Topic: Some Doctors make housecalls


Date: 2007-08-05 22:29 EST
Kitty had told her of Renne's predicament. Of course she immediately agreed to go visit the little imp. He was a good soul, even if misguided and possibly brought to insanity by his own grief.

So it was with this in mind that she came to where they held Renne. Locked behind bars so he could not hurt anyone else. She spoke to the guards, explaining who she was and why she was there to see the imp. She even made sure to show them letter given to her by the Governor, granting her access to her new patient.

The guard who was overseeing things that day looked over the letter, then eyed the fae dubiously before reluctantly allowing her access.

"We cannot guarantee your safety, if you go in there M'am."

"I'm not asking you to guarantee my safety, Lt. Starling. I'm asking you to let me go see my patient. And honestly, has he really shown to be any serious threat since he's been locked up?"

"Well, he keeps scratching the hell out of the walls. There's no telling what he would do to you with those claws of his."

"If I were in his shoes and had claws, I'd be scratching up the walls too. Now quit being a ninny and let me see my patient!" Chryrie's patience was wearing thin, and that was never good for the person being the cause of it.

"Fine. Suit yerself. Officer Carlash will escort you to the prisoner's cell."

He waved her away and she snapped the admittance paper signed by her sister from the man's grasp with a cold smile. "Thank you Lt. Starling. I'll be sure to let the Governor know of your willingness to cooperate."

He grumbled wordlessly, as Chryrie turned to follow the officer to where they were holding Renne. Before they opened the door for her, she could see his little blue form, hunched down in a corner. The sight tugged at her heart and she sighed. The poor dear.

"Hey blue dude! Ya gots a visitor. Don't be treating her like the walls, eh?" The guard unlocked the door and let Chryrie step inside the cell.

Once the door closed behind her, she sat down on the floor across from Renne, getting closer to his level. Of course, she knew he couldn't actually see her, but she hoped the sound of her voice coming not from above, but from across would help put him at ease. If anything, maybe her scent would help as well. Her scent was similar to Kitty's in that they both carried moredhel blood, but her fae side mixed that scent with that of morning mist.

"Hi Renne. Kitty sent me to talk to you. I'm her sister. I'd like to help you, if you'd let me. Will that be alright?"


Date: 2007-08-06 00:04 EST
At the Door of the Mind

"Amani utupe na-u sta wi."
-Kenyan prayer

His treasures had been added to.

The not-fyrewine was put where all his other treasures were -- in that pocket-dimensioned pocket of his. The yeti furs were immediately put to use.
One was wrapped around himself and the other was spread on his bed as a blanket. Though honestly, the furs provided a most comforting sort of cocoon for him to burrow into.
A most perfect place to be safe and reminded of home.

So his treasures had been added to and became among his fiercely protected belongings.

The day had been one mostly filled with rage. True, this rage had been thwarted the night before but now it demanded release. So the wall that hadn't been dubbed as a canvas was attacked yet again.
Yet again, he cried and yet again he bore the disorientation and exhaustion.
Today had a bright spot though and that bright spot came in the form of yeti fur, words and not-fyrewine.

As "today" became "tonight", solitary thinking turned into high guard as he heard the door open and the Female called Chryrie enter.
Immediately, he turned toward her voice and let both ears go up.
Immediately, is useless eyes that forever shed tears narrowed in guarded distrust.
Then he caught the scent.

Now his ears began to twitch like mad. Old survival instincts rising to the surface first, he edged forward like an animal unsure of whether something new was a threat or not.
Her words then made sense in his mind and he backed up with transparent teeth warily flashing just a bit. Not fully bared. Just a momentary flash.
And maybe for spite or something else, he gives the guard a sharp hiss that has a definite tone of "Piss off, Humanoid!"

Now back to the Female.

"Kitty sent me to talk to you. I'd like to help you."

The words puzzled him. And put him on edge. The last thing he'd ever tolerated in his years was pity and he'd make that thing clear straight-up.
He said nothing at first but his expression was enough. It was guarded, unsure, confused yet it held the look of one who had at one time been completely and utterly autonomous.
And he was prepared to go that road again if need be. No, pity was never tolerated.

The look didn't last long though. It faded into one of question and finally, he got his voice to cooperate. He didn't mean to sound as sharp as perhaps he might but walls eight years thick are well-built and tough.

"Eeh. Wha-t yeu say forrr?"


Date: 2007-08-06 21:00 EST
She calmly watched him as he hissed at the guard. The flash of teeth at her person was not entirely unexpected. This imp had been through a lot, and so she simply sat there and waited for him to either say something, or attack her.

"Eeh. Wha-t yeu say forrr?"

She remained quiet for a heartbeat or two to consider her reply. Her voice remained low, calm, soothing to the point of being almost motherly.

"Well, Kitty wanted me to talk to you. Help you figure out why you're in here. But... that's really up to you. We could just sit and talk about other things. I hear you like to read. We could talk about the books we've read. Or, you could choose to not say anything. That's fine too. But I did get special permission to come visit you, and if anything, perhaps you'd enjoy the company."

She looked around the cell for a moment, taking in the sights on the walls. Her breathing never changed, but her eyebrows went up slightly, not that he could see it. Then she turned her head slightly.

"However, if that human doesn't stop eavesdropping, I'm going to shove a fireball up his backside!" Her voice rose just a fraction, making it perfectly clear it was meant for the guard outside to hear. And, as expected, there was the sound of the guard moving away from the door.

"That's better. Humans are so nosy. Anyway, it's not like I feel sorry for you. I just happen to think you're a sweet person, and I think it's horrible to be alone all the time. I know if I were in here, I'd want visitors."

The fae leaned back against the doorway she was sitting near and simply watched him for a moment. "Or I could just take a nap. Hope you don't mind if I snore."


Date: 2007-08-06 21:46 EST
Alone Against Unlocked Doors

"I've seen your world with these very eyes
Don't come any closer, don't even try
I've felt all the pain and heard all the lies
But in my world there's no compromise."
Steve Perry, I Stand Alone

He couldn't stop the expression from coming to his face. It was somewhere between an amused smile and a sarcastic smirk, that expression. Yes. Most humans were indeed nosy -- not curious. Nosy.
And most humans didn't have his trust as far as he could throw them.

This was Rhydin and one had to always watch one's back. She had however said one thing that made him both bristle up and deep inside, crack.


He hated it and yet he preferred it.

No one could burn you. No one could catch you.

Edging closer again, his ears flatten back a little. Listening but guarded to the point of near-autonomy. He was still trying to gauge her, interpret even the merest shred of emotional emanation.
And he tried to think of something to say.
Nothing more than the truth came out of him.

"Rrrr-enne ah-lone."

He hesitated then. For years he'd stood as such. Too many years, he'd stood alone.
It all amounted to mere survival.

And he wanted to thrive.

He chose his words as carefully as she had chosen hers.

"Rrr-enne ah-lone. Rrrr-enne kno-w why Rrrr-enne hee-rrre."

His last words came out more harshly than he'd intended but there was a dark streak in his thinking. He'd called it "The Hunter" and this Hunter's voice came out through his words.
He didn't like it, this voice.
It spoke of abandonment.
It spoke of failing.
It spoke of how quite useless he had been for six long years.

Renne shook his head and let out a frustrated growl. Damn the Hunter, damn him!

It was time for the Hunter to be taken by his own spear.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2007-08-12 11:18 EST
Kitty paced impatiently in her office, waiting word from her sister.

Chryrie hadn't been talking to her since that deal with Mu, but she knew she'd at least get *some* information.

Of course there was that whole patient/doctor priviledge thing, so she wouldn't get details. But at least she'd know if he was alright in there.

She was trying to sort through the details of the clinic she was preparing to build, but the distractions.

She glanced to the letters she had received. A couple from Harry, and one from some girl who had a guy's name.

Maybe soon she'd have some information to send them.


Date: 2007-08-12 11:26 EST
Chryrie watched him as he moved and spoke. Her brows knitted together as he said he was alone, and he knew why he was here.

"No Renne. You're not alone. As long as you have friends who care about you and worry about you, you're not alone. Although... it feels like it sometimes when things are rough... doesn't it?"

She looked down at her hands. How to do this...

"Harold... is alive. I guess he did hurt himself, but he survived. I don't know who helped him, or what happened while he was gone. But I do know he's returned. Kitty was very angry at him. She blamed him for you being in here. But he's very worried about you too. I don't think he's come to see you because he's afraid of how you'll react to him."

She sighed and looked to the imp. She finally allowed her emotions to seep out. It was a mix of tired, worry, and some confusion. The kind of confusion that comes when you have dozens of questions that remain unasked and unanswered.

"I... I'm not sure what it is you need, Renne. But I'm here to give it. Whether it be an ear, a voice, or just someone to hug. My daughter says I'm really good at that last one." She weakly chuckled.

"I can even go find Harry and give him a good slap for you if you wish."


Date: 2007-08-12 14:45 EST
Eyes Wide Open

"Paradox, is my world. The scales of Justice stand with me at the arm; child-learner at the end and brother-protector at the edge."

He listened.

And for a while, he kept still.

It didn't work.

In a matter of minutes, he was at the wall again, scratching out drawings on that one wall. Either tracing back the originals or adding new faces.
Dartha was added.
Ashes was added.
Cassia, Ryven and Galos were added.

He spoke then as more people were put on the wall and some were ruthlessly clawed out.
Amadeus disappeared.
The nameless ones disappeared.
After all this time

"Serr is ghos-t. He dis-ah-pearrr. Li-ke 'Chee. Li-ke Gah-los. Li-ke Drrrrah-k."

Ah. Raen, Drak and Sneaker's faces were added.

The image of the Maritime was altered.

The rays of light became accented with a flame or two. His own image was erased from the group image and a candle's depiction was placed up near the top. It was like this in much of his mind -- depictions where words weren't always enough.
He kept working at the images as he spoke, not caring that the faces were but guesses. He'd never truly seen what any on the wall actually looked like. He drew on emotional signature.
All signatures were clear and of their own individuality.
I never thought I'd be here

"Serr dis-ah-pearrr. Is hurrr-t. Rrrr-enne wahn-t trrry hell-p bu-t..."

He stopped. Part of him rebelled against the darker feelings. Part of him cried out against speaking of the more dreadful thoughts concerning what had been home.
What had been heroes.

He moved on to another image.

The image of Pendrell on the wall became more defined. The details were there but now he added to them with painstaking precision.
He wanted something to live, somehow.
Even if it was already dead.
It was this that gave him the courage to speak on the darker side -- the side of his thoughts that he'd give anything to have removed.

"Ahl-ways, leave be-hind. Eey-ess, Rrrr-enne noht li-ke mahn. Bu-t why be-hind ahl-ways? Eey-ess, some-ti-me is prrrro-tect. Rrr-enne thin-k."

A moment of uncertainty.

"Bu-t nev-errr Rrrr-enne cahn hell-p. Nev-errr. Li-ke whe-n Serr rrrun ah-way ahn-d Rrrr-enne trrry to fol-low in big col-d."

He shuddered at the memory. His homeland had been a place that would've flash-fried even a dragon so the yeti furs had immediately become a beloved treasure. Beloved and functional in keeping his temperature more to where it ought to be.
Indeed, one of the furs hadn't come off even as he moved.
When my love for you was blind

He had to go on and say it.
There was no turning back.

"Serr noht tell why. Ohn-lee go ahn-d dis-ah-pearrr. Rrr-enne fol-low in big col-d. Bu-t... Aigh!"

To the Abyss with words. He'd show her.

It wasn't telepathy or magic. Just one of his scientific tweaks of the atmosphere as he released the memory for the naked eye to see.

It was the truth as he'd experienced it.

--He'd panicked when he found the note and the gun. He knew what the gun meant and lacking the ability to foresee any future events, he'd tucked the thing away and kept it safe.
Logic was preciously scarce now, even as he planned and in the end, bundled up in furs he had back then and took off to find one of the few that had become a hero.
He took off in the winter snows to find one of the two humans that had become as this.

Ultimately, he was found. But ultimately, Renne met only a strange silence. Questions left unanswered and admittedly, he was afraid to ask.
Ultimately, the sides of him spoke.

He doesn't need you. See how he avoids you.
-I will still try. A T'hyhar-an is sacred!-
And you came too late.
-I still try.-
Be logical. You expect it out of him.
-I expect nothing. I only care. I wish to be at his side and help. When needed. Like 'Chee.-
You are not like 'Chee. You are inferior.
-Does it matter? No. I read his signature.-
Does he know this?
-I do not know how much he knows. The People always know emotion-signatures.-
He does not. He builds walls for the unworthy.
-I will still try.-
Is that why you revealed to him the Green-Eyed One's final words?--

The drawing of Pendrell was vividly detailed now. The wings were bolder. The face was more defined.
And the eyes were wide open.
Part of me died when I let you go

He let the memory fade as words tumbled out of the mental wormhole. He backed away from the wall and dropped to his knees in front of Chryrie.
He dropped like a man on Judgment Day.

-You're not expendable-
-...brothers are brothers, lovers, lovers-
-I dub thee the Tree Biting Imp Extraordinaire-

I loved you more than you'll ever know.


Date: 2007-08-14 21:11 EST
She silently watched him as he scratched into the wall. She didn't know many of the faces that were there. Truthfully, she knew maybe only one or two. But she still watched and listened to him. She even crept closer so she could get a better look at the scratched art.

She knew why he was left out. But would the answer be something he could understand?

As he turned and released the memories for her to see, she caught her breath. Her eyes widened, the kaleidescope depths swirling out of control as she took in the emotions and the internal conversation.

Then, as suddenly as it began, it stopped. She blinked a few times and refocused on him, only to see him drop in front of her.

She lifted her hand as if to place it on his back, but paused. How would he react to touch? Would it upset him? It was a risk she was willing to take. And so she gently placed her hand on his back.

Of course the touch would amplify any empathic bits he picked up from her. There was the same worry and confusion, but even with the touch, they were little more than trickles. The fae learned long ago to not let her emotions rule her. She was mostly calm, like a pond on a windless day.

"You are not abandoned intentionally. They wish to protect you and do so they only way they know how.

Humans often distance themselves from loved ones when they are afraid of the loved one being hurt by something that is hurting themselves. It's not... logical. But humans often lack logic when they are upset.

They build walls inside themselves because they don't know how to ask for help. They want to be strong. They don't know they're only weakening themselves."

She gently rubbed his back through the furs. Her fingertips were extremely warm to the touch, if he could feel it at all.

"You could help if they let you. They just don't want to burden you with their problems. Silly humans keep forgetting that problems are much less of a burden when you share them."

She tilted her head as she looked at him, bundled in those furs. "Perhaps I should bring you a heat stone. It'll help keep you warm."


Date: 2007-08-15 02:21 EST
Humanus Minae
*Rated PG-13ish for some semi-graphic description*

"You were almost kind. You were almost true
Don't let me see that other side of you
You have learned in time that you must be cruel.
I'll have to wait to find the best of you."
--Either Way, Guster


Human strengths.

And human weaknesses.

He heard her and listened. He allowed her to touch him under the furs and didn't flinch. He listened and dissected every word she said. He couldn't understand it entirely even if much of it resonated within his own self.
But he was a paradox.

He detected her confusion and after a thorough dissection-and-analysis, he sat up and shrugged the furs off of himself. His long hair was still gone and he bore all the scars of his life be it from sheer survival or risking his neck for something he valued. He'd encountered many things both fair and foul. He'd survived three wars between nations. He'd lived to tell the tale of a civilisation put to its death.
He'd learned about honour and friendship.
And he'd learned about betrayal in its many forms.

This, however, was a new and very alien concept.

How can a man be left behind for his protection?

It didn't make much sense.

Letting his useless eyes turn a perfectly neutral, emotionless slate-gray, he schooled his expression and initially put up his guard. He wasn't sure about this. About her. About anything anymore.
And as much as he dreaded it, despised it, a dark seed had been planted.
Never again would he trust a Human.

Thankfully, that polluting beast was still small. So maybe he could eliminate it.
His mind opened up a bit to reveal something again. Not images but words. Words, emotions, questions, theories.
It was in a sense, a conversation between himself and that dark seed.
Himself and the Hunter.

It wasn't meant to happen. But it did. He controlled it yet allowed it.
Perhaps the deeper, more primal edges of his instincts had a purpose for revealing the image of the Hunter.

-Humans look after their own. Or did you not know that?-
I knew. Humans are social creatures. They desire one another.
-One another. Humans distrust other life-forms.-
Many do, yes.
-All Humans do. They fear other kinds. They weave Untruths to cloud you.-
Explain events.
The warm events. The events that produced Joy.
They were not. The Name is a treasure.
-Explain now, then.-
I cannot.
-Now you see. Humans are not to be trusted. Ever. How many have left life-forms behind?-
Many. But there were crises.
-Why these two? Measuring to them is impossible.You are inferior.-
There was a word. "Minor".
-Yes. Inferior.-
Explain the words on paper wishing protection! Explain the Instinct!
-Untrustworthy. Humans Betray always. They leave the inferior behind.-
Be silent! Silent! Humans need further study! Humans have the Capacity!
-Prove it.-
If it were an Untruth, would they have let the Thunder-Maker destroy the Lifestone?

This "Hunter" was a figment of his mind -- the dark seed that had taken root and fed upon the grief of so many months. It fed upon the fear and the knowledge of past experiences. But it wasn't until in these months the Hunter had taken a definitive shape.
It stood like a corpse rotted from years in the ocean. It grinned and of its own accord, released one of the many nightmares Renne had been plagued with since March.
The so-called Hunter spared no details either.

*-The night had fallen on Home and all of Rhy'Din. He'd followed the Duo back home and found them safe. It was for him, a confusing moment of hope and for at least another day, he'd nearly forgotten he had the Thunder Maker in his possession.
He couldn't keep it. It wouldn't be right.
--feared weapon--
--prized artifact--
Inexplicably he couldn't return the thing to Harold personally, so he'd settled for a note and the possession kept wrapped and protected.

It was then that things changed.

Thunder crashed in the night and no one knew until long after.
Words were spoken in a cold, stilted tone.

And then he came up out of the water one night as the imp came down to the shore.
He smelled like himself, of warmth, coffee and salt. But he wasn't him. So the imp backed away until he heard the voice.
"You're a man now, Imp. You're a man now."
That voice, the words made the imp almost-smile. Then he felt strange arms embrace him.
The arms weren't the same. They weren't warm and pulsing with life.
The arms were cold, drenched in ages of sea-water and felt like flesh still disintegrating. The chest Renne's head found itself against was hollow, incomplete and festooned with years-old seaweed.
And there was no Rhythm.

The sea roared around them with a steadily growing rage. Rain began to pour from the sky in cold torrents.
He spoke again.
"You're a man now. So take it like a man."
The voice wasn't warm. It lacked tone and inflection. The voice's emotions were impossible to Analyse. The stranger/hero let go of the imp and stood back. He grinned a ghastly grin on a face with flesh melting off the damp, cracking bone.
Renne felt the cold metal against his chest.
He heard the sea create a great tsunami.

And then he heard nothing but silence.-

He reined in his mind. If he went any further, it would be laid wide open for her to explore. And right now, he wasn't sure he could trust doing that yet.
How could he explain the terrible dualities he projected and felt?
How could he explain the side of anger, pain and outright betrayal?
How could he have her understand how much he loved every face etched upon the wall?

How do you speak of something too deep for words?


* From Letters to the Dead XXI: Tell-Tale Dreams