Topic: The Solace of Style

Wren Juke

Date: 2008-03-29 07:42 EST
In the early hours of a March morning, the diligent, practical, responsible, dutiful, loyal Wren skipped work. This wasn't only rare for her, or unusual, but downright out of character, completely! She had decided to, with the unexpected landing in Rhy'Din, dress for a new role in society, to seek out a new life, in every facet, for herself through herself.

A visit to a seamstress seemed in order as the most appropriate way to go about things. Her ideas had been prompted by the films she came engrossed in on quiet evenings alone. Stark, all tones of gray and white and black, because even white and black had their subtleties, where the surprise and magic happened in action and not in speech, and too, the idea of a witch of sorts, a stunning new image of herself riding high above the life which really was simple and sad, she would admit to deep down, until a glitch in time snagged her like a poor petal and threw her adrift on a wicked wind, to some place. When awakening, she did wonder if she was in Oz, and checked her factory card for the surname 'Gale'. If ever there was a time in her life when she really rubbed her eyes and opened them wide, it was that day.

So, certain of her identity she had settled in.

And now wishing to elaborate on this, in a new way, The Juke had begun to come to being.

Wren came upon the Stitch's doors, hoping these women would be prepared and able in aiding her to stitch and sew a beginning for herself and make this town a little less strange and a lot more exciting.

With her ideas penned on paper and hidden under her arm, she knocked on the door curtly, and waited, straight backed, about to spin her dreams to existance..

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2008-03-31 13:35 EST
A knock? That was odd! It was just before the store was to open and Erin was there making sure to hide the yarn she had left around the day before. It was a game, hide her mess before Ivy showed up and harped on her all day. Hair a mess atop her head, and glasses holding it back as they were pushed back, she looked around for somewhere to dump the pile before she answered the knocking.

Lips pursed and she looked right, looked left and just dumped the pile of yarn behind a rack by the wall before wiping her hands off on the back of her skirt. Hair pushed behind ears, and smile fixed on her face, Erin tried to make herself look presentable as she made her way over to the door.

The jingle of the bell sang through the room as she pulled it open, and holding it just open enough to be friendly, but closed enough to shove it closed if she had to, Erin tilted her head to look at the woman who presented herself.

"Hi there. Could I help you?" Bright smiles and twinkling eyes all around, of course.

Wren Juke

Date: 2008-04-03 03:48 EST
A few steps are taken backwards at the spritely face peering out at her with a smile. With a curt nod and a bit of a frown, Wren lowers her hands, the papers swept from under her arm, as she forces something of a broad smile, first thing in the morning; she'd skipped breakfast along with work, and all business and no play makes Wren a bit of a grumpy girl.

"Hello. I was here to meet with someone about some designs I have, for my wardrobe. Something functional, flexible and a little bit different".

Trailing a hand over an ear, pulling strands of jetblack over it and out of her eyes, she shakes the papers in her other hand, to punctuate herself.

"Anyone in there have any time to spare? I promise, I'll not take long to explain myself, and I have everything drawn up and ready to go".

She smiled with a bit more force this time, dark green eyes lightening with the expression.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-04-28 02:16 EST
Lo and behold, who was that standing at the stairs? None other than the seamstress of The Stitch! (Though Carley would beg to differ and refer to Griffith as one too... but that's neither here nor there.) Also getting off to an early start, Lydia had arrived not long ago. She had been upstairs getting some things together and preparing for the day ahead, and when she had started down she paused to listen to the exchange going on between the women near the entrance. Wearing a smile, she stepped off the final step of the stairs and started meandering in the direction of the ladies.

"I've got nothing but free time at the moment." Chiming in upon hearing Wren. "I'd be more than happy to take a look at anything you had. Did you want to go to the counter and talk things over or upstairs? There's a bit more room up there if you need it." Lydia shot a look to Erin indicating that she had things covered before beckoning Wren further inside.

"You may also appreciate the privacy? We're just about opened up so we'll have a bunch of people milling about in here soon. Plus if you do decide you want either myself or Griffith to make anything for you I'll need to take your measurements." She shot the woman something of a sheepish grin then. "Of course I'm probably getting a little ahead of myself there..."

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2008-04-28 15:42 EST
Erin nodded at Lydia and smiled at the pair, following behind only because she had nowhere else to go but at least a bit further than at the door. She made sure to lock the door behind them, of course, as it was important that there wasn't suddenly a surge of milling people around before things were ready.

She slipped past Lydia and the woman just so she could switch on some lights for them, it was easier to prepare rooms without having to worry about talking and walking and being nice all at the same time, right? Brushing some hair behind her ears, she waited to see if she was at all further needed, of course, before going back to preparing the store.