Topic: iDO


Date: 2007-11-04 12:06 EST
Cinder and Sarah were supposed to be married sometime soon in the fall. With all the busy schedules of their friends and family Sarah had decided to surprise our elven friend the night before. She wanted to marry right away.

Sarah stood beside Mor that night brushing his mane, thinking of her dearest Cinder. "I want to marry now. I wonder if it wouldn't mind"?

She looked up to the sky for a moment then continued to brush the horse.

Cinder arrived home after another grand day at work. Everything was rolling according to plan he thought. "Soon the gates of Ocean will open up, just for me". He wiped his bare feet at the door and headed inside. Placing his coat on the door he then plopped down onto the couch. He placed his feet in the warmer and browsed the newspaper for a minute. "Sarah, I'm home".

"Okay, I'm out back".

Cinder put aside the newspaper and walked outback to greet her. He grinned back at her beautiful smile and gave her a hug.

"Hey love, how are you"?

"Good. Cinder"?

"Yes, what is it"?

"I want us to get married right now".

"Hmm, right now? How do we intend to do that, I thought you wanted the wedding of your dreams"?

Sarah smiled to him. "I still want that but for now I want to be married to you. All we need is a Preacher".

Cinder nodded and thought about it. He didn't like human preachers all too much; they were boastful at best and claimed that there was one true god. Still he himself found respect in them for working their religion into the country as a product. Selling hope to the masses, it was a profitable business. "Alright, I will get a preacher".

He walked around the side of the house and then stopped once he was clear from view. Whispering softly he summoned up a skeletal priest. Unlike most skeletal minions the priest was only valuable for holy wars when the gods decided to interrupt the wars of the lesser. "Now just so you know there isn?t any war and she is a demon and I am to marry her".

The priest looked at him for several second, and then laughed. "You must be better dressed my master, work clothes cannot be suitable for a sacred occasion".

Cinder nodded and walked around the back of the house. At this time Sarah had gone inside to change herself into her wedding dress. She appeared back at the door in a glorious white gown, it sparkled with light even in the dark night. He whistled softly under his breath as he passed her into the house.

"Agh...". He groaned looking at the garment back hanging up on the hook. He unzipped it and took off his clothes. He jogged on his white trousers and white-buttoned shirt tucking it under the pants then the gray vest and white suit jacket. He shook his head in the mirror, he looked handsome, and he gave quick thumbs up into the mirror and tucked a pink rose into his suit pocket and adjusted his tie. He returned outside and the priest and Sarah looked at him.

"Much better master"...

"You look handsome Cinder".

Cinder swore he could hear Delliah laughing at him from the distance; he turned and saw her napping along side the young colt in the stables. He nodded. "You look beautiful Sarah, marvelous".

"Ahem, shall we begin people"? The priest stood before a pullet and altar, which rose from the earth, suddenly the sky opened up shining moonlight down upon them; even rose petals fell like rain. Surely a wizard was showing off.

The wedding went smoothly the usual lines were spoken between priest and groom then priest and bride. Lastly.

"I Do". Cinder turned to Sarah. The priest then turned to her as well.
"I Do". Sarah smiled back at him.

"Under the rights vested unto me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride".

The priest vanished and the pulpit and altar returned. Cinder took her into his arms and kissed her lovingly for many minutes. The rose rain kept falling around the two. This without a doubt a memorable November night.


Date: 2007-11-04 14:51 EST
(~Sorry for the pun in the subject-title. More than likely it was a typo on Cinder-Mun's part, but I thought it was funny to go along with the whole "iTunes" "iPod" and now, "iDo". So. Hence "WiiDo". Shutting up now.~)

"This love is like nothing I've ever known." ~ Don Henley

A night of fandangled technology. A Television and a VCR are something that is still gives Johnathan issues about. For an hour, two nights ago, Gaston allowed Johnathan to watch some of the video-recordings of the surveillance camera located within Renne's Holding Cell. He then allowed her to take a visit to Renne, as promised--if she does keep out of trouble. Which thusfar, she has.

Renne and 'Nathan were together for hours. Her telling him about the War of Laughter--which then ended up into a tickle battle. And yes, ultimately, Renne won. ...Only because he used both his hands and feet where as 'Nathan only used her hands.

Johnathan also explained the symbol from her inner left-wrist and how she got it. Which then led to a story that Renne never told her about. The one person where the candle always stays lit.

As the short story was read from Renne's journal, Johnathan came to realize that she could never meet up to the standards of such a great man. Though she could never speak it. Renne, however, fessed up to something else.

"Yeu li-ke tha-t."

Johnathan smiled brightly, but that only made her cry more. Renne squirmed his way out of her arms and kneeled on the floor.

"Yeu...Bon-d in an-cien-t way, eey-ess?"

Johnathan took no hesitation of that question. And with after a gently touch of their fingers, the rush of all the emotions Renne has ever been through went into 'Nathan. And to prove that, it was her frog charm that rushed through an array of colors.

"Brrro-therrr to brrro-therrr...yo-urrrs in li-fe ahn-d dea-th..."

He has always whispered the last word


"Brother to brother. Yers in life and death. T'hy'la."

Spoken ever so perfectly. After only a few moments have passed, both Renne and 'Nathan were smiling with a few teardrops of joy falling. However, 'Nathan did see Gaston by the door's window; letting her think that it was nearly time to go. But not even after Gaston gave a nod and leave, 'Nathan looked back down to Renne seeing that he has fallen asleep in her arms. Carefully keeping ahold of him in his bundles of yeti's fur, she sat up from the floor and onto the Cell's bed. Sitting against the wall, she cuddled up close to the sleeping blue critter.

The love of her life. Her pride and joy. Her Renne. Her Life-Bond-Mate. Without any hesitation, Johnathan drifted off to sleep, with her own sleeping husband in her arms.