Topic: In which the world falls apart.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2014-10-23 14:58 EST

`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'

`What do you mean by that?' said the Caterpillar sternly. `Explain yourself!'

`I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, `because I'm not myself, you see.'

The tree house was a mess. Without Jasper's care and constant vigilance it had slowly fallen into a maelstrom of Rekah's creation. But, such was the way of the strangeling construct. It had been weeks, no, months since she had last seen Jasper. She didn't really speak of this to anyone. There was malignant magic afoot and she couldn't stop it or see it. But, the way between here and Dieanu was sealed off. She could no more get back to her second home than she could walk through a wall.

Distance was something she could handle. She was never really alone. Aida was still there as a silent sentinel, ever watchful and trying to figure out a way back to his home in Dieanu. No, there was something else happening. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Rekah sat down on a pile of clothes that doubled as a makeshift bed for herself and Ivey. She stared at the floor and watched a dust bunny roll slowly under the couch.

It wasn't that she felt ill. It was that she just felt less somehow. Nothing greatly noticeable really. Her eyes had shifted to a dull brown like the last of decaying leaves in the fall. Her voice had suddenly gone away. While, she was somewhat concerned. She was also used to things happening to her for no discernible reason. So, she didn't raise any red flags beyond casually mentioning it to Sal. And Sal, being the practical sort, had asked her if she still had her tongue.

She did.

But, she just didn't feel quite like herself. The shift in personality was small. She knew it was there though and didn't know what to do. So she sat and muddled through fuzzy thoughts.

It wasn't the distance, or being heart sore at missing Jasper and the twins.

This was a crack on a windshield that only promised to stretch across the glass until it shattered.

She felt like she was fracturing, breaking at the seams, quite literally. But, magic is a funny thing. Especially the magic that had been used to piece her together. It was always changing, adapting to other magical influences good or bad.

And, sometimes, things just fall apart.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2014-10-28 16:11 EST
There was something about buttons. She couldn't quite remember. And it bothered her so, as there were jars of them around the house. She moved them around, stacked them up, and put them in rows. Just jars and jars of buttons taking up space, she thought. Then, finally after a few hours (or had it been a few days?) she took them to the shore line and dumped them into the waves.

She stood there for a bit and watched the sand and waves swallow the buttons whole. The bright colors were lost to the waters and it left her feeling hollow. She wasn't quite sure why, and there was moment of panic when one blue button was almost tugged out to sea. But, she quickly scooped it up and put it between her teeth. Rekah continued to watch the waves long after the sun sank below the horizon.

It was dark and her feet had gone numb from standing in the cool water for so long. She turned and like a zombie shuffled back to her house to question Aida about the buttons again.

Pick me up, Dust me off
Give me breath, And let me cough
Drag me back, Collect my thoughts
I've come back to the land I'd lost

The palms are down, I'm welcomed back to town
Sometimes I feel like they don't understand me
I Hear their mouths making foreign sounds
Sometimes I think they're all just speaking tongues

Tell me all the things I've missed
Who's been killed and who's been kissed
(Drag me back, Collect my thoughts)
I'll be gone when the drugs wear off


Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2014-10-30 13:53 EST

She pinned the note to her hat and went for a walk.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2014-12-29 12:45 EST
Let me tell you a story. No? You don?t want a story? Oh. You want a fairy tale. Well, this isn?t a fairy tale, but it does involve magic, mischief, evil and love. Is that okay? Very well then, I?ll tell you part of our story.

Penelope?s Tale. Part I

She had been the first and full of flaws. Such is the case when something or in this case, someone was made first. She hiccupped into life and continued to live as such. But, I think her beginning is something she?ll have to tell you. It?s full of hijinks and heartache and a sort of resourcefulness that comes from being mad.

No, I?m going to drop you into the middle and I?ll tell you how I came to be.

She (and by she, I mean Rekah in case you were getting confused) had just managed a great and daring escape from one of the asylums that sat on the North Shore. For some inexplicable reason the developers thought putting a great number of mentally deranged people in a concrete block next to the ocean was a good idea. I can?t tell you how many just walked out and disappeared over the cliffs to their deaths or, perhaps freedom. (That?s all a matter of perspective.) But, not our Rekah she took off through the front door and didn?t stop. I am sure she spent a great deal of her first formative years running and didn?t stop. So, she ran. She ran away from the magical cures and the physical treatments because they weren?t effective. Or it could have been too effective. It?s hard to tell and I?m in her head. Rekah compartmentalizes everything so well it?s a wonder her own life is such chaos**.

What? This isn?t exciting for you? Give me time. I can?t really tell how exciting it was for her to be making a great escape in nothing but a hospital gown and top hat. (She?d never forget that. It?s where she stored her life!)

Her great escape though was short lived as she was snagged off the side of the road and hauled back to North Shore. This is where I came into life. As she was being hauled back through the front doors and making a giant fuss I easily just tucked her away for safe keeping. The orderlies were amazed as the sudden change in attitude.

Where Rekah had been non-compliant I was agreeable and articulate. Although, we had thought it best for me to just go by the name Rekah. (Changing names and personalities mid-stream would have been cause to keep us locked up for even longer.)
The doctors were overjoyed! I behaved. I took the medicines, although I tongued them and traded them off for more practical goods such as clothing and food. But, the shock therapy stopped as did the solitary confinement. The best part was that they stopped using all those ridiculous spells on us. I cannot tell you how much damage had been done to this body by the careless use of magic in an attempt to cure her madness. I am remiss that I didn?t make myself known sooner.
So, our permanent patient turned into a temporary one. I nodded and told the doctors what they wanted to hear.

?Oh yes. I?m feeling much better. See? I?m lucid and making complete sentences that make sense. I?m not talking about fulfilling a prophecy and subsequently setting a mattress on fire by accident. Nor are there strange flickers of light manifesting themselves on my skin. See? Your magic is working.? I was a very good patient. But, only because we needed to be free.

I even joined in on the group participation. But, have you ever been in a madhouse with bunch of mages and wizards that have lost their marbles. It is quite an experience and one I hope we never have to repeat. So, not only did Rekah have to deal with the doctor?s magic she also had to deal with the other patients? magic. It?s no wonder she ran away in such a frantic state. I almost did too. But, I held it together for our self-preservation.

It only took a month to be given the stamp of cured and sane. They gave me my walking papers as it were and I was sent back into the world. I was dropped off in the nearest town, Bugscuffle. Now, I?m sure you?re wondering what sort of town Bugscuffle was. Well, it proudly boasted 500 citizens and a brewery that was the main source of revenue for the little town. All in all it was a nice place to set up shop and get my bearings. Where Rekah was very good at picking pockets and stealing things I was very good at blending in with society and pretending to be like the rest of the herd. So, I started work at the brewery and lived in the worker?s quarters. It was the least magical job I could have hoped for. My body was twitchy for months with the residual magic. I could feel it tugging and changing every thread of our being. It was at the moment I had the utmost appreciation for Rekah and her ability to just power through such things. No wonder she was crazy. It was maddening.

But, so is the daily grind. I had the great (mis)fortune of getting to put the caps on bottles of Bugscuffle Ale. It was 8 to 10 hours of mind numbing work. It was also not easy as Rekah had already broken several of her fingers and never had them properly set. So, I was working with broken fingers and boredom. A very tragic combination when I look back on it. I guess we are all cut from the same cloth. So, my natural response to boredom was to liven up my surroundings.

I can?t help it that it happened to be putting a bit of magic in the bottle caps so that when the bottles opened they sparked. I also can?t help it that I had no control over the amount of spark. I just knew what to do. See, unlike the others I had some control over the magic. It was not much and definitely not enough to try to do anything with it. But, I did and I greatly enjoyed seeing people?s reaction when they opened up the bottles I?d tampered with.

Although, it didn't take the overseers long to figure out who was doing this to their product. It also didn't take them long to send me out on my merry little way with my top hat and not much else besides the clothes on my back.

I knew it was time for her to come back. She had settled enough to be allowed to come to the front. Plus, I was never one to live in the wild. I prefer a roof over my head and four walls of security around me. But, not Rekah. She's a wildling, a strange girl that finds a home where she lays her head.

What? Are you getting tired, Yvette? It?s just as well. This is where my beginning ended. It was easier for a mad hatter to run away from trouble. I rather liked our humble life in Bugscuffle. But, I go where she bids. And Rekah, as you know, is a force to be reckoned with. She is always driven to the end. The end of what? I don?t know. It?s her story to tell. Her life is all wrapped up in madness and prophecy. Sometimes that is a lonely place. But, between you and me, Yvette, she is probably the least alone person I know.

**Rekah?s great asset and valuable flaw is that if magic is used on her or if she?s in proximity to it for a long enough time she assimilates it. It becomes part of her core. Her body restructures itself, rebuilds and it backfires. It's important I tell you this, Yvette. It's the very nature of how we survive!


Date: 2015-01-02 16:29 EST
January 2, 2015 - Matadero

if u thought the world was ending 2morrow. what would u do?

Salvador had stared at those words displayed on his phone for quite some time after he?d received the message that morning. They had been words to sleep on, to mull over while eating. A question that did not settle well with him. A clue, he knew, to his friend?s continuing deteriorating mental state.

Shortly after finishing lunch, and after a shower, the Spaniard sat himself down on the floor just outside of Rekah?s permanent guest room, put his back to the door, tipped back his head, and sighed. He was well aware of her seclusion and brief emergence. The walls and floors of Matadero told him everything that happened on the premises.

?Rekah,? he queried quietly, even a bit uncertain. Though he knew of her actions, he had no way of knowing who was in the driver?s seat today.

There had been some shuffling and a thud, probably the closet door being closed. Her self imposed solitude was mostly because she wasn?t sure what was going on. She thought it best to work through these things on her own. But, she heard a name. It was one of her names, so she stopped pinning stars to the wall and opened the door. It was dark except for the christmas lights.

?Sal..? her reply was just as quiet and as uncertain, if not a little worried.

?Hi.? Also a normal reply.

Through the soles of his bare feet and the palms of his hands, the floors and walls warned him of her coming. So when she opened the door he did not fall backward into the room. He set his hands to the floor and locked his elbows to keep himself upright, but tipped back his head to peer up at her with a smile.

?Still Penelope?? He only asked, because she was talking. Little clues. He picked things up like that.

?Sort of.? She said and shrugged. ?Not quite sure what is happening in our headspace. But, it?s not unfamiliar.?

Once she was sure he wasn?t going to tip over she opened the door the rest of the way and gave him a lopsided smile.

?You can come in. I?ve just?? she paused, looked around and shrugged again, ?been hanging up stars.?

Twisting about, he grabbed the doorframe and hauled himself up to his feet. Salvador paused before stepping over the threshold and into the room to look up and around with a fond little smile.

?Don?t let Aoife see these. She?ll camp in here forever with you.? Not that that was necessarily a bad thing as far as possibilities went. That said, the Spaniard then stepped into the strangeling girl?s room, and aside in case she wanted to close the door.

Of course, she closed to door. There really hadn?t been too many times it was open. The door to the terrace was propped open. It afforded her a quick getaway when necessary.

?She?s always welcome. She knows this.? She spoke over her shoulder as the door clicked shut. ?As are you.? She handed him a small star then motioned around the room. Meaning at some point he should hang it up.

At some point, he would, but for now he only tucked the little star into the palm of his hand, still with a soft smile, and drifted around the room. His eyes roamed, drinking in the details of all the girl?s redecorating efforts. Clearly, she had been busy.

She couldn?t just be in one place for long and not make her mark on it. While he took in his surroundings she sat on the edge of the bed and watched him walk. She waffled on her next words. But, they sort of tumbled out.

?Did you get my question??

?I did.? Salvador?s investigative prowling took him to the open terrace, where he stopped to look out and feel the biting chill of winter air trickle in. From here they could see the open gates of Matadero. Rekah?s view was the front of the property. North.

?Do you feel like your world is ending, mi amiga?? He looked back at her with a sad and concerned frown.

?Mm. I know. We know something is different? ? She plucked absently at a pant leg. She was, indeed, wearing pants and a giant sweatshirt that swallowed her small frame. He was given a brave smile, because what else was she supposed to do?

?You know how when fall approaches you feel it deep in your soul? You know it?s right around the corner and you just have to brace yourself? I kind of think that?s what I?m doing. Preparing for some inevitable cliff that I?m supposed to walk off. ? She rapped her knuckles to her forehead. ?Or maybe we?re just stopping. It?s hard to tell.?

Her description of Autumn?s effect on him made the Spaniard squirm. Too accurate. He rolled the little star between his fingers in one hand, and reached across his chest to rub at the back and side of his neck with the other.

?Mm.? Salvador turned his head to look back out the open terrace doors again. ?There?s always a bottom under a cliff,? he mused. ?Water or rocks. You?ll land on something, and it?ll hurt. But you?ll survive this, nena. It?s what we do.? Survive.

?It?s more than just missing someone though. No, this is different. I know the difference between missing someone and whatever else this is. I can deal with sadness and being apart. I know he is alive. And we?ll meet again.. No, I just don?t feel right. I don?t know why.? She looked up at the ceiling and watched the stars she had hung sway as a gust of wind blew through the open doors.

?We?re always burning up now. Or falling apart. Breaking apart?? She scratched at her shoulder. ?Losing bits of who we are, who she is.? Shaking her head and out of that train of thought.
?It makes no sense.?
Salvador listened; it?s what he did best, even when he wasn?t looking directly at a person as was the case now. He looked up at the bit of wall just over the open doors, and that?s where he decided to put the star she had given him. He reached up and placed it right in the middle of the wall right there, like a guiding star. Once it was affixed, he stepped back and stared a long moment before nodding his own approval. Then he turned around to look her over.

?I?m not sure how I can help you.? That?s what bothered him most of all. There was the desire to help, to fix her, keep her safe as ever. ?I don?t know what?s wrong either. I don?t know if even I did know that I?d be able to help anyway.? Frowning, Salvador stepped over to sit on the edge of her bed.

She couldn?t help but smile as he hung up the star. But, her mood remained somber as it had been for the past few days. Waiting until he sat down before she launched into her next little speech. She cleared her throat.

?Did you ever own a sweater that started to unravel? Like at the shoulder? And it was easy to ignore at first? Because it was just a bit of yarn so you snip it and move on? But, then you wear the sweater again and the thread is still there and there?s now a hole. So, you try to sew it back together. And that works for sometime but then it starts unraveling in such a way that you can?t put it back together?? She glanced over her shoulder at him and didn?t blink. It was odd. But, she was odd.

?I?m like a sweater, Sal. I?m all sewn together. Maybe I?m just unraveling??

With a groan, Salvador flopped backward, pressing the heels of his hands to his forehead and closing his eyes. The Spaniard did not much like that analogy, because?

?That?s when you throw the sweater out and buy a new one,? he muttered. Couldn?t just run out to the store and buy a whole new Rekah, though. ?You?re not a sweater.?

She gave him a ?well-duh? look.

?I know I?m not an actual sweater.? Penelope-Not-Rekah gave him a long hard look then rolled her shoulders.

?I don?t suppose Rekah, me, whoever has told you where we came from? It?s a weird story even for Rekah. I doubt she?ll tell you. But, that?s neither here nor there I think.? She scratched at her shoulder again.

?Here. Let me show you something.? She veered off the subject as was typical for her. Twisting around and pulling the collar of her shirt out and down over that same shoulder she just scratched at.

Oh good. Salvador had started to become even more aware of that little detail. The scratching. He had been about to ask her, actually. He rolled onto his side, stretching to peer back at the girl, and then to his stomach which resulted in him half sliding off the bed before standing. He stepped around to get a closer look at what was hiding under her collar.

It looked like black ink in some lights and in others it looked like oil on water. It snaked from her clavicle back over her shoulder and was starting to make its way down her arm. She scratched at it again.

?Does that look like decay to you? Or am I just becoming a black hole? Or what is that?!? Her tone had been even up until that question when she sort of shrieked.

?It doesn?t even wash off. I tried.? That statement was weird from her.. Rekah willingly bathing.

Concern etched itself very clearly onto Salvador?s face. Hesitantly, he lifted his hands, the one lower than the other to touch, first, Rekah?s elbow. That was a silent warning that he intended to touch her a little more, because that was the only way he was going to be able to discern anything about this disturbing, spreading mark. Now or never was her chance to pull away before he did.

He set the fingers of his other hand to that inky blackness, and when he did a dim glow illuminated his irises. His lips parted as if he could catch the flavor of the scent of whatever it was washing over his tongue, too. Decay he knew intimately, but what was this?

She sat still. Well, as still as could be expected. But, she watched his face for any sort of clue, or expression that would mean he knew was it is. The decay of magic is something different than the decay of flesh. It surges and retreats not unlike a dying star collapsing in on itself.

Yes, this was new. Salvador knew about it from things his mother had told him before. Everything dies. Even the very fabric of the universe was subject to decay. Wards and protective spells always needed touched up and built back up to keep from falling apart completely, just as a car needed its oil changed frequently or else it would just explode. Maybe Rekah just needed a tune-up?

?You never answered my question. What would you do if you knew the world was over tomorrow??

Her words drew him out of his own head. Salvador inhaled and withdrew his hand, blinking slowly. The hand he?d used to touch the mark was pressed to his eyes, squeezed the bridge of his nose, and fell away when he exhaled. The other hand pulled away from her elbow even before that.

?I?d sit up on my roof and watch the sunrise one last time,? he said, turning away. Simple, maybe even a little romantic. He lived for sunrises. Don?t tell anybody he could be a sap.

She shrugged her shoulder back into the sweatshirt. Then she leaned over and gave him a one-armed hug.

?I think maybe you should watch more sunrises. Or moon sets. Or whatever. But, I like that. ? It was doubtful she would retell this conversation to anyone. She might even forget it by tomorrow.

?I?ll be okay though, Sal. I always am. Right? We?ll get through this like usual.? Statements and questions were better than riddles.

They were, but rest assured he was going to be puzzling over the mystery of her for a long, long time still. Moreso than he ever had before. He was determined now to put her back together. To keep her from unraveling and breaking apart. But for now, he put on his own brave smile and turned around to show it to her.

Salvador took her head between his hands, gently, and leaned over to press a kiss to the top of her hair.

?Always,? he agreed with her quietly.

In moments such as these it was best to put on a brave front. The unknown was a scary place. But, they were the best of friends and in moments such as these they were never alone. She gave him a smile that matched his own and hugged him.

?Always, mi amigo, always. But, we have to go now. We?ll be back. She?ll be back. I promise.? A quick kiss to his cheek. ?And never forget that we love you. Okay? That?s important. I?m not sure why. But, it is.?

She wriggled backwards and hopped to her feet with a natural exuberance that never seemed to fade even in the worst of times.

?Also, can we please get some pasta for dinner sometime? And meatballs??

Laughing, Salvador pressed another kiss to the girl?s forehead as he stepped back. When he released her, his smile was much more genuine.

?S?, mi amiga. How about tonight??

?I was hoping you would say that. I can?t survive off tomatoes and salads and pieces of bread.? Her smile grew. It was one that reached her eyes and made her wrinkle her nose. ?But, okay, we have to go now. Please close the door on your way out.?

Of course, she was going to make her exit via the terrace. Her and the man-eating plants had come to an accord. How? It was hard to say. But, it was working.

Maybe it was Matadero itself, keyed so strongly to Salvador himself. The property knew its own. The worst dangers lurked far, far beneath the surface anyway.

?Stay safe, nena,? Salvador said, on his way into the hall.

She was gone before he even had a chance to close up the room.

But he did close the door as she had asked.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-08 21:34 EST
We talked today, her and I. I stared at a reflection I called my own. But, it belongs to her, Rekah. Our fingertips touched on the smooth glass. She smiled and I smiled in return. We dropped our hands. I stepped back and so did she.

"I'm scared", she said as she disappeared from view.

"Me, too", I replied as I stepped into darkness.

We talked today, her and I.