Topic: A Stitch in Time: Environment and Employees

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-02-04 20:02 EST
A Stitch in Time is located in the Eastern end of the Marketplace, not far beyond the fountain, and close to other well noted establishments such as Corlanthis Wystansayr's Omelettes O'Plenty. Once a single storefront in a building of three, The Stitch now takes up the buildings in their entirety. They're old and crafted of bricks that are a bit chipped and flaky. Outside is a sign that reads 'A Stitch in Time' that bears the store's logo; an hourglass and threaded needle entwined around it.

In the main building is the largest storefront window which always displays four mannequins during open hours. Their clothing and accessories often change. Two of the mannequins bear a striking resemblance to the store's co-founders. At night, a large white curtain is drawn to keep people from looking inside, and all three buildings have bells attached to the doors that ring when someone enters.

The middle building is the main building of the store, and branches off to the 'old flower shop' to the left, and the tea shoppe to the right, which is separated by a glass wall and door. Racks are full of dresses, blouses, and skirts while the shelves carry mostly knitted items that change with the season. To the right and back of the store next to the counter is a display case that holds an assortment of handmade jewelry, pinned neatly to a white cloth. The register is located on the counter, old and brass with high buttons; ringing merrily when used.

Behind the counter is a small door that leads to a basement/storage area, off limits to customers. To the back left of the store is a stair case that leads to the second floor. The room is bright, with dark wooden floors and walls painted with varying shades of gradient blues, textured with a sponge to give depth.

Blue walls and dark floors were the theme on the second floor as well. Stairs lead into a narrow hallway with five doors. Two of those doors are locked and off limits to customers, one leading into a work room, the other into an office. Two others are unlocked and open to the public. One has a sign that reads "Ladies' Room", and the other has a sign that reads "Lords' Room". These two rooms are obviously bathrooms; always kept clean. The tiles, sink, and toiletries are porcelain and white, soap and T.P are always on hand, and both bathrooms have bright, pink, fluffy towels. The last door in the hallway is usually open, and leads to the upstairs of the old flower shop.

In general appearance, the old flower shop doesn't differ very much from the main building, things are just located in different places. It holds shelves of knitteries and draperies and racks of clothing, as well as a couple mannequins on display at the windows (that have white curtains that match the ones in the main building's windows). However there are a few subtle differences. The fact that the building had been a flower shop for years and years beforehand has left the faint scent of flowers behind. As further tribute to this fact, flowers in a vase are often set out on the counter and a cherry blossom tree has been painted on the wall.

Upstairs there are dressing rooms and a fitting room so measurements can be taken in private, and a closet that's usually locked. The basement is off limits to customers.

The third building, to the right of the main one, is the tea shoppe. It's quite striking how different it is from the other two buildings. Along the back wall is a counter littered with different jars of tea, labeled in fancy blue script. Just behind that is a back counter with kettles on a large gas stove. There's also a coffee machine and shelves lining the walls filled with multicolored mugs.

To the right of the bar are two bathrooms, and to the left is a storeroom. Beyond the counter is a few tables that fit four people. Table tops are a smooth dark mahogany and the chairs made from a deep cherry. In front of the tables towards the front of the shop are two large couches facing each other, and near that three easy chairs around a small coffee table.

There are a few sets of shelves behind the chairs, and a shelf on the side wall. In them are assortments of yarns, knitting supplies, instruction books, knitting and crochet hooks, and books of knitting patterns. One set of shelves have tea supplies for sale, as well as handmade tea sets. A ladder is kept near the shelves to allow people to access high shelves with ease.

Behind the counter were stairs that went up into a meeting room. The room had a few rows of long tables and a chalk board in the front. It often was messy and filled with different bits of yarn and mismatched knitting needles. The room was the sight of the knitting lessons and workshops that Erin gave and any other classes that any other member of the Stitch staff may want to teach.

Outside contributions to The Stitch so far is furniture crafted by Glenn Woodwright, a Yransean charm for good luck hanging above the main entrance from Sylvia Nightshade, and a cherry blossom tree painted in the old flower shop by Stitch Hyde.

((For a full description of The Stitch, please refer to the Rhydin Wiki entry for A Stitch in Time here, thanks!))