Topic: Help for the lost souls of Rhy'Din

Evening Star

Date: 2012-07-25 15:29 EST
For those who saw the post in the Rhy'Din Memorial Cemetery for Rose I would like to put out there that I'd be willing to work with other people who want similar things done. This character has a gift and she will use it to help others however she can.

If anyone has a character that could be helped by Kyra's skills feel free to let me know. Her travels in the dream world can allow her to connect to anyone, so you have but to tell me what she would find and what you want.

I would enjoy the challenge and the chance to be a part of your stories. So I make the offer to help those who find themselves wanting and needing it. I fear my vision for this character may exceed my writing abilities... All I can promise is to do my best.


Date: 2014-04-12 18:46 EST
I need your help... in and out of game... sing this for me... my song for all of Rhy'Din... please... I love them all so much... even the ones we done each other wrong in game or whatever... I them ALL

Evening Star

Date: 2014-06-03 18:36 EST
I'm sorry for everything that has been happening with your health and hope you are back soon. What you are asking would take some thought... I'll have to get back to you on that.