Topic: Little Mister Tough-Imp


Date: 2007-03-09 01:55 EST
Little Mister Tough-Imp
I Only Bite Trees

The imp had been guided to the Headmaster's office but it seemed said Headmaster wasn't in today. Not badly discouraged, the blue-skinned critter had scrawled a brief note and slid it under the door.
Faith, Imp. Faith.

He'd dropped in to the Red Dragon for a bit but now, after some hours of Longshoring, the imp finds himself wandering the docks listening to other Longshoremen and even the sailor-types. One in particular has him curious, so the imp's five-inch ears go on up.
"Aw, ain' it a shame? Me fav'rite jecket don' fit annehmore. I cain' wear it now."
"Don't fret, Jebs. See, I got yeh a better'un. It'll go 'round yer new belly!"
Laughter. Then the sound of a pat on someone's back. Curiosity getting the better of him, Renne edges closer -- be it for better or worse, out from behind an unloaded crate and into a spot of moonlight.
It takes a second for the good-natured laughing and jibing to cut short into silence. The cat doesn't permanently run off with these gents' tongues at least.
"Wot th' bloody 'ell is that?"
"Dunno. Weird if'n yeh ask me."
Weird. That word again.
Don't lose your spine, Imp.

"Demmed crikey! It talks!"
Tough enough to not pass out or some other such thing, the first 'shoreman edges up to the blue creature and extends a work-roughened, if a little shaky hand.
"Uh...Don' bite now, eh?"
All the chap gets is a sniff, then a hesitant nudge. Then, a minute later, a friendly lick.
"Pss! Watch it Matty, 's a snake!"
"No it ain', Jebediah. Grow some n' 'ave a look-see. Kinda cute..once y'gets used t'it."
It takes that and half-a-grumble to get the second 'shoreman to approach. He may not extend his hand, but he eventually agrees with his companion. Sort of.
"Eh...ugly li'l thing. But...well, it don' seem ta bite. -- 'Ey!"
Jebediah's almost-yelp is enough to give the first man pause and turn. The imp had gone from sniffing his hand to sniffing at his worn-out peacoat tucked under his other arm.
"Yah know, Jebs, I thinks me ol' coat migh' look cute on our uh..."
"Eeh! Ihm-p!"
"Right. Imp. 'Ere y'go."

Through bright blue blushing, chirps and low-voiced laughter, Jebediah and his partner take some time to play a gentle game of tag. They were the hardened, salt-cured type with rare to no times of goofing off or passing along bits of knowledge to someone else.
Eventually though, it had to end. The two had had to finish up a last few hours of 'shoring in their shift so they sent the imp off with a gentle nudge, Jebediah's worn old coat and one of Matty's old hats.
For laughs, they'd taught the imp how to "walk like a sailor", or in his case crawl, and a few new -- clean! -- words to his vocabulary.

And on his way back home to the Maritime for the night, the imp left those two a final line and a few coins. Fair exchange of coin and laughter for what they'd imparted to him.
"Rrr-enne ohn-lee bi-te trrrrree!"


Date: 2007-03-11 07:36 EST
Little Mister Tough-Imp
Leaps of Faith into Uncharted Waters

The past night at the Dragon had been an interesting one. He'd gotten some devilish urge to play at pirates in his oversized peacoat and bicorne hat which had, subsequently earned him a taste of rum -- good stuff but the feeling it gave him? Awful! -- and perhaps a chance to sail.
Of which, the imp had been excited about all bloody night.

"Come down on th' morrow and find th' Pride and Fury."
Well, to him, it'd been a kind of first order and upon the dawn of said tomorrow, the imp would indeed be there.
Until then, the night had proven both interesting and educational.
He'd met both a rather curious Captain by the name of Stephen and a most charming Female by the name of Mercy. Learning new words, new tales and new lessons, the imp had spent half of the night rather enjoying himself.
What could be better than new lessons, new people and familiar souls that you care about to make a night grand?

It was later though, after he'd gone home to the Maritime, that he really had a chance to reflect.
Most of his thoughts as such, end up in his journal as well as a full half-page of that journal practically ripping himself into two.
He'd made a mistake -- it might be a small error, it might not be -- but still, that mistake had been made in front of Harry and Archie.
Shame, indeed.
He rakes for it, but at least he learns.
I shall never do such a thing again! Fool, am I! Fool!

Resolving himself after that particular dressing-down-by-writing, the imp continues penning his night at the 'Dragon and some rather random thoughts. Very random thoughts.
Ah, eventually even stubborn imps need sleep though.
Eventually getting to sleep, the imp curls up in the big jacket and drifts off into dreams.

"I'm proud of you..."

"You're not expendable..."

"...difference between a moral man and a man of honour..."

The Dances had begun again. The Second Sun had risen and the Third was about to join the crimson-streaked golden sky. Here, he stands six feet tall and proud in a rare moment with the twins. Long hair blowing in the constant wind, his webbed hands clasp those of R'hown.
"Ah-jkel bi`nyiu nai Matrepel-nen. Matrepel-nen."
"Ah, rui. Rui. Matrepel-nen aobai neb Kral'Yl. Wiru."

--"Kin of bloodline and flesh, the Matron will find. Matron."
--"No. No. Matron exists alongside the Kral'Yl. Ear-sense."

He was relieved. R'hown and Lugh'ad had stolen him from the great pit to smuggle him here and join the Dawning celebration. It was after all, a rare occurrance for the four Suns to eclipse each other behind the two Moons and cast the lands into silver-blue shadow.

"...proud of you..."

The first Sun had risen to dawn in its dark scarlet haze. The second sun joined it with golden streaks and a blast of warmth. The third now rises with the bright cyan-white of its glow.

The People began to dance with fervour now, soaring into the thick atmosphere of reddish-gold haze streaked with the third sun's white glare. Lugh'ad almost Transcended with joy and with his two brothers, whirled into a spinning dance.
Rise and rise again
Silent tongue no more
Cry and cry aloud!
Light and Shadow emerge
Rise and rise again
As One.

"You're not expendable..."

Renne woke with a sharp but short scream. It had been real. Too real. Realities and memory had blended into an insane series of emotions, sounds, smells and impressions.
He could have sworn the Transcendence had occurred that day. The Four Suns had Aligned as they did in reality so long ago. But why then, did he hear human voices throughout the entire thing?
It was something he couldn't explain. Perhaps it was the confusing blend of present and distant past that frightened him into the waking world.
I will examine this but not now. not now.

Too pumped now to sleep, the imp crawls quietly downstairs. Cooking would be good. Deciding to keep the kitchen door open, he works quietly and carefully. It's not a great feast this time around. It's a simpler fare this time. Eggs over-medium, some slices of ham, coffee and of course, the signature fruit that looks like it comes from a science-fiction flick. From the good guys in a science fiction flick.

Ultimately, the imp works past dawn. Perhaps that's a good thing though. Kitchen cleaned spotless, the imp has a small plate for himself and makes two for Harry and Archie. Then, scrawling a note to them, he crawls to fetch his peacoat and hat.
Now or never, Imp.
Now or never.

Sir, 'Chee,

Renne go now to find ship. Renne not speak untruth. Renne have some fear but Renne try now, have faith. Renne make meal for Sir and 'Chee. Renne hope it do good for Sir and 'Chee.
Renne promise, no rum. Renne learn, rum is bad. Renne not touch again.

One could almost see the "Blech!" expression on the imp's face after recovering from mild tipsiness.

Renne hope Sir and 'Chee stay safe. Renne come back home, Renne promise. Renne miss Sir and 'Chee. Renne promise to learn a lot and mind manners.
'Chee, stay as 'Chee is. The strong breaker of hearts.
Sir, stay as Sir is. Strong wise speaker with silver tongue.

-Tree Biting Imp Extraordinaire

A minute and a silent pep-talk to himself later and he's crawling downstairs, then out the door and to the docks.
It takes him a while but eventually, the stubborn imp manages to find her.
The Pride and Fury.
Momentary shiver of nervousness held back, the imp crawls gingerly along until he finds the gangplank. That found, he gives a semi-loud chirp.
"Eeh! Kap-tin Stee-ben?"
Captain said to come to Pride and Fury. He's here. Now the fun part: The imp gets to test his faith.
Faith in himself.


Date: 2007-03-13 06:11 EST
Stephen had only gone back to the pride and Fury to grab a few things before he took his leave. He had however gave Thomas careful instructions concerning Renne and so it was that the young clerk was expecting the imp when he heard him call out for Stephen.

"An' you would be Renne? I assume?" Thomas was walking down the gangplank to meet the imp. "welcome aboard the Pride and Fury."

"Captain gave me orders to see to your training. If you like I will take you to his cabin now and we can get started. He said that you are to be a help to me." Thomas smiled and waited for Renne.


Date: 2007-03-14 00:09 EST
Little Mister Tough-Imp
Beside You Distantly

"Eey-ess, Serr!" Don't ask him how, but the blue-skinned oddity in clothes too big manages at least a semi-graceful salute despite whacking himself in the face with the extra inches of peacoat-sleeve. Straightened up a bit, the imp tips the huge hat back so his face at least might be semi-seen.
Hm. Odd but pleasant-smelling bloke, this one. As almost always, he takes a quick moment to check himself and this stranger over. Everything he has is with him. The chap in front of him smells decent, lacking any signs of shadiness.
"Eey-ess. Than-k yeu, Serr."

The lack of shadiness is a refreshing thing, even lessening the imp's inner nervousness. Crawling carefully forward, he begins to follow this Thomas to wherever he was told to go.
To, perhaps, wherever destiny ended up calling.

Along the way, he says a silent little prayer for the well-being of Home an dall who reside there.
Harry taught him faith.
Archie taught him courage.
It's time to put those lessons to some good use.