Topic: Disclaimer and Ratings


Date: 2013-12-27 17:06 EST
Disclaimer and Ratings

Just as for The Power and other arcs, I have often incorporated a slight "fanfiction" element into my writing. Given Rhy'Din's own Nexus state and the fact that many characters, mine included, can end up pretty much anywhere, there have been and will be adventures involving places or concepts that aren't mine.
So. A disclaimer, so that
1. Player and world integrity remains intact,
2. Folks know that I'm not trying to be a "dirty little copycat", as it were
3. And of course, no law-breaking.
4. I will include a small Rating Guide here to ensure younger or more sensitive audiences are not exposed to something they shouldn't be. I cannot control what someone clicks on, but I can put the warning label on.

So. A massive DISCLAIMER for any and all listed realms, worlds or "fandoms" that Renne has encountered, or might encounter. They're not mine. I'm only borrowing them for Roleplay's enjoyment. Call me an uncreative biter if you want, but I am not the first or only mind to borrow these.

All Elder Scrolls dialogue, characters and concepts* - Belongs to Bethesda
The USS Enterprise - Gene Roddenberry
The Power* - Vague but a direct reference to Power Rangers, which belongs to Haim Saban, Shuki Levy and original Zyuranger creators.
All Transfrmers concepts* - Belongs to Hasbro.

* Some concepts or ideas from Hasbro, The Elder Scrolls and Power Rangers may be expanded on via some creative license. This is due to the vague nature of said concepts, or a lack of canonical explanations.
More worlds may be added if the story takes him there.


Nearly all of the things I write are no more intense than an MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) rating of PG-13. However, the following label will be used when the material's intensity reaches beyond the PG-13 level, either in the subject line or directly beneath the large-print title:

I will also state here that some concepts dealt with may be considered controversial or "hot button", depending on where readers might be located. I of course, do *not* advocate law-breaking or anything like that. This is fiction, not Mundane real-life. I must trust readers to know the difference.