Topic: The State of Things:

Lord Ayreg

Date: 2006-11-06 23:58 EST
To truly understand and appreciate this, you'd have to know the current state of RP on AOL. Every night, there appears dozens of herm taverns, herm innes, herm waterfalls. It's a great big hermaphroditic orgy every night.

For those that don't know that, a herm is, essentially, in terms of AOL RP, a regular genetic female packing male reproductive organs. A google search of "futanari" would be educational if you so choose to want to know more, but I would recommend taking along the brain bleach.

Without further ado. This scene happened between a friend of mine and me, where they were staring at each other after her character just smacked mine. It was rather like a staring contest. The entire line is gone, but I did clip out the part that really struck me as TEH FUNNEH!


Me: ::The staring starer stared at the staring one doing the staring while staring back. And there weren't even any long dong silvers to be gawking at. How about that?!::

Her: ::Naturally there were no cocks out; it was a bathroom, not a herm tavern. Everyone knows you whip it out there, and nobody pees in Rhy'Din. Unless it's a fetish.::