Topic: Control


Date: 2009-04-01 20:05 EST
The salt water spray hits him in the face as the ship sails in to RhyDin Harbor. From where he is standing on the bow, his body easily compensating for the rise and fall of the swells, he can see the docks approaching.


A chance to start fresh, to begin anew, to wipe the slate clean and hope for something better.

And all the other rediculous cliches.

For what is most likely the millionth time in his life, if not more, he curses his mother silently. And God. Never forget that f**ker. Why He saw fit to allow his mother to mate with a mortal father and permit the creation of something like him, he'll never know.

After all, demons don't get to Heaven.

He can understand the motiviations of a demon, to attempt the creation of an abomination the likes of himself. After all, demons have to breed somehow, and it only makes sense to do it this way so they can at least partially blend in.

But you would think God would have the f**king sense to make them procreating with humans impossible in the first place.

Idiot. The only thing He had done right in Kaleb's case was to make sure the human part of him was stronger-willed than the demon half.

Most of the time. Occasionally, it did get out of hand. Like it did in the last place he had tried to settle.

Damned bloodthirsty demon. He knows he should learn to control his temper a bit better, but that last guy had pusshed it way too far...and as soon as his other half came out, it was over.

The worst part of it was that the guy had tried to get away, and Kaleb could have let him...but the demon had been at the steering wheel, and he had not been even a little interested in mercy.

There had been one hell of a bloody mess afterwards, and that was when Kaleb though it might be time to move on.

So lost in recollection is he that he barely notices as the ship glides up to the dock until it bumps against it gently, jarring him out of his thoughts.

He doesn't even wait for the crew to toss the mooring lines to the dock, just steps off the bow and leaps from the ship, landing easily on the dock and walking down it. Looking around, he is pleased with what he sees so far, even if it is night time. Curiousity and the hope for a new life drive him forward, and he heads towards WestEnd with a purposeful stride.


Date: 2009-04-02 01:37 EST
It doesn't take long, of course.

Looking like he does, it's easy to make the mistake of assuming he's not much of a fighter. Even the unnatural eyeshine that glows in his eyes in the dimmest of light is usually passed off as an oddity, nothing to worry about. If more people knew where he got it from, they might be willing to let him pass on by.

But, it seems that the two scumbags creeping up behind him in the shadows of the alleyway don't know any better. Or they didn't see it. Or they're too stupid to realize that there are reasons they say not to judge a book by its cover.

Any which way, the result is going to be the same.

He stops in mid-stride, turning to face his stalkers. "Y'know, if you're gon' be creeping up on a body, 'llow me t'give you a bit of advice - firstly, try not t'make y'self so obvious." His voice is low, a melodic baritone, with what sounds like a Cajun accent to it. "Secondly - and this'll be th' real imp'rtant part - make sure your target is gon be som'ne you can take down 'thout a big hassle on your part."

With that last comment, he holds out a hand, cupping it so the palm faces up. In an instant, with a buzzing, crackling sound of electronic arcing and a sharp smell of ozone, a ball of lightning form in his hand. For a moment, Kaleb simply stares at his would-be accosters and, with a flick of his wrist, tosses the ball at them. It arcs over to the pair, coming to land in the dirt between them and suddenly detonating with enough ezplosive force to throw dust and rock particles into their faces in a stining hail, causing them to flinch back and throw their hands up to protect their eyes.

A moment later, their fading footfalls can just barely be heard as they beat a very hasty rereat, probably to find easier prey elsewhere.

Fools. Perhaps next time they'll think again before they just assume somone will make a good target.


Date: 2009-04-02 17:38 EST
He is watching from the rooftops, this new entry into the realm. And thus far, he's moderately impressed.

He's been looking for the last person to induct into the Guardians' circle, and has as yet to find him, though day by day his instincts have been prodding him to wait at the docks. He's been down there, every day, and still has not seen anyone that fits the bill.

Until today.

This young man had leaped off an incoming merchant ship and simply walked into the shadows of WestEnd, no fear or reservation, just a purposeful stride. Like he owned the place. Which made him either stupid or confident.

He wasn't placing bets on either.

But after watching that last little exchange, that tickling little voice in the back of his mind telling him that this man is the final piece...well, it seems it may be right.

He had told Trixie, a while back, that demons knew their own when they find them. That interesting tidbit of info is no less true now than it was then, and he can practically smell the interesting, sulfurous scent of the demon held in check within this young man. As it did before, the demon within him stirs, but compared to what it was, this is a small thing, not even requiring effort to suppress - it could be likened to an animal perking its head up at a sound that had caught its attention, only to find that it is nothing for the animal to be concerned with and going back about its business.

As the young man continues on his way, after the thugs make their retreat, Lupinius follows behind, keeping to the shadows of the rooftops, silently shadowing the young man.


Date: 2009-04-02 20:34 EST
He continues walking on for a while, weaving his way in and out of dark alleyways, getting to know this section of town.

This place is dark, dank, corrupted - he can feel it, see it, practically smell it all around him. There is something definitely not right about this place. Oh, nothing on the surface, of course, but there is definitely something amiss here - evil, he can feel it in his bones. The demon within him can sense it as well, rising, trying to stir, but held in check by the human side's superior willpower and conscience.

He turns the next corner, and suddenly stops.

There in front of him are several street scum of the same type that had been following him earlier...and what do you know?...included in the group is that very same pair.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't our friend the showy smarta**. Bet you're not feelin' so confident about your chances now, are ya?"

Kaleb takes a moment to count the array of individuals in front of him. Ten of them, it looks like. His ears pick up the sounds of a few more coming up behind him as the group in front of him walks forward, hemming him in.

He sighs and shakes his head, looking down at the ground. Some people will never learn.

He takes the pack from his shoulders and holds it by the handle on top of it, looking back up again into the leering face of the one who had spoken - obviously the leader of this ragtag little band - and his eyes catch the light, seeming to gleam from within with a fiery reddish light.

"All right, mon frere, come on an' get me then."

As though they had been waiting for this, four of them rush forward - two in front, two behind. Just before they reach him, he strikes.

The pack in his hand he swings up and around, towards the head of the first one coming at him. There is a heavy-sounding thud as it connects with the skull of the man, with enough force to knock him bodily sideways and into the second thug charging towards him. The momentum from the bag spins Kaleb around to face the two charging in from the rear, and using that momentum he leaps up, letting go of the pack and flinging out his right leg as he twirls and catching the closest punk behind him in the temple with his foot. His ehad snaps sideways and he goes down like a pile of stones, tripping up the fourth - and final - punk charging him.

For a moment, the remainder of the gang is still, not knowing quite what to do with this. The guy had just taken out four of their street-hardened comrades in the blink of an eye, and all without breaking a sweat.

Their leader makes up their minds for them. He pulls out a long, wicked-looking knife and screams, "GET HIM!!!" and charges forward. The rest of them, mindless sheep that they are, join him in a frenzied rush.

God damn it, don't make me do this, he thinks.

But it looks as if they are not going to give him the choice, and as the leader is getting close enough to begin inflicting damage, he finally just lets go of it.

The sensation is always simultaneously painful and pleasurable at the same time, as if he is letting out some pent-up animal from within himself and it is ripping its way out of his skin. His vision goes red, as if the entire world suddenly became drenched in fire and blood, and a cloud comes over his mind. He tries his best to maintain some control over the beast, as always, but still, he is all too aware that while he hates this part of himself, he LOVES what it is capable of at the same time.

The leader brings down the knife, not into the flesh of a man, but into the stone-hard surface of a demon straight from the Abyss, a vision from his worst nightmares. It is almost comic to see the gang come to scrambling stop around him, looking up at this sudden, hulking monstrosity that just appeared out of nowhere, as if the young man in front of them had suddenly exploded and this was the result. Heat pours off of him in waves, veins of white-hot fire course over skin that looks as if it is made from stone, the same fire that glows in his eyes. Horny growths sprout from his joints and two long, curving horns stand out from his head.

He looks down at the leader with those hellish glowing eyes and laughs - a cruel, growling, gravelly sound that grates and rumbles. He hates the sound of it - evil and wanton, bloodthirsty and ready for violence. With one huge, clawed hand he reaches down and grabs the man by his neck and head, lifting him bodily off the ground and up to eye level, close to his face to stare directly into his eyes. There is a sizzling sound as his flesh begins to fry in his superheated grip, and the bacon-like smell of his flesh burning wafts through the air. The man screams in pain and absolute terror as he is lifted off of his feet.

"What's the matter, maggot...didn't I tell you you should be a bit more careful picking your targets!?!?!?"

The voice is loud, a deomn's voice screaming to be let loose...but the human in him won't allow it. Instead, he simply flings the man away from him with a flick of his arm, sending him hurtling through the air to crash into a wall. He is mercifully knocked unconcious in a moment, a huge, charred handprint that wraps around his neck, head and part of his face. He'll bear that scar for the rest of his life.

Kaleb the demon rounds on the rest of them, a loud roar issuing from his throat that is heard across most of WestEnd.


They don't need to be told twice, scattering like mice when the cat comes in, running for fear of their very lives.

He SO wants to run after them, chase them, play with them, smashing their bodies into broken, bloody pulps and then charring the remains just so he can smell the tantalizing aroma of burning flesh.

But the human in him rebels. Outwardly, he grabs his head in his hands and the demon shrieks in pain and anger as he begins to

...and a moment later, there is just the man again.

He's sweating, trembling, feeling weak. Turning into the demon is the easy part - it's coming back from that state that really takes it out of him. He collapses to his knees, finally, shaking all over.

F**k you, God. You bastard.


Date: 2009-04-03 16:00 EST
He watches the entire scene from the shadows of the rooftops, knowing full well what trouble lay ahead for the boy, but not willing to do anything about it. He's been observing at this point everything about the kid - the way he walks, the flow and shift of the muscles under his skin, the subtle way he looks around him always, as if constantly observing his environment.

All markings of a fighter, a warrior. No doubt of that, and mostl likely a good one. Still, the kid doesn't seem to realize the gang of thugs is waiting for him until the last moment.

Well, what did he expect? It's not as if he himself has never been caught by surprise, though it has been quite some time since that last happened. And this one is just a boy, really, particularly when compared to someone like himself, who has been around for over a thousand years.

That kind of time is more than enough to develop certain...skills.

What really catches him by surprise is the emergence of the demon from this young man's body. He had known the boy had it in him - after all, demons know demons - but he hadn't been expecting anything like that. Knowing is one thing, but to see the fire-and-brimstone reality of the thing...well, that's different.

Lupinius knows a lot about demons, not only from having been one but from having to deal with them many times. If there's one thing he knows, it can't have been easy for the boy to put the demon back in its cage - they live, breathe, and exist solely to cause death, destruction, chaos in all its forms. Lupinius himself, until he had become a Guardian, had not had an easy time keeping his own problem to himself for a long time.

The Guardians...

He takes from his pocket a silver necklace with a black stone attached, nearly identical to the one he wears with one exception. The glimmer of light coming from its hearts is sapphire blue in color, rather than the amethyst shade that glows in his.

If mine helped me with my own control...maybe this could help him...?

It doesn't take long for him to make up his mind. He leaps out into space, enjoying the brief sensation of freefall as he drops the three stories to the ground and, purposefully, lands with a soft thud on the street a short distance behind the young stranger.


Date: 2009-04-03 17:44 EST
He's still kneeling there, in the middle of the alleyway, when he hears the soft impact of someone else landing on the ground behind him.

Internally, he shakes his head to himself. He gets rid of one set of a**holes, only to have one more want to try again. It never fails. One of these days, word will get around - no doubt, it's already spreading thanks to the little gang he had sent running for their mothers with their tails tucked firmly over their balls - but until then, in this new city, he guesses he will just have to deal with jackass after moron after idiot trying to take him for what he's got.

He closes his eyes, willing his temper to stay in control. He doesn't want to let the demon back out - it takes a lot of effort to put him away again, and he's not sure he could manage it twice in this short a period of time. He waits until he feels the stranger get close enough, calling on his inner reserves of strength to still his trembling and enable him to move.

And with sudden, liquid smoothness, he stands, whirls, creating a ball of pure fire in his right hand. The sudden white-hot ball of heat and flame throws it's own light around the alley as he whirls, hurling the ball of flames at the shadowy person he sees coming for him.

"Don't you f**kers ever learn! Leave me ALONE!"


Date: 2009-04-03 20:19 EST
The fireball streaks his way, heading right for his chest. he has to give the kid credit - even exhausted, worn out from the effort of suppressing a demon, he is still able to deal with it and get up enough guts to put up a fight.

...without fear, without reservation, without surrender, until death...

And on the heels of that thought, another:

This is the one I seek.

As the fireball closes with him, he reaches out as if he were catching a baseball and snatches it out of the air, as deftly as if they were playing catch. The ball of flames continues to balze in his hand as he gazes at it, a slight smile playing on his lips. Fire was one of his friends, a little bit of magic he had picked up from a witch that he had known in the not-too-distant past. On a whim, he focuses on the ball of fire in his hands and suddenly it changes, briefly taking the shape of a wolf that sits obediently in his hand for a moment, looking around, before finally vanishing as Lupinius lets the fire burn itself out.

He looks into his hand for a moment, as though wondering wehre the fire went, before he turns his gaze back to the young man before him.

"You really should learn to control your temper, may just end up being your undoing."


Date: 2009-04-06 14:48 EST
As the man snatches his fireball out of midair, he pauses. His anger at being bothered - yet again on his first night in RhyDin - is derailed for a moment. Most people he's met can't just catch a ball of demonic fire in their hands and play with it - fewer still are those that can shape the fire into something else so accurately. Oh, sure, he knows there are those that can, but they aren't many.

A grudging curiousity takes the place of his anger and aggression as he looks the stranger over. There's something about this guy, he thinks, something...well...familiar. What is it?

He thinks about the last time he's felt like this, and suddenly he has it.

This guy is a demon. Like him.

Of course, demons know their own, and who else could have caught a ball of hell's own flames? He'd be willing to bet the guy could have let himself get hit with it and it wouldn't have done much more thatn burn his coat.

Of course, the fact that the man before him is a demon makes him all the more wary, and he readies himself for another fight. He's had to wrestle with a demon or two, but as he's here and they're not, it pretty much proves the point that he can hold his own. And he has no problems letting loose his own inner demons on his 'own kind' - he figures they deserve it more than most. Just because he comes from them does not mean he considers himself their kin.

Finally, he speaks, and edge of caution and anger in his voice. "Just who the Hell are you and what do you want? In case you missed it, I've had enough of people botherin' me for one day."


Date: 2009-04-06 17:19 EST
He just chuckles, shaking his head as he takes a few steps forward where the kid can see him better. He'll know Lupinius is a demon, of course - demons DO know their own, and it wouldn't have taken him long to reach the right conclusion. The youngster doesn't really strike him as being classically educated, but that doesn't make him dumb. Lupinius has been around long enough to know the difference. When he gets within arm's reach, he stops and looks up at the boy. There is for a moment, as he looks at him, the gleam of violet light inside those brilliant blue eyes, an amethyst flame that flickers for a moment and then fades away.

"My name is Lupinius, and I've been watching you as you've walked through town. I'm like you...a demon, only...a little different, you could say. Not like you, of course - you're only part demon, and the other half human. I'm just full-blooded demon, though I have the ability to switch forms. Again, not like you." He chuckles again. "My other form is...somewhat different. We have a lot in common, though - your human half gives you a soul, something that most demons - even those that are half human - lack. I have one, though it was given to me...although it wasn't until months afterwards that I realized the true magnitude of the gift that was given to me. And, like you, I had to learn to control the demon inside of me...the one that loves the blood, the death, the chaos and violence of it all. What I want..."

At this point he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the last amulet, the Fourth. As he holds it out, there comes from its dark depths a gleam of pure, brilliant sapphire-blue light.

" to give you a gift."

He reaches out with his empathic abilities, a gift from his own amulet, to touch the young man's mind. He can feel the demon inside the boy, a raging monster that he just barely keeps in check. The demon is a being of pure, unholy violence and wanton bloodlust, having been suppressed by its human owner through sheer force of will. Lupinius can feel how dangerous letting such a thing go would be. He focuses a bit harder, and the empathic probe increases, giving him snatches of words from the demon/man before him...

...including a name.

He nods to himself, once, before continuing. "Kaleb Holliday, you have been chosen to receive a gift. But in order to receive that gift, you must know what it means. We are Guardians to all. We are protectors of Life, upholders of Justice, guides and beacons in the darkness to all those who call upon our aid. Those who would cause the downfall of all we hold sacred, we call our enemies, and they are many. We meet our enemies without fear, without reservation, without surrender, until death. With this gift, great power is given, and care must be taken to guard that power from corruption or theft. If you are willing to receive this gift, then take it...but beware. Taking this gift means you are bound by this oath until death."


Date: 2009-04-06 19:10 EST
At first, he can't believe his ears. A demon...with a soul...?

This has got to be the biggest load of bulls**t he has ever heard.

But then something strange starts happening. He can feel the truth behind the man's words, as surely as if he were inside the man's head. Even as he draws closer, Kaleb is held in place by sheer fascination. Indeed, he should have been teleporting away to some other place of safety, anywhere, really, just as long as he's not in danger. This stranger in front of him has already shown he can stop one form of attack, and he has no reason to doubt he can do the same for any other.

And even stranger - the closer he gets, the harder he can feel the demon within him struggling to get away. Like it's in pain. Like it can't stand to be near the man. And when the demon in front of him holds out that strange amulet...

...the demon in him screams. Not just any scream, either, but the scream of an animal that has the hope it may, one day, be free, suddenly realizing that it is going to be imprisoned forever.

It is that one thing that makes up his mind more than anything else. This is what he has been hoping for - the power to truly, totally control that evil force inside him, to be free of its influence on him and the strength to be able to cage it whenever he wants to.

Though one small part of him whispers a doubt, he cannot help himself. Anything, any one thing, that may be a help is, indeed, a blessing.

Before those doubts, that untrusting part of him, can change his mind, he reaches out and takes the amulet and places it around his neck. Looking into Lupinius' eyes, he nods to him and says, "I'll take it."

No soone has he said that than there is a sudden flaring of brilliant blue light, surrounding him, dazzling his vision -

...and then, darkness.

At first, he thinks he must have been tricked. That the strange demon he had been talking to had cast some sort of spell on him and hypnotized him, or something, and sent him to some hellish purgatory.

But this doesn't feel that way. This is...comfortable. Relaxing. Peaceful.

He can feel, still, the writhing, outraged cry of the demon within him, but now, for the first time in his life, it is a distant, almost impersonal thing. Something he doesn't have to focus on. In fact, as soon as he thinks to himself that he wishes it would just shut the f*ck does.

Just like that.

It is a strange thing, he thinks, to be adrift like this...nothing to see, no where to stand. And as soon as he thinks that, he feels as though he is standing on something...level...and from above him comes a brilliant, sapphire blue light.

He looks up, and his breath catches in his throat. There, descending towards him, is an angel.

Not just any angel - a beautiful, brilliant blue angel, lit up as though she were made of sapphire light, huge, brilliant blue wings spread as she comes down towards him and lands in front of him. No sooner have her feet touched the ground than she walks right up to him, a lovely, shapely object of beauty such as none he has ever seen. She reaches out and strokes his cheek, and it is then that she speaks to him.

"Ah, Kaleb are the new master of the Second Amulet of Avalon. Ah...a demon...your life has been full of anger at God, and your mother...those you see as making you waht you are. And guilt for the pain , death and suffering you ahev caused. You have remarkable gifts, my new friend...and yet all you see them as is curses. And yet you have never let these things corrupt your soul - you have too much love for your own humanity, a want to be better than what you are, the strength to rise above your flaws. You will make a great Guardian, my friend, despite what you have come from. You have your demon, yes you do, and so I gie you the gift of control over that which you despise about yourself, without sacrificing its capabilities. You will have need of them. Beware, however, that there will be times that you will still have to work at it - but should you ever need help, call on me - I will be your guardian angel against the darkness in your own soul."

The angel draws closer to him, her eyes just inches from his now. "And now, my friend, one final gift, a simple gift, as you have persevered all this time with this curse, as you refer to it, with no help from anyone save yourself - I give you the gift of peace, both for yourself and to grant to anyone who feels they need it. Farewell, Kaleb Holliday, the demon with the heart of a man. And never forget - we are Guardians!"

She leans forward, the light from her body and wings enveloping him, surrounding him...he feels a phantom touch of lips against his...

...and suddenly, the light fades from his eyes, leaving him standing in the darkened alleyway, the one who calls himself Lupinius still standing before him.

At first, he thinks, he doesn't really feel any different - and then, he realizes.


Peace. No turmoil, no feeling of something writhing within trying to claw its way out, and lastly, no anger.

No hate.

He feels...peace.


He looks up again at Lupinius, a smile touching his lips for what feels like the first time in ages. "I...thank you, mon did not gave me a gift, indeed."

He looks down at his amulet again, just in time to see it give another glimmer of sapphire blue light, then looks back up at Lupinius again. "So...what are we about now...?"


Date: 2009-04-06 19:51 EST
As he watches the brilliant sapphire blue light play over Kaleb's body, he feels a growing excitement. He can't help it - after so long, over a thousand years or more, after being alone for so very long...

...the Guardians once again are complete.

True, a couple of them are less experienced, and all of them much younger than he is, but that doesn't matter - they have time to fix that. A LOT of time. What really matters is that, now, he has his purpose, his family, again. This is what he has been waiting for for more than a millenium.

As the light fades around the young man, Lupinius can feel the difference in him - the peace, the healing the man's mind has gone through, and knows that now, here, there is a force truly to be reckoned with.

This demon can go every bit as far as Lupinius himself has, even farther...Lupinius' only hope is that this young man does not end up as alone as he has been.

He smiles at the question, the very same question everyone else has asked in one way or another - What now?

"Now, my new, we get to work."