Topic: Who are these Guardian people, anyway?


Date: 2009-05-04 16:06 EST
The Knights of the Round Table.





The Lady of the Lake.

These and many other names and places may be known to those who fancy themselves the scholars of Arthurian legend. There are, however, a host of other peoples and places that are, unfortunatley, not mentioned, either because they were forgotten...or never meant to be known.

The Isle of Avalon was discovered by a group of pagan priestesses in the middle of a lake, a place that held a nexus where multiple points in reality converged. The discovery of the nexus and the Isle itself were both discoveries of monumental proportions, and the priestesses set themselves up on the Isle, which was located in the center of a cloud of perpetual mists. The preistesses found that the nexus gave them incredible power and abilies, especially in the areas of elemental manipulation, and for over a cuentury, they lived on the Isle, undisturbed by the outside world.

Then the Saxons began invading England, a barbaric race bent on dominating the Isle of Britain for themselves. They, too, had powerful clerics of their own, who quickly determined the location of Avalon and the nexus it was located in. Wanting the enormous power of the nexus for themselves, they attempted to claim the holy Isle for their own, only to discover that it was already inhabited by women who had had more than a hundred years to perfect their magicks. Still, they were alomst overcome, for with the Saxon clerics came their warriors, who despite being vulnerable to magic were far greater in number than the Priestesses themselves. Still, they were able to drive them off, but the Lady of the Lake - the title of the Head Priestess of the Holy Isle of Avalon - realized that, in order to insure the Isle's protection from other such attacks, they would have to have their own defensive force.

To that end, the Lady of the Lake took from the depths of the Isle five jet-black stones and imbued them with the magic of the Nexus itself and that of the sisterhood of the Isle, and chose from among the knights of the realm five warriors. These first men were the original Guardians of Avalon, charged with the protection of the Holy Isle from any outside intruders upon its shores. The warriors the Lady chose were the very best and most honorable of all of the knights she chose from, men whose devotion to the protection of the realm was beyond doubt or question, and whose prowess as warriors was the very finest.

Still, despite this charge, the Guardians did not have much to do - the Isle was not easy to get to, after all, and so for a long time they were used only as an 'honor guard' for the Lady of the Lake when she chose to leave the Isle, as well as to escort any visiting dignitaries to the Isle itself. To this end, the Lady of the Lake also saw fit to desgnate them as champions of the weak, the downtrodden - as upholders of justice and to lay low the evil and the corrupt of the land wherever they might be found.

And so they continued for nearly two millenia. The Guardians themselves, made for the most part immortal by the magic of the Amulets they had been given, served faithfully. Occasionally, one of them would choose to give up their Amulet so they could live out the rest of their lives and, eventually, die, and a new Guardian would take their place, reforging the circle anew each time.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end eventually, and the Isle of Avalon and its Guardians were no different. Betrayed by Mordred and raided again by the Saxon warriors, this time in far greater numbers than any other time before, the Guardians were overcome and killed...all but one.

With the fall of Avalon, Camelot (also built on a magical nexus) and the Guardians, all of the major magical focal points collapsed, bringing an end to the magical age of that region. Unknown to the last Guardian, another magical being survived tha age, whom happened to gatehr up the remaining Amulets and interring the bodies of the dead Guardians in a sacred place.

Centuries later, after the re-awakening of magic, the resting place of the Guardians and their Amulets would be discovered by a mercenary by the name of Michael Edward Stanton, whose street moniker was Wraith. After he made some inquiries into the nature of the amulets and their former owners, he set out independently to find the last Guardian, a demon by the name of Lupinius. He would find the man in the realm of Rhydin, a world that is the central focal point of another Nexus.

The discovery and rebirth of the Guardians by Wraith and Lupinius has brought with it the re-dedication of the Guardian's purpose, to guard the weak, the helpless, and the downtrodden of the realm of Rhydin, and to punish and eliminate the evil and the corrupt. Now, however, rather than being in service to a single entity, the Guardians have dedicated themselves to helping any who seek their aid, as well as proactively seeking out on their own any who are in trouble and in need of help, and also seeking out and punishing the wicked, the corrupt, and the all-out evil.

The Guardians are:


Michael Edward Stanton

Frederick Reginald McCarty

Valeria Persephone Raxollen

Kaleb James Holliday