Topic: Drawn in...


Date: 2009-03-26 13:42 EST
Water is, without a doubt, her favorite element.

She loves it here, by the Singing Lake and its falls that empty into the waters. So peaceful...meditative...and yet...

She sighs and focuses on the water. From it rises the shape of a beautiful woman, perfectly formed, graceful, flowing movements as the elemental spirit that Valeria has breathed life into walks towards her, a lovely smile on her lips as she waits but for a command.

As Valeria gazes on her creation, she realizes she is bored. Her family line were meant to be protectors, guardians of the earth and all of its life. And here, in the Circle of Nine, she has found a very peaceful, happy existence...but she feels as though she is not living up to her family name. There is nothing to do here, and ever since arriving in Rhy'din, that's what she has been looking for - something to do, somewhere to belong...a mission.

A purpose.

She sighs and purses her lips, blowing a steady stream of air at the water sprite. For just a moment, it has a slightly sad expression on its face before it flows gently back into the waters from whence it came.


Date: 2009-03-26 15:09 EST
From the moment he had received the amulets from Wraith, he's felt the proddings of those old instincts - ones he hadn't felt in a thousand years at least, the ones that tell him where he can go to find the others of his circle.

Only now, there's only one other part of it. The others have to be drawn in.

His instincts have guided him to the Circle of the Nine, a place he's heard about but has not actually visited, until today. He can feel the magic here, as thick and vibrant as the scents from the Scathachian gardens. He could, if time ever permits, choose to settle here - the sheer magic in the air, the sense of peace that he hasn't felt in so very long, the discipline and power and sense of community and harmony and...ALL of it.

If he were not bound by duty, he would gladly choose to stay here and never leave.

As he approaches the top of the rise he's climbing, slipping between the trees, he can see hints of blue from the lake he's been guided to by the locals. His quarry is a young girl, a face he was shown in dreams and sketched from memory to show around once he reached the Circle of Nine.

It hadn't taken long for a local to point him in the right direction - apparently, this young girl has some interesting - and distinctive - gifts.

The amulet at his neck glimmers with amethyst light, dimly in the daylight at first, then flaring with sudden brilliance. consuming his human form and fading to reveal his lupine counterpart, a huge grey timberwolf. The necklace he had been wearing has changed into a thick, beaten collar from which the amulet dangles.

He's not sure why, but his feelings tell him that she may be more comfortable dealing with this form - at first - than the other.


He emerges from the wood just in time to see the girl face to face with what looks like a water sprite of some sort, for a moment...before the sprite fades back into the lake.

He had heard about that from the locals, although they are mystified as to whether she calls them forth, or if the spirits just like her.

He is fairly certain he knows what the truth of it is, if his information is correct.

He lopes down the hill and approaches the lake at a slow jog, slwoing only once he is within earshot and sight of the young girl.


Date: 2009-03-26 18:39 EST
She is just standing up from the water's edge, ready to head for home, when she senses a change in the environment around her.

It is a side effect of her bloodline, constantly being in tune with the elements around her, and with the dragon blood that flows in her veins, that acute awareness is attuned to sometimes almost painful levels. Still, it has never failed her or led her astray - she is always aware of the approach of anyone, anything, anytime.

She shifts her attention to her left, just in time to see the wolf approaching.

A very large wolf.

She's always liked wolves, both for their regal appearance and for what they symbolize - loyalty and strength and courage. Some cultures and religions revile the wolf as an evil being, but she knows better - she has yet to meet a wolf she does not like.

As it approaches, she can see that not only is this a very large wolf, it is a magnificent specimen - muscular, well-fed, a thick, glossy coat of silver-grey fur, sapphire-blue eyes. And, as she looks closer, she can see a thick, heavy-looking beaten collar of pure silver around its neck, and dangling from it, an amulet of some sort.

Someone's pet...?

She walks up to the wolf, which keeps coming, its head and tail held high, until it is within touching distance. "And whose friend might you be, Brother Wolf?"

She reaches out to touch the thick fur, reaching out with her empathic gifts to touch the animal's mind...


Date: 2009-03-26 20:01 EST
As she approaches him, he can feel the almost magnetic charisma she exudes, and he can see what would make her an excellent Guardian - she shows no fear, even though in this form he is actually twice her size easily...she is aware of her environment, in tune...

He reaches out to her with his own empathic powers, and he finds that she has exactly what he is looking for.

A need to belong to something greater than herself.

A need for purpose.

He looks up into her eyes as she touches the thick fur that covers his body, and in that same moment she reaches out with her empathic abilites to touch his mind. His eyes, as they meet hers, flicker with amethyst fire from deep within their depths as he feels her mind touch his.

Here we go...


Date: 2009-03-27 13:15 EST
She has just touched the wolf's mind when she sees the flicker of violet light within its eyes, a strange thing to be seeing. Anyone else might have passed it off as some sort of wierd eyeshine, the tapetum lucidum in its eyes being an aberrant color.

She knows better.

For a moment, she is tempted to pull back from her contact with the animal, but curiousity propels her forward, as well as a lack of fear - she can handle herself, after all - and she touches the wolf's mind with her own.

A sense of fierce determination...strong survival instinct...great intelligence...wisdom...and an old, old mind...much older than it should be for such a young, healthy-looking animal...

...a sense of purpose...

...and joy in having found someone...her...

Suddenly she pulls back, taking a couple of unsteady steps back away from this...animal.

Or, not an animal at all.

"Well, Brother Wolf, I'm pretty sure you know that I know you're not just any old wolf...who - or what - are you?" She is surprised to find that her voice is steady, cool, despite the tingle of fear she feels in her heart.


Date: 2009-03-27 18:58 EST
The wolf before her gives what almost looks like a very human, very sheepish sort of grin as it sits on its haunches. From the amulet at its throat comes a glimmer of amethyst light, which a moment later flares outwards and fades to reveal the man himself.

He smiles and bows to her, dressed in his standard all-black clothing. "Greetings, Valeria Raxollen. My name is Lupinius, and I mean you no harm. In fact, I am here to make you an offer that, I think, you have been looking for."

He towers over her, an imposing-looking but handsome man, nearly dwarfing her in proportion, and he is glad to see that, thus far, she has displayed no outward fear. She will make an excellent addition to the Guardian's circle, no doubt - her gifts and her quality of person both speak volumes about her already, and they have only just met.

"Let me begin by apologizing for approaching you thus - it seemed to me the best way to...make friends, so to speak, to approach you in a form you could more easily relate to. I have heard that you have a particular affinity for animals." He smiles again, the violet light dancing in the depths of his sapphire eyes. "The offer I make you is one that is fitting for someone of your family name and calling. I am a Guardian, as are you. The only difference between us is that you were born to protect something, while I was created to destroy, for I am a demon...but, before you go acting, rashly, I am...reformed, you could say. I have served as a guardian of others for over a thousand years, and until I die, that will be my calling."

He takes from his pocket the Fourth Amulet. As the sun's rays touch the black stone, from its heart comes a flickering of emerald light. Without further ado, he holds the amulet out to her and recites the oath, the same one he gave to Wraith.

"Valeria Raxollen, you have been chosen to receive a gift. But in order to receive that gift, you must know what it means. We are Guardians to all. We are protectors of Life, upholders of Justice, guides and beacons in the darkness to all those who call upon our aid. Those who would cause the downfall of all we hold sacred, we call our enemies, and they are many. We meet our enemies without fear, without reservation, without surrender, until death. With this gift, great power is given, and care must be taken to guard that power from corruption or theft. If you are willing to receive this gift, then take it...but beware. Taking this gift means you are bound by this oath until death."


Date: 2009-03-30 14:14 EST
She is not the least bit surprised when she sees him shift into a more human shape - the shimmering of purple light in those eyes had given him away as being, at the very minimum, something not completely natural.

She still hadn't expected this tall, imposing figure dressed completely in black - most shapeshifters, in her experience, are wizards of not much greater physical stature than she is. And not too bad-looking, either, at that.

When he begins talking, though, is when she gets a bit more...nervous. She hadn't sensed any evil intent from him, and for him to come right out and tell her that he is a demon...either he is what he says he is, or it is a very clever ploy to trap her. She knows there are forces out there that would covet her powers, for while there are many elemental mages and such out there that can control one or two elements, it is rare indeed to find one that can control all.

But would he know about her? Her family line and their calling?

Her mother had taught her one thing, the greatest lesson she had ever learned - trust your instincts.

She closes her eyes for a moment, stilling her thoughts and tapping into not only her own feelings, but the part of her that is kept a secret of her family extending back centuries - the blood of the dragon.

Interestingly, she can feel her hand reach out towards the amulet, without any thought behind if it is being drawn there of its own volition. She opens her eyes and looks into the tall stranger's just as her small hand closes around the amulet in his hand and takes it for her own, and places the necklace around her neck.

"I accept your gift, Lupinius."

The words seem to echo strangely in her own mind as she says them...her vision is suddenly enveloped in light that is the purest, emerald-green color she has ever seen...

...and without warning, she is sucked into a world of blackness.

Her initial reaction is that she must have been tricked, but that thought only crosses her mind for a fraction of a moment - this is not the cold darkness of death, and does not have the evil feeling she would have thought. Rather, she feels comfortable, as if she were floating in the womb again, waiting fo birth.

She tries to look around her, not able to see and searching for some point of reference, and as she does so she gets the feeling that she's no longer floating, but instead standing on a level surface, and it suddenly occurs to her that she can see again - as though she were being lit from above, a brilliant shade of green light, as though the sun's light had been filtered through emeralds. She looks up, and what she sees makes her breath (and is she really even breathing, anyway, in this place?) catch in her throat.

A huge, emerald-green, glowing dragon is descending towards her. It floats down and lands before her, a creature of untold splendor and magnificance, light that is so bright that, were she anywhere else, she would have to shield her eyes for fear of blindness - but here, she is only able to gaze at it in rapt wonder.

The beast lowers its head to her level, its eyes gazing directly into hers, and from it, she hears a voice - a gentle, almost loving voice, not quite male and yet not really female either,

"Ah, a new master! Valeria Raxollen, Master of the Elements! The voice is pleased in tone, young and yet somehow ageless. "Your life has been simple to date, but full of longing - the need to fulfill your purpose, to live up to the legacy your family has laid out through the generations. And...what's this? The blood of the dragon flows through your veins! Most interesting. An odd choice for a Guardian, though - you have no proper fighting training, no mastery over a weapon...though your magical prowess speaks for itself. Ah, yes, I know it all...for now I am a part of you. From now until you die, I will remain a part of you, though you will not see me again. You will not grow any older, the wounds you receive in battle will heal will bea force to be reckoned with, so long as you can keep your head firmly attached to those shoulders."

The dragon sits back, and its eyes narrow a bit as if it is considering what to do with her. "Valeria Raxollen, you lack the combat capabilities of a true warrior, and as such, I see fit to grant you a lifetime of training in this area. When you come back to yourself, you will find that you are able to wield weapons and even fight with your bare hands and feet, when needs be. To aid you with this, I give you the ability to create whatever melee weapon you wish out of the any of the elements, as befits you and your magical ability. Now, indeed, you will be a most formidable opponent."

The emerald dragon rears back on its legs, wings spreading wide as it looks down at her. "And as a final gift to you, I give you something that is befitting of the dragon's blood that has flowed in your family's veins for generations. Use your gifts well, Valeria Raxollen, Master of the Elements. And never forget - We are Guardians."

Without warning, the dragon leaps a short distance into the air, flying up, then arching over and plunging directly at her, its mouth wide open...surrounding her with beautiful, emerald light...

...and without warning, the light fades, leaving her staring at the black-clothed form of Lupinius, next to the Singing Lake.

She gazes at him in frank wonder, that he is still there, she is still here, and what she has just gone through.

She feels...strangely different, as well. More aware of her body, her muscular movements, and as she shifts her position, she knows that from the way she's standing, looking up at Lupinius, she could take him with a kick to the head or a punch to the solar plexus or...

She is shocked to find the knowledge of these things in her mind. And is doubly shocked to find that, if she wanted to act on them, she feels as if her body would be able to pull it off without hesitation, as though it were already second nature to her.

She feels the sudden urge to stretch, and does so, spreading her arms out to the side and stretching her body's muscles - which feel much more powerful than they had a short time ago - and feels something odd brush against her left arm. She looks that way, more out of curiousity than concern, and gasps in yet another shock.

Stretched out from her back, just touching her arm, is a broad, scaly, green dragon's wing.

At first she is not convinced it belongs to her...and then, just to try, she tries to pull it back in.

She nearly falls over when the wing obeys. Looking over to the other side, she sees another, identical wing. Her eyes go wide as she tentatively tries to flap them, and as she does so, the wings push out and down, stirring the dust - and actually lifting her an inch or two off the ground!

She looks back at Lupinius, retracting the wings as she does so, with a look that is mixed shock, pleasure and wonder. "This...this is some gift!"


Date: 2009-03-30 18:00 EST
He watches, again, patiently, as the emerald green light consumes Valeria, waiting until it fades.

As it does, he is shocked to find that the transformation is more than just internal, this time.

The very large, green dragon wings that sprout from her back are the most shocking physical transformation. He can see in her eyes and movements, as well, a kind of new awareness that he is quite familiar with - the cool, calculating gaze and physical grace of a warrior.

Still, he can't help but smile as she first discovers, then experiments gently with her new gifts. Like a fledgling dragon, newly hatched, she tests those wings for the first time, and he can sense her surprise as the single push with her new wings lifts her a little ways off the ground.

He laughs at her surprised, pleased exclamation, then bows. "I'm glad you are pleased with it, Valeria. Now, if you are ready...we have work to do, back in Rhy'din."