Topic: Dropped


Date: 2009-06-01 17:24 EST
Onyxia slipped a runestone into his pocket. "That might help."

He feels her put the stone in his pocket, raising an eyebrow as he looks into those enchanting silver eyes. "Hm...and what might that be for...?"

She murmured softly, "Consider that a housekey." She winked but then got a little serious. "Shariane set a spell to the stone that will allow you to recall to House Uth Dravon should you or your Brotherhood have need of a haven." Then she grinned again, "Or if you want to visit."

((Taken from live play))

Yet another night in the realm known as Rhydin. Quiet, for the most part. The kind of night he should be spending on the rooftops of WestEnd, or - even better - with Onyxia.

But, no, for the moment, the Nexus is holding him prisoner in its whimsical grasp. Strangely, for being in a place that has no time or distance, this trip seems to be taking longer than usual. What in the name of Hades is it waiting for?

It used to be that he didn't mind being bounced around the entire planet by the Nexus at random times - it kept things interesting, right? - but here lately it's been interfering at the most irritating times. There's nothing like being ripped from the arms of a beautiful woman you hold dear by an uncaring, totally random occurence. It's a good thing the Nexus didn't have a corporeal form, or he'd be kicking it's posterior to each corner of Rhydin.

Finally, it seems, the nexus has had enough of him, and he is dropped in a heap on a rocky stretch of shore in the most undignified way. As he manages to get himself to his feet, he looks around, brushing himself off. He's not on the shoreline where the Portal to the Chamber is - he'd recognize that right off. Wherever it is, he's not familiar with it, especially at this time of night.

Well, he'd rather be anywhere else, but while he's here he might as well see if there's any way to get back. He stretches and, heading inland, he starts walking.


Date: 2009-06-02 19:27 EST
She should be out patrolling. She was watching over the pard's territory with it's enforcers occupied elsewhere. It had been amazing that she had been accepted on the island with only a token protest from the red headed jaguar.

She should be patrolling, but instead she was standing along the beach and looking out at the stars. She was missing her mate and alternately praying for his safety and cursing the nexus.

She should be patrolling but here she was on the beach.


Date: 2009-06-03 15:50 EST
He's just about to enter the wood that borders the beach when a gust of wind brings a scent to his senses - a trace of a trace, really, just a whiff. A familiar scent, though from that tiny trace he can't readily identify it, save for the feeling it produces - a pleasurable feeling. It's enough to stop him in his tracks for a moment, as the tantalizing scent fades from his mind, and he tries to recall who it may belong to.

Just as he focusing on it, the breeze gusts again, and he catches the scent once more, much stronger this time. He stiffens in his tracks and looks around the beach, the direction the breeze had blown from. No, he couldn't be that lucky...the Nexus hadn't been especially kind to him and Onyxia these past few nights, and for her to pop up here, now, just after he's been dropped after being torn unceremoniously and unwillingly from her embrace...

He taps into his demonic side, drawing on its powers to enhance his vision to draw on the available light from the nighttime sky as he looks around.

And sure enough, there she is, on the beach. Not even looking in his direction.

That mischievous side of him perks up a bit, whispering a thought through his mind as he watches her from this distance. She really is very lovely, standing there as she is, not the typical 'damsel' type you see in and around Rhydin but all the more attractive for that. He grins as the idea forms in his mind, and he slips into the wood, stepping in far enough that the glow thrown off from his shifting forms won't be seen.

Moments later, a very large, silvery-grey wolf slips from the trees, stalking silently along the sands of the beach, making its way in perfect silence towards her, approaching from downwind so she won't catch his scent as he stalks towards her. It's very careful, painstaking work, as her senses are every bit as sharp as his own, but he manages to get just close enough. Once he's at a good range, he tenses a moment, then takes two running bounds and leaps right at her.


Date: 2009-06-03 18:57 EST
And she falls right on her tail with a startled yelp...

A growl builds in her chest until her eyes meet the wolf. Those beautiful violet eyes that belong to only one being.

"(vq) Lupinius." Her voice was soft. She reached up to scratch him behind his ears and smiled at him. It has been too much to hope for with the nexus having been cruel every chance it got or another calling his name.

She respected him enough not to call upon him unless there was an emergency. There had luckily been no emergencies that required her calling for backup.

"I missed you." She rumbled low in her chest.


Date: 2009-06-03 19:38 EST
He grins in the way wolves do, his tongue hanging out partly as the light shimmers around him for a moment and consumes his lupine form, then fades again to leave his human form in its place, dressed in his normal all-black. As soon as the light is gone he moves quickly and pulls her swiftly up to her feet, looking into those lovely silver eyes that he has not seen anywhere else, that so enraptured him to begin with, and pulls her close against him, looking down into her eyes with a smile.

"I missed you too, love," he says softly, one hand coming up to caress her cheek with his fingertips. "I had thought I was dropped somewhere on the other side of the world, instead of someplace so close to you." He looks around, his brilliant blue eyes catching the moonlight for a moment and glowing with that violet light again. "And wherever here is, it seems it may be a nice place to get away from it all, don't you think?"


Date: 2009-06-04 19:56 EST
She smiled up at him. It was nice to have someone she could look up to. She was certainly not a tiny woman by any measure.

"You are on Blood Claw Isle in the lands known as Carowyn." She spoke softly as she went on to describe the island. "The island is name for the group of werecats that reside here."

She rested her head against his shoulder, "There is a set of buildings toward the center of the island. A house and a small distillery. Shariane's vale is east of that in the forest."


Date: 2009-06-04 20:56 EST
"Werecats, hm?" He raises an eyebrow, a smirk touching his lips. "I'm surprised that I would find you here...I didn't think our two types got along. I've never had much luck with those of the feline persuasion, personally."

He looks around the beach with jsut his eyes, not wanting to move - even standing here as they are, he is quite comfortable. Her feelings of loss and longing wash over his empathic senses in a wave, flooding him with heady rushes of emotion. It is strange to him that, because of the sensitivity of his empathic gift, he usually has an aversion to being touched, and yet now he longs for it, though only from her.

He never thought he would see the day when he would find himself feeling incomplete without the prescence of another. It is at once disturbing, invigorating and exhilirating. Funny that not so very long ago being alone had not affected him so he does not like being away from her for very long if he can avoid it.

"Wonders never cease," he murmers softly.


Date: 2009-06-04 21:12 EST
Being alone bothered her more than she had realized. She had longed for the companionship she had once shared with her brother and his best friend. It was devastating to her and it showed in her distance from others.

Still, the fact that she was with him and longed to be with him when he was away was still amazing. She was not one of the fragile flowers that seemed to populate this land.

"The leader of the pard is expecting her first cubs and my kinswoman is the midwife attending. They are rather mixed themselves with a coyote and vampires as part of the group."


Date: 2009-06-05 15:48 EST
He listens, fascinated as much by the sound of her voice - low, husky with a definite hint of something canine about it, rather than the bell-like, tittering voice of so many of the ladies in this realm - as he is by what she says. All of them co-existing peacefully, here...well, it is possible, he supposes, though definitely not something you hear about every day. At least, he certainly hasn't. Still, if it works, he's not going to be the one to judge - after all, by being here he's thrown 'demon' into that mix. The smile that touches his lips is one of mirth as much as happiness - it's nice to think of himself as part of something other than the Guardians.

"Well, it certainly seems like an eclectic bunch here. Care to show me around the island?" He grins. Now that he's with her again, his mood doesn't seem so dark.


Date: 2009-06-08 19:11 EST
She smiled again at the question. She would rather... well she was restraining some basic impulses."Hmm, how about we visit Shariane's vale and work from there."

She wanted to give the pard a little warning before springing a stranger, no matter how kind Lupinius can be. "I don't want to surprise the pard with your presence. They have been hurt to their core and are in the process of healing wounds that are soul deep."


Date: 2009-06-08 20:15 EST
He can feel her impulse, as keenly as though it were his own. An advantage, of sorts, from the empathic gift his amulet has gifted to him. A vision enters his mind, of the two of them, here, on the sand...nothing between their skin but the night and perhaps a few irritating bits of sand, moving as one, fulfilling between them an impulse that is the most basic, for reasons and feelings that are anything but...

The animal and the feelings within him would like nothing more than to strip the both of them bare and make her irrevocably his, and make him hers beyond any doubt as well. There is, still, however, the sense that here, in her friend's territory, they may want to practice perhaps a bit of proprietary behavior. For the time being, anyway.

Still, his feelings could perhaps be told in the way he holds her close, the trembling strength in his arms that begs him to let their baser instincts take control for that intensely pleasurable time they would share between them. As he looks down at her, feeling his own wants and feelings respond to hers, she might just catch the edge of a soft, very animal growl that rumbles deep inside him before he releases one of her hands and gestures inland. "Very well, then, me the way," he says with a smile.