Topic: Spark


Date: 2015-04-14 22:52 EST

"In the Deep Halls, far from Men
Forsaken Red Mountain, twisted Kin
Hail the Mind, hail the Stone
Dwarven Pride, stronger than Bone."
--Dwemer Inquiries; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The animal ran. From somewhere, the animal ran from one world to another. It had awakened from a world only identified by fire, pain and a duty to wait.
To wait, for him. To wait, however long it took, however cold it had been in that other world, the duty was to wait. And now, the wait was over. One duty had been exchanged for another.
The duty now, was to run.

She was She. That was all that was known. She was She, and her duty was to run, to find this new destination. Immaterial she seemed at first, relying on a distant call. An echo.
Carry we...

?Spark, ignite!?

the words were wanted, desired, needed. The words were whispered above him and roared with the mightiest of thunder. He lay only partially solid in the grasp of hands he only partially knew. He knew his Mentor. He was beginning to know the others ? the Mistress of Night and the Elven-esque fellow who stood tall and slender, yet still as stone. Confident, yet cool and utterly detached.
Others began to join in this not-solid place of growing Untime. He listened to them all as well as he could, as his limits were explored. Beings he barely knew probed where once, only he alone went. Hands held, where once he had been left to drop.

?Spark, ignite!?


?Spark, ignite!?

Voices echoed to him across the things he hadn't touched or tasted in years. Men called to him, warning of icebergs in the sea, raging against fire and destruction. Songs came back to him, with the idea of taloned fingers dancing across lute strings. An alarm blared somewhere, preceded by a battle he could never take part in.
One by one, the past, the present and the future mingled into an incomprehensible muddle of what was, what shouldn't have been, and what might be.

?Spark, ignite!?

He was Tenebrous, yet these here accepted him. Welcomed him. The metallic surface upon which he lay seemed to curl in like fingers grasping him. Holding him. Protecting him. Supporting him. He couldn't speak, yet his mute mouth called for his Mentor.

?We are here, Tenebrous Spark.?

?Sweet child, sweet Tenebrous child.?

The voices drifted in and out. For a while, he had a strange sensation of running, of something or someone running, seeking. Searching. That time was of the essence, somehow.

He fell into an uneasy almost-sleep, his mind filled with dreams of things he had never known.


Date: 2015-05-01 19:40 EST

"You promised me human intelligence. Or is there such a thing?"
--Lockdown; Transformers IV: Age of Extinction

He awoke to voices. And alarm.

His chest felt empty, as if the very mineral deposit that had kept him alive for so many years was gone, its fusion into his skin dissolved. In a panic, K'Rhenne attempted to rise, seeking out that beloved stone. He was met by a metallic hand clasping over him, as if in a protective cocoon, a deep, bone-rattling rumble and voices.

?Hush, Tenebrous one. Hush. And listen.?

?He is not entirely Tenebrous,? came his mentor's voice.

?We see, Zor-Sithis. We see the Luminous and Tenebrous together.?

?The spark has ignited,? rumbled another voice. It was deeper than even that of K'Rhenne's own mentor, and he wondered silently within the metallic grasp he found himself.

?This is good,? a woman's sultry voice echoed.

?Logical. And fitting,? the Elven-like one spoke.

?He has not the Soul.?

?Will the Spark provide it??

?Yes, One of Metal. We ask, are you Anumidium??

?I do not understand.?

?We understand. You are not Anumidium, but like Anumidium. The Brass God. We revere you.?

?I thank you.?

K'Rhenne felt his ?cocoon? of metal fold open. The faint warbling of the Falmer that had accepted him began to resonate through the chamber. Admitted without pause, these Falmer warbled as if in approval. Above, the sultry woman, Zor-Sithis, the Elven one and the one called the Brass God spoke together. The troubling thing to him, was that he could not make out their words until they spoke directly to him.

?Awaken, and be balanced. Tenebrous and Luminous. Awaken, and be strengthened, for you are Ours. You belong to all of us. Blue is yours. Gold is yours. Black is yours. Red is yours. Heed us, and be strengthened.?

K'Rhenne felt his mineral returned to him, but it felt...different. It felt new, as it did on the very night it activated itself for the first time all those years ago.
This time was different. This time, Silver's hand had no heart to take. No talons to pierce his flesh and tear at him. No evil laughter. No reprisals of that one terrible mistake he had made. He was not punished this time, but restored in a way he could not explain.

?The spark has ignited. Will you serve us??

K'Rhenne chirped in confusion. The voices became gentle.

?We ask not servitude as a slave, but as a follower. As a sentinel, as a warrior. As our champion. Will you be ours??

?What....what happens to this one??

?We gift you with that which you have lacked. The Spark.?

?The... Soul??

?Of a kind. You remain as you are meant to remain, as is your nature, but we offer a Spark of your own. That you may no longer fear true Death.?

K'Rhenne wept with those words. For so long, he had feared that true death, that all of his kind had feared, were meant to fear. He was stronger. He had adapted, and had faced anger at the very act of adapting and surviving. Now, he wondered what indeed he'd done to have this bestowed upon him.

?It is what you have done. What you will do. And what you have not done, that we bestow such, Tenebrous One, Luminous One.?

?This one...does not understand.?

?My charge. You overcame that which humans never overcome. You redeemed your name after a fall of your own, in reaction to human failure. You acted with honour, even when you fell. Now, you have risen in this foreign land.?

?Will Mentor leave K'Rhenne??

?No, pupil. I have sworn, as have you. Now, others come to do the same.? Zor-Sithis' voice sounded indulgent.

?This one...This one shall be yours. Who is it this one belongs to??

?I am the Queen of Shadow,? said the woman.

?I am the Voice of Logic,? came the Elven one.

?The Falmer are of the Snow and Sun,? Zor-Sithis translated.

?I am the Brass God, Numidian,? resonated that incredibly deep voice.

?Now. Rest once more, and rise, to return to your worlds.?

?May Khajiit return here??

?Yes, at any time. Now sleep. The Spark shall burn for you.?

Somehow, he was comforted by these words, assured that not a single human stood with him. Strengthened by word and metal and stone. He could come back here, and have refuge. And he could return to the world he knew, and face its hostilities. He could face them all, stronger than he had been in too many years.

Yes. The Spark had ignited.


Date: 2015-05-18 18:37 EST
--Dated: May 12, 2015 RSC--

"From a little spark may burst a flame."
--Dante Alighieri

He couldn't wake.

He lay in the hold of strangers, dreaming of a past that was no longer his. Memories were dreams, misted in things he could no longer reach. Names called out to him. Voices that had been silent for years began to whisper.

?What is wrong??

?He does not wake.?

?Why, Zor-Sithis? He should wake by now.?

?Hush, and learn why. There is pain here. Old pain.?

They stopped and silenced themselves. They listened, watched the creature in their hold as he dreamed and remembered. They found things of a past that no longer was. They saw an appearance he could no longer take, and they heard him speak with an innocence he no longer had.
The name drew them back, startling them with the sweet pain it carried.

?Ah, cease! The hole within has no end!?

?The cold wound has not closed.?

?Can we close it??

Zor-Sithis shook his mighty head.

?Why must he live with it??

?It is his glory and his pain. You witnessed his Golden Age, did you not??

?We did. But that age is no more. It is fallen into dust and death.?

?Yes. I could grant him the Power he earned, but could never return that which was taken so long ago.?

One of them was silent for a while. When he spoke again, his deep, rumbling voice carried through as if it could speak to many worlds.

?Could we help him build another Golden Age??

?That is a possibility.?

?We will build for him a Golden Age, one without end!? Nocturnal's voice rang out.

?Yes. Enough suffering has been had, and he is neither the Luminous nor the Tenebrous, but both.?

?Let us begin.?

Silence reigned and they allowed K'Rhenne to dream. They guided him with subtle touches and whispers, steering him toward brighter dreams and away from the darkness of that Golden Age's end. They didn't let him near the crumbling tower in its desolate wasteland. They didn't let him near a building that no longer existed, nor did they let him near the shadows of humans who knew only greed, lust or betrayal. No. They constructed a world for him, an idea for him.

It was a world of his own, taking the glories of the past and the strengths of the now, throwing it all into a cauldron of potential. When his time to wake came, they knew what they would ask of him.

Before he left Mundus, Aetherius or Nirn, he had a final gauntlet to run.
Before he left Mundus, Aetherius or Nirn, he would find his own glory that none could take from him.

And before he left Mundus, Aetherius or Nirn, the NightRunner and Steel Ranger would be one, complete being.

Rebirth was never an easy process, but the end result this time, was determined as good.