Topic: How to enable cookies.


Date: 2007-10-04 01:37 EST
The oven tests the limits of an elf.

Cinder stood inside the break room at the Salvage yards glaring into the oven, the light was on inside.

"Come now! Force yourself to be a better cookie, you know you want it so".

He banged a few more times on the oven and admited failure, it was broken, of course it was pretty old. "Darn! Not only need I a new typewriter, fussball table, fridge, now sadly the oven is broke".

He pulled out the tray of sugar cookies with the green gingham print oven mitt setting them on the stove top. The cookies weren't cooked and they werent really raw, a little bit of both. He picked up a tree shaped cookie and then toosed it agaisnt the wall, it stuck. He laughed to himself watching the cookie remain there. He picked another off the tray and ate it. The cookie was pretty good admittedly a bit sweeter than expected but all in all not too bad. "Perhaps I should have started a bakery". That and the cookie falling off the wall made him laugh once more.

He wrapped them up nice enough and placed them in a bag. A simple thank you note to Ren and Nathan was attached with a smile face drawn with elf ears and "Cin" written below it. He wasnt sure if they would receive it none the less the delivery had been made. An free roaming delivery service was used one such when Cinder was under investigations. He didnt want trouble for them both so he inisited on sending it to them this way.

A mysterious woman dressed in a loose buttoned white mens shirt with a wide belt cinching it at her waist. Skin tight black leather pants with multiple daggers wrapped around the legs. Further down her legs she wore knee high boots buckled at the sides. A black bandana with skulls on it and an eye mask adorned her head. Her firey red hair was the most striking of her apperance. Wavy and quite poofy, as it flowed out from the back of her bandana.

"It's been some time Cinder, drugs"?

Cinder shook his head. "Just do your job". He handed over a monetary note of 25 Avalon Dec, crisp paper.

"Cookies"? She looked to him after smelling them through the bag, a few chuckles and she walked away.


Date: 2007-10-06 01:23 EST
Enabling Cookies
A Bite of Happiness

"The greatest of gold can be most often found in the plainest of brown paper parcels."

The tunnels had been quiet for a while -- long enough to bring restlessness on with a vengeance. It had been staved off by the fond memory of swim-fins and Truth or Dare. It was truly, a beautiful memory to hold onto but he couldn't retreat into it. He couldn't retreat into the past at any point.
The Hunter was born of the past -- recent past but the past nonetheless. He couldn't retreat into the past, either recent or ancient.

He couldn't retreat anyway.

He woke up from a brief, light sleep not long before midnight to find a smallish sack on the earth next to him. Curiosity wasn't a common guest of late but it was a welcome one now.
The blue critter re-wrapped in his furs, found the sack and investigated it.

And then he smiled.

Only one life-form sent such a gift that smelled like this. And while he'd never see the little smiling face with pointy elf-ears on it, Renne smiled anyway.
Immediately, he procured his pen, ink and a slip of paper and included a note with a small gift of reciprocation. He remembered the dried fruit Cinder had sampled that night so many months ago and it was this he included in his note.
From one Friend to another.

One gift to another.

One soul to another.

He was thankful to ave learnt the value of small things as this.


Date: 2007-10-06 22:56 EST
Red smiled some peering from the corner looking at the blueish creature, she then tucked herself back into the crevices of the night.

"Now that I am back and he is on RhyDin... I wonder"?

Rewa returned to the Salvage yards, one to fetch the rest of her payment and two to pay the Elf another visit. Within a few hours she found herself at the gates. She banged on the metal, it clanged loudly agaisnt itself. She then rang the bell which hung from a lampost beside the gate house.

"Come on, I see you"!

Spoting him out on the sailboat under the canopy lights, the elf was drinking and signing to himself apparently. She tapped her foot gently her heel making a ticking sound. Eventually she grew tired of hearing the elf sing, she pulled out her rifle and fired at shot off in his direction.

That got his attention. :twisted:


Date: 2007-10-06 23:56 EST
He waved some looking over to the gates from the waters.

"Hey you, dont you know how to knock or ring the blasted bell, why are you firing your gun at me Red"??!!

He seemed quite angry and dived off the sailboat and swam back onto the land. Pulling himself upto the dock. He wasnt wearing any clothes as he dripped himself over to the gate and unlocked it. He huffed some and headed into the office pulling on a pair of trousers.

"Did you find them"? Cinder turned his head as he got one leg through.

Rewa followed him standing in the doorway watching the wet elf get dressed. A smiled crossed her face, she looked away as Cinder faced her.

"I did, I dropped off your cookies. Honestly I was hoping for something more..notorius than sugar and cinnamon. You know if you wanted a real cookie, you could always rely on me". She looked at his desk, last time she saw it, it was a mess. She picked up the picture frame and looked at the woman.

"She is new". Rewa set it back down and smiled some patting the olf friend on the back as he got the other leg through.

"Ay, and I hope that it remains that way, so don't be getting ideas. I've got the rest of your money and if youre interested, I have another job for you, and yes much like old times". Cinder smiled, tossing the bag of coins to her.

As he passed her he grinned and took Rewa's hat placing it on his head, before he could look in the mirror she had taken it away. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"It looks much better on me dearie. As for the other job, I accept.".

She walked away closing the door behind her, she never did take the rest of the money, or did she?

He sat back at his desk and opened up his mail the postman had dropped off earlier. He noticed they were all forwarded to all over the world, he chuckled some and opened up the first one, a package of dried fruits. and a letter attached.


You are Friend. I bring much thanks for the gift you send. And I send one to you. Please enjoy when you are able. I do not hear from Stephen-Captain in much time now. I grow with worry but I shall ask 'Nathan if she finds word. If not, perhaps we may speak again, yes?
Perhaps I shall give you the adventure I promised you if you wish it. And then I shall return to the House of Holding. I hope you are well.
Please be safe and with peace.

You are loved.

Cinder smiled reading the letter, then popping into his mouth he ate some of the fruit, they were soo tasty and sweet.

" I hope you are doing what you truly want to Renne, please. Get help, Keep your 'Nathan beside you, im going to do the same with my Sarah".

Taking the rest of the mail and the fruit he Decided to make way for his lover's home. He missed Sarah and hoped all was well with her. Looking ot the skies he shuttered, once more feeling that ominus chill strike him.