Topic: Time is slipping away


Date: 2008-03-23 23:50 EST
Time is slipping away: Earth girls are elves?

~ Knots my heart and soul tied many times I would die
Born again to do it again. Shadows bring my day, my friend~ - by Me- from Portioned Souls.

He drank some more coffee despite being stale it was the closest of thing to home. Home for him had become a balloon of a word anymore, meaning a piece of shite pile of blankets, a glowing campfire or a cozy tavern.

"I never felt so beautiful and good since then".

It had been a week now since he had seen everyone leave the snowy north. Renne wandered alone to path a destiny, which was his own. Captain Tapole and Jarrod left heading back to the harbors, perhaps. He was then alone save for angels who tempted him even now. Perhaps it wasn?t Renne?s letter, which drew him, but mayhap it was his own lust for a campaign to destroy any angels they may come his way. Since that day he had vowed himself to terrorize the presence of angels. He felt his body make contact with Azrael he could see his own life being taken away. He saw his breath rise in the cold as he blinked softly staring into the severed head across from him. His arm had been severed from a sword the angel?s head grasped tightly in his other he saw its body jerk whilst he drank from the blood in the snow. His eyes widened like the horizon, he could have sworn this was all a dream. If only he had been so lucky.

He tilted the blinds on the room looking down below at this shattered hellhole. Who knows how long those beans have been left out? He looked at himself in the reflection of the spoon distorted after he stirred more sugar. He could not see his elven ears nor could he make out himself he must have transformed into his other self as he separated himself from the other world.

Finally he was separated from everything he had cared for and there was nothing left to look forward to. He closed his thoughts for now and sighed as a human had entered the room. He was lost in a world he knew little of and worse he had lost his strength to fight.

"Okay miss tell me from the beginning, again what were you doing naked in the city with a man whom witness claimed you killed then devoured his flesh"?

The man leaned back and lit a cigarette and puffed an air of smoke his way, it made him shutter, and even their smokes were vile and crude in this world.

Cinder sighed kicking the chair away and grasped the coffee drinking slowly bringing the cold chains around his wrists to his chin as he sipped. He knew he had been trapped in another game and it was all someone else's fault. He silently stared down from the tower below at the metal machines on the blackened roads below.

"I already told you. I already told you everything, let me out of here you fool"!

He gazed at the man once more. He had taken off his jacket since last. Still his white-ironed shirt and tie gleamed perfection as he sat casually at the opposite end of the table drinking the same stale coffee as his. Had humans even less taste in this realm he thought.
"We have no records of a Cinder Shirastan in our database or even an island called Plygrethia was it? Since you insist that you are an elf and a man makes us confirms our first impression. The fact you had killed a man and were devouring his flesh leaves little hope for you. To be honest we are conducting an autopsy and so far the victim is not even coming up on our database he's not even human"!

Jen smirked and pushed the coffee mug over letting the awful coffee spill out onto the table, at least he had both arms in this realm he wondered if it was possible that this was what happens when magic is extinct, humans reign supreme and become even more selfish. "You are a fool. Your kind are all fools, open your damn minds to the possibilities that you aren't the only ones trying to live. You are just as bad as angels. You shall not convert me to your rule human"!

She kicked and screamed tossing the chair against the mirror. The chair bounced off the reinforced glass mirror, the observers on the other side whispered as they watched the woman. She pounded on the walls and tried to force herself out the small window. The detective quickly got up and grabbed her, she turned around pushed him down powerfully. Onto the table she tried to grasp for something that wasn?t there. After several attempts a few officers entered the room and subdued her, one punched her in the stomach and then was dragged away by two officers out of the room. The detective downed which was half a cup of his coffee staring into the mirror and slammed the mug down shrugging his shoulders as he wiped his forehead exhausted.

Cinder sighed softly curling up alone into his cold single cell it was just as it was many many years ago living a lifetime within iron bars.


Date: 2008-03-30 01:11 EST
Time is slipping away: Sans, comforts of home.

"I'm Cinder Shirastan, a Ferisha from Plygrethia. Humans call my kind Elves, in my world we are known as Kalveas, not Elves. Humans were different back home. I never had success in finding my world, for thousands of years I have searched. I was living in a world that was closer than ever to my goal. Now here I am in a city called New York, I fear my goal has been erased by my previous actions".

He finished etching which he just said onto the stone walls, it was crude and hard to do with a fragile peice of charcoal but he had managed. Cinder sighed with a slight grin and walked to the corner of the room looking at the toilet and sink. A simple white toilet inside a building, not in a forest outside a cottage like his home he thought it was strange to be here of all places. He looked at it for several minutes having to go but knew he was being watched. He looked at woman across from him in the other cell.

"They could have planted some trees or bushes".

He pulled down the clothes which they had provided; a faded blue jumpsuit that was embossed in white letters N.Y.P.D and gray socks with black bands on the toes. He leaned back rolling the toilet paper up and nodded, as he sat. How he hated the situation even worse. He was glad he had learned to use these toilets back there then try and learn in this world.

The cell across from him was a woman bound in cuffs. She was lying back in her bunk until she decided to spark up a conversation again. Her olive skin seemed dark in the dim light and her hair was tied back with a camoflauge print hair band. She wore baggy Denim Pants with suspenders with one hanging loose and a tight black tank. He had learned her name was Oliva Santiago. He thought she may be a Spaniard but he had never heard one with such strange English. They had talked for a few moments before Cinder got bored of her. He had asked her many question before she laughed at him, he figured out the world the country and place, the year and whole new vocabulary he had rather wished he never heard.

"Heyyo, Jenny, what be your problem huh? Gotta man wrong you out dere too? Call for bail bitch, it's what I did. Me, I'll be outta here soon. Wat you did to get here anyways huh? You ask me all dose questions before, let me in on you right"?

He turned red with embarrassed wondering why she would insist on talking to him while on the toilet, humans are quite strange he thought. Ah yes she thinks I am a human and a homey whatever that is he thought.
"What I wouldn't do for a nice tree or even a branch right now".

He tried covering himself; he hated people seeing him naked as Jennifer save for Rewa. He shook his head as she continued to nag him. Bearing his teeth as Jen made him look even more beautiful, he sighed wondering who was responsible for his demise in a world that humans have some how managed to take control of.

"Oliva, leave me alone please? I devoured the flesh of an angel, how about I make my next meal you human. Hey, yo, yo? Are you down with that bitch, we cool"?

The woman looked stunned but she then busted out laughing.
"You's crazy Jenny, you my girl though, you cool".

She shook her head and buried herself in her magazine, finally letting him have some privacy. Deep within the mind of Cinder, he imagined breaking free of the cell and shoving that magazine down her throat. He softly chuckled to himself as he finished up staring at the woman. He hated this world the least out of all he had been to and wished for once he would return to his rightful home.

He picked up the cup by the sink and filled it up tasting the water, he made a face dumping the water out into the sink. "Even Rhy'Din has better tap water than this".


Date: 2008-03-30 02:28 EST
Time is slipping away: No use for truths.

Cinder sat quietly on the cot as he opened his eyes he was surrounded by five officers. Of course he had already known their presence but he awaited him. Suddenly the detective in charge of the investigation came walking in. They parted so he could sit down beside the cot on a foldable chair he had brought in. He grinned looking around to them all.

"Well it's nice for you all to greet me a good morning, so what is on our agenda today? How about letting me go free and I'll give you this. Cinder unhooked the earring from his left ear on the tip. And offered it to the detective.

"I'm certain Keracite is worth quite a lot of money in this world so, please take it and let me go".

As soon as he stood he was forced down, he quickly snapped hooking the earring back in the ear. Letting a deep sigh he laid back and closed his eyes.

"If you don?t want anything from me and I cannot give you a bribe let me be, kill me or whatever and let it be".

"You tellem Jenny, Dats right"!

"Shut up Oliva! Really do what you have to do. I don't want to be here and sure as hell you don't want to be dealing with me. You won't get anywhere with me since I am telling the truth".

The detective whispered to the officers and they left the cell, he pulled up a stool and sat directly across from what he believed to be a deranged and beautiful woman, clearly more deranged he thought.

"Is that your real name or is it Cinder"?

"Cinder is the real name, it was given to me by my parents. I wouldn't lie but then again if I lie I may actually get out of here". He smirked pulling himself up on the cot and laid back down.

"Who is Jenny"?

"It is Jennifer, she is whom you see. But my true self is that of an Elf, as you would say. A male elf, but I have tried to be myself; I have tried to use my powers. I cannot remember really what has happened but I know this isn't my home. I know you don't believe me".

"I didn't say that". He paused for a moment staring at Jennifer, and nodded pulling out some papers from his pocket. He unfolded them and handed them to her to examine.

"Before we arrived there were some witnesses who claimed they saw a black mist around you and your victim. They said they saw long ears and claws digging into the chest of a man drinking blood. When the mist dissipated people only saw you covered in blood with flesh hanging from your mouth. Of course this was perhaps some sort of issue with exhaust from an automobile or something. Playing tricks on peoples minds kind of hard to see. Though these were the analysis reports on the victim and of wounds inflicted upon him which we assumed you were responsible for".

"Oh, but he's not dead I didn't even get to expel his head. I don't know what these papers are supposed to do for me why bother me human".

"Jennifer or Cinder whomever you are. Your story is about as solid as Jell-O. Your victim isn't human the wounds inflicted upon him aren?t from any weapon we are familiar with, the physical scratches left on the body aren?t human. Did an animal attack him as well, did your pet attack this man"?

"But he's not a man now is he? What is Jello"? Cinder tried his best reading the papers and had no clue to what it all meant.

"What is your name, he who asks many questions"?

"My name is Detective Pearson, William Pearson. Now that I've introduced myself how about telling me something else about yourself other than being an elf and from another world"?

Cinder sighed and stood and walked over to the wall with his writing. "This is the truth".

He sat back down and sighed softly, he felt so alone more than usual. He lay back down and closed his eyes.

"My name is Jennifer Cross, I am not sure what else to say. I lost my memory. I recall working part time as artists in a city with all sorts of people from all walks of life. On my days off I enjoyed going to the docks and feeding ducks. When I wasn't busy as mys.e..lf..I mean as a student I would at times visit friends but they don't live in this country".

She turned to the detective and smiled, she sat up and unhooked the earring once more. "That was a half truth, the earring go ahead and decipher the inscription if you can. I doubt you fools even understand the Leynchain Prose let alone heard of it".

Detective Pearson stood silently shaking his head in disappointment and took the earring from her. Walking out with the chair as an officer opened the cell door.

*Click* Thrugh* The cell door closed, the officer glared at her for a moment and stepped away tapping the opposite cell door with the nightstick as Oliva watched her neighbor, she got startled.

"What, yea dats right pig, keep on walking. When I get outta here I'm going to bust your ass then I?m gonna bust my mans ass, psht! He think I'll be playing, shit. Hey yo, Jenny what's wit you yo"?

Cinder shook his head and walked back to his wall written in charcoal, he picked up the smooth object and felt it's fine powder on his fingers. He could hear the Spaniard yapping away but he ignored her. He drew tiny doors and a press button device like the one back home and wrote. 1310 dibbel sozuti eir? He prayed silently and turned to Oliva whom fell silent as she stared into those mystical and beautiful eyes of Jennifer?s as if they belonged to some animal rather than a human.

"Just leave me alone". Cinder turned from her and washed the charcoal off his hands in the sink and then sat on the cot. He turned away from the wall only once to meet eyes with the officer on guard duty then fell fixated on the wall once more.


Date: 2008-03-31 00:37 EST
Time is slipping away: The fundamental laws that support our existence

Cinder coughed, or Jen did whichever was more belived in this world. The small soft frame hidden behind golden brown locks of curls admitted the youth and beauty of a woman. The eyes of an enlightened savaged looked further beyond the melody of this drawn out play that had begun. He sipped slowly the coffee laid before him each time his lips in their feminine manner curled back in disgust at not just the coffee but something greater, more sinister in the works. The presence of robust humans and stale coffee had it's toll on an elf and one couldn't take it for too long. Shaking his head those soft curls dangled from the ponytail making amber highlights dance within that beam of light from the single open slant in the blind. In simplicity a Levolor made adjustments to light but uncalculated by nylon coated cords and broken plastic dials a fragment of light only a sure sign it was time for a replacement.

"Jesus Christ, what next Martians land and hand out balloons"?!

Detective Pearson had yelled at his desk as clerk from the lab handed him a report. Jennifer waited patiently inside the interrogation room once more. She could hear the argument outside the three foot of concrete, cinder blocks, particle board, glass and insulation and was smirking with delight as he came inside the room. He threw down his manilla folder titled "Jennifer/Cinder case" and sat looking at is empty ceramic mug printed with the American flag made in china and felt weary of another caffeine battle.

"What are you so amused about"? He pressed forward looking to the woman across the table as he opened the folder and fetched his ball point pen in black.

*click* The spring unloaded the instrument and he was ready to write.

"I can only assume you checked into your database once more for my earring, and the other thing which I'm sure you were sure I wasn't so sure about".

Once more Jen smirk her lips curved with satisfaction at this which now was beginning to become a game to her. If Cinder an elf cannot be believed a woman with charms and beauty can make fools of them all. The detective took his right arm and adjusted it under his face cuffing his chin with his hand, the pen dangling sideways as he gazed into her eyes.

"And I suppose you expect me to believe your story. Yeah, we had checked into your earring". He tossed it across the table and bounced a few times before landing beside the coffee mug she held on the table. She looked down at it then back up to him.

"You are right we cannot decipher that whatever it is supposed to be, we haven't any material in our database either. What remains a mystery is how you have obtained any of it. The main gemstone has similar characteristics of a sapphire as it's hardness is concerned, it's nearly as hard as a diamond yet it even more lustrous than one. The metals are simple enough to encode a sort of silver alloy with common rubies over the border. What bothers me most of all is you".

"Me, how so"? A smile which fades as she tastes more coffee.


Date: 2008-04-01 01:56 EST
Time is slipping away: Mein Spanisch sucks als tut mein Gettos Englisch

Another day of existence was planned for Jennifer as she stretched from her mellowed white cot with blue sheet. She grabbed the enamel mug filled partially with once more awful tap water. Sitting up she yawned looking at Olivia whom already had begun her morning routine of shadow boxing. She smiled in comfort, despite her big mouth the Spaniard was quite busy and if she was in Rhy'Din she would have made quite a well to do warrior for hire.

She stood and stretched and left the mug now empty on the sink and used the toilet, a morning ritual for all creatures. The wall of charcoal was spent nothing was saved of diagrams and witting and Jen had resorted to using the half of the floor for he last fine pebbles of charcoal. There was nothing left to write and time would eventually slip away. Perhaps there is no hope, all is lost he thought.

"Hey yo, Jenny, what's good"?

Cinder nodded in response but not paying her too much attention.

"Morning Olivia".

With that response she finished her shadow boxing and filled up her similar mug up with water and took a sip not noting anything bad with the water. She leaned over to the bars and watched Jennifer quietly.

"I'm good". She smiled some and looked down at her hands for a moment and then back to Jennifer.

"Jenny? Last night you were mumbling in your sleep, you were saying something in another language, it sounded strange but you were crying at the end....are you alright"?

Cinder felt the concern within this stranger a criminal but his neighbor. He looked up softly and smiled through those bars, taking a slow sip of the water as Olivia took one.

"Thank you Olivia. Yes, I suppose I was having a recollection of my past. A nightmare. I know you of the Detective do not believe me but I'm fine really".

Olivia smiled with a nod and stood picking up her breakfast as the guard pushed it under the cell door, then it was Jennifer's turn. The guard watched the pale woman with animal eyes quietly waiting for her to grab her plate, as she did he smiled. Jennifer picked it up to her lap and waited for the footsteps to disappear and she smirked. She stood quickly and emptied the plate into the toilet.

"Don't tell nobody". Jennifer quietly whispered to Olivia.

She then flushed the food down knowing all to well something was clearly up with these humans. Perhaps Detective Pearson had given away some hint that they knew. Perhaps they had plans for this criminal who has no ties to this world.

"Sedatives..they take me for a fool". Jennifer looked to Olivia and nodded.

"I doubt you have much to worry, though if anyone asks, I ate my meal this morning okay"?

Olivia nodded stirring her mush of potatoes, egg and applesauce. She hadn't a clue but assumed that Jenny was on a diet.


Date: 2008-04-03 02:21 EST
"No one owes you, no one's to blame
Save for bad genes or DNA
Ask your conscience the why and how
Do it then
Do it when
But, do it now
". Ask DNA.

Time is slipping away: ICH heulen mit mein Gem?t eins anhalten belieben.

Jennifer remained silent as she stared at the lights on the metal grid floor. They changed from lightness to darkness and at times the glow of sun from the city skyscrapers lended its' warm day pass through. She had given up, Cinder, had given up. His hands clasped firm together in their soft human state, if there was magic there would have been Hell on Earth that day or prior to it.

Detective Pearson unfolded his hands and pulled out his smokes from his breast pocket from his Jacket. A Detectives calling card perhaps, but he had been smoking since a junior in High School. He lit one coolly and leaned over offering it to her.

" I don't smoke, not that stuff". Jen sighed but took the offer, she assumed it was the end of the road why not takes a risk. She coughed after her initial inhale and licked her lips tasting the disgrace. She dropped it on the metal grind and sighed looking at the man. He picked it up and put it to his lips.

"Suit yourself, by the way. How did you manage to subdue two officers, we had your food drugged to bring down a horse".

Jennifer smiled and licked her little flesh wound on her cuffed right hand. At that time they had guessed she ate her food and passed out on the cot, it was what they planned and Cinder made it all the easy. He waited hours till it was nearly morning that he had gotten any revenge for this hellhole predicament. She lunged forwards and bit the arm of one guard and kicked the hell out of ones side as she elbowed the one in the head she almost made it free but was slammed back by a chop to the gut with a nightstick, she passed out sooner than expected. If only he was bunked with Oliva, then they both could have escaped.

"There's no need letting you in on a secret be it a woman?s intuition or an elves. Whichever you find feasible is aright to me. Did you really think sedatives would put me out? It may have dodged my attacks but really you men underestimate elves...oh I mean women or was that Martian handing out balloons. Ah, yes I heard that..".

Her smile made him smile and no doubt Jennifer was charming despite that caustic nature Cinder was in when confined. He took a drag off his cig and let out some smoke and thumbed his brain for a moment looking at her.

"You haven't asked where we are going, aren?t you afraid"?

He felt an attraction to her even though he knew it might be what the data the other night proved. She is not a human, and then perhaps she is not even a she. But how could it be possible, he smiled to himself taking another drag off his cigarette looking at her cuffed in a jumpsuit. A few buttons released from position almost had him leer but those animal eyes gave him a turn to the floor as it shifted with their travel.

The elf that would be human grinned. "Aren't you the one who's afraid detective?


Date: 2008-04-06 04:32 EST
Time is slipping away: The decline of feelings based on charcoal truths

"I had a dream once that I found a doorway to my own world, I slipped and fell and landed backwards. I fell on my ass but I suppose that isn?t the point. Everything was a dream I had been living in episodes of comedy and tragedy. My origins came with me or as I thought they did, Plygrethia and I, nobody from home joined me on this curse. Perhaps there is the real Plygrethia waiting for me. Waiting for me in my destined world, perhaps I have made a mistake all these years. The love of a woman who I never could extinguish from my heart. The friends I had met and lost. These experiences perhaps they were all but a dream and only now have I woken to the truth this world called earth a land called New York is my fate".

Detective Pearson nodded looking disappointed and nodded to the man next to him. He was dressed an a simple gray blazer and white buttoned shirt he sat behind a desk hands folded the whole while The elf who would be human told everything, perhaps all the elf had said was but a lie, he too was beginning to doubt it all. Perhaps she had a grand imagination and that was all. The mind had played worse tricks on him before.

"What do you think Doctor"?

Doctor Rosen as Detective Pearson Addressed him earlier to Jennifer. He seem skeptical at the data provided based on DNA analysis and the several police interrogations and polygraph tests. After their victim of three days had sat in the basement morgue the body had vanished without any trace. No video logs no, false entries. He examined the brain scans four times and even the doctor himself had no true answer.

"I cannot say for sure she is clearly telling the truth based on the tests and mental and physical behaviour. The DNA is and brain scans tell a different story however, clearly this woman is not human I myself cannot determine if she is a she. He pulled out the transparent film of data showing the brain scan and pointed to the lower central alpex.

"This enlarge ridge is the only part of her brain different than a humans, while most of it is smaller than ours this part is quite peculiar. Still though there are many possibilities and the human brain is quite not fully understood".

Jennifer chuckled. "Are you a doctor or a clown, I thought you said I am not human"?

"It's still up to debate whether you are or aren?t, furthermore other things such as your earring, prove fiction to your ideals of another world. There is no Plygrethia or any of these fantastical worlds are you say, am I correct? These inscriptions yet quite rare aren't unknown. If I say so myself you are just a well educated girl who happened to find herself in a predicament too grand a scale to get herself out of".

He took a sip of his coffee and as a human with strange heightened sense perhaps that of an elf, she could detect his coffee was much better in grade as that of the police departments. Much like coffee, he had missed things even if they had been an imagination they seemed so real. Jennifer looked to Detective Pearson as he stood he leaned to Doctor Rosen.

"Thank you Charles, I suppose we should be getting back. Let me know if you think of anything else. I hear there are some other strange things happening back at the ranch".

He gave him a hearty handshake and nodded to Jen whom stood up, she was grateful to be un-cuffed but that fell as she was once again cuffed and led out of the office. On the ride back to the station he sat beside her, they both smoked a cigarette though this time it was some hokey organic brand, which the suspect didn't mind as much. She stood in the moving vehicle and caught the scent of something familiar but sat back down quickly as if blended in with the smells of Chinatown and the smoke filling her lungs.

'You know I think we can rest easy at least for now, I think I am starting to understand you". He grinned as he puffed out a jet of smoke; it sucked out quickly from the vent overhead.

"Really? So you believe me, that I am telling the truth"?

He put his arm on her lap, which made her shy away till she edged to the metal cabin wall, he looked at her with a grin and raised his hand as if to apologize.

"Hey, it's not like that. I was just trying to make you feel comfortable. I do believe you by the way".

He turned away from her and enjoyed his cigarette alone, as did the elf that would be a human. The rest of the trip back to the station was a quiet one; they parted ways behind iron bars and were reunited with her neighbor. Oliva winked with a smile from her cot as she woke up in her sleep and immediately dropped her head back on her pillow.

Jen rinsed her mouth and held her would on her wrist gently as she eased into bed, staring at the charcoal writings on the wall.

?Is that the truth, really??


Date: 2008-04-10 02:59 EST
Time is slipping away: Consumer

"What time is it"?

"It's one in the morning, go to bed".

"What month"?


"Oh, um it?s April get to bed Jen, I'm tired".

"April I don't recall... hmm what year is it"?

"Nineteen Ninety Seven, pleas Jenny, we'll talk in the morning, you've had us all worried yesterday".

?Oh, alright?.

She remembered yesterday in a light blur waking up slowly lying in vomit being turned over and passing out. Then waking up once more under a light and people wearing respirators. She held her chest for a moment wondering what it was that occurred, she hadn?t a clue.

Jen perked up just then. Unusually she tried reaching for something that wasn?t there but then felt almost sure as to what she was trying to grasp.


She sat back down and stared at her neighbor. She saw her thick head of hair and a side of her right shoulder in the darkness for a minute then she noticed her faded blonde curls at the tips. She noticed little details of the cell wall, posted pictures of her son Carlos, and grandmother Maria. The magazines at her sink, the small trail of red from the electric glow outside. She noticed fine embellishments on the night sky, trails of stardust and faint wisps of spiritual energy. She saw a solitary cat leap from a dumpster below the building without even looking down from the small window and around the corner.

"Alright". Jen softly muttered but by then Oliva had fallen asleep and Jen or Cinder that gazed back with a glint of something sinister.

?It is not a dream?.

Something had brought itself into this world and left a mark. Despite it's faint smell he was sure now that the familiarity of a few days ago had a connection. He stood and turned the faucet on running the cool water he splashed himself looking into the reflection, he only saw Jennifer starring back at him, her beautiful skin, soft lips a button nose and those eyes of an Kalveas.

"My name is Cinder Shirastan. I am the fox from Solas. My world I search forever will never be found. Plygrethia my land my home carries this burden with me, we both will forever search for home. I, only servant to one god, she had long since fallen, still I am devout and follow her always. Alas I am also Jennifer Cross but now I seem stuck in this illusion... that is this I smell so close and so familiar? I can smell you. Perhaps my magic shall return, you have opened something, which I feel and desperately hunger for. A friend or foe? Even as a woman, even as a human I shall fight...I taste the blood of an angel on my lips. I shall condemn the world I shall find my way to be a god once more"!

Jen fisted the wall and blood scraped itself off the walls she didn't flinch looking back in the mirror a grin, She smeared a bloodied hand under her left eye tracing the faint marks of the Saint's Tear. What was only moments ago a faint skin marking, now was inked black like a tattoo. She licked her hand only now feeling the pain but welcome.

"Hello beautiful". She winked in the mirror licking her fist with a grin.

She once more pounded her fist into the wall her other hand now scraped away from the stone as the skin peeled gently away. Licking the other she laughed softly and laid down on the cot closing her eyes letting out a sigh. Finally a chance to freedom...the fox, the elf and the human were quite glad, they had yet to meet this person responsible but was assured there was time for that. She sat still and focused and looked for the source, it was closer than she or he had expected.


Date: 2008-04-16 05:16 EST
Time is slipping away: Farewell Reluctant Residents

He looked onward for moments at him not believing or perhaps not wanting to. Perhaps this world had it?s; uses and befouled moments too strong for a wizard whom lost touch with reality which was beginning to shun his ways. Magic as a whole had been slipping away as time had for him rapidly if magic was to wane so was he, so was the Kalveas a Ferishan for Plygrethia.

Hands were exchanged, two women a earring of gold with rubies, their center of clusters un confirmed by the modern world, in the other a small token a copper sausaged by tropical shells. Oliva and Jen smiled thanked each other in their own languages each other unknown by the other but understood all the same.

"Gracias por el regalo". Oliva smiled, as she looked into those eyes of her neighbor, her animal eyes glinted in the red glow outside.

"Tice unnattowl sre". Jen bowed and hurried along by detective Pearson who knows, aided the blue one and the stranger he fell silent to love.

Low and out of sight they sat looking onward at the imparting moonlight that had once had created an annoyance now created a friendship. Jennifer unhooked her ruby earring and smiled folding it through the bars waving goodbye to one of the few humans she would ever hold so high.
The other clanged to her hand tightly as they turned, he wrapped her tightly into her arms and kissed her softly on those tender pink lips, her pale skin matched that only to the moonlight.

Detective Pearson brushed away a soft curl from her delicate framed face and smiled.

"I love you Jennifer. I see it know since the first time I gazed upon you. Before I took your case. You have good friends looking out for you. I hope you realize this, I fear this is good- bye may leave me forever constantly wondering of your heart".

She held him softly in her delicate hand and thought of him for just a moment. He was not truly Jennifer and to even consider owing a human once again was a burden Cinder or Jen would dare not tread yet there was still a hesitation.

"You are a good man". She held his hand in hers close to her face then took it softly to a kiss and smiled holding his firm rigid hands in hers.

"I know not all this will ever make sense and for what you have done all I can offer is thank you. I, as long as I could remember have I ever been glad to know four other humans, now I can say six".

Her imagination got hold of her for a second, she blurred, Cinder blushed as taken back by the embrace from the detective, and he held Jennifer close a kiss softly on the lips and smiled.

" I still don't know what to believe, you are so real to me Jennifer. I just wish I had more time to tell you, more time to understand".

He smiled unlocking the backdoor as the Imp lead the human woman further away, the detective closed the door firmly behind him and waved goodbye.

"Go now". Was all he said, as she looked back to him through the glass a twisted steel window frame with frightened eyes.

She nodded and hurried away with the one known as Renne leading the way, her sense took in the invitation of the darkness, she could taste the flesh and death through her body, still she had not become herself or himself as he had hoped. Her eyes filled with sorrow filled with many things sifted with emotions as she opened the grate offering him passage first.

"I'm sorry Ren, you have gone so far. I would never wish to see a true friend fail in my mistakes, my failures".

She kissed his head softly and rubbed his back.

"We should get you back to your place, where you belong. There is a woman whom loves you very much. There is a world that awaits you; I will look for you there, dear friend. I will find you then".

She seemed saddened by this and stood rubbing her eyes looking around the area for a sign. The source of magic was nearby.

"I never wanted to find friends, I never wanted a life elsewhere but my world however I had been cursed with the love of a friend in every world,
At times even unluckier to find one I was willing to wed, marry and share my intimate secrets with. Every time, every place I had been to. I love you; I hope you know dear one, Blue Rascal".

She knocked him back into the void knowing there were other destinies awaiting Renne and it was not his time for the Imp and Elf to go on an adventure. Cinder smiled to him self; glad by the disruption in the world his friend had made by coming here was now able to use his powers. He vanished from sight, as did his friend.

"I am sorry blue one, I am in many a sinner and have suffered, we should traverse on an adventure some time soon. Through hell, I shall leave you on the outskirts, you will find a juniper tree eat of it's berries and rest. Find your Captain when you wake, a gift of magic that will not hurt you".

A raven stood calmly for moments circling the imp then cawed harshly till it vanished, it's black feathers dropped around him.

"Find me on the seas surrounded by death, find the Naglfar. On the snowy lands I have left everyone. The blood of mine and an angel rest frozen in time. Carry me outward, place me in earth that is hard standing against the winds and pounding of the salty breath. There is a promise you have yet to fulfill and I have yet to allow it"

Jennifer grasped the air around her, a faint glimpse of the other world, Ostiklue in her hand she drew from her flesh and blood the spear, which called out to her and told her she was but a Kalveas destined to fail. She wept and the stars of Saturuis wept, fragrant metal stardust trailed down.

A slow and steady the breath of her lay slumped over in the arms of sleep. The circles of many Raven engulfed the ground and blackness was felt everywhere the mad cries and caws of those black ash birds. The signs of Madaruis and Jupiter engrained itself on this night. If his goddess existed she would have forgiven him bit forgiveness was now forgotten. Fires ravaged the snowy lands, wasted was snow, which boiled outward onto the sea. The elf, which returned, remained human now without an arm, Jennifer fell over onto the very spot Cinder had lost his arm and reached to but an illusion of himself, then to an angel a smirk smeared across is face laying next to her without a body.

"What now friend"?

Looking through the void she coughed up green, thick sputum accompanied by blood. Feeling the coldness of the world return, magic returned, immense power returned but the pain of losing an arm, being flung through time stuck through the elf.
"I wish I had died".
In that small female finger's of a human she instinctively tried for her left arm but fell as he tried to grasp to hold up. He coughed into the rotting earth of hell and fell silent turning onto the side looking sideways from mucous, blood and earth a t a beautiful and constant friend.

"Why don't you leave me, there is nothing for your kind here anymore".

She licked the sides of her lips tracing the now frozen blood from the angel who there, she had plunged into the other realm.