Topic: A Persistent Observer

The Couch Coach

Date: 2007-12-01 19:08 EST
"Beckett. Tell me Dr. Bradley's theory on Dissociative Identity Disorder."
"Did ya want the Secon' book tour or the Third book tour theory?"
Young Jarrod Beckett during his thirteenth year in College while in Professor James P. Adams' Metaphysical Thinking class.
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"Renne had a tendency durin' his solo hours in the evenin's to scratch a couple of the walls, it also seemed like himself as well. He also cerishes what lack o' friends more than anyth..."

The recorded voice within the cassette recorder was playing upon the desk as the clicking and clacking of the typewriter went off. The bifocaled-olive-green-eyed Jarrod stared only at the keys to the typewriter and never to the paper. Only when he was done with a paragraph did he look up to the paper. Taking a sip of or two of Berinid-Brewed coffee from the black mug next to the bag of honey-roasted peanuts, Jarrod sighed a bit as he placed down the mug and stretched out a bit; running his hands through the natural-looking slicked hair. His hands and eyes went back to the keys of the typewriter and click-clacked on as the cassette recorder played on.

" find the wife, Johnathan. And why would anyone name their girl-child Johnathan?? Howe'ea. Will need to find her. From what Renne was speakin' 'bout the Life-Stone, she should be close to the Houses. Go 'bout a two-mile radius. Take all notes as needed. But fer now. Find more information 'bout this Harold gent. He is more than highly likely the reas'n behind the creation of Hunter. And, if at all possible, find a way to gey Hunter out so I may speak with him."

The Couch Coach

Date: 2007-12-08 15:46 EST
"How far back do they go?"

"'Bout a month intae him bein' here."

"Why not earlier?"

"'E was not that crazy at that poin' in time."

Jarrod curled his hands and contorted his face in anger; but then he sighed a bit as he face smoothened out his hands rubbing his face out of frustration. The long-sleeved thick-cotton dark-blue shirt rubbed a bit on his face as well.

"The next time there is a muhderer within ya houses, make sure that ya install a visual recorder sooner than a month in."

Gaston raised an eyebrow at the commanded-suggestion. The warden then sighed and nodded a bit only to humor the only psychologist that has continuously come to visit the prisoner in Cell Number Five.

"Which ones did ya wanna see?"

"Well, all of 'em, 'course. Oh and I ha'e a silly question. What is going on with Johnathan?"

A shrug came from the man.

"He is in love with 'er and she with him."

Dr. Beckett gave a side glare for a second before giving Gaston a "Duh" kind of look. Mentally brushing away the thought, he focused back onto the videos.

"May I please ha'e the tapes?"

"Sure. Lemme get the television ready. Ya do know wha' that is, right?"

"I do not li'e in the Stone-Age. The City I came from does ha'e electricity."

"Alright. Jus' makin' sure. Johnathan didn' know 'bout it at all."

With that, Gaston went other to the office and unlocked one of the drawers. Bringing out two boxes of video tapes, dating from the 21st of August to only just yesterday, they were all there. The silent eye will finally speak.

Grabbing the two boxes, Jarrod nodded and started walking out.

"Ya will ha'e them back soon. Promise."

"But tha's evidence!"

Too late. By the time Gaston yelled out, Jarrod was out the door and into the bitter coldness. It was a bit cloudy, but still sunny. Glancing over to the piers, he could not see whether Johnathan was there or not since the docks were flourished with heavy-coated sailors. Shrugging a bit, he continued to walk on back to the house he was staying at.

The Couch Coach

Date: 2007-12-16 00:57 EST
Something that Johnathan said made the ever-eternal analyzing brain work overtime. Back in Gaston's personal office, Jarrod started watching the tapes that contained Johnathan and Renne. He watched them all over and over, there was something there that stayed consistent throughout the days--Johnathan's honor towards him and Renne's faith towards her. Something that he has not seen in so many years. Even before he went to College.

"'Ey, Gaston. How many more days left until the thirty days are up?"

Gaston was writing some random reports upon the front desk, he blinked as he leaned his chair back a bit. He then looked down to his watch and thought for a moment

"'Bout ten minutes less than a hun'red-and-twenty hours. plus o' minus two minutes."

"Ha'e ya eva loved befere?"

"A couple of years ago. I lost her, though."

"I am very sorry to hear that."

"No, seriously. She got lost in the woods jus' past Mount Yasuo. At that poin' in time, the Moun'ains were uncharted and I wen' up half of the moun'ain and passed out. I was in a coma fer a week. And when I came out of it, I became the person I am today."

Jarrod nodded in silence, though he knew that Gaston could not see him. He then went back to the tapes, watching the breakout for the fifth time. He then paused the tape and slowly got up from the floor. Walking slowly towards the main area, he stopped and leaned against the doorway as he watched Gaston.

"He has been very good lately."

"'E has been. Though I can still hear the howls that are similar to his. But it sounds a bit different. Is it..."

"Yeah. It is her. ...Is there a way that she could see him a bit sooner than a hundred-and-twenty hours?"

"I cannot tamper with the timeclock. ...But the power here has been goin' a bit glitchy since they ha'e been using most of the back-up generators e'erywhere else in the City. Earliest can be Tuesday evenin'.

Jarrod placed his hands together in a praying formation and bowed his head deeply. And with that, he turned about and went back into the office and went back to his work.

The Couch Coach

Date: 2007-12-22 14:03 EST
For days, Jarrod has been watching Johnathan and the ever-so sleeping Renne through the window; but never went in. He knew, however, that Johnathan knew that the Doctor constantly watched the two.

Dr. Beckett, luckily, did not have to explain anything to the other guards--for it was only Gaston who stayed here around the clock; sleeping in his office when he needed it. The other guards? Out volunteering for the City.

At this point in time, though, the Doctor kept silent as he finalized his notes that he gained so-far and started typing them to make it look more professional for the file. Questions, too many of them, were yet to be unanswered. And maybe with the Arc'errs now reunited, he could do two jobs at once. The one he was sent to do and the other to make sure that they are happy.

The Couch Coach

Date: 2008-01-02 13:05 EST
To Jarrod, it is most unfortunate that he had to spend the Holidays alone. Granted, he was used to that?but at the very least he would go to the Firm?s annual Holiday Extravaganza. One whole week with nothing but food, alcohol, dancing, and sleep. Yeah. The firm would use one of the old buildings?which had four floors?as their ?Fort-O-Fun.? First floor would be the food/alcohol floor, the second is the dance-floor, the third is even more food/alcohol, and the top floor; half of it is for sleeping and the other half is for?uhh?what else you would do in bed.

This recent Holidays, the strange Doctor was in the Company-Owned hostel-like house?still alone?in RhyDin City. He is not one to gain friends easily, nor does he usually have time to do so. But of recent, due to the constant silent treatment and/or sleeping that his only client here has been doing, he has been meandering around the City; even in this seriously cold/snowy weather it has been in for the past week.

However. On the second to last day of the year, Jarrod started sneezing at least once every five minutes?and that?s on average. Then the stuffy/running nose came. He spent the New Year on his bed, staring at the ceiling or just sleeping. If he had the strength, he would pen a letter to Gaston explaining why he is not there constantly anymore; but with the itchy eyes, the running nose, and the sinus headaches, he had barely enough strength to use the restroom. So. For now. The strange Doctor just slept and had nothing but orange juice, water and crackers as his formation of food.


(~The Kookie-Outsider is also sick?hence not of a lot of happenings in this thread. Can anyone give me a new nose, please??~)