Topic: Grand Opening!!

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-02 00:11 EST
Today was a big day, a really big day. A good deal of planning and work had lead to it, and now...?

A Stitch in Time was finally ready for business!

Even though she had picked an outfit out the previous night (with help from the boyfriend even) the green haired elf still took it upon herself to wake up early in the hours of AM. Not usually one to worry much over appearance, today was one of those exceptions. After all, who would want to buy clothing from someone who looked.. frumpy?

Hair was left down, but rather than left straight, she worked on it some to make it a bit wavy. Lydia even cared enough to wear makeup today. A touch of shimmery purple around the eyes, and a hint of plum upon the lips. Both of which matched her blouse, which was casual, short sleeved, and just a little low on the shoulders. Along with that was a thin black belt at the waist to tuck in the shirt, and a skirt which was a very dark purple, almost black, but not quite. The green haired elf probably didn't have much black, if any, in her collection.

And with green? Purple was one of those color that worked perfectly with it, and it allowed Lydia to pay a secret homage of sorts, but that's another story entirely...

She didn't just wear things of her own making though, some jewelry Erin had made for her was also donned. A purple and green (what else did you expect?) beaded necklace and matching bracelet. Clip on earrings were neglected however, since the girl had a tendency to get them tangled in her hair when it was down. And really, she thought she looked goofy in earrings because of the pointed ears. The bag she carried was also of her sister's doing. A knitted purple and green messenger bag. So really, the purple and green accessories were Erin's fault!

Even with all the fuss over appearance and accessories it was still a while before opening time, which gave her plenty of time to swing by Carley's to pick her up. Though there was never an answer when she knocked on the door. So Carley either forgot (unlikely) or had even more enthusiasm than even she did and was already at the store (likely).

When Lydia reached the store, the bouncing blonde elf out front answered any question she might have. That wasn't terribly suprising, but what was suprising was the small crowd already gathered in front of the window, trying to peek in past that curtain, futile efforts but it didn't stop them!

Spotting Lydia, that bouncy blonde elf hopped a bit and waved her over. "Fire! Hurry up and open up!" Bouncebounce.

The crowd turned to Lydia as she approached, all smiles, all looking excited. It helped to fuel the green haired elf's own excitement. "I'm coming Carley!" Pace sped up a bit as she rummaged through her bag, pulling out some keys. The correct one located, she turned to the crowd and returned the smile before working the key in the lock.


Door wasn't even open and Carley was standing awfully awfully close behind her in anticipation... So she was quick to open up the door and step aside! The bouncing blonde moved in rather fast, blue eyes wide as she looked around. And she wasn't even there as a customer either, no no, she was helping Lydia and Erin. Hopefully that wouldn't backfire...

Lydia turned to the crowd then and offered the most amicable smile she could, tucking away that nervousness she felt. "Ah.. feel free to come in and look around. If you need help, feel free to ask." That wasn't too terrible... and her feet barely shuffled! The crowd looked rather pleased too, and they were all quick to move inside. Interests lied everywhere too, some were heading to the racks to check out the dresses, some were going to check out the knitted items on the shelves, and some had to head straight for the jewelry at the counter!

Taking a deep breath, the green haired elf moved inside, shutting the door behind her. She glanced over the crowd, making sure no one was in need, but for now, all seemed content to simply browse, and she wouldn't crowd them. So she moved to the counter, offering smiles to those who were there, returned keys to her bag, and stashed it behind the counter near that oak staff as she took up a spot back there. Not even five minutes had passed and all seemed to be going well. Only one question remained now...

...where was Erin?

((Events of this thread take place on Monday, the 5th of March))

((Edit: I really suck at describing clothing so I sketched the outfit here.))

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-02 02:11 EST
Carrying balloons? Hard. Very hard! The little mad englishwoman was bustling through the way too busy marketplace clutching a bundle of balloons. They were all colors: red, green, blue, yellow, pink and purple. The balloons bounced above the crowd, a multicolored floating pointer at Erin as she moved towards the store.

And gosh! How hard to find helium in Rhydin City! Even the insomniatic Erin hadn't had enough time to get to StarsEnd and back on time!

Erin pushed throw the crowd, coming close to elbowing her way through. Her heels clicked and she muttered her 'excuse me's and 'sorry's. She was in a very fifties looking dress, off the shoulder and form fitting to the waist where it flared into a fluffy skirt that reached about the knee; the fabric held up with a petty coat underneath. It would resemble "I love Lucy" save for the colors. The dress was a deep emerald green to bring out her eyes and covered in a smattering of black polka dots. Her purse was of the same pattern, while her shoes were black with a green outline. The whole thing was very smart looking. Her hair was up in her usual pigtails and Erin was wearing black and green dangly earrings, makeup and even a very smart emerald necklace. Donna Reed would be jealous.

Finally Erin reached the store. She smiled brightly as she saw that the door was already open and there were already people outside. Under her left arm she had been carrying a sigh. "Grand opening today!" It proclaimed in big letters. She set up the sign and tied the balloons to it.

Having drunk far too much coffee, Erin started bouncing at the sight. "Lydia! Come look what I did!" She was a jumping bean. A canister of energy. Completely insane. The motion was nonstop as she bounced and waved to her sister.

That's where Erin was.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-02 02:33 EST
There wasn't much to do at first, just watch over people, make sure they were okay, no one was stealing anything.. well.. Carley had already made off with some merchandise and ran upstairs with it. Terrible, just terrible. As Lydia looked about, lots of colors outside suddenly caught her attention. Lots of bouncing and swaying colors... ah, balloons!

Gods, that memory again, forced away though when she saw her very pretty sister and heard her exclamation. And, it wasn't as if there was any money in the cash register (which she had no clue how to operate) just yet, so she didn't hesitate to round the counter and move outside to where Erin had called her!

"Yeah?" Lydia moved to stand next to her, and looked to the sign and balloons, canting her head a bit and grinning brightly at the sight. "Ohhh... this is perfect!"

Now they'd really catch a lot of attention! More people had already noticed and were filing in!

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-02 03:29 EST
Erin bounced as the people filed into the store. She was..well... no words for her excitement. She just grabbed Lydia by the arm and started to tug her like a child to her mother.

"Oh my! Look at all the people? Have you sold something? Did I miss it? How did it feel? Was it wonderful and great? Are you complete as a person?" Someone should have stopped her at about the third cup this morning. She was so afraid of being tired she over did it. Just a little.

"It's amazing in there. I can't believe we did it! Finally! I am so excited. This dress is kind of itchy, but it looks really good, don't you think? Am I wearing too much makeup? Where's Carley?" Lydia better interupt her soon, becuase she had no plan on slowing down.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-02 03:41 EST
Pale blues blink rapidly as she is pulled and tugged upon. She is powerless for now, and is just tugged right on into the store. The friendly smile is put back in place for the customers about, but confusion was most certainly evident in her eyes. Why? Erin was being.. well.. a bit odd. Again. It was like that night at the Duel of Swords...

"Oh, ah..." Blink blink, she had tried to keep up, really! "I only just opened a few minutes ago Erin, so.. ah.. people just got here?" No time to make a sell! The question about being complete? She skirted right on over it. "You look great Erin, really. Stunning, and the makeup is perfect." Nodnod, blinkblink. "I think Carley is upstairs right now..." Probably trying on the wares, instead of working like she promised. Again.

Oh so very gently Lydia freed her arm from her sister's grip, still smiling, still friendly, still pleasant. "She should be down soon though." She looked towards the stairs, hoping she'd come down soon.

Erin was too much to handle now.. she needed saving, quick!

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-02 03:51 EST
Customers were a bit calming and Erin was getting her wits about her again. She wasn't hyper that often, actually, but man.. she was shaking from the caffine this morning. Eyes roamed about and she leaned against the back wall behind the counter. This was so cool!

As Lydia talked, she looked to the stairs, nodding absently. Just as she lost interest in the store itself, a girl about sixteen came up and started staring at the jewlery in the display case. She was no taller than Erin, and had long blonde hair. Thin, lanky, she was underdeveloped and alltogether cute. Her big blue eyes raised to the girls with a questioning that staved Erin from yelling at her for putting her hand prints all over the glass.

"Yes?" Erin sounded as calm as she could, really, but it was hard and her voice quivered just a touch.

"Can I see that one?" She sounded sweet enough. Erin reached into the case and pulled out a necklace. The girl just crinckled her nose and handed it back. She pointed at another. The process was repeated. This went through three before she just shrugged. "I don't know... what do you think?"

It should have been easy for Erin to sell one of these things, but she was so nervous! A fidget with the three pieces and she handed over one that was light blue and lavender. It would work with her eyes, or at least she hoped. "This one?"

The girl nodded happily, hopping once as she reached to take the piece. She dug out a piece of gold, sliding it over the top of the counter. Erin handed her back two silver, and there they were. The first sale.

Staring down at her hand with the money in it, Erin just blinked. And blinked. And squeeked. She turned to look at Lydia again. "I think I did something...." She was all flustered and red. Poor half-elf standing way too close.

Cue the happy screaming laughter.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-02 04:16 EST
Her sister was distracted, blessings! The green haired elf quieted and stepped aside, letting her sister barter and make transactions as she saw fit. Her merchandise, her sell. She had no intentions of butting in.. so she just shuffled on over towards a nearby rack and started doing a little organization. Reds with reds, blues with blues, and so on and so forth.

Both sisters distracted, Carley finally came bouncing downstairs, wearing a pink dress that was a little too big for her, and a pink knitted cap. Fine representation, really. In her little arms and hands was a box. Bouncing and humming she moved straight from the stairs, to the counter, around it, Erin, and her customer, to the basement door, unlocked it (Lydia had made copies of the keys for her, as she was working there and all), and moved on through the door, shutting it behind her.

Violets with violets, greens with greens.. Lydia paused to peek towards her sister, smiling brightly as it seemed her first sale was a success. She moved over when looked to, ready to congratulate.. but that's when her sister started with the hysterical laughing!

Cue a blink in response, and a sheepish look around to other customers giving Erin a curious look. Wasn't exactly normal behavior for one to just.. burst out laughing like that. Still...smilesmilesmile! She was happy for her sister and her success.

Faint, itty bitty shuffling of feet though... Lydia felt just a little out of place, not at all sure what to do. This was much much different from how things went at the market. With Erin at the counter, she moved towards another rack, just doing a little reorganization, something, anything to keep herself busy.

Everett Ogden

Date: 2007-03-03 16:20 EST
It was not that Everett felt any sort of disdain towards his job. He loved to sit in the library, copying carefully by hand those books that were too delicate (or somehow magically altered) to allow for other methods of copy. He loved penning letters for those who had not the gift of writing. He thought his job very important, but the would-be playwright knew that it was not life-or-death.

He told them that on Monday, he had a prior engagement, and would only be available for the latter half the day. He looked through his painfully limited wardrobe and with a wistful sigh he thought of the man with the crimson tie and the very sharp suits. Despite his lesser qualities, the man could dress. Everett could not, but he would do his best.

Clean cut, clean shaven, clean shirt and trousers and socks, Ev donned his navy blue scarf and double checked he got his buttons right, for once. His hair was a bit on the fluffy side, but some things just cannot be helped. He headed out of room two-oh and moved down the stairs and out the door, wrapped in his cloak.

After one quick stop, he moved up to the front door of the shop. It was early yet, but it seemed the ladies already had customers! Splendid! He would not spend too much of their time, but he would make a point of picking up something to send home to Warwick.

Everett caught first sight of Lydia (probably the hair), and moved in that direction, his offering clutched carefully against him. A warm smile for her peered over the top of the potted iris he had carefully chosen and brought for them. Good tidings.

"Why Lydia! This place looks so lovely by daylight, I scarcely know where to begin my shopping." With a broad smile, he offered the plant to her, explaining himself. "This is a token, a housewarming, of sorts. Oh! A shop warming, for you and for Erin."

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-03 17:03 EST
Another dress or three was sifted through and moved to it's proper place on the rack, by color, before she heard someone approaching. Pale blues curiously turned that way, expecting a customer who needed some help with something, though Lydia smiled brightly at the mildly disheveled sight. A very pleasant surprise for one of her friends to drop by like that.

Smile widened just a little as she took the offered token. The green haired elf adored flowers, and the color purple (as well as any other color, but purple was ..special in a way, to her at least), though that'd be rather obvious if one were to take in her appearance. "Everett, you didn't have to do this." Pot clutched carefully, she looked the iris over, gently running a finger over a petal. "Thank you.. it was very sweet of you." She nodded to him before moving towards the counter. To show Erin the lovely present and to set it up on the counter, opposite the jewelry.

"About the shopping though.. I'd recommend some of the jewelry." Potted iris was carefully set on the counter before she gestured to the display case. "Erin makes wonderful jewelry.. it'd be a great present for someone." Because the green haired elf had sense enough to know that Everett would not need jewelry for himself, or a dress, so chances are if he got something from the store, it wouldn't be for himself. Though if it was.. well, that was best kept secret.

Everett Ogden

Date: 2007-03-03 17:46 EST
Everett followed her dutifully, pleased that she liked the iris. It was a fair enough bloom, though for Ev, it was less about the shape of the bud and more about the intent of it. The man knew his flowers. His mild mannered smile stayed fixed in place, even as he leaned over the display to admire the jewelry. Hands clasped behind his back, neck craned slightly, he peered through those lenses, just utterly impressed.

"The skill that you both have simply astounds. How fortunate I am to know such friends." The polite Mister Ogden required some time to narrow down his selection. Jewels were lovely, but he suspected there may be something equally stunning and yet more practical for his Mum and his Gran on the racks.

At last, he pried himself from the study of the elegant wares, lifting his eyes to survey the shop. Everett's gaze then sought Erin, that he might wish her well and say hello.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-03 19:03 EST
Finally, time in the daylight!

Storm had managed to con her way out of going to the MarketPlace without an escort, since it was during the light hours. The Sister's were only doing their job... but Storm was grateful to be out... and not sneaking away.

The MarketPlace itself was packed, and she was mindful to watch her feet, even though they did not touch the floor. Still so delicate... a foot on top of hers was only meant for disaster. Grey eyes narrow in on the store of object - the one she helped painted. A ghost smile plays on her lips at the memory. A lovely memory indeed. They wasted no time while she was... where ever she was.

As it was, Storm was in the same boat with Everett come clothing. Anything fine and colorful was burned down with her home. So, black pants and a black turtleneck were borrowed, considering she hadn't any clothing of her own. Even the bright blue sash around her waist wasn't her own. Poor thing. Hence, the whole reason for her being here, that and to support her loved ones of course.

She walked in just as Erin was making an exchange, appearing extremely... jumpy? Storm didn't know what to do with that... so when she spots Everett and the purple Lydia, she already made a beeline for them, a warm smile on her face.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-04 19:18 EST
Once Erin stopped jumping she turned around to figure out where Lydia had gone. That's when she saw the plant! Just as the half-elf had released it in its new home, Erin took a step forward to investigate.

And whose voice was that?

"Everett!" She didn't move around the counter, becuase she was watching the register or something like that, so she just wavewaved a bit maniaclly. "I'm so glad to see you made it. And during a work day, too! Is the plant from you?" She flashed him all her teeth, so happy and excited that her good friend would come.

Once Storm wandered in, Erin thought she may explode. "And Storm! They let you out!" She clapped once looking from one friend to the other. It was true, she should have been helping the old granny like lady oogling her jewelery, but there was just too much happening all at once!

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-04 20:05 EST
Since Erin was addressing Everett, Lydia turned her attention to the newest figure heading her way. "Storm, hey! I'm happy you were able to make it." The green haired elf was not on 'cash register watch duty' or anything so she moved close to Storm to offer her a hug. "You haven't seen the place since it was painted have you? I think it looks really good... and we have you to thank for that too, I don't know if we would have ever actually gotten the paint on the walls without your help."

Lydia could have (and probably would have) talked up a storm (ha) if a customer hadn't stepped forward to request assistance. A pretty woman, looked to be in her thirties, and had auburn hair and big brown eyes. "Excuse me?"

She couldn't very well ignore customers, that'd be terribly rude, not to mention, be bad for business. A smile to Storm as well as a 'one moment' gesture before she turned to the woman, hands clasped behind her back. "Yes?"

"Do you have any other dresses like that?" The woman pointed to the 'Lydia Doppelganger' mannequin in the window, clad in a pretty yellow dress.

"Similar maybe but none quite like that or in that color..." Lydia smiled to the woman before she moved towards the mannequin. "But really if this is the dress you want, it's yours."

"I am rather fond of that dress and style, if it's not much trouble for you...?" The woman didn't seem entirely comfortable taking one of the display dresses.

"None at all!" Lydia flashed a smile to the woman and started to.. well.. de-robe the mannequin. How embarassing...

Everett Ogden

Date: 2007-03-05 11:16 EST
A greeting for Erin, and we was enthusiastic like a child on the first day of school. His wave to her was very nearly emphatic. He nodded that indeed the Iris came from him, and he immediately set it where he was directed. A smile and a hello for Storm then, brief, but warm all the same. The playwright fell quiet then and got right out of the way. He needed to find a couple of little things in a relative hurry so that he was not too late for work. He did, after all, have to get out of work early enough to pick up the cake for the celebration in honor of his friends. And indeed, thought this was a time of celebration, the women of the hour had their hands full with enthusiastic customers (who, hopefully had more to spend than the playwright).

(It should be noted that to the great benefit of all involved, Everett's discomfort with public disrobing does not extend to lifeless things such as mannequins.)


Date: 2007-03-05 13:44 EST
Better late than never, right? Cassie was still slightly hung over after killing a bottle of tequila the night before. Oops. But she did manage to wake up and get dressed at a fairly decent time. She wolfed down some toast and scrambled eggs, and then set out towards Isis Manor. No, she wasn't there to see Erin, because Erin would be at the store! She was there to pick up Bastian so that they could surprise Erin on her big day!

"Bastian! Quit trying to find the perfect bloody shirt! You can buy one while you're there and that would make her happier!" Yelling at the door while pounding on it. Patience was not Cassie's strong suit this morning. Especially since it was cold outside! She danced around on her toes until he appeared at the front door, ready to go. "Finally! Let's go!" A laugh, as she turned and headed towards the marketplace, slowing her pace just enough to make sure he wasn't left behind. The cold air was actually soothing the headache a bit, and she was even able to keep up a steady stream of banter and teasing on the way there.

Once they reached the store, Cassie slipped inside with a bright smile, waiting for Bastian to join her. "Hey! We have arrived! The party can start now!" A laugh, as she practically danced over towards the little crowd of people.


Date: 2007-03-05 14:20 EST
Like he would actually work on the day that his wife and his sister-in-law opened up their shop. Sebastian certainly did want to look his best, for his appearance would speak volumes to his wife. He had half a mind to dress like they had planned for their wedding ceremony in a few short months, but that would only distract her, he decided. Instead, he wore pressed khakis, a light blue button up with a long sleeved, darker blue cotton shirt underneath. His hair was styled in the messy fashion (something Milo had turned him on to) and he was ready to go!

Once out in the cold with his cousin, Sebastian noted that Cassandra was slightly out of it, but growing up with her, he knew immediately the cause. He simply smiled and shook his head, hands burrowing deep into his pockets as was his usual stance. They joked around like childhood friends -- wait, they were. Scratch that. It was a lovely thing to behold when the cousins got along and recently, that was quite alot. Unbenownst to many, the two got together regularly for lunch or coffee and such.

He'd visited the shop with Erin a few days prior, so luckily he knew the layout of the store. He remembered, while he stared at the large picture window, the conversations they had in there. Drawing in a deep breath of cold air, Sebastian set his jaw determinedly and vowed to make "effort". He stepped in just after Cassie and lifted his chin from his chest (where it had been nearly the entire walk to ward off the cold) and smiled. The sight of Lydia's green hair instantly caused his stomach to turn. Forget about effort for today. He wasn't in the mood to be brushed off. He knew that Lydia harbored a decent amount of disdain for him. It's always lovely when one passes judgement and never allows for redemption. It probably doesn't help either that his wife probably only talked to Lydia about their marriage when they were having problems.

He skirted around his purple haired cousin and drifted towards the jewelry counter where he knew his lovely, amazing, talented wife would be. He leaned on the counter and provided a most charming smile, his head cocked to one side. "Good morning, m'lady. I'm looking for a gift for my wife." It would be all too obvious to those that knew them, that Bastian was indeed already speaking to his wife. It only added to the humor. "And no, money is certainly no object."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-05 21:49 EST
It was so busy in here already! Lydia barely got a word in, before she was off helping another customer! She just had to chuckle softly at the small amounts of chaos inside. Even Everett seemed to be in a mild rush, so she took the greetings offered, warm smile still in place, before looking around herself.

Everything material wise that she owned had burned down with her home. It was not something she grieved on, but it was an inconvenience to continuously borrow clothing. And what clothing to have other than the kind her friends made? She already was heading towards the clothing area, eyes attracted to the bright colors... though she knew that she didn't need such frivolous things, did she? No, not like she needed, or wanted, to stand out anyway. She was already looking at any types of blue and greys... some habits die hard. Turtlenecks were already mentally gathered. There was a white one and it looked so soft... when did she ever indulge? Perhaps she owed it to herself... if she couldn't feel pretty in her skin.. a turtleneck that looked soft as clouds would a be a booster for her. She knew her self image was becoming a problem that only she was aware of. No one ever saw anything other than her face really. That was not changing... but something inside of her left after repeatedly looking down at those marred legs and feet. After the internal struggle, she made a point to grab the white sweater. She would use what she had... even if it meant soft turtlenecks. More idle looking, grey eyes casting around here and there.

She watched as Lydia was about to tackle a person model.. and she watched.. in case Lydia needed help.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-06 10:50 EST
"Sebastian!" It was suddenly Christmas morning. Erin hadn't really expected him to come... it was an unrealistic and somewhat crude expectation, but he did hate lots of people and this was the place for lots of people. "You made it!" She leaned over the counter to give him a kiss. The old granny woman laughed, shaking her head and wandering to a shelf full of shawls that were much more her style than the jewelry anyway.

Erin smiled at his choice of outfit. He looked good. Really good. "I like what you're wearing." A squeeze to his upper arm and she spotted Cassie, giving her a wiggle of fingers and a taptap to the forehead. Yeah, they were both hungover. How about that. "Anything either of you is looking for?"

Erin let her eyes run over the store. Customers, her friends, her sister, her husband. This was probably the proudest moment in her entire life. And that's when the rambling started back up(God save them). "I got the balloons out front, did you see them? And Lydia got here early, and we already sold some jewelry and a dress... and everyone is here and..." She bounced once. "You made it!" Erin's arms were thrown around Sebastian. Nevermind Erin was barely tall enough to reach over the counter like that... even in heels.


Date: 2007-03-06 15:29 EST
THe room was filled with Bastian's obviously delighted laughter as Erin flipped out. She looked lovely and his loving and appreciative gaze told her so. He leaned to meet Erin half way over the counter for that kiss, then straightened as he gave the old granny lady a conspiritorial wink as she wandered away. She knew what it was like to be young and in love!

He flushed faintly at her compliment - this was something he'd never think to wear, but his friends at the docks were beginning to turn him on to the latest fashions and whatnot. He'd been skeptical until now and made a silent promise to himself to dress like this more often. "Thanks, m'love." He beamed.

"I don't really have anyone to buy anything for but,-" he paused and blinked, then snapped his fingers and pointed at Erin. "My sisters! THey'd probably die to wear something their sister-in-law made." When Erin seemed to grin in agreement, Sebastian took a moment to scan the store.

That's when he heard the steady, excited jabber of his wife kick in. "Yes, dear...we saw the balloons. They we-" Damn, she was already changing the subject! "Oof!" He got squeezed from an awkward angle, but allowed himself to be snuzzled. "I'll let you tend to your customers and when you have time, you can help me pick something out for Cara and Sarah." Sebastian brushed a kiss across her cheek and then wandered off.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-06 16:41 EST
So much excitement, so many people... and one is added to the mix yet again! The bouncy blonde elf known as Carley emerged from the basement door in time to catch Erin and Sebastian smoochin' and giggled at the sight. Storm was a familiar face so she waggled fingers in her direction, dropping the boxes of many shapes and sized on the floor in front of her, as well as all that gift wrap and paper she had dragged out of the basement.

With a bouncy step she moved out from behind the counter, past Erin and Sebastian, blue eyes moving hither and thither over the crowd, searching searching... a grin was flashed to the cute bespectacled one, then she moved past him towards the green haired elf de-robing the green haired mannequin. She had to tape some pointy ears on there sometime.. you know, for accuracy's sake!

Lydia was a little distracted though, at the latest to enter. Cassie spotted first, she offered her a friendly wave. She was about to get back to work but then Sebastian was spotted. She even offered him a little wave, Erin would hopefully be happy with the effort? Once again, she went back to the de-robing of the mannequin, only to have dress flawlessly snatched from it, and out of her hands by a bouncy blonde elf.

Carley grinned and with a blur of her hands that dress was folded perfectly. "I got it Fire!" Using that ever brilliant mind of hers, she figured the woman who was waiting near the mannequin watching Lydia was the one who wanted the dress, so pretty dress draped over one arm, she used her free one to usher/drag the lady to the counter, then set off to wrap up the dress in a box. She'd even handle the register too if Erin wanted her too!

Lydia blinked a few times to that, and shook her head slightly. At least Carley was doing something... unlike the last time there was a group gathered to work at the store. What a mess that was, but fun nonetheless. Looking around for more customers in need, but not seeing any, the green haired elf moved back towards Storm and Everett.

"Hey, sorry, it's a bit busier than I thought it'd be. Especially at this hour." Pale blues took a peek towards Cassie too, to let her know she was addressed as well, not forgotten! "If any of you need any help with anything...?" A smile was flashed to all of her friends.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-06 17:59 EST
"Okay! Just let me know if you need me, hun." She waved again as he moved futher into the store and then turned to see an incoming elf-blur.

"Hey Carley!" Erin waved and then raised a brow at the yellow dress. "Need the register, I presume?" She slid from behind the counter so as to not get run over by the elf and moved into the store, happily watching as her friends and other patrons wandered.

A look to the wall and her shelves of knitted goods. A big sign above them that said ALL WINTER GOODS HALF OFF . She nodded to herself and the granny who was very interested in a pair of mittens. A happy sigh and she continued to let her eyes wander.

Then a giggle. It got more and more intense as she stared at the naked Lydia. A hand went up to cover her mouth and then... she just couldn't take it anymore! "Lydia! You're naked!" Point, point, giggle. Oh, what a bad sister the half-elf had!


Date: 2007-03-06 19:11 EST
She chuckled and nodded some in agreement as Erin tapped at her forehead. Everyone got a wave in turn, Erin, Lydia, Everett, Storm, the blonde whirlwind, the rest of the customers. Must keep a happy face! Not that she was unhappy, but her head was starting to pound a bit again. She was smiling though, that was easy to do in all the excitement. "I thought I'd buy a dress! But don't either of you worry, I can take a look around myself first, go on and attend to your customers." A laugh, as she turned and hunted down the dresses.

She browsed through them, fingering swatches of fabric here and there that caught her eye and pulling one out on occasion to hold up and look at more fully. She pulled out a kelly green dress that looked as if it would hit her at about just above her knees, and then held it against her body, doing a little twirl to check it out. It was a fun swirling dress! She kept that one out, tossed over her arm, and continued to paw through the dresses.