Topic: The Thank You Note


Date: 2007-07-23 16:08 EST
Dylan went back to the Market Place after he had gotten off work to see if he could find Lydia there in the open. Not seeing her, however, he headed for the Stitch and decided to just leave the little package in front of the door, with her name written on the top of the brown wrapping.

Inside was just a note that said, "Thank you, ma'am. I'll come back sometime and order more pairs of trousers so I'm not in this situation again." There were a pair of shells, natural and not tampered with, underneath the note. In payment more for her kindness than anything else.


Date: 2007-07-23 18:43 EST
It was late. Real late. Later than it should be for Hurricane Carley to be walking her pretty little bouncy self down the street. But, she was sometimes a bit.. scatterbrained. The little blonde elf had forgotten to check some figures regarding a fabric in stock (or possibly out. That was the thing, she did not know!) and for her to be able to work efficiently at the market tomorrow, she needed to know those figures!

In she went, numbers were checked and rechecked, marked down on a piece of paper and stuffed into her pocket then. All done! Out she went, nearly tripping on a little package she missed when she had gone in. Frowning, she turned suddenly to look at what she tripped on. Package.

Carley grinned then, bright blue eyes forming into crescents. Could Heath have sent her something? She could forgive the carelessness of the location he left in it (or the fact that she, Ivy, and Lydia totally took off work earlier than they should have today) if that was the case. Bending over, she scooped it right off the ground and was just about to tear into it when she saw what was written on top.


Huffing, she audibly whined with disappointment, very much like a child on Christmas morning who just found out there would be no presents for them. With coal, you could at least chuck that at someone you didn't like and hit them in the head with it. That provided a sense of satisfaction. But she got nothing! That wasn't fair.

It would be a lie to say she wasn't tempted to take a peek in the package. She could re wrap it and Lydia would be none the wiser! But damn that thing they call a conscience, even Carley's spoke up once in a while. However, she could just run and deliver the package to the intended owner, and stick around when it was opened. That would not only satisfy her curiosity, but her conscience would be clear.

Such a brilliant thing she was, yes indeed. No matter if it was past midnight, it wouldn't be the first time she dropped in for a surprise visit to see her green haired friend. And she knew just where to find her too!

With a grin, and package tucked beneath her arm, Carley started her jaunt on down the street.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-24 02:09 EST
The green haired one was laid out across the couch, doing a little bit of reading from the oh-so-boring looking book in her hands. Pale blues at half mast, they scanned the page, as she had lost a bit of interest in what she was reading, and? She just didn't understand most of it. Brows lifted faintly as she quietly mouthed the words as she read. "The ear tests words as the tongue tastes food?"

It was considered for less than a second before she rolled her eyes. "That doesn't make any sort of sense." Shaking her head, the book was closed and set upon the coffee table as she sat up. "I don't understand why people take that book seriously... most if it is like one giant riddle."

Left to her own devices just a little while longer she sighed. She wasn't in the mood for going out. Well, it was more like she just wasn't in the mood for people. Standing up, she glanced about the apartment, thinking and pondering. A smile came to her at her next idea. One couldn't go wrong with a hot bath. It did help the knee too.

Knee brace taken off, it was set on the coffee table next to that.. book, then she made her way towards the bathroom, abandoning clothes along the way. She'd pick them up afterwards, really. She just wasn't the tidiest person all the time. Who was? Nozzle for hot water was just about to be turned, but that's when she heard it.

That incessant pounding at the door. Getting louder, and louder, and more and more urgent. Frowning, a towel was snatched up and draped about her body as Lydia made her way out of bathroom and towards the door, peering at it suspiciously. About to ask who it was, the answer came to her.

"Fire! Open up!! I know you're in there, I can see the lights are on!" And yet Carley wouldn't stop hitting the door.

"Carley? Stop hitting the door, I'm coming!" Brows furrowed in frustration, the door was unlocked and opened up. "Is everything alright?" Lydia tilted her head, regarding the smiling face in the door.

Or the smiling face walking right into the apartment, uninvited. "Yeah, everything's fine." Package in hand was shifted from one arm to the other as she spun around, looking Lydia over curiously, since she was only wearing a towel and all.

Lydia shifted uncomfortably at the look, drawing the towel even tighter around herself. "Then is there a reason you're here? I was kind of in the middle of something Carley." Pale blues blinked then, as she watched the little blonde elf bend over and scoop her bra off the floor.

"I can see that." Carley twirled it briefly before letting it drop back down, then bright blues widened as realization dawned on her. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry Fire! I didn't mean to interrupt-" A pause then, as a smirk came to her, and voice lowered conspiratorially. "-you and Grem." She even threw in a brow waggle and a nudge nudge with an elbow for good measure.

Lydia's cheeks flushed crimson then, as she was torn between her emotions. Sigh? Cry? Punch the little thing across the face? Throw her out a window? Set her on fire? It all came out as an eye twitch in the end. "What? Gods, no.. he's not even here right now." Shuffling her feet, she frowned at Carley. Honestly, she wouldn't hurt her. But gods she was agitated with her.

"Oh." Carley's confusion was back, then she tilted her head. "Couldn't wait?"

Lydia's frown deepened. "Gods.. Carley, why are you here?" Trying to get back to the original subject and distract her from whatever was going on in her mind.

"I'm.. oh yeah!" Carley grinned, and held the package out towards Lydia. "Someone left this for you at The Stitch! I don't know who though. You should open it and find out!" Nodding excitedly, she nudged the package closer to Lydia.

"Right, I.. guess I will." Lydia took the package and set it on the coffee table. "But you should be going Carley." Before the little blonde could protest Lydia had draped an arm about her and was escorting her towards the door. "Have a good night and be safe getting home, yeah?" And before Carley could protest to that, the door was quietly shut in her face, and was promptly locked.

A couple minutes later when she was sure she heard footsteps going away finally, Lydia sighed and slumped on the couch muttering a few things under her breath. Package noted, she hesitantly reached out to grab it, looking it over. It couldn't be anything that bad, right? Lower lip bitten, she warily opened package up, first taking the note out to look it over.

Reading the note, she grinned, remembering the pants-less man from earlier in the day. Luckily all ended happily as she had stitched them up, and he went on his merry way, escaping the prying eyes of that eccentric old lady. Note set aside, she peeked into the package, eyes widening at the sight of the shells. Mouth formed a little 'o' as she reached in to pull them out, holding them up in the light so she could see them better. She thought they were just perfect, and she loved the color, being partial to the cool end of the color spectrum.

She did regret she couldn't thank him for the lovely gift, but perhaps another time? Especially if he really did drop by The Stitch to get some more pants. Which wouldn't be a bad idea, especially if he made it a habit to split his pants at inopportune places like the market.

Package, note, and shells set aside on the table (which she really was going to clean up later) she sighed, smiling as she stood. Back to the bathroom with her, she pondered what she could use the shells for. Perhaps using them as simple decoration would be best...?