Topic: Love Letters


Date: 2008-12-24 22:47 EST
Love Letters

"Find me a man with mercy and I shall find you a heart not empty."

They had been set to scatter, rolling endlessly across the ground or floating ceaselessly upon the sea until they found who they were intended for.
The spheres were simpel devices, really -- made of a glass-like material that reacted to body heat. Often, they were locked so that a scent-match was the key to open them. The spheres appeared smooth and round until a proper recipient had been located.
Upon a receiver's touch, the sphere flowered open like a lotus and held to them a folded sheet of paper.

They were love letters and letters of love.

Uncle Cinder,

I find your words and I do not believe things should be hard for you. I miss you. I shall come find you, if you wish this. I have some gifts for you and I wish you to have them. I have begun to cook again.
I think I have not 'lost my touch', as Humans say. I think my mind is beginning to purge of the evil in my head. There is a strange life-form called Doctor. he said he can help me become not-sick again. I think I shall try to send words to the being called Saint Nick.
You see, Ghost-Sir told me about him before he turned into a ghost.
Further, other Humans said Saint Nick has power to do great things, like grant a wish. I shall send him a wish.

I shall send him a wish from you too, if you like. I wish to share company with you. I have much of my wonderful Not-Firewyne still, and those delicious things called Cookies you sent me.
Perhaps soon I shall attempt to make Clam Chowder again.

I miss you. I love you, Uncle Cinder.



Date: 2009-01-01 16:03 EST
Love Letters
She Loves Me

"It seems, the good die young.
I just looked around, and he's gone."
---Leonard Nimoy; Spaced Out


I have been away for a long time. I regret this, but I wish only to mend myself. To cure myself, that I may return to you, whole and pure.
I found you in the depths of pain. I remember that day, do you?
You had me curious. Most curious. You let me approach you. You permitted me to smell you, find out about you.

You smell good, do you know that?

You do.

I began coming to you. You became a refuge. And then more than this. I did not, then, understand how those not Of the People perceived Bond-Mates. I did not understand it then, but I do now.
You are strong. You are beautiful. You have given me hope of redemption.
I perceive myself as evil, from work I do not remember; work my hands committed.

Still, I come to thee and can offer so little.

Will you perform the marrying with me?

I love you.



Date: 2009-01-04 02:21 EST
Love Letters
Mother of Mercy

"A child cut adrift from his home is not a child, but a man forced to grow up before his time."


I am far and wide upon a search. It may be called illogical, but my search is to find that which caused my hands to become so tainted. I search for that which may answer questions far too long within my mind.
Why and how a Human could come to treachery against first, himself, then those near him. Why and how a non-living device can create such terror within me.

I fear Thunder-Makers, you know. They are evil, destructive things.

In the midst of my search, the Male with the great wooden box found us here, back in this place Rhy'Din. I wandered, not knowing why I returned.
Part fo me wished to forsake this land -- this land of things that destroy.

When I found you and Father-Sage Zonker again, I rejoiced inside, but so too, I feared. I feared my hands too impure to come close. My mind too sick to trust myself within yet another set of walls that could so easily upon a whim, despite honour, disappear.
I thought I was within a dream when you and he spoke to me of The Inne's return to us.
I now know it is no dream.

And I, perhaps miraculously, have yet to turn into Nothingness.

Perhaps here, right here, in the midst of this forsaken land, answers might come to me. Redemption might seek my stained hands.
Father-Zonker told me things that I now think hard upon. His thought was that it is but I, that must seek redemption within myself.

Is this true?

I shall return to The Inne for as long as you and he shall have me. It is a place of light. I have not cast a smile upon my face for so long until then.
I must thank you and he. You bring hope where the Humans have slain it. I think this is why I call you as I do.
You are wiser than I; much wiser.

I am thankful to come so close to home.



Date: 2009-01-07 00:21 EST
Love Letters
Speak, Soul, for Me

"There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all."
- William Shakespeare; Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2


I have searched far and wide for a thing that cannot be held in one's hand. At least, not here.
I still fear sleep often. My mind is, as the healers have told me, sick but either they do not know what it is that makes me sick or they do not wish to tell me.
If it is that evil, I am right to fear.

Yet, when I find despair as often as I do in this gods-forsaken place, I am lucky to have what I do have. I have your voice in my ear. Your laughter.

Do you know, I recall your very strange question to me so long ago?

I miss you so. I hope, perhaps, if you know of my mind, that you may find the mercy to forgive.
I know the answer to your question now. My answer is this: I have two things called Colours.
One is called blue and the other is called gold.

Gold speaks from you. Blue, from the warmer water and the smell of salt. They are of you and they bring me comfort. Strength.

I should do the same if ever you asked me.

I still consider you Friend-Brother.



Date: 2009-01-25 17:11 EST
Love Letters

"To they that lend a soft heart, lend them back a steadfast honour."


I do not know where or when you are. I wish however, to thank you.
You brought a Home back into this godsforsaken world and with it, hope to many of us. You brought back hope to me in your words when you visited me in the prison-room.
Now, hope comes and I can touch that hope.

My mind is very sick, Merit and my hands have done evil things. I have been for a long time now, trying to be rid of the sickness and the evil within. I met a strange Male that has a box he travels in. he asked me to assist a Human and in return he said he shall assist me.

I am unsure now. I have a pain within my head, deep within and I am back here. I think his moving box cannot hold me as fast as he thinks it can.

but I speak nonsense. I wish to thank you, Merit. it is to you and few others, I have a great adoration for.

I have love for you, Merit.


P.S. What is a Snug?


Date: 2009-01-25 17:14 EST
Love Letters
Dov? L'Amore

"We did it all for the glory of love."
--Peter Cetera; Glory of Love


I have been taken everywhere and nowhere. This wooden-box life-form asked me to heal a Human and in return, he said he shall help me be rid of the Hunter.
I am unsure of this, for as I find myself flung back to here, I bear a pain within my head. A great pain.

A greater pain lies in... I cannot say heart, for I do not have a heart. but the pain is there. It is a hollowness, an emptiness. It is the emptiness of your absence.
Have I failed you?
I pray I have not. I wish to have you near again. You...Ah, I believe you might like The Inne. Certainly they should accept you; I know they would!
And I wish to kiss you.

Yes. I wish to kiss you. You are most beautiful and warm. so few, so precious few remain with me now. You are as they.
You are...what is the word? Caru. Yes, caru.

I wish to kiss you. And hold you. And return to you, whole and unmarred by this evil sickness within my head.

please, I pray youo permit me to return to you. I have in this, enclosed a gift. I hope you accept it, and know I love only you as Bond-Mate.
It is you, my Bond-Mate.

I shall wait for as long as it takes and in my dreams, I shall dream that I may kiss you.

I love you.



True to the word, this letter, nestled within a glass sphere, bore a small weight upon its folded side. the weight itself was light and small, yet glittering a silvery thread through the blue of its enclosing sphere.
It wasn't for any eyes but one and if-whenever it found her, the simple bracelet charm was the gift.
The charm was of a tiny ship's wheel and from four of its points dangled little red gemstones.
red, like the fires of love.


Date: 2009-02-03 19:18 EST
Love Letters
My Ladies Three I

"Cara 'ch, 'm aig dlws. 'ch, a cadw 'n gyfryw chryfder chen, Cara 'ch."


Where are you? I wish to find you. You, who keep such strength. I still fear the Hunter, but I journey again. I journey after the strange life-form's box could not hold me.
I think his box does not work like he thinks it does.

I do not believe he can do all he says, not yet.

I journey now on my own to find you. Shall I come North? Shall i go East, South or West? I shall try each until I find you.
And if you come to a place that I have been but am not there, I shall leave a tower with a light inside it. It shall shine but for you and lead you wherever it is you wish to go.

I ask forgiveness, for the North Harbours are your home. If you are there, I shall return gladly. I can be in many places at once, though briefly.

I wish to find you. I love you.



Date: 2009-02-03 19:20 EST
Love Letters
My Ladies Three II

"Mothers. Without them, where shall a forsaken child find solace?"


I journey again. I shall find Salvation and understand what it is Zonker spoke to me. The time draws close, the time of when a Human destroyed his life.
He destroyed his own and others.
I do not comprehend such a heinous thing btu I shall try. In this, I journey on again through wherever and whenever luck takes me.

The faith fo you and Zonker and Merit and 'Nathan hold me fast. My beloved Ty'Rekh reminds me of innocence.
I hold you always, and look to you always.
I think I shall find Redemption and be once again worthy in the eyes of home.

Please tell Father-Zonker and Uncle-Merit and Father-Melkor I love them too, as I do you.

Rhy'Din shall not see me defeated.



Date: 2009-02-03 19:22 EST
Love Letters
My Ladies Three III

"Animals. Such innocent, noble creatures. They know not of betrayal btu they know of implicit love."


It is illogical to speak words this way to you. You cannot perceive them but I care not. I come for you.
I am on my way to find you and once more, we may ride and run across the ground. You are a beast of intelligence and beauty. I am thankful to have you, my beautiful, beautiful beast.
You remind me of the rarities.
The Humans who betray so easily, so callously, you remind me that there are even amongst Humans, others.
They, like you, have innocence.

I thank you so deeply, my beloved companion.
