Topic: Destination Unknown


Date: 2009-12-21 03:40 EST
Where am I?
What is this?a dream?
Am? I... I finally dead?
How come I am all? alone? Why am I alone?

These questions stirred in his mind, Cinder was deep down in place he could not surface from. His soul wrapped in darkness in a state of forever sleeping. He knew nothing of the things outside, his body, he couldn?t move. The last he remembered was the tub filling up with water at the hotel in Hollenstadt.
This was nearly two months ago but he wouldn?t know, his birthday was already gone. Satturis was past as was Inthoval and soon Christmas would come. The days drifted like he on this plane of silence always the same questions always walking towards nowhere.
Smoke wafted from his feet as he continued to walk unknowing where he was going and what had happened to everyone else. There was no sky to speak to nor moon or sun to praise. A thick smoke like fog was always around distorting him, no scent in the air to guide him no night and day for all he knew he was walking in a circle. This place almost felt angry but calm like somebody was here with him...
?Where am I??


Date: 2009-12-21 16:31 EST
He stopped finally after days of endless walking he stopped. His feet burned with a tiring walk and his head stopped asking questions he bagan to accept this place, this situation. He sat down fanning the ground of the fog to at least get a glimpse of what he had been walking on.

" this?"

There was no ground to stand on, now he became nervous, perhaps he truly was dead.

"Is anyone out there?"
"If I have died why haven't somebody come for me?"

"I...I din't get to say goodbye."

"What happened to me?!" He screamed and rose once more from a ground which seemed to not exsist and ran again, he ran through the mist. In pain, sadness, confusion and a deep regret he ran.


Date: 2009-12-22 06:48 EST
He came to a halt in his running, his hand shaking. He had forgotten everything in the mist. He didn't have some big plan, no reason to continue but he did. He stared up at a sky that was or was not there.

"Who am I?"

He said this many times louder than the next until he finally panted out of breath from the running and screaming. He was tired and fell to the ground which was not there. He closed his eyes breathing against the ground nothing could be heard but the quiet of the mist. Minutes past and still a silence only ripped through his ears.

It would be arriving soon, the precense he felt earlier. Unknown to him but it's anger was rising. He could sense it yet it gave him a smile. He felt a burning within him as if something was lost a yearning to have.
He also felt something else lying still on the gorund, strange it was as if something was calling to him from inside. He watched a black flame dance on his hand it didn't suprise him at all. He seemed comforted by it's burning kind of cool and when more grew from him he rose in the mist. The flames from him curled and twisted, trailing off from him as he walked like wings of black.

"Rvheressa"... The figure looked to him and smiled it was his other self. Jennifer stood there naked as he, her body emitting the same black flames that seemed to swallow the light around. She smiled and ran to himself. Strange one's own illusion would find himself here of all place a world of nothingess. They embraced like lovers and Cinder kissed Jennifer on the lips, their flames engulfed them both.
"I was looking for you for days...Rvheressa"
"How can this be...Yvihreja you are me and.."
"...and I am has been over one thousand years since you called me Yvireja, we both know Jennifer suits me better than that Ferish name."

Their embrace lasted for several minutes till the flames soon wiped out the entire world of this mist and all was black. Jennifer, his other self was back inside.
"So...I am asleep...I think I remember now. I was taking a bath under my guise and a man suprised me...that's all I remember. maybe I am dead afterall, maybe I am in a coma. That's it that's why I am in a dream. But if I ever wake up out there...I will forget once more won't I"?

Cinder was in darkness now, content with things now knowng he simply waited.


Date: 2009-12-22 14:37 EST
For days he contemplated here in the darkness alone. The emptiness felt so peaceful, he felt the black fires burning from him and around him. He held his left arm and wasn't sorry. He had forgiven the past he'd forgiven himself. If he had his favourite brandy he'd pop a toast to them all. He smirked wiping the satisfaction from his mind. "You know... I just wanted to make things right for once..."

He turned into Jennifer and she smiled watching the flames around her. "...I still can try. I don't know what lies on the outside world, most likely I'll be...I'll be, yes I suppose so". She closed her eyes curling up within the darkness smiling that wry grin as another plan began to stir.


Date: 2010-01-06 13:34 EST
A streak of light, almost like ligtning pushed itself across the darkness. Cinder awoke to see it and stood. The trail of light slowly faded from where it came and to where it was going the ball of light vanished from his sight.
He knew many things, of course he was crafty and studied often but he had never died, he had never fallen prey to fate before. He who had mastered magic, studied it's history in cultures primitive and advanced. He had learned the languages of two distinct human tribes.
He had, in the company of the Mckennitt brothers, John and Michael learned the trade of Salvage, of business on the seas. He learned to operate the machines and repair damaged parts. He learned to navigate the tides of this world and discover it's lands.

With kristae he learned the value of true love and mantianing a house and marriage. The bonds that kept with them through her death and his struggle to go on without her. The pride and unmatched faith he'd keep for his daughter they had made.

He learned there were more than just one surface to love than any in the world. He learned the value of friends and trust, keeping them close despite the distance.
He learned many things from many people, in this realm however; that which engulfed him he had know clue to understanding. Now the only breif source of light that had appeared suddenly vanished.

He waited still - standing breathing heavily, he felt weak and low. He swore he could hear a voice faint as a whisper like the summer breeze back on the home in Mirue.

"... what is it?"


Date: 2010-01-11 01:34 EST
Dissapointed once more he sighed laying back in the darkness. That light troubled him greatly which disappeared so fast. Have I gone wayward in the realm of death as well? He couldn't recall dying not in a real sense he felt confused ever more the times he tried to think of it.

?You only know this?"

?I know, but I can?t remember anything else."

?Are you certain?"

"I can't think of anything."

"What are you doing in this place"?

"Being punished maybe, thats why I'm here."

"?You are just a speckle on a robin?s egg?.

?I know, but I can't remember anything else."


Date: 2010-03-10 05:01 EST

The sun casted it?s tired self over the horizon and a fleet of pale stars straddled over the red sky making their claim to night?s concerto. Cinder and Ember sat together on the pavilion overlooking the lake in Port Katherine the ducks below departing slowly on the waters as the last of the bread crumbs were gone. It had been a year since then and every day seemed a struggle for her, she folded the bread bag up and placed it in her pocket the paper crinkling up beside something else. She pulled the obstruction out, it was the lens made from the dragon?s scale. Everything was inevitable she thought, she placed it back in her pocket knowing time was not on their side. Children of Plygrethia bound in the world that is not theirs a world which is not meant for them.
Looking at her brother, his face seemed ready to tear up as if despite his condition he knew that she was leaving. She leaned over and wiped a strand of hair from his eyes. She knew that one day his memories would return and with it his troubles and the love he had for Rewa and the wife he had never stopped loving. She looked up to the sky and sighed heavily knowing she would be strong and decided to support him as she always had. ?Winter is coming?. She said and kissed he head.
?Yes? winter is coming?. He replied slowly like a faded memory. He closed his eyes and curled up close to her. Sessuna smiled softly and put an arm around him as he leaned his head on her shoulder. ?Rvheressa? Hr Delliah mhe juven?. ( Cinder I love you)
?Hr delliahrum thuvena chets?. (I love you too sister)
Kayla walked over to the pavilion and smiled to Ember, her father was sleeping soundly. She sat beside her and handed her a coffee. Ember watched the lake fade into the skies night. They sipped their coffee and felt the cool breeze grace them gently giving both a sense of peace. They talked for hours about their lives simple stories shared by a family who had very little time to bond. Just as the lights dimly started to glow the close of the day and of Sessuna?s stay in this world also herald an end to a chapter.
?Kayla? will you take care of Cinder for me??
The young woman nodded, brushing away a lone fledgling from a dandelion. She held it in her fingers and remembered the sacrifice that was made. She blew the seed and it caught the breeze once again. Her ruby eyes sparkled with the sunset, nearing the same colour on the water. ?I understand Ember; will Silver be going to Plygrethia with you??
?No? she left this realm, this world?last night. Maybe one day we?ll meet again but she is on her own adventure, her heart is tainted and she must find what she is looking for.?
Sessuna kissed her brother on the cheek and eased him off her shoulder as she stood. ?It?s hard to say goodbye to him, you and Delliah as well, we are family we are blood. I?ll always feel you from our home world.
I will miss my arguments with Rewanna. Mara and Vic?te too I?ll miss dearly. Tell Rewa she can marry my brother. Goodbye dear ones? She turned away but was swept up in goodbye embrace, Kayla smiles her eyes tearing up. ?I?ll never forget you?!
Sessuna smiled defeating her own tears and nodded; she glanced at her brother sleeping and was comforted. ?Goodbye Kayla.? She held onto the lens and the gate opened, with that the lens broke into pieces and she vanished for this world.