Topic: Ides


Date: 2011-03-16 03:23 EST
Tinted Dawn

"Irrespective of different philosophies, the most important thing is to have a tamed and disciplined mind and a warm heart."
--The Dalai Lama

The threads in his skin were still there. Much of the program still fought for supremacy in his mind but now, it fought a three-frontal war: It fought against the individual identity of its captive and it fought against that identity's shadows.
And shadows, that identity certainly had.

Renne made his crawling rounds like he always did since the first and wondered things. Who he was, why he was here, even where this was. What these invasive things were embedded in his skin. One thing however, he did not wonder: Where and what this was.

There were some things that could not be taken away no matter how hard any outside force tried.

He thought of this place, shied his mind away from the Program, shied his mind away from the shadows here -- Pain, loss, hollowness, guilt, confusion, betrayal. He shied away most from the betrayal felt there. It was his and wasn't his; Time alone had begun to harden his heart.


Date: 2011-03-17 15:01 EST
Down and Out

"A man can have so much or so little before he can no longer survive. If it is so little, he must seek to get it back."

The sun came up early for him on that little dock. Nearly all night he'd tried to carefully sort a maelstrom of thoughts; thoughts that were in combat with the unnatural invasion evident in its silvery wire. It commanded, burned with cold and fought to keep its control.
Its grip loosened a little as Renne held a stuffed plush doll in his arms.

Its name and representation blazed through his memory, shorting out a small part of the Program. He spoke no words out loud, didn't need to. The sun came slowly over the horizon and shone down on him.
When you come back down

He turned around as dawn progressed and carefully dug up a long crystal shard from its place. Dusting it off, Renne planted it so it stood like a tiny pillar in the ground. It was a mark and the one thing he had left. Home was lost, yet not. People were gone, yet not. His identity...

He still fought to retain it.

Renne wanted it back.

There was a sound not unlike a massive cloth tearing. There was no light, no thunder or rain. There was then nothing on the ground here except that crystal and a stuffed effigy.

The sun came fully up as silence reigned.

If you land on your feet, I hope you find a way to make it back to me.