Topic: Spring Cleaning

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2007-07-11 20:58 EST
Moving through the halls of the Academy, Artemus motioned for specific adjunct professors to take this hallway or that and put up several monitoring wards. The main staff he was still allowing for them to enjoy their vacation, but these substitutes and assistants worked just fine for what he had in mind.

"Our second year begins at the end of next month, we need to have some of these things in place before hand in order to get our organizational issue taken care of. Too many students for my liking skipped classes last year."

The small gathering merley offered him nods of understanding as they broke off from his trail in ones and twos to set up monitoring spells that would record who passed through which hallway and when, during schedule class times.

"I want to know where they went and what they did. The occasional ditched course is fine, we've all been guilty of it, but I had reports that several students actually failed courses. That is entirely unacceptable. A schools integrity and reputation doesn't just ride on the shoulders of the faculty and staff, but the conduct and success rate of its students."

A snap of his fingers summoned a varitable army of goblins to his vicinity. Artemus looked from one to the other, each one being a goblin he'd been awarded for participating in this tournament or that upon the Twilight Isle.

"All right, you twelve, I want you to listen closely. Dran, Flan, and Kran, I want you three to go to the northwest corridor and take care of cleaning the windows and statues. Your supplies are already there waiting for you."

With giggles and a few looks that made Artemus almost question his decision to use the goblins the trio vanished in a poof of blue smoke, leaving him surrounded by nine others clamoring for duties. He closed his eyes then and took a deep breath, coutning backwards from ten. Multiple times.

"Mack, Trixie, and Malone. You three are in charge of sending out the letters in my office, each one is addressed to a specific professor and has their assignments for the coming year along with the paperwork for them to submit so we have what books they want to use as material in their classes."

Another trio of blue smoke clouds has six goblins down and six to go. This was looking to be a long day. It was a good thing he chose to start early.

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2007-07-14 22:01 EST
Even though Artemus told her to take the summer off, Rena was never one to listen to folks most of the time. Granted, she did take the first half but now it was time to get things ready for the upcoming school year. Last week she drafted help to rearrange the offices so here they were. First things first though: after spending a couple of night drawing up plans then redoing them to suit specific needs, on each wall was a sheet of paper showing where everything went. Once they were pointed out to the help, she went into the inner office and paused before going to the filing cabinets and started shoving.

"Ugh...when did this thing get so heavy?", she muttered to herself before again shoving-placing all her weight behind the push. The cabinet moved all of six inches before stopping. A sentence or two of words you don't say in front of students escaped before her back the side of the filing cabinet became friends and she pushed once more. It moved further then inched forward until it met its new home. At the wall, she stood up and shimmied the cabinet back until it nestled in the corner. Then the process began all over again as the second cabinet had to move to its new home-the corner opposite of the first. Eventually she slid to the floor, back against the cabinet as she glanced around the room-wondering why she was doing this in the first place.