with mud and drenched with water; as to the garden itself, in parts it has changed into greasy pools where a pair of muddy boot tips has sprouted forth, while in other places it is cracking with thirst. When planting a man, you really should dig down deep to the root of the problem before rushing off to a watering hole of a different variety.

Escaping the house on the off chance she might see her dead husband buttressed up at the kitchen table awaiting his supper, Keely headed to drown her fears in strong liquor. She was under the firm belief that when one started seeing dead people, it was time to switch from weak tea laced with mint leaves to something with a kick.

This was how she found herself with a cup of whiskey laced coffee at the Red Dragon Inn with the noise of raucous drunks and imbibers where she slid down into a chair and eyed the man doing some serious damage to his lower lip. ?Keep that up and your lips are going to chap and crack and bleed. It'll hurt.?

Isidore Grey stood immediately from his upright position to bow on Keely Asher's behalf.? What's that then? Oh, yes. Mm, I hadn't realized I was doing it, truth be told.?

?I do the same thing, but to my nails. See?? She held up her free hand, showing off the fingernails she had chewed down to a nub. ? But, that's what comes of seeing de- Yes, with this cold weather, chewing on your lips can be hazardous.?

?Ah yes? Tilts his head to the side, inspecting Keely's nails. ?Those are quite visibly bitten indeed. Have you perhaps tried wearing some mittens, as to douse the urge??

?That works wonders. Until you remove the gloves. I even dipped them in an incredibly spicy mixture I made up from a variety of peppers I collected from the garden.?

?Ah, mmm.? Furrows his brow. ?Hrm. I suppose, as well, wearing mittens makes it somewhat impractical, in the use of utensils and whatnot.? Nods, his eyebrows rising after a quick sip of his drink. ?Forks, and spoon.? There was a long pause while he stares at the fire. ?Scissors... wrenches, things like that.? There was another incredibly long pause. ?Forks? I said forks, I believe, already, in the first set of items there.?

(taken from live rp at the Inn and posted with the generous permission of the fabulous player, Isidore Grey)

Keely Asher

Date: 2008-03-28 10:14 EST
?Yes. You did.? Keely darted a glance his way, to the odd little man. ?You eat with wrenches??

Isidore furrowed his brow. ?Well, ? Gulps. ?No, not me particularly. But I suppose, if stranded on an island, and had but a wrench, I would use it to spare myself the savagery of using my hands.? Smiles after a moment thoroughly pleased with his answer.

?Very dignified of you.? With a lift of the mug, she was partaking of more of the coffee concoction before she continued. ?Having expectations of being deserted on an island?? At least the conversation was taking her mind off the flowerbed.

He twirled his cane between his fingers, lounging back a bit and feeling the affects of the whiskey. ?Not particularly soon! But you never know; I bi-yearly take a scenic tour on the down-river tugboat, some wily-eyed brigands could easily ambush us, and lead us to some far away dot of land for certain death.?

?Death. Ah, yes. One never knows when Mr. Reaper will come a'knockin.? Her attention refocused once the shiver ran up her spine. The subject of death had a way of provoking the oddest sensations these days. She glanced back to the bar area where she had first spotted him talking to the other females. ?Pardon my blunt curiosity and rudeness, but, am I keeping you from conversing with another??

His eyes widened slightly, then his brow furrowed. ?That's not your typical outlook, on the state of things I'd hope?? He responded to the inquiry quickly. ?Oh, no ma'am.? He nodded. ?No no no, none at all.? He glanced over at the bar, then back to Keely. ?Absolutely not at all.? He bit his lip again, but stopped quickly per Keely's prior advice.

?Yes. It does seem a bit on the morbid side, doesn't it? Of course, death and I only have a passing familiarity.? Her smile went somewhat lopsided as she watched him fight off the urge to attack his lower lip again. ?I am not usually so bent toward the macabre. Pardons, please.?

Isidore waved at Faeryl, raising his voice just a bit, but trailing off as he speaks. ?Hello, over there... you... lady! Still at the bar I see, engaged in bar activities... ? He turned back to Keely with a nod. ? A smidgeon of morbidity, too true, but no worries, no worries. It's natural to think about death and whatnot, I'd think.?

?I am not so usually obsessed. But death does just have a way of sprouting right out of nowhere. So, indulge a woman's curious nature? What happened back there that had you seeking refuge over here??

Isidore crossed one of his spidery legs over the other, brushing some hair out of his face, his wavy black locks falling lopsidedly to one side of his head. He mixed his drink with the thin straw. He tried to keep his voice soft. ?Well, if you look upon me, you'll readily see I am not the ideal image of a strapping young suitor. Any woman who would so readily engage my mind with even the -prospect- of a nightcap must be entirely crazed in the pants, pardon my language!?

(Taken from live rp at the Inn and posted with the generous permission of the fabulous player, Isidore Grey)

Keely Asher

Date: 2008-03-28 10:22 EST
Keely managed a polite once over of the gentleman before the smile claimed her lips. ?Perhaps you are very wealthy? It is not so terribly unheard of for females of youth to seek out wealthy suitors.?

?Well, I'm well-off, but I never let on.? He decides to change the subject, steering away from his financials. ?You mentioned that you manage to find death sprouting up everywhere; you too mentioned that you tend to a garden. Barring some exceptionally strange garden, your claims and your occupation seem to be at odds-end, no??

Having grown up with the strict rules of etiquette, Keely allowed the change of subject without so much as a pout. However, the choice of subject matters was cause for a slight crease in her brow. ?I am a gardener. I govern my talents to a select client?le.? She tucked some of those slivery-blond locks away from her face and added as an afterthought. ?Death just seems to be a very lucrative business, these days. Would you not agree??

?Ah well, no particular offense intended by the inquiry... just curious I suppose, as to a life so surrounded by ... well, "The Reaper" as you've labeled it. My apologies.? He shifted in his seat slightly, taking another deep quaff from the crystal glass. He swallowed heavy, on that last bit. ?What do you mean? I don't understand entirely.?

? No offense taken.? That neglected cup cradled between her hands was lifted for a drink, nearly choking on the mouth full of laced coffee before it was swallowed away and she could respond. ?There have been many reports on the public announcement boards about recent killings.? Or at least she was ardently praying there had been. She had not been to the market in ages. But it did sound plausible!

?Recent killings! Egad, that's terrible.? He frowned, shaking his head. ?No one you were too close with, I'd hope? Well this is all very sad. Have you thought of taking leave, towards a vacation spot??

It was amazing the chance encounters one made that lead to solutions to your everyday problems. Here was a golden opportunity she could latch upon and run with! ?No. Not that I am aware.? She hesitated for a long moment, as if debating the wisdom of her decided course of action. ?But my husband is missing. Five days now. So I couldn't possibly vacation. Not right now at least.?

Isidore eyes grew wide, and he sat up straight. ?Missing, dreadful, you must be worried sick. You poor woman!? He stood, fastening his weight to his cane. ?Has there been any reports, any leads or clues??

Keely nearly panicked at his curious inquisition, for she didn't seem the least bit upset! She blinked a few times; wrangling up some feigned tears and tried to appear demur as she looked aside with a swipe at her eyes. A pinch or two to her cheek wouldn't hurt either. ?It has all been so dreadful.? She had the gall to sniffle. Such dramatics. ?I had to finally flee the house and surround myself with voices, lest I go crazy with grief and worry.?

(Taken from live rp at the Inn and posted with the generous permission of the fabulous player, Isidore Grey)

Keely Asher

Date: 2008-03-28 10:26 EST
Isidore placed a hand upon Keely's shoulder, staring out the window, his brow tightening and raising with sympathy. He offered her a white handkerchief from the breast pocket of his tweed vest. ?There, there, no worries! Everything will be fine, I'm sure of it, your dear husband will be back in your arms in no time at all. There, there, come now!?

When he went to comfort her, she almost broke into hysterical bouts of laughter. Grasping the handkerchief, it was employed to help smother the threat of impending hysterics. Killing off ones husband and burying him in the flowerbed did cause just a minimal amount of distress. ?You are too kind. And I haven't even gained your name.?

? Isidore Grey?. He sat down next to Keely on a neighboring couch. ?And yours??

?Keely Asher. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grey.? She swiped at her dry eyes again just for show.

?Ah well, I assure you, despite the tragedy surrounding our chance encounter, the pleasure's entirely mine.? He paused, ?I eh, ... well, I'm not very good with these situations, admittedly. Pray tell, is there anything I might do to help??

Keely shook her head and formulated a wan smile. ?No. Unfortunately, I think I have to simply wait and see if he reappears in my bedroom again, dead as a door- what I mean is, there doesn't seem much to do at all until he comes home. Or the City Guard finds him.? The last prospect left a trail of goose bumps all over her form. First thing on the mornings dawn, she would be sure to be rechecking the flowerbed for any pointed boots protruding out of the ground between the Caladiums and Elephant Ear Black Magic.

Isidore nodded somberly with a frown. ?Very well then. So you'll be on your way home soon enough then I imagine, waiting for your inevitable rendezvous?? He was trying to remain optimistic. ?I'm sure he's quite all right.?

There was a series of blinks before the realization of his words sunk in. ?Oh yes. Of course. Right after I finish this lovely cup of coffee. I shall rush straight home in hopes that he is there, fuming over a lack of dinner on the table.? It was so hard being the heartrending widow when you weren't particularly saddened to be free of such a man as Phillip Asher. ? I just know he is hearty and well!? At least her flowers would be hearty and well. And she might even have a chance to beat out that old biddy Miss Cavinash this year for the Garden of the year Award. She sighed deeply just thinking about the coveted honor.

Isidore smiles a bit. ?That's the spirit! See? No worries then, it's most likely a fluke. No, come now, every fellow needs to run out and let himself get lost in the world for a bit, that's right!? Pacing back and forth, leaning heavily on his cane, which set the floorboards to creaking. ?There's always a natural inclination to return to where you've laid roots.?

(Taken from live rp at the Inn and posted with the generous permission of the fabulous player, Isidore Grey)

Keely Asher

Date: 2008-03-28 10:30 EST
Keely?s head lifted sharply upward at the mention of roots. ?Oh, if you only knew.? Fighting off the delirious want to laugh aloud, she pressed those handkerchief-laced fingers to her trembling lips. Who could possibly mistake that which was supposedly shudders and quakes from suppressed tears to be laughter at the outrageous circumstances?

Isidore nodded in agreement, ?If only, too true... I've yet to lay mine, but sometime later perhaps, after I've seen a fair share of things.? A slight pause while he looks at his pocket watch. ?I will, however, have to take leave soon. If you'd like an escort home, it can be arranged.? He applied his long overcoat, resting his battered top hat upon his head.

Keely stood so abruptly she disrupted the mug balanced on her knee. It was caught just mere seconds before crashing to the floor and gently placed on a nearby table. ?I should head home now as well. He may be there, waiting on me.? Eternally waiting for her return, now.

Isidore nodded. ?A fine idea. And should he not ... dry eyes, no worries, he'll soon be on his way.?

Keely was about to accept the gracious invitation to be escorted home safely, but she quickly rethought the consequences of the off chance of a corpse mysteriously propped upon her porch this time? Shaking her head, she smiled in what she hoped was a polite manner. ?Thank you so much for the offer, but I think a brisk walk in this crisp air will do wonders to clear my head. It was a true delight to meet you, Mr. Grey.?

?There's a driver who'll take you home waiting outside, should it be your wont. My house isn't a stone's throw from here.?

Keely, while wringing her hands together, paused to reconsider. The faster she got herself to the house, the faster she could be sure things had not gotten worse while her back was turned. ? If you are sure...?

?Yes, tell him Dr. Grey sent you. He's a bit senile, but a wonderful equestrian and knows his way about town; he'll get you there in no time. Good evening, and I look forward to the tale of lover's reunion.? Raised his hand in silent farewell to the other patrons of the pub, limping his way to the door where he slipped out the door and into the night.

?Good Night, Mr. Grey? Watching the odd man depart, she started her own progress toward the door to find this senile one. ?Dr. Grey.? Correcting herself as she stepped outside to find the driver. If he was truly senile, he might get an earful on the ride. One guaranteed to send him into a dither with questions for his employer.

(Taken from live rp at the Inn and posted with the generous permission of the fabulous player, Isidore Grey)

Isidore Grey

Date: 2008-03-28 16:51 EST
Isidore Grey teetered with signature saunter onto the acreage of Grey Manor, gazing upon it with only half-hearted contentment as he made his way to the old stone steps. He had been lost along the shadows of the road in a chilling early spring rain, and his overcoat was soaked through-and-through. Hoisting his lantern to eye-level proved to illuminate the drops of water which slipped from his dampened black locks, keeping time with those that fell from the rooftop and tapped on the porch.

After having towel-dried and smoked a spot of burley, he sat in the study with parchment and ink, his lithe frame lurched over the spruce tabletop, and began to dictate to none-but-himself the night's events.

March the 27th,

As to douse my longueur, I set out in the early night towards the inn, where per a gracious host I would drown my drudgeries in brandy. And such I did, without much circumstance, save for a quite tenebrous colloquy.

A sorrowful woman spoke to me in grief-stricken honesty concerning her recently missing spouse. The nagging notion that my comforts left her with no sustenance of relief, or any less cause for worry I believe have left me shy of confidence, if in anything other than my capacity for empathy.

He paused a moment, scanning the words he'd written, brushing a slender hand through his still damp and matted hair. It sat back for a moment, only a few tendrils falling forth to dangle again over his now mostly-exposed and furrowed brow. He sighed, noting the time on his pocket watch.

...I should hope, should I next see her, that they are together and well.

He looked over at the flickering flame of the firewood, and the shadows on the wall which trembled under its blaze. Lost in thought, his eyes distant...and then, after a brief sigh and self-convincing nod, he stood and headed for bed.