Topic: On the Nature of Autonomy: Inside Beloved Bindings


Date: 2007-09-18 01:19 EST
On the Nature of Autonomy
Inside Beloved Bindings

(( These are retrospective bits taken from Renne's actual journal documenting his thoughts before and during the evaluations by his court-appointed psychologist. Intended to provide clearer insight into Renne's current thinking patterns and take place before/during "On the Nature of Autonomy", "Through a Glass Eye" and "Dreams on the Wall I and II".. ))


Low-Dusk Darkened Sun

August 1st, 2007

I am not at Home.

I am in another place, what Humans call a Holding House. I know what it is. It is a prison.
I know why I am here and yet I do not know why I am here.

Sir came to me. But he disappeared again. I think he has become a ghost and has not learned it yet.
It's what ghosts do. They come to you and then disappear forever.
He told me that I did awful things. Things I do not remember doing.

Part of me wishes to believe he told an untruth. But I cannot, for the voids in my mind are wide and they are many. What if he is right?

If he is right, then I am certainly a monster. And I would then need to be caged.

Still. Home will always be Home to me. How can it not? So much time there. So many memories.
I do not know if I could find another to call Home. I do not think so. I have tried many times before in R'hyDin and beyond.
No place but Home has been Home.

So I watched over Home until I came here.
If I ever get out, I will watch over Home again.

It's what I know to do.

I will watch over Home and 'Nathan. She has become Family like Sir and 'Chee and Cinder and Vicfryn and Sarah.
The love is a little different from that. But just as strong. And I will not forsake any of them.

Forsaking Family is as evil a sin as betrayal. And I will not do it.

I only hope I can understand the voids. And be rid of the Hunter. What if he comes out and chases the ones I call Family? I cannot bear such a thought.

Sir may say it is not my job. But I do not think he will understand my thought patterns. He might. But few Humans or Humanoids can. The thought patterns of my People are very strict.
They demand discipline, a high guard and beyond that, the ability to keep one's loyalties until a great betrayal is committed.

"For as Loyalty is as precious a gift as Trust and Life, guard it well but when earned, let its flame burn fervently and without end."

The ancient laws set this forth after the Cataclysm wars. They were right to do so.
And it is one law that I follow with everything I have.

Ah, I wish to be Home.

I cannot be there. Not yet. I must try to remember the bright times. It is all I have here. It must last me.



Date: 2007-09-18 01:29 EST
Dark Recollections

August 19th, 2007

I have not touched my thought-book in a long time. I find I can no longer resist the will to remain away from it.

Though I wish the Hunter would cease to speak! He creates anger within me. And fear. He is evil. Still, I cannot shut him out. Evil as his words are, they hold a shred of logic.
He tells me to remember the past.To remember the Humans I have encountered.
All encounters.

He twists words and yet they are believeable. Humans betray. Humans disappear. Humans cast ones away.
It is now, these times, I remind myself of the night with cider and Saint Nick. It was a magical night, I believe.
I felt peace.

I felt that I was warm and that I was creating warmth and harmony within Sir.

Hunter, be silent! Tli-ti men'ekh, be silent! He speaks again. I wish him to be silent. His words are growing loud. Loud enough that my ears ring with resonance.

I hear you, Hunter. You say that they all have done like the other Humans. Abandoned, Betrayed, like all other Humans! You say I grow to have hate for all Humans. Hunter, do not speak.
I wish to remember a time when I was useful.
When I could help and make stronger.
But I wonder.

Why is it I am left behind? Am I that low within the caste? If there is one thing I have learned, many species -- Humans most notably -- have castes. Beings higher or lower in peculiar ways.
I wonder, where I stand within these castes.

And I wonder, where is it I went wrong.
Where did I fail my heroes?
Where is it that I committed an evil against Home?
Why is it that wherever I go, the place falls?

I wonder. Perhaps it will be safer if I were to return as a nomad -- to protect Home. Sir, 'Chee, Cinder, Vicfryn, Rena, 'Nathan....every being I have allowed beyond my guard.
Every being that I have somehow let down.

Still. I will defeat the Hunter. I shall find my family and I shall help them. And Hunter, you shall be silent!
I must place down my thought-book.



Date: 2007-09-18 01:48 EST
Closer Examinations

August 28th, 2007

The Hunter will not leave me alone. No thought will.

I suppose I must complete another Analysis and soon. The first one made progress but it released dark things. It released her.
And I have as much hate for her as Sir and 'Chee both do. I listened to it all happen.
I could do nothing about it. I was useless.

I think that is part of why I hate her. And why the Hunter says what he says.

It is more than that, I know. Much more.

She is part of the Hunter but not the whole. The Hunter is more than her. He is her, Sir, 'Chee, the McGraths. Even Ainnle. Why he disappeared, I will never know but probably for the reason most humans disappear.
They can't handle Rhy'Din.


The Hunter is a human. He is many humans. He's not all human though. He smells of more than salt, thunder-maker powder, coffee, bone, blood and the earths of many lands beyond Rhy'Din. He tells me things I have known for a long, long time.
And he tells me new things but says them in such a way that makes me think about them differently.
Some things, I do not wish soiled by the Hunter.

The magical time at Home with cider and Saint Nick.
I want that to remain pure.
And I wish to give to Sir and 'Chee and 'Nathan, Vicfryn, Sarah, Cinder, Rena, Merit....all my Family that same feeling I got.
I wish to give them a Christmas.
I wish to be useful to them.
Not just someone to laugh with.
Not someone to simply fill in and cast out again.

The Hunter is polluting my thoughts again.
I must put my thought-book down for now.

I shall Analyse again.



Date: 2007-09-18 01:54 EST

September 1st, 2007

I do not understand Humans.

They seem to give off emanations that they use to confuse a being on purpose.

And now I confuse myself. Why did I tell so much to the Female? Why did I answer her?
She asked me to, yes. She said she was a healer, yes. Of a sort. I do not think I entirely understand how knowing my past could be part of a healer's remedy. Perhaps she is like one on the HomeWorlds and can heal a mind that has been wrongly changed.

I do not know. She created anger and fear within me. She said the twins Betrayed!
Still, she is a healer and healers understand things that others do not. Perhaps I missed something.
She created fear too though. If I did take life, what can be done?

I only know the laws of the People.

I shall continue to think and Analyse. I must understand as much as possible.

I must try to understand a Human.



Date: 2007-09-18 01:55 EST
Burning the Sunset Oil

September 13th, 2007

My candle should not be here.

It should be at Home where I put it. It should be up in my window where it belongs.

Home is my Home too!

I must understand this. The Hunter kept laughing at me. He filled my mind with evil things and evil words. He said that Home is dead and gone! He said that Ghost-Sir and Ghost-'Chee are Betrayers. He said more evil things that I shall not speak out loud.

My mind was clean before the Hunter.
I was in much pain. But I was clean. I did not have evil thoughts.

I was stronger.

What am I now? I do not know.
Ghost-Sir told me I did evil things. But I do not have memory of these evil things. All I know is that the Hunter is here with me.
Was it the Hunter that did the evil things? I do not know.

I must understand this. And if I did do the evil things, I must find out why. I must find out what I should do.

I must understand so much. I wish the twins were here. Perhaps they could explain. Or -- No.

I must not speak his name now. I cannot. He would be angry with me. I think Ghost-Sir and Ghost'Chee are already.
I wish I could find them again.

Humans. Why must you be so confusing? You are alone and yet some Humans are at One. I do not understand.
I must try. I must try to understand and prove the Hunter wrong.
I must make the Hunter go away.

All I want is my Family back. And whole. And strong.

I think I shall try to speak to Saint Nick again. He is supposed to hear all beings. I know it is not the Christmas yet but I shall try. Most of my wish is for my Family.

I must soon Analyse again. I must understand.



Date: 2007-09-18 02:00 EST
Don't Blink

September 14th, 2007

I am still within this Holding House. I have attempted to Analyse between the tears I cannot stop.

I cannot explain the fear that a few words can put within a mind. And because of this fear, I hear the Hunter laughing at me.

"...only way out was a bullet."

I know what a bullet is. It is that tiny bit of thunder that, when it hits, it hurts.

It takes life.

Sir must be a ghost. And he did it himself?

I cannot understand this. Such a way is that of the Ones Without Spines. And yet, sometimes pain can be great enough to wish it.
I am getting ahead of myself.

But one thing is certain.

He is a ghost.

And now he did what other ghosts do. He disappeared.

Why is it that ghosts do this? Why is it that all Humans eventually disappear forever?

I shall never understand Humans. But I shall keep trying. And when I get out of this place, I shall go back Home.

It is where I belong. I am bound to it, even if in a strange way.

But now? Now, I have too much to try to understand. I must keep trying.
I will not let the Hunter beat me.



Date: 2007-09-18 02:12 EST

September 14th, 2007

I cannot seem to put down my thought-book or my candle. I keep both safely away from each other so I may keep my candle lit without turning my thought-book into ashes.


I have encountered too many ashes.

First, my People. Then, the pyre Silver placed me on when the Time of Change came and he thought me gone-and-not-coming-back.
I was a fool then. I held on to laws that held only in my world. And my world was gone.
Then, so many others.

I cannot say them all.

But there are so many ashes.

I will not create more.



Date: 2007-09-18 02:15 EST
I'm Not Narcissus

September 17th, 2007

I met the mind-healer again. I find myself growing alarmed. She asked me questions that created much fear within me. Fear and another emotion that I cannot name.

I wonder what it will take to heal everything this time.

Still, whatever it takes, I will do it.

I must continue Analysis. And perhaps find these outside-sources. The mind-healer asked me that fear-making question and I do not know the answer to it.
Is there a correct answer?

Is it only what I wish? What do I wish now?

She and Ghost-Sir both say I did evil, evil things.

And by the People's Law, evil must be destroyed.
How does it work here? Is it different?
What must I learn? What must I do if I must stand to this fight when the trial comes?

She said that I must know many, many things to know how to fight this kind of battle. What weapons will I need?
And why do I need someoen to fight it for me? Is it that new, that I do not, could not, understand it in time?
She did say that is true, that I could not understand how to fight this Trial in time.

Is it with a weapon I do not know or cannot use? Is it with the mind or Emotion?

I do not know. But if I am as evil as the Hunter, and did these evil things, I shall go to this battle. If being defeated is what I must do to make it right, I will be defeated.
If victory is what makes it better, I will not stop until I win.

I can live with the Hunter if I must. I must not become as the Tribes of the Mirror.



Date: 2007-09-18 02:17 EST
Quiet Scythes

September 18th, 2007 - dawn

I must try to Analyse again. The mind-healer asked those fear-making questions. And there is much I must understand.

She asked me if I wished to have my existence to cease.

It made fear. It made me think.

I wished the ceasing-to-exist once but it was long ago. It was when the Bond was broken. I felt it and the pain was too much to face.
It brought pain to even think His name. It took me a long time to make those feelings go away.
Now, I think though.

Did I truly make them go away?

But, I must understand one thing at a time. First, my candle. Then, my strange thoughts at her questions. Then, how to be rid of the Hunter.

And then, I must understand this thing that is both old and new. I ask myself now and do not know the answer.
Do I?



Date: 2007-09-25 17:26 EST
On Deaf Ears

September 25, 2007

'Nathan found me. I do not know how long it was before I woke. But I am not where I should be. I am somewhere within the earth that has passages. When 'Nathan found me, I asked many questions.

I still have much fear.

And yet, I have conflicting emotions. I wish to go back to where I was. I wish to not be there. I wish to make all things right again.
That is all.

Just make things right.

I was told that I could have sickness in my mind. That this sickness could force me to do evil things and not have memory if it all. I fear. The Hunter may hear me and he may try to capture this sickness if I have it, and make it worse within me.
I shall keep sending my words out until I am heard.

I do not know this underground place at all yet. I am very confused.

I shall keep sending my words out.

And maybe someone will listen to me.



Date: 2007-09-29 18:17 EST
Finding Utopia

September 29, 2007

One of my messages was found.

I am honestly, surprised -- I did not think they would be found. Still, one was and for this, I am glad.
It was understood, I think. At least part of it was understood and better a part than nothing at all.

I only wish I could have followed Cinder right then and there but I could not risk it. Not if it meant the possibility of one that I have care for meeting harm. He said he knows the way back to the House of Holding.
When I am able without the risk of Humans interfering, I shall go back. When I am able, without fearing for life, I shall go back.

I do not only fear for my own -- I have faced fear of this before and overcome it.

I am however, confused in my thinking. I must do as Cinder asks me and find out how to destroy the Hunter. I must destroy the Hunter, then I must find out if I did the evil things. And if I did, I must seek penance, somehow.
And then I must rebuild what was fallen.

Cinder said it is safe. He has yet to tell an untruth to me.
I must keep that at heart for now. I have no way of finding it out for myself and I do not think ghosts seek the living.

It is no wonder people have fear for ghosts.

Still, I must keep to my goals. I shall speak when my mind is bearing less fog.
